Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 13

Număr de rezultate: 467


The assassination of a boy

I'm going to tell you the sad story
of a dark crime as it happened
in Dallas Texas on the 24th
of the month of July, 1973.
A child lost his life
at the hand of a criminal,
at the hand of a policeman
whose job is to care for the lives of others.
Santos Rodríguez, this was the name
of the kid with miserable luck,
who didn't think that that morning
was his last one.
Officers arrested both
he and his brother in their home,
as suspects of robbing
a nearby business.
The poor boy was handcuffed
and a gun was placed at his head,
but not even with that did he look guilty
of having committed that robbery.
A shot rang out and the little body
of the poor boy fell dead,
and at the sight of what he did
in desperation the policeman cried out to God.
The policeman who smeared his
name in vain with blood was Darrell Cain,
the same one who in April 20th
killed Michele1 three years ago.
Santos Rodríguez is already in heaven
he's already been judged by the Lord,
and the policeman mourns his fate
for having used his weapon without precaution.
  • 1. or Mitchell
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.

  • Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).


Term its name by you

Versions: #2
I even miss you while I'm with you
Is it a convergency or a yearning? ,term its name by you
You've set tongues wagging me so burning by your love
Is it an affection or a hatred? ,term its name by you
You was first and last love of me at my youth ages
You was the flower of my love that in the garden of my soul
You was settled such so at the room of my heart
Is it a homeland or a foreign land? ,term its name by you
The fire of your love scorches and burns me
Then you become my wind by scattering me up with love
That you pierce my bosom, when you look so my heart stops
Is it a whammy(evil eye) or a fury(anger)? ,term its name by you
You was first and last love of me at my youth ages
You was the flower of my love that in the garden of my soul
You was settled such so at the room of my heart
Is it a homeland or a foreign land? ,term its name by you

Which one of us haven't loved

Versions: #4
Which one of us haven't fallen into the deep darkness of love
Which one of us haven't loved like crazy ones
Which one of us haven't waited the way of some unfaithful ones
At secluded place or in any cornerhead
These roadways keep storing any some memories of everyone
There's the suffering of everyone as much as their own love
Has been beautiful or ugly, so what difference does it make ?
There's at our soul to love like crazy
Lover's (one) eye is blind and there ears are deaf
That's why we haven't seen what's right or wrong
Love was ruined or burned , however we loved despite that
Oh those unfaithful ones aren't catched the value of anything
These roadways keep storing a bit of memories of everyone
There's the suffering of everyone as much as their own love
Has been beautiful or ugly ,so what difference does it make ?
There's at our soul (all we need) to love like crazy

Murder in school

The rock and roll commits suicide and my family commits suicide
the mother who could be better commits suicide
the rock and roll commits suicide and my life commits suicide
alone at night in some night club
the art commits suicide and days commit suicide
the girl who could be better commits suicide
your lip commits suicide and my life commits suicide
alone at night in some night club
we like to dance against the wall
we like to dance against the wall
we like to look the street through the window
we like to close it well before jumping
the rock and roll commits suicide and my family commits suicide
the art commits suicide and days commit suicide
your lip commits suicide and my life commits suicide
alone at night in some night club
we like to dance against the wall
we like to dance against the wall
we like to look the street through the window
we like to close it well before jumping
murder in school
late at night in the Emmanuelle
murder in school
contemplate the catastrophe
murder in school
late at night in the Emmanuelle
murder in school
contemplate the catastrophe
they dance, and dance, and dance
they look, and look, and look
they dance, and dance, and dance
they look, and look, and look
murder in school
late at night in the Emmanuelle
murder in school
contemplate the catastrophe

You never asked

I won't sit in the rain to see you together
For once more
I won't ask to learn why since
You don't care anymore
I don't ask that you understand anyways
That never happens
There's no ego left for me to fight what has killed me again
You never asked
How I felt
How I was strong
But broke
That we've come to the end of the line
You must admit
Don't try to figure out
What happened
And what brought us
And even if I was naive that I thought
You could see your mistake
You just can't
I won't hide from life, maybe I'll remember
How we were in the past
I won't show you how I'm doing, I'll stay up late
With empty arms
I don't ask that you understand anyways
That never happens
There's no ego left for me to fight
what has killed me again
You never asked
How I felt
How I was strong
But broke
That we've come to the end of the line
You must admit
Don't try to figure out
What happened
And what brought us
And even if I was naive that I thought
You could see your mistake
You just can't

