Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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The day has come, hammering loud on my door
I’ve got no escape left now as so often before
The storm is awake, the air is getting so cold
I have no choice left, don’t feel, don’t feel
Fear will be your greatest enemy, followed by death and sorrow
That’s what I was told once, and now I guess it’s time
All that pain, all that fear, just because I’m like this
Is the thing they see truly inside me?
A monster or not?
Is the darkness in me now coming to light?
Am I a monster full of rage
Who simply blindly hurts others?
Then be on the alert for this monster
Stop the winter for the summer
And be on your guard

No one will do anything to her
Stop the winter for the summer
And be on your guard

What do I do? Too late to flee from this
I’ve called this storm, how do I end it?
Can I still escape? How far would I have to go?
And would that make the storm collapse or blow even harder?
The world is getting colder and colder, and nothing’s making sense
Is everyone in danger just because I’m alive?
Was I a never stopping monster?
When did my heart get so dark and cold?
All this suffering, look at me
In a war that I never started myself
Do I kill the monster?
Father, I miss your advice so much
Would it be over if I didn’t exist?
Mother, but what if I do it
And the storm and the cold simply grow further?
No! I have to stay alive and forgive myself
Fix what I’ve done and free the summer
Stop the winter for the summer
And be on your guard

Am I a monster? Then so be it
There’s just one thing left for me to do
Will everything collapse on me now
While I’m freeing myself from all my guilt?
I’m not this monster
I will never be this monster
Monster, monster, monster

I won't leave

On the bedside table
Like a small altar
There is still your little photo
And a pile of unfinished books
Mother says: 'Again,
I've seen him from afar!
He was sitting where he used to
As he was waiting for someone'.
Every moment here
Reminds me
That you won't come back again
You must have said goodbye
You must have said goodbye
A rusty car is
Still standing on the driveway
You won't fix it anymore
I won't leave here in that car
Mother says: 'Again,
Tell me if it's weird,
I dreamt of him walking here
As if he couldn't leave
Every moment here
Reminds me
That you won't come back again
You must have said goodbye
You must have said goodbye
Every moment here
Reminds me
That you won't come back again
You must have said goodbye
You must have said goodbye
Every moment here
Reminds me
That you won't come back again
You must have said goodbye
You must have said goodbye

Look for a trouble

Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Oh oh!
Many whirlwinds, I can hear
Given my weakness, I'll don't accept them,
Yourself have changed my world within all my life
You are a great threat to my best plans to coming me
Oh oh
Oh oh
Don't there are sounds, maybe it's just nightmares
And if I take care of you,
I don't know, I'll be afraid of you
In these walls are those who have my heart, those who you'll never be able to hurt
More than thousand experiences
They are really terrible
I don't see a solution to lost humiliation of your voice
Look for a trouble
Every thing unknown!
Will you tell me, tell me all your wishes
I have made many mistakes
Cause' you have distracted me so far
I feel like yourself could think just like me
And want to look for yourself home
Don't think and listen to me
My strength grows more in my chest
There's a feeling that is probably following you
Look for a trouble, every thing unknown!
Oh oh oh
You've searched your new way, and you're hiding
I want you show me
What do you know?
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You cannot longstanding leave my side, I'll always follow you, into the unknown!

Dă-mi un minut...

--- 1 ---
Ieșiți din adăpost, uite, e senin
Ah, ce dimineață proaspătă ne scaldă din plin!
Fină și amabilă, ca buzele iubitei ce m-așteaptă
Nu vreau să mor în această dimineață...
--- R ---
Dă-mi un minut...
Dă-mi un minut...
Vreau să respir cu tine, față-n față
pentru ultima oară, dimineață.
Dă-mi un minut...
--- 2 ---
Pe un cal aș sări,
Și prin rouă m-aș grăbi,
Peste râul înghețat
Aș călării de fericire beat.
Dar acum asta e tot,
Să garantez mai mult nu pot
Că voi rămâne în viață
Capitala este departe de fortăreață
--- R ---
Dă-mi un minut...
Dă-mi un minut...
Vreau să respir cu tine, față-n față
pentru ultima oară, dimineață.
Dă-mi un minut...
--- 3 ---
Parcă desenat
Pastel albastru pătat
Cerul tranșeele a acoperit
Pur dar fără de sfârșit
La fel să fii mereu
Peste patul/mormântul meu
Și deasupra țării rusești,
În pace și liber să domnești.
--- R ---
Dă-mi un minut...
Dă-mi un minut...
Vreau să respir cu tine, față-n față
pentru ultima oară, dimineață.
Dă-mi un minut...
--- R ---
Dă-mi un minut...
Dă-mi un minut...
Vreau să respir cu tine, față-n față
pentru ultima oară, dimineață.
Dă-mi un minut...

