Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 140


He drives us crazy

Midfielder is on hand when he signal gives.
His belt makes me angry because he has his mall in it.
He received the fast Batmobile from fate.
He smiles like a fool, which drives me crazy.
He drives us crazy, he drives us crazy.
Fate gave him whatever he wanted.
Even if it had hundreds of gadgets, I predict his imminent end.
He makes fools of everyone because he is outspoken.
But I will destroy this rat and he will fear me,
because his mocking scowl only drives everyone crazy.
He drives us crazy, he drives us crazy.
That great detective.
He drives us crazy.
He will get one’s comeuppance soon.
He only drives everyone crazy,
he drives us crazy.
He can carry any weight, and who gave him strength?
From where he have the strength of hard rocks?
Why is he always winning?
He drives us crazy.
He drives us crazy. He drives us crazy.

Am terminat cu tine

Ca un naufragiat, plutesc într-o mare de suflete.
În spatele unei măști, îmi ascund lacrimile de lume.
Acuzație blestemată, am păcătuit cu tine de 100 de ori.
Dar de acum înainte, trecutul nu-mi pasă,
La revedere, dragule!
Uită-mă repede acum!
Chiar dacă mi se rupe inima,
Nu mă sună niciodată, spune-mi de ce îl tot aștept.
Dar o să-l las să plece azi și nu o să-l mai caut.
Cu tine m-am ars rău de tot, iubitule!
Am terminat cu tine de mult, apoi dacă trebuie
mă voi minți.
Asta vreau să știi, doar râd de tine.
Dorința nu mă poate răni niciodată.
Melodia ta, mirosul parfumului tău,
de ce simt că-l știu, demult nu mai avem viitor împreună?!
Castelul de cărți este acoperit, altul mă așteaptă.
Valiza ta este la ușă.. (Oohoho.)
Promisiuni goale, a fost atât de scurt acum și pentru totdeauna,
El doar a jucat, teatru de comedie dacă a trebuit.
Dacă mă privea în ochi, îmi cânta la pianul sufletului meu,
dar de astăzi, trecutul nu-mi pasă ,
La revedere, dragule!
Să fugi de mine!
Chiar dacă mi se rupe inima,
Nu mă suna niciodată, spune-mi de ce îl tot aștept?!
Azi o să-l las să plece și nu o să-l mai caut.
Cu tine m-am ars rău de tot, iubitule!
Am terminat cu tine de mult, apoi dacă trebuie mă voi minți.
Asta vreau să știi, doar râd de tine.
Dorința nu mă poate răni niciodată.
Melodia ta, mirosul parfumului tău,
de ce simt că-l știu, demult nu mai avem viitor împreună ?!
Castelul de cărți este acoperit, altul mă așteaptă.
Valiza ta este la ușă.. (Oohoho.)

Îmi simt pierderea

Îmi simt pierderea, nu am milă, locul meu este unde e dragoste
Viața este dulce cu tine și observ, o dorință în cei doi ochi ai tăi
Această micuță fetiță pe mine m-ar mânca
Dacă m-ar putea avea într-un fel
Ar putea să mă întrebe oricând
Dacă ar pleca, aș implora , nu te rog
Nu pleca nicăieri pentru că eu sunt aici
Tu ești cea pe care o vreau
Cu Young-G, totul va fi mai frumos
Tot ce am nevoie ești tu ...
Sângele fierbe în mine, nici nu trebuie să te ating, astăzi îmi pierd mințile
Nu poate exista nicio lesă pe suflet, corpul meu nu este legat de nimeni
Din cauza ta, sângele fierbe în mine și din instinct sunt terminată, lângă mine este locul tău
Un înger va sta pe cer dacă îi cer (atunci) frumos îi șoptesc, numele tău.
Îmi simt pierderea, nu am milă, locul meu este unde e dragoste
Viața mea este dulce cu tine și observ, o dorință în cei doi ochi ai tăi
În inimă aseară, mi-am tatuat frumos cu un cuțit numele tău, pe care nu-l voi pierde niciodată de acolo
Simt că mă joc cu focul, spre tine se scurge sângele meu și trebuie să ard cu tine
Această micuță fetiță pe mine m-ar mânca
Dacă m-ar putea avea într-un fel
Ar putea să mă întrebe oricând
Dacă ar pleca, aș implora , nu te rog
Nu pleca nicăieri pentru că eu sunt aici
Tu ești cea pe care o vreau
Cu Young-G, totul va fi mai frumos
Tot ce am nevoie ești tu ...
Sângele fierbe în mine
și din instinct sunt terminată, lângă mine este locul tău
Un înger va sta pe cer dacă îi cer (atunci) frumos îi șoptesc, numele tău.
Îmi simt pierderea, nu am milă, locul meu este unde e dragoste
Viața mea este dulce cu tine și observ, o dorință în cei doi ochi ai tăi
În inimă aseară, mi-am tatuat frumos cu un cuțit numele tău, pe care nu-l voi pierde niciodată de acolo
Simt că mă joc cu focul, spre tine se scurge sângele meu și trebuie să ard cu tine
Îmi simt pierderea, nu am milă, locul meu este unde e dragoste
Viața mea este dulce cu tine și observ, o dorință, o dorință în cei doi ochi ai tăi
Îmi simt pierderea, nu am milă, locul meu este unde e dragoste
Viața mea este dulce cu tine și observ, o dorință, o dorință în cei doi ochi ai tăi.

