Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 9

Număr de rezultate: 459


My Beautiful

The fire fell on my heart
Sleep doesn't come to my eyes
Why are you away from me?
Speak,light of my eyes
My beautiful,my white-face
For how many years i pursuit you
İn truth for how many years i'm in your way
How to moan,bemoan
The heart burns,brings snow
For the love of Allah
Don't think,i 'm crazy

Dying for You

I don't need us to marry
it's enough that you said yes (x2)
Do you remember the night we met?
you drove without stopping until Ezoz1
when we exited the car
i was frozen you were beautiful
and i was not able to move
Four in the morning in the sands of the desert
with our heads up counting the stars
and just us alone in the world
i felt it inside
that we were close
I don't need us to marry
it's enough that you said yes
and during Sukkot2in a cabin located in the Galil3
you went outside and embraced a scarecrow
you said he was more empathetic than i
you started laughing in the thin air
I don't need us to marry
it's enough that you said yes
i'm dying for you just for you
i'm dying for you just for you
  • 1. A beautiful small village and popular tourist spot on the Sinai border with Egypt
  • 2. Jewish holiday - Feast of Tabernacles
  • 3. Galilee

Piele de înger

Azi, ca și mâine și ca totdeauna
din ianuarie până-n decembrie,
un pat alb ca zăpada
va fi refugiul nostru de la șase a nouă,
de la șase la nouă.
Timp pentru iubire, iubire pe-ntuneric,
încât doar o țigaretă
luminează din când în când
această dragoste care trăiește în penumbră,
care trăiește în penumbră.
Pe ascuns sunt nevoit să te iubesc,
pe ascuns, ca un laș.
Pe ascuns, în fiecare după-amiază,
sufletul meu vibrează, corpul meu arde.
Pe ascuns, în fiecare după-amiază,
Te simt, piele de înger.
Suntem subiectul de bârfă predilect
pentru cei care se cred perfecți.
Facem parte din acele iubiri
interzise minorilor,
pentru că suntem cum suntem.


The wind of separation on all my four a sides
With the earthquakes and sadness inside me farewell all of you
İ have rebellions,i have screams
İ have complaints,farewell to me
Maybe today,maybe tomorrow
İ'm passenger of this world
There is no end of this life
Farewell! Farewell!
İ'll die someday too
İ'll go to the unknown
But,i'll love you
Farewell! Farewell
Maybe today,maybe tomorrow
Neon lamps will be turn off,the music instruments will be remain silence
And the curtains on me
Will bring it down so that they will no longer open
Goodbye my darlings
Goodbye my people
Goodbye my friends
This is my last song for you
This is my last farewell for you ,farewell
What i have lived a lot of things,what i have suffered
İ have burnt out and extinguished like a candle
What i have buried a lot of things in my heart
Farewell! Farewell!
My last song for you darling
My last farewell for you darling
My future for you darling
Farewell! Farewell!
Tears in my eyes and white in my hair
My life faded leaf by leaf
This is the last hour,this is the last station
Farewell! Farewell!

Colossians 1

He is the image of the invisible God
He is the lord of creation
Because in he it was created
All things in heaven and earth
Whether thrones, dominions
Powers or authorities
He is before all things
And he hold together everybody through the word
Because it was pleased to God
He had over all things
He is the radiance of the Father's glory
He is the exact expression of his being
Because in he it was created
All things in heaven and earth
Whether thrones, dominions
Powers or authorities
He is before all things
And he hold together everybody through the word
Because it was pleased to God
He had over all things
There is no longer anything
That doesn't belong to him
There is grace in every thing
Let's sing

You let yourself go

Versions: #1
Funny, you're so funny to look at
You're there you wait you make a long face
And I feel like laughing
It's the alcohol that messes with my head
All the alcohol I have taken tonight
In order to draw the courage
To confess to you that I'm sick and tired
Of you and your gossiping
Of your body that leaves me well-behaved
And that deprives me of all hope
I've had enough I gotta tell you that
You exasperate me you tyrannise me
I put up with your attitude
Without daring to say that you exaggerate
Yes you exaggerate you know it now
Sometimes I'd like to strangle you
God you've changed in five years
You let yourself go, you let yourself go
You're beautiful to look at
Your stockings falling on your shoes
And your old robe ajar
And your hair curlers what a look
I wonder everyday
How did you manage to please me
How could I make love to you
And estrange you my whole life
Like that you look like your mother
Nothing about whom inspires love
In front of my friends what a disaster
You contradict me, you attack me
With your venom and your spite
You could make mountains fight
Ah I hit the jackpot
The day I met you
If you kept quiet, wouldn't that be nice no!
You let yourself go, you let yourself go
You're a bully and a tyrant
You have no heart and no soul and nevertheless
Nevertheless, I think very often that
Despite everything you're still my woman
If you wanted to make an effort
Everything could go back to normal
To slim down, exercise a bit
Fix yourself up in front of your mirror
Put a smile on your face
Make up your heart and your body
Instead of thinking that I despise you
Of avoiding me like the plague
Try to show some kindness
Become again the little girl
who has given me such happiness
And sometimes like in the past
I'd like that everything against my heart
You let yourself go, you let yourself go

