Rezultatele căutării pagină 14
Număr de rezultate: 467
Promisiuni de plastic
Doar da-mi o sansa a spus ea
In timp ce-mi impachetam lucrurile,
Dar deja am facut-o de 4 ori
Nu-ti amintesti?
Nu te voi rani din nou spuse ea
Cu degetele incrucisate,
Dar a uitat de oglinda din spatele sau
Am terminat cu aceste promisiuni de plastic
Te rog,nu-mi spune ca suntem bine
Am prea multe in mintea mea
Nu este prea simplu sa vezi?Poate
Pentru ca am pierdu prea mult pentru a castiga
Dansam in ploaie
Spune-mi ce ar trebui sa fac cu o doza dubla din tine?
O doza din tine
Buzele ei reprezinta pistolul,iar limba ei gloantele
Ar fi putut salva o viata,dar mi-a luat-o pe amea mai intai
Si ne-am straduit foarte mult,deci nu ma numi delasator
Si jur ca am incercat de prea multe ori inainte,Am terminat cu aceste promisiuni plastice
Te rog,nu-mi spune ca suntem bine
Am prea multe in minte
Nu este prea usor sa vezi?Poate
Pentru ca am pierdut prea mult pentru a castiga
Dansam in ploaie
Spune-mi ce ar trebui sa fac cu o doza dubla din..
Cu o doza dubla din tine
Nu incerca sa ma sfidezi sau sa ai vreo tentatva
Vederea mea este incerta,iar acum alerg din nou de tine
Sunt bine?
Sunt bine?
Stiu ca o sa fiu bine din nou
Sunteti gata?
Deci stiu ca vei ucide ca totul sa ramana neschimbat
In zadar trebuie sa mergem pe cai separate
Dovedeste-mi ca nu te vei schimba niciodata
In sfarsit m-am trezit si am exclamat ca am terminat cu aceste promisiuni plastice
Te rog nu-mi spune ca suntem bine
Am prea ulte in minte
Nu este prea usor sa vezi?Poate
Am pierdut prea mult penru a castiga
Dansam in ploaie
Spune-mi ce ar trebui sa fac cu o doza dubla din..
O doza dubla din tine
I was drunk with his kisses
This young man had no clue about kisses
They said 'Son, time for a change'
He found a blonde and kissed her
and he did it again right away.
'Cause oh Lord, he was drunk with her kisses
My God! Mmmm he was drunk with her kisses
He said 'Would you please listen to me, darling?
Here is my hand, I'll be the best husband ever'
He pleaded his cause with his soul and life
so in the end she said yes.
'Cause oh Lord, he was drunk with her kisses
My God! Mmmm he was drunk with her kisses
He wanted to get married and have twelve children,
but the next day, as he came back from the fields
a green eyed brunette happened to walk by,
so he said 'will you marry me?'
'Cause oh Lord, he was drunk with her kisses
My God! Mmmm he was drunk with her kisses
As he set forth for the wedding on his brown horse
he met a redhead girl on his way
Her skin was fresh and her nose snubbed
so he followed her without a glance back.
'Cause oh Lord, he was drunk with her kisses
My God! Mmmm he was drunk with her kisses
And time went by and he grew old
and the poor guy has no hair left now.
Still I know a lady who persist in loving him,
so, one day, he'll come back home.
'Cause oh Lord, he was drunk with her kisses
My God! Mmmm he was drunk with her kisses
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
You are the forgotten sign,
a man who seldom stops,
you belong to the dispersed multitude
given to mortal causes.
And your voice turns
your pains into dust.
You are the bended midwife
- a nude, ageless woman -
of early pains,
a dance that comes and goes.
You are the solemn warrior
riding your own destiny,
the chain of the wizard.
The Indian is me or you?
