Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 459



Versions: #1
What victory are you talking about
You mixed war with love
Get out of that darkness, out of your trench
You always assumed me the enemy
You want competition
I love it
Don't underestimate the power of women
I guess you have pride of man
Be miserable
Call me cocky if you want
If I'm not cherished, I always stay handed
I was like princesses at my father's house
I consider the shadow an insult to my freedom!

Taller than the houses

(Verse 1)
In these cities
We could've become
Taller than the houses
Come out, let's go
Breath the fire
Everything is burning around us
These cities
Can give us
Anything that we'll take
Choose a dress
Try everything
It beats inside
Like a white nestling
And your power is in it
Everything is ready
Everything is ready, jump without fear
Your power lies in the fact,
That no one can speak for you
There's none, there's no power bigger than yours
There's none, no, there's none

Out of the Blue

You're all that remains, any of my springs have passed my dear
Of course I will search for your beautiful face, I'm complete with you
Hold me tight don't let go
Stay, distance will be closer
My carelessness was to put the blame on you
Tuck me in
Come out of the blue
Explain me what this is
Spread out the dreams like summer to my winter
I would burn with you knowing the end

With grandpa at the cinema

I was watching when Wayne was on the summit in Alaska
I was watching when Heston drove a chariot in Rome
I was watching when Bogart became soft
And when Nicholson got shocked
And Ghita Nørby got her groom
I heard Monroe when she sang about diamonds
I heard Eastwood whisper 'make my day'
And I was almost shocked
When Alfreds birds they went amok
And were following Bonnie all the way
I went with grandpa to the cinema
I saw the cool ones and the dirty
Went with grandpa to the cinema
Sat on the very first row
And yelled 'ice cream man' when they kissed
And yelled 'boo!' when someone turned on the lights
I was watching when Passer took care of girls with dusty brains
I was wathcing when Brando danced tango in Paris
I loved Bullit and McQueen
And almost rolled on the floor from laughter
When Chaplin started walking like a penguin
Went with grandpa to the cinema
I saw the cool ones and the dirty
Went with grandpa to the cinema
Sat on the very first row
And yelled 'ice cream man' when they kissed
And yelled 'boo!' when someone turned on the lights
I liked when Hoffman finally found a day to die on
I saw the mute girl in East of Paradise
And the saucy Mae West
And the guy they called horse
Yeah, I could sit there for hours
Went with grandpa to the cinema
I saw the cool ones and the dirty
Went with grandpa to the cinema
Sat on the very first row
And yelled 'ice cream man' when they kissed
And yelled 'boo!' when someone turned on the lights
Went with grandpa to the cinema
I saw the cool ones and the dirty
Went with grandpa to the cinema
Sat on the very first row
And yelled 'ice cream man' when they kissed
And yelled 'boo!' when someone turned on the lights

The Elder Sister

Everybody left, even my mother, and grey rain has been pouring since the morning.
My elder sister will get married today.
There will be a black car, there will be wedding guests drunk,
Women and men dancing, and only me all alone.
You whom I loved. You are my idol, my dream.
We will live together now - we are one family now,
But as it happens, it's her, not me, who's your wife.
What a strange error? What have you done, sister?
You used to visit us for a long time, you used to greet me...
You stole a glance at me and left with my sister.
Why did you appear? Why are you with her now?
Why did you fall in love with her? After all, my love is stronger!
You whom I loved. You are my idol, my dream.
We will live together now - we are one family now,
But as it happens, it's her, not me, who's your wife.
What a strange error? What have you done, sister?


Dimineață umedă
Frunzele umezite, cerul senin
Farfuria îmbibată în grăsime
Ouăle prăjite, perna ta aici
Duminică, boem, eram doar tu și eu
Și tu care pleci, exact în
Cel mai bun moment vii și pleci
Și eu aici, frânt, înfrânt
Puțin disperat
Flămând, sărat
Spun că obsedat
Te urmăresc prin toate părțile
Mă uit la fiecare fotografie, urmăresc cu cine umbli
Văd comentariile, văd ce-ți place
Notez locurile, caut vreo dovadă că nu ești fericită
Cazul meu e serios, e demn de studiu
Și tu care pleci, exact în
Cel mai bun moment vii și pleci
Și eu aici, frânt, înfrânt
Puțin disperat
Știu că nu e bine
Să trăiesc așa, urmărindu-te
Dar nu e în puterile mele
Sunt disperat fără dragostea ta
Și tu care pleci, exact în
Cel mai bun moment vii și pleci
Și eu aici, flămând, sărat, intens, încăpățânat
Trist, copleșit, puțin dezorientat
Frânt, înfrânt și puțin disperat

