Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 123


We'll See Each Other Again

Versions: #1
Maybe my life is dark
Or my lover is a dreamer
Maybe today we'll be together
And the pain will end
Even though the world is quickly
Turning upside down
Maybe one day
We'll see each other again
I don't know if you're with me
Or if you're my enemy
I only know...
I only know that the sea will make you return
To me and feel that desire to love
To want to giving up everything else
Only you and I will love again
I don't know if you're with me
Or if you're my enemy
I only know...
We'll see each other again

Your Place Is My Place

Versions: #1
Help me understand why you take pleasure in my pain
Take my life only to abandon me later
Help me see the end to this game
Of jealousy and resentment, your hate over your ego
If you want me to let go of your past mistakes
I don't know how to cure all the wounds you've inflicted
Help me to believe you still have some sense of shame
You're watching me cry with a clear conscience
You've done me so much wrong, today it has to end
Help me believe that you have a soul
That in your heart there's a hope that will save me
Help me believe that there's a path
That your place is my place and my destiny
Help me to move on and be who I was
I beg you
Help me see the end to this game
Of jealousy and resentment, your hate over your ego
Help me to believe you still have some sense of shame
You're watching me cry with a clear conscience
You've done me so much wrong, today it has to end
Help me believe that you have a soul
That in your heart there's a hope that will save me
Help me believe that there's a path
That your place is my place and my destiny
Help me to move on and be who I was
Help me believe that you have a soul
That in your heart there's a hope that will save me
Help me believe that there's a path
That your place is my place and my destiny
Help me to follow and be who I was
I beg you
I beg you

I thank You

Now that you're gone
I sleep pacefully all nights
Now that I'm free
I wake up happy without your reproaches
Now that you're gone
I live life the way I like
Now that I'm free
I live blissful like I was before
I have no interest in knowing
If you are present, if you come or go
I'm not jealous nor have I doubts
Nor nothing nor the uncertainty
That are wearing down my entire life
I have no interest in knowing
If you are present, if you come or go
I don't suffer anymore, don't cry, don't long for
And it's your fault for so many deceptions
For so many lies
If you could see
How much I've changed
It's not the same anymore
I thank you
Sincerely 'cause you're gone
If you could see
How much I've changed
Without your presence
Now I laugh and live life to my convenience
I don't regret
The past, it was an experience
That in the end opened my eyes
To see that I still have a lot to give
And several stuff to do
You hindered me, nothing else
Now I'm free
Now I'm free
God willing that never
That never, that never, that never
That never, that never, that never
That never, that never, that never
That you never come back
I have no interest in knowing
If you are present, if you come or go
I'm not jealous nor have I doubts
Nor nothing nor the uncertainty
That are wearing down my entire life
I have no interest in knowing
If you are present, if you come or go
I don't suffer anymore, don't cry, don't long for
And it's your fault for so many deceptions
For so many lies
For so many lies
For so many lies
For so many lies

Stop threatening me

Stop threatening me
Stop threatening me
If you've set your mind
To starting a new life
Well, stick to your course and get lost
But stop threatening me
Stop threatening me
I know you've come of age
And know about life
Surely know what you are doing.
So, why are you still here, didn't you want to go,
And you're still here, weren't you about to leave,
But you're still around
And haven't gone yet
And I am waiting for your love
Waiting for your love
Waiting for your love
Or waiting to be forgotten.
Stop threatening me
Stop threatening me
If it was your destiny
To no longer care about my love
Well, hold on to your course and get lost
But stop threatening me
Stop threatening me
Go try your luck
I'll deal you a hand.
But, mind you, I'll hold the aces.
Why are you still here, didn't you want to go
And you're still here, weren't you about to leave,
But you're still around
And haven't gone yet
And I am waiting for your love
Waiting for your love
Or waiting to be forgotten.