يا قلبي
لقد تخليت عنك منذ مدة طويلة
لقد أرهقت عمري هذا بالبقاء معك
جعلتِني أسير لكلمة حلوة
كسرت عنقي دائماً يا قلبي
ما الذي كان ليحصل لو أنك أطعت كلامي
لو أنك ما استخدمتني لمصلحتك
لو أنك ما تتبعته وذهبت وراءه
لو أنك ما أبيكتني أبداً يا قلبي
النيران ترمى بداخلك وتحترق يا قلبي
تمشي فوق الزجاج المكسور وتنزف يا قلبي
تسقط داخل النيران وتحرق يا قلبي
تمشي فوق الزجاج المكسور وتنزف يا قلبي
تحترق يا قلبي
تنزف يا قلبي
تبكي من أجل نظرة
تتوسل من أجل ضحكة
تحسب الأيام إلى السعادة
لم نتأخر نحن يا قلبي
لا أمل لديك ولا لدي
لا أحب من جديد حتو وإن أردت ذلك
أنت فائض في هذا الجسد
لا ترمني عبثاً, توقف يا قلبي
النيران ترمى بداخلك وتحترق يا قلبي
تمشي فوق الزجاج المكسور وتنزف يا قلبي
تسقط داخل النيران وتحرق يا قلبي
تمشي فوق الزجاج المكسور وتنزف يا قلبي
تحترق يا قلبي
تنزف يا قلبي
تحترق يا قلبي
صدّقني فقد أهلكت
يا قلبي...
A Long Time Ago
Did you think of us in the long night
When you were alone
I know that I will never know that
You still hate when someone mentions me
If you meet me, darling, how would it be like
I would not admit it even for a live head
You've been missing me for a long time and you're still fighting it
To be better with him than me
You've changed everything to be in your favor
And again it's not good
Did you think of us in the long night
Or are you well without me?
You know that I would never admit
but I still keep you down by my fingertips
I would not admit it even for a live head
I've been missing you for a long time and you're still fighting it
To be better with him than with you
You've changed everything to be in your favor
And again it's not good
You've changed everything to be in your favor
You've been missing me for a long time and you're still fighting it
To be better without me than with me
You've changed everything to be in your favor
And again it's not good
The obsession
When you manage to seem distant
Among the people
Then positively come nearer
And I challenge you, nullifying the present
In a meeting of looks
Which is impossible to describe
While I lightly touch your hands
I try not to make them tremble
But holding it back isn't enough
I give in to our taste
You confuse me under a sky with no peace
You overwhelm me, with your kisses I'm out of breath
I want to start over
A maze of thoughts to avoid
Obsession is an illusion
That lasts an instant
Then one restarts making mistakes
(Making mistakes...)
In a joint of bodies
We ignored the moment
The last one
You weren't afraid of darkness
I've cried alone
I've cried quietly
Like two crazy mouths
Greedy on the skin
In a breath that blows up
And pulverizes lacks
But it's only an ordinary game
That repeats over and over in my days
You demand me under a sky with no peace
You overwhelm me, with your kisses I'm out of breath
I want to start over
A universe of pressures to release
Obsession is an illusion
That lasts an instant
Then one restarts making mistakes
(Making mistakes...)
Naked on you
Everything stopped there
In the bind between us
Which, after all, has never loosened...
A maze of thoughts to avoid
Obsession is an illusion
That lasts an instant
Then one restarts making mistakes
Trajectories of a drawing to trace
The obsession of promises that have already been violated
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.
Am o dorință
Pe care alta o am în afară de tine?
Am doar un suflet / o viață, ar putea fi a ta,
Locul tău nu poate fi ocupat,
Nu pot spune „vino”, uite, sunt timid.
Ești singura care mă înțelege,
Ești singura care plânge după ce pier,
Dacă ai putea vedea halul / starea în care sunt, n-ai pleca,
Am innebunit, totul e de neînțeles,
Orice spun nu crezi,
Orice spun, ești un înger care miroase un trandafir, cel mai frumos lucru care mi s-a întâmplat.
Refren x 2
Am o dorință să-ti sărut ochii!
Rămân fără respirație de dorul tău,
Crede, nu e minciună!
Tânjesc după tine mereu,
Am o dorință să te văd, mi-e dor de tine,
Am o dorință să mă sfârșesc în ochii tăi,
Întreaga lume e prea mică pentru dorul de tine.
Am doar un suflet / o viață, ar putea fi a ta,
Locul tău nu poate fi ocupat,
Nu pot spune „vino”, uite, sunt timid.
Ești singura care mă înțelege,
Ești singura care plânge după ce pier,
Dacă ai putea vedea halul / starea în care sunt, n-ai pleca,
Am innebunit, totul e de neînțeles,
Orice spun nu crezi,
Orice spun, ești un înger care miroase un trandafir, cel mai frumos lucru care mi s-a întâmplat.