Warsaw's children

No disaster will break free people.
No hardship will scare the bold people.
We will go together to victory,
when the people stand shoulder to shoulder.
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
For each of your stones, Capital City, we will give blood!
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
When Your command is given, the enemies will get angry!
Powiśle, Wola i Mokotów,
every street, every house.
When the first shot is fired, be ready,
like golden thunderbolt in God's hand.
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
For each of your stones, Capital City, we will give blood!
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
When Your command is given, the enemies will get angry!
From a saw, chisel, hammer, trowel.
The capital, praise of your's sons
for that the faithful stand with you
to guard your iron laws.
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
For each of your stones, Capital City, we will give blood!
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
When Your command is given, the enemies will get angry!
Glory for fallen, freedom for living people.
Let proud singing flow to heaven.
We believe that Righteous God
will pay us for the blood shed.
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
For each of your stones, Capital City, we will give blood!
Warsaw's children, we will go into battle,
When Your command is given, the enemies will get angry!

The wing

Power, Begottes in my archaic depths,
Great dreamer of worlds,
Lead me when the horrid dusk is upon us
you, Who chuckles with the stars
To golden fields
To silver skies
To golden fields
To silver skies

Deer Spirit

Awaken my spirit from your bed of bones
Free yourself my limited soul
On the way to Luna, on the trail of the Ancients
Ascend towards the kingdom of the Sun God
Wise elder of heaven and earth
Awaken my deer spirit again
Let's ride like a long time ago
Free in the heavenly fields

You are prettier than on the photos.

I hope you are happier without me
and I mean it, it's not just I sing about it.
Whoever has not died for love cannot live.
I didn't want to die so quickly.
I'm not singing it to make you come back to me,
or to make that they will feel sorry for me,
but I have to throw it out.
Because Fendi, Gucci or Louis V did not help me.
I know you are watching me on a different account.
How do I know? I also watch.
Everyone around tells me that I'm 21 years old
and I have time to get to know another girl.
But I don't want to trust anyone anymore.
No, if that's what it looks like.
You taught me to drive.
Others are asking me to slow down.
So I drive alone more and more often and faster
and I try not to crash.
It's my fault, I love too much and my love is toxic
I've never been able to admit.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
I feel uncomfortable around people.
But you can cure it.
When they wanted to kill me, you had ridden with me.
And you had two pistols in your purse.
You'll never stab me in the back with a knife.
You are my G, you are OG.
If we're fucking riding, then we're riding.
I never want to be alone again.
I will love you until my death.
For others, I am the greatest,
but I'll be small for you today,
or I'll be big.
I will take you where there won't more storm.
Although I love it when it rains on us.
I will fuck motherfucker up, if he hurts you,
because I love you.
You are my little 'Bibi'.
It's your birthday every day.
Every day I will sing 'Happy Birthday'.
I don't see the point without you.
Stop talk nonsense now and get in.
I don't want to sit in Range Rover without you.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.
You tell me how much 'forever' mean.
You are prettier than on the photos,
although on them you were already beautiful.

And There’s Silence All Around

Somewhere under the skin
I’m still your unsatiated hunger.
I pulsate with your heartbeat,
with the heat of the sun, with the cold of a river.
I will change every drop
into living water in your mouth.
If I choose to, I will light a fire
even in stones!
And there’s silence all around,
a safe, solid world.
There’s just silence, silence, silence.
Time will even out sharp scars,
and then...
There’s silence all around,
a safe, solid world.
There’s just silence, silence, silence.
Time will even out sharp scars,
and then, and then there’s just silence.
I’ll be fire, storm, water,
a promise of awakening.
Just please don’t want, don’t want me to
be the sand of oblivion,
be the sand of oblivion.
And there’s silence all around,
a safe, solid world.
There’s just silence, silence, silence.
Time will even out sharp scars,
and then...
There’s silence all around,
a safe, solid world.
There’s just silence, silence, silence.
Time will even out sharp scars,
and then, and then there’s…
And there’s silence all around,
a safe, solid world.
There’s just silence, silence, silence.
Time will even out sharp scars,
and then, and then there’s just...
And there’s silence all around,
a safe, solid world.
There’s just silence, silence, silence.
Time will even out sharp scars,
and then, and then there’s just silence.
Grayness of faces, grayness of thoughts,
grayness, grayness above all.
Grayness of faces, grayness of thoughts,
grayness, grayness above all.
Grayness of faces, grayness of thoughts,
grayness, grayness above all.
Grayness, grayness above all,
grayness of faces, grayness of thoughts.
Grayness, grayness above all,
grayness, grayness above all.
Grayness of faces, grayness of thoughts,
grayness, grayness above all…

