Rezultatele căutării pagină 21
Număr de rezultate: 1406
[Verse 1]
I'm going to the festival since I promised all of my girlfriends
The queue is an hour-long, plus someone got beat up badly at the entrance
I'm in a crowd of people, the rap on the wooden stage is boring
God, what a bummer, I hope that today there's gonna be...
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
[Verse 2]
Your girl really likes emo-core
Her face is always like someone died
Lock her at home today
And on speakers play her loudly my
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
[Verse 3]
On my live drums, there's a teddy bear
And for my guitar, the pick is a lollipop
Black-shirts and mohawks — it isn't about us
On the stage, I wear slippers and a robe
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Cute-rock, hardcore cute-rock
Where are you now
[Verse 1]
I write and erase for a countless amount of time
For what — I know though, you started to answer me
We broke up recently, a few months ago
But I can't stop missing you
I give myself a bunch of questions
Why was it so hard for us
Maybe it's an affair after all
For you, this is not that serious
Where, where, where are you now
Tell me your secrets, I'll be there
Where, where, where are you now
I just really wanna know
Where, where, where are you now
Tell me your secrets, I'll be there
Where, where, where are you now
I just really wanna know
[Verse 2]
I look for you all day long
And you don't even know that I care
I made a fake profile on Instagram
To live in your stories in secret
Lost control, couldn't hold it in
I called a taxi to your address
Your new girl opened the door for me
And said that she also doesn't know
Where, where, where are you now
Tell me your secrets, I'll be there
Where, where, where are you now
I just really wanna know
Where, where, where are you now
Tell me your secrets, I'll be there
Where, where, where are you now
I just really wanna know
Where, where, where are you now
Tell me your secrets, I'll be there
Where, where, where are you now
I just really wanna know
Where, where, where are you now
Tell me your secrets, I'll be there
Where, where, where are you now
I just really wanna know
Tamparuli Bridge
I make a 'pak pak' sound
As I walk along the bridge
The Tamparuli bridge
In my high-heeled shoes
As I walk along the bridge
The Tamparuli bridge
I make a 'pak pak' sound
In my high heeled shoes
But my damned shoes
Fell off the bridge
All that's left are socks
Which I take home with me
Now it's Wednesday
At the Tamparuli market
Walking through all the shops
Looking for a pair of high heeled shoes
Repeat (all)
With chalk
I draw again on the side walk
The word 'enough' with pure white chalk.
Enough pain and enough lies,
Let yourself free, get a life.
I draw with white chalk on it
Everything I always wanted.
The cardiogram scale rises high-
The world heart is hurt and may die
Purple powder- you and me in it. Such a mess.
Life - what kind of shark are you?- You're toothless.
Tomorrow the chalk will disappear in the puddles, and someone car
Leaves multi-coloured tire prints on asphalt tar.
Grey stone with white chips on it
Someone left for others to sit.
The word 'wait' and the word 'everywhere'-
I don't remember them and I don't care.
If you want to wait for a life of happiness
You can wait twenty years, no less.
And I don't need the words 'if' or 'will'-
I just can't and wouldn't want to sit still
To sit still...
Purple powder- you and me in it. Such a mess.
Life - what kind of shark are you?- You're toothless.
Tomorrow the chalk will disappear in the puddles, and someone car
Leaves multi-coloured tire prints on asphalt tar.
Fingers in white dust, fingers in blue dust.
White chalk looks like frost on glass.
The blue chalk looks like the ocean.
If only I had red to draw the sun.
A world that look cripple and old.
It's hard for colorful men to live in colorless world
I stole the chalk in the fifth grade
It's a pity, their whole life will be grey.
I stole the chalk in the fifth grade
It's a pity, their whole life will be grey.
Purple powder- you and me in it. Such a mess.
Life - what kind of shark are you?- You're toothless.
Tomorrow the chalk will disappear in the puddles, and someone car
Leaves multi-coloured tire prints on asphalt tar.