Turn Up The Sound

Let it cold wind blow from the north
If my hands are in your pocket
Turn your back, let your skirt fly
Let my hair touch your face
Let it rain cold on you
If your lashes dry
If you have independent dreams
Let the sky punctured
Be song, be poetry and write my lines
Make noise, destroy order
Don't be silent, open yourself
Don't play three monkeys
Be the sound, plug in
Turn on the light, set up your stage
See yourself as an important thing
Life is a song you don't know
Turn up the sound, turn up the sound...
Turn up the sound, turn up the sound...

2! 3! Sperând la mai multe zile bune

Am tot încercat să-ți spun
Trebuia să-ți spun
Că totul e pentru tine
Hai să umblăm doar pe căi presărate de flori
Nu pot spune asta
Hai să vedem doar lucruri bune
Nici asta nu pot spune
Spunând că vor exista doar lucruri bune de acum înainte
Spunând că nu vei mai fi rănit
Nu pot spune asta
Nu te pot minți așa
”Pentru că sunteți toți idoli
Muzica voastră e nasoală chiar dacă nu o aud
Nu-mi plac versurile voastre
Deja-mi imaginez spectacolul
Pentru că nu aveți putere, mai mult ca sigur
Ați făcut niște fapte murdare în trecut
Observând cum vă purtați
În curând veți înceta să mai existați.”
(Mulțumesc frumos)
Datorită complexului tău de inferioritate
Am reușit să-mi demonstrez ceva
Ce nu reușisem să-mi demonstrez în liceu
Bătând din mâni, da, merg mai departe, merg mai departe
Vom fi fericiți și singuri. Bine, da, sunt bine
E-n regulă, haide, când spun doi! trei! uită
Șterge toate amintirile rele, ia-mă de mână
Și zâmbește
E-n regulă, haide, când spun doi! trei! uită
Șterge toate amintirile rele,
Zâmbim ținându-ne de mână
Sperând la mai multe zile bune
Dacă crezi ce spun, atunci unu, doi, trei!(unu, doi, trei!)
Dacă tu crezi, atunci unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
Sperând la mai multe zile bune
Dacă crezi ce spun, atuni unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
Dacă tu crezi, atunci unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
1, 2, 3
Sperând că totul se va schimba
La o zi mai bună
Pentru că suntem împreună
Eu, o umbră în spatele scenei
Eu, în profunzimea întunericului
Nu voiam să arăt totul, inclusiv durerea mea
Dar pentru că încă nu sunt obișnuit
Vreau doar să te fac să zâmbești, voiam să fac bine
(Deci mulțumesc) că ai crezut în cineva ca mine
Că te-ai descurcat cu toate lacrimile și rănile
(Deci mulțumesc) că mi-ai devenit lumină
Că ai devenit floarea în cel mai frumos moment din viața mea
E-n regulă, haide, când spun doi! trei! uită
Șterge toate amintirile rele, ia-mă de mână
Și zâmbește
E-n regulă, haide, când spun doi! trei! uită
Șterge toate amintirile rele,
Zâmbim ținându-ne de mână
Sperând la mai multe zile bune
Dacă crezi ce spun, atunci unu, doi, trei!(unu, doi, trei!)
Dacă tu crezi, atunci unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
Sperând la mai multe zile bune
Dacă crezi ce spun, atuni unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
Dacă tu crezi, atunci unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
Dacă tu crezi, atunci 1, 2, 3!
Dacă tu crezi, atunci 1, 2, 3!
Dacă tu crezi, atunci 1, 2, 3!
Dacă tu crezi, atunci 2, 3, spune!
E-n regulă, haide, când spun doi! trei! uită
Șterge toate amintirile rele, ia-mă de mână
Și zâmbește
E-n regulă, haide, când spun doi! trei! uită
Șterge toate amintirile rele,
Zâmbim ținându-ne de mână
Sperând la mai multe zile bune
Dacă crezi ce spun, atunci unu, doi, trei!(unu, doi, trei!)
Dacă tu crezi, atunci unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
Sperând la mai multe zile bune
Dacă crezi ce spun, atuni unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
Dacă tu crezi, atunci unu, doi, trei! (unu, doi, trei!)
E-n regulă, haide, când spun doi! trei! uită
Șterge toate amintirile rele, ia-mă de mână
Și zâmbește
E-n regulă, haide, când spun doi! trei! uită
Șterge toate amintirile rele,
Zâmbim ținându-ne de mână

