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Număr de rezultate: 65
Miraculoasă Regină a Cerurilor
Doamna noastră, Maica lui Isus,Dă-ne grația luminii Tale.
Preanevinovată Marie, floare divină,
Dă-ne grația iubirii Tale!
Miraculoasă Regină a Cerurilor,
Sub mantia Ta, țesută de lumină,
Fă toate războaiele să se sfârșească pe pământ
Și să fie între oameni pacea lui Isus!
Dacă în poala Ta, Binecuvântată Maică,
Toată amărăciunea are remediu,
Sufletele noastre Îți cer să te duci
La război ca să faci pace!
Miraculoasă Regină a Cerurilor,
Sub mantia Ta, țesută de lumină,
Fă toate războaiele să se sfârșească pe pământ
Și să fie între oameni pacea lui Isus!
Întru copii, flori îmbobociți
Maybe It's Because of This
I just diveInto tides of fantasy
Everything in me wants you
Everyone celebrates, all bodies vibrateYou're surrounded, everyone here wants a little piece of you
Your eyes have fixed mine
I know I only have this chance because we play
'Who looks away will lose'
And now my legs are shaking
Your hands come against mine
And my knees against yours
We mix our
Ah ma ma ma
Right in this second
Ah ma ma ma
Your light falls on my wound
My lips taste blood
It hurts and that's good
Ah ma ma ma
I finally found you
You are the light in my wound
Oh oh
Everything in me wants you
Oh oh
Everything in me wants
This is how heaven must be if it forgives me
I dreamed of you before I knew you existed
We split your cigarette into four pieces
You say, 'I want to be alone with you'
Your hand on my leg
Ah ma ma ma
Right in this second
Ah ma ma ma
Your light falls on my wound
My lips taste blood
It hurts and that's good
Ah ma ma ma
I finally found you
You are the light in my wound
Oh oh
Everything in me wants you
Oh oh
Everything in me wants
Oh oh
Everything in me wants you
Oh oh
Everything in me wants
Morning dew, grey to blue, everything smokes, skin to skin
So familiar
We fear when hearts are on fire, you have to go
Stay here a little longer
Here with me
Because everything in me wants you
Right in this second
Ah ma ma ma
Your light falls on my wound
My lips taste blood
It hurts and that's good
Ah ma ma ma
I finally found you
You are the light in my wound
Oh oh
And everything in me wants you
Oh oh
Everything in me wants
Oh oh
Everything in me wants you
Oh oh
Everything in me wants you
Love Is Love
The Silence before the Storm, Word after Word around usAsk me, have we so meant?
Hearts know no Pardon, they're it worth, fighting then
That this Spark between us remains
Our Life is so colorful, not simply only black-white
Certainly not perfect and neither not always easy
Our Life is so colorful, so different and yet the same
I want only, that you know
What is love?
Even when we are silent
'You and I' stands between the lines
Love is love
Can not always show
You and I stand between the Lines
What is love?
Even when we are silent
Love is love (love is love)
Stand between the Lines
What is love?
Feel you under my Skin, sense your Headwind
That keeps driving me forward
It's all the same, what ever happens, our Passion wins
So long as this Spark between us remains
Our Life is so colorful, not simply only black-white
Certainly not perfect and neither not always easy
Our Life is so colorful, so different and yet the same
I want only, that you know
What is love?
Even when we are silent
'You and I' stands between the lines
Love is love
Can not always show
You and I stand between the Lines
What is love?
Even when we are silent
Love is love (love is love)
Stand between the Lines
What is love?
Even when we are silent
'You and I' stands between the lines
Love is love
Can not always show
You and I stand between the Lines
What is love?
Even when we are silent
Love is love (love is love)
Stand between the Lines
What ist love?
Pentru fiecare bărbat există o femeie
Pentru fiecare bărbat există o femeie,Pentru fiecare viaţă există un plan,
Şi înţelepţii ştiu că aşa a fost întotdeauna,
De când a început lumea, femeia a fost făcută pentru bărbat,
Unde este Ea, unde este femeia pentru mine?
Pentru fiecare prinţ, există o prinţesă,
Pentru fiecare Joe(Iosif), există o Joan (Ioana)
Şi dacă aştepţi, vei găsi perechea
Născută doar pentru tine, fericită să fie a ta,
Unde este Ea, unde este femeia pentru mine?
Găseşte-o pe Ea, găseşte-o pe Ea,
Apoi împreună veţi găsi soarele,
Pentru fiecare inimă există o clipă,
Pentru fiecare mână, o mănuşă,
Şi pentru fiecare femeie, un bărbat să-l iubească.
Pentru fiecare inimă există o clipă,
Pentru fiecare mână, o mănuşă,
Şi pentru fiecare femeie, un bărbat să-l iubească.
Unde este Ea, unde este cea pentru mine?