Refren x 2
Am o dorință să-ti sărut ochii!
Rămân fără respirație de dorul tău,
Crede, nu e minciună!
Tânjesc după tine mereu,
Am o dorință să te văd, mi-e dor de tine,
Am o dorință să mă sfârșesc în ochii tăi,
Întreaga lume e prea mică pentru dorul de tine.
Lilac Princess
Look, there are jewels on the shiny bottom of the night
Look at how the meadow is glowing soft and bright
Look at the silver covered silhouette of the proud birch trees
High above them, the Big Dipper is prepared
The borders of the Milky Way are open
Let's leave this place for a while
Lilac princess
The full moon is white
There are ties binding the both of us
No one knows freedom completely
Here, there are no rules, here, we can let things grow
The things we've only been extinguishing for so long
We only have to answer to one another
Together, let's steal some time
Lilac princess
The full moon is white
We only have to answer to one another
Together, let's steal some time
Lilac princess
The full moon is white
The full moon is white
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
When The Darkness Falls
The silence hushes the stars forth and the sun down
When the darkness fall upon your place
Are you waiting for me on your bed?
Are you looking forward to me coming home
Your skin smells sweetly when it's wet
That's the scent I'm dreaming of in the morning when you've left
All this chaos in my body,
Only you can make it go away (x3)
Only you can... (x10)
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Tripping around the street before with blurry eyes
Wild voices in my ear
Screaming that I had to go home
You were in the middle of all this chaos
You made more and more sense
'Cause you could take me home
There are no words that can promise us
What'll happen tomorrow
No one else does what you do to me
Until the early morning
We're jewels, we shine tonight
In the bright light of the moon,
Are close to one another
Uh, hey
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you, and uh
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you
Twisted around in my loneliness
Away from time and place
Until the meeting with your honesty
Took place and brought me home
Tangled into twosomeness
You now understand my rootlessness
You're my big love
So I go home with you
We're jewels, we shine tonight
In the bright light of the moon,
Are close to one another
Uh, hey
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you, and uh
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you
Nah, nah-nah
Nah, nah-nah
We're jewels, we shine tonight
In the bright light of the moon,
Are close to one another
And we share everything tonight
In the bright light of the moon,
Are close to one another
Uh, hey
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you, and uh
I only quiver when you
Have your hand on me
I'm only getting dizzy with you
Nah, nah-nah
Nah, nah-nah
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Barcă singuratică
Închide ochii, gândește-te la noi...
Ca într-un vis, ploaia se aude.
Timpul e o barcă pustie, singuratică...
Timpul e o barcă tăcută, singuratică...
Inapoi saruturile
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Si fiecare respiratie pe care ai avut-o
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Da-mi saluturile si despartirile
Si impacheteaza fiecare buna dimineata si noapte buna
Imi vreau rasariturile si apusurie
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
[Versul 1]
Deci asta este ce despartiri sunt spuse pentru
Dar eu nici macar nu iti stiu moravurile
Ei bine, te târască în genunchi cerșetoreste
'Oh,nu ma ura, nu ma ura,te rog'
Vrei sa ma uiti, sa te uit
La fel de usor ca aceste buze te inpresioneaza
Si desbraca ce ai spus,a fost a mea
Nu mai minti,nu
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Si fiecare respiratie pe care ai avut-o
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Da-mi saluturile si despartirile
Si impacheteaza fiecare buna dimineata si noapte buna
Imi vreau rasariturile si apusurie
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Saruturile inapoi, saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi, Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi, Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
[Versul 2]
Toate dulcegariile pe care nu le-ai spus
Mi-ar traversa picioarele in pat
Filmele pe care le-ai luat de la noi
Am pierdut culoarea,obrajii tai erau rosii
Viitorul nostru e cea mai buna amintire
Nu ma deranjeaza sa incerc sau sa ma conectez
Ca si umbra fotului tau de ruj
Ai fost imbracat
Acum, imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Si fiecare respiratie pe care ai avut-o
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Da-mi saluturile si despartirile
Si impacheteaza fiecare buna dimineata si noapte buna
Imi vreau rasariturile si apusurie
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Saruturile inapoi,Imi vreau saruturile inapoi