We Shall Go On

We shall go on
With the momentum
of the mild power
To go on
In a speechless night
We shall go on
We shall go on
Until we're together
We shall go on
With the staggering security
To go on
In an immense time
We shall go on
We shall go on
Until we're together
We shall go on
With the sweat on our face
To just go on
In a trench without light
We shall go on
We shall go on
Until we're together
We shall go on
Every time we stand still
To go on again
Naked in the hurricane
We shall go on
We shall go on
Until we're together
We shall go on
When nobody expects
us to go on again
In a speechless night
We shall go on
We shall go on
Until we're together

The Miserables

My god, This is the rebellion of the belittled.
This is the cry of the lovers who weren't loved back.
My god, This is the rebellion of the belittled.
This is the cry of the lovers who weren't loved back.
This is the sin of the ruleless world.
This is the sin of the ruleless world
If some people are going to burn down the world, those will be The Miserables.
By rebelling constantly, we became sinners.
Happiness looks at us from a distance.
My god, who else will burn down this world?
If some people are going to burn down the world, those will be The Miserables.
My god, who else will burn down this world?
If some people are going to burn down the world, those will be The Miserables.
Those are the ones who can not keep their troubles inside.
Those are the ones who have no hope left in life.
Those are the ones who live by constantly crawling.
Those are the ones who live by constantly crawling.
If some people are going to burn down the world, those will be The Miserables.
By rebelling constantly, we became sinners.
Happiness looks at us from a distance.
My god, who else will burn down this world?
If some people are going to burn down the world, those will be The Miserables.

The Curtain Rises

Curtain Rises
Now it's unstoppable. The bell for tomorrow is ringing.
Dreams are dancing.
The curtain rises for the scene to shine.
Until now, for many times
I've seen this scenery.
From tomorrow, there will be a new
world waiting for me.
Printed in my head,
the built up history is
something that I can't give to anyone.
TIMELINE is filled with pride.
Curtain Rises
Let's sing to the end. Burn your heart out.
Dreams are dancing.
Don't miss any moments to watch.
Don't say anything senseless.
Don't throw cold water.
Don't say anything senseless.
Don't throw cold water.
Watch this
A good girl. It's me.
A sulky girl. It's me. (Yeah!)
The hotness. It's me.
Undeniably It's me.
Wandering days, It's me.
In all truthfulness, It's me
Gently, Kiss me
I want you to accept all of me.
Worries, smiles, the hand that I held,
the bond and the insecurity Come again. Fly away!
Now is the time.
Let's take a new step.
Eventually I'm gonna make you sweat
A word 'bye bye' is something I can't say
Stop the time
I've never felt like that hard until today.
But still
I can't shed tears.
I'll never forget how impressive the very beginning of that day was.
The awesomeness called 'today,'
I'm still going to enjoy more.
Curtain Rises
Let's sing to the end. Burn your heart out.
Dreams are dancing.
Don't miss any moments to watch.
Curtain Rises
Let's sing to the end. Burn your heart out.
Dreams are dancing.
Don't miss any moments to watch.
Curtain Rises
Let's sing to the end. Burn your heart out.
Dreams are dancing.
Don't miss any moments to watch.
Don't say anything senseless.
Don't throw cold water.
Don't say anything senseless.
Don't throw cold water.

Coboară, Moise

Coboară, Moise, înspre ţara Egiptului
Spune-le faraonilor să-i elibereze pe oamenii mei...
Când Israelul era în ţara Egiptului,
Eliberează-l pe oamenii mei!
Oprimaţi atât de tare încât nu pot sta pe picioare
Eliberează-l pe oamenii mei!
Aşa că Dumnezeu a spus:
'Coboară, Moise, înspre ţara Egiptului
Spune-le faraonilor să-i elibereze pe oamenii mei...'
Aşa că Moise a mers în ţara Egiptului
Eliberează-l pe oamenii mei!
I-a făcut pe faraoni să înţeleagă
Eliberează-l pe oamenii mei!
Da, Dumnezeu a spus:
'Coboară, Moise, înspre ţara Egiptului
Spune-le faraonilor să-i elibereze pe oamenii mei...'
'Aşa grăi Dumnezeu', viteazul Moise a spus:
Eliberează-l pe oamenii mei
„Dacă nu, voi învinge, primii tăi născuți morți”!
Eliberează-l pe oamenii mei!
Doamne, Dumnezeu a spus:
'Coboară, Moise, înspre ţara Egiptului
Spune-le faraonilor să-i elibereze pe oamenii mei...'
Spune-le faraonilor
să-i elibereze pe oamenii mei!

