Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 23

Număr de rezultate: 1406



Look at me
Tell me who you expected me to be?
You didn't know me!
Everyday, I'm stuck in the same game
Wearing a mask for show
(but) My heart won't be satisfied!
Who's that girl who made me think the mirror is in front of me?!
Which one is 'Mulan'?!
This mask can hide [as] this armor my heart & feelings
but soon the world will see my (real) face
So just follow through!
Who's that girl I imagined?!
Who was staring into my eyes in this water?!
I pretend this is me!
My image asked me who I really am?!
but my heart flies
I'm a girl with a rebellious heart!
I suffer from being obliged to hide
Who's been hidden is just this person
Pretending is enough
This is me who I am
The mirror is in front of me
Which one is 'Mulan'?!
My image questioned me who I really am?!

Lacrimile au un drum

Oamenii spun că un bărbat
ar trebui să fie puternic
pentru a înfrunta viața
lumea, libertatea.
Oamenii spun că un bărbat
nu poate plânge pentru dragoste
nu trebuie să cedeze niciodată inimii sale.
Se poate vorbi de dragoste și libertate
dar un cont este să iubești pe cine iubire nu-ți dă.
Chiar și lacrimile au
drumul lor, de aceea
lasă-mă să plâng, dacă voi plânge.
Poate cineva te ascultă
zâmbește sau râde de mine
știu că mâine pentru toți
simplu mereu nu este.
Dar nu mă interesează de alții
nu vor înțelege de ce
eu sunt un bărbat care plânge pentru tine.
Se poate vorbi de dragoste și libertate
dar un cont este să iubești pe cine iubire nu-ți dă.
Chiar si lacrimile au
drumul lor de aceea
lasă-mă să plâng dacă voi plânge.
Chiar și lacrimile au
drumul lor de aceea
lasă-mă să plâng dacă voi plânge.

Din nou eu te văd

Eram singură, cu visele mele,
Pe pământul mare și ciudat.
Zi după zi a zburat,
Trăind departe de zgomotul vieții.
Somnul meu liniștit
Pe lună plină a fost întrerupt
De un minunat vis, care pentru mine
A devenit mai scump ca viața:
Cineva a bătut încet,
Eu i-am deschis ușa,
Și acum nu știu ce să fac,
Unde pot să dau de el?
Din nou eu te văd,
Din nou te văd în vis.
Încă mai cred că tu
Te vei întoarce iar la mine.
Din nou eu te văd,
Din nou te văd în vis.
Încă mai cred că tu
Te vei întoarce iar la mine.
El a venit în tăcere,
Mi-a spus ceva în șoaptă.
Am înțeles că-ntreaga viață
Pe mine doar m-a căutat.
Din inima mea gheața s-a topit,
Singurătatea a plecat.
Un vânt proaspăt a risipit
Norul gândurilor negre.
Însă când visul s-a topit,
Firul fericirii s-a rupt,
Și dacă pe el nu-l găsesc,
N-are rost să mai trăiesc.
Din nou eu te văd,
Din nou te văd în vis.
Încă mai cred că tu
Te vei întoarce iar la mine.
Din nou eu te văd,
Din nou te văd în vis.
Încă mai cred că tu
Te vei întoarce iar la mine.

Last Poem

I am floating away and time is taking me
from one edge to another edge,
from one shore to another shore,
from one shallow to another shallow.
Goodbye, my friend!
I know, some day,
from a distant shore,
from the faraway past,
the spring wind at night
will bring you a sigh of mine.
Just look, simply look,
look whether there is
anything left after me.
Amidst the midnight of oblivion,
on the faraway outskirts
of your life,
just look with no despair.
Just look with no despair,
whether it will appear as a flash,
whether it will appear as some unknown image
seeming to be accidental.
Will it appear as some unknown image
seeming to be accidental?
It's not a dream, it's not a dream,
it's the whole truth of mine,
it is the verity.
The death-conquering
eternal law is
the love of mine!