Imi iau toate saruturile inapoi
Imi vreau saruturile inapoi de la tine
Soul sister
The heartbeats break the silence
In the emptiness, voices go to nowhere
Tell me what bothers you
Your skin is as cold as ice
I am ready to give everything away in the name of love
My dear friend, tell me something
I will take away your sorrow
Tears don't cure the pain
Open your heart to me
And let your teary eyes smile again
I am always with you
And now I'm sure you'll withstand this pain
The morning will come
Me and you believe only in you
I will tell all the secrets I have
I am sure it's destiny that I have you
You understand without me telling a word
Youre closest to me, and you know me
I hug you and whisper
You are my soul sister
Open your heart to me
And let your teary eyes smile again
I am always with you
And now I'm sure you'll withstand this pain
The Feeling Of Safety Is Static
We melt together in the darkness now
I'll turn you on if you turn me on
We take nothing for granted now
The way you move makes my head dirty
You often move
You come me when I don't believe in anything
I come with you when you feel worn down
I imagine that we'll scream
About things that one excites
The other with for each other
The other with for each other
We melt together in the darkness now
I'll turn you on if you turn me on
We take nothing for granted now
We melt together in the darkness now
I'll turn you on if you turn me on
We take nothing for granted now
I still run away from the feeling of safety too often
In smoke, hungry and high
The feeling of safety is static
The feeling of safety is static
But what I feel when we wake up
Is a desire to promise you
Intense and violent honesty
We melt together in the darkness now
I'll turn you on if you turn me on
We take nothing for granted now
We melt together in the darkness now
I'll turn you on if you turn me on
We take nothing for granted now
We melt together in the darkness now
I'll turn you on if you turn me on
We take nothing for granted now
We melt together in the darkness now
I'll turn you on if you turn me on
We take nothing for granted now
How come he does all these things?
How come he does all these things?
Why does he do that?
How come he sees the rose growing
there, where the rose will not grow?
Why does he always want to burn his life away?
Why am I so mellowed,
and what does he expect from me?
Why does he say he is History?
Why does he say that?
Why 'letter', why 'dulcinea',
and why does he want me to achieve glory?
Nothing is like anything he hopes for.
Why am I not angry,
and what does he expect from me?
Oh, I know, I know very well
that whatever he does, the world will not care.
Yet I know, I somehow know very well
that I will care very much
Why dream about all these things he dreams about
and I don't understand?
Why his eyes and why his fever?
Why does he want me to be a queen?
Why does he give while others take from me?
Why has he opened up his arms,
and what does he expect from me?
Do whatever you want with my translations. I'm not rich enough to sue you anyway.
More Light
Look, I was hammered with grief and snot, so it may be that I'm wrong
But I believe I heard God say, 'NO. NOT WITH MOISHE*.'
And I swear, this alone means everything to me
When I hear what you harlots of the devil are up to
And you fools shouldn't talk big, and I don't put it to the test
It's just good to have it like a bulletproof west
And I love this life, hand me the full cup once again
I'm too deep in this game here, nigga, come what may
More light
More light
Say it with me, more light
Shine with me, more light**
And no, I don't care 'bout money, but I know I gotta have it
'Cause I'm just a bit too dense for the damn bus or the train
So we make the sacrifices to get to the top
I need to get out of this fast, but I'm sitting in it
Says the fear and insists menacingly, everything stays the same
This I live in my heart, and so I promise I will make it
Only the foolish hold the essence of a candle to be wax
Between death and overcoming, between awkward I-don't-know-it
Between standing up and falling down, realisation and stroke of wit
Between loving everyone and turning the world upside down
Between turmoil, intrigue and chill out man, relax
Between taking my life and freeing all my brothers
Between going this path here, or suffering that way there
Between this world and the next, violence and sex
Between the grace and a lifetime, everything is now
Namely, both either or, on the contrary and neither nor
Going boozed up for salvation, but homes, yet I live
With an intensity that goes beyond that of most
Once it's too late for a win-win you can write of it much easier
Sore from all the little idiots, from hyaenas and their breed
Thinking these were notes and chords - this is blood and tears
Just now, there flows word from the Lord: 'COME MAN, DO IT.