Fără scuze

Ce ai băut de te-a făcut să vorbești aiurea ?
Uitându-te la mine cu coada ochiului , atacându-mă mai mereu
De ce , de ce te comporți urât când ești numai un copil?
Băiete , sunt sinceră cu tine
Dar tu încerci să te joci cu mine
Ți-ai pierdut mințile?
Deschide-ți ochii
O altă persoană
Probabil mă confuzi , mă confuzi cu
o alta persoană
Probabil mă confuzi , mă confuzi cu
o alta persoană
Nu există scuze , scuze , iubitule
O altă persoană
Mama ta te-a crescut mai bine de atât , huh!
Ce ai băut de te-a făcut să vorbești aiurea ?(hey!)
Uitându-te la mine cu coada ochiului(woo) , atacându-mă mai mereu
De ce ,de ce te comporți ca și cum n-ai mai întâlnit vreo femeie până acum?
Nu te jignesc , nu mă jigni nici tu pe mine
Ți-ai pierdut mințile?
Deschide-ți ochii
O altă persoană
Probabil mă confuzi , mă confuzi cu
o alta persoană
Probabil mă confuzi , mă confuzi cu
o alta persoană
Nu există scuze , scuze , iubitule
O altă persoană
Mama ta te-a crescut mai bine de atât , huh!
Mama ta te-a crescut mai bine de atât (așa e)
Deoarece mama ta te-a crescut mai bine de atât
Ți-ai pierdut mințile?
Deschide-ți ochii
O altă persoană
Probabil mă confuzi , mă confuzi cu (mă confuzi cu)
o alta persoană
Probabil mă confuzi , mă confuzi cu
o alta persoană
Nu există scuze , scuze , iubitule (fără scuze ,nu,nu)
O altă persoană
Mama ta te-a crescut mai bine de atât , huh! (cum te-a crescut?)
Probabil mă confuzi (Hey!pe bune) mă confuzi cu
Mama ta te-a crescut mai bine de , mai bine de atât
Nu există scuze , scuze , iubitule
Mama ta te-a crescut mai bine de atât , huh!
(Te-a crescut mai bine de atât)

I cry silent tears

Everything looks so different to me
Now that you're gone
The tea that we used to drink sometimes,
My beautiful Marmara in front of me
Is flavorless... Now that you're gone
I cry silent tears
The waves are eroding the beach inside of me
The fish are washed ashore
The moonlight is now insipid
The light does not shine for me
Like sand grains flowing through my hands
You left me, there is a large void inside
As for our love, it is an abandoned ship
And now... I cry silent tears

Depresie si obsesie

Depresia și obsesia nu fac casă bună una cu alta
Sunt otrăvit iar corpul meu nu se simte prea bine
O urăsc , e greu să iubesc când îmi simt stomacul răsucit
Disting dealul ,unde ne-am cunoscut
Ne-am lăsat buzele să facă toată discuția iar acum sunt un nimic
Depresia și obsesia nu fac casă bună una cu alta
Motelurile Hollywood-ului
Și tot ce știu e că sunt obsedat de tine
Depresia și obsesia nu fac casă bună una cu alta
Motelurile Hollywood-ului
Și tot ce știu e că sunt obsedat de tine

Cai sălbatici

M-ai ținut jos cel mai bine
Nici un loc de la lanțurile astea pe care
Am dormit cu inima pentru o senzație
De ce nu-mi pot lăsa demonii să iasă?
Continui să urlu în pernă
Pentru că aroma ta mă face încă să mă simt prostesc înalt
Oh glorie, sunt o credincioasă
Oh glorie, sunt un necaz
Cai sălbatici, cai sălbatici
Cai sălbatici fug mai repede, fug mai repede
Fug mai repede
Cai sălbatici fug mai repede, fug mai repede
Fug mai repede
Ai vrut adevărul meu în maniera cea mai rea
Prin terenuri murdare a unui zâmbetrupt
și jur că nu sunt una care se preface
Uneori e iubirea minciuna cea mai mare
Deci contui să îl dau naibii de diavol
și tu continui să zici că e totul bine
Oh glorie, sunt o credincioasă
Oh Doamne, mă țin tare, dar
Cai sălbatici, cai sălbatici
Cai sălbatici fug mai repede, fug mai repede
Fug mai repede
Cai sălbatici fug mai repede, fug mai repede
Fug mai repede
Deci contui să îl dau naibii de diavol
și tu continui să zici că e totul bine
Oh glorie, sunt o credincioasă
Oh Doamne, mă țin tare, dar