Uncsuccessful Date
Versions: #1
I asked you out I dreamed about it
I made it happen now at last
You smiled so warmly, a little bashful
You said “Of Course! Yes, yes, yes!”
Bright-eyed and shaven the tie with polka dots
Over the blue I chose to wear
I purchased flowers, at 4 pm I zoomed right there...
I was there! – And I was there!
I was waiting! – And I did wait!
I was upset! – And I was angry!
I went home! - And I had left!
We both were there
Next to pharmacy?
I searched for your at the movie theatre
So then tomorrow,
The same time promptly, the very same place?
I was there! – And I was there!
I was waiting! – And I did wait!
I was upset! – And I was angry!
I went home! - And I had left!
We both were there
I am next to pharmacy
I searched for your at the movies
So then tomorrow,
The same time promptly, the same place?
Tango of jealousy
No, it's not jealousy,
it's my passion instead.
When the others look at you
I'm trembling because
I want your heart
only for me
No, it's not jealousy:
I know you are mine forever.
What consumes me
I don't even know what it is,
but don't worry:
I'm not jealous of you.
No, it's not jealousy:
I know you are mine forever.
You are the one that I need
and you say you'll be true.
I want to believe that you're mine,
but I'm jealous of you.
In a cabin of a truck
In a cabin of a truck
Three drivers with me had a
Guess what they will bring back home?
Some nice clap that rode along!
Argued girls on toilets sitting
Argued girls on toilets sitting
What would be the most witting
One said: if you want to shit,
Think and don't forget to sit
Fell in love with him
Fell in love with him,
With rascal, though I have one wish -
He should wear a doggie collar
So I could pull a leash.
Cântec de leagăn rusesc
Salut! Mă cheamă E-Type! Sănătate!
Când mările se rostogolesc,
Când stelele clar strălucesc,
Când fantomele urlă pe-aproape,
Când noi cântăm cântecul de leagăn rusesc, vino!
În noapte, în noapte...
Hai noi doi să plecăm către un loc mai înalt.
Când ești singură de tot, ascultă doar sunetul.
Cântec de leagăn
Noi adormim când auzim...
Cântec de leagăn
Zburăm departe când auzim...
Cântec de leagăm
Călătorim departe când auzim...
Cântec de leagăn,
Când auzim cântecul de leagăn rusesc.
În noapte,
Când mările se rostogolesc,
În noapte,
Când stelele clar strălucesc,
În noapte,
Când fantomele urlă pe-aproape,
În noapte
Când noi cântăm cântecul de leagăn rusesc.
În noapte, în noapte...
Când pormin prin noapte în căutarea luminii,
Hai noi doi să ne bucurăm de viață la viteza mach 5.
Cântec de leagăn
Noi adormim când auzim...
Cântec de leagăn
Zburăm departe când auzim...
Cântec de leagăn
Călătorim departe când auzim...
Cântec de leagăn
Când auzim cântecul de leagăn rusesc.
În noapte,
Când mările se rostogolesc,
În noapte,
Când stelele clar strălucesc,
În noapte,
Când fantomele urlă pe-aproape,
În noapte,
Când noi cântăm cântecul de leagăn rusesc.
În noapte,
Noi adormim când auzim...
În noapte,
Zburăm departe când auzim...
În noapte
Călătorim departe când auzim...
În noapte
Când noi cântăm cântecul de leagăn rusesc.
Când mările se rostogolesc
În noapte, când stelele clar strălucesc,
În noapte, când fantomele urlă pe-aproape,
În noapte, când noi cântăm cântecul de leagăn rusesc.
Când noi cântăm cântecul de leagăn rusesc
Când noi cântăm cântecul de leagăn rusesc.
Dacă m-aș întoarce
Acel adio fără a se spune un cuvânt,
vina toată a unei explicații fără succes.
De câte ori m-am întrebat dacă stai singură în noul tău apartament.
Astfel am conservat fiecare emoție,
dacă munca a preluat supremația
și orgoliul a întârziat intenția,
nu știi cât de mult te simt .
Dacă m-aș întoarce, de ce nu?
la ce bun să stau departe
Fac totul pentru a uita.