Andaluzia, dulce pământ în floare,
tu faci lumea să viseze,
cine coboară într-o zi aici nu te va mai putea părăsi.
Cântece pline de dragoste
în nopțile albastre
fac să tremure inima de pasiune,
totul este o încântare divină
care niciodată
nu poate fi uitată.
A a a ...
A a a...
(se repetă totul de la început )
(și se repetă : )
nu poate fi uitată

Dans domnișoară

Mă pornești, mă pornești
Mă pornești, mă pornești
Mă pornești, mă pornești
Trebuie să fie acest vin
Fată, jur că eu
Simt nevoia să-ți spun că te iubesc
Sexul este în privința ta
Și felul în care dansezi
Și felul în care îmi șoptești
Iubire, știi ce vreau
Nici nu trebuie să încerc să mă ascund
Felul în care mă pornești
Dans, dans domnișoară
Mișcări, mișcări care mă excită
Dans, dans domnișoară
Mișcări, mișcări care mă excită
Am fost în jurul acestei lumi
Iubit de un milion de fete
Nici una dintre ele nu m-a mișcat ca tine
Ritmul din cadrul tău
Mă face să-ți cânt numele
Mă poți auzi
Iubire, știi ce vreau
Nici nu trebuie să încerc să mă ascund
Felul în care mă pornești
Dans, dans domnișoară
Mișcări, mișcări care mă excită
Dans, dans domnișoară
Mișcări, mișcări care mă excită
Și încep, transpirația nu se poate abține
Suena la alarma
Vino salvează-mă chiar acum
Iubitul tău e pe foc
Transpirația, nu se poate abține
Suena la alarma
Nu mă salvează acum
Iubitul tău e pe foc
Dans, dans domnișoară
Mișcări, mișcări care mă excită
Dans, dans domnișoară
Mișcări, mișcări care mă excită
Mă pornesc, dans, dans domnișoară
Mă pornesc, mișcări, mișcări care mă excită
Mă pornesc, dans, dans domnișoară
Mă pornesc, mișcări, mișcări care mă excită
Mă pornești
Mă pornești
Mă pornești


Ce fior îmi provoci,
când mă privești astfel!
Ce fior îmi provoci,
când îmi vorbești astfel!
Eu mă simt femeie numai cu tine,
și aș vrea să mor aici
și să cred în povești,
fetiță fără vârstă.
Ce fior îmi provoci,
când îmi vorbești despre tine!
Cum mă face iubirea,
un alt foc nu există!
Și ca ciocârliile albastre
noi ne-ntâlnim acolo,
între oceane de nori,
suspendați la jumătate.
Instincte incontrolabile
eu le las în libertate,
și apoi, inseparabili,
să aterizăm iar aici.
Ce fior îmi provoci,
când te trezești și apoi
mă întrebi încet: ”Cum te simți?”
Nu m-am simțit nicicând așa!
Dar întoarce-te o clipă,
pentru imunitate,
și ca ciocârliile albastre,
noi ne-ntâlnim acolo.
Între oceane de nori,
ce sunt divini deja,
și apoi, inseparabili,
să aterizăm iar aici.

Ritm Divin

Din coasta Ipanemei
Spre insula Capri
Tot drumul pana la Kuala Lumpur
Te voi urma oriunde ai putea fi
Din primul moment in care te-am vazut
Am stiut ca inima mea nu va fi libera
Acum trebuie sa te strang in brate
Nu poate fi altcineva pentru me niciodata
Tot ce am nevoie este ritmul divin
Pierduta in muzica, inima ta va fi a mea
Tot ce trebuie sa fac este sa te privesc in ochi
Traieste muzica, spune ca vei fi a mea
Poti simti caldura pasiunii?
Poti simti vinul dulce al iubirii noastre?
Alatura-te dansului si lasa-l sa se intample
Scoate-ti din minte grijile zilei de maine
Asa cum muzica te atrage mai aproape
Si imi cazi sub vraja
Te voi prinde in brate acum
Unde noaptea ne va duce nimeni nu poate deduce
Tot ce am nevoie este ritmul divin
Pierduta in muzica, inima ta va fi a mea
Tot ce trebuie sa fac este sa te privesc in ochi
Traieste muzica, spune ca vei fi a mea
Trebuie sa am sentimentul acesta pentru totdeauna
Trebuie sa traim acest moment impreuna
Nimic nu mai conteaza, doar tu si noaptea
Urmeaza aripile dorintei
Acum ritmul te poarta mai sus
Nimeni nu ne poate opri din a avea totul
Esti inima mea, esti sufletul meu
Tot ce am nevoie este ritmul divin
Pierduta in muzica, inima ta va fi a mea
Tot ce trebuie sa fac este sa te privesc in ochi
Traieste muzica, spune ca vei fi a mea
Tot ce am nevoie este ritmul divin
Pierduta in muzica, inima ta va fi a mea
Tot ce trebuie sa fac este sa te privesc in ochi
Traieste muzica, spune ca vei fi a mea
Poti simti ritmul?
Poti simti ritmul?
Poti simti ritmul?