Micuță, micuță

Văd înflorind noi flori
de-a lungul drumului vieții.
Singurătatea s-a sfârșit,
acum că ești aici cu mine.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă în inima ta,
și nu pretind ca tu
deja să mă strigi pe nume,
dar știu că un zâmbet
îți caută chipul
și se-nvârte, se-nvârte, se-nvârte
în jurul meu.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă într-un gând,
care mă trage după tine
în lumea întreagă.
Și zbor, zbor, zbor
cât timp vrei tu,
fericită să rămân
în visele tale.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
micuță în mâinile tale.
Și pe măsură ce timpul trece,
care curge prea lent,
pictez atâtea vise colorate
în jurul tău.
Micuță, micuță sunt,
închisă într-un gând,
care mă trage după tine
în lumea întreagă.
Și zbor, zbor, zbor
cât timp vrei tu,
fericită să rămân
în visele tale.
Micuță, micuță, micuță...
Micuță, micuță, micuță,
închisă în inima ta.
Micuță, micuță, micuță...

Văd soarele în miez de noapte

Ce e cu mine? Nu știu ce e.
De ce nu-mi vine somnul?
Nu reușesc să înțeleg de ce
lumea s-a schimbat pentru mine.
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu iubesc, eu iubesc!
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
camera mea se transformă:
acel balcon e un sens giratoriu.
Dansez pe malul mării.
Eu iubesc, eu iubesc!
Dansez cu tine
și sunt aici,
în pijamaua mea albastră,
albastră, albastră, albastră...
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu te iubesc, eu te iubesc!
Dansez cu tine
și sunt aici,
în pijamaua mea albastră,
albastră, albastră, albastră...
Văd soarele în miez de noapte,
culeg flori de pe tavan.
Ai dreptate, sunt nebună.
E numai vina iubirii,
eu te iubesc, eu te iubesc!
Eu te iubesc!
Eu te iubesc!

What Will You Give Me

What will you give me if I come back
That's worth the sacrifice
Because the day we left each other
I thought it was the end
You bragging about new lovers
I don't know if it was to hurt me
If you did it and lied
I did it for real
When you left in spirit
Another love came into my life
And it is really hard for me
To forget him and go back
But let me think about it
I'm not promising anything
But if I come back
Tell me what you'll give me
Nobody takes steps in vain
Nobody lives on dreams
If others win for what they do
I too want to win
I don't like pairs
Nor do I like loving two at once
He who has two lovers
Will end badly with one
But let me think about it
I'm not promising anything
But if I come back
Tell me what you'll give me
Nobody takes steps in vain
Nobody lives on dreams
If others win for what they do
I too, I too want to win


Why did you become a coward
When you used to say you'd be a hero
Why did you search for me so diligently
If you're afraid of having me
If I barely touch your soul
You run from me again
Why did you make me love you
Knowing that you'd leave
Today I'm untying your wings
But you must leave my life
Today I'm breaking your chains
Hero in the art of deception
Stop running circles through my life
Uncertain love
Love that only asks favors and only thinks about him
Untie these threads that bind me
The threads of this love that's only pain
Because I've already grown tired
Set me free, coward
Why do you cling to this
Why I have I become your whim
For once be honest
You don't know what to do with me
Today I'm breaking your chains
Hero in the art of deception
Stop running circles through my life
Uncertain love
Love that only asks favors and only thinks about him
Untie these threads that bind me
The threads of this love that's only pain
Because I've already grown tired
Stop running circles through my life
Uncertain love
Love that only asks favors and only thinks about him
Untie these threads that bind me
The threads of this love that's only pain
Because I've already grown tired
Set me free, coward
You're nothing more than a coward