Știu cine ești, acum, când imi lipsești.
Dacă m-aș întoarce, de ce nu?
Lângă tine parcă plutesc.
Acum nu te voi mai lăsa sa pleci.
Nu pot să te pierd de două ori.
Ne auzim pentru probleme de interes,
pentru a vorbi de viitorul copiilor,
dar neînțelegerile noastre sunt aceleași
iubire mea e el,
viața mea e doar el,
nu-mi pasă dacă trebuie să sufăr.
Dar numai lângă el
bate tare inima mea.
Eu în brațele sale,
brațele lui pe ale mele
și apoi să facem iar dragoste.
Nu, nu-mi pasă dacă
într-o zi va trebui să se termine.
Simt încă parfumul său care
îmi chinuie sufletul,
nu mă lasă să trăiesc.
Aproape, aproape că-l sun.
Hai! Formez numărul
Și linia e liberă:
”Scuză-mă un minut, iubire,
te sun să-ți spun că te iubesc,
fără tine nu rezist.
Ne vedem diseară, iubire,
de-abia aștept, întoarce-te curând!”
Și apoi gândul zboară
și mă poartă iar acolo,
în ochii lui albaștri ca marea.
Știu, mă înșeală, dar apoi
știe să se facă iertat.
Dar în această noapte noi
ne întâlnim, și-apoi
pasiunea ne face să plutim.
Și hai, că n-o să se sfârșească,
aceasta e adevărata iubire.
Simt încă parfumul său care
îmi chinuie sufletul,
nu mă lasă să trăiesc.
Aproape, aproape că-l sun.
Hai! Formez numărul
și linia e liberă:
”Scuză-mă un minut, iubire,
te sun să-ți spun că te iubesc,
fără tine nu rezist.
Ne vedem diseară, iubire,
de-abia aștept, întoarce-te curând!”
”Scuză-mă un minut, iubire,
te sun să-ți spun că te iubesc,
fără tine nu rezist.
Ne vedem diseară, iubire,
de-abia aștept, întoarce-te curând!
Ne vedem diseară, iubire,
de-abia aștept, întoarce-te curând!”
Cădea albă ninsoare
Într-un tărâm unic, captivă în magia viselor,
Unde-i pustiu și nimeni nu-mi vede lacrimile,
Eu trebuie să trăiesc un secol în regatul zăpezii,
Și doar iubirea e de-acum steaua mea.
Cădea albă ninsoare, cădea ca într-un vis,
Sfâșiind întunericul cu strălucirea sa.
Cădea albă ninsoare și-mi șoptea, ca răspuns,
Că îmi voi găsi steaua mea.
Închizând ochii, întreb din nou:
”Unde-i acel prinț, care mi-a salvat iubirea?
Într-un tărâm îndepărtat eu m-am pierdut.
Întoarce-te la mine! Mi-e teamă fără tine!”
Cădea albă ninsoare, cădea ca într-un vis,
Sfâșiind întunericul cu strălucirea sa.
Cădea albă ninsoare și-mi șoptea, ca răspuns,
Că îmi voi găsi steaua mea.
