Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 110


Save Our Souls

(K*Rings Brothers in town
Save our souls tonight)
The State's sucking us dry, we're already broke
Got no cash at hand and none in the bank
Got a thousand smartphones, but none of 'em work
(Yo, break it down!)
Save our souls
Sing S.O.S.!
Meanwhile people are so blind, caught in the net
Gettin' love once the party's over, but, I'm afraid, no sex
Save our souls, sing S.O.S.!
(Come on everybody)
Save our souls
Sing S.O.S.!
(So break it down, down, down
Save our souls tonight)

Fratele de suflet

Doamne, binecuvântează-mi sufletul, iată-l că vine
Omul cu cele mai multe, cum o face, ha!
Sigur că are stil
e aşa greu
e tripant
poate face orice, orice, orice
e fratele meu de suflet.
E cel mai bun prieten,
e campionul meu
şi te va agita, te va agita, te va agita
că e salvatorul universului
te va face să te ţii activ
te va face să te ţii activ
oooh, frate.
Fiindcă e cineva, cineva pe care poţi iubi
E fratele meu de suflet
Când eşti sub presiune
te simţi sub presiune (da), presiune (da), presiune
nu te va dezamăgi!
Când eşti sub presiune
te simţi sub presiune, presiune
nu te va dezamăgi!
Fratele de suflet nu te va dezamăgi
Nu, nu, nu te va dezamăgi
el poate face orice, orice, orice
e fratele meu de suflet.
Da, da, da, da, da, ooh, oh, oh
Frate de suflet
Orice (frate de suflet), orice (frate de suflet), orice (frate de suflet)
E fratele, fratele, fratele, fratele, fratele meu de suflet
Orice (frate de suflet), orice (frate de suflet),
orice (frate de suflet)
Este fratele
Frate de suflet
El poate face orice
El poate face orice
fiindcă este
E fratele meu de suflet.

If I Am

I am more, far more
Than this body which they want to hurt
Internally, beyond the mind
Which is limited to understand
If I am a human, if I am a human
If I am, if I am
And something new comes
Shamelessly, it remakes inside of me
Like it burns and hurts
At the end of all
That reborn in a sound
If I am a human
If I am, if I am
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
I am more, far more
Than this body which they want to hurt
Internally, beyond the mind
Which is limited to understand
If I am a human, if I am a human
If I am, if I am
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
I live and I won't stop
Let me dance
I face this life
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
We are afro-light-skinned
Is this a problem?
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
I love when they don't hurt me
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
The condition of my body
It doesn't matter
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
Live or die
What do you prefer?
Beyond what you see
Beyond what you see
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Just come, baby)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Come, cause the atmosphere is so good)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!
You can come with no fear
(Come, cause the atmosphere is so good)
The atmosphere here is so good
Don't stop
Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop
Don't stop, no!

resolution of soul

I can do anything if it's for the sake of helping the people precious to me
I would give away this body and pray while my eyes as closed
In the sky the Southern Cross shines
Illuminating the dark ahead of us both
Your kiss awakens me from my slumber
and fills me all the way to my soul
Even if I were to lose my life since there are things that I want to protect
I swear I will face and conquer every storm blocking my path
I shall go through it thousands of times so that both our eyes could meet and we would find a ray of shining hope
I will wholeheartedly advance onward and carry the burden of fate on my shoulders
Solely keeping on living would one day turn my true dream from an unseen thing into reality
As my cheek moistens countless tears light the darkness
turning into stars in the night sky that I would see even in the afterlife
Believing in the promise I carved this sight into my eyes
Even if I were to lose my life I since there are things that I want to protect
I think I could even choose to part from my loved ones
I shall go through it thousands of times so that the dream we both put together and our promises to the stars will become reality
and reach each other through the power of our love
Even if I were to lose my life since there are things that I want to protect
I swear I will face and conquer every storm blocking my path
I shall go through it thousands of times so that both our eyes could meet and we would find a ray of shining hope

