Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 11

Număr de rezultate: 466


What could God do?

Since our faces didn't have a smile on because of love
Why all these rebellion and complaints to God
If he gave the lifeblood to all of us
If the subject is sinner, what could God do?
If our life ends, our troubles don't end
Our sincere love has never valued
In the end we cried out against fate
If the subject is disloyal, what could God do?
We born into this world with numerous hopes
If we are lack of luck, what could hope do?
We loved someone as 'my destiny'
If the lover is unfaithful, what could God do?

Nu e distractiv

Nu e distractiv cand esti mereu pe fuga
Nu e distractiv cand prietenii te dispretuiesc pentru ceea ce ai devenit
Nu e distractiv cand te droghezi atat de mult incat nu mai poti sa termini
Nu e distractiv cand stii ca o sa mori tanar.
E atat de distractiv, distractie pe cinste, atat de distractiv, aaa atat de distractiv
Nu e distractiv cand te preocupi de cel care e pe primul loc
Oh nu e distractiv cand simti ca trebuie sa faci rost de un pistol
Nu e distractiv cand nu iti poti gasi limba
Caci esti mult prea bagat in ceva care te ustura
E atat de distractiv, ah
Ei bine, m-au scuipat in fata
Si nici n-am simtit-o, a fost asa o rusine
Am lovit cu pumnul direct in sticla
Si nu am simtit nimic, s- a intamplat atat de repede.
Atat de distractiv, atat de distractiv, atat de distractiv...
Nu e distractiv cand ii spui ca e doar o tarfa
Nu e distractiv cand te paraseste si te lasa pe drumuri
Nu e distractiv cand destrami orice trupa pe care o incepi
Nu e distractiv cand stii ca o sa mori tanar.
E atat de distractiv.

Floare de Lotus

Ne-a atins mana timpului,
Totul s-a schimbat de mult,
Noi (doi) nu suntem la fel.
(Am dat) o noapte pentru slabiciunea ta,
(Am dat) o floare de lotus pentru greselile tale,
Pentru lipsa ta de iubire, ti-am dat o inima..
Acum da-le inapoi,
(Dar) nu o sa poti sa returnezi ce ai luat,
Acum da-le inapoi
Nu se poate returna inselatoria.
Amaneteaza absentei mele,
Tot ce ti-a ramas de la mine.
Poti lua tot,
(Dar) da-ma pe mine, inapoi la mine
Ca sa mai am o sansa,
In alt loc, alt timp,
Sa am o viata fara tine..

The Hidden Gods

Versions: #2
Why can't I crawl
Like madmen do?
Why can't I howl everything out
Like wolves do?
Why can't I resign myself
And resist until I laugh?
Why does one want to leap from on high
And look for oblivion when going down?
Could it be the hidden gods.. or could it be you?
It may be a lethal decision
Could it be the hidden gods.. or could it be you?
It may be a lethal decision
Why can't I tear my skin open
Until I achieve emptiness?
Why does one writhe from corner to corner
While looking up at the sky trying to find somebody?
Could it be the hidden gods.. or could it be you?
It may be a lethal decision
Could it be the hidden gods.. or could it be you?
It may be a lethal decision

Let Her Go

Tell me what she did except troubles
I don't want her to come, our love is over
Because of her I rejected my life my love
Let her, let her, let her go
Only once fortune will smile upon you
The one you call beloved will be value
Without it, this world will certainly return
Let her, let her, let her go
And right now let this love go
Let her, let her, let her go
She'll see how easy to be loved so hard to love
Let those doors close and you come back
That day will come when all her hope is gone
Let her, let her, let her go
Only once fortune will smile upon you
The one you call beloved will be value
Without it, this world will certainly return
Let her, let her, let her go
And right now let this love go
Let her, let her, let her go

If I Knew

If I knew would I cry for you
If I knew would I love you
If I knew would I feel that burn
If I knew oh If I knew
Oh I can't take this pain
You put a fire in my heart
You left my hopes alone
You killed my youth
If I knew would I cry for you
If I knew would I love you
If I knew would I feel that burn
If I knew oh If I knew
You were the queen of my heart
I was breathing for you
Love I loved you more than
my life and everything
If I knew would I cry for you
If I knew would I love you
If I knew would I feel that burn
If I knew oh If I knew