Whatever you left half, I hate whatever it has left half

Whatever you left half, I hate whatever it has left half
I count my mistakes....suddenly in front of space
Strange nights, hours that you aren't here
And I am, I am still here ...
The 'goodbye' that I always loathed to say,
I don't want us to dance damn
I learned to forgive...
But not to forget as well
Always I was laughing at because I was wearing my clothes inside-out
I never cared for the expensive clothes, my love
But the people are clothes as well
They have the 'inside' and the 'out' side
But I choose to have my etiquette in front of me. When they look at me in the eyes
How much idiots we are?
Every time we make dreams with an obvious ending
We fall in love with the wrong person over and over
Since the fairytale was perfect like the old times
I learned to pretend that it doesn't matter to me
Since in reality it was killing me with coyness
I lend you the tomorrow and you were looking at yesterday
I lost me, not you, what are saying?
Love at first sight doesn't exist baby
You got lost in front of me, everything is a matter of time
Here that they killed in front of me whatever I loved
Here that people sell you for few gusta
All of you are giving love, your love is fucking
I doesn't fuck,
I stay the only asshole that I insist
Better the frustrate from the usual...
Whatever you left half, I hate whatever it has left half
I count my mistakes....suddenly in front of space
Strange nights, hours that you aren't here
And I am, I am still here ...
Right moments in wrong time
Wrong people in an puplic room
Tell for storms
The greatest words hid in three dots ....
Cursed I go around in the time
Shook up I smell you everywhere , I mutter
Im hurt, damn I saw you and you remind me
The reason that I walk alone
Strangely, in the town of Athena I feel like a stranger and like a familiar at the same time
Between million faces
Im wandering in the dirty alleys like a ghost
I stop to take a breath a bit of oxygen with anathema
Still here I smell your smell, damn I'm fed up
To be addicted in something that I don't have to feel whole and I'm despairing
Saturday night together, Sunday morning what?
And if love uppermost the next day would have found us together
But again you are missing
Always something it will be missing, you know don't worry for me, im used to it
Outside it's raining, they say that it's sad weather
But I smile because with me the weather laughs
For her wish, I would be a falling star
But tonight I would like you to be beside me not behind me....
Really soever

I have an account to settle

Versions: #1
My rose they plucked you
they threw in rough hand
They sang a folk song in your name
I have an account to settle .
Night falls I am desperate , your picture in my tear
days come and go
I have an account to settle.
My dear world is beautiful again
life is worth living
if i don't die if i survive
I have an account to settle.
Struggle ends as the day slips away,
Don't think the walls speak
the ones who love get together
I have an account to settle.


A naked sleepwalker’s nocturnal joys are the white geese that sing the north in the night
When in spring the earth makes the hopeless cry
He listens wisely on a salient stone, frozen by the wind of the large set of mint leaves
Does he ignore that there’s a hopeless in his soul?
If the day’s without discord
If it’s as happy as he says
If the day’s without disorder
Why do you run away at night like a hopeless?
Sing, geese
Sing without uproar
Sing, might his pain not be to be an adult
Sing the melodies, Boreas’ loves
For this hopeless
For every hopeless

Prințesele nu plâng

Băieții, ei sunt chipeși și puternici
Dar mereu primii care-mi spun că greșesc
Încearcă să mă îmblânzească, știu
Îmi spun că-s ciudată și nu-și retrag cuvintele
Nu, sunt în regulă, zac din nou pe podea
Ușa crăpată, mereu vreau să te las înăuntru
Chiar și după toate chestiile astea, încă-s optimistă
Căci o prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Din cauza monștrilor din noapte
Nu ne irosim timpul prețios
Pe băieți cu ochi frumoși
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Arzând ca un foc
Îl simți pe dinăuntru
Dar îți ștergi ochii înlăcrimați
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng
Nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng, nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Fetele, așa frumoase și sigure
Și delicate la atingere
Dar Domnul m-a făcut puternică
Fetele, e grea coroana
O poartă cu mândrie
Deși pe mine mă apasă
Nu, sunt în regulă,
Zac din nou pe podea
Ușa puțin deschisă
Îi vei lăsa să intre doar o dată
Și nu te vei destrăma
Căci o prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Din cauza monștrilor din noapte
Nu ne irosim timpul prețios
Pe băieți cu ochi frumoși
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Arzând ca un foc
Îl simți pe dinăuntru
Dar îți ștergi ochii înlăcrimați
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng
Nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng, nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Sunt bine, nu-mi voi irosi timpul
Îl țin într-un borcan, îl păstrez pentru următorul
Sunt bine, nu-mi voi irosi timpul
Îl țin într-un borcan, îl păstrez pentru următorul
Da, sunt bine
Zac din nou pe podea
Căci o prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Din cauza monștrilor din noapte
Nu ne irosim timpul prețios
Pe băieți cu ochi frumoși
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh)
O prințesă nu plânge (nu-uh, uh)
Arzând ca un foc
Îl simți pe dinăuntru
Dar îți ștergi ochii înlăcrimați
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng
Nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng, nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Căci prințesele nu plâng
Nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng
Nu plâng, oh
Nu plâng, nu plâng, nu plâng, oh
Căci prințesele nu plâng