Dear Siri, Tell Me Now

'Dear Siri, tell me now,
Just the whole truth I'll allow:
Am I really the finest,
Rosiest cheeks, my face's the whitest?'
Siri answers to my scream:
'You should fix the color scheme.'

Chiar și fără tine

Fără să fac gălăgie
așa cum faci tu
rămâi lângă mine
fără să ceri mai mult,
peste douăzeci de ani și patruzeci
este în mijloc vârsta
și timpul care trece
se schimbă și ne va schimba.
Și fără de tine,
știu că voi continua
dar amintirea va fi
și mai arzătoare va fi
din cauza neliniștii ce o voi avea.
Chiar și fără tine
știu că mă voi descurca
resimțit însă
după ani de vis
liniștea unui nu
Și noaptea nu dorm
Sunt gelos pe oricine
îți face ochi dulci la muncă
îți pândește un da
Acest rol de amanți
durează de o vreme
a denarutat relația
mai devreme sau mai tarziu voi plăti.
Chiar și fără tine,
știu că voi continua,
dar amintirea va fi
și mai arzătoare va fi
datorită neliniștii ce o voi avea.
Chiar și fără tine
știu că mă voi descurca
resimțind însă
după ani de vis
liniștea unui nu.
In fiecare zi încet încet
te îndepărtezi de mine
și devine și mai evidentă
diferența care este
vei reuși în viață
așa cum știi să faci
fără să faci gălăgie
fără să ceri mai mult.
Chiar și fără tine,
știu că voi continua
dar amintirea va fi
și mai arzătoare va fi
ddatorită neliniștii ce o voi avea.
Chiar și fără tine
știu că mă voi descurca
resimțind însă
după ani de vis liniștea unui nu.


Versions: #1
Sleep drift off to sleep, sleep my baby.
Sleep drift off to sleep I love you a lot
Sleep drift off to sleep, sleep my favorite.
Oh, but but but but, sleep my baby.
Sleep drift off to sleep, sleep my baby.
Sleep drift off to sleep I love you a lot
Sleep drift off to sleep, sleep my favorite.
Baby, speak about love to me.
I'm tired of my torment. take it away!
Come over here and give me a hug.
I'm a prisoner in your love
I'm flying away to infinity.
Baby, close your eyes. I'm right beside you.
The moonlight shows us the way
Where to turn where to go
You and I together, forever...
No need for extra phrases.
Let's forget everything in two shakes of a lamb's tail
It's time for me to take away your fear.
No need to repeat it.
Repeating it is a mistake
It's time for you to understand everything.

I Found You

Half of my steps, all this time
Was walking without stops
My life is like the aridness of the world
Barren without love
My heart finding a love
Until I found the real one
I will still find it even when I am worn
Someone that I love
Now that I've found you, at the end of my heart break
Was weary waiting for, the love that will save me
Now that I am with you, promised to live together forever
Until the end of time, we will always be together
(Now that I've found you, at the end of my heart break
Was weary waiting for, the love that saved me)
Now that I've found you at the end of my heart break
Was weary waiting for the love that saved me
Now that I am with you promised to live together forever
Until the end of time we will always be together
Until the end of time we will always be together