The sun hid early, you're missing and it's scaring me
And a bird in a corner says it and groans
It's singing songs of fire, of rocks and dryness
But there's one song that pains me, one that says you'll never find another love anywhere
Fire away, brother, fire away so your glass will break
Because your little girl is leaving you and she's drinking with another.
Photographs flash in front of my eyes
I'm remembering a life and the sins flood in
Look and see where I've gotten, how everyone is telling me 'goodbye'
But there's one thing that pains me--I'm not going to find another love anywhere.
Fire away, brother, fire away so your glass will break
Because your little girl is leaving you and she's drinking with another.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου

If you leave, I beg for your love

When I think what days are coming,
Full of tears and anguish,
If today you leave me, my love...
I cry and pray in front of you,
Do not say goodbye, do not leave!
Tell me you're not leaving,
Tell me you love me!
If you leave, I beg for your love,
I do it for my heart, you should know,
I humiliate myself for it, my love,
I know, I will suffer if you go!
Do not go, I know what's going to happen.
Why do you want to leave me
Crying for my own pity / mercy?
Why are you leaving me alone and going away?
Who are you spending the night with?
Please stay, my love, do not leave!
Why are you leaving me alone in the house?
I cry and I suffer, you do not care ...
I gave you everything your heart wanted ...
If you want, I beg for your love,
I do it for my heart, you should know,
I humiliate myself for it, my love,
I know, I will suffer if you go!
Do not go, I know what's going to happen.
Why do you want to leave me
Crying for my own pity/ mercy?

Kissing You

My whole heart loves you
My heart beats like crazy
Loving you
I can only see you
Until always, I’ll only look at you
So look at me, who only loves you
Kissing You
It’s all you for me
Since the beginning
I was like that when I’m with you
My heart pounds, my face turns red
When I’m bringing you home
I keep thinking weird thoughts
Our sweet first kiss
Say that it’s me,
open your lips,answer me
Say that you only believe in me and that you only love me
My whole heart loves you
My heart beats like crazy
Loving you
I can only see you
Until always, I’ll only look at you
So look at me, who only loves you
Kissing You
It’s all you for me
Say that it’s me,
open your lips,answer me
Say that you only believe in me and that you only love me
My whole heart loves you
My heart beats like crazy
Loving you
I can only see you
Until always, I’ll only look at you
So look at me, who only loves you
Kissing You
It’s all you for me
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

My Ayshe

You're my rose of love in my heart
You're only mine I can't share
Let everyone know that
Let them die in this strange way
My Ayshe, my Ayshe my beautiful Ayshe
My hope, my wishing, you're everything my Ayshe
Inside me the flood of sadness makes me crazy
I miss you so much I'll be back one day
My Ayshe, my Ayshe my beautiful Ayshe
My hope, my wishing, you're everything my Ayshe
Don't think his love is slow
When this love is over it'll start off
Let the mountains and the stones hear it
There is no such immortal love
My Ayshe, my Ayshe my beautiful Ayshe
My hope, my wishing, you're everything my Ayshe
Inside me the flood of sadness makes me crazy
I miss you so much I'll be back one day
My Ayshe, my Ayshe my beautiful Ayshe
My hope, my wishing, you're everything my Ayshe