Little Sis

You are far away again
I don't know where you are
I did trust you.
Every day, and I after them (days)
I swim away with them.
You forgot me
And wanted to break
I'm not able to wait
That happened to me
It has been always
I'll be like water
Clock ticks
But not for me, not for me
Slim fingers
Fuse me
Who are you
for me, sister?
Who are you for me?
I don't know
Who are you,
My bird?
I'm flying away
With you
Who are you
for me, sister?
Who are you for me?
I don't know
Who are you,
My bird?
I'm flying away
With you
You'll say me
And won't stay with me.
I'm staying with you
You will kiss me
And everything will start again
I'm not able to wait
Clock ticks
But not for me, not for me
Slim fingers
Fuse me
Who are you
for me, sister?
Who are you for me?
I don't know
Who are you,
My bird?
I'm flying away
With you

I'll tell everyone when the problem arises

I'll tell everyone, my friend is getting married
I'm going to get him drunk that night
Because after that night
He's going to be a kid's father
Then I'll tell everyone, my friend is going to Australia
At nine last night
He left his beloved girlfriend
and said see you one year later
All the young people, young people, young people,
I'll tell everyone when the problem arises!
All the young people, young people, young people,
I'll tell everyone when the problem arises!
I'll tell everyone, my friend is drunk
He cried himself into a mess
He even smashed someone else's car up
Paid $1500 when he woke up
Then I'll tell everyone, my friend is back
Still wearing that same old watch
He says it's all the same no matter where you go,
Just depends on how you feel.
All the young people, young people, young people,
I'll tell everyone when the problem arises!
All the young people, young people, young people,
I'll tell everyone when the problem arises!

A Beautiful World [A Whole New World]

I will show you
a beautiful world
tell me what you want to see
open the door to your heart
let it fill with love
unfolding like magic
the world that is like a dream
it's beautiful
the stars are embroidered in the sky
we are free to go anywhere
it's truly like a dream
it's beautiful
how can it be so mystical
holding your hand while flying
I'll go to the end of the sky with you
with you, until whenever
it's so beautiful
I can't believe it
the feeling of flying in the sky that shines like crystals
it's beautiful (don't close your eyes)
I can't miss anything (hold your breath and watch)
flying like flowing stars
it's too far to go again
it's beautiful (a beautiful moment)
be embraced by the night sky (it's engraved in your heart)
flying to the heart's content
I want to share this moment together with you
it's beautiful (it's beautiful)
our world (our world)
oh having this moment
with you

Always Think of You

Today is the day I must leave, my friend
I'm looking forward to the day we'll see each other again
Because it's here with you that I feel best
Yes, it's you I love the most
When I have to leave you
Do you know that I...
Always think of you?
That you are the light for me
That always shows me the way
I know you dream
That one day we can enjoy ourselves and just relax
That we can live like the others do
That we can have what we had before
It's hard to change myself
Is it comforting that I...
Always think of you?
That you are the light for me
That always shows me the way
My friend, I hope that despite everything you
Will persevere, we chose this life after all
The life that keeps me so far away
Sometimes for many days in a row
Now that I've said goodbye
I hope you know that I...
Always think of you
That you are the light for me
That always shows me the way
I always think of you
Because you are the light for me
That always shows me the way

Cecil's Weekend

Was it just the wind knocking on the window?
Your proposal
I was OK with just exchanging glances on a whim, then parting ways
Just a casual encounter
Yes, my underwear is black
Cigarettes? Since 14
If you waited for a few moments
I would have gone and stolen anything for you
Telling you this now, It feels like a story from a long time ago
I've never met someone strange like you who actually gets mad at me
You say you want me
You want to marry me
'Sure, she's hot but just a one night stand.'
'She's nothing but a piece of chewing gum,'
'Who's got the patience to put up with her?'
Listen, I can hear people talking when they see us walking by
They don't know that I'm starting to change
My ever-so-busy Dad, and my Mom the glamour queen
They live in separate apartments
I still visit them on weekends to ask for some cash but
Now, the only thing I want is love
Soon, they'll be surprised by the changes in their daughter
'Cause you say you want to marry me

