Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 80


Oprește timpul

Oprește timpul pentru noi doi
Atât cât trăim o dragoste minunată.
Oprește timpul, vreau să mă uit
La dragostea din ochii tăi.
Noi doi ne agățăm frumoasele vise
De stele și curcubeu până-n acea zi.
Oprește timpul pentru noi doi, cu grijă,
Atât cât trăim o dragoste minunată.
Noi doi ne agățăm frumoasele vise
De stele și curcubeu până-n acea zi.
Oprește timpul pentru noi doi, cu grijă,
Atât cât trăim o dragoste minunată.

Magrela Fever

I scratch myself and get out
thought is numb
Whole life ahead, exchange, court
Gear, brake, little oil in the chain
In a yellow shirt, with the skinny girl invoked
Cisco in the eye, look at the joke, crooked handlebars
Crumpled wheel, I go anyway
And I take the risk and lose it with my laughter
In the soft, in the good, I'm not going to be marking burrows
That evil runs wild
Slipper in the largest category
Slinging on the slopes, settling with the day
And I splash myself through the holes and stories
Laughter, I feel the honey in my mind
Sweet blood of life in the seeds
Beautiful and light I'll take it
With a cold head and a hot foot
And the heart pumping
pumping, pumping
pumping, pumping
Igniting the ideas
Ah, put tallow on your shins
It's fever in the skinny
It's fever in the skinny
Igniting the ideas
Ah, put tallow on your shins
It's fever in the skinny
It's fever in the skinny
Igniting the ideas
Ah, put tallow on your shins
It's fever in the skinny
It's fever in the skinny
Igniting the ideas
Ah, put tallow on your shins
It's fever in the skinny
It's fever in the skinny

Wet Umbrella

Alone at the street corner, The rain has started falling again
I have properly put it into my bag today, but...
I don't need it anymore
Even if I catch a cold, I don't care
People walk by each other in a hurry
Nobody shows what they're thinking on their faces, but
They're searching for them, the things that lack within them
The me from that day
Is no longer here
Overflowing feelings...
It's okay even if we cry,
Because its was dazzling
The you from that day
Is no longer here
Overflowing tears,
They sway
We get soaked

NU da apa la moara egoului tau

NU da apa la moara egoului tau
Cand cumpatarea si-ntelepciunea-i -nlaturata, egoul iti e
a -nsamanta rautatea
Cel lustic Ego n-are de-a avea ochi si urechi la-nvatamintele Domnului
Grija n-avea de-a faptui furaciuni precum egou are-a -ndemna
Fiece nu-i mana Domnului, neinsemnat , nevrednic e
Egoul e-n asemanarea Toamnei in care-i tainuita ograda
Cand cea suflare-a primaerii se-arata, ograda-i a-nflori
Intregul Coran vorbeste despre maliciunea egoului:Voi studiati-ii invatatura Sf
Perspectiva ta care-ti e ?
De Egou-ti are-a fi-un demon, si-nvidia e ceea ce-l defineste
Gandeste-te tu apoi de urat si repulsiv are-ntegu-ti vazut a fi
Acum dai prosperitate acestui sarpe slinos
Bagare de seama ai insa .. va sa devina chiar dragon fiindca-i e-n
fire suflete-a -nsfaca

O Friend!

Versions: #1
O friend! Whatever your problem may be,let your hope be Allah.

Moses And the Shepherd

Moses saw a shepherd on the way, who was saying, “O God who choosest (whom Thou wilt),
Where art Thou, that I may become Thy servant and sew Thy shoes and comb Thy head?
That I may wash Thy clothes and kill Thy lice and bring milk to Thee, O worshipful One

Nearly a folksong

A black snake in the middle of the sea
Grinds down my golden bridge
And on each concrete wall
Scatters a handful of the devil's flour
On the side of the platform I was was splitting firewood
Between the rails I lit the fire
Two trains ran in the sky
Driving over my gate
A raven sits atop a pole
At the very top of the pole
What song is he playing on his kokle?
What, what, what song is he playing on his kokle?
What makes a maiden white,
If not tapwater?
What makes a maiden white,
If not tapwater?


Versions: #1
Says who the thorn lives in the rose's care?
Thorn's dignity is in the rose's care!

I Saw Many Human

Versions: #1
I saw many human,no clothes on them...
I saw many dresses,no human in them...