Obsedat de tine

Îți țin poza pe perete
Te visez atunci când dorm
Fac orice îmi stă în putință mereu, doar sperând să-
Te prind mergând pe strada ta
Știu unde ai făcut școala generală
Știu cum îi cheamă pe toți prietenii tăi
Oh Doamne am înțeles greșit din nou,
O o-b-s-e-s-i-e.
Știu care-ți e al doilea nume
Am o șuviță din părul tău
Sunt puțin nebun
Căci am impresia că te văd peste tot
Prietenii mei, ei chiar nu înțeleg
Nu-mi pot vedea punctul de vedere
Ei spun că a scăpat de sub control
Că sunt obsedat de tine
Vreau să ajung să stau lângă tine
Da, iubesc tot ceea ce faci
Vreau să mă apropii de tine
Ești visul meu devenit realitate
Vreau să fac dragoste cu tine
Atingerile tale dulci nu sunt de ajuns
Pentru că sunt obsedat de tine
Da, sunt obsedat de tine
Zâmbetul tău îmi aprinde inima
Mă electrocutezi cu privirea
Simpla menționare a numelui tău,
Îmi umple stomacul de fluturi
Dragostea ta e mai bună decât cocaina
Am nevoie de tine mai mult decât de aer
Oh Doamne am înțeles greșit din nou,
O o-b-s-e-s-i-e.
Știu care-ți e al doilea nume
Am o șuviță din părul tău
Sunt puțin nebun
Căci am impresia că te văd peste tot
Prietenii mei, ei chiar nu înțeleg
Nu-mi pot vedea punctul de vedere
Ei spun că a scăpat de sub control
Că sunt obsedat de tine
Vreau să ajung să stau lângă tine
Da, iubesc tot ceea ce faci
Vreau să mă apropii de tine
Ești visul meu devenit realitate
Vreau să fac dragoste cu tine
Atingerile tale dulci nu sunt de ajuns
Pentru că sunt obsedat de tine
Da, sunt obsedat de tine
Tu și eu, am fost făcuți unul pentru altul
Trăim fericiți în imaginația mea
Mergem spre altar
Tu te uiți la mine și zâmbești
Îmi sună alarma de la telefon, mă trezesc într-o stare de negare
Vreau să ajung să stau lângă tine
Da, iubesc tot ceea ce faci
Vreau să mă apropii de tine
Ești visul meu devenit realitate
Vreau să fac dragoste cu tine
Atingerile tale dulci nu sunt de ajuns
Pentru că sunt obsedat de tine
Da, sunt obsedat de tine

Million roses

Once upon a time, a painter
having only canvases and colors,
but he loved an actress,
the one who loved flowers.
So he put on sale
his paintings, his humble abode
and so bought
a whole ocean of flowers.
One million, one million,
a million red roses,
through the window, through the window,
by the window you discover.
He who loves you, he who loves you,
he who loves you for real
will change all his life
in flowers for you. (bis)
At the window she asks herself
it was really something -
like a grandiose spectacle,
the place is full of roses.
His soul is frozen for a moment:
who is this funny lover?
And in a corner, all shaking,
the handsome boy lowers his eyes.
To the refrain
The beautiful meeting was brief,
she left at night,
but in his life there was
the wonderful field of roses.
The paintings of the painter become famous,
now had only one theme,
a square covered with flowers,
a beautiful window who loves him.
To the refrain

My six-stringed friend

Won't you play me a tune, my six-stringed guitar?
Help me recall times of old.
Your wails, your sorrowful sounds
intoxicate me more than a strong wine.
See how I take my beloved guitar in my hands,
play a chord and sing along.
I sing of my love and youth,
and the girl I love.
Resound, my guitar, so dolefully,
and play my song to the end.
May it fly into the girls' white bosoms
and melt their hearts of ice.
I sang so many griefs, so much happiness,
I shared it all with you.
They were problems, my loved one cheated on me,
but you never were unfaithful.
When my time comes to depart this Earth,
I'll gather my friends and tell them:
'lay down my six-stringed friend next to me in my grave,
and I will wake every dead on Earth!'
Maybe I'll burn in the flames of hell,
maybe I'll end up in paradise.
My six-stringed friend will always help me
and sing of my past life.
and melt their hearts of ice...

March in step, one, two, three

Ah-... Ah-...
At daybreak, the sounds of war songs resound throughout the village roads,
their bayonets high, the soldiers advance on the road of training.
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Your mothers, which have cooked your food, affectionately wave their hands,
through out your chests, majestically walk forwards, brazenly.
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Before the troops, the Great Commander's star shines on the deep-red flag,
we, who are close to the spirit of Mt. Baekdu, are the ones who will fulfil it.1
One, two, three four,
one, two, three, four, come on,
soldiers who stand at the front-line prepared to die,
march in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Ah-... Ah-...
March in step like troops of the Esteemed General.
Ah-... Ah-... One, two three!
  • 1. Unsure about this part.