13 cai

13 cai înoată în mare
Aşteptând pe cineva să-i găsească,
Vasul lor s-a dus şi acum sunt singuri
Cu apă peste tot în jurul lor.
Bărbaţii au fost salvaţi din vasul ce se scufunda
Chiar înainte să înceapă să ardă,
Şi în timp ce ei sunt în siguranţă, prietenii lor loiali au nevoie de ajutor,
Răbdători aşteaptă întoarcerea lor.
13 cai înoată în mare,
Ei nici măcar nu ştiu că nu are rost,
Mândria rămâne, dar de data aceasta nu va ajuta.
Erau aşa de înalţi şi deodată sunt mici.
Există o trecere prea departe în urmă,
Curând nu se vor mai vedea,
Dar atunci cui îi pasă, ei mor oricum,
Toţi sunt osândiţi în această noapte.
11 cai înoată în mare,
Marea, ei au crezut că era doar un râu,
Erau obişnuiţi cu asta, este probabil doar o cursă
Care îi ajută să-şi liniştească minţile, dar unde este linia de final ?
Noaptea devine întunecată, corpul vrea să se odihnească,
E dureros să respire şi ei continuă să facă ce pot mai bine,
Ei vror să trăiască , nu contează cât timp.
Gândurile lor au dispărut pentru că acum sunt destul de speriaţi.
7 cai se zbuciumă în mare
Aşteptând pe cineva să-i găsească,
Nu se uită înapoi , că ce rost are,
Există doar moarte în spatele lor.
Strigă după ajutor, dar ajutorul nu va veni niciodată,
Nu ştiu unde să înoate sau de ce înoată,
Încearcă să înoate mai mult când panica începe să se răspândească,
Ei înoată spre ţărm, dar numai în capul lor.
Ultimii 3 cai mor în mare,
Strigâtul plânsetelor lor pentru nimeni,
Sunt născuţi să câştige, strigă în inimile lor
Puterea a o mie de bărbaţi, ei luptă până la sfârşit.
Soarele este sus, păsări sunt peste tot,
Ele zboară sus, pluting în aer,
Este plăcut să trăieşti când viaţa este aşa o binecuvâtare.
Un cal care înoată pare a fi ultimul
Al treisprezecelea cal a fost întotdeauna cel mai bun,
Stăpânul lui va fi mândru , dar acum vrea să se odihnească,
Tânjeşte după casa lui, fata îi va da mâncare,
Băiat bun, îi va spune ea, se vor juca împreună.
13 cai înoată în mare,
Curând se vor duce pentru totdeauna,
Şi în timp ce ei înoată un lucru mai rămâne,
Şi acesta este speranţa care nu moare niciodată,
Nu moare niciodată, nu moare niciodată.

Word Processor

Versions: #1
Caught in a blackout membrane.
Liberation movement for the
sensitivity that'd severed all brain activity, path to recapture.
The consequent solitary armed uprising.
With regards to whether to live or die,
counting backwards from the end, it's a suburban memento mori.
An alley of shuttered down shops, iron bridge on the outskirts of the city,
the spirits of our ancestors always stand watch.
My secondhand car keeps making a hundred thousand kilometers
worth of round trips on a highway from each word to the next.
If I keep nursing my dreams unfulfilled at the beach,
then even those will finally be seen through to the end.
If you are to bury my bones, then let it be in my hometown.
But the final resting place of my words is right here.
Ten years later, a hundred years later,
I'm confident that they're seeds that will bud somehow or another.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
Reality and fantasy weigh equally
and become a lead downpour. From the hole it opened in that chest
I can see your faded thing called tomorrow.
The word processor that kept speaking in mathematical formulas.
Even the shortest little line ripped out and thrown away,
now that some years have passed
at last it bores into even rock-like despair.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
I sing the songs we were told not to sing. My head spins.

