Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 24

Număr de rezultate: 1406


Too Much Heart

Every morning I'm broken
Every day I die
Every night I weaken
And every night I cry
Standing in the rain
In the street outside
Running down my face
Tears in my eyes
Too much heart (- Too much heart -)
Too much heart
Too much heart (- Too much heart -)
Too much heart
Don't know why I wake up
Don't know why I try
Was that me the cool one
Or some other guy
Standing in the shadows
Of the sky above
No one knows I'm crying
Beaten by my love
Too much heart (- Too much heart -)
Too much heart
Too much heart (- Too much heart -)
Too much heart
Every morning
I'm broken
And at night
I'm awake
Tears on my face
Standing in the rain
Lonely with my pride
Holding in my pain
Too much heart (- Too much heart -)
Too much heart
Too much heart (- Too much heart -)
Too much heart

Prea multă inimă

În fiecare dimineaţă sunt frânt
În fiecare zi mor
În fiecare noapte slăbesc
şi în fiecare noapte plâng.
Stând în ploaie
afară, pe stradă
fugindu-mi pe faţă
lacrimi din ochi...
Prea multă inimă (Prea multă inimă)
Prea multă inimă
Prea multă inimă (Prea multă inimă)
Prea multă inimă
Nu ştiu de ce mă trezesc
Nu ştiu de ce încerc
Eram oare cel tare
sau altul?
Stând între umbrele
cerului de sus
Nimeni nu ştie că plâng
învins de dragostea mea...
Prea multă inimă (Prea multă inimă)
Prea multă inimă
Prea multă inimă (Prea multă inimă)
Prea multă inimă
În fiecare dimineaţă
eu sunt falit
Iară în toiul nopţii
mă trezesc
cu lacrimi pe faţă
în ploaie
singur cu mândria mea
ţinându-mă-n durere...
Prea multă inimă (Prea multă inimă)
Prea multă inimă
Prea multă inimă (Prea multă inimă)
Prea multă inimă

Tuturor fetelor pe care le-am iubit cândva

Versions: #2
Tuturor fetelor pe care le-am iubit cândva,
Care au intrat și au ieșit din casa mea,
Mă bucur că le-am întâlnit,
Această melodie o dedic,
Tuturor fetelor pe care le-am iubit cândva.
Tuturor fetelor pe care vreodată le-am mângâiat
Și pot spune că pe cele mai bune le-am îmbrățișat,
Pentru că, să evoluez m-au ajutat,
Le datorez multe, știu,
Tuturor fetelor pe care le-am iubit cândva.
Vânturile schimbării bat întotdeauna
Și ori de câte ori vreau să rămân,
Vânturile schimbării continuă să bată
Și, pur și simplu, mai departe mă poartă.
Tuturor fetelor cu care mi-am împărțit viața cândva
Care sunt acum nevestele altcuiva
Mă bucur că le-am întâlnit,
Această melodie o dedic,
Tuturor fetelor pe care le-am iubit cândva.
Toate fetele care la mine au ținut,
Care, nopțile de extaz mi le-au umplut,
Ele trăiesc în inima mea,
Voi fi o parte întotdeauna,
Din toate fetele pe care le-am iubit cândva.
Vânturile schimbării bat întotdeauna
Și ori de câte ori vreau să rămân,
Vânturile schimbării continuă să bată
Și, pur și simplu, mai departe mă poartă.
Tuturor fetelor pe care cândva le-am iubit,
Care, din casa noastră, au intrat și au ieșit,
Că le-am întâlnit ne bucurăm,
Această melodie o dedicăm,
Tuturor fetelor pe care le-am iubit cândva.
Tuturor fetelor pe care cândva le-am iubit,
Care, din casa noastră, au intrat și au ieșit,
Că le-am întâlnit ne bucurăm,
Această melodie o dedicăm,
Tuturor fetelor pe care le-am iubit cândva.

Our Father

Our Father, who is in heaven
Your name will be hallowed
Your kingdom come
Your desires fulfilled
As in heaven
As on Earth
You give us each our daily bread
And forgive our debts
As we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the kingdom and the power
And the glory forever, “amen”

Pură fantezie

Dacă pianul îl deschid, din negrul lucitor
Licăre alb, tulburător,
Zâmbetul tău.
Dacă la tine mă gândesc, mâinile îmi tremură cântând.
Umbra mâinilor tale
Cântă, cântă pentru mine.
Pură fantezie,
Magică minciună
Care știe să-mi dea încă,
Cine știe, cine știe de ce,
Frenezia de tine!
Pari că îmi șoptești:
”Uită ceea ce-a fost!”
”Sunt a ta...iartă-mă!”
”N-am să mai fac!”
Pură fantezie!
Nu, nu mai ești a mea.
Dar n-am să plâng,
Pentru tine voi transforma
În muzică durerea.
Și îți voi oferi cea mai pură din pura mea iubire,
Alba simfonie
A unei inimi.
Pură fantezie!