Tell me who you really are,
and I will tell you who I am.
The rest is nothing but the movie props.
I'm leaving today
without looking at the monitor,
where these shots will be put on repeat yet more than once.
I'm walking in circles...
Who are we to each other?
One may repeat it a thousand times...
We must be rivals -
there's something agonizingly nervous
that is shrinking somewhere inside me.
There's neither pain nor joy, only fatigue.
And that's all, nothing is left of me.
I'm alone with my own shadow,
as if I'm invisible.
You left me neither inhale nor exhale.
Well, such is life, one plays with no rules here.
Nobody is defeated, nobody has won,
but it's not me, I'm invisible.
Tell me who you were.
Have I ever been to you something more
than just doubts caused by a few phrases?
Remind me how long ago
that ostentatious formal addressing me
became easier for you than to leave without raising your head.
We are ready to attack -
let's cross our swords.
Farewell to my December.
I will close it and hide it.
What else should I do?
One may repeat it a thousand times.
There's neither pain nor joy, only fatigue.
And that's all, nothing is left of me.
I'm alone with my own shadow,
as if I'm invisible.
You left me neither inhale nor exhale.
Well, such is life, one plays with no rules here.
Nobody is defeated, nobody has won,
but it's not me, I'm invisible.

One Can't Get Closer

Everything is
so wrong.
I can't explain anything.
Either there is nothing
to breathe with in here
or I am not able to love...
It feels like the city has become empty for a moment
and unwillingly silent.
I freeze up,
striving into your lens
with all of my thoughts.
One can't get closer!
Tell me what it was.
Look straight into my eyes,
I haven't forgotten anything.
I know one can't get closer,
but I will comfort you.
Look straight into my eyes
with no regrets, with no pain.
try to surprise me.
Let's do without polite phrases.
is the feeling of guilt -
this is always the case, but today I'll pass.
One can't get closer!
Tell me what it was.
Look straight into my eyes,
I haven't forgotten anything.
I know one can't get closer,
but I will comfort you.
Look straight into my eyes
with no regrets, with no pain.
* * *
I feel sorry for
this tenderness.
It will be lost in the frame, there's nothing to do about it.
Let it be
black and white sweet lies
that will remain of us.


[Verse 1, Dora]
But you walk by
I hide my smile
It's important for me, that you find out
Secret (secret)
Catch each one of my impulses
I'm not indifferent to you
But I'm not in love with you
I just have a crush on you
Cracked, painted into
Lost my head
Crashed, got into (oy)
I just have a crush on you
Cracked, painted into
Lost my head
Crashed, got into
[Verse 2, Dora]
It's attachment, forgetfulness of myself
concern and weakness
It's an addiction, it's an attraction
Madness, mania, addiction
A mechanical process
Hormones will start to play again
It is just something in the head, yeah yeah yeah
What is mistakingly called love
Lips, dopamine (dopamine)
Adrenalin (adrenalin)
They control me
So I'm sorry (Sorry, yeah)
But I don't love you
A, I just, have a crush on you, oy
I just have a crush on you
Cracked, painted into
Lost my head
Crashed, got into (oy)
I just have a crush on you
Cracked, painted into
Lost my head
Crashed, got into


The Moon, shine brighter than stars tonight.
I need only him,
The infinite Law of Attraction.
Fall down like an UFO into colorful neon
I'm like a chameleon, I'm transparent
I'm unresponsive to the dancing in heels
Non-stop flight of fantasies
No one is sleeping tonight
Music is like flirting
Everybody around is Agents Smiths
Who of us is the style
Be a maniac tonight
The light organ is a background
Whatever you might've seen before
Multiply it by one hundred
The Moon, shine brighter than stars tonight.
I need only him,
The infinite Law of Attraction.
And the figures around are in smoke,
Boy pouted his lips, but he's silly for foolish girls
He not gonna get as t.A.T.u. band
Particularly that one girl, particularly here
No one is sleeping tonight
Music is like flirting
Everybody around is Agents Smiths
Who of us is the style
Be a maniac tonight
The light organ is a background
Whatever you might've seen before
Multiply it by one hundred
The Moon, shine brighter than stars tonight.
I need only him,
The infinite Law of Attraction.