Sword & Soul

Feel the moment
Right now, reality is leaking through my hands
I attempt to cry but refuse to surrender
As the endless skies have become blue,
We prayed a wish to them
We only wanted to love each other, even if it wasn't real
We loved each other madly, unable to release the other
Getting stronger to to be able to carry your tears,
I challenge the frontiers and smash everything that brings you despair
I dash to you through the gloomy darkness with the speed of light
I don't want to apart from you any longer
With a vow engraved on the blade
And the tip glowing bright,
My sword shall guide me to a promising tomorrow
When I fly up to the sky, will you follow me?
O wind, please carry my frail wings
Reality is crushing our memories dear to us,
But as your gentle whisper reaches me, I do not hesitate
I have no fear, since I'm determined to change our fate
I lighten the torch of hope, whose fire warms my heart
Faster than light I soar up to the skies
In order to reach for your hand, separated from mine once again
My soul ignores the pain
As I grasp for the strength
To break your cage that is tougher than steel
Feel the moment, overtake the instant
Is there hope or only despair? The dice has already been cast
In my hands I hold my sword and soul
Having faith in my determination right here and now
As I promise you a new beginning
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Tu esti inima mea, tu esti sufletul meu

Versions: #2
--- 1 ---
Adânc în inima mea e un jar nestins
... o inimã arzând hotãrât
Adânc în inima mea e un dor aprins,
... pentru un nou început.
Sub emotiile care mã doboarã
Fantezia este lumea mea
Doar în ale mele vise,
Doar în ale mele vise trãiesc asa.
--- R ---
Tu esti inima mea, tu esti sufletul meu.
Pãstrez acest lucru aprins, oriunde merg si eu
Tu esti inima mea, tu esti sufletul meu.
Te voi pãstra etern, îti voi fi alãturi mereu.
Tu esti inima mea, Tu esti sufletul meu.
Da, simt cã iubirea noastrã va creste neîncetat
Tu esti inima mea, tu esti sufletul meu.
Esti singurul lucru pe care-l simt adevãrat.
--- 2 ---
Hai sa inchidem usa si sa realizam ca inima mea a luat foc
Simtindu-ne bine, vino si deschide-ti inima
Tine flacara aprinsa, lasa-ti corpul sa se topeasca in al meu joc
Pot traii in ale mele, in ale mele visuri doar asa.
--- R ---
Tu esti inima mea, tu esti sufletul meu.
Pãstrez acest lucru aprins, oriunde merg si eu
Tu esti inima mea, tu esti sufletul meu.
Te voi pãstra etern, îti voi fi alãturi mereu.
Tu esti inima mea, Tu esti sufletul meu.
Da, simt cã iubirea noastrã va creste neîncetat
Tu esti inima mea, tu esti sufletul meu.
Esti singurul lucru pe care-l simt adevãrat.


В чистоте


M-ai făcut
Să fiu cum vrei să fiu
Pare să nu fi fost nimic
Nimic ce oi face eu
Sunt sub fermecul tău
Pur și simplu m-am speriat
Să nu mă poată ajuta nimeni
Nu, nu, nici măcar tu
Nu-mi poți lua mintea
Nu-mi poți lua duhul
Nu-mi poți schimba sufletul
Nu-mi poți lua mintea
Nu-mi poți lua duhul
Păi, doar nu mai rabd aceasta
Nu-mi poți lua mintea
Nu-mi poți lua duhul
Nu-mi poți schimba sufletul
Tu, tu, tu nu-mi poți lua mintea
Nu-mi poți lua duhul
Păi, doar nu mai rabd aceasta
M-ai făcut
Să mă-ncui la mintea mea
Mă simt atât de lipsit de ajutor
Pur și simplu m-am speriat
Mă simt ca și cum sunt într-un delict rău, rău
Trebuie doar să mă urăsc, să țip
'Scoateți-mă de la aici'
'Scoateți-mă de la aici'
Eliberează-mă, eliberează-mă, eliberează-mă
Nu-mi poți lua mintea
Nu-mi poți lua duhul
Nu-mi poți schimba sufletul
Tu, tu, tu nu-mi poți lua mintea
Nu-mi poți lua duhul
Păi, doar nu mai rabd aceasta
Te rog, nu-mi-o face
Nu-mi-o face
Sunt foarte rănită când sunt tristă
Oh, dragule, întoarce-te la iubire
Eu tocmai
Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu
Nu le pot răbda, nu, nu, nu, nu
Să n-o faci, să n-o faci
Să n-o faci, să nu mi-o faci mie