September 17

I let out a sigh as I open my eyes again today
Why did I do that yesterday?
I couldn’t tell you the words I prepared
Like a fool, with a hesitating face
I couldn’t say anything, stupidly
My hidden heart
Is growing bigger
When I see you
Like a child,
I’m getting smaller again
(I draw you out) in an empty room, not able to sleep
(Tossing and turning), imagining I’m with you
As I fall asleep, though you don’t know
Some day, I want to tell you my aching heart
As if it’s nothing, I want to hold your hand
I’m dreaming again, that I’m laying next to you
I’m laying in your arms, you’re closing your eyes, so sweet
In my dreams, your breath tickles me, always so soft
I’m afraid to wake up from being with you
Do you feel the same way as me?
Or do you just
Wanna be friends? Like a habit,
With every little thing you say
I’m laughing or thinking about it alone
My hidden heart
Is getting farther from you,
The deeper my feelings get
I have a small wish
Ever since I first saw you
(I draw you out) in an empty room, not able to sleep
(Tossing and turning), imagining I’m with you
As I fall asleep, though you don’t know
Some day, I want to tell you my aching heart
As if it’s nothing, I want to hold your hand
Should I be brave? Should I approach you more?
Do you feel the same way?
I hope this song will be our beginning
(Always you’re mine)
Even if it’s not now, I don’t care, (Whenever it is)
I want to be in your heart
Some day, I want to tell you my aching heart
As if it’s nothing, I want to hold your hand

La revedere cailor

Hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo
El mi-a spus. te-am vazut plutind
Dar, intotdeauna cedeaza
L-am vazut venind, l-am vazut plecand
El a spus, 'Toate lucrurile dispar, in plina noapte!'
Iar eu spun, 'Oh nu domnule, trebuie sa spun, te inseli
Trebuie sa te contrazic, oh nu domnule, trebuie sa spun, te inseli'
Nu ma asculti?
El mi-a spus, am vazut totul pana acum
Am fost acolo
Mi-am vazut sperantele si visurile zacind pe pamant
Am vazut cerul incepand sa cada
Iar eu spun, 'Oh nu domnule, trebuie sa spun, te inseli
Trebuie sa te contrazic, oh nu domnule, trebuie sa spun, te inseli'
Nu ma asculti?
La revedere cailor
Eu zbor deasupra voastra
La revedere cailor
Eu zbor deasupra voastra
La revedere cailor
Eu zbor deasupra voastra
La revedere cailor
Eu zbor, zbor, zbor deasupra voastra!

My sister doors

Take me there
To my sister doors
Press my back onto a wall
Eyes are our lonesome starts
I put my palms on them
And I am child again
Again I go deep
Here when the bottom is not visible
And my desire goes as long as eyes can see
While I say farewell to here
Through soul silent Autumns passes by
Dear golden colour Springs
Bless me
And allow me
That my soul say goodbye
Allow me
Yearning is at this side of the road
Under pillow left tooth
And let the morning
Brings here something good
When I am not here
Through soul silent Autumns passes by
Dear golden colour Springs
Bless me
And allow me
That my soul say goodbye
Allow me
That my soul say goodbye
Allow me
Allow me

Throw Away Your Regret

Wipe away tears on your cheeks
Don't be drown in the darkness of the past
Don't have to, but it might be there
Crashing waves of living in this world
Leave behind your most bitter day
Don't be buried in the gloomy pit
Don't you ever feel like today is dying
Million pages of your life is waiting
Take my mouth
Which will shallow your agony
Love, throw away your regret
Let go of your worries to a heart that opens for you
Love, write your life story
On a brand new page
In a heart that opens for you
Wipe away tears on your cheeks
Don't be drown in the darkness of the past
Don't have to, but it might be there
Crashing waves of living in this world
Leave behind your most bitter day
Don't be buried in the gloomy pit
Don't you ever feel like today is dying
Million pages of your life is waiting
Take my mouth
Which will shallow your agony
Love, throw away your regret
Let go of your worries to a heart that opens for you
Love, write your life story
On a brand new page
In a heart that opens for you
Love, throw away your regret
Let go of your worries to a heart that opens for you
Love, write your life story
On a brand new page
In a heart that opens for you
Love, throw away your regret