Mother Knows It

So, you want to go outside?
Oh why, Rapunzel?
Look at you, you are as fragile as the flower
You are still young just like a sprout
Why do we stay in the tower? ( I know but... )
That is correct, I want you to feel safe and comfortable
I know that this day will arrive
You want to leave the nest
As soon as possible but this is not the time yet ( But )
Trust me, mother knows it
Mother knows it
Listen to your mother, it is scary out there
I know it
I do not know how but bad things will happen
Thugs, villains and poisonous plants, the cannibals too and disease ( No )
Big insects and men with pointed tooth
That is enough, you make me feel sad
I am here, I am here to protect you
Listen to my advice
Just stay here with me
Mother knows it
Mother knows it
Trust your mother
You are in danger if you are alone
Sloppy and tangled
Childish and clumsy
You will be in hardship
You are easily deceived and also dirty
Foolish and a little bit hmmm vague
And also your cheeks are quite chubby
I talk about this because I love you
I understand it
I will help you
I have a request
Rapunzel (Yes?)
Do not ever ask me so that you can leave this tower, again (Yes, mother)
Oh, I really love you darling (I love you more)
I love you the most

Do not let yourself to feel regretful soon
Mother knows it

Koreans, forward!

In the menacing, decisive hour
Listen to the fatherland's order:
Beat the impudent intervents1
The truth, comrade, is on our side!
All hearts burn with wrath,
The exploit will glorify the fighter,
The homeland calls the brave.
Koreans! Forward, forward!
Into battle, into battle, Korean people!
The fatherland calls everyone, everyone.
Homeland, we serve you,
We will conquer peace in battle!2
You see the ruins of houses,
Ashes of our native cities,
Blood, tears and suffering
Of women, children, old people.
Warrior, people's hero!
Increase threefold the wrath of attack,
The homeland calls for revenge,
Koreans! Forward, forward!
The sacred oath is given, —
Our country will be free,
Thunder of cannons, howl of shells,
Will never again sound over it.3
Do not spare your life,
Firmly go forth to victory,
The homeland calls to glory,
Koreans! Forward, forward!
  • 1. the US invaders
  • 2. 'отстаивать' usually is translated as 'defend' or 'maintain', but that would sound confusing here. The intended meaning is 'We go to battle now so that we will have peace again'.
  • 3. literally: will become silent over it forever

I Get Off

Someone please stop the world at last! I get off
at the first station, here and now!
Someone please stop the world at last, because I get off.
I don’t want to breathlessly race through life.
Like in a spinning-wheel, I spin passively,
losing the thread and the days,
and some devil keeps telling me: 'hurry!'
And yet, life is made to live it,
to ask oneself: 'To have or to be?'.
And yet, life is made to live it,
before the thread breaks in the spinning-wheel.
Like in a spinning-wheel, I spin passively,
losing the thread and the days,
and some devil keeps telling me: 'hurry!'
Someone please stop the world at last! I get off
at the first station, here and now!
I no longer want to compete, I’m running out of energy.
I don’t want to breathlessly race through life.
I’ll be wasting my time, looking for good stars,
watching holes in the sky,
loving you as long as I can.
I don’t mind spending sunsets, dawns and nights at this.
Like in a spinning-wheel, I spin passively,
losing the thread and the days,
and some devil keeps telling me: 'hurry!'
And yet, life is made to live it,
to ask oneself: 'To have or to be?'.
And yet, life is made to live it,
before the thread breaks in the spinning-wheel.

Love Be With You

When you, in a 1000 years you'll not be so beautiful
And when I, with all my dreams, I'll go on
Another star
If for two lovers like us there is another life
Love be with you, love be with you
And it never leaves you alone
When you, in two minutes you'll open your eyes again
And you'll see two strangers, those thieves of my eyes
When I'll go to work, I'll bring in my mouth your coffee
With the poetry hidden inside a love
And of whoever it is, love be with you
I put my roots there, to your home
And as long as your light was there, I didn't go
And how many goodbye-kisses I spied
Like a cold sentinel
There was me in your life
When you in 100 years
You'll die because of another love
When you, now you're sleeping
You'll sleep on another heart
When you'll fall from a dream
And when you'll need of me
Love be with you
Love be with you
Love be with you
And it never leaves you
'Cause love is bread and in this famine
There is people who are hungry and people who waste it
I want your love for all my life
And the life I want is a life of love with you
I want see you happy and lost
I want see in your eyes the wish of being woman
And weave a child for me, forever
Love be with you
Love be with you
Love be with you
And it never leaves you