You didn't make a good estimate

The body is lonely, the mind is dizzy
It is making pictures in the night from smoke again
Even if I am afraid of such great power, I'm hiding in my soul
But I have the strength to stand on your north 1
You didn't make a good estimate, I loved you so much,
But I won't spend my life on memories.
You didn't make a good estimate,
You will never step on my aggrieved heart on the road again.
You always had a reason for me to bleed,
Now I'm confessing to all my sins in the darkness.
You always were waving a flag for your ego,
You thought I wasn't there, but look how I live.
I'm not hoping for anything else, I'm not insisting on anything, either
The fires of your soul will traumatise me,
I can see it declining year by year.
  • 1. Possibly referring to a northern mountain.
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου


Hai, hai
Știrile despre despărțire
Au ieșit în sfârșit, ups
Oprește-te aici
Eventual, a venit timpul
E timpul să te las să pleci
Gata, sunt gata, sunt gata, hei!
Mi-am fluturat mâna
Ți-am dat un sărut de adio
Și am gustat o lacrimă
Pentru că această idioțenie murdară
De a nu fi prins
Am pretins că sunt calmă
Mă întrebi dacă sunt ok
Pretinzi că nu știi și întrebi iar
Măcar crezi că are vreun sens?
Întrebi dacă sunt bine, bine
Ce crezi? Bine
Chiar întrebi pentru că nu știi?
Ești atât de tipic, ești la fel
Nu e posibil ca să te fi schimbat
Ai pretins până la sfârșit că ești mult mai bun
Suntem așa tipici
Nu e posibil ca asta să se termine bine
Această despărțire e așa un tărăboi
Nu am nimic să-ți spun
Nu te apropia
Te urăsc
Înnebunesc din cauza ta
Eventual, a venit timpul
E timpul să te las să pleci
Gata, sunt gata, sunt gata, hei!
Furia de
A-mi înghiți lacrimile
Vine, făcându-mă să plâng
Întrebi dacă sunt bine, bine
Ce crezi? Bine
Chiar întrebi pentru că nu știi?
Ești atât de tipic, ești la fel
Nu e posibil ca să te fi schimbat
Ai pretins până la sfârșit că ești mult mai bun
Suntem așa tipici
Nu e posibil ca asta să se termine bine
Această despărțire e așa un tărăboi
Pretinzând că ai tot, pretinzând că ești drăguț
Pretinzând că ești ok, în fiecare moment, de fiecare dată
Sunt minciuni, minciuni
Atât e greu de crezut, atât de greu de crezut
Hei, dă-mi bunurile mele
Dă-mi bunurile mele
Mă întrebi dacă sunt ok
Pretinzi că nu știi și întrebi iar
Măcar crezi că are vreun sens?
Întrebi dacă sunt bine, bine
Ce crezi? Bine
Chiar întrebi pentru că nu știi?
Ești atât de tipic, ești la fel
Toate chestiile pe care le-am făcut
Întotdeauna s-au transformat în vina mea
De acum, te voi înjura
Și orice fac
Nu-mi va părea rău
Știrile despre despărțire
Au ieșit în sfârșit, ups
Oprește-te aici
Eventual, a venit timpul
E timpul să te las să pleci
Gata, sunt gata, sunt gata, hei!

you are inside me

Versions: #2
bring back to me again all that old times
there is no compensation for all this damage
I lost and that thing inside of me will hurt you
and it will run away from my heart like a convict
your fake smell is just like your fake smile
let everything be for you and let the pain stay with me
I will be patient but don't let your hand touch her hand
we were such a good match, what a pity
how did you look in my eyes ?
how did you touch my hands ?
how I was fooled by you ?
how did you fill in my place?
my last word to you
don't think that I will believe you
from inside of me
I loved you, understand that