Te caut

Versions: #1
Îmi simt deja mâinile tremurând, dar nu mi-e teamă.
Totul pare familiar, ca un cântec, o poezie învățată pe de rost.
Știu, ești acolo: Tu ești prietenul meu de-o viață,
Și iată-mă, nu am luat ocoluri.
Îți protejezi în cetate secretele cu mii
Cele mai sălbatice vise, dar de ce să te ascunzi?
Te caut, pentru tine, voi merge peste tot
Te caut, arată-te.
Tu, care îmi bântuie mult timp zilele și nopțile
Te caut, am nevoie de tine.
Sunt plin de certitudini, voi înțelege în curând.
Și în această singurătate, sunt gata să fac pasul.
Eram pe altă planetă, străină chiar și acasă
Dar astăzi îmi schimb viața, în sfârșit știu de ce:
Te caut, am terminat de tremurat.
Iată-mă, vreau să știu!
Tu ești răspunsul pe care îl așteptam, pe care îl speram!
O, te caut, în sfârșit ne vedem!
Vino la mine, deschide-ți ușa ...
Întinde-ți brațele, voi fi puternic.
Vino la mine, deschide-ți ușa,
Întinde-ți brațele, voi fi puternic!
Cor: Când vine vântul rece dansând,
O mamă visează treaz
Iduna: Dormi copilul meu, nu te mai teme
Elsa: Nimic nu moare!
Elsa & Iduna: Te caut! Promisiunea este atât de frumoasă ...
Te caut, eu pasărea fără aripi
Acesta este răspunsul pe care îl așteptați, speram!
Ai sperat
Elsa: Oh, te caut!

Fixer Upper

What’s the issue, dear?
Why are you holding back from such a man?
Is it the clumpy way he walks?
Or the grumpy way he talks?
Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped
Weirdness of his feet?
And though we know he washes well
He always ends up sort of smelly
But you’ll never meet a fellow who’s as
Sensitive and sweet!
So he’s a bit of a fixer-upper
So he’s got a few flaws
Like his peculiar brain dear
His thing with the reindeer
That’s a little outside of nature’s laws!
So he’s a bit of a fixer-upper
But this we’re certain of
You can fix this fixer-upper
Up with a little bit of love!
Can we please just stop talking about this?
We’ve got a real, actual problem here
I’ll say! So tell me, dear
Is it the way that he runs scared?
Or that he’s socially impaired?
Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods... what?!
Are you holding back your
Fondness due to his unmanly blondeness?
Or the way he covers up
That he’s the honest goods?
He’s just a bit of a fixer-upper
He’s got a couple of bugs
His isolation is confirmation
Of his desperation for human hugs
So he’s a bit of a fixer-upper
But we know what to do
The way to fix up this fixer-upper
Is to fix him up with you!
ENOUGH! She is engaged
To someone else, okay?!
So she’s a bit of a fixer-upper
That’s a minor thing
Her quote 'engagement' is a flex arrangement
And by the way I don’t see no ring!
So she’s a bit of a fixer-upper
Her brain’s a bit betwixt
Get the fiancé out of the way and
The whole thing will be fixed
We’re not sayin' you can change him
‘Cause people don’t really change
We’re only saying that love's a force
That's powerful and strange
People make bad choices if they’re mad
Or scared, or stressed
Throw a little love their way
(Throw a little love their way)
And you’ll bring out their best
True love brings out their best!
Everyone’s a bit of a fixer-upper
That’s what it’s all about!
We need each other
To raise us up and round us out
Everyone’s a bit of a fixer-upper
But when push comes to shove
The only fixer-upper fixer
That can fix up a fixer-upper is
True! true!
True, true, true!
Love (True love)
Love, love, love, love, love
Love! (True love!)
Do you, Anna, take Kristoff to be your troll-fully wedded husband?
Wait, what!?
You’re getting married!