Pasionată Julieta

Ai fost totul pentru mine
Tu ai pus bazele
Vieții mele
În timp ce
Mă pierdeam în noțiuni
Tu mânuiai emoțiile
Alături de mine
Ai spus: ia loc
Îți spun despre un inel de aur
Oamenii căsătoriți n-au emoții
Iubirea nu-i decât o luptă
Pasionată Julieta, am venit din nou
Hai să ne distrăm diseară
Și fiecare avem nevoie de cineva
Pasionată Julieta
E momentul vieții tale
Te-ai rătăcit și regăsit
Eu am străbătut oceanul
Ei bine, știi
E un timp pentru dăruire
Inima mea e în mișcare
Ca și-nainte
Eu spun: uită-te la mireasă
Julieta are un inel de aur
N-am nevoie de nicio invitație
Dacă vin noaptea târziu
Pasionată Julieta, vin din nou
Hai să ne distrăm diseară
Și fiecare avem nevoie de cineva
Pasionată Julieta
E momentul vieții tale
Pasionată Julieta, vin din nou
Hai să ne distrăm diseară
Și fiecare avem nevoie de cineva
Pasionată Julieta
Momentul vieții tale
Pasionată Julieta, vin din nou
Hai să ne distrăm diseară
Și fiecare avem nevoie de cineva
Pasionată Julieta
E momentul vieții tale
Pasionată Julieta, vin din nou
Hai să ne distrăm diseară
Și fiecare avem nevoie de cineva
Pasionată Julieta
E momentul vieții tale
Pasionată Julieta, vin din nou
Hai să ne distrăm diseară
Și fiecare avem nevoie de cineva
Pasionată Julieta

Mint Tea

It can be by air, by boat, by car or on foot
You run around the world until your conscience burns
I slept behind the wheel, that's how I survived
I wanted to use what I had at home
If you want to know why I went back
Now you know it's mint tea
I lived in error, drank alcohol
So my everyday life would be a little easier
That’s when I met a dragon chasing me
Only mint tea can save me
It can be by air, by boat, by car or on foot
You run around the world until your conscience burns
With a one way ticket in my hand, I head back
Back home where I have mint tea
It’s beautiful everywhere, but the most beautiful is home
For each pain grows a flower
Remember when the dragon chases you
Only mint tea can save you
It can be by air, by boat, by car or on foot
You run around the world until your conscience burns
With a one way ticket in my hand, I head back
Back home where I have mint tea

Dirty clothes

I'll turn on this song
Just to thank you for your love
I'll try something better
Just look into my eyes please
I'll just tell the truth
I won't be silent
It usually happens that sometimes you
Hurt yourself and nail yourself to your cross
If I try to help you
You follow the ostrich technique
It won't help you if you just hide
What do you need?
Dirty clothes and cold night
And I feel crazy
Without you in my life
Dirty clothes and Cold night
Without your light I'm lost (I'm lost)
What a cold night
What a cold night
A blue day
A gray day
One more day to see you smile
I know once again what I want
And I can only offer you what I am
Behind the city the noise of the sea can be heard
I won't be silent
Dirty clothes and cold night
And I feel crazy
Without you in my life
Dirty clothes and Cold night
Without your light I'm lost (I'm lost)
What a cold night
What a cold night
Dirty clothes and cold night
And I feel crazy
Without you in my life
Dirty clothes and Cold night
Without your light I'm lost (I'm lost)
What a cold night
What a cold night

În Jurul Inimii Mele

Cu ceva timp în urmă în '85
În iulie, când vara era lungă
Am fost bine
Știi ce nu pot cumpăra cu banii
Un sărut pe un camion cu platformă
O ploaie fierbinte ne-a completat norocul
Ai spus, cuvintele nu înseamnă nimic
Dar tu vei fi al meu
Se învârte în inima mea
Hei, hei, ce bărbat criminal
Viața se va învârti în cerc în jurul inimii mele
Hei, hei, e un joc atât de periculos
Mi-e teamă că ți-ai pierde încrederea în dragoste
Bun prieten în cea mai întunecată noapte
Te simți orb, dar dragostea mea este categorizată
Doar urmează lumina
Trebuie să urmezi lumina
Într-o zi vei fi față în față
Și vei vedea că natura umană nu-mi poate irosi iubirea
Cuvintele nu înseamnă nimic
Atâta timp cât ești al meu
Se învârte în inima mea
Hei, hei, ce bărbat criminal
Viața se va învârti în cerc în jurul inimii mele
Hei, hei, e un joc atât de periculos
Mi-e teamă că ți-ai pierde încrederea în dragoste
Se învârte în inima mea
Hei, hei, ce bărbat criminal
Viața se va învârti în cerc în jurul inimii mele
Hei, hei, e un joc atât de periculos
Mi-e teamă că ți-ai pierde încrederea în dragoste
Se învârte în inima mea
Hei, hei, ce bărbat criminal
Viața se va învârti în cerc în jurul inimii mele
Hei, hei, e un joc atât de periculos
Mi-e teamă că ți-ai pierde încrederea în dragoste
Se învârte în inima mea
Hei, hei, ce bărbat criminal
Viața se va învârti în cerc în jurul inimii mele
Hei, hei, e un joc atât de periculos