Roses Have Thorns

How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns
I still see myself, giving her my hand in an alleyway of Paris
In your eyes: my destiny, the doubt, the boredom
If the time wasn't against us, it would save our faces
I give signs, but you don't see me, like a forest without trees
How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns
My love, look at me, I beg you, don't turn away
There is still some humanity left in me, in this dark world
Watch me beneath the streetlamps, I sail between the shadow and the light
And I notice that my life was nothing but a shard of glass
How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns
How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns
How to tell you or make you understand
That life is nothing but a mere dream
A lie which the truth wears down
Roses have thorns
I don't worry about the lack of food
Nor about the children, because they live in paradise
I have things to say and to write
Roses have thorns

Don't go, don't go

Your eyes have captured me, I am caught by her lasso
Don't go, don't go, come, my beautiful love
She is precious to me, don't let her go, Don't let her turn her back on me.
Don't go, don't go, come, my beautiful love
I am a sacrifice for your eyes, your beautifuç seductive eyes
Again you have lined your eyes with kohl, your evastating eyes!
Don't go, don't go, come.
Your gray eyes, Eyes that steal my soul,
Don't go, don't go, come, my beautiful love
I am a sacrifice for your eyes, your beautifuç seductive eyes
Again you have lined your eyes with kohl, your evastating eyes!
Don't go, don't go, come.

The excuses

I learned by mistake that people dress up
They wait for death under the roof of churches
That on the mountains in the morning
The wild years that make us human go to sleep
I learned by mistake that you dress up
That you swear loudly under the roof of churches
That on the mountains you lay down the women
That in your mouth songs get a soul
When the crave will burn our gods
When death will break its vows
When reason will split up in two
Swallow your bones
Beg the fire for forgiveness
Swallow your waters
Beg the fire for forgiveness


Empty moments, our souls are empty
the words exist because they always existed there
your eyes are a ship, your hair are a sail
how much I wanted you, and how much you did, why
Why does this song
always says that I can't
why are you pushing me off the clip
I don't forgive you, I don't forgive you, why
Look how much we changed
look at the life we erased
with one look, with a simple move
your selfishness, it's always the one driving

When You Are

Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
When you’re in my arms
when you’re in my arms
there are arcane enjoyments
with the waves of the rivers
and the music of the winds
with the waves of the rivers
there are arcane enjoyments
when you’re in my arms
when you’re in my arms
There are snowy dawns
there are snowy dawns
and sunny woods
and roses every day
when I hold you in my hands
and roses every day
and sunny woods
there are snowy dawns
there are snowy dawns
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
They are beautiful gifts
they are beautiful gifts
those that you give me
with love and fortitude
to fly with good wings
with love and fortitude
those that you give me
are beautiful gifts
are beautiful gifts
I want nothing but you
I want nothing but you
in dances and at home
come here, olive eyes
come and dance, come now
come here, olive eyes
in dances and at home
I want nothing but you
I want nothing but you
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
Beauty and grace
clear light, beloved jewel
come here to me
dance, dance unrestrainedly
Dance, dance unrestrainedly

You stole my Summers

In the house I wander
Like a crazy man every night
And I count the times
You filled me with sorrow
Your scent is here
And it floods the space
In the drama that I live
You gift me another
You stole my summers
the moon and the stars
and my sleep
Behind you, you left winters
and glaciers in the heart
to have next to me
You stole my summers
the moon and the stars
and my sleep
Behind you, you left winters
and glaciers in the heart
to have next to me
Your form is everywhere
In our empty home
with moments of panic
I am filled with sadness,
and tearful silences.
Behind you, you left the words
with the first rains
that hastily swallow me
You stole my summers
the moon and the stars
and my sleep
Behind you, you left winters
and glaciers in the heart
to have next to me
You stole my summers
the moon and the stars
and my sleep
Behind you, you left winters
and glaciers in the heart
to have next to me