Unhappy, innocent,
complex, taciturn...
You keep silent again, being patient.
Come on, my unhappy one.
Day after day, with no shame at all,
they lead you, defenseless, to the slaughter,
accompanied with the rolling bell ringing,
as if you being served in church in advance.
Your generous hands are roughly pecked
by the greedy kites.
Hopelessness and indifference
are thrown to your feet, as if handouts!
Unhappy, innocent,
complex, taciturn...
You keep silent again, being patient.
Come on, my unhappy one.
Your children have grown up to become troublesome.
They have quietly squandered what was left not burned out by them. Piece by pieces, greedily, by handfuls,
they keep grabbing and tearing their mother's heart.
Your open wounds are burning in the wind,
being sewn with white thread.
Your home is turned inside out,
but you are humbly silent, while being tortured.
Unhappy, innocent,
complex, taciturn...
You keep silent again, being patient.
Come on, my unhappy one.
* * *
The pangs of death and birth -
you've seen it all in your life.
You got burned with your ever-forgiveness,
got overflowed with it from bottom to the very top.
You will brush your brownish greying hair off your face!
Emboldened, you will cry out of helplessness,
being serenely faithful up to the end,

The love of mine lives on the fifth floor

Versions: #1
It's the house, the same old house, we know each other well,
It thinks that I am nuts,
'He's here again to stand all night, to stay awake, to wait',
Under the cover of the night, I am looking up there where you are,
There is no higher height,
The streets are empty, the bridges are down, and (it's) only the cats (that) keep me company,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor, (which is) so close to the moon,
The love of mine must be asleep by now - sweet dreams, my love,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor...
The house is wrapped in silence, it's only the rain up above,
It might suggest it's time (for me) to go (back) home,
Well, I don't care about the rain and the night, but I really should figure out
Why I am standing here, what am I waiting for,
The streets are empty, the bridges are down, and (it's) only the cats (that) keep me company,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor, (which is) so close to the moon,
The love of mine must be asleep by now - sweet dreams, my love,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor...
It's getting to four a.m. (already), the moonlight has been turned off a while ago
It's time to weigh anchor
The day won't be enough for me again, but soon the city will turn its lights on
And the coming midnight will be the saviour of mine -
And I'll be here again to stand all night, to stay awake, to dream, to wait...
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor, (which is) so close to the moon,
The love of mine must be asleep by now - sweet dreams, my love,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor...
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor, (which is) so close to the moon,
The love of mine must be asleep by now - sweet dreams, my love,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor,
The love of mine lives on the fifth floor...

What a new day may bring

God knows I want to know
If everything makes sense
You only know
What is written about us
How will you explain to me again the lack of compassion in us
It's so hard to distinguish between good and evil
Do you want to know that with every day
I feel this fear more and more.
What a new day may bring?
A cry for you and a laugh for me
What a new day may bring?
Paradise for you and death for me
Don't hide anything
Since you know everything so well
Do you feel nothing
When someone is spilling human blood?
How will you explain to me again the lack of compassion in us?
So full of contradictions - is our wicked world
And do you want to know that with every day
I feel this fear more and more..
What a new day may bring?
A cry for you and a laugh for me
What a new day may bring?
Paradise for you and death for me
Comfort me and silence my crying
Let it be quieter and quieter and quieter
I cry
What a new day may bring?
A cry for you and a laugh for me
What a new day may bring?
Paradise for you and death for me

Oricum ar fi

Du-mă de aici, oriunde ar fi.
Du-mă de aici, oricum ar fi.
Du-mă de aici, la mine acasă,
fără să te gândești dacă e bine sau rău.
Gândește-te că el, în seara asta el,
el mă va dori pe mine, eu în schimb, pe tine.
El va veni cu mâinile lui.
Mă va-ntreba dacă-l iubesc.
Ochii fixați pe ușă, nu-i altă cale,
o iau la fugă,
oricum ar fi.
Dacă acum vrei, hai să mergem,
acum ori niciodată, tu decizi,
înainte ca el să se-ntoarcă, el.
O altă zi, eu nu dorm.
Repede, că apoi se va-ntoarce, și apoi
ce va face el tu deja știi.
El va veni cu mâinile lui.
Mă va-ntreba dacă-l iubesc.
Ochii fixați pe ușă, nu-i altă cale,
o iau la fugă,
oricum ar fi.
O iau la fugă,
oricum ar fi.