Love City

Scandal Pop Saucebox
Rise up, please don’t stop
No charms, a danger zone
L.O.V.E Love City
Scandal Pop Saucebox
Rise up, please don’t stop
No charms, a danger zone
L.O.V.E Love City
You keep stealing glances (Hey)
Why are you staring? I’m getting annoyed, boy
You’re smiling and I know it’s not your first time
Tell me it’s not
Stop it, your sugar coated mouth (Oh, No)
Don’t be ridiculous, oops oops (your lie)
Stop it, don’t come (Sorry)
Who do you think you are? Dash dash (Love City)
I’ll confidently walk
And drive you crazy
My tightly shut, chic red lips
Don’t expect anything
You’re so unbelievable
I’m not interested, pretty boy
Welcome to Love City
Chu Chu Chu
Pa Pa Pa
La La La Stop it boy
You’re just cute, Love City
Scandal Pop Saucebox
Rise up, please don’t stop
No charms, a danger zone
L.O.V.E Love City
What do you think you’re doing?
You have no tact, I’m so tired of you
Your dirty lips that only lie
Please shut it, stop it boy
Stupid, sugar coated mouth (Oh, No)
Don’t be ridiculous, Oops Oops (Your lie)
Stupid, stop being so obvious (Sorry)
Who do you think you are? Dash dash (Love City)
I’ll confidently walk
And drive you crazy
My tightly shut, chic red lips
Don’t expect anything
You’re so unbelievable
I’m not interested, pretty boy
Welcome to Love City
Chu Chu Chu
Pa Pa Pa
La La La Stop it boy
You’re just cute, Love City
Scandal Pop Saucebox
Rise up, please don’t stop
No charms, a danger zone
L.O.V.E Love City
Give it a rest, I can see right through you
Foolish Boy, you’re so pathetic
You’re awkwarding laughing, you’ve missed it
Another level, can you handle it?
You’re just cute
You’re just cute
You’re just cute (Love City)
I’ll confidently walk
And drive you crazy
My tightly shut, chic red lips
Don’t expect anything
You’re so unbelievable
I’m not interested, pretty boy
Welcome to Love City
Chu Chu Chu
Pa Pa Pa
La La La Stop it boy
You’re just cute, Love City


Give up up tonight Give up up tonight
Give up up – I don’t fly with that
Give up up tonight Give up up tonight
Give up up – I don’t fly with that.
You slightly look at me a few times
And you try to poke at me
You thought you could have me
Go away- you play around and you’ll get hurt
You’ll be yelled at if you keep hitting on me
oh, hey lady oh no.
Slowing hunting and quickly hooking
The love that I know isn’t like that
Patiently waiting and patiently approaching
To take my heart- that is the right way.
Gone by the midnight by the midnight
I don’t want to be hurt anymore
Gone by the midnight by the midnight
If that’s how it’s going to be,
Please leave, leave and leave.
Dance come on dance
Dance come on dance.
Quickly rising and quickly getting annoyed
Thinking of it too easily– that’s not right
ah ah ah ah
Deeply soaking and genuinely wanting
Making me tremble– that is the right way.
Gone by the midnight by the midnight
I don’t want to switch and switch again
Gone by the midnight by the midnight
If that’s how it’s going to be,
Take that and that and take a step back.
It’s time to get down, get down
It’s time to get down.
Give up up tonight Give up up tonight
Give up up – I don’t fly with that
Give up up tonight Give up up tonight
Give up up – I don’t fly with that.
Gone by the midnight by the midnight
I don’t want to be hurt anymore
Gone by the midnight by the midnight
If that’s how it’s going to be,
Please leave, leave and leave.
I don’t want to switch and switch again
Gone by the midnight by the midnight
If that’s how it’s going to be,
Take that and that and take a step back.

Mă revolt

Mă revolt împotriva acestei sorţii crude
Mă revolt împotriva acestei dureri nesfârşite
Soarta mă apasă
Viaţa silvină
Toate necazurile mele
Mă revolt
İubirile rămase pe jumătate
Acest zâmbet ascuns
Să trăiesc să nu mor
Mă revolt
Eu mereu am fost condamnat să fiu învins?
Sunt mereu obligat să mă distrug?
Mă revolt împotriva acestei lumii mincinoase
Ce datorez acestor probleme
Nu dau nimic
Ce greu este să fiu fericit
Nu caut iadul
Mă revolt scrierii fixe
Mă revolt împotriva acestui noroc bolnav
İubirile false
Viața cu necazuri
Problemele tale sunt așa
Mă revolt
Ochii plini de minciună
Cuvinte nerostite
Chipuri neprietenoase
Mă revolt
Eu mereu am fost condamnat să fiu învins?
Sunt mereu obligat să mă distrug?
Mă revolt împotriva acestei lumii mincinoase
Ce datorez acestor probleme
Nu dau nimic
Ce greu este să fiu fericit
Nu caut iadul
Nu caut iadul
Ege Kökenli

