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I'd play it again
The window breaks, the house burns,
we pick up the last of the floorboards.
Maybe I am no one to you, just the leftover,
but at least I leave something behind me.
I just want to live, not burn,
and I can scream with all my might.
There is no fate, there was never a destiny,
and I am not quoting the Old Testament now.
I confess my sin, my god,
believe me, I couldn't do anything else,
if I were condemned I would still commit to it.
I confess my sin, believe me,
but I don't need forgiveness,
because every minute of it I would play the same way.
I'd play it again!
From the broken faucet a rainstorm pours on us,
tonight we will keep this night going until the day after tomorrow.
To you, I'm no one, just the leftover,
but existing, that's something I can really do.
I just want to live, not burn,
and I can scream with all my might.
Lead us
Tatou o tagata folau e vala’auina
E le atua o le sami tele e o mai
Ia ava’e le lu’itau e lelei
Aue, aue
Nuku i mua
Te manulele e tataki e
Aue, aue
Te fenua, te malie
Nae ko hakilia mo kaiga e
Wind blowing over us,
The sun shines!
We go the we dreams,
So great is the ocean!
Stars lead...
Who we are!
Aue, aue,
We go the deep ocean,
And we discover new islands!
Aue, aue,
We love the world music,
And when we hear it,
We go travel!
Aue, aue
The ocean is huge,
We traveled to tell stories to our children!
Aue, aue
Te fenua, te malie
Nae ko hakilia
Lead us!
Lead us (Reprise)
Aue, aue
We go the deep ocean
And we discover new islands
Aue, aue
We love the world music
And when we hear it
We go travel!
Aue, aue
The ocean is huge
We traveled to tell stories to our children!
Aue, aue
Te fenua, te malie
Nae ko hakilia
Lead us!
I don't want less of you
Too many days
Without our moments
We keep passing by without words
I still get lost
I want to see the purpose
Instead of the ways to nowhere
Now I don't have the memories that I don't want
I will keep what's the best in us
And I will find our new place
Can you see, can you see?
I don't want less of you
And even when you're far away
I try to put the important words in order
I want to change every-day realities so badly
Do you see that I don't want to have less of you?
And even when you're far away
I try to put the important words in order
I want to change every-day realities so badly
Do you see that I don't want to have less of you?
I remember that the simplest gesture
Had greater power than words
Like warm tone
Peaceful sight silenced the hum of fears
Now I don't have the memories that I don't want
I will keep what's the best in us
And I will find our new place
Can you see, can you see?
I don't want less of you
And even when you're far away
I try to put the important words in order
I want to change every-day realities so badly
Do you see that I don't want to have less of you?
And even when you're far away
I try to put the important words in order
I want to change every-day realities so badly
Do you see that I don't want to have less of you?
We know too much about ourselves
To just simply
Let us out of our hands
We'll find the answer together
Can you see, can you see?
I don't want less of you
And even when you're far away
I try to put the important words in order
I want to change every-day realities so badly
Do you see that I don't want to have less of you?
And even when you're far away
I try to put the important words in order
I want to change every-day realities so badly
Do you see that I don't want to have less of you?
Do you see that I don't want to have less of you?
Do you see that I don't want to have less of you?
Poate altundeva ținuturile sunt mai frumoase
Și nopțile mai înstelate, și diminețile mai luminoase.
Poate verdele e mai exuberant, mai verde
Și păsările pe ramuri cântă mai voios.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase.
Există amurguri pe fiorduri și umbre pe piramide,
Și lumini nordice și visătoare palme ținute sub cap,
Multicolori fluturi, grădini cu zâne
Și grădini în orașe cu farmece minunate.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase.
Poate, poate tot ce e mai bun altundeva,
Și păsările, și stelele, și cânturile, și aerul,
Poate că sunt altundeva popoare chiar mai fericite
Și pomi mai grațioși decât salcia de pe malul apei.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase...
La crepuscul
Și iarăși te scufunzi, albastră-argintie umbră,
Și iarăsi visul e argintiu când valul se întoarce,
Te voi prinde de trei ori, te voi pierde de trei ori,
Și iarăși te voi căuta ca să te pierd.
Pe o navă arzând, după ultima înfrângere
Să pier deja - voi lua calea cu disperare
Și încă voi căuta cu un ochi congestionat,
Înainte ca întunecimea să inude pupilele cu un val negru.