Your world turns into a homeOne, two rooms, kitchen, bathroom
Sometimes a sunbeam pierces through the windows
You encounter not many people
In these invisible times
Save for the man delivering your packages
And one doesn't see the faces
Behind all those colourful masks
Perhaps something is coming to an end
And back there the light is still on
On the balconies where the brimful ashtrays are
There is not one where all are to blame
And whomever doesn't want the blame
There must be one
Who's being applauded for comfort
And who knows whom they will help
When it's getting crowded at the station (?)
And whomever plays God here at a bad hourly pay
And on the steps up the Reichstag
They play at Truth or Duty
Perhaps something is coming to an end
And back there the light is still on
in some rooms
Where the monitors keep flickering on endlessly
We put on values like garments
But how do values materialise
And where is Peace but a golden accessory?
Who doesn't want to remember history
is to relive it
As long as it used to be better in the past again
And each one wants some truth
Promising him security
Perhaps something new is starting here
And there is nothing more we know
But you are there, I sing for you
And there's already light at the end of this street
În miezul iernii friguroase
În miezul iernii friguroase, vântul îngheţat a gemutPământul stătea tare ca fierul, apa ca o piatră,
Zăpada a căzut, zăpadă peste zăpadă
Zăpadă peste zăpadă, în miezul iernii friguroase, cu mult timp în urmă.
Dumnezeul nostru, cerul nu-L poate ţine,
Nici pământul nu-L susţine
Cer şi pâmânt vor zbura
Când El vine să domnească
În miezul iernii friguroase, un staul a fost suficient
Domnului Dumnezeu atotputernic, Iisus Christos.
Îngeri şi arhangheli poate sau adunat acolo,
Heruvimi şi serafimi aglomerau aerul
Dar mama Lui doar în strălucirea ei de fecioară
L-a venerat pe Cel Iubit cu un sărut.
Ce pot să-I dau eu Lui, sărac cum sunt?
Dacă eram păstor, i-aş fi adus un miel,
Dacă eram un om înţelept, mi-aş face partea,
Totuşi ce pot să-I dau Lui- îi dau inima mea.
One More Day
I never thought the moment will comeWhen the road that I see will ever shine.
Out of all the thousand of people dreaming,
You gave me a chance.
If the path that I must take can be changed,
You will still be the one my heart will search for.
With every moment that I'm with you,
You gave my world life.
The days go by,
Without you noticing you ran out of time.
Can I wish,
For one more day to be with only you.
The moments are not enough,
What we have now is scarce.
Can I wish,
For one more day.
I didn't notice, it's slowly vanishing
The nervousness that I feel.
Every minute with you,
Makes me more brave, because of you.
The days go by,
Without you noticing you ran out of time.
Can I wish,
For one more day to be with only you.
The moments are not enough,
What we have now is scarce.
Can I wish,
For one More Day.
As the sun rises, you
Are the one I always look for.
As the moon changes,
I hope you will still be the one I hold.
The moments are not enough,
What we have now is scarce.
Can I wish, for one more day
The days go by,
Without you noticing you ran out of time.
Can I wish,
For one more day to be with only you.
The moments are not enough,
What we have now is scarce.
Can I, Can I
Can I wish,
For one more day.
In life
I believed it, I even dreamed about it, I didn't want to wake upFirst I listened to everything I was told
But I was guided by something within me
I looked into the mirror, I saw the marks of time
I laughed and cried, I got back up, firmly decided to find my place
Everything will come to pass, at its set time
To believe in it is priceless, when you don't know what to expect
Just follow the path, without ever letting yourself down
The voices we hear in the distance, cannot divert our path
I believed but I had doubts for the most part
I understood a little late, that there's no chance
That you just don't have to look back
But sometimes, I ran out of courage
And don't know how to turn the corner
I think somewhere, something or someone
Is expecting me to go the extra mile
Everything will come to pass, at its set time
To believe in it is priceless, when you don't know what to expect
Just follow the path, without ever letting yourself down
The voices we hear in the distance, can no longer divert our path
I walk, I fly, I believe in destiny
I walk, I fly, I believe in destiny
Everything will come to pass, at its set time
To believe in it is priceless, when you don't know what to expect
Just follow the path, without ever letting yourself down
The voices we hear in the distance, can no longer divert our path
Fire of Your Spirit
Put the fire of Your Spirit upon mePlace the power of Your Word within me
Fill me, fill me
Put the fire of Your Spirit upon me
Place the power of Your Word within me
Fill me, fill me
I will bow down before the throne of God
I will lift Your Name above all names
There is none like You Adonai, among the gods
Fill me, fill me
Fill me with Your love
Place Your healing power within me
Fill me, fill me
Fill me with Your love
Place Your healing power within me
Fill me, fill me
I will bow down before the throne of God
I will lift Your Name above all names
There is none like You Adonai, among the gods
Your blood purifies, Your blood frees
Your blood purifies, Your blood frees
Your blood purifies me, Your blood frees me
I am free, I am free (Me)
I am free, I am free
You are great and greatly to be praised
You are great and greatly to be praised
You are great and greatly to be praised
You are great and greatly to be praised...
Who is like Thee Adonai... majestic in holiness...
Awesome in glory... working wonders...