I learned these from life:
Except for death, nothing is mandatory
That between me and far-away dreams,
Other than myself, nobody else is a wall
I learned these from life:
That one can fight fate and win
That fighting and losing is better-
Than to sit and grieve
The world is like a mirror, that it's good and bad-
Is just the reflection of my existence
The body and soul of every human on earth-
Is a piece from my warp and weft (my foundation)
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes
I learned these from life:
Except for death, nothing is mandatory
That between me and far-away dreams,
Other than myself, nobody else is a wall
I learned these from life:
That one can fight fate and win
That fighting and losing is better-
Than to sit and grieve
The world is like a mirror, that it's good and bad-
Is just the reflection of my existence
The body and soul of every human on earth-
Is a piece from my warp and weft (my foundation)
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes
We are from light and rain and mirror
We shouldn’t get used to the darkness
We shouldn’t, from any human in the world,
Obey with closed eyes
I'm not getting any better
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
I'm not a toy in your hands
I am not to be mistaken for someone else at all
Everything had been better in my dreams
I'm so bored, sorry, my love
Boy, you walk with me
Introducing me as someone else
Apparently, there's something wrong with your head
If something isn't quite right with me
Then that means I'm not the one for you
Save it for yourself -
your advice
I'm not getting any better
We are dangerous to each other
And if you're next to me, that means you've lost
But remember, I'm not getting any better (I'm not getting any better)
I'm not getting any better (I'm not getting any better)
We are dangerous to each other (we are dangerous to each other)
And if you're next to me, that means you've lost
But remember, I won't get any better, I won't
You change me, that's true, yeah
I change these like gloves, yeah
Soon I'll change boyfriends, fact
And you'll change your views
I'm so tired of you
You and me together, it makes me sick
But can't no one make me better
I'm not a mistake to you
Yes yes yes, I haven't got better
I offer no guarantees
If you are going to be by my side
Then that means everything is in order with the little one
Yes, I'll bend for you, boy
Only if I'm doing yoga
You didn't fall in love with me, but with an image
So remember
I'm not getting any better
We are dangerous to each other
And if you're next to me, that means you've lost
But remember, I'm not getting any better (I'm not getting any better)
I'm not getting any better (I'm not getting any better)
We are dangerous to each other (we are dangerous to each other)
And if you're next to me, that means you've lost
But remember, I won't get any better, I won't
I changed my ways for jerks a couple of times before
I don't know where my true self is anymore
I've had, it seems, enough
I'm tired of this
But I know for sure
I'm not getting any better
We are dangerous to each other
And if you're next to me, that means you've lost
But remember, I'm not getting any better (I'm not getting any better)
I'm not getting any better (I'm not getting any better)
We are dangerous to each other (we are dangerous to each other)
And if you're next to me, that means you've lost
But remember, I won't get any better, I won't
What do we say?
She says
You're shoving your bony shoulder into my ribs
I've explained it to you before
Jug, dirt, sardines, boring day
Everything will get more gray with you
And you make me feel good
Then bad again
You touch my feet
With a too long toenail
Right here
A neon above your head is blinding me
You have to break up quickly
They say
Is that the girl? Nice to meet you
You two must be really happy
Dawid smile, auto flash
Once again, it came out blurry
And I say
I see you better from here
And I say
I don't know the last time I slept so well
And I say
If I'm certain at nights
And I say
Maybe you should turn my days into nights
She says
You can do it easily on your own
After all It's all up to you
You huff into my ear when I sleep
I'm a blown out egg - sacrifice me
Don't look for me in the windows, pretending to be a movie
Because I can recognize fake tears easily
Like those
Delete my number from your family's contacts
I'm tired of holiday chain-letter wishes
They say
Really shameful
How could you be like this?
I read everything
I know everything
I know that every week you feel bad
And I say
I see you better from here
And I say
I don't know the last time I slept so well
And I say
If I'm certain at nights
And I say
Maybe you should turn my days into nights
Maybe turn my days into nights
Maybe turn my days into nights
Maybe turn my days into nights
Maybe then I'll finally love you!
(Don't look for me in the window)
Maybe turn my days into nights
(Don't look for me in the window)
Maybe turn my days into nights
(Don't look for me in the window)
Maybe turn my days into nights
(Don't look for me in the window)
Maybe then I'll finally love you!