BZRP Music Sessions #13

When I see you
I see you pass by
I think of the moments
That we knew love
Give me a call
Don't act like nothing happened
You know very well
That between the two of us we pass it to 100
Welcome, pain, I invite you to be part
The love left awhile ago, did not want to wait for you
Really, you and us are something apart
This happens to me because my heart trusts you
I would give everything to return to what it was before
But you don't go back to the past
No matter how much I sing to you, before and during
I return to call you, he doesn't answer the phone
And I can't free myself from you
Baby, you don't escape from my mind
I hallucinate with visions of you
With power to see you again
Maybe I made you cry more than once
Maybe I hurt you and later I healed you
I had the luxury of playing until I won
But I see you pass and it makes me realize
When I see you
I see you pass by
I think of the moments
That we knew love
Give me a call
Don't act like nothing happened
You know very well
That between the two of us we pass it to 100
You're always going to know
You're always going to have it
In your mind when you think
You aren't going to be able to stop
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Ay, tell me when
Ay, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me
Raise my heat
I only think of you, of you of you

Fairy princess

Versions: #1
You are quiet and
very melancholic when I see you alone
in the shadows of summery night
We were made for each other, that's what you thought, I guess
now you avoid my eyes bitterly
You can miss me, you can watch me
even though I wasn't the one after all
You just may wait for a fairy princess
even till the end of your days, you will never find that kind of
Fairy princess didn't exist after all
Only some good little moments that you probably are able to see now, too
I can give you this one last night
Do you notice now that everything is temporal
Soon you will forget too, with someone else you'll walk these roads and we
will smile when we meet
It's okey to miss, it's okey to watch
even though we don't know each other anymore
And when you finally understand
it will be too late

The Boy Was Sixteen

The boy was sixteen and his heart pounded
she was beautiful as a full moon
with rose colored cheeks and sunshine in her hair
soft curls, how white is her neck
And he loved her
and he dreamed about her1
and he wanted her
and thus started the sad sweetness
and the loneliness chokes the laughter
The boy was sixteen and his heart pounded
he wrote poems with the dawn and whispered her name
and would wander hours on the street where she lived
in order to see her pass by with her friends
And he loved her...
She actually studied in the parallel classroom
he saw her only from time to time during the recess
and thus started the sad sweetness
and the loneliness chokes the laughter
A beautiful girl and boy, this is the way it was
a beautiful girl surrounded by light and love
with rose colored cheeks and sunshine in her hair
soft curls, how white is her neck
And he loved her...
  • 1. lit: her image


Versions: #1
Verse 1
Just tell me that you love me
and I will stop howling to the moon.
You understand
this worlds and it's creature more than me.
Pull my heart out.
Take me away from this place
and take me far away.
Surround me with mirrors,
because I only want to see your reflection.
put me in your path.
That's why,Obsession,Obsession,
When you are not with me
you become my Obsession.
Verse 2
Let your ravenous heart
show me all your secrets
and let your domino effect
tumble away all my fears.
It's impossible my love
for so much pain and suffering
to be imposed upon us
by god or whoever,
but we must fight it.
put me in your path.
That's why,Obsession,Obsession,
When you are not with me
you become my Obsession.

How I Wish You'd Know Me

In the vast distances
That are downing me, without having you
I cannot wake up.
Immersed in a desire
That deranges
The sad wait.
In the silences
That shake me to my core,
I never forget you!
You're my forbidden bed,
Which makes kinder
The Spring time...
And, from afar, my screams choke me!
Breathless and hoarse...
Breathless and hoarse...
If, in your arms, I could learn to hold back
How I wish I'd have them!
How I wish I'd have them!
Lying down on the tides of my conflicts,
Like a madwoman...
Like a madwoman...
I will enjoy your pleasures without controlling myself
So I can drink them!
So I can drink them!
And thus, in an deliberate impulse,
Everything happens
When your body
Invades mine, voraciously!

As if I had already done it
A thousand times,
I breathe into you
Sighs of life, very slowly...

You change, I feel,
The time I have lived
And, with spread wings,
The vertigo
Of pleasures...
In the langour
Of that moment already passed,
I sail with you
Without even
Knowing you at all!
And thus, from an deliberate impulse,
Everything happens
When my body
Imagines yours, voraciously!

As if I had already done it
A thousand times,
I breathe into you
Sighs of life, very slowly...

In the vast distances
That are downing me, without having you
I cannot wake up...