The Last Fighting of ‘Varyag’

Cold waves‘re splashing and rising,
Breaking on that stone beach,
Where white seagulls are flying.
Grief is in their loud screams.
These gulls are rushing and darting,
For something made them alarm.
Listen! They hear the rumble
Of some explosions afar.
Look! In the Yellow sea waving
One Russian navy flag runs.
It’s the unequal last fighting,
They see the proud ‘Varyag’.
Its high strong mast has been shot down,
Its armor has been breached through
Its crew is still trying struggle on,
But foe’s strong and fire’s too.
You, white seagulls send a message
To the great world and it’s sad:
“Having not given up the vessel,
We fell for honour in battle.
Tell, we have never got down
Russian Andreyevsky flag ,
We ourselves blew ‘Koreyets’ up
We ourselves sank ‘Varyag’”
Cold waves‘re splashing and rising,
Breaking on hard stone beach,
Seagulls are flying to Russia
Grief is in their loud screams.

Who Are You Committed to

What is it for...
What is it for...
You say the love word
Love doesn't exist anymore in this heart
It's impossible
It's impossible
Flower grows in my heart
hurt, before disappear from this heart
And you...
You're sweet only on the lips
You give me bitterness
You ask for sweetness
What did you promise me?
What do you do to me?
Nothing but adding agony
My heartache
And you...
You're sweet only on the lips
Who are you belong to, who are you committed to
What else, my love...
What else, my love...
What else do you want from me
My love is only for you

One Day

It was or it was not,
the night is defeated -
and there's a half of a dream
lying in my hand.
It got broken off
like a tight thread.
Feels like it's not destined to be...
Let it be so.
But one day - do you hear me -
I swear to you by all the gravitational pulls:
I can wait for these words and that day
when it's all over, with not even a shadow left.
And of course, you may not believe me.
Still, it's so, and no one will ever notice it,
but one day I'll wake up
being the happiest on this planet.
But I meet a sigh
which is like the howling wind.
Find me,
take me with you.
As the day melts,
there are swans in the sky.
Protect my light,
lead the way for me.
And one day - do you hear me -
I swear to you by all the gravitational pulls:
I can wait for these words and that day
when it's all over, with not even a shadow left.
And of course, you may not believe me.
Still, it's so, and no one will ever notice it,
but one day I'll wake up
being the happiest on this planet.
Now where should one look for
whether it was or it was not?
The smoke will turn gray,
covering the trail
and that sad ringing.
These are tears of happiness.
Be with me, if you want.
If you want, let me go.
And one day - do you hear me -
I swear to you by all the gravitational pulls:
I can wait for these words and that day
when it's all over, with not even a shadow left.
And of course, you may not believe me.
Still, it's so, and no one will ever notice it,
but one day I'll wake up
being the happiest on this planet.


Sing, place your feet over a flower
Play with me
I wake up, I can't forget (yeah)
It's obvious that it exists in someplace
Someone so beautiful
I wake up and there's color, I smile again (hey)
Spinning what doesn't want to spin
Before the world, you have to go, without hurting yourself (hey)
At seven o'clock, in the summer, on the 17th of 1971 (ah)
Your mother gave birth to you, the sky shone and the sea (ah)
In your look there's a lit up star
In it, there's a great love, from only yourself (hmm)
At seven o'clock, in the summer, on the 17th of 1971 (ah)
Your mother gave birth to you, the sky shone and the sea (ah)
In your look (ah) there's a lit up star
She shows a great love, something only from her (yeah)
Sing Melissa, my Melissa (yeah)
My Melissa, today's Christmas!

The Mask

Versions: #1
O actor, don't cry,
we are all like one other,
When we get up in the mornings,
We put the masks on our face,
One becomes a teacher, and,
One becomes a vagabond,
One becomes a composer,
One becomes a sonnet seller,
The age-long mask of life,
Remains on our faces till night,
The crying behind the mask,
Is silent as usual,
Whoever you are,
Uncover from behind the mask for once,
Don't read from the script,
Break free from sleeping cocoon,
Draw image of a window,
On the bars of the cage,
Even if for once,
Breath for yourself,
I wish in our lives,
We could be simply ourselves,
Even only in a look,
Or even in a breath
Until when should our mask,
Speak for us?
Until when should silence and transcribing,
Be the role of my drama?
Whoever you are,
Uncover from behind the mask for once,
Don't read from the script,
Break free from sleeping cocoon,
Draw image of a window,
On the bars of the cage,
Even if for once,
Breathe for yourself,
I want to outcry this same song,
On the stage,
And tear down my mask,
To outcry for myself.