I want to change the world

I like nothing how it is
what I have to endure
the power's abuses
nothing seems to work
ready am I to fight!
But I have to wait
what am I lacking?
if courage is what's in excess
I'm sure that
everything can get better
and it'll change!
I want to change the world
to find my freedom
to fly through this sky
I want to change the world
a world of equality
a world of hapiness here
I like nothing how it is
to put up with the humiliation
because the color of my skin
nothing seems to work
the work is hellish
it never ends!
and there's no strength for anything else!
and what's lacking?
if courage is what's in excess
I'm sure that
everything can get better
and it'll change
I want to change the world
to find my freedom
to reach together the sky
I want to change my world
a world of equality
a world of endless hapiness

You can't leave

I close my eyes to see you near
it's my craving of you
I hug you, squeeze you, go slowly all over you
and forget about myself
I dream of you, live you and breathe you
it's my craving of you
I think of you, feel you and you're here within,
don't go away from me
I don't want to wake up if you're not here
you're the hope that alway makes me to keep going
And I ask you to give me
just another oportunity
'cause I can't take it anymore
how to keep going in a world without you
I don't even know where to go if it's not with you
I can't live
It hurts me to breathe if you're not here
I don't know how to start now without you
I close my eyes and you're at my side
it's my craving of you
I look at you and look at you, hug you and tell you
You can't leave.
'Cause you're the reason that makes me live
you're the only hope to keep going
And I ask you to give me
just another oportunity
'cause I can't take it anymore
how to keep going in a world without you
I don't even know where to go if it's not with you
I can't live
And I ask you to love me
again like you did yesterday
'cause without your love I can't sleep
pacefully, I'm lost without you
I don't even know when it was that I lost you
I don't know where to go
I don't want to wake up if you're not here
you're the hope that alway makes me to keep going
I close my eyes and dream that I see you
it's my craving of you
I love you, miss you, ask you to come back
you can't leave...

I Will Accept To Lose You

How are you love,
how is your life going,
How are your days,
do you feel better,
How are you love,
Since my departure your wound healed,
your pain went away...
Tell me if giving up was useful
if it truly was worth it,
that I had left my place
and am paying
this sentence...
I'll step aside of your life
I won't come back even if
I tell you that
I'm dying for having you
for your sake
I will accept to lose you
I'll step aside of your life
even if I don't find the exit
I won't be the hindrance
of your bed
nor will I be the shadow who loves you,
I'll step aside
no doubting even if it harms me so much
even though I didn't stop loving you
you're better without me
How are you love,
Since my departure your wound healed,
your pain went away...
Tell me if giving up was useful
if it truly was worth it,
that I had left my place
and am paying
this sentence
I'll step aside of your life
I won't come back even if I tell you that
I'm dying for having you
for your sake I will accept to lose you
I'll step aside of your life
even if I don't find the exit
I won't be the hindrance of your bed
nor will I be the shadow who loves you,
I'll step aside no doubting
even if it harms me so much
even though I didn't stop loving you
you're better without me
you're better without me

Nothing holds me

One covered a long way
One have a longer one to go
Everyone forges their own happiness
Like I do mine, but right
Still haven't reached the halfway
From all that, I'm aim for
Yet I have and take the time
To live out my dreams
I see forwardly and have
Still room for a few albums