I've seen a dragonfly in the yard

I have seen a dragonfly in the yard
I have open the door, run shoeless
Blasted out something like lightning far
Everything flew around boundless
Dragonfly was dropping down like an ash
Our house turned to mount of brick
Mom was absent and my Dad in the tears
Something awful he was yelling to sky
He was yelling something and doing again
Clouds danced above me with angry
World was burning, no one didn't put out fire
Someone in military form was carrying me
Someone in white form was cutting and sewing me
I was trying to stop my crying
But when silence has come
And suddenly doctor has wept
I've got at that I never grow up adult
I never grow up adult
I never grow up adult
White dove with white wing
Into the turbid glass
He as if was calling me with him
Just as if was calling me with him
I hadn't got at why in bright day
Outside window turned dark
Past the pit of native home
The Sun was going out to sleep
Past the pit of native home
The Sun was going out to sleep
My Summer is dying inside me
I'm scared and I'm yelling
But who is guilty in it and who isn't
I don't know.. and I don't wanna know
It is not too much left for me
And when I'll be in the heaven
I'll complain at all of you to God!
I'll tell him all about all of you..
I'll complain at all of you to God!
I'll tell him all about all of you..

It's unusual, unknown

It's unusual, unknown
I'm living no cares
Soul has been kicked from her home
So naturally, under fence
Body has place sleeping, eating
But it searches everywhere
Cause it looks for soul meeting
Dropping from its strong feet there
Dropping from its strong feet there
Body rides to working place
Through the rivers and bridges
Door is open, soul ain't there
Trace of wretched soul's disappeared
Body is wailing:'What the fool, right!
Is her life so wasn't good?
Don't suck cigar butt in night
You have bad unsheltered mood
You have bad unsheltered mood'
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
And this soul, it would be happy
To turn back, but no ways
House is closed firmly, tightly
And is locked for endless days
And she could be, as common
To slip through the door slit
But all prouds don't repine
And they don't light other's candle
And they don't light other's candle
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
No fat and no money ..
A half of country has been searched
Body every day loses weight
Suffering without soul
And soul flies from top to bottom
Like no sleeping midnight owl
It remembers body often
And your green sofa color
And your green sofa color
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
It's unusual, unknown
I'm living no cares
Soul has been kicked from her home
Naturally, under fence
And outside is too dank
It would be better have capsule
Give to officer some drink
Well, give to officer some drink
Just to drink, without soul
Just to drink, without soul
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame

It’s a beautiful day, so rejoice on this day

Elsa: Let’s go. Here I begin. Lonely. Drained. No way. Come on, Elsa, this is for Anna. You’re going to make it
Kristoff: Don’t worry, it’s beautiful
Elsa: I want it to be perfect
Kristoff: Speaking of it, look at this
Elsa: Kristoff, are you sure you can take care of everything?
Kristoff: Absolutely
Elsa: I don’t want anything to go wrong, not even by accident
Kristoff: Why are you so worried? Everything is ready
Elsa: Olaf, what are you doing?
Olaf: I’m not eating the cake
Elsa: Olaf?
Olaf: But this is an ice cream cake
Elsa: But it's for Anna
Olaf: But it's for Anna
Elsa: It's time
Olaf: It's time. For what?
Elsa: Fine. Did you understand everything?
Kristoff: Yes
Elsa: Don’t let anyone in ahead of time
Kristoff: I won't let it
Elsa: and don’t touch anything
Kristoff: I will not move from here
Olaf: I’m just going to take a little stroll
Elsa: and take a look to the cake
Kristoff: She thinks I’m stupid. Well, obviously, she is wrong
Wow, look at that. I’m terribly sorry. That was close. It’s okay
Olaf: I don’t know the letters. Not one
Elsa: Pst. Ana?
Anna: Yes?
Elsa: Happy birthday
Anna: To you
Elsa: It's your birthday
Anna: Mine. It's my birthday
Elsa: Come here
Anna: It's my birthday
Elsa: Yes, and it’s going to be perfect because—
Elsa: Because you’ve dreamed of birthdays
and you would always knock on my door and call me
I’d give you all back then, and take you to town
and I’d gladly do the same now, if you’ll allow
Anna: Elsa, I think you have the flu
Elsa: What flu? You know that winter cold doesn’t affect me
Anna: Wow. Classy
Elsa: and just follow the string
Anna: Wait. What?
Elsa: That’s my plan. Every path hides something in a way
Nothing is going to get in my way this time
That is exactly what I wanted. Yes, exactly, that kind of harmony
Olaf: Good afternoon
Elsa: and that’s why Kristoff and Sven will now (?)
Who will stop me? Let’s find out and see
I have a real plan for you
and I offer you everything from all my heart
Olaf: Little brothers,
Elsa: It’s a beautiful day. Let’s rejoice on this day
Anna: Sandwich
Elsa: It’s a beautiful day, and know that we are all overjoyed
You know all too well what you mean to me, and what you have gone through
It’s a beautiful day, so rejoice on this day
Anna: Always three times
Elsa: That's right
Where now? Where now? Because especially this--
Anna: You’re really good at heart, but that is exactly what worries me
and I am taking you home now, I’m taking you to bed
Elsa: It's not happening. Now, is when the fun begins
Anna: Elsa, you are off to bed
Elsa: No, because the whole town is waiting for us
Anna: You can barely speak
Speaker 2: Are you sick? Give her my elixir. It cures everything like it was nothing
Elsa: No, thank you
Anna: We’ll take it
All the people: It’s a beautiful day, so rejoice on this day
Elsa: It’s a beautiful day, so be happy
All the people: and may all your wishes come true. We love Anna
Elsa: and I love you too
All the people: It’s a perfect day, like a dream. It’s a beautiful day, so be happy
Olaf: I’ll take care of it
Kristoff: No, no, no
Olaf: and done
Kristoff: Happiness (?) this day
Elsa: Come on, let’s go up
Anna: Elsa, you’re pushing it. You need to rest
Elsa: We’re going to the birthday carty. I mean, party!
I have a dream, I have a plan, yes, yes, yes...
I’ll follow the string, I’ll circle, you’re my best friend
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What? Oh, I know. I have a plan. This is a hit. We’re going to follow the string. Happy, happy, happy birthday to you. Have a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful birthday
Anna: Elsa, you definitely have a fever
You’re burning up. Look, this can’t go on
You’re cold as ice. Come on, at least admit it to yourself
Elsa: Okay, fine. I have the flu. Sorry, Anna. I wanted you to have the perfect birthday, and I ruined it. Again
Anna: You haven’t ruined anything. Just go to bed
Kristoff: No, no, no. Wait
All the people: Surprise
Anna: Wow
Elsa: Wow
All the people: It’s a beautiful day, so rejoice on this day.
It’s a beautiful day, and smile (?)
Kristoff: But it’s a thin line between a party and chaos
Olaf: We love each other
All the people: It’s a beautiful day, so be happy
It’s a beautiful day, so be happy. Ана, Ана
It’s a beautiful day, so rejoice on this day
Kristoff: Happy birthday
All the people: It’s a beautiful day, and that’s why we are all happy
Kristoff: I love you, baby
All the people: Because you are our favorite, and we love you
Kristoff: Me too
All the people: It’s a beautiful day, so be happy
It’s a beautiful day, so be happy
It’s a beautiful day, so be happy
Elsa: It’s a beautiful day
Anna: Okay, and now, to bed
Elsa: No, no, wait. The Queen has to blow the birthday horn
Anna: No, no, no. This is the best birthday gift
Elsa: What is?
Anna: Olaf: These are Frosty, and Sloshy, and Slippery, and Snowflake, and Icy, and Blizzard, and Snow White, and Whitey, and Storm, and Snowball, and Puffy, and Milky White
Kristoff: Don't ask

The river flows

Where the edge of the earth
The river flows, deep, down there
Sleep darling, you calm down
And leave the secrets to her
In the waters, they will purify
You can ask her a question
Dive deep into her depths
Just be careful, you may drown
Only for those who listen with their hearts
She will reveal all the secrets
Will you just keep yourself?
When you know what you will have to change
Where the edge of the earth
Waiting for you, just come back soon
Come back, darling, home
You're lost, you'll find us.