Midwife of ruin

[Verse 1]
Is it just a nightmare
Or actually crib death1
My body wet with cold sweat
Is like an elephant's lick
[Verse 2]
The bride of darkness, the midwife of ruin
Preserved children in jars
This boar treads on hedgehogs
Reminiscent of a neo-nazi
[Verse 3]
In autumn darkness comes back to life
Bogeys pick toadstools
They plant them in bushes and trees
From there they end up in children's mouths
[Verse 4]
Ground frost turns the children into frozen pillars
Bogeys flip the children around
And an angel of heaven thus states:
Why are the brats upside down?
Every night when the lamp goes out
And the true night falls
Malice matures in the corner and devours its children
Fear of death wakes up
They gather the troops under the window
Cross your arms2
Lest the devil snap your necks
Every night when the lamp goes out
And the true night falls
Malice matures in the corner and devours its children
Fear of death wakes up
They gather the troops under the window
Cross your arms
Lest the devil snap your necks
[Verse 2]
The bride of darkness, the midwife of ruin
Preserved children in jars
This boar treads on hedgehogs
Reminiscent of a neo-nazi
[Verse 4]
Ground frost turns the children into frozen pillars
Bogeys flip the children around
And an angel of heaven thus states:
Why are the brats upside down?
Every night when the lamp goes out
And the true night falls
Malice matures in the corner and devours its children
Fear of death wakes up
They gather the troops under the window
Cross your arms
Lest the devil snap your necks
  • 1. Sudden infant death syndrome
  • 2. Or perhaps 'put your hands in the shape of a cross'

The Wife and the Priest

He went to the field, met a child
Returns from fields, priest f*cks a woman.
The wife is angry on the husband
Took the money, went to the priest
'My benefactor, give me an advice
What should i do to my husband?'
'Get up at morning, even at midnight
boil some water, and burn his eyes
burn his eyes, break his legs,
and drag him away through the four doorsteps'
Over there, behind the forest, behind the hazels,
The priest was dancing with the housewife,
The rooster was crowing, the dog was barking
The priest farted, how did he run!
Drag him though the four doorsteps,
let him feel the broken legs
Through four doorsteps, and through four bats
Watch, o husband, how the wife is beating
Over there, behind the forest, behind the hazels,
The priest was dancing with the housewife,
The rooster was crowing, the dog was barking
The priest farted, how did he run!
The kite is drinking water in the lake
Woh, its eleven am, the wife is beating the husband
The wife is angry on the husband
Took the money, went to the priest
'Oh take some candles, burn his eyes away,
you'll go where you want, during the night, or the day.'

The Concertina

Versions: #1
All in a sunlit glade one day
A wide-eyed lad did play
Upon his concertina of
The girl that he did love.
He courted her on nights so clear
And warm, and he would buy
Such pretty little shawls for her
To remember him by.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
When off to fight the dreadful war
The lad was to depart
Upon a dark and starry night
He offered her his heart.
She answered him in jest although
She was of him so proud,
“Come back home with an Army Cross
And then we'll work it out.”
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
The concertina was his friend
As he fought near and far
And at a battle's fearsome end
He won a Silver Star.
And then to him so far from home
A letter from her flew
That she would wait for him alone
A Silver Star would do.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.
Play us a song, play on, play on
Your concertina, lad
Tell us about the black-eyed girl
Who drove you mad.

Insane Poetry

I've told you so much stuff, I don't know what's left to say
I got lost in the city and gave up on being found
Life is simple, light, complete and I never know where it will take
I didn't know how to give you the love I swore
I thought nothing would ever get me stuck
Till I found myself completely wrapped around you
But what I have to give you is little
My world is crazy and I don't know how to stop
My poetry is insane, my skin bleeds
Without hurting me
But what I have to give you is little
My scream is hoarse and I don't know how to sing
I can still put my feet on the brake
But I actually want to go faster
I see the clock pointers run faster at each hour
And in a second I decide if I should go on or turn back
I thought it was impossible, intangible, complicated
And then it suddenly makes sense when I'm by your side
You inspire me, insist on staying
You beg to me and transform my way of liking
My way of liking
But what I have to give you is little
My world is crazy and I don't know how to stop
My poetry is insane, my skin bleeds
Without hurting me
But what I have to give you is little
My scream is hoarse and I don't know how to sing
I can still put my feet on the brake
But I actually want to go faster
But what I have to give you is little
My world is crazy and I don't know how to stop
My poetry is insane, my skin bleeds
Without hurting me
But what I have to give you is little
My scream is hoarse and I don't know how to sing
I can still put my feet on the brake
But I actually want to go faster
I can still put my feet on the brake
But I actually want to go faster
I can still put my feet on the brake
But I actually want to go faster