Aici ei mă așteaptă înapoi

Ca un rătăcit, călătoresc în jumătate a lumii, am văzut pescărușii zburând împotriva lui Seych
Știu în Roma ce pizza italiană este, că Vegas noaptea este atât de spectaculos, dar inima mea mă atrage mereu înapoi aici în cazul în care Christine nu este fata, dar Krista în cazul în care Lacul Balaton este un lac, dar pentru noi mare, unde politica se dezbină și pentru mine Borsod și Budapesta cele mai frumoase
M-am născut aici și mă vor înmormânta aici
N-am mai văzut nimic mai frumos decât malul Dunării, degeaba călătoresc cu avionul departe, strada Andrássy înflorește
în apus de soare pe Dunăre, inima mea se agită , știu nu e perfect , dar îmi place
Nu i-am găsit perechea în toată lumea
Să fie oriunde și oricum de vis, inima mea întotdeauna mă atrage acasă în Budapesta
Oriunde am mers în lume este sigur că
nu e fără greșeli, dar aici mă așteaptă înapoi
Să crezi că totul în țara noastră e nasol e o capcană, în altă parte, apa potabilă nu este suficient în robinet, a fost pedepsit de o mie de ori în trecut, dar cel puțin războaiele nu mai afectează
Știu că sângerează de la o sută de răni
Voi fi și voi rămâne, nu voi dispărea ca acidul carbonic
cât de mult e de mirare uite numai mirosuri set arome
În străinătate mă simt câteodată că sunt doar un ornament
Turiștii chinezi se miră
pentru că Budapesta au văzut-o doar în fotografii
Poduri și bulevarde frumoase, dar autobuzul este târziu și metrou din nou nu funcționează
O mulțime de perechi frumoase seara și fete cu corpuri fermecătoare
Drumul este drept doar uneori un pic abrupt
Așa de mult îl urăsc pe Pest la fel de mult îl iubești.


Aș înălța liber
Aș dansa singur
Dar cineva îmi șoptește
Și pășește încet spre mine
Mă mângâie în tăcere
Cu o privire îmblânzitoare
Zâmbește tăcută
Aruncă petale asupra mea
Lumina se aprinde, de culoare perlată
Marginile petalelor sunt atât de frumoase, moi arcuite
Două mâini îmi ating fața
Dar mi-e frică, alerg
Rămân singur și cobor așa
Cine ești și de ce ai venit
Îmi tulburi pacea mohorâtă
Dansul păsărilor mele
A fost bine pentru mine
Aș înălța liber
Aș dansa liber
Dar am șuierat trecut
Acum se strecoară spre mine
Nu șuiera, ascultă
La urma urmei, ne așteaptă o nouă zi
Zâmbește în tăcere
Aruncă perle în fața mea
Simt că acum e bine,
Ce a fost, totul a trecut,
și nu trebuie să vorbești despre asta
Pielea mea este suflată de vânt
Țesutul îmi scutură mii și mii de celule care simte că e viu
Haide rămân, să dansăm
Să ne avântăm liber
Lumina zâmbetului nostru
Presară peste tot
Îmi place dansul nostru
Îmi place vocea noastră
Îmi place și așa, că
Că vine cu un sărut la mine
Să ne ridicăm în cerul albastru
Este voie și așa,că noi doi, chiar mai sus
Escortați peste nori
Acolo sus mâna mea și mâna ta este coroana strălucitoare în jurul soarelui
Haide, să rămânem dansând
Avântați liber
Lumina zâmbetului nostru
Presară peste tot

Just a moment

I woke at dawn, packed up everything
For my journey, but only what I really needed
This is the dream for me, what I see
A path leads from the foot of the mountain, I head towards you
The meadows and streams are waiting
My boots are muddy, but I don't mind
National parks, somewhere
Far away from the noise of the city
The message is unread
I don't care, I'll wait
My machine clicks, somewhere
In magical Hungary.
I got lost to find you
The world is here beneath my feet
I left all my worries at home
What I'm taking from here is just a moment
My face is there in the sun
I look down from the top of the mountain, my heart beats
Wherever I go, I only see colors
I march in the snow and ice, but I don't get cold
Because the meadows and streams are waiting
My boots are muddy, but I don't mind
National parks, somewhere
Far away from the noise of the city
The message is unread
I don't care, I'll wait
My machine clicks, somewhere
In magical Hungary
I got lost to find you
The world is here beneath my feet
I left all my worries at home
What I'm taking from here is just a moment
Free yourself from the ordinary
Everyone is afraid of the dark
Raise a new sail
It's not a problem if the wind is choppy
The howling wolf can come
Come fire and ice
Come with me, you don't need a suitcase
Believe me, you'll fit in too
I got lost to find you
The world is here beneath my feet
I left all my worries at home
What I'm taking from here is just a moment