Only because you loved me

I only sing because you loved me
In the past years.
And in sun, in summer’s premonition
And in rain and snow,
I only sing because you loved me.
Only because you held me in your arms
One night and you kissed my lips,
Only for this am I beautiful as an wide-open lily
And I still have a shiver in my soul,
Only because you held me in your arms.
Only because your eyes looked at me
With the soul in the glance,
Proudly I adorned the ultimate
Crown of my being,
Only because your eyes looked at me.
Only because you noticed me as I passed
And in your glance I saw
My slender shadow passing like a dream
Playing, hurting
Only because you noticed me as I passed
Because you hesitantly called me
And you reached for my hand
And you had a dazzle in your eyes
- A complete love,
Because you hesitantly called me.
Because, only because you liked it
That’s why my passing remained beautiful.
It was as if you were following me wherever I went,
As if you were passing by somewhere close to me.
Because, only because you liked it.
Only because you loved me was I born,
That's why life was given to me.
In the graceless, unfulfilled life
My life was fulfilled.
Only because you loved me was I born.
Only for your fine love
Did the dawn give roses in my hands.
So that I light your way for a moment
The night filled the eyes with stars,
Only for your fine love.
Only because you loved me so beautifully
I lived in order to multiply
Your dreams, beautiful king
And thus sweetly I die
Only because you loved me so beautifully.

The Simple Things

You could, you could take me far, far away
A wave, a cloud, while holding my hand
You could, you could tell me that you've got it all
All that I've been waiting for, while breathing on our necks
Take me for a walk
Along the docks or in the forest
You could drive me crazy
In one word you could
Heaven would approve
He loves the simple things
My heart against your body
If you love the simple things
No, let's not do like the others
Like the others
No, let's not do like the others do
Like the others
La, lalala, lalala
If you love the simple things
La, lalala, lalala,lalala la la la
You could, you could invite me to dinner
At all the most beautiful tables, I couldn't care less
You could, you could play on your charms
Come before me, make me lay down my arms
Take me for a walk
Along the docks or in the forest
You could drive me crazy
In a word, you could
Heaven would approve
He loves the simple things
My heart against your body
If you love the simple things
No, let's not do like the others do
Like the others
No, let's not do like the others do
Like the others
Take me sweetheart, make me bite the apple
Behind an emotion the great men hide
Make me fly sweetheart, tell me where we stand
Behind an emotion the great men hide
Take me for a walk
Along the docks or in the forest
You could drive me crazy
In a word, you could
Heaven would approve
He loves the simple things
My heart against your body
If you love the simple things
La, lalala, lalala
If you love the simple things
La, lalala, lalala,
La la la la la la la


Chiar dacă pleci, voi veni după tine. Mai bine mor decât să numesc relația noastră eșec.
Sunt mereu o silabă în numele tău, sunt zi și noapte pentru tine.
Nicicând n-am crezut că se va termina, că mă vei împinge de pe stâncă,
N-ar fi trebuit să-mi scrii că vei pleca, oh, ve pleca prea curând,
Mi-e frig când ești departe, de-a fi măcar iubita mea,
De-ai putea veni șă-ți pui capul pe umărul meu, din nou,
Am necazuri, pe oricine aș întreba despre tine,
Lacrimile mele nu-s lacrimi dacă nu-s pline de tine,
Mereu te-am avut în gând până astăzi și vei fi în ziua mea de mâine, de asmenea.
Astăzi mi-ai făcut probleme iar, dar e in regulă, pot fi motivul tău de enervare,
Nu-i de ajuns? Nu merită? Nu ești rușinată?
Nu va înceta să existe încăpățânarea din tine?
Rănile din mine sunt toate amintirile tale, ai ruinat un întreg vis.
Share music and kindness! :)

The Cherry Harvest

When you sing of the cherry harvest—
and of the cheery nightingale and the mockingbird—
it is a time of celebration.
Beautiful girls have foolish thoughts—
and lovers feel the sun in their hearts.
When you sing of the cherry harvest,
the mockingbird sings even better.
But the cherry harvest does not last long—
where you go to pick two while dreaming
of earrings—
cherries of love adorned the same
falling like drops of blood through the foliage.
But cherry time does not last long—
coral pendants that you pick while dreaming.
When you are there at the cherry harvest,
if you are afraid of being disappointed in love,
avoid beautiful girls.
I, however, do not fear such cruel hurt—
I will not live without suffering one day.
When you are there at the cherry harvest,
you will also have your share of heartache.
I will always love the cherry harvest.
It is from then that I keep in my heart
an open wound—
and Lady Fortune, having inflicted it upon me,
will never be able to stop my sadness.
I will always love the cherry harvest.
and the memory of it that I keep safe in my heart.

Rose Water

When you cross into the other world,
Do not become a cloud
Nor a sad star at dawn,
For my heart,
Which looks for you everywhere,
Has known you well...
Take a willow branch
Or some rosemary root,
Or else become dew
In the night
And fall, at night,
All over my garden...
I gave you
Rose water
And you, you were giving me
A strong poison!
Eagle of ice,
Heart of the desert,
I don't know whether you know
That you're making me die.