Bye Bye Sadness

No one here is a complete angel or demon
No one here knows the secret of a happy life
There's no way to tell reality from dreams
And to tell you from me
And to tell me from you
And to tell you from me
And to tell me from you
I'm not here to suffer
Why am I feeling nostalgic?
I want to be happy
Bye bye, sadness, you don't need to come back
I'm not here to suffer
(Bye bye, sadness...)
Why am I feeling nostalgic?
(Bye bye, sadness...)
I want to be happy
Bye bye, sadness, you don't need to come back
I know how to make mistakes on my own, without being advised
If I suffer, who will cry for me?
I know how to look at myself not needing a mirror
Don't tell me no
And don't tell me yes
Don't tell me no
And don't tell me yes
I'm not here to suffer
Why am I feeling nostalgic?
I want to be happy
Bye bye, sadness, you don't need to come back
I'm not here to suffer
(Bye bye, sadness...)
Why am I feeling nostalgic?
(Bye bye, sadness...)
I want to be happy
Bye bye, sadness, you don't need to come back
And to tell you from me
And to tell me from you
And to tell you from me
And to tell me from you
I'm not here to suffer
Why am I feeling nostalgic?
I want to be happy
Bye bye, sadness, you don't need to come back
I'm not here to suffer
(Bye bye, sadness...)
Why am I feeling nostalgic?
(Bye bye, sadness...)
I want to be happy
Bye bye, sadness, you don't need to come back
I'm not here to suffer
(Bye bye, sadness...)
Why am I feeling nostalgic?
(Bye bye, sadness...)
I want to be happy
Bye bye, sadness, you don't need to come back
I'm not here to suffer
(Bye bye, sadness...)
Why am I feeling nostalgic?
(Bye bye, sadness...)
I want to be happy
Bye bye, sadness, you don't need to come back


Chorus x2:
He just wants sex, he wants me to give him everything
He has a complex, he wants to go everywhere I go
I'm calling SOS, he's so restless
And I know some girls would want him, but not me
Strophe 1: Alen Sakic
Fuck all those stories, girl, come with me tonight
And you know that after about twenty moves, we'll get along fine
You wanna get a bit reluctant, why do this to me?
Turn off the lights when we're alone
Stop fronting, you know we'll be staying here till late
And whoever's calling you or enticing you - they don't matter to me
I love it when you're naughty, you know that's what lures me in
And give me everything you're keeping from me jealously (And it is, it is)
Chorus x2:
Strophe 2: Rasta
Tell me
There's no use you crying about it to me, boy, I'm not your mother, mother
He says this is evil, but he still lives in hope
He's calling her on the phone, she doesn't want to answer
The user is unavailable, he is nowhere on the map
Call him till the day after tomorrow, but whoever understands - will get it,
No villas, cars, nor salary are worth anything
Half a million, not even worth it for Illuminati (And it is, it is)
Strophe 3: Bula Adriano
While you're lying to yourself, I know well what you're looking for
And tell it to me again, as if it really means something
I'd call you often and I always find a reason
We're going far away, somewhere that's not even on the map
Heads at the table, I'm obviously taking out the papers
I want to eat you up like you're a muffin
And the phone is always ringing, I don't want to answer to anyone
And I like that, I just want us to be alone (And it is, it is)
Chorus x2

I'm staying here

Flowers have been born in my house
I will sow gardens of joy
And I will water them with hope
All the nights and days
I have so much, so much to give you
What no one wanted in this life
It was never too late in my heart
Because I loved you
Because I was waiting for you
Although you didn't come
I'm staying here
I'm with you
Although this world doesn't want to stop
I hug you
Your warmth
And your immense desire to fly
I'm staying here
Close to the sun
To give you the best of each day
I'm staying here
Next to you
If you want today
And my whole life
Whole life
They have under stars to my bed
I feel butterflies in my belly button
I can't think of almost anything
When your gaze caresses me
You are as eternal as time
As indispensable as water
The happiness of every day
What I always wanted
What I had lost
What I deserved
I'm staying here
I'm with you
Although this world doesn't want to stop
I hug you
Your warmth
And your immense desire to fly
I'm staying here
Close to the sun
To give you the best of each day
I'm staying here
Next to you
If you want today
And my whole life
Whole life
I'm staying here
I'm with you
Although this world doesn't want to stop
I hug you
Your warmth
And your immense desire to fly
I'm staying here
Close to the sun
To give you the best of each day
I'm staying here
Next to you
If you want today
And my whole life
Whole life
Whole life