Our Party

Our dreams are bold
and our palm is powerful,
where dwellings were destroyed,
a new marble house is being built there.
It is our Party's will,
it is our Party's voice and initiative
give flight to dreams
and power to hands.
We were building the Party to
let Poland build today for us,
for our days, for our dreams, for our yearnings
our working and powerful land.
We were building the Party to
let Poland build today for us,
for our days, for our dreams, for our yearnings
our working and powerful land.
From dawn until late,
the sound of hammers is heard,
it's people are forge happiness
in giant forges.
Oh, lead us, Party, into the future,
strength will not be lost on the way.
On the Oder and on the Vistula
we wash the dust off our faces.


Vară. Gradină. Liniște. Pământ.
Amiază. Cer. Copaci. Vânt.
Albina zumzăie. Șopârla așteaptă.
Păjanjenul se bălăbănește. Musca zboară.
E bine aici. Nimic altceva
nu-i, decât mica casă.
Afara-i liniște și lumină.
Inăuntru tu și eu.

Punishment of Barabbas

In an inn overlooking Golgote
You can drink with the lottery today
Blood is poured, golden wine,
The tables and the mouths of a candle are wet.
This tightness is a profit for the host,
Wandering around the city spreads chyza,
That a criminal can be seen here,
What has just emerged from the cross.
We live! Good ours!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabbas drinks too!
He drinks but he has not regained his speech,
He has not yet realized that he is saved.
The hand that squeezes the cup of wine -
As if she was squeezing Bretnal's head
The feet under the table are crying in dance
Szalenc, who asks about the path:
Each of them is a convict,
And free! Alive! Impenetrable!
We live! Good ours!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabbas drinks too!
The townspeople and the crowds are drinking,
The Zoldats put aside by the lance
And also drinks after hard work,
The whole city is having fun.
The viceroy gave evidence of a grace!
Without a cane - what would life be?
Toasts, chants and applause
- There is justice in this world!
We live! Good ours!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabbas drinks too!
Barabbas roared with a laugh at last,
Rece spread wide -
And a new message went around the city:
- Lives! Just kidding, the beast is healthy!
In the palace you can hear what's shining
It is in vain to Pilat to sleep old,
He dances idly in his memory
Words - politics, crowd and faith ...
We live! Good ours!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabbas drinks too!
In an inn overlooking Golgote
The light of dawn jumps over the shells,
The landlord ran the holote away
And he counts the profit. Barabbas is crying.
We live! Good ours!
What do you want from life, take for life!
Let us drink to Barabbas!
Barabbas, man too!

Sărbătoarea e a aceluia care o așteaptă

Cel care împrăștie semințe în fereastră
și cu o lumânare pe masă așteaptă.
Cei care veghează nu degeaba așteaptă
Oare un înger a bătut la ușă?
Fâlfâit de aripi vine dinafară
Atenție! Nu-i voie să te uiți pe geam
Grupuri de îngeri roiesc pe afară
se lasă văzuți pentru o clipă,taman.
Aduc bradul – i-auzi?
un pocnet, și-l pun jos.
Ce-i aici? Încă un fâlfâit,
Vitraliul ușii înoată în lumină.
Pană verde de înger: un ram firav de brad
cu miros de crăciun si surâs cald
„ Aprinde ultima lumânare!'
Asta-i mesajul angelic.
Poți chiar să intri- te așteaptă sărbătoarea,
care deschide toate ușile zăvorite.
Sub brad sunt îngeri șezând
sărbătoarea e a aceluia care o așteaptă.


Madame! Gaston!
I listen with pleasure
Madame! Gaston!
Just do it
Not me, never, I guarantee it
Because by now I feel I need more thank this
From a distance calls
A long-awaited adventure
It is a wonderful strange thrill
Maybe my dream is none other than
Simply that of an eternal soul mate
And the desire for a new life

The escape

Stuck, tight to you.
Nothing could stop me,
and I always wanted more.
Stuck, pressed up against me.
It's the age of all danger,
because we always want more.
Always more.
[verse 1]
For you I forgot all about it,
up to the name I've been given.
I would have left my country,
if you'd asked me to.
I would've left behind me,
the ones that even I believe in.
Just to get closer,
come and lose myself in your arms.
Stuck, tight to you.
Nothing could stop me,
and I always wanted more.
Stuck, pressed up against me.
It's the age of all danger,
because we always want more.
Always more.
[Couplet two]
I had lied about my age,
to follow you through the bends
that you were taking violently
You know, I found you kinda wild.
When I, for you, I was escaping,
the escape, got me drunk.
I was running for a kiss,
that's the only way I existed.