I have no one, I'm forlorn
Everone has fellows
I've become forlorn today
O ye, my god*
In the paths, seeking someone
Orphanage has become my fellow
Shall the pain upon my heart end
In the paths, seeking someone
Filled with people forlorn

I miss you

I know you from somewhere, I must have seen you somewhere
The two us have met
Now, you don't me anymore
But I will remind you
Weren't you the one calling me 'your life'?
Weren't you the one I was lost in your body?
I still remember what we lived*
Even though you're gone
Weren't you the one that turned me into a prayer?
Weren't you the one whose kiss I sought?
We left everything unfinished so early
I miss you
Oh, how much I miss you
I know you from somewhere, I must have seen you somewhere
The two us have met
Now, you can't deny it
even though you want to
Because I will remind you
Weren't you the one calling me 'your life'?
Weren't you the one I was lost in your body?
I still remember what we lived*
Even though you're gone
Weren't you the one that turned me into a prayer?
Weren't you the one whose kiss I seeked?
We left everything unfinished so early
I miss you
Oh, how much I miss you

Și tu dansezi cu el

Tu n-ai dansat nicicând așa bine ca-n seara asta,
Îți privesc părul blond sclipind în întuneric.
Tu n-ai zâmbit nicicând atât de tandru, cred,
Ești cea mai drăguță, tu nu mă privești.
Și tu dansezi cu el, cu capul pe-al său umăr,
Îți închizi un pic ochii, e cel mai prost teatru pe care-l joci.
Și tu dansezi cu el, abandonată, fericită,
Ai toată noaptea la dispoziție să te-ndrăgostești.
Nu sunt în largul meu, îmi vine să plec.
E mereu un dans lent ca să-ți prind surâsul.
Și tu flirtezi cu el, eu sunt singur cuc în colțul meu.
Nu mai știu cine sunt, nu-mi mai amintesc de nimic.
Și tu dansezi cu el, cu capul pe-al său umăr,
Îți închizi un pic ochii, e cel mai prost teatru pe care-l joci.
Și tu dansezi cu el, abandonată, fericită,
Ai toată noaptea la dispoziție să te-ndrăgostești.
Și tu dansezi cu el, și tu dansezi cu el.
Și tu dansezi cu el, și tu dansezi cu el,
Cu el!

six superheros

the world we are creating is without any border and limit
gaze at the fate let my heart tremble
i have not even imagine my story without you
i do not lose good memories from the past
nothing left from me but a hourglass
there is only 2 or 3 steps till eternity
come for passing the night which is continuing
it is a long time that the star broke up with the night
come.come for passing the night which is continuing
it is a long time that the star broke up with the night
everything that is in my past is similar to my future
sand field of my tears is similar to a clock
survive the is the end of the road
everything that we wanted to start,someone said it is wrong
nothing left from me but a hourglass
there is only 2 or 3 steps till eternity
come for escape from night which is continuing
it is a long time that the dawn broke up with the night
come for escape,escape from the night which is continuing
come.come for passing the night which is continuing
it is a long time that the star broke up with the night
come.come for passing the night which is continuing

How much you wounded me

Versions: #1
You came like a light into a dark room
And I started dreaming for tomorrow
You became a knife in a child's hand
A drop of blood in my heart's notebook (x2)
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
I want to cry but I fear the looks
I had told you I loved you and you punished me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it, I remember it
A crack (crevice) in a solitary cell
And my imagination made it a window
To escape once, to dream
That would have been sufficient, that would have been enough, for me (x2)
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
I want to cry but I fear the looks
I had told you I loved you and you punished me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it, I remember it
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
I want to cry but I fear the looks
I had told you I loved you and you punished me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it
How much you wounded me
How much you hurt me
You had told me you loved me and I remember it, I remember it

It's Not Too Late

There's a tomorrow after today
under the light my young days got lost, went away from my hand
Are they gonna get away with it
for now let them win, it's not too late for anything
come and burn me
If you put my fire out, throw me up very high
shoot a rocket at me
shoot a missile at me
I will only say to that ' Love'
it won't hold me back
come and idolize me again
My eyes, even if I don't have any, are hungry to see you
My soul never gets fed up with you
If you're in trouble lean on my
If you want to break me just go far away from me
If we were together there won't be rules
understand that
but look
People are insatiable
they believe without having hope
still things come to be (dreams can come true)
don't ever ask
you've burnt your past and went away
you handed over your burning cinders
the fires became one with me
you drilled into my soul and carve it out
the moon is shining still tonight
but no hope left for me
yet it's peaceful for me
hopeful for me
explain this endlessness
tell me what should I do
tell me what more should I do
I'm burning in flames
my mind isn't in my head
There's a tomorrow after today
under the lights my young days got lost, went away from my hand
Are they gonna get away with it
for now let them win, it's not too late for anything
Be quiet my heart don't mind it, look the fires won't stop
I couldn't find a cure
look my life is behind me, I'm inside a dream please don't wake me up from it
There's a tomorrow after today
under the light my young days got lost, went away from my hand
Are they gonna get away with it
for now let them win, it's not too late for anything