When we all celebrated

I remember
our bell's, golden voice
echoing till up into the sky
and I remember how the heart felt
when we all celebrated together
when we all celebrated

When we're together

It's beautiful to open a shining present, fastened with a ribon
However the best present is the one I've had for years
It's sumptuous, it's significant. Being a family is a gift.
Only when we're together. We can have what we wish.
Only when we're together, we can be happy.
Around the Christmas tree dreams come true.
But when we're together, you are my present - the present of the day.
I would go down many paths. Beyond your stars with rock slivers.
I would run through the snowdrifts so I can stay with you!
Only when we're together (Only when we're together)
Days, like at home, are dear to us.
Only when we're together (Only when we're together)
I want to laugh even in darkness!
Let me get lost in a jungle of paths. If you're there!
The place where we're together
Like a tree of love - shines (shines)
Only when we're together,
The country celebrates!
Only when we're together,
The world is a paradise!
The bell that keeps quiet, suddenly (it can sleep peacefully)
Now rings in our hearts (the bell rings in our heart)
When we're together
I always invite you to my table
Only when we're together,
We always kiss each other... our year

That Time of Year

- Wow, so festive.
- Coming!
- Good afternoon, I am Olaf.
- Hey Olaf.
- I love warm hugs, and this is my friend, Sven.
We're going door to door - in search of new family traditions. What do you do on such a special day?
- oh, we bake candy canes.
- Humm, u-hu-hu-u, sugar rush.
- That was made to be eaten.
- Eat my new nose? Why would I do that?
- Because we're in that time of year!
- Hmm, that time of year!
Happy and hearty salutations everyone
Hm, How does this family spend the holidays?
Love and peace on earth and everything good in which you believe.
I ought to know your traditions thoroughly.
Pine decorations we hang on each door.
Cookies like Norway, wavy and crooked
We go door to door following the choir
On the fireplace, we hang the socks, near the fire
(It's safe, for sure!)
That's what you must do for the friends you made
Thank you for giving on the holidays.
- We gotta get a move on if we're to visit every single house in the kingdom!
Radiantes penhas que a quadra assim **?**
Em cada noite de luz: o que fazem este mês?
Ey, shalom, (parece ser outra lingua?)
** **
I'm looking for new traditions to spend the holidays
The decorations are wreckages that the sea sdidn't take
Don't refuse the fruit cake, go ahead and eat!
(Such quick digestion!)
Bring forth the gifts, but hide them well quietly.
Wait until the fat guy slides down the chimney
Home invasion, only allowed on Christmas!
** **(parece ser outra lingua?)
I'm thankful for the knowledge of what every house must have for the holidays.
- Thank you!
Scarves, Jackets, all matching with the gloves
Pajamas to protect the kittens from the rain season
***Iluminar deixa as**de noites de chamas tão belas*
They cut down a single tree and then dress the corpse with candles, hm.
Anna and Elsa will have it all, a sleigh full of traditions for the holidays
They'll have a perfect Christmas, thanks to me...
Thanks to me, me, me….

Let it go

Mountains and plains are all white
There are no footprints on the ground
I'm the queen of the deserted kingdom
on this land
I'm deeply confused like a thunderstorm
God knows it won't subside
Hold your tongue, Don't change
Keep being the good and wise princess
Control it, hide it
It wasn't hidden
Let go of fear
Get along with the sky
Reveal your power
Stop crying
Here I stay in the sunlight
Let it go (let it go)
Let it go (let it go)
The cold won't bother me
It's funny how a little distance makes everything easy
The fear of loneliness is no longer teasing me
Let go of fear
Get along with the sky
Reveal your power
Stop crying (stop crying)
Stay strong
Let it go (let it go)
Let it go (let it go)
The cold won't bother me
Let go of fear
Get along with the sky
Let go of fear
Get along with the sky
Reveal your power
Stop crying
Stay strong
Let it go, let it go
The cold won't bother me
Let it go, let it go
The cold won't bother me
Here I stay in the sunlight
Let it go, let it go
The cold won't bother me

Reindeers Are Better Than People

Reindeers are better than people
Swen, how love is complicated
Well, until spring
Because your feelings are honest
Go ahead, Kristoff, the essence is important here

For the First Time

Please don't ignore me again
Don't close the door!
You don't need to keep the distance anymore
Because 'for the first time, finally I understand
For the first time, Let's fix it!
Get down from this mountain together!
Don't be scare anymore
Because 'for the first time, I'm here
Anna, go home, life is awaits
Enjoy the sun and open the door
Yes, but....
Elsa :
I know! Leave me alone
I'm alone but I'm free
Go away and then you'll be safe
Anna :
We aren't safe
Elsa :
What do you mean?
Anna :
' I think you don't know
Elsa :
Know what?
Anna :
Arendelle buried in snow
Elsa :
Anna :
You make winter so eternal on every place, everywhere
Elsa :
Anna :
But you can melt it!
Elsa :
I can't, I... don't know how!
Anna :
You can do it! I know you can!
Cause ' For the first time, don't be scared anymore
Elsa :
Oh.. I'm stupid, I can't free!
I can't run away from myself
Anna :
We do it together, stop this storm
Elsa :
Out of control!
Oh, Anna, this is become so bad!
Anna :
Don't panic, comeback to shine
Elsa :
I'm scared, it's not safe here!
Anna :
We do it together, change this storm, and everything gonna be alright
Elsa :
No, I can't!