When you cross into the other world,
Do not become a cloud
Nor a sad star at dawn,
For my heart,
Which looks for you everywhere,
Has known you well...
Take a willow branch
Or some rosemary root,
Or else become dew
In the night
And fall, at night,
All over my garden...
I gave you
Rose water
And you, you were giving me
A strong poison!
Eagle of ice,
Heart of the desert,
I don't know whether you know
That you're making me die.


No words to say

Versions: #2
What days have I lived, you have given me the time (it is about days)
Sit down and cry, and you tell me that's enough
I told you I did not deserve you to say what you got
I have no word to say more
Where am I ? How am I? you will not know
How many times have I fallen and you have not raised me
Why not one day for me
I have no word to say more
I have no eye to beating for someone else
I do not know why I came to this world
I have no word to say more
I have no eye to beating for someone else
You have made me regret that I was born
You have made me an enemy to myself
You say drunk
You say the stroller

Adrian Băsescu

Adrian Băsescu
Ion Constantinescu
Mariean Videanu
Mircea Tăriceanu
Traian Basaev
Adrian Nazarbaev
Miron Meleșcanu
Corneliu Vadim Codreanu
Pruteanu Bela
Schroder Angela
Dinu Iacubov
John Fitzgerald Hrușciov
Traian Năstas'
Beniamin Abas
Yasser Sharon
Indira Agathon
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
it's the world of manele...
Frunda Gyorgy Funar
Vaclav Mălaimar'
Jacques Chirac Le Pen
George Bush Bin Laden
Hillary Mantale
Silvio Becali
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
in the world from TV.
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
They shake the belly and sing the chorus
it's the world of manele...
Traian Iușcenko
Elena Timoșenko
Ion Ilici Bokassa
Dan Ioan Bouteflika
Michi Stolojan
Pervez Vosganian
Margaret Stănoiu
Și cu Tony Văcăroiu
Che Sechelariu
Fidel Boagiu (Abagiu)
Emil Iliescu
Nicolae Antonescu
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
they live and die in their world
in the world from TV.
They, they, they, in their world,
they do what they want in their world
They shake the belly and sing the chorus
it's the world of manele...

Oh, Heavens

Father, help! My lovesick Juliet will die if she can't see Romeo again! She will die!
Nothing changes, curse sits on the souls
My poor, lost Juliet, will her wedding become grief?
And I know pain will strike the Earth, but I will help carry it
Oh, Heavens, why isn't there a haven?
Why are our hearts made of stone? So much stone and ice?
Tell me, my Lord, where are you now?
Why must you step on your servants?
Why are so many people cruel?
Why is revenge swirling like a sea?
Have mercy on us, my Lord! I'm begging you on my knees
(Friar Lawrence)
Run to Juliet, what are you waiting for?
Only there can you find consolation
Believe me, you can start\Na new life in Mantua
Trust that Juliet will wait for you
What an unlucky couple!
Oh, Heavens! Oh, why do these people only want to see sinners, more and more?
How many prayers are needed, who will grant them forgiveness?
(Nurse and Friar Lawrence)
Speak, You who created us
Why don't you let us wash away the blood?
Why do we have to live in filth?
Oh, Heavens, why isn't there a haven?
Why are our hearts made of stone? So much stone and ice?
Tell me, my Lord, where are you now?
Why must you step on your servants?
Why are so many people cruel?
Why is revenge swirling like a sea?
Have mercy on us, my Lord! We're begging you on our knees
Oh, Heavens! Oh, why do these people only want to see sinners, more and more?
How many prayers are needed, who will grant them forgiveness?
Speak, You who created us
Why don't you let us wash away the blood?
Why do we have to live in filth?

water lily

the hand of time reached us
every thing's changed since long ago
the two of us, also , are no more the same
for her frailties, a night
for her mistakes, a water lily
for her lovelessness I gave a heart
now give it back
you can't give back what you've taken
now give it back
no mistake can be given back
in my absences,keep
what i left from me with you
take everything
give me back to me
Let me have a chance
in another place, in another time
let my existence be without you
take everything
Let me have a chance
in another place, in another time
let my existence be without you

You think of her

You think of her
better1 than of the comeback of the swallows
You think of her
like a priest to his parish
You think of her
like a dog in front of its bowl.
You think of her
Speak no more.
I recall her yesterday morning
Speak no more,
or beauty is worthless2
Speak no more.
I can hear horses in the dist3
Speak no more.
She will make you
swear Judas' oath.
She will carry you
all around the world in her arms.
She will leave you
on the corner of a bed, your heart spread-eagled4.
She will forget about you.
Speak no more.
Love is killing me in this garden.
Speak no more.
Living without her is a grief.
Speak no more.
Dying every day
is my fate.
Speak no more.
You think of her
I recall her yesterday morning
Speak no more (you think of her)
or beauty is worthless (you think of her)
I can hear horses in the distance
Speak no more (you think of her)
Speak no more.
Love is killing me in this garden (she will forget about you).
Speak no more.
Living without her is a grief (she will forget about you).
Speak no more.
Dying every day (she will forget about you)
is my fate.
She will forget about you.
Speak no more.
You think of her.
  • 1. sounds odd in French too
  • 2. ??? as if speaking would make beauty worthless ???
  • 3. ...ance. 'loin' is an adjective meaning 'far'. Correct French would use the noun 'lointain' (far distance)
  • 4. 'en croix' is usually said of the arms forming a cross with the body, equivalent to the spread-eagle posture. It could also evoke a crucified heart, with an effort of imagination