Come out Sultana to the window
to see the sun and the moon
to see the Turk you'll marry
I don't want him, I won't marry him
I was born a Romea,
I'll die a Romea
I won't marry the Turk man
Take him as your husband,
my dear Sultana
he has a boat
and will take you out
in Salonica

The smoke plants

I don't want you to work even if you went to the smoke plants,
even if you spent your young years for some fruits.
I don't want you to work even if you went to the smoke plants,
even if you spent your young years for some fruits.
Come over here and we shall kiss each other
and it's better that we both spill the beans on this.
Come over and I'll kiss you. And you can say it out.
Both you and me will speak this out.
Five or six village girls will be blushed out of jealousy.
They lose their minds when they see the young men.
Five or six village girls will be blushed out of jealousy.
They lose their minds when they see the young men.
We're both late and you don't come out to see me.
We're both late and I have nothing to say to you.
Get it all blacked out now and I'm off to the highlands.
He tells me: 'Where the hell you're off to, darling ?'
He tells me: 'Where the hell you're off to, darling ?'
Could you believe that he took a few iron blades ?
I didn't see true love neither yesterday nor today.
I didn't happen to see this true love in both days.
My princess, you're beautiful like the flowers,
although I never asked you if you love me truly.
Look at these poor birds how they come back to me.
How come these two poor birds come back to me ?
We're both late and you don't come out to see me.
We're both late and I have nothing to say to you.
You've stolen my heart, Mary of mine.
And where shall I find the cure, my black-haired gal ?
My black-haired girl.
How does my heart quit so easily...
He who doesn't know should consult me
and the heart shall answer him.
Don't forget to prepare the stuff once you visit the church:
Light up two tall candles and four small candles
but turn them on on the right order.
Do the right actions since you cursed us.
And you're in a bad mood and betrayed.
You're both in a bad mood and downfacing.
My lovely sweet citrus tree, I love it when you're blossoming.
Do you even know how much ?
I even set sights on your blossomings.
Sweet citrus tree, you'll make us crazy with your vices upon us.
-Just give me your doll so that I play with it
and that I brush its curvy hair with grace.
Just give me your doll so that I play with it
and I shall return it to you at the very morning.
-I'm not going to give it to you for you'll wreck it,
you'll rip the hair off the dolley.
I'm not in the mood for it so that you don't ruin it:
my dolley.
-Don't you wink at me deviously.
Jimmy, speak out loud what bothers you
but don't you wink at me deviously.
Jimmy, express what makes you sad.
Jimmy, even if you pass by, you do nothing
if you don't express your problems out.
It's no longer useful for you to come by, Jimmy.
You had better not express your problems at all.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.

Doom and gloom [Poor unfortunate souls]

In the past I was not
Quite a wimp
Very understandably I was often called
A witch
But I have decided
Converted myself one day
And made peace with my new existence
Right? Yes!
Look, I am quite dextrous in doing magic
It is a gift that I have always possessed
And lately I spend
My worries on that pain
For those fools I have
Always had a weakness
How sad!
What doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
So sad, so mean
This one wanted (to be) a little thinner
That one over there longed for a woman
And do I offer help?
Yes, right away
O, what doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
How sad, what a disappointment
They appear during my consultation hour
Begging: help me, please!
And do I offer help?
You bet
But sometimes a poor customer would
Not be able to pay
And my methods then are
Not very subtle
I did not get complaints very easily
Because I give all of my heart and soul
To all that doom and gloom (those poor unfortunate souls)
Those men over there are
Not fond of chatting
A woman that gossips
They think of as a braggart
On land one is used to
Women keeping silent as being decent
And above all
That chatting doesn't bring you anything
Well then, those men don't like conversation
A real gentleman avoids it if he can
But they nearly faint
For such a beautiful silent woman
So someone that keeps their mouth shut, will get a man
Come on with all your doom and gloom (poor unfortunate souls)
Go ahead, choose for them
Don't let me wait for you
Because I have a lot to do
I don't ask much
Just your voice
You with your doom and gloom (poor unfortunate soul)
It is sad, but true
If you truly want to go up
Then you will not hesitate for a moment
Take that pen and put your name
Here at the bottom of this document
It is done
Because I have her
That girl now says goodbye
Tot all that doom and gloom (poor unfortunate soul)
Beluga, sevruga
A mermaid's voice comes to me
Larynxes, glacydis and max laryngitis
La voce (the voice) to me