(Hook + Chorus:)
With more light
(I want to see the way you shine)
More light
(If you know that you have already received)
Say it with me, more light
(This is the moral)
Shine with me, more light
(Brightly lighting every hall)
A little light
Away from wounds, sorrow and toxicity
A little light
From the darkness to the light
Bass drum, clap, tsk tsk, snare drum
Facepalm-rap, boy, come a little closer
Whoa, what should I say, homes, go insult her and
In just a few days you'll have chalk all over you - jk
Hahahahaha, them kiddies wantin' beef, but
I just wannna reach their ear with my tongue like a lover
At last I'm back to the child, I swear, the sound of my angel is clouding my mind
You don't know me, I get real pissed, when I don't hear her voice
Give it to me hard, baby, give it to me hard
The way she acts, the way she's nice, it's so good
She's not of this world, man, this is royal blood
I don't have a clue how to get off her
I guess that's a bit like crack would work
Her moves are way too hard, she's royally meshugge
I be tryin' to tell her, hun, I don't dance, I boogie
But no, just one kiss and I dance like no end, this got to be love
Being at her breast is like finally catching air
Give it to me hard, baby, give it to me hard
I will conquer mountains
And I will cross the sea
And I won't rest until I found you
'Cause in these arms o'mine, these arms o'mine ya'll be
She's expanding my mind like MDMA
She simply breathed it there, I need her voice so much right now
I take it in with every sense and I get high when it starts to sound
The spiel of the children was just enough for you
Now they gossip over bling, man, when I all I got is tinfoil
Their shit is mostly lame, whack, small and flat
But she circles over them like my city's banner does
Give it to me hard, baby, give it to me hard
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why life, oh for what
As our last day is coming
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
It's not the wind that blows
that will bend the pines,
But more the water at your mouth
That I used to love
I often sing 'I love'
Without thinking about the song
But in-front of the one I love
I turn the heels
I'm still seeking,
Without really seeking well
A corner of the aurora
A boy under the wheat
If I find him tomorrow
I would never want
To say the words that open
In secret the mirror
Of the heart that I will love
Of the heart that I will love
Knowing what I know
I often sing 'I love'
Without thinking about the song
But in-front of the one I love
I turn the heels
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why life, oh for what
As our last day is coming
Than I give you my heart
If you give me the answer
Oh why heart, oh why flower
Oh why the roses on the brambles
Than I give you my heart
Sărut de rămas bun
Când pleacă ea,
N-ar trebui să apari ca un orfan,
Când te sărut de rămas bun, pe frunte,
N-ar trebui să-mi privești chipul.
Chiar cele mai dureroase cuvinte îmi vin pe buze,
Simt că unele cuvinte ar zbura,
Am căzut în palma ta, ca o flacără,
Unde câteva lacrimi de-ale mele n-ar fi trebuit să ajungă.
We're Painting The Roses Red
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
It isn't finished yet
So just paint
We're doing it all the way
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
That's what we do for a living
We know
There's no time for games
They'll probably die from it
But that doesn't bother us
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
I was wondering,
Tell me, clover three,
Why are you painting them red?
[Clover Three:]
Well, dear, we planted the white roses by mistake, and...
The Queen of Hearts wants red
Not that she forbade this
But when she gets angry
It's already too late
And heads will roll
Oh my gosh!
We're absolutely terrified!
So the roses will be red
Oh dear, I'll help
[Cards and Alice:]
We're painting the roses red
We're painting the roses red
But don't tell
What you saw here
For her anger is great
But we're painting the roses red
Yes, we're painting the roses red
Not yellow or green
You can't do that
We're painting the roses red!
This translation is my work, unless stated otherwise. If you want to republish this translation, please credit me by publishing a link to my LyricsTranslate profile.
I always appreciate corrections and feedback, even if 'proofreading requested' isn't enabled.
I Swore
I'm alone for a hundred years
I regret my destiny
We condemned everything to a fury
I took an oath , I can't give up
I tired of sadness
This tongue will burn in hell.
I took an oath , I can't give up
Let them give you to others
Let them shoot me
You've ways to love
I've bullets
Hurricane in my poor heart
I'm tired , I'm tired now
Didn't you miss me?