O obsesie nesănătoasă

Ei o numesc furișare, eu îi spun iubire, e singura mea metodă
Completez acte, semnez scutiri dar stau departe de el
Pot să-ți numesc mama și tatăl și primul animal pe care l-ai avut
Îți știu restaurantul preferat la care cinezi când primești salariul în fiecare săptămână
Știu că-ți speli rufele duminica și că separi hainele albe
și că mașina ta are nevoie de un nou cauciuc din cauză că l-am spart
Am milioane de poze cu toate dățile scrise în cerneală roșie
Am strecurat un walkie-talky în camera ta ca să te aud dormind...
Încă nu o știi dar mă iubești, iar eu te iubesc la fel de mult
Într-o zi o să avem o nuntă mare și o să fiu tot ce-ți dorești
Vom fi împreună, da pentru totdeauna, nu ne vom despărții niciodată
Oh încă nu o știi, dar iubitule, deja ți-am furat inima
Unii o numesc hărțuire, eu îi spun mers extrem de aproape
Sunt sigur că dacă m-aș așeza și țe-aș întreba, nu te-ar deranja prea tare...
Ai niște ochi care mă înnebunesc, iar eu am ochi ca să te privesc dormind
Am cumpărat prânzul la pachet și cafea ca să te pândesc din copac... cel de lângă casa ta...
shhhh. trebuie să fiu la fel de silențios precum un șoarece, sau vei chema poliția
Și mă vor aresta pentru ceva prostesc ca deranjarea liniștii publice
și bucată cu bucată adun toate lucrurile pe care le lași aruncate
și când sunt gata, voi căuta prin gunoiul tău ca să văd ce mai găsesc...
Încă nu o știi dar mă iubești, iar eu te iubesc la fel de mult
Într-o zi o să avem o nuntă mare și o să fiu tot ce-ți dorești
Vom fi împreună, da pentru totdeauna, nu ne vom despărții niciodată
Oh încă nu o știi, dar iubitule, deja ți-am furat inima


Dragule, ai ceva special
Corpul tău este o operă de artă
Dar avem o mică problemă
Îți simt pieptul, dar nu-ți găsesc inima
Ai mai mulți mușchi decât oceanul
Construit ca un zeu din vechime
Plin de tine, dar nu simți nimic
Da, îmi place să ating, dar nu simt deloc iubire
Mă privești în ochi doar ca să-ți vezi propria
Să-ți vezi propria reflecție, propria reflecție
Corpul tău e neprețuit pentru că-ți acorzi
Îți acorzi prea multă atenție, prea multă atenție
Ești așa obsedat de tine însuți
Poate ar trebui să te dezbraci împreună cu tine? Hey
Ia o masă pentru două persoane, pentru tine și orgoliul tău
Du-l acasă și fă-i complimente
Foarte obsedat de tine însuți, obsedat de tine însuți
Dragule, vrei o femeie specială
Model perfect de frumusețe
Te interesează numai ce-i la suprafață
Asta dacă-ți poți lua ochii de la tine
O să ajungi împreună cu nimeni, cu nimeni
Chiar dacă formăm o coadă, ohh da
Dar nu cred că te îngrijorează prea tare
Dacă ai o oglindă, dragule, tu ești în regulă
Mă privești în ochi doar ca să-ți vezi propria
Să-ți vezi propria reflecție, propria reflecție
Corpul tău e neprețuit pentru că-ți acorzi
Îți acorzi prea multă atenție, prea multă atenție
Ești așa obsedat de tine însuți (ah ești așa)
Poate ar trebui să te dezbraci împreună cu tine? (te dezbraci împreună cu tine) Hey
Ia o masă pentru două persoane, pentru tine și orgoliul tău
Du-l acasă și fă-i complimente
Foarte obsedat de tine însuți (obsedat), obsedat de tine însuți
Ești așa obsedat de tine însuți (da)
Poate ar trebui să te dezbraci împreună cu tine? (te dezbraci împreună cu tine) Hey
Ia o masă pentru două persoane, pentru tine și orgoliul tău
Du-l acasă și fă-i complimente (da)
Foarte obsedat de tine însuți, obsedat de tine însuți
Continuă dragule, nu te schimba
Îmi place, dar îmi și displace
Continuă dragule, nu te schimba
Pentru că și eu sunt obsedată de mine însămi