I believe
Even though you are changing
Oh yes
I believe
There are things that you can’t change
I’m not going to cry now
My smile that came out of my sadness
Will glow powerfully in your eyes and in your heart
“I love you”
I can be strong like this by just telling you so
Ah there is so much that I want to tell you
I want get you
I don’t say “goodbye” Darlin
Because my smile will be broken
Until the plane departs
Ah please understand
I believe
Even though the world is changing
I believe
There are things that cannot change
Don’t look at me now
Look for the tenderness that comes out of loneliness
Deep in my eyes
I can’t be so strong
“I love you”
If these words can be the answer
Ah I wanted to tell you many times
I wanna get you
I can’t say “goodbye” Darlin
Because my smile will be broken
Ah your figure gets blurry and small
As you are leaving
I don’t say “goodbye” Darlin
So many words that have piled up in my mind
They are waiting for the day when I fly to you
Fiţi binecuvântate zi, lună, an şi ceas
Fiţi binecuvântate zi, lună, an şi ceas,
Şi ţară prea frumoasă şi loc şi punct în care
Privirea ei cea dulce şi învăluitoare
M-a fost pătruns, şi-n mine de-a pururi a rămas.
Binecuvânt şi-ntâia mea dulce întristare
Din clipa când iubirea, vicleană, m-a robit,
Şi arcul şi săgeata ce m-a străpuns cumplit,
Şi rana până-n suflet adânc sfredelitoare.
Binecuvânt şi zvonul stârnit de mine-n lume
Când chem Madona dragă de-atâtea ori pe nume,
Şi dorul şi suspinul şi plânsul ne-ncetat.
Binecuvânt şi gândul născut numai de Ea,
Şi stihurile-mi toate şi osteneala mea
Prin cari iubitei faimă pe veci i-am câştigat.
Noi suntem amanți
Noi suntem amanți,
Suntem ploaia care caută pământul,
O rugăciune într-o lume de atei,
O egretă ce zboară grațios,
Binele și răul sunt înăutrul nostru.
Noi suntem amanți,
Camera e caldă de dragoste încă.
Acoperă-ți chipul, acum când pleci.
Te implor, fii atentă să nu fii văzută,
Căci altfel mâine ești pe buzele tuturor.
Te văd trecând cu soțul tău
Și-ți privesc trupul, după care tânjesc atât.
Eu în sat sunt foarte stimat,
Când treci, mă înclin: ”Bună ziua, doamnă!”
Noi suntem amanți.
La bar se spune că nu ești fericită,
Că vrei să te desparți de soțul tău.
Cineva mă-ntreabă ce cred despre asta,
Eu răspund urât și-mi termin cafeaua.
Te văd trecând cu soțul tău
Și-ți privesc trupul, după care tânjesc atât.
Eu în sat sunt foarte stimat,
Când treci, mă înclin: ”Bună ziua, doamnă!”
Noi suntem amanți.
La bar se spune că nu ești fericită,
Că vrei să te desparți de soțul tău.
Cineva mă-ntreabă ce cred despre asta,
Eu răspund urât și-mi termin cafeaua.
Și-mi termin cafeaua,
Și-mi termin cafeaua,
Și-mi termin cafeaua...
Poetic Freedoms
Forgive me if this fado is made with
Poetic freedoms!
It's not so much because of the rhyme or the melody,
Nor because of the asymmetrical sentences:
It's just that the violent jealousy
That fado sings so very often,
In this fade, is just a fire
That burns rather slowly, rather softly
While turning my throat into velvet...
I didn't want to add a new sound to this fado
Nor poetic freedoms!
Introduce me, guitarist! Give me the right tone!
Your style is my aesthetic
For the First Time
Please don't ignore me again
Don't close the door!
You don't need to keep the distance anymore
Because 'for the first time, finally I understand
For the first time, Let's fix it!
Get down from this mountain together!
Don't be scare anymore
Because 'for the first time, I'm here
Anna, go home, life is awaits
Enjoy the sun and open the door
Yes, but....
Elsa :
I know! Leave me alone
I'm alone but I'm free
Go away and then you'll be safe
Anna :
We aren't safe
Elsa :
What do you mean?
Anna :
' I think you don't know
Elsa :
Know what?
Anna :
Arendelle buried in snow
Elsa :
Anna :
You make winter so eternal on every place, everywhere
Elsa :
Anna :
But you can melt it!
Elsa :
I can't, I... don't know how!
Anna :
You can do it! I know you can!
Cause ' For the first time, don't be scared anymore
Elsa :
Oh.. I'm stupid, I can't free!