A fantastic day

Elsa: You never celebrated this famous day,
You only sighed behind my locked door.
And so only if you laugh
On your birthday
We will enjoy it together,
I can't wait.
Anna: Elsa, you're sneezing, do you have a cold?
Elsa: I never do, besides...
You know how I'm always one with the cold.
And now follow the thread!
I plan to laugh a lot stupidly with you.
Who would tell me that I'll handle everything?
Your party only offers amazement:
Even Kristoff and Sven took a shower solemnly!
And if someone won't desire you
On your birthday,
Then his heart is cold.
Only I will give you the Sun and the Moon!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream,
And for you it's just an experience being in this dream with me!
Those long winters passed and appeased the darkness!
Let this fantastic day be like your dream!
Anna: And to a third one!
Elsa: That's right!
The best one is coming at last.
Anna: Well, I'm really happy but you're hot like an oven.
And I'm worried,
So go take a rest quickly.
Elsa: No, no, no, let's go,
There's only a ship left.
Anna: Elsa, your bed is waiting for you.
Elsa: No, I want to celebrate until next morning.
Anna: It scares me that you won't see a doctor.
Oaken: You have a cough? Take this medecine I made with love.
Elsa: No thanks.
Anna: I'll take it.
Chorus: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
Elsa: Still only look up to me!
Chorus: The best princess of all, that wish she has,
Princess Anna's day.
Elsa: Dance and sail.
You're my sweetheart!
Chorus: It's a fantastic day and only for you,
a fantastic day, remember,
it's a fantastic day and only for you!
Elsa: Come on, let's reach it Anna.
Anna: Elsa, it's already a lot, you must have a rest.
Elsa: I want to use the birthday sneeze... I mean attraction!
Fulfill your dreams where you stand.
Come, come, just come!
Up to the end follow the nil, you're my only reason to live!
Anna: Elsa?
Elsa: What? It's fiiine.
Let's go even further and don't yell about it,
Follow the thread to the end.
Very, very, very happy birthday with a lot of amazement...
Anna: Elsa, wait now, you have a fever, you're so hot.
No, you can't go any further, you're all weakened.
Now now, just admit it.
Elsa: Fine. I'm sick.
Forgive me Anna, I wanted to set a wonderful birthday party, but I ruined everything. Again.
Anna: You didn't ruin anything, you just need to go to bed.
Everyone: SURPRISE!
Anna: Wow!
Elsa: Wow.
Everyone: Let this fantastic day be like your dream.
An a day like that is only decorated with glow and light!
Kristoff: Who said it will be chaos?
Olaf: Confusion Wow-Yeah!
Everyone: It's a fantastic day and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember!
A fantastic day like a dream, for you only.
Kristoff: I wish you all the best.
Everyone: A day like a laughing smile.
Kristoff: I love you baby!
Everyone: We thank you for what you did and don't lose your style!
Let this day be fantastic and for you only,
a fantastic day to remember,
It's a fantastic day and for you only.
Elsa: Your big day!
Anna: Enough, go to bed now.
Elsa: No, wait a minute, there's still the royal horn that needs to be played by the queen!
Anna: Oh no no no no. It was the best gift of all!
Elsa: Which one?
Anna: That I can take care of you.

Come on, we make a snowman?

Five year old Anna: Elsa?
Come on, we make a snowman?
Play with me!
I never saw you
Get out
Stop disappearing
We used to be together
And now different
Explain to me why!
Come on, we make a snowman?
Or play another
Eight year old Elsa: Go away, Anna.
Anna: Okey ...
Nine year old Anna: Come on, we make a snowman?
Or play bike
I think 'I need a friend
I started talking
On the wall painting
Stay right there, Jon.
This life is lonely
I'm without you
Just counting the time ...
Fifteen years oldAnna: Elsa, 'I know you're inside
Everything are looking for you
I tried to strengthen myself
I'm here!
Let me in
Just the two of us
You and me
What to do?
Come on, we make a snowman?