Versions: #1
There is a country
where I walked in my dreams:
where I saw in your face
my own.
The richness of embrace,
the loyalty in true purpose,
you were.
I now guard this face
I believe in my dream throughout a lifetime..
You are written in my heart,
You are entrusted to my soul,
Well, now you be the one to lead me
and in what I have to do,
help me!
Be the surety residing
in tomorrow!
I only entrust my life to you...
There is a country,
Where I walked in my dream:
Where in your face
I saw my own.
Come, and for once at last,
when a new day rises,
You wait for me!
Come and nestle next to me once more
I've been waiting for you for a thousand years...
Come and for once at last,
when a new day awakens,
You be the one to wait for me!
Come and nestle by me once more
I've been waiting for you for a thousand years...
If ever I walk on foreign lands,
even the road turns around with me
back home to you.
Alongside me the ancients ask,
let me live on in you,
as they live on in me,
May the blessings of millions alight upon you!
Alongside me the ancients ask,
let me live on in you,
the way they live on in me,
May the blessings of millions alight upon you!
Be the surety hidden
in tomorrow!
I only entrust my life to you!
Be the certainty residing
in tomorrow!
I only entrust my life to you!

De ce pe El?

M-as schimba, daca as avea pentru cine
Prea tarziu pentru a spune de ce
Inima ei a zburat, iubeste pe altcineva
Am simtit, ca nu-mi dai atentie
Eu m-as ascunde, dar nu l-as imbratisa
Are inima falsa, goala si rece ca gheata.
Unde a disparut acea dragoste mare?
M-a inlocuit bine dar imi tin capul
Nu cred nici ceea ce ma intrebi
Ma poti privi nevinovat cu ochii tai mari.
Refren :
De ce il vreau?
Pot ramane libera
Departe de tine peste nori
Renunt dincolo de ziduri
Pentru mine renunt
Totusi el imi trebuie, simt, si nu mai neg .
Patul meu noaptea este gol demult
Fara tine ma chinuie distanta
Nu mai meriti, cat ceri
Mai bine sa terminam, daca pleci
Si asa am stiut ca va fi cineva
Cine iti cauta sarutarile fierbinti
Marile povesti colorate pe cale le crede.
I-am scris o suta de scrisori
Nu exista nici un raspuns si rade cu altcineva
Din nou sa incep crede-ma ca nu se poate.
Unde a disparut acea dragoste mare?
M-a inlocuit bine dar imi tin capul
Nu cred nici ceea ce ma intrebi
Ma poti privi nevinovat cu ochii tai mari.
Refren :
De ce il vreau?
Pot ramane libera
Departe de tine peste nori
Renunt dincolo de ziduri
Pentru mine renunt
Totusi el imi trebuie, simt, si nu mai neg .
Patul meu noaptea este gol demult
Fara tine ma chinuie distanta
Nu mai meriti, cat ceri
Mai bine sa terminam, daca pleci!

The freedom awaits

Make me silent
Hide behind words
Just believe that it will be better with that
Lock me up again
Among stonewalls
But their tower won't detain me, though
You can't act like I am a child
Your daughter has grown up long ago!
On the other side of the wall
The reality awaits for me
If my luck takes my side,
If my spirit flies freely!
I know, reliefe won't be find by my heart here
'For good decision time is needed' is nonsens
If you feel what you need to do
It's shame hesitating
Your destiny is on its way again
And the freedom awaits!
I don't fear of failure,
It doesn't put me off!
It doesn't matter what the outside expects
My courage carries on
I fight when it's needed
I overwrite every bad rules!
This girl is more a sweety-lovely
Angelic greyness
And I cannot be hijacked
From the aim by anything
The resolution gives me a hand
Gives a new chanse to make yourself free!
From the desires there's just a step, so wake up!
Go, the destiny can find you anywhere!
Now your spirit can fly
The finish is near!
You need to step and maybe as a reward
The freedom awaits!