I can't run away from myself
Anna :
We do it together, stop this storm
Elsa :
Out of control!
Oh, Anna, this is become so bad!
Anna :
Don't panic, comeback to shine
Elsa :
I'm scared, it's not safe here!
Anna :
We do it together, change this storm, and everything gonna be alright
Elsa :
No, I can't!
Poate, poate, poate...
De fiecare dată când mă-ntrebi
ce, când, cum şi unde,
îţi răspund mereu
poate, poate, poate
Şi aşa se duc zilele
iar eu, eu sunt fără speranţă
şi tu, tu răspunzi mereu
poate poate, poate...
Îţi pierzi timpul
gândind, gândind
pentru ceea ce vrei cel mai mult
Fără scuze sau ocolișuri
Azi, când îmi spui ”adio”
fără scuze sau ocolișuri,
vreau să-ți vorbesc de greșelile mele,
de neliniștea ce-mi dă frisoane.
Ieri tu mi-ai dat totul,
gratis și fără rezerve,
și cum s-au schimbat lucrurile
când ai primit nota de plată...
Ieri tu mi-ai pus viața ta pe tavă
și eu m-am jucat cu ea.
Ce prostește am pierdut
iubirea ta la o ruletă!
Știi, eu doar mă prefăceam,
căci eu chiar am ținut la tine.
Gândindu-mă că mi-ai oferit raiul,
știind că azi eu nu-l mai am,
înțeleg că merit al tău ”adio”,
fără scuze sau ocolișuri.
Când te sunam acasă,
îmi răspundeai într-un suflet.
Azi nici măcar un mesaj
nu mă așteaptă când mă-ntorc.
Și pe deasupra, telefonul mobil,
acest instrument blestemat,
nu știi cât mă doare
de când l-ai conectat la tăcere!
Știi, eu doar mă prefăceam,
căci eu chiar am ținut la tine.
Gândindu-mă că mi-ai oferit raiul,
știind că azi eu nu-l mai am,
înțeleg că merit al tău ”adio”,
fără scuze și ocolișuri.
If you came, I would be glad.
Kitty cat, your voice is mild,
Come and rock our lovely child.
Meow a rockabye, purr a lullaby.
Kitty-pussycat - grey tail!
Be sure, I will pay you well.
If my baby will not cry,
I'd treat you to milk and pie.
Our darling kitty cat
Has a golden bassinet
Not Love ?
[Verse 1]
Rays play on the roofs
I won't see them again
Alarm clock about twenty times
I'll swipe the widget to the basket
I'm wearing yesterday's dress
And I have no strength to wake up
In a dream, you stroked my fingers
How I hate you
What is there again for small
You change them like gloves
Maybe you forget me
I laugh like I'm sick
Throwing on an old hoodie
I go down to the store
I take wine and marshmallows
So that cortisol is not covered
Night again, night again, night again
And I do not understand what you found in them
And why you feel good in someone else's arms
I've been waiting for you, but you didn't come
Leaving my thousand calls unanswered
But I didn't understand, I couldn't forgive
And if you were not obedient, forgive me
Trains are leaving, there is an empty platform in the window
You know, still decided - it is not love
[Verse 2]
You were so gentle with me
And I'm completely naked
Huddled in your apartment
Not knowing who was there before
I guess I didn't care
You played with me like a pro
And brought as if in a movie
Morning coffee in my bed
It doesn't matter now
You can't enter that river twice
And choked with tears
I will remember you one day
How we burned those nights
Laughing on your air
I don't believe that
That we are strangers now
Night again, night again, night again
And I do not understand what you found in them
And why you feel good in someone else's arms
I've been waiting for you, but you didn't come
Leaving my thousand calls unanswered
But I didn't understand, I couldn't forgive
And if you were not obedient, forgive me
Trains are leaving, there is an empty platform in the window
You know, still decided - it is not love
Night again, night again, night again
I'm hypnotized, under the moon
You won't come, you won't come, you won't come
Wondered about love
And I do not understand what you found in them
And why you feel good in someone else's arms
I've been waiting for you, but you didn't come
Leaving my thousand calls unanswered
But I didn't understand, I couldn't forgive
And if you were not obedient, forgive me
Trains are leaving, there is an empty platform in the window
You know, still decided - it is not love
Versions: #1
Stop it, you're killing the mood
We're taking a nice walk
Let your hair down
And though I know I'll have to give you back in a moment
I still have you for an hour
I don't want to listen to you
I don't want to stand here
Let's go somewhere
And you take off your coat
I'll take care of the rest of the layers
I've seen it on TV so I know how
And when I let you go
go, go
Because you have to go after all
Promise me at least one thing
Please, please
That you will wither with him
Though in the end we won't be able to have a relationship
And we will break our hearts
Let this stolen weekend last
I know you have to go back
Stop talking about it
I don't want to hear about him
Let him disappear among other things
Stop it
You killed the mood
I don't even know if I'd want anything more
When you give me a song
Do you hum it to him too?