Nu există anestezic

N-am încetat să cred în tine când erai jos
Și ți-am dat o mână de ajutor până sus,
Am mers acolo și ai ajuns mare,
Ai uitat de „Nu voi renunța la tine”.
Voi vinde totul pentru tine,
Dacă aș ști că vii înapoi,
Voi umple golul din mine cu un număr de femei.
Pentru durerea asta din mine nu există anestezic.
Sper ca într-o zi să ai o fiică
Și să mă vezi pe mine în ochii ei.
Fiica mea va fi și a ta,
Căci tu vei fi al meu.
Sper că vei avea o fiică așa ca mine,
Care-ți va aprinde casa,
Fiica mea va fi și a ta,
Ești al meu, al meu, al meu.
Poate că am fost cu alții după tine,
Dar niciodată n-am înșelat,
I-am sărutat, i-am îmbrățișat,
Au fost în brațele mele, dar tu ești în inima mea.
Le-am dat trupul meu altor femei,
Dar din cauza ta, nu le-am putut da inima,
După toate aceste săruturi, mi-e dor de ale tale.
Pentru durerea asta a mea nu există anestezic.
(refren x2)
Sper ca într-o zi să ai o fiică
Și să mă vezi pe mine în ochii ei.
Fiica mea va fi și a ta,
Căci tu vei fi al meu.
Sper că vei avea o fiică așa ca mine,
Care-ți va aprinde casa,
Fiica mea va fi și a ta,
Ești al meu, al meu, al meu...

The Street

Versions: #1
The street has conceived us
In the house of blue nights
With the fog over water
With the yellow river, hey...
In the house of blue nights
The street has been caring for us
As long as you were willing
As long as you were molding us
Out there are living lights of the disco
Or, maybe, libraries or free ideas!
Out there are living lights of the disco
Or, maybe, libraries or crazy ideas,
Or maybe not.
And when the day comes
The street will abandon us
We did dare,
We did make it without you!
The street has been hiding us
In the house of blue nights
With the fog over water
With the yellow river, hey...
Refrain x 2
Or maybe not!


Night, nobody has asked you
To fall down to us from the sky, being exhausted.
Staying here, in plain sight,
I do not hope, but I'm waiting...
Night, without any reasons,
Night, let's keep silent,
Swallowing dust and gloom.
Night, everything is wrong, not the way it should be!
She'll burst in*, violently taking the doors off their hinges,
Being pushy, she'll jump into someone's bed,
And brushing off the defiant strands from her face,
she'll say carelessly, - hello! I'm Insomnia.
Hello! I'm Insomnia.
Hello! I'm Insomnia.
The inhale is like a run into the abyss.
Night, I'm an ordinary person.
I'm broken, I'm tired
To be able to follow your ritual.
She'll burst in, violently taking the doors off their hinges,
Being pushy, she'll jump into someone's bed,
And brushing off the defiant strands from her face,
she'll say carelessly, - hello! I'm Insomnia.
Hello! I'm Insomnia.
Hello! I'm Insomnia.
I'm Insomnia.

Valsul lumânărilor

Mâine tu mă vei părăsi
și nicicând nu vei reveni.
Mâine toate visele mele
le vei duce cu tine.
Flacăra iubirii tale,
care-am visat în zadar că-i doar pentru mine,
e lumina lumânării, care
deja se stinge încet, încet.
Mâine tu mă vei părăsi
și nicicând nu vei reveni.
Mâine toate visele mele
le vei duce cu tine.
(Mâine tu mă vei părăsi
și nicicând nu vei reveni)
Mâine toate visele mele
le vei duce cu tine.

Young and Hungry

I will cross out everything with my firm hand
To start with a new line, with no commas...
But how many words I need - for the life of me, I don't know.
It is said they form flocks,
They gather into useless phrases, I hate them.
Stay where you are, don't get closer!
And promise, promise whatever you can.
Be braver to attack, you, young and hungry!
That's alright, you can be even tougher.
Yes, I am able to take the blow.
You shouldn't even know, because of whose ellipses*
Everything you used to love will be torn to pieces!
Kill me, so that someone loses.
Just request me. And if you want it,
I will curse the whole world.
And these voices are just one of the conditions.
Seriously, I remember fighting to the blood.
Both of us know how to play against the rules.
You know and I know.
You may promise, promise whatever you want.
Be braver to attack, you, young and hungry!
That's alright, you can be even tougher.
Yes, I am able to take the blow.
And it's better not to know, because of whose ellipses
Everything you used to love will be torn to pieces!
Kill me, so that someone loses.
You may promise...
You may promise...

And the Paint Will Wash Away

And the paint will wash away,
Then holds on,
Working, creaking
Twisting the gears.
Flickering and then dark,
The sky begins to ring.
Don't think about it grinding,
Twisting the gears.
Everything that's around you,
Is living, just like you. 1
The remainder creaks too,
Twisting the gears.
Twisting the gears,
Twisting the gears.
  