End of the Grey

I'm returning from a long journey
From my favourite couple of years
Smoke has been covering my sight
For many days
How long can we wait for it
Time won't heal the wounds
It's been so long
So long on the road
And I am leaving you out here at the end of the grey
I give up, although the destination is so close
In my dreams, where the road bends
People cry out rains
Don't know how, it's impossible
For rain to drop down from their faces
Grey days, grey whispers
Slipping through my fingers
All I have, in my grey city
Turns into echo-oh-oh
Nothing is as good as it used to
Eyes from the windows looking evil
Kids from crying homes
Take out their anger in puddles
Eyes sore from air
I'm hiding under my eyelids
Mothers are wilting
Their lives are kinda less
You're leaving me out here at the end of the grey
You're giving up, although you tried so hard
In my dreams, where the road bends
People cry out rains
Don't know how, it's impossible
For rain to drop down from their faces
Grey days, grey whispers
Slipping through my fingers
All I have, in my grey city
Turns into echo-oh-oh
And the wind blows
Slowly, carrying the fear
When I am knocking on a door
Nobody's there to answer anymore
So I am carried by the wind, I am carried by the fog
Stalling impassively
The wind blows, It carries me away
I am being carried, by the years
It looks like the end, end of the world
The kids are crying and so am I
The time carrying us, the time carries us

Grey mirages

Only because you're a nobody
You're able to talk to another human
A rich life full of secrets
Inside a common man, a common man
Cheap words, faces, smiles
Don't say too much, common man
Though you're a nobody, remain that way
Save your grey secrets for me
Thousands of faces, hundreds of mirages
It's the man who creates metamorphoses
Metamorphoses metamorphoses metamorphoses metamorphoses
And leave it a secret
What you usually have for breakfast
And whether you make love
Seven or five times a week
Your house among hundreds of other houses
With a grey door, a grey balcony
If you're tormented by grey dreams
Knock on my grey door
Thousands of faces, hundreds of mirages
It's the man who creates metamorphoses
Metamorphoses metamorphoses metamorphoses metamorphoses
Only because you're a nobody
You're able to talk to another human
A rich life full of secrets
Inside a common man, a common man
Thousands of faces, hundreds of mirages
It's the man who creates metamorphoses

Going fast, Porsche, Love

Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, o-oh-oh-oooh
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, o-oh-oh-oooh
We are going fast, enjoy the pace!
Flying like a falcon through blue mountains
The wind wuthers and whooshes
Excitement throbs, the engine is revving
I can feel it's dizzying, wild intoxication
We are going fast, the radial tire is smoking
Go faster! A grand dream is drawing me
The diamond is sparkling
And a Porsche is so fancy
Shiny chrome steel, mirrory metal
Splendid roads, sweet love (*)
We'll switch places, after sharp turns
The engine roars up, it's your turn now
Angel-eyes, we only live once!
Everything flies by, the foliage, the forest
Your wavy hair in the wind
Two eyes are looking up at a cloud in the sky
Laughing and dancing in the light
Eight cylinders, the power almost makes me explode
Next to me, a woman with dreamlike beauty
Our racing is mindless
Let's go! The illusion may die,
But all this is so amazing! So posh!
Splendid roads, sweet love (*)
We'll switch places, after sharp turns
The engine roars up, it's your turn now
Angel-eyes, we only live once!
Everything flies by, the foliage, the forest
Your wavy hair in the wind
Two eyes are looking up at a cloud in the sky
Laughing and dancing in the light
Splendid roads, sweet love (*)
We'll switch places, after sharp turns
The engine roars up, it's your turn now
Angel-eyes, we only live once!
Everything flies by, the foliage, the forest
Your wavy hair in the wind
Two eyes are looking up at a cloud in the sky
Laughing and dancing in the light
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, o-oh-oh-oooh
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, Porsche, Love
Going fast, o-oh-oh-oooh

Being free

Blighted light at the end of the fierce day
What you've left here, what's calling and driving
Neither a road, nor a shore
And it will remain so
until the attraction goes on
You come back from time to time
But that silence is just growing
That's the sign that I cannot
Being free, locked up in my desires
Being free, going astray
And falling back to hope
Believing love again
Being free, locked up in my desires
Being free, no matter the cost
Not needed if this is what awaits me
Fruit on the branch of nothingness
Where every kiss was only about the kiss
That prison is grand, full of frost, full of void
It brings forth a void heart
While you fear that
one is way too scarce
False instinct is driving
And that silence is just growing
That's the sign that I cannot
Being free, locked up in my desires
Being free, going astray
And falling back to hope
Believing love again
Being free, locked up in my desires
Being free, no matter the cost
Not needed if this is what awaits me
Fruit on the branch of nothingness

Fly, Bird of Freedom!