And by accident we will see each other at someone's doorstep in a few years
I think you're wearing a different coat
And I didn't come here on my own
And when I let you go
Because you have to go after all
And when I let you go
Go, go
Then you will wither with him
And when I let you go
Go, go
Because I have to go after all
Promise me at least one thing
Please, please
That you will wither with him
Though in the end we weren't be able to (have a relationship)
We patched up our hearts
Don't need any more weekends
When you talk about him today, only your (face) isn't lying
You smile widely, I'm glad that everything is (okay)
Versions: #1
[Verse 1]
He left a sign behind the windshield
Saying he will shove sticks into eyes but written with 'H'
Only 'H', only 'H', just 'H'
I have to admit, it's a bald move
To walk up to someone's window and take a dump
Leave a bunch of mean words, all this bile
Keep attacking, I deal with it every day
I know those online bastards way too well
Too well, too well
Master of the keyboard, and his weapon is big RAM
I can't do much when at least one of them
Brings their dirt into my house
I get overwhelmed with the thought
That I can't fight after all
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
It's Matylda watering my orchard today
I don't go anywhere alone
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
She wants to give me today
This explosive gift
[Verse 2]
Damp fingers, nervous speed
I was about to reply with something but suddenly
I know, I'll turn the power off, take it away
And if I ever go into fury again
I'll have to deal with someone throwing insults at my face
Then I'd like to be able to just once, just this one time
To throw a punch at him, fist hot as steel
This strict verdict, where I am the judge
Only me, only me
With no reductions, appeals, or complaints, just a hit
I know well that violence is the weakest of cards
And it fits my deck like a joke
But I'd like to defeat everyone evil
Just like you do
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
It's Matylda watering my orchard today
I don't go anywhere alone
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
She wants to give me today
This explosive gift
It's Matylda, it's Matylda
Singlehandedly pulls out the weed efficiently
One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
Dintre nebuniile...Suntem corăbii pe valuri înghețate
Dintre nebuniile felurite,
de care-i plină lumea,
cine poate nega că nebunia cea mare
a fiecăruia nu e cea a iubirii?
Suntem corăbii pe valuri înghețate,
lăsați în voia soartei.
Impetuoase vânturi
ne sunt sentimentele!
O stâncă e fiece desfătare,
întreaga viață e o mare...
Precum un cârmaci, în noi
veghează rațiunea, dar apoi
de-ale mândriei valuri
se lasă transportată!
Suntem corăbii pe valuri înghețate,
lăsați în voia soartei.
Impetuoase vânturi
ne sunt sentimentele!
O stâncă e fiece desfătare,
întreaga viață e o mare...
Curajul de a te schimba
Lumea, vreau să te las mai bună
Vreau ca viața mea să conteze
Mă tem că nu am un scop aici
Mă uit la știri la televizor
Mă abandonez zilnic
Mi-e teamă să te las să mă vezi cu adevărat
Ploaia cade, ploaia cade
Turnând asupra mea
Și ploaia cade, ploaia cade
Semănarea semințelor iubirii și speranței, iubirii și speranței
Nu trebuie să rămânem aici, blocați în buruieni
Am curajul să mă schimb?