I looked at you once
and since then I only think of you.
You don't know, woman,
That you are everything, everything for me.
Whenever I speak,
in my words only you appear.
In the moon that shines,
the light was stolen from your eyes.
I looked at you once
and since then I only think of you.
You don't know, woman,
That you are everything, everything for me.
My love is so great,
it is impossible for your heart
to be far away from me,
I live thinking only of you.
I looked at you once
and since then I only think of you.
You don't know, woman,
That you are everything, everything for me.
My love is so great,
it is impossible for your heart
to be far away from me,
I live thinking only of you.

Love and Possession

You were my master.
I was your dog, your servant...
It's over! I've had enough!
I'm not your hostage anymore.
Love, love, love
Love and possession...
And possession!
(I'm) free because I want
Power... Freedom!
Free from my master,
Because I have dignity...

I'm far, you're far
Without mistreatment nor slavery.
That animalistic passion from yesterday
Has now lost its power!
Love, love, love
Love and possession...
And possession!
And (I'm) free, because I am... Free!
Live free...
Live free...
(I'm) free because I want
Power... Freedom!
Free from my master...
I live freely... Free! I am free!

So very alone, lost,
Crying in the street
(Free! I am free!)
To hatred, to fear...
I'm bidding everything farewell!
(Free! I am free!)
And now, my life
Doesn't want to belong to anyone... To no one!
I just live! I'm free!
Love, love, love
Love and possession...

M-ai ucis înainte să mor

Nu trebuie să merg în mormânt,
M-ai ucis înainte să mor, chinul meu nu s-a sfârșit,
M-ai ucis înainte să mor, chinul meu nu s-a sfârșit.
„Pentru o iubire, să moară un om așa?” spun ei,
Se pare că e atât de greu să iubești, n-am nicio putere,
Iubirea ta m-a ucis, problemele tale m-au epuizat,
Sunt și eu făptura lui Dumnezeu, nu-i păcat de mine?
Mă subjugi, mă înnebunești zi de zi,
Cei ce se îndrăgostesc și iubesc nu-s și ei oameni?
Vei suferi într-una din zile, vei culege ce ai semănat,
Of, of, of, of, și tu vei suferi
Dacă-ți voi face ce mi-ai făcut tu mie.
Ca mine, vei bea și vei plânge zi de zi,
Ca mine, vei bea și vei plânge zi de zi...
Dacă ai fi fost prizoniera unei suferințe insuportabile,
Ai fi hoinărit pe străzi căutând moartea,
Iubirea ta m-a ucis, problemele tale m-au epuizat,
Sunt și eu făptura lui Dumnezeu, nu-i păcat de mine?
Mă subjugi, mă înnebunești zi de zi,
Cei ce se îndrăgostesc și iubesc nu-s și ei oameni?
Vei suferi într-una din zile, vei culege ce ai semănat,
Of, of, of, of, și tu vei suferi...


Not seeing with our eyes, just jumping into the battle1
what did we want to ask for
to receive and to give what there is
to grab with our hands every passing day
it always passes by so quickly
I am late2
Only at night
voices arise
lost questions
searching for an answer
that still does not come
why do memories fade3
a few that i did not hide away, it
enters via the shutters
there isn't anyone to lay my head upon
even if i did not break, i paid the price
go find someone to be mad at
There isn't any air in the heavens, how is it possible to breath
everything is stuck in place
but i have not stopped to dream
so i jumped into the water because i must swim
in water the tears are not seen
in water the sands that remember will sink
Only at night
voices arise
lost questions
searching for an answer
soon it comes
why do memories fade
a few that i did not hide away, it enters via the shutters
there isn't anyone to lay my head upon
even if i did not break, i paid the price
go find someone to be mad at
lost questions searching for an answer
and now it comes
why do memories fade
a few that i did not hide away, it enters via the shutters
there isn't anyone to lay my head upon
even if i did not break, i paid the price
go find someone to be mad at
  • 1. lit: fire
  • 2. for battle, i survived
  • 3. lit: melt