You build walls, brick by brick
They protect you, everything could be a trap
You want to get into their drawers at all costs
What you find there quickly loses its charm
You probably didn't mean that by being yourself
All I wish for you, is a little happiness
I stood behind you all the time and have protected you
It would be my happiness, if nobody ever hurts you again
I stood behind you all the time, in case happiness leaves you once
Fullfilling one's own wishes isn't easy for anyone
Whoever doesn't start running has never achieved his goal
One who venture nothing do nothing wrong-do you want to be someone like that
So you won't be remembered by anyone
It's your choice- you can decide you freely
All I wish for you, is a little happiness
I stood behind you all the time and have protected you
It would be my happiness, if nobody ever hurts you again
I stood behind you all the time, in case happiness leaves you once
You don't need to clench your fists
You could unfold like a butterfly
All I wish for you, is a little happiness
I stood behind you all the time and have protected you
It would be my happiness, if nobody ever hurts you again
I stood behind you all the time, in case happiness leaves you once
It would be my happiness, if nobody ever hurts you again
I stood behind you all the time, in case happiness leaves you once

Bad bad

On my neck, spite in spite arms hug me as much as I want
Brain in head, I was right when I said you 'I'll give you back everything'
I can't change you, it's not a topic to me that there's no help (to us)
I want to replace you, when I feel good tonight
Bad, bad, you feel bad like I was sometime, but not more
If you see me, you hide your glaze
I send you the waiter, tell him what do you want to drink
Bad, bad, you feel bad like I was sometime, but not more
If you see me, you hide your glaze
I send you the waiter, tell him what do you want to drink
It's a wrong date you to be in the city, you're not well, you saw me
There's a target on my body, they want me in whole
Now you're conscious how querulous are you
I can't change you, it's not a topic to me that there's no help (to us)
I want to replace you, when I feel good tonight
Bad, bad, you feel bad like I was sometime, but not more
If you see me, you hide your glaze
I send you the waiter, tell him what do you want to drink
Bad, bad, you feel bad like I was sometime, but not more
If you see me, you hide your glaze
I send you the waiter, tell him what do you want to drink
Bad, bad, you feel bad like I was sometime, but not more
If you see me, you hide your glaze
I send you the waiter, tell him what do you want to drink
Bad, bad, you feel bad like I was sometime, but not more
If you see me, you hide your glaze
I send you the waiter, tell him what do you want to drink

Who you are

It hurts me to know you with another her
The nights hurt a lot in your absence
How do you feel in my absence?
I wonder if you
You have me on your mind each morning
I try to leave but my heart never learns
I can't forget you even when I can't handle it
It's all that I could ask for, just one more chance in another life
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
Which one of us two is guilty
Who was left behind and who left
You also know that I, I waited for you
In vain, I'm saying that it's all over right now
You have me on your mind each morning
I try to leave but my heart never learns
I can't forget you even when I can't handle it
It's all that I could ask for, just one more chance in another life
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
And if the rain is to fall
I hope that it washes away every last drop of love
From my heart
Don't blame her because you miss me
And if the rain is to fall
I hope that it washes away every last drop of love
From my heart
Don't blame her because you miss me
You miss me...
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no
The mistake was saying that you love me
You love me, you love me, no
How can you lie with your gaze, you were an actor
You didn't know how to fake love, how hard it was for you
Tell me who you are, no
Who said to you that you're allowed to hurt me, no
To hurt, to hurt, to mess up, no

Only The Stars

Above us, only the stars
From the distance, the world is beautiful
Where did so much beauty
That lives in your deep eyes come from?
In the lifeline of two lovers
There's room and time to live
Without knowing where to go
Without knowing why
To realize that dream
The hardest to forget
The most colorful one
We go farther
Than a single kiss
Than a single 'I love you'
Above us, only the stars
From the distance, the world is beautiful
Where did so much beauty
That lives in your deep eyes come from?
In the lifeline of two lovers
There's room and time to live
The most colorful
We go farther
Than a single kiss
I love you!