Spune-mi ce este dragostea când tu cazi?
Spune-mi cum este să te îneci?
Este doar o cascadă aici,
Ești doar tu aici cu rândul tău.
Spune-mi ce este dragostea când greșești?
Spune-mi cum te lupți cu sufletul tău?
Îl hrăneșți când ți-e frig?
Zâmbești când ești singur?
Niciodată nu suntem meniți să cădem,
Trebuie să căutăm un răspuns,
Tu și cu mine aparținem unui loc,
Lasă-mă să-ți arăt răspunsul.
Ti–ti –ri-li Daina
Hei hei
Hopa, hopa Daina
Ti-ti-ri-li Daina
Hop șa–șa măi
Ti – ti – ri -li Daina
Hei hei
Hopa, hopa Daina
Ti-ti-ri-li Daina
© Vladímir Sosnín


Ah-ah, na-ra-ra-ra
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me
That I never leave your mind
And if I walk away you could suffer
Or end up being a madman (ah)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (for me)
That I never leave your mind
And if I walk away you could suffer (suffer)
Or end up being a madman
[Verse 1]
How I treat you, doesn't treat you anyone (no)
What I did to you, baby, nobody does it to you
You know that I am unique in your life
And that in the privacy I don't have a reply (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, wuh)
I know that my body puts you in tension
He doesn't wanna leave my room (na, ah)
That I put you in disarray
I am your downfall (your downfall, baby)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (obsession for me)
That I never leave your mind
And if I walk away you could suffer (yeh-eh-eh)
Or end up being a madman (eh)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (for me)
That I never leave your mind (your mind, eh)
And if I walk away you could suffer
Or end up being a madman (ah, ah)
[Verse 2]
With me an obsession
Crazy, little crazy (aha)
He says to me: 'Baby, you have what I need' (wuh)
I can't deny it to you
The one which I also like (Ah-ah-ah-ah)
He does whatever she asks him when I want to
I know that my body puts you in tension
(He doesn't wanna leave my room)
That I put you in disarray (uuh)
I am your downfall (oh yeah, baby)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (obsession for me)
That I never leave your mind (your mind, eh)
And if I walk away you could suffer (ah, ah)
Or end up being a madman (a madman)
Baby, I know that you have an obsession for me (ah)
That I never leave your mind (wuh, wuh, wuh, wuh)
And if I walk away you could suffer (uh-uh-uh)
Or end up being a madman (ah, ah)

Always Promises

Promises, always promises
It’s joy, it’s delirium, its euphoria
But when we have our backs against the wall
There are those have nails in their shoes
Promises, always promises
We let ourselves be swindled nice and smooth
But when we think that this time that’s got to be the one
Time to turn your head, there is no one there any longer
Because in this life, Little Girl, don’t forget
That a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
When I saw him on the television
I had a very good impression about him
What I really found amazing, is when he said quite loudly
That if I voted for him I would no longer pay taxes
Promises, always promises
It’s joy, it’s delirium, its euphoria
But when we have our backs against the wall
There are those have nails in their shoes
Promises, always promises
We let ourselves be swindled nice and smooth
But when we think that this time that’s got to be the one
Time to turn your head, there is no one there any longer
Because in this life, Little Girl, don’t forget
That a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
He said that for our savings
We deserved twenty point five percent,
I gave him all my loot, very happy about the information
Until the day I saw his picture in the newspapers
Promises, always promises
It’s joy, it’s delirium, its euphoria
But when we have our backs against the wall
There are those have nails in their shoes
Promises, always promises
We let ourselves be swindled nice and smooth
But when we think that this time that’s got to be the one
Time to turn your head, there is no one there any longer
Because in this life, Little Girl, don’t forget
That a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
I fell for him one beautiful day
When he told me as he wooed me
That there was no one else like him
To win in one night [life]
The gold medal at the Olympic games of love
Promises, always promises
It’s joy, it’s delirium, its euphoria
But when we have our backs against the wall
There are those have nails in their shoes
Promises, always promises
We let ourselves be swindled nice and smooth
But when we think that this time that’s got to be the one
Time to turn your head, there is no one there any longer
Because in this life, Little Girl, don’t forget
That a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush