Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 140



The sun is shining, I'm lying on a cloud
In pink sunglasses
Purple fog above the clouds
I'll try it because it'll come in again
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Look, you haven't seen anything like this
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Paradise and abundance grove
This is beef good as an airship
This is beef good because you fly like an airship (2x)
Hey wait, smoke a cigarette
Enjoy this biblical bug too
Adam, Eve above the clouds
Maybe I'll move there tomorrow
There the Pope is vacationing in, the Vatican it’s too cold
His legs are hanging there, but I know what he's like now
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Paradise, abundance grove
This is beef good as an airship
This is beef good because you fly like an airship (2x)
The sun is shining, I'm lying on a cloud
In pink sunglasses
Purple fog above the clouds
I'll try it because it'll come in again
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Look, you haven't seen anything like this
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Paradise, abundance grove
This is beef good as an airship
This is beef good because you fly like an airship (2x)
Hey wait, smoke a cigarette
Enjoy this biblical bug too
Adam, Eve above the clouds
Maybe I'll move there tomorrow
There the Pope is vacationing in the Vatican it’s too cold
His legs are hanging there, I know what he's like now
This is an infinitely comfortable island
Paradise, abundance grove
This is beef good as an airship
This is beef good because you fly like an airship (2x)


Versions: #2
My life is up atop of a tree, I won't bring it down for anyone,
I'll just stay there with respect, spitting out seeds of grass,
and by the morning, a meadow will grow, put right under my soles,
together with life, we nest here, you and me, the three of us,
and I let you see, see, see, and now noone can get between us,
between my hand and yours, between my hand and yours...
Our fates are up atop of a tree, during the day it's cloudy,
you can only see the light of it at night, when sobriety goes to sleep,
and then by the morning, the sky falls, and folds another,
blue colored daydreams, and white sheep,
and I let you see, see, see, and now noone can get between us,
between my hand and yours, between my hand and yours...
Look, my dream is carried by the wind, I can't even reach it by hand,
and it dances away on glass balls, on the carpet of endlessness,
and then it doesn't even look at me for days, it lives on paper ships,
then it brings its stolen treasures, for a single glance of yours,
My life is up atop of a tree, I won't bring it down for anyone,
I'll just stay there with respect, spitting out seeds of grass,
and by the morning, a meadow will grow, put right under my soles,
together with life, we nest here, you and me, the three of us.
Follow my trace, bend and put your face above it
See my shipwreck reaching your shore
I am drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk from your seasons,
which draw my most reckless craziness
I am drunk, drunk, drunk, drunk from your seasons,
which draw my most reckless craziness
and I let you see, see, see, and now noone can get between us,
between my hand and yours, between my hand and yours...
and I let you see, see, see, and now noone can get between us,
between my hand and yours, between my hand and yours...

The Soup

The problem was the soup,
An ordinary, stupid soup,
And today two weeks have passed
Since I stopped speaking to her.
When it comes to food,
I like it varied.
My organism just cannot stand
Having to eat the same thing all over again.
And she goes on with sorrel1 by the rattling wheels.
I watched it for a long time
and sadness was stabbing my heart.
I will go to the post-office instantly
to send a telegram right away.
On the way I think of the words.
Here’s what the content will be:
My thoughts follow you,
and my heart wants to fly out like a bird.
And you don’t even know, my one and only,
just how much I miss you.

I kiss you a thousand times.
Love is as big as the globe.
I send you my warmest greetings.
I miss you — I love you — stop

But I don’t have enough money
and there are thirty-six words.
I have to quickly cross out
part of the words and kisses.
I cross out reluctantly — ‘cause I have to —
the nine hundred and ninety kisses.
I compose a short telegram
that looks like this:
I kiss you ten times.
Love is as big as the globe.
I send you my warmest greetings.
I miss you — I love you — stop

I hurry to the post-office,
driven by love and May:
Please, miss, open the counter
and give me the form, but quick!

The telegram blooms like a lily,
and the number of words is too big.
Though my heart’s big enough for a million,
money is enough for just three:
Loving — missing — you
  • 1. The train, not the guy. This unusual idea is based on the word play: in Polish 'ranny' can mean two different adjectives: ' (that of a) morning' or 'wounded'.

After the night

Well start, where the wind is already blowing,
Where is no flying any bird ,
only the past shouts.
You win your gold anyway, this is for you,
It's for you too!
The road takes you, it wears out the sorrow,
Dead well, the ugly is beautified.
You gain your light anyway, this is for you,
It's for you too!
Ask, just ask, an apple to the branch,
Step, just stap, your petals already sees.
Our sun rises after the night anyway!
In my dream you opened up, I've seen
Steal more rain, let you grow boldly,
Our sun rises after the night anyway!
You wake up, cause it rumbles, it chimes, it lives,
Every drops, drip, rill,
All branches, dust, foliage,
Any eye, mouth, hill,
What are buzzing around.
Breeze excites, it rocks to a meadow,
Lots of blades of grass kisses you,
Now stem you have taken root,
Because it's for you too!
You're budding because you sprouted,
Did you dance with gossamer?
You feel life sees treasure in you too.

On the wings of ashes

A faithless world
Is destroying itself
You believe yourself to be alive
But while imprisoned
During the winter of your pain
On it's melting ice
The light of your essence
Is resting, allowed to live
On wings of ashes it's revived
The endless
The eons of time
Brings the flame
Tortured by agony
It's burning your feet
The soul is spinning
A dark web
You sense hope
At the end of your journey
Row to the shore
Fly with the wind

Imn - Din furtunoasele secole ale poporului maghiar

Doamne, binecuvântează-l pe maghiar
Cu bunăvoie, cu belşug,
Întinde asupra-i braţ păzitor,
Dacă se luptă cu cei potrivnici lui