New memories

Let's make new memories
Stay alive
If, today, we were no more
Who would know us
Why do I look for you sometimes
Why do I always come back to you, and then
I make you cry and you leave again
Forget me, forget me, forget me
So forgive me, please
I can't leave, you're like a drug
You've captured me and I like it a lot
And I forget about everything that hurts
Forgive me, forgive me
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
If, today, we were no more
Who would know us
You know, what we leave behind
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
Why does my soul cry
When the silence cries out to me, you're the sound
I hear you in my mind, you're an echo
Forget me, forget me, forget me
So forgive me, please
I can't leave, you're like a drug
You've captured me and I like it a lot
And I forget about everything that hurts
Forgive me, forgive me
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
If, today, we were no more
Who would know us
You know, what we leave behind
Let's make new memories
Stay alive
Stay alive
Stay alive . . .
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Everyone Can Judge Me

Age is not important
As long as our desire
Is counting the same steps
Not every love is the real one
Just because the others said
It's right
Throw the stone
You sinless people
Maybe I won't get up
But to justify myself
Just because I love
I do not accept that
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
Age is not important
As long as our desire
Is counting the same steps
When love covers wrinkles
Then our souls speak
The same language
Throw the stone
You sinless people
Maybe I won't get up
But to justify myself
Just because I love
I do not accept that
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
This is the song for you
For everything you haven't given to me
It could have been better, but I am not sorry
That I've given you days
I'll have something to remember
I'll pay for my mistake, but life is only one
Everyone can judge me
I keep stoically silent
I know they will say: 'What happened to her?'
That's what people are like
They don't know that I am not choosing
It is my heart
Since always I've been head-on
Straight to pain
But I do not regret it
do not regret it
I do not regret it
I do not regret it
and I do not regret it

A wonderful future

I can hear deep in my heart
A voice from a wonderful future
Its whisper takes me on a journey
I'm looking forward to it
My wish is for a wonderful future
Please don't do cruel things
My heart's wish is for a wonderful future
I run to the wonderful future
The voice from the wonderful future
I wonder if it's calling me to paradise
I answer my own question:
Did you do something for tomorrow?
My wish is for a wonderful future
Please don't do cruel things
My heart's wish is for a wonderful future
I run to the wonderful future
My heart's promise is
By becoming a good person
To chase the voice
To roads nobody has walked on
My wish is for a wonderful future
Please don't do cruel things
My heart's wish is for a wonderful future
I run to the wonderful future
I run to the wonderful future

My sin is to love you

To love you like I did, without limit in the horizon,
Is always a dangerous game
Because, in the end, the one who gave most is the loser
To love you like I did,
Emptying my life for you
I spent 100 thousand words in the wind
I gave myself every moment
To make you happy
My sin is to love you due to not
Understanding you were never mine
Due to my desire to fill this void
That was formed between the emotion and the reason
My sin is to love you
To love you like I did, without limit in the horizon,
Is always a dangerous game
Because, in the end, the one who gave most is the loser
To love you like I did,
Emptying my life for you
I spent 100 thousand words in the wind
I gave myself every moment
To make you happy
My sin is to love you due to not
Understanding you were never mine
Due to my desire to fill this void
That was formed between the emotion and the reason
My sin is to love you...