Have you fidelity?
Please call me for God.
Let them give you to others
Let them shoot me
You've ways to love
I've bullets
Nu mă tăinui/ascunde
Poate n-o să văd o zi minunată,
mâna mea va fi pe gâtul tău
Dacă mă auzi,
nu mă tăinui.
Poate n-o să văd o zi minunată,
mâna mea va fi pe gâtul tău
Dacă mă auzi,
nu mă tăinui.
Nu te încrede în tinerețea ta,
îți va lua toată viața și va pleca.
În lumea asta, amintirile vor fi suficiente pentru noi.
Nu te încrede în tinerețea ta,
îți va lua toată viața și va pleca.
În lumea asta, amintirile vor fi suficiente pentru noi.
Într-o zi, dacă obosești și pleci, mâna mea va fi pe gâtul tău,
dacă mă auzi, nu mă tăinui.
dacă obosești și pleci, mâna mea va fi pe gâtul tău,
dacă-l iubești pe Dumnezeu, nu mă tăinui.
Dacă poți avea ceva în inimă, eu voi fi acela,
dacă-l iubești pe Dumnezeu, nu mă urma.
Nu te încrede în tinerețea ta,
îți va lua toată viața și va pleca.
În lumea asta, amintirile vor fi suficiente pentru noi.
Nu te încrede în tinerețea ta,
îți va lua toată viața și va pleca.
În lumea asta, amintirile vor fi suficiente pentru noi.
Dacă nu-mi poți îndura tristețile, eu pot fi povara ta,
dacă-l iubești pe Dumnezeu, nu mă urma.
Dacă nu-mi poți îndura tristețile, eu pot fi povara ta,
dacă mă auzi, nu mă tăinui.
Wings Of The World
One day in my dreams,
a small candle light approached me
Then I would wake up
unable to remember that dream.
That short introduction and the small wind,
I cannot forget now
I remember, we were the sky’s day
The natural world and for that dream
We can do it, always the same dream,
the happy smile, a full place
We can make it
With the night sky and
the remaining starlight, please give it to me
And I confessed to you with your eyes closed
and the wide smile
With short breaths, the smal greeting,
I cannot forget it now
I remember, we were the sky’s day
The natural world and for that dream
We can do it, always the same dream,
the happy smile, a full place
We can make it
If its tiring, take a rest,
and fold those weary wings
Laugh, can you see that
small candlight? That world?
I remember, we were the sky’s day
The natural world and for that dream
We can do it, always the same dream,
the happy smile, a full place
We can make it
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
Day and night, having only one thought
Is not madness, is worst than that
I want to behave myself, but is beyond me
Is not about love, that is clear
Bitterness with nectar taste
When you leave, the peace is gone
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
Some sort of obsession
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
I wanna play with the weaknesses
I wanna tell you all the pressures
To be a part of your movie, be a part of you
I don't have any limits I've overcome them long ago
When you're not here, i see you, when you're talkin', i listen you
Obsession is a bad thing ,well and nice packaged
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
Some sort of obsession
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
Don't leave me, come on, Don't leave me
Victim to the demons that await inside my mind
My obsession , you're my obsession
You keep on playin', when the music is gone
Don't leave me, come on, Don't leave me
Victim to the demons that await inside my mind
My obsession , you're my obsession
I didn't have any claim
Only to spend our nights
But you wanted to give me a lesson
And you've become, some sort of obsession
some sort of obsession
some sort of obsession
How many rains,How many winters
Now I counted the seasons right
they told me old truths, known words
who beats the darkness
I felt it even late
How many rains, how many winters
made my nights ages
And my thoughts stayed alone
having fear ruling over them
How many rains,how many winters
became customers throughout my years
And the droplets played rhythms
so as not to wake up the spring.
Now I counted the seasons right
they told me old truths,bitter words
for a moment that risks
and never looks back.
How many rains, how many winters
made my nights ages
And my thoughts stayed alone
having fear ruling over them.
How many rains,how many winters
became customers throughout my years
And the droplets played rhythms
so as not to wake up the spring.
Na na na na na..
How many rains,how many winters
became customers throughout my years
And the droplets played rhythms
so as not to wake up the spring.