Hungarians! Men and Women!
Listen to Koppány vezér! (Chief Koppány)
I don't ask where your mother gave birth to you,
I don't ask who your father was
All I ask, awaiting your answer,
Shall we be slaves or free?
I won't ask, how long shall we put up with our fate,
We could be new Conquerors
I only ask, and I await your answer,
Shall we be prisoners or free? (prisoner/slave)
Fly up to the stars,
Fly on wind's gentle wings
From the ring of Karpaths (lit. from Karpaths' ring)
Fly, bird of freedom!
Fly high, fly far,
Fly on wind's gentle wings
Bring news of a new spring,
Fly, bird of freedom!
I don't ask why you're orphaned,
I know fate's been cruel
I only ask, awaiting your answer,
Shall we be slaves or free?
I don't ask how long (how much longer) they walk among us,
These fake, two-faced priests
All I ask, and I await your answer,
Shall we be slaves or free?
Fly up to the stars,
Fly on wind's gentle wings
From the ring of Karpaths (Ring of the Carpathian Mountains)
Fly, bird of freedom!
Fly high, fly far,
Fly on wind's gentle wings
Bring news of a new spring,
Fly, bird of freedom! (lit. free bird)
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They're waiting me back here

Like a wanderer, I travel half of the world
I've seen how the seagulls are flying in Seychel
I know how the Italian pizza is
And how cool Vegas is at night
Still my heart is pulling me back here
Where the girl isn't Christine, but Kriszta
Where the 'Balaton' is a lake, for us a sea
Where the politics is difisive and it makes arguments
But for me Borsod and Budapest are the most beautiful
I was born here and I'll be put into a grave here as well
I haven't seen more beautiful than the shore of Danube
Doesn't matter if I travel further with a plane
When the Andrássy road becomes full of flowers
My heart sinks in the sunset of Danube
I know it's not perfect but I love it
I haven't found its couple in the world
I can be anywhere, any far,
My heart is always pulling me back to Budapest
I can walk anywhere on the planet, it is clear that
It isn't perfect but they're waiting me back here
To think that at us every crap is a trap
Somewere else there isn't clean water in the tap
It had expiated a thousands times its past
But at least there are no wars here anymore
It is bleeding from hundreds of wounds,
But I'd rather be the gauze and I won't disappear
like the carbonate
How many wonders, look, aromas and tastes
And abroad I don't feel myself more than a decoration
Chinese tourists are keeping their mouth*
Because they had seen Budapest only on photos before
The bridges and the castle are beautiful
But the bus is being late and the underground doesn't run, again
A lot of pair of eyes at night, the body of the girls impresses me
The way is straight, but sometimes a bit steep
You hate Budapest exactly as much as you love it


It's an unknown world for him.
Montmartre in these old days
was adorned with lilac
that was blooming under windows.
Within these four walls,
although we were suffering hunger,
it was like in the seventh heaven.
We had each other of course:
a poor painter and me next to him.
Bohemia, Bohemia -
it's equal to knowing the taste of happiness.
Bohemia, Bohemia -
not eating, living miserable life.
In buzzy cafés
every of us was waiting
for the fame to find him/her.
'Eh, the time will come
when the world will appreciate us!',
he used to say without hesitation.
And when in the kitchen
the boss let us eat something
in return for new canvas,
tomorrow was nothing,
an old furnace was warming us
and you were saying a poem.
Bohemia, Bohemia -
it's the glamour of your beauty.
Bohemia, Bohemia -
and every of us was a genius.
I sometimes laughed when
you had to sit in front of easels all night.
You were constantly retouching
the circle of my breast,
the shape of my hips.
When dawn broke the night,
there was time for a sip of coffee.
It was life that was calling us...
and in the strangest delight we were loving each other.
A new day was coming.
Bohemia, Bohemia -
it means to be 20 years old.
Bohemia, Bohemia -
wind was raving in our pockets.
When I'll stray there,
the address and number will be the same
but that's it.
I can't recognise
any of old places
from my crazy youth.
I'm running up the stairs but
the trace of your atelier has already disappeared
once and for always.
Old Montmartre in a new vesture became sadder...
and lilacs don't bloom the anymore.
La Bohème, la Bohème -
today you can only dream of it.
'la Bohème', 'la Bohème' -
these words mean nothing today.
La Bohème, la Bohème,
La Bohème, la Bohème,
La Bohème, la ....

Life is a novel

Versions: #2
Just like in “The Four Seasons” of Vivaldi
the light in your eyes is getting darker.
Tell me, my life, something nice,
don’t rush that much, let me rest for a while.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
sometimes nice, sometimes hostile.
At times you want to pour out your heart,
but there’s no one to whom you can do it.
Every family is like a tree,
it can break, wobble and changes in time.
Just like in “The Four Seasons” of Vivaldi -
a hint of trance, a sip of anguish.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
which like a river puts you in the vortex.
You would like to know the future today,
but you have to wait for the answer.
Life, life is a novel,
which never gets you bored.
Yesterday a white, white veil,
today grey, grey hair.
Life, life is a novel,
which like a river puts you in the vortex.
You would like to know the future today,
but you have to wait for the answer.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Samba before parting