Romantic obsession

You look at me with those distracted eyes
You shatter me like dreams, broken mirrors
Really you... We shouldn't have thought about it anymore
And instead we're meeting here by chance...
We, who never trusted chance...
Smile, it's the most normal thing
Then you sit down... A coffee is alright now
Really us... We should have never forgiven ourselves
And meanwhile the sun has risen outside...
How do words count after all!
Look, what a coincidence, life works like that.
There's no sense, no prevision
It seems to be predetermiend, finding each other here
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
You talk to me while trying to buy me...
You can satiate me, with that behavior you have
Really me, me... But I didn't have to bear you anymore
And instead the sun has risen outside
And we're becoming two new people
Look, what a coincidence, life works like that.
There's no sense, no prevision
It seems to be predetermined, finding each other here
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
It's a splendid song that makes everything tremble.
And you obstinately open my door wide
And my destiny is happily destroyed...
Every destiny is happily destroyed!
You're a romantic obsession!
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

The Life I Want

Still here
With the wind
That blows in the South
That moves obstacles
That changes moods and thoughts
I'm here even if you don't want it
It's a goodbye even if I don't want it
And I trade old loves with your new ones
I decide that time will choose
The life I want
Seems to beg me
Not to come back
And if you want to hurt me
You won't see me anymore
Now I
Don't think of it anymore
Just a briefcase, a breath
And it's a new life
It feels weird to feel alright
After nights spent loving pain as well
I gave new looks and new names to ugly things
So that even the worst won't hurt anymore
The life I want
Seems to beg me
Not to come back
And if you want to hurt me
You won't see me anymore
You won't see me anymore...
You won't see me anymore...
The life I want
Seems to beg me
Not to come back
And now you won't hurt me
You won't hurt me
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

Talking, forgiving, kissing

It has to look like this
The feeling of those who, over time, have lost the taste
For their eternal conflict with themselves, and have repelled
That nostalgia for what they've lost
Do you perhaps think there's still space
Do you perhaps think there's still time
To look through your hands and choose
Whether all that resentement makes sense
Or whether a borderline exists
Between my conscience and your will
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy to show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Talking, forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
Forgiving, then kissing
The things I...
Though it didn't seem right
So I lost you for my obsession to apply a face to everything
Because you know a woman's a woman
Not necessarily from her make-up
But also from the scratches time drew on her
Do you perhaps think there's still space
Do you perhaps think there's still time
To look through your hands and choose
Whether all that resentement makes sense
Or whether a borderline exists
Between my conscience and your will
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy
To show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Talking, forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
Forgiving, then kissing
The things I wish to do to you
The things I wish to do to you
And you'll understand that I'm
Made of the same substance you're made of
Open your arms, the world is advancing
Embrace me and don't think
It's easy
To show your teeth and laugh
While you empty a life that was mine
Mine, mine, mine
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you publish it with a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

Inima în palmă

Știu, suspectez totul chiar și când nu spui nimic,
Recunosc fiecare dintre minciunile tale,
Ar trebui să știi măcar atât:
Tu, tu ești umbra întunecată a inimii mele
dintotdeauna, dar sunt a ta pentru că
ești totul și nimicul meu,
mereu îți voi aparține.
Îți pun în palmă inima aceasta a mea,
Apoi poți s-o arunci în praf și în cenușă,
Iar în acel moment gândește-te la noi și calcă peste ea la final,
Ai zdrobit totul în mine, oricum.
Știu, îmi acoperi cerul cu nori și îl înseninezi
oricând îți dorești asta,
și îmi aduci durerea ca pe un dar împachetat.
Tu, tu ești umbra întunecată a inimii mele
dintotdeauna, dar sunt a ta pentru că
ești totul și nimicul meu,
mereu îți voi aparține...
Share music and kindness! :)


It was dark outside
and the train was late
I have a runny nose from my tears
my train is hurrying into the night
The coffee was bitter without its sugar
and the sandwich was rotten as the evening
with just two words, you’ve ruined everything
when you said you don’t love me
I’ll cry out loud
and jump out the window
in front of all these people
who cares
The first man that comes along
I’ll take him into my arms
and take everything off my chest
just to forget you
I’ll throw your letters into the river
I’ll set your pictures on fire
let it all be gone, my dear, everything
since you don’t love me
It was dark outside
and the train was late
I have a runny nose from my tears
my train arrives at dawn
Everything else is better than you
I’m running, and forgetting everything
all of those bags and suitcases
because I’m eager and in pain