Esti cântecele mele

Poate în fiecare voce a unui cântec,
Poate într-o taverna la malul marii,
Poate ca esti fumul țigării pe care o fumez.
Când cade o stea pe cer
Când merg singur pe un drum umed
Când mă gândesc la ceva total diferit, esti in mintea mea.
Nu e ca trecutul, ci ca azi
Mai te trăiesc pe tine.
Tu ești mereu cu mine.
Eşti in ziua mea şi noaptea
Să nu fie cântată și nici auzită,
Eşti cântecele mele.
Ca şi cum n-ai plecat deloc şi mereu ai fost
Ca si cum pastrazi un secret de la toată lumea
Ca şi cum treci incet mai aproape de mine şi plangi, eşti langa mine.
Ca şi cum ma disculpi de la nişte lucruri
Ca și cum mirosi o floare fara sa o rupi
Ca niște interdicții care nu au fost niciodată încălcate, eşti in mintea mea.
Nu e ca trecutul, ci ca azi
Mai te trăiesc pe tine.
Tu ești mereu cu mine.
Eşti in ziua mea şi noaptea
Să nu fie cântată și nici auzită,
Eşti cântecele mele.


Inspir și mă gândesc la tine,
Expir și imi fac mișcarea,
Mă ai, m-ai prins, e adevărat.
Și acum nu am nimic de ascuns sau de pierdut, pentru că eu
Am nevoie doar să fiu iar alături de tine...
Oprește timpul, în noapte am nevoie de al tău
trup deasupra mea, simte-mi bătaia inimii,
arată-mi ce să fac când pierd controlul,
arată-mi ce ar trebui să recunosc.
Trupul tău deasupra mea, simte bătaia inimii mele,
arată-mi ce să fac
să vindec obsesia mea pentru tine.
Am avut-o, știi că e adevărat,
M-ai prins căzând în ea,
În capcana ta, iubitule, ce pot să fac?
(Oh, nu, nu, nu)
Și acum sunt pe punctul să-mi pierd mințile,
E adevărat, pentru că eu
Am nevoie doar să fiu iar alături de tine...
Oprește timpul, în noapte am nevoie de al tău
trup deasupra mea, simte-mi bătaia inimii,
arată-mi ce să fac când pierd controlul,
arată-mi ce ar trebui să recunosc.
Trupul tău deasupra mea, simte bătaia inimii mele,
arată-mi ce să fac
să vindec obsesia mea pentru tine...

Cherru Kisses

Cherry kisses
I feel like a child
When I’m without you
Your heart is spreading in me
Your heart is spreading in me
Plese fly to me anytime
When i call
Your heart is spreading in me
No, I don’t need nobody else
In to middle of the night With you
It shines like a morning
Very deeply to me My boo, right now
Cause I’m in love, so in love
Which one is before me
The sweet door opens
I’m in love with you babe
Counting you Every day
And I can’t wait till taste all of your
Cherry kisses, kisses
Cherry kisses
Cherry kisses
Unexpressed words
When you not around me
My lips get lonely
They get oh so lonely yeah
My everuthing is directed at you
I’m addicted
You’re my one and only
You’re my one and only
In to middle of the night With you
It shines like a morning
Very deeply to me My boo, right now
Cause I’m in love, so in love
Which one is before me
The sweet door opens
I’m in love with you babe
Counting you Every day
And I can’t wait till taste all of your
Cherry kisses, kisses
Cherry kisses
Oh all this moment
You're coming to me
Put evetything in my hands
And if I’m dreaming
Please never wake me up
Wake me up
Cause I’m in love, so in love
Which one is before me
The sweet door opens
I’m in love with you babe
Counting you Every day
And I can’t wait till taste all of your
Cause I’m in love, so in love
Which one is before me
The sweet door opens
I’m in love with you babe
Counting you Every day
And I can’t wait till taste all of your
Cherry kisses, kisses
Cherry kisses
Cherry kisses

The unnamed river

Quietly carries me
My pain by the unnamed river
Traces behind you are washed away by water
But the lodestar shines for me
Day by day, night by night
Pass without you
My pain is the river without banks
Where is your distant dock?
Can you hear my desperate call now?
Beloved my, precious my
How can I shout to you?
Let the other
You have chosen the way
Only the river doesn't turn back
Beloved my, if only I could
I would go for you everywhere
Let the soul shouts
In pain, but my love hasn't dead
Beloved my, precious my
How can I shout to you?
Let the other
You have chosen the way
Only the river doesn't turn back
Beloved my, (precious my)
I would go for you everywhere
Let the soul shouts
In pain, but my love hasn't dead
Beloved my, (precious my)