No, you cannot leave me now
You take away my last drops of water
The heat of the desert’s burning me
A merciless fallow emptiness
My lips are dry and chapped
My kiss tastes like blood
No, you cannot leave me now
When I am so hungry for
Your eyes and your hands
Say, tell me, you will stay a while
Until you take my breath away
Before I enter the endless emptiness
No, you cannot leave me now
I’m like a burning ice
I’ll do anything, just be
Be, stay a while, just for a moment
I’m burning, I’m burning, I’m burning
With the cold flames of an extincted sun
No, you cannot leave me now
Look, the leaves are still so green
Until autumn turns them rusty and they fall
Please stay on the bridge of farewell
Don’t kill this love
Let it die quietly
Please stay on the bridge of farewell
Don’t kill this love
Let it die quietly
No, you cannot leave me now
I’m like a burning ice
I’ll do anything, just be
Be, stay a while, just for a moment
I’m burning, I’m burning, I’m burning
With the cold flames of an extincted sun
No, you cannot leave me now
Look, the leaves are still so green
Until autumn turns them rusty and they fall
Please stay on the bridge of farewell
Don’t kill this love
Let it die quietly
Please stay on the bridge of farewell
Don’t kill this love
Let it die quietly
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.


Microphone in a hand, wait
Criticism again
'Whore, stop it, kill yourself'
I'll say one thing, write what you want
You have enough of me? Fuck you
I'm amused by your whining
At my one nod
You'll dig a grave yourself, you know?
You're waiting for my every little move
You count only on stumbling
But Masti is too strong for that already
I'm holding your heart in the fist
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait when I finally beat you
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait in the corner for your sad end
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again, you're crying again, you're crying again
You're crying again, again, again, again...
Time for my move, checkmate
You're again telling me how I have to live, ey
You know nothing about me
I see more, I hear more, I have everything you dream about
I grow strength with every word
So don't come cuz I'll bite
Cringe, you cur, and curl up in the doghouse
I'm doing what I want, I must nothing
I'll even drown you in a whisper
Bitch, seek, I'm amused by your pain
You're waiting for my every little move
You count only on stumbling
But Masti is too strong for that already
I'm holding your heart in the fist
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait when I finally beat you
The queen is only one from today, is, is, is
Like a pawn, you wait in the corner for your sad end
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again cuz you wanna be like me
You're crying again, you're crying again, you're crying again
You're crying again, again, again, again...
Stop, I have a word for you, my pearls
You have me, I have you, none of us will be alone (no, no)
I'm standing on the chessboard today
But I'm not afraid of pawns, like a real queen
Together today we're growing in strength
Together we're constantly moving forward
Let's not see what is behind us (no, no)
Let's not see what is behind us (no, no)
Time for my move, checkmate

Fly up to high

Fly, fly, fly up to high
My song, conquer the blue sky now
Come, come, please don't go away
Come, just listen to the song
I was waiting to speak at last
Say what my thoughts are
Listen, please listen to
What the most sacred thing for me is
Please believe, so I believe in you
Please trust, so I trust you
Please speak, so I speak to you
Please live, so I can live too
Fly, fly, fly up to high
My song, conquer the blue sky now
Come, come, please don't go away
Come, just listen to the song
Please believe, so I believe in you
Please trust, so I trust you
Please speak, so I speak to you
Please live, so I can live too
Fly, fly, fly up to high
My song, conquer the blue sky now
Come, come, please don't go away
Come, just listen to the song

For a free country

Hungary, hear our words
You free country, hear our words.
Where heroes fought and bled
until the sky ran red
Hungary, hear our words
We owe you our gratitude
We are beyond any misfortune
Or enemy to tear us apart
Fighting as one
For a country that is free
You could live anywhere
But your heart knows no other home
You must discover the past
To find your purpose
You have been fought for in hundreds of battles
By persecuted heroes
And your step is just an echo
behind their fleeting step
Hungary, hear our words
So many faces and names
Bravely took a different path
We owe you our gratitude
That the sky is clearer
That a new dawn has risen upon us
As a free country
You may live in peace
But each day brings more struggle
Caught between so many fires
Grinding struggling the heart beats on
Then you realise there is one people
one language and this land is not a map
And it’s no longer a question
Where your homeland is
Hungary, hear our words
So many faces and names
Bravely took a different path
We owe you our gratitude
That the sky is clearer
That a new dawn has risen upon us
Hungary, hear our words
We owe you our gratitude
We are beyond any misfortune
Or enemy to tear us apart
Fighting as one
For a country that is free
Hear our song
So many faces and names
Bravely took a different path
We owe you our gratitude
That the sky is clearer
That a new dawn has risen upon us
That a new dawn has risen upon us
Hungary, hear our words
So many faces and names
Bravely took a different path
We owe you our gratitude
That the sky is clearer
That a new dawn has risen upon us
For a free country
For a free country
A free country
A free country