A new winter day is rising outside my window
I'm starting a new day of my life
I'm looking outside the window, my eyes are sleepy
And Grochów is waking up after a drunken night
The alcohol I've drunk pounds in my aorta
The city bus is sloshing around in snow
I'm looking at this capital city of made of concrete from behind the bus window
I'm already on the other side of it
And I look into your eyes, they're as tired as mine
And I love this city that's as tired as I am
Where Hitler and Stalin both did their parts
Where spring is breathing in car fumes
Krakowskie Przedmieście is drowning in sunlight
You're spinning like a cloud, you're emerging out of the gate
And I'm hungry, so very hungry
Darling, come feed me with dreams
The green Żoliborz, fucking Żoliborz
Is blooming in the trees, in the bushes
Completely drunk with sewage from the river
I want to scream, I want to yell, I want to sing
And I look into your eyes, they're as tired as mine
And I love this city that's as tired as I am
Where Hitler and Stalin both did their parts
Where spring is breathing in car fumes
In the autumn, the school starts as usual
And people start drinking in pubs
It's crowded and stuffy, the waiter ignores us
We'll be here until dawn anyway
In the autumn, I always think of all those years
As old as these town houses
In the autumn, I walk with you
Down the streets covered with chestnuts
And I look into your eyes, they're as tired as mine
And I love this city that's as tired as I am
Where Hitler and Stalin both did their parts
Where spring is breathing in car fumes
Bye bye Sasha
Three nights, three days, I was waiting for you to no avail
I learned that you were withdrawn
You broke my heart, I trashed your picture
No one’s to blame for that
Because I see that everyone’s waving happily
I’m the only one crying, farewell, farewell
I learned your language enthusiastically in vain
How do you say this in Russian, my lover is gone
Bye bye Sasha, you were mean to me
You’re gone and I’m looking for my watch ever since
Bye bye Sasha, you screwed me over
You’re gone and I’m gulping vodka, vodka ever since
If I’m thinking more about it, this’ll be the time for us to be happy
You can’t get a visa anyway
I’ll send you a package with some sex magazines
I hope you’ll get that one
Because I see that everyone’s waving happily
I’m the only one crying, farewell, farewell
I learned your language enthusiastically in vain
How do you say this in Russian, my lover is gone
Bye bye Sasha, you were mean to me
You’re gone and I’m looking for my watch ever since
Bye bye Sasha, you screwed me over
You’re gone and I’m gulping vodka, vodka ever since
Bye bye Sasha, you were mean to me
You’re gone and I’m looking for my watch ever since
Bye bye Sasha, you screwed me over
You’re gone and I’m gulping vodka, vodka ever since
It's night time
Not sure that i would come up for you
That i would not let you stay here
Not sure that i would come up, come up from here
From here in the deep where i took refuge
It's night time here
I don't know if i am afraid of you
You are gentle and dangerous
Not sure that you will return if i let you out
Out of this strange heart where you took refuge
I stayed here in this night
I did not even take notice how silent it got nowadays
I let the darkness enter
And since then i cannot find you in there
In the night vision and reality touch each other
I don't know which one is you in the end and it does not matter
I can take refuge in either of them
I stayed here in this night
I did not even take notice how silent it got nowadays
I let the darkness enter
And since then i cannot find you in there
I stayed here in this night
I did not even take notice how silent it got nowadays
I let the darkness enter
And since then i cannot find you in there
I stayed here in this night
I did not even take notice how silent it got nowadays
I let the darkness enter
And since then i cannot find you in there
The longest night
Hey, all night I was standing at the seashore,
About you, my beloved, the waves were talking with me,
Hey, they were asking me why you were not there
And I couldn't answer 'cause even I don't know.
Hey, puzzled moon in the shape of a question mark,
tossed by a sad wave, was bowing to me.
I remember your carefree laughter
When it sounded here together with mine.
Why doesn't the seashore
see us together anymore now?
Hey, all night I was standing at the seashore,
Silvery-white stars were asking me about you,
Hey, where are you and your colourful dress
And I couldn't reply a single word.
Hey, my eyes were looking out for you,
This was perhaps the longest night of all nights.
A distant voice, a shadow near,
A quiet rhythm of belated footsteps
Were waking me up until dawn
Telling me that you were coming to me.
Hey, my eyes were looking out for you,
This was perhaps the longest night of all nights,
Hey, my eyes were looking out for you,
Hey, my eyes were looking out for you.
Everythng at ur feet
With hands full I embraced you
And you didn't do anything to understand
I put everything at your feet
And my lips always told
The great lack that you'll do to me
And my eyes always kept
The phrase that I'll find in your love
I feel that you live in my heart
I know very well that you're not going out
I miss you
And you'll always be there in my caresses