Dying in Her Lips
Dying in her lips
At sunrise
Leaving everything for her
For one night of love
Dying in her lips
In an attack of love
I threw myself towards her
My memories in the sea
Like a dream of sand and sun
I had, intensely in my heart,
A wish that time would stop forever
Dying in her lips
Crying 'I love you'
Or saying farewell
And without regret, dying of love
To love her until madness
As if it was my last night
Oh oh oh
Dying in her lips
In a cry of love
One night close to her
And when the sun rises, dying of joy
Dying in you
Everything is a Lie
I fell into thought
As if I was swimming in the ocean
I ran to every corner
As if I was travelling on clouds
The world felt empty
Everything is a lie to he who understands
I cry while burning
As if i was travelling in pain
Everything is is a lie, everything is a lie
Is there anybody who understands me
Everything is is a lie, everything is a lie
Is there anybody left in this world
I don't know why I was born
Why I dreamed in spite of reality
What I saw and heard
As if I was travelling in dreams
The season of cherries
When we sing the season of cherries,
Cheerful nightingale and mocking blackbird
Will all celebrate!
Pretty girls will be madly happy
And lovers will have sun in the heart!
When we sing the cherries season
The mocking blackbird will whistle !
But how short is the season of cherries
When people, dreaming two by two,
Go gather earrings...
Cherries of love with the same dresses,
Falling under the leaves like blood drops
But how short is the season of cherries,
When dreaming people gather coral earrings !
When the season of cherries is here,
If you are afraid of heartaches,
Avoid the pretty girls !
If I am not afraid of cruel sorrow
I won't live without suffering...
When the season of cherries is here
You will have heartaches too!
I will forever love the season of cherries,
As I keep from this time
An open wound in the heart!
If Lady Fortune is given to me,
She will never know how to soothe my pain...
I will forever love the season of cherries
And the memory I keep in my heart!
Roses and nettles
Towards what world, under which reign
and to which judge are we promised?
At what age, at which page
and in which box are we registered?
The same questions we ask ourselves
Where are we going and to whom?
And not much in the way of clues
Roses and nettles
The painted hands, the clasped hands
we bow down and give thanks
We beg, we worry
and it’s too late when we have understood
Despite all that we hope for
and sometimes achieve
We won’t leave much behind
Except for roses and nettles
We are heavy, trembling
like candle flames
We hesitate at each crossroads
In the speeches we have learnt
But as we are heavy
Heavy with love and poetry
Here’s the emergency exit
We come closer, we speak again
we pardon ourselves and rebuild
The only world which is worth the trouble
there’ll be everything that that reunites us
And from all that stands against us
we will emerge stronger
And if we don’t leave much behind
There will be more roses than nettles
We are heavy, trembling
like candle flames
We hesitate at each crossroads
With the speeches we have learnt
But as we are heavy
Heavy with love and poetry
Here’s the emergency exit
The Prince and The Princess
Versions: #1
Despite everything today has ended too
All voices went silent, they got lost with the sun
All the thoughts have washed ashore
Oh, so many things went flying with the wind
My lifetime wouldn't be enough for writing it
Tell it O song, tell for the last time
Those unhappy are in this tale
They ended up alone, the prince and the princess
My lifetime wouldn't be enough for writing it
Tell me O song, tell me for the last time
Those unhappy are in this tale
They ended up alone, the prince and the princess
The embers
Blessed Mary,
you know that I'm a good man,
I'm proud to call myself a good Christian.
Blessed Mary,
there's no other as good as I,
I can't find a trace of sin within me.
So tell me, Mary
what does she intend by dancing like that?
she's playing with my soul however she likes.
I feel her, I see her
the sun that shines in her hair
leaving me at the mercy of her control.
The embers embrace me
I have embers under my skin.
Nailed down, (like) swords
that lead me towards evil.
I haven't sinned! I've done nothing,
it's her fault, yes! she's the one who has enticed me!
I haven't sinned! it was God's doing
to put to test man's virtue!
Protect me Maria,
for I am under her control,
don't you see how my heart is burning?
Subject Esmeralda
let her taste all the fires of hell
or make her mine until death.
Infamous gypsy,
it's time to decide.
It's either me or the embers,
give up or you'll burn!
God have mercy on them all
God have mercy on me
if she isn't mine alone
let her burn already!
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.