Spital pentru suflete

Atunci am aflat
cat de greu e sa te schimbi
Pana si iadul poate deveni comfortabil o data ce te-ai obisnuit
Am vrut doar ca durerea din-nauntrul sa plece
Nu conteaza cat de terminat ajungi, ramane mereu acolo cand esti din nou la pamant
Cel mai amuzant lucru e, ca tot ce mi-am dorit, am avut deja
Exista o stralucire a raiului in fiecare zi
In prietenii pe care ii am, muzica pe care o fac
Dragostea ce o simt..trebuie sa incep din nou
Zilele sunt o dorinta de moarte
O vanatoare de vrajitoare pentru o iesire
Sunt neputincios
Pentru ca toti mergem singuri pe o scara goala
Holuri linistite si fete nenumite
Sunt neputincios
Toti vor sa ajunga in rai
Dar nimeni nu vrea sa moara
Nu ma mai tem de moarte
Am murit de o 100 de ori
De ce sa exploram universul?
Cand nu ne stim nici pe noi?
E o goliciune in capetele noastre
Pe care nimeni nu indrazneste sa o locuiasca
Arunca-ma flacarilor!
Uita-te cum ard!
Aprinde-mi lumea!
Uita-te cu ard!
Cum suntem pe o scara de la 1 la 10?
Ai putea sa-mi spui, ce vezi?
Vrei sa vorbesti despre asta?
Cum te face asta sa te simti?
Ai luat vreodata lama sa-ti tai venele?
Ai sarit vreodata peste mese?
Vom incerca ceva nou azi
Cum te face sa te simti?
Tine-ma aproape, nu ma lasa, uita-te (cu ard)
In acest spital pentru suflete

Ai putea

Poate că te-ai îndrăgostit de o îmbrățișare extraterestră
Poate că mi-ai luat viața și fericirea
Dar chiar dacă te-ai comportat atât de nerecunoscător
Nu mă poți împiedica să te văd în visele mele
S-ar putea să mă fi părăsit, poate
S-ar putea să fi fost în durere, poate
Dar nu-mi poți șterge speranțele
Că într-o zi, dragostea mea, te vei întoarce la mine
Ai putea spune că te-ai săturat să stai lângă mine
Ai putea arde trecutul într-un incendiu
Dar chiar dacă te-ai comportat atât de nerecunoscător
Nu mă poți opri să te iubesc
S-ar putea să mă fi părăsit, poate
S-ar putea să fi fost în durere, poate
Dar nu-mi poți șterge speranțele
Că într-o zi, dragostea mea, te vei întoarce la mine

Suflet antiglonț

Te iubeam așa de mult
Rareori vezi o dragoste așa de adevărată
Nu era destul pentru tine?
Nu era destul pentru tine?
Aș cățăra un munte
Nu aș vrea să te văd căzând
M-aș urca pe o stâncă pentru tine
Și ți-aș da un motiv pentru toate astea
Tu continuai să crezi
Că erai singurul
Prea ocupat gândindu-te
Că dragostea e un pistol
Lovește-mă ca un glonț încet
Ca un glonț încet
Mi-a luat ceva timp să realizez
Tu continuai să crezi
Că erai singurul
Prea ocupat gândindu-te
Că dragostea e un pistol
Știu sfârșitul întainte
De Terminarea poveștii
Nu e atât de complicat
Dar vei avea nevoie de un suflet antiglonț
Tu continuai să crezi
Că erai singurul
Prea ocupat gândindu-te
Că dragostea e un pistol
Știu sfârșitul întainte
De terminarea poveștii
Nu e atât de complicat
Dar vei avea nevoie de un suflet antiglonț
Tu erai trăgaciul
Nu m-ai avertizat niciodată, eliberează-mă
Nu e atât de complicat
Dar vei avea nevoie de un suflet antiglonț
Cred că ai, dar ai toate problemele de care ai nevoie
Am venit ca un miel
Dar intenționez să trăiesc ca un leu
M-a lovit ca un glonț încet
M-a lovit ca un glonț încet