Unul pentru tine şi unul pentru mine

Peste nori
M-am lăsat
Fără să se gândească la sfârșit
Mă simt emoționat
Ține-ți mâinile ascunse
Mă uit încet pe fața ta
Ochii tăi șoptesc
Fericirea încet
Mirosul florilor
Cântecul valurilor
Vântul șoptind
Unul pentru tine şi unul pentru mine
Caprifoi în grădină
Stele pe cer
Vocea delicată a ploii
Acum are sens
Cât de fragilă este dragostea
Ţi-am spus să taci dar nu a mers
Numele meu este trecut din inima mea
Nimeni nu a auzit
Ege Kökenli


Respirația dimineți
Cu decizia dragostei în fiecare zi în mine
Cu răbdarea unei pietre
Când peretele este însetat în fiecare zi cu dor
Nici-o lumină, nici-un drum
Temerile mele nesfârșite
Să ne întoarcem pentru ultima oară
Dacă arde, să ardă mai aproape
Îţi sunt recunoscătoare pentru acest destin dureros
Nu mai da niciodată
Luna se lasă în grădina întristată
Nu m-am iubit niciodată în lumina ta
Marea se revarsă
În cabina cu otravă
Dacă încă te iubesc
Dacă inima mea încă nu este demnă de inima ta
Ege Kökenli

Te iubesc doar pe tine

Te iubesc doar pe tine printre puține lucruri
Totuși, nu ați crezut niciodată nu credeți
A sosit momentul când păcatul a învins
Cu toate acestea, te-am iubit doar pe tine
Un nebun plin de vise
Pe tot parcursul vieți ai căutat locuri de muncă
Nu vreau să deschid subiectul nu plec
Ah iubesc de la depărtare deoarece iubesc
Ege Kökenli

The gods are leaving

It´s mpossible to breathe
when you´re in a hurry
it weighs like the lead
the air of the big city
Like crazy the engines
burn the gas
the eyelashes are enchained
for so much rubbing
Pollution in the air
the angel moved to Acapulco
by the sea breeze
because of pressure in the air
the angel moved to the breezes
and now he wants to dance
in the car of Cibeles
Diana Cazadora
inaugurate the highway at full speed
without thinking twice, the angel invites
we have rights like the others
pollution in the air
the angel regained its shine
far away from the city
Cuahutemoc dance with the Cazora
cibeles bathes with sea water
the conch shells announce the angel
join the party
goddess of the sea
Pollution in the air
the gods are leaving with Neptune and Ali Manja
pollution in the air
the gods danced the mambo
with sea horses
Pollution in the air
the angel moved to Acapulco
by the sea breeze


Da, chiar trebuie sa spun, acum o luna
Vorbeam cu fanii
Iar unul dintre ei m a tras la o parte și mi a spus
'Nu ne-am întâlnit niciodată, dar pot sa jur ca știi cine sunt ,
Am trecut prin multe
Nu știu cum sa le spun asta oamenilor, nu cred ca pot
Dar am acel CD Mansion pe repetat
Asta i real pentru mine, Nate, tu nu înțelegi '
Mi se pare o nebunie
Copii care ma opresc, și spun ca se taie pe vene zilnic
Muzica asta e mai mult decât crezi
Nu ma judeca, o fac doar pentru amuzament, e doar amuzament,
Aud acești părinți cum le spun copiilor sai
Ca muzica mea e violenta, cred ca glumești
Cred ca definiția ta pentru violenta și a mea
E ceva la care ne uitam diferit
Cum ma imaginezi? Huh?
Vrei sa zâmbesc, vrei sa rad?
Vrei sa merg pe scena cu un zâmbet pe fata
Când sunt supărat si sa pun o masca, serios?
Adică, la ce te aștepți de la mine?
Încerc sa o fac cu respect
Ei spun ca viata e o cursa
Știam ca problemele mele ma vor prinde probabil din urma
Fac tot ce pot sa fiu calm
Cum o să-mi scrii să-mi spui ca mi ai măcelărit familia?
Asta i doar o licărire pentru lucrurile ce mi se trimit
Astea-s părțile vieții mele pe care ei nu le vad niciodată, woo!
Sunt conștient, e agresiv
Nu sunt aici ca să fiu acceptat
Nu știu la ce te așteptai
Dar la ce te aștepți când calci în sala de terapie, huh?
Terapie, sala de terapie
Terapie, sala de terapie
Fata de la concert m a privit direct în fata
Și mi a spus ca viata ei e plina de drama (da!)
Mi a spus ca tatăl ei e abuziv
Aparent, ii place sa o bata pe mama ei
M am enervat foarte tare
Am vrut sa i spun sa mi dea numărul lui de telefon
Dar ce o sa fac cu el, nu?
O sa l sun iar apoi el o sa o bata și mai tare, asta i adevărul
Acești copii, vin la concertele mele
Cu lacrimi în ochi
Imagineaza ți pe cineva uitându-se la tine
Și spunând ca muzica ta e motivul pentru care ei sunt în viata
Uneori nu știu cum sa ma descurc cu asta
Acest stil de viata nu e plin de farmec
Asta nu i un act în fata camerelor (na!)
Ma vezi cum calc pe aceste scene
Dar nu ai nicio idee prin ce trec după asta, na!
Sunt deschis
Asta i modul prin care ma descurc cu toate stările mele
Fac poze cu o mie de oameni
Dar sincer, simt ca nimeni nu ma cunoaște
Încer sa ma descurc cu depresia
Încerc sa ma descurc cu presiunea
Cum o sa mi spui ca muzica mea nu are un mesaj?
Când ma uit la aceasta mulțime de oameni știu ca sunt afectat!
Am câteva chestii în viata mea
Știu ca n ar trebui sa le las
Sa ma doboare
Lasă ma sa iau o nota mentala
Spun totul la acest microfon
Gândește te la asta pentru un moment
Care i rostul aceste melodii? Sunt doar nervos
Dar la ce te aștepti de la o terapie, huh?
Terapie, sala de terapie
Terapie, sala de terapie
Ce crezi despre mine
Asta nu ma privește
Știu ca acționez imatur la unele chestii
Știu ca trebuie sa ma maturizez
Nu o sa merg pe aceste scene, în fata acestor oameni
Și sa ma prefac ca îmi trăiesc viata perfect
Asta nu funcționează pentru mine
Definiția de a fi creștin nu e aceea de a fi 'perfect'
Nu sunt genul de a fi tăcut
Nu o sa stau aici în liniște
Dacă nu îți spun ce am de spun în fata
Atunci îți promit, ca nu o sa spun pe la spate
Nu mint
Oamenii ies de pe pagina mea
Și încerc sa închid comentarile
Dar asta i ridicol
Sunt pasionat, omule, chiar simt ceea ce scriu
Vrei sa fiu sincer?
În regula, o sa fiu sincer
Vad o mulțime de oameni vorbind pe paginile de socializare
Dar sincer, nu vad nimic în public
Într un fel îmi place, da
'de ce nu ne scrii ceva rap care sa ne dispună?
Asta ar fi grozav'
'toată muzica tă ne indispune și e trista, Nate'
-Nu ma porni
Vrei sa știi cum e sa ma întâlnești în persoana?
Asculta mi versurile
Aceasta muzica nu e doar pentru oameni
Care stau în strane și se roagă în biserici, na!
Nu o evit
Nu ma aștept ca toată lumea sa respecte asta
Nu ma aștept ca tu sa îmi înțelegi punctul de vedere
Dar la ce te aștepți de la o terapie? Huh?
Adică, cred uneori ca oamenii, confuza ce fac
Scriu despre viata, scriu despre lucruri cu care ma confrunt
Ceva, ce chiar experimentez
Asta i real pentru mine
Gen, asta i ceva ce personal ma ajuta de asemenea
Nu sunt confuz în legătură cu cine mi a dat darul
Dumnezeu mi a dat darul și El mi a dat abilitatea sa fac asta
Și de asemenea el mi a dat asta ca o binecuvântare
Și asta i muzica pentru mine
Când simt ceva, fie ca e furie
Um, e o pasiune pentru ceva - sau frustrare
Gen, aici e unde merg
Asta, asta e legătura
Asta e real pentru mine, am nevoie de asta
Asta e o terapie pentru mine

