Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 80
Eh, omule!
Eh, omule!
Să nu dai oamenilor mai multe dreptate decât merită...
Fie îl vei pierde sau te vei distruge...
În ce loc înfricoşător sunt...
În ce loc înfricoşător sunt:
Imposibil să plec,
Imposibil să rămân.
În ce loc înficoşat sunt.
La limită de a fi pierdut, sunt la limita unei vieţi noi,
Dacă rămân , voi fi rănit,
Dacă plec, viaţa mea va fi rănită.
Ieri am fost intelligent
Ieri am fost intelligent, am vrut să schimb lumea.
Sunt inteligent astăzi, mă schimb pe mine.
What is love?
My wine is the fire of love,especially if it is served by his hand,unless you have been cut wood in to such a fire,it would be Haram for you to live.
Word is exuberating in waves but it is better to express it with your heart and your soul,not with your lip and your tongue.
İf you don't know what is love,ask those nights, ask those pale faces,ask those dry lips.
Just as the water reflects and shows the star and the moon,bodies also notifies and shows the soul and the mind.
Soul learns thousands of decency from love,they are so beautiful decenceies that no way they can be read and learn in schools.
İn the sky,if the bright moon how appearing among the stars,the lover also appears same among hundreds of people,when he appeared everyone'd brightness fades.
Even if the mind knows all the ways to go,again it can not know the way of love,it becomes amaze and remains.
Al-Fatiha, Pearl of the Quran
In the name of the One All Kindness and Compassion
All praises and gratitude for the One Master of all dimensions & worlds
All Kindness and Compassion
Supreme and only Judge
In You we confide and seek guidance.
Guide us on the Right Path,
the way to absolute joy & contentment in Your Presence,
not the way of those who suffer and get lost.
Amen, so be it
Please note that this is a rendering, not accurate translation
Please see comments
Beast and Man
What a good attitude tolerating negations
As tis the sea feeds all rivers by its water even it carries trashes
But this sea wouldn't lessen by doing it
Besides, love and indulge belong to the man
Where rage and hominess to beasts
I'm sure the suit color for you
Is not red, blue or yellow
Even the burning flame
There is the only one color will left
To be happy is
Have to pay something
I see the sky that seems to be crying
I know your strength
Like the color that seems dirty
You are sulking like that
without being seen by other people
you wipe your tears on your sleeves
I'll take you to the city that cover in pure white
The beautiful green and red light
Until the sleeve arm being warms
The footprints of the two peoples
which coloured snowy road
If goodness has color
It is not red, blue or yellow
Mix them all together
and only one color is formed
It's gray, right
Don't wrinkle your face
Without knowing by other people
you spend the night without sleep
Let's go to our home
On the way back it looks like a silhouette
The Footprints face each other and hold hands
to the people who smell of dinner
It seems to be strong and weak
But, gray is the color that is given to you
which looks weak and strong
This year, winter feels warm
I’ve told you earlier
In a such moment, the world
become pure white like this
I'll take you to the city that cover in pure white
The beautiful green and red light
Until the sleeve arm being warms
The footprints of the two peoples
which coloured snowy road
and the footprint continues
Cruel Heart
Tell me, what is your heart made of?
Maybe it is chilli sauce maker grinding stone,
the more I love you,
the more you still persist in denying me your affection.
Oh, my little sweetheart*
oh, my little lovely sweetheart,
when I ask you a favour
please, never ever dare to give me a pinch!
It is impossible to forget you, oh my sweetheart!
I love you more and more with each passing day!
Dear sweetheart,
starry-eyed little lovely girl,
from now on, I will make you forget
your erstwhile lover (boyfriend)!
Spring arrival
I walk with you by the spring shore
While we leave footprints in the sand
For the first time we will go to my house
'If you're able to go home someday
bring your boyfriend' said my father
I dreamed with the day where I walked
By this road with my lover
I carried tea outside the door
Your voice laughing with my father
I've been hearing very cheerful
I'm happy and yet, why am I moved to tears?
The smile of my mother pierces my chest
The road where I see you off to your home
Is the evening of spring on a hazy night
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
My castle town
Crossing the lattice door
Looking at the evening sky
Who sings a lullaby?
