Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 102
Soarele Brazilian
Cand soarele-si schimba a sa culoare
Cand soarele culoarea-si schimba...
Cand soarele-si schimba a sa culoare
Cand soarele culoarea-si schimba...
Brazilian Sun
When the Sun changes color
When the Sun changes its color...
When the Sun changes color
When the Sun changes its color...
Black Rain Of Hiroshima
One more second and it's all over.
There's nothing more to believe for us.
Look, how much pain carries with it
The 'Little Boy' filled with uranium.
One more moment and already don't care
Who we were and who would we become.
The black rain will wash away like a spot,
All traces of our tears and sorrows.
Look, how greedily the fire swallows
Bodies of quite young creatures.
Everywhere is hearing a childish groan
From ruined and charred buildings.
Everywhere is hearing a childish cry,
Getting quieter and quieter.
Flying in the sky a steel executioner
Won't give them the opportunity to survive.
We need to save ourselves as soon as possible.
Leaving those who is beyond help.
Look, mothers' eyes are full of blood,
From powerlessness to do something.
A fire of candles is not fade,
Memories are unbearable.
Squeeze stronger the memory in your palm
And remember the pain of Hiroshima.
You and I
If you accept my love you will return
All the best that I can offer you
We have so many good things to do
I want to spend all my life with you
Even if there is hope, wait
You can find love with me
Your life can turn itself
Let me find it with you
You and I, you and I
You and I, you and I
I give you all my love and warmth all day
Nothing is better in my life
Rejuvenate caring and love again
All the life you want to be with me
In vain, crying or grieving
We will make this way together
Vonina, we have to build
And love that ours always waited
You and I, you and I
You and I, you and I
It's so good to love in life
Like flowers, no love is buried
If you give back love again
Love your life with laughing
You and I, you and I
You and I, you and I
The Arched Gate
I went on this evening
before the most important day of my life
for a walk in Würzburg.
When the sun sank down, I felt
as if my luck was going down.
I was frightened when I thought
that I would have to part with everything,
with everything that I hold dear.
That I might have to part with everything,
with everything that I hold dear.
Then I went, turned inwards,
through the arched gate,
back to the city, lost in thoughts.
Why, I asked myself,
doesn't the vault sink in,
when it does not have any support?
It is standing, because all the stones
want to come down at once.
It is standing, because all the stones
want to come down at once -
and I gained an indescribable solace
from this thought,
that stood by my side
until this significant moment in hope
that I would also be able to hold myself up
when everything lets me sink down.
That I would also be able to hold myself up
when everything lets me sink down. (3x)
Pentru o fată frumoasă și stupidă (Amor m-a întrebat odată...)
Amor m-a întrebat odată
Dacă aș vrea să beau vinul lui -
În acel moment nu-mi era sete,
Dar tot pocalul l-am golit.
Acum mi-aș dori degeaba
Să umezesc ale mele buze arzătoare,
Fiindcă pocalul umezelii înflăcărate
Este pustiu precum al tău cap.
© Vladímir Sosnín