Loop & loop

A white sheet of paper in my right hand
Tossed out a half-finished picture of me
For no reason
That shining tomorrow
Soiling my left hand
I met you, the nameless one in outer space
Where I drew your picture
That shining tomorrow.
An endless blue, a disappearing view,
the ending of winter
The door that lets you slip away from all that, swallowed by torrential rain.
Reverberating in the depts of my soaking soul
These transient feelings of an unreliable tomorrow,
White shadows cut out by a bit of light
After all, your day of stabbing, wandering and blotting everything out
Is just an end and a start
Stacking up weak magic
The reason for this lost, wandering, effluent day of mine
Are the rolling end credits
Destroy worthless images
That's right
You and I entwine,
connecting to our future.
Our generatrion bears the burden that goes beyond the final stage.
Did my drawing of shadows blur your future?
After all, your day of stabbing,
wandering and blotting everything out
Is just an end and a start
Stacking up weak magic
The reason for this lost, wandering, effluent day of mine
Are the rolling end credits
Destroy worthless images
That's right...

Pastel Rain

I was just joking earlier
Those irritating words that adds extra distance
It's probably because of the atmospheric depression
A mirror is a mirror, even if you look into it
It's just a puddle, talking to yourself
Echoing and reflecting
Fluttering with joy in unexpected moments
It's harder than you think to act as if nothing had happened
Sadly enough
You tell me that there is no rain that does not stop
If that's the case, I'll stay wet for a little while
I know that it will not wash away everything
Pastel rain becomes blurred
It's because I just simply love this equivocal moment
Don't ask me the truth
You don't need to know about it
Pointing towards the direction of the day after tomorrow
Expectations normally fades away
Although I end up praying
If you are thinking
The same way to the same wind
That must have been wonderful
You say that nothing is absolute
I wish if I could put my hand over your mouth right now
Unfortunately, it's impossible
I won't think any more that this is a trick of fate
You tell me that there is no rain that does not stop
Even though this is sadness, I act as if I don't care
I wonder if I should continue to cry, hiding from the truth
Pastel rain becomes blurred
It's because I'm simply afraid of the end of this dream
Don't ask me the truth
It doesn't matter
You tell me that there is no rain that does not stop
White light glows between the clouds
Stay with me, just for a little while
Pastel rain becomes blurred
It's because I just simply love this equivocal moment
Don't ask me the truth
Needless to say

Street, Only Lights That We Can See

I put a lid on sad things so there is no need to remember
Nice words are difficult to remember, we don't need them anyways
Don't be so unkind
Answer to me at least one time
Because it's difficult to tell in this darkness under the street lights
Because it's difficult to express by words
Hey, pretend to smile
Hey, pretend to get angry
Hey, because however hard I may try, I cannot see well with my naked eyes
I'm sewing the night with you
I'm sewing the city at night
In the dark city where we can only see the street lights
A thin night sewn with footsteps
I was always waiting for you
And the meaning just stood there
I see you pretending to cry
I put a lid on sad nights so there is no need to remember
Don't offer me a white lie, it will soon fade away
Don't be so unkind
Stay by my side just for a while
Because it's difficult to express sadness by words
Because I can't see your face
Hey, can you see my trail?
Hey, I've come so far away
Hey, because however hard I may try, I cannot see well with my naked eyes
Sometime, I was waiting for you
We were both waiting for the night to come
Just as if we were escaping from someone, under the street lights
The warmth of your hands, deep at night
Even now I was waiting for the night to come
I was smiling without a reason
I see you whistling awkwardly
Hey, pretend to smile
Hey, pretend to get angry
Hey, because however hard I may try, I can't get this blurry voice away
You're just smiling
I'm sewing the city at night
In the dark city where we can only see the street lights
A thin night sewn with footsteps
I was always waiting for you
And the meaning just stood there
I see you pretending to cry
I see you