Desperately alone

Nothing special
a matter of hours without you
it´s hard to realize
that the wound´s still open here
that time doesnd´t change the need
to see me in your eyes and not be hurted
One constant imagine you
one obsession is that I cannot stop thinking about you
one constant remembering you
one obsession with makes me forget to forgetting you
Desperately alone
with my crazed madness
with my sad sadness
empty and without you all the hours of the day
Desperately alone
with my faded moral
with my sad sadness
empty and without you all the hours of the day
All is fatal and I´m still here
where I can´t find the answer
if my life is still gray
and nobody understands the calamity
to be locked in so much freedom
One constant imagine you
one obsession is that I cannot stop thinking about you
one constant remembering you
one obsession with makes me forget to forgetting you
Desperately alone
with my crazed madness
with my sad sadness
empty and without you all the hours of the day
Desperately alone
with my faded moral
with my sad sadness
empty and without you all the hours of the day
with my crazed madness
with my crazed madness
completely insolvent
Desperately alone
with my crazed madness
crazed madness
with my sad sadness
eh, eh, eh, he
empty and without you all the hours of the day
all hours of the day
Desperately alone
with my crazed madness
with my crazed madness
with my sad sadness
eh, eh, eh, he
empty and without you all the hours of the day
all hours of the day
Desperately alone
with my crazed madness
with my crazed madness
with my sad sadness
eh, eh, eh, he
empty and without you all the hours of the day
all hours of the day
Desperately alone
with my faded moral


E o după-amiază din nou
Ce relevanţă are apusul de soare
Cred că le-am acumulat în mine
Pe străzile mândriei
Întotdeauna îți acoperi greșelile
Nici măcar nu ai încredere în tine
Toată lumea care vede ca toți ceilalți au dreptate
Toată lumea care te scutură are dreptate
Dar cea mai grea este ascunsă
Stai să te văd tot, a fost foarte copleșitor
Ege Kökenli

Blue silts

Because you care so much about people
You grit your teeth, you keep head up
Maps, marbles and pencils are the centre of your world
You use them with clenched fist like a bomb
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
Farewell blue silts, dragging feet
Shifting sands, happy sands
Wind sands of blue silts
You fall asleep with your hair as a helmet
On your body a shirt, in your heart a wound
Prisoner with his feet caught in the flow
Packed or empty suitcase at low tide
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
Farewell blue silts, dragging feet
Shifting sands, happy sands
Wind sands of blue silts
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
Farewell blue silts, dragging feet
Shifting sands, happy sands
Wind sands of blue silts
Men, animals and women are at war
And the sea recedes
Lifes lost in iron waves
And the sea recedes
You forget to empty your glass
And the sea recedes
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
Farewell blue silts, dragging feet
Shifting sands, happy sands
Wind sands of blue silts


High, above the world is the sky,
regardless how deep the sea can be,
there won't be a barrier in the world
that a profound love could break.
Love is the bread of life,
love is the divine cup,
love is something nameless
that makes a man be obsessed with a woman.
I am obsessed wtth you,
the world is witness of my frensy
and no matter how hard fate opposes,
you will be mine, will be mine.
Love is the bread of life,
love is the divine cup,
love is something nameless
that makes a man be obsessed with a woman.
I am obsessed with you,
the world is witness of my frensy
and no matter how hard fate opposes,
you will by mine, will be mine.
Love is the bread of life,
love is the divine cup,
love is something nameless
that makes a man be obsessed with a woman.


Of* you crossed my mind again towards nightfall,
Along with the sunset, how is that related?
I guess I have things that have accumulated inside me,
Look how you released your pride in the streets
Are always covering up for your mistakes
Cannot even trust your own self
See(think) that everyone is like yourself, everyone is right
Everyone who shows assent to you is right
But the heaviest (admonishment) is hidden inside me
Wait and I'll show you everything, I'll have no mercy

Hate Me

I hate me I won’t miss you,
I hate me I won’t miss you
I don’t need I don’t need you here tonight
I don’t need I don’t need I will leave you
I like you love you miss you
Words I kept for a long time
U like me? love me? miss me?
Why am I the only one trying to forget you?
Hate me, it always hurt but I always held it in
Hate me, you don’t know
Hate me, memories, Hate me, all of it, Good bye
It was so obvious and typical
It was always the same season but with a different name
Like a typical movie
I’m trapping you inside a different memory
Hate me, I already seen it all
Why are you so typical?
Hate me, you only know yourself, you hate me now
Hate me, on a field with no flowers
Baby I’m back and…
I’m trapping you inside a different memory
Hate you
I hate me I won’t miss you,
I hate me I won’t miss you
I don’t need I don’t need you here tonight
I don’t need I don’t need I will leave you
I liked you, loved you, missed you
Words I’m gonna keep to myself
Still like me, love me, miss me
Why are you trying to hold onto me?
Hate me, it hurt but I held it in
Hate me, you don’t even know
Hate me, memories, Hate me, all of it, Good bye
It was so obvious and typical
It was always the same season but with a different name
Like a typical movie
I’m trapping you inside a different memory
Hate me, it’s still the same
Hate me, every day I hate myself
Hate me, on a field with no flowers
Baby I’m back and…
I’m trapping you inside a different memory
Hate you
Don't forget to press thanks
Thank You ❤️


Counting days, counting days
Since my love up and got lost on me
And every breath that I’ve been taken
Since you left feels like a waste on me
I’ve been holding on to hope
That you’ll come back when you can find some peace
Cause every word that I’ve heard spoken
Since you left feels like an hollow street
I’ve been told, I’ve been told to get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind
Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side
There must be something in the water
Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under
Maybe I, maybe I’m just being blinded
By the brighter side
Of what we had because it’s over
Well there must be something in the tide
I’ve been told, I’ve been told to get you off my mind
But I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind
Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side
There must be something in the water
Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under
It's your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
And I'm tired of being so exhausted
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Even though I'm nothing to you now
Even though I'm nothing to you now
There must be something in the water
Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under
There must be something in the water
Cause everyday it's getting colder
And if only I could hold you
You'd keep my head from going under

Don't think of him!

I know, you're alongside me, but not here,
You have a more recent past, and it's always been that way.
I know, look at me, actually, this isn't me who you're seeing,
I even understand that for our sake
Don't think of him if you're mine
From my point of view, you shouldn't see him
Don't think of him, only we two belong to each other
Don't think of him
I know, you have your own name in your own heart,
I have your body, but not your soul, and it's always been that way
I know, you have some marks that wasn't cleaned by the time,
I get it for our sake
Don't think of him if you're mine
From my point of view, you shouldn't see him
Don't think of him, only we two belong to each other
Don't think of him
I really know that he was your first love
Those moments were so good,
but I also felt that sad pain,
And you didn't feel what I felt
I know, you're alongside me, but not here,
You have a more recent past
Don't think of him if you're mine
From my point of view, you shouldn't see him
Don't think of him, only we two belong to each other
Don't think of him
Don't think of him.

A bird has landed

A bird has landed
It was holding in its beak
A kind of folded paper
A messenger that knew nothing
Of the place you have left
Or of the fever and the cold
It had never known anything worse
It had never known anything as strange
As the fate of men
Of women they love and forget
A bird has landed
It was holding in its beak
In the sudden cold in which men are born
It was a wren I believe
It was shivering in the storm
It had travelled from the limbo of bygone days
It told me perhaps you would come back
To look at me through its eyes
It had never known anything as strange
As the fate of men
Of women they love and forget
Lke a paper will fold or unfold
A bird has landed
With a shiver just as you used to have
In the sudden chill that bites you
In the sudden chill
It had never known anything as strange
As the fate of men
Of women they love and forget
Like a paper will fold
Of women they love and forget
Like a paper will fold
As the fate of men
Of women they love and forget


Night will tear the aching threads
I don't think I will live till morning
I'm begging you, please write,
Please write a few words, Nurse
Write to the little boy named Vova
That I'm sending him all the kisses
And that I'm saving an Austrian helmet from Lviv
To give to him as a present
Write to my poor wife
Write at least a few words to her
That I was wounded non-lethally in my arm
That I'm getting better and will be healthy soon
And write to my father separately
That my entire valiant regiment perished
That I was mortally wounded, shot through the chest
While carrying out my military duty
I'm begging you, please write,
Please write a few words, Nurse
I'm begging you, please write,
Please write a few words, Nurse

Jack's Obsession (Korean)

Jack is strange, Jack is strange
Will he return to normal?
He's locked himself in that room
He won't say a word
It's like he's dead
Jack is strange, Jack is strange
I can't stop thinking about Christmas
It's the only thing I think of
I can't grasp it
The moment I think I've got it
It slips through my fingers
Like snowflakes in a fire
More and more it's like a distant memory
That's disappearing
It fades away like rain. What is it? What is it?
I'll discover the secret in these antiques
These toys are confusing, but I like them
They look simple, but something's hidden behind the door
And I don't have the key
I can't open it. What is it?
What is it? What is it?
I've read every book
I know the stories and rhymes
I know the Christmas carols well
My skull's so full it might burst
I've studied them, but I can't understand
I can't see the point
Or maybe I'm thinking too deeply
Have I misunderstood?
Of course! The light blinded me
The answer's in front of me
Now I see, it's invisible like music
But it's everywhere
I can't see it, but I can believe it
Christmas is simpler than I thought
Why should only they enjoy it?
I can make a tree too
I'm able to host Christmas. I know how to throw a splendid party