My castle town
Without saying 'I like you'
I walk by the riverside
While for some reason
I avoid the look of the people coming and going
My heart burns
When there's a pause of the row of houses
The temple bell is heard
The seasonal flowers bloom in profusion
My castle town
Like torches illuminating
the vicinity of the bridge
Flickering sways
The impatience of the first love
Who parted embarrassingly
Like torches illuminating
the vicinity of the bridge
Flickering sways
The impatience of the first love
Who parted embarrassingly
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The bride of Seto
The sun sets in Seto, small tides form
The bride goes to your island
Everybody are worried saying 'you're young'
But as there is love, I'm fine
I say goodbye to the terraced farms
My young brother cried saying 'don't go'
If I were a man, I wouldn't cry
Dad, mom, take care
A small boat goes round the cape
The island where I was born becomes distant
Ont he other side of the bay, the people who see me off
When I told them I'd part, I cried
I'm crossing from island to island
After this, I'll live with you
The sun sets in Seto, tomorrow will be sunny
We'll celebrate our new life
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
It's been so long
It's been so long since I met you
I wonder how many years passed since then
I probably became a bit adult
You probably could be a better man
Waiting for the moment to have a tea
Made me forget
The farewell was hard, it scared me somehow
'In this case, goodbye, good luck'
Though I turned my back coldly
'I still like you really'
I try to murmur you
Once again, once again, if I'm born again
Once again, once again, I want to meet you
It's been so long, in this midnight
I received a call from you
With a serious and a bit funny voice
Since you called me, I woke from the sleep
If you're still lonely
Falling in love like in the movies
I ll show you smiling how I try to bring love
'In this case, goodbye, it's over'
Though I hanged up coldly
Tears overflow without knowing
What should I do?
Once again, once again, if I'm born again
Once again, once again, I want to meet you
Once again, once again, if I'm born again
Once again, once again, I want to meet you
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Semninatatea Iubirii!
Ambele ..lumina si-ntunericul
sunt dansul iubirii
Iubirea-i far' de interes
Este masura cailor Domnului
Cel iubit si ce iubeste-i de nedespartit
si etern
Desi poate-as incerca a descrie iubirea ..
cand o simt , sunf far' de cuvinte
Desi poeate-as incerca a scrie despre dragoste ..
Sunt regasit far de orizont
Stiloul mi se frange , si coala-mi-ndeparteaza
la inefabilul 'Loc' ..
unde Iubitul/frumosul , Iubind si fiind iubit sunt un intreg
Fiece moment, e zamislit glorios
de-a luminii Iubirii!
Stone I am
Stone I am, root I am.
I am your origin and your yesterday.
I'm the one who struggles with time
and from the mud I will return.
Do not forget me, I'm your brother.
Our race does not die.
Do not forget me, I'm your brother.
All together we will reach the Sun.
Nu ți-am spus eu?
„Nu merge acolo”, nu ți-am spus eu ție?
„Sunt singurul care te cunoaște cu adevărat”, nu ți-am spus?
Nu ți-am spus „Sunt fântâna vieții pe aces pământ al nimicului”?
Dacă într-o zi te vei mânia pe mine,
Dacă vei porni
și vei merge într-un loc la o sută de ani depărtare,
”Sunt locul la care te vei întoarce în final”, nu ți-am spus?
Nu ți-am spus ”Nu consimți la ceea ce e văzut”?
Nu ți-am spus eu ție ”Sunt cel care îți clădește adăpost și sunt cel care il înfrumusețează și-l împodobește”, nu ți-am spus?
”Eu sunt marea”, nu ți-am spus eu ție?
și tu ești peștele”, nu ți-am spus eu?
Nu ți-am spus ”Nu merge nicicând în locuri uscate”?
”Eu sunt marea ta limpede”, nu ți-am spus?
”Nu merge în capcane precum păsările”, nu ți-am spus?
Nu ți-am spus eu ție ”Eu sunt cel ce te face să zbori?”
”Eu sunt brațul și aripa ta”, nu ți-am spus?
Nu ți-am spus ”Ei îți vor ține calea”?
Nu ți-am spus ”Te vor înfrigura”?
„Și totuși sunt focul tău,
eu sunt căldura ta”, nu ți-am spus eu?
”Ei îți vor spune multe lucruri”, nu ți-am spus?
„Vei avea deprinderi rele”, nu ți-am spus?
„Vei pierde fântâna nemuririi”, nu ți-am spus?
„Adică mă vei pierde pe mine”, nu ți-am spus?
Spune-mi, nu ți-am spus toate acestea?
Haven´t I said?
'Don´t go there', haven´t I said?
'I am the only one who really knows you', haven´t I said?
Haven´t I said 'I am the fountain of life in this land of absence'?
If one day you get angry at me,
if you take yourself
and go to a place one hundred thousand years away
'I am the place you will turn back at the end', haven´t I said ?
Haven´t I said 'Don´t be consent to what is seen”?
Haven´t I said 'I am the one who builds marquee befits you and I am the one who really decorates and bedecks it', haven´t I said?
'I am a sea”, haven´t I said?
And you are a fish', haven´t I said?
Haven´t I said 'Don´t go to that dry places ever'?
'I am your clear sea', haven´t I said?
'Don´t go to trap like birds', haven´t I said?
Haven´t I said 'I am the one who makes you fly'?
'I am your arm and wing', haven´t I said?
Haven´t I said 'They will hold your way'?
Haven´t I said 'They will cool you'?
'Yet I am your fire,
I am your warmth', haven´t I said?
'They will tell you many things', haven´t I said?
'You will get bad habits', haven´t I said?
'You will lose fountain of immortality', haven´t I said?
'Which means you will lose me', haven´t I said?
Tell me, haven´t I said all of these?