Line Line

Come, let's burn in fires
You'll be reckless in these things
The princess has a long length
My hearth fell to love in cage
I was eagerly atracted to her
A composition if it were written in love
Love, my heart is fire place
It's hard to get back this way, come back let's burn in fires
You'll be reckless in these things
My loves are famous, my friends know
Get repentance, this intent is deteriorating
Your meaningless escapes, your loving gaze
It is writting you line line to my life
My loves are famous, my friends know
Get repentance, this intent is deteriorating
Your meaningless escapes, your loving gaze
It is writting you line line to my life


I'm exhausted, my right, my left, my inside, my exterior is lie
I drank, I am a bit drunk, i feel dizzy oh
I took my head and went to so far lands
I pushed myself to deef cliff
I haven't explanation with you, can't you be mine?
Where, your dreams were a panacea
Your fire is a rock, look at the my destiny
It swings right left, run my quick
Look at all games are against me
Stay or leave, burn me

God, Give Me Patience!

No benefit from love, if it's possible we must start living again life
Without damage, without fatigue we must just wait if it's over
No benefit from love, if it's possible we must start living again life
Without damage, without fatigue we must just wait
It's all over if my heart burned
If it's enough
Help me god
Give me patience, give me patience
I dropped your trap everytime
I'm tired of your games, I gave up
Don't let this love approach me


What am I in this love?
I had not should to give my heart to your hands
I had not should to give my heart to your hands
Even if I burn even if I die with my love, I had not should say I love you
Woe, again the seperation has seen
Woe, my heart has removed woe!
Oh my poor heart
Oh my suffering head
Again the longings have seen
Woe woe
I had should ban my shadow to my world
If only I had hide this love
I had should ban my shadow to my world
If only I had hide this love
If only I stab my heart (maybe if it was that I wouldn't be suffer)

How Many Times

Have you ever died while you are alive?
Have you ever walked on the few streets?
Your understanding doesn't come to us
Your struggling isn't enough for this
Have you ever died while you are alive?
Have you ever walked on the few streets?
Your understanding doesn't come to us
Your struggling isn't enough for this
How many, how many times I died in fire
There is fire in this city
My left side is following you
How many, how many times I died in fire
There is fire in this city
My left side is following you.

1, 2, 3! (셋 셀테니)

You’re under my skin
You won’t know even if I tell you
Since you have that kind of body
Your standards must be higher than your heels
This might be unnecessary to say
But I think we’re all animals in the end
The reason the iris in my eyes are shining
Is because there’s pressure in my heart
Do I need to tell you why?
You should know by now
You flipped my body and heart upside down
Even if it’s not right now
Even if someone else is by your side yeah
(I’ll count to three so you) (Come right over) (1, 2, 3!)
1, 2, 3
(I’ll count to three so you) (Come right over) (1, 2, 3!)
1, 2, 3
At the end of my breath, you’re there
You won’t know even if I tell you
You should know that this suit and my pride
Has both crumbled because of you alone
The reason I’m sweating
Is because other guys are looking at you
The reason I keep brushing my hair back
Is because your wind keeps blowing
Why should I be saying this?
You should know by now
You flipped my insides and brought them outside
Even if it’s not right now
Even if someone else is by your side yeah
(I’ll count to three so you) (Come right over) (1, 2, 3!)
1, 2, 3
(I’ll count to three so you) (Come right over) (1, 2, 3!)
1, 2, 3
It goes 1, 2, 3, I counted to three
Then all the other ladies stopped what they were doing
Hot damn
Hot damn
But I only want you, ye ye
It goes 1, 2, 3, I counted to three
Then all the other ladies stopped what they were doing
Hot damn
Hot damn
But I only want you, ye ye
(I’ll count to three so you) (Come right over) (1, 2, 3!)
1, 2, 3
(I’ll count to three so you) (Come right over) (1, 2, 3!)
1, 2, 3