All things

And all matters decay
Like plaster on the ceilings
Like wine in the carafe
When it takes the color of blood
Like wine becoming thick
And the wound remains bottomless
And when nobody answers (bis)
All matters decay
Like plaster in houses
When everything is nonsense
You see the bottom of all matters
While we disappear
As if wiped out by a dishcloth
As if swept away by a typhoo
On the glaring shore
When it takes the color of blood
On the shore where we shall stand
With our lead shoes
Going down as a deep-sea diver
On the glaring shore
On which night is thickening
And all matters decay
Like plaster on the ceilings
Like wine in the carafe
When it takes the color of ash
And you see the level going down
And the wound remains bottomless
And nobody answers (bis)

Oh sister

Dance with me, oh sister, dance.
Even is this dance is the last one.
Dance with me, oh sister.
Dance with me...
Even if the snow
Before falling on your land,
Sees it through the crosshairs.
I shall dance with you
Maybe for the first time and maybe for the last time.
Oh sister, dance with me...
On the streets of your mountains,
Without taking the shotgun off your shoulder,
Do not reject me, oh sister, do not reject me.
Dance with me, oh sister, dance.
Dance with me, oh sister.
Dance with me, oh sister.
Even is this dance is the last one.
Dance with me, oh sister, dance.
Dance with me, oh sister.
Dance with me, oh sister, dance...

Near The Bumper Cars

I knew Pépette
At the bumper cars
She, she had number seven
And I had number twelve
Hers was green
And mine was green (too)
She was good, the Pépette
And it was her job (she was good!)
I asked her 'Do you come often
To the bumper cars?'
She told me that she came often
That made her happy
She asked me 'But why
Are you asking me that?'
I responded 'But why
Are you asking me that?'
We went to drink a beer
Near bumper cars
She looked very happy
In her yellow dress
She was not really that boring
She was not awful at all
I had vicious ideas
Under my yellow hair
I offered to Pépette
A bumper car ride
She, she kept the seven
I took over the eleventh
The boss of the bumper cars
Who was very kind
He put on background music
He put us Johnny
While my idol was singing
The entire penis gates
The little cars were spinning, spinning and spinning
And I was doing it on purpose
To hit into Pépette
Same as a shot, without doing it on purpose
She sprained her head
We went to drink a beer
Near bumper cars
She looked a lot less happy
In his ugly dress
She looked less in love
She said to me thoughtfully
I have to go to my landlady
What a disaster
I left the Pépette
Near the auto-buffers
I asked him but Pépette
Is that your real name
She told me 'Are you stupid'
It's my nickname, poor idiot
My real name is Zezette
But it's a bit long
We ate together
A chocolate ice cream
She, she took raspberry
And I did not eat anything
I wanted an ice cream made of meat
Yes but there were none left
Not even one of minced meat
But it flows along the cornet
We went to drink a beer
Near bumper cars
I found her suddenly hideous
Her dress with moth holes
I told her 'You know little pisser
I prefer bumper cars'
You are not luxurious enough
But tell me, what time is it
Lalala Lalala Lala ... What time is it
Lalala Lalala Lala ... What time is it
Lalala Lalala Lala ... What a bitch ...
Lalala Lalala lala ...
[Fun fair animator]
And let's go fans of speed, roll-roll little cars, we laugh we have fun at Disneyland!
No. 112 wins an inflatable E.T. or VCR ... Cardboard
Little Delphine is waiting for her mom next to the merguez stand
Attention, the owner of the 504 Pigeot registered 4012 QQ 75 is asked to move it, it hinders the coach of the Communist Party
And it's still a soldier who wins a net garnished with a bazooka in it!
Let's go youth, we laugh we have fun ...
The person who lost a leather wallet is asked to report it

I won't leave you to yourself

If you take me away from myself, i won't leave you to yourself
Even if you are by my side, I won't even take a step
You didn't know my worth, my love for you,
You won't know
You didn't leave behind your deceitful friends, words of other people,
You won't leave them behind
Did this heart put up a little with your trouble?
But what is the reason of your love without me?
How many times did you break it, throw it away?
Will my wounded heart forgive you?
When I called you my sweetheart, my love
You hid yourself, I was dragged behind you
Was I worthy?
There is a love and also a lover
One within the other in complete confusion, there is no such thing with you
You didn't leave behind your deceitful friends, words of other people,
You won't leave them behind
Did this heart put up a little with your trouble?
But what is the reason of your love without me?
How many times did you break it, throw it away?
Will my wounded heart forgive you?