Am curajul să mă schimb?
Am curajul să mă schimb astăzi? (Oh)
Am curajul să mă schimb?
Am curajul să mă schimb?
Am curajul să mă schimb astăzi? (Oh)
Nu ești singur în toate astea
Nu ești singur, îți promit
Stând împreună putem face orice
Nu ești singur în toate astea
Nu ești singur, îți promit
Stând împreună putem face orice
Lumea, nu ești singur în toate acestea
Nu ești singur, promit
Stând împreună putem face orice
Vreau să te las mai bună
Vreau ca viața mea să conteze
Mă tem că nu am un scop aici
Ploaia cade, plouă cade
Turnând asupra mea
Și ploaia cade, ploaia cade
Semănarea semințelor iubirii și speranței, iubirii și speranței
Nu trebuie să rămâi aici, înfipt în buruieni
Am curajul să mă schimb?
Am curajul să mă schimb?
Am curajul să mă schimb astăzi? (Oh)
Am curajul să mă schimb?
Am curajul să mă schimb?
Am curajul să mă schimb astăzi? (Oh)
Nu ești singur în toate astea
Nu ești singur, îți promit
Stând împreună putem face orice
Nu ești singur în toate astea
Nu ești singur, îți promit
Stând împreună putem face orice
Distance lead the way
Versions: #1
Distance let me know now lead my heart, what is in my soul you know.
My distance wish me strenght, give me
I have brave wish, I know, oh my distance I need a lead
Distances of hapiness that should bloom.
World seems to be big, I’m afraid in one moment, I want to believe in this dream I have
Choose the right way, in this is my chance, maybe even I have my home,
My desire will lead me from now on.
Distances of joy, which should bloom.
Simply wishes just home, love, joy, full table.
Simply wishes just to know who I belong to, where is my home.
Strictly far and far, my journey is turning, my steps just go on and on.
Farther away just me and my dog to the open arms of following distances with hope of surviving this voyage.
Just to know the next hapiness, walk on to where my home is.
I'm still longing to know my home
The song about cherished name
Wherever we fly our plane,
Wherever we sail and wherever we go,
Wherever we build cities,
The cherished name is always with us.
If you sing a song about happiness,
If you are going by difficult path,
Know that you are not going alone, but together,
The cherished name in your heart.
If you are wounded in cruel battle,
If you're on the edge of death —
By blue air, by current of rivers
That man will send you help.
For many brave and honest fighters
That man replaces father,
His name will not be eclipsed in ages,
The name is dear in all languages.
Stalin — he is with us everywhere and all the time!
He is our guiding star!
There is no one in the world
Who is closer and dearer for us than he!
Let's Think About It
(You have no mercy on a poem
that started from the end.
No, don't do that, do not go away.
I'm here, the one you made repent.)
Let's think about it in case we are together.
Let's try again,
you said it would all be useless,
and then what is the risk?
The clouds are there like diamonds
that search for themselves
and touch and embrace.
They melt themselves and cry like us.
(You have no mercy on a poem
that started from the end.
No, don't do that, do not go away.
I'm here, the one you made repent.)
Come here, close your eyes, come closer.
Give me one more moment, you want it.
Give me the moment you no longer loved me.
Stay here with me—
with me.
Let's try hand-in-hand
setting out
with you on the long path
without separating then, and it leads where it goes.
The clouds, if they are clearing up,
embrace languidly.
It is infinite love now I cry
and it rains down on us.
(No, you have no mercy, don't go away.
I'm here, the one you made repent again.
There is a bond here going away
if you can stop loving.)
Come here, close your eyes, come closer.
Give me one more moment, you want it.
Give me the moment you no longer loved me.
Stay here.
(No, you have no mercy, don't go away.
I'm here, the one you made repent again.
There is a bond here going away
if you can stop loving.)
(No, you have no mercy, don't go away.
I'm here, the one you made repent.
There is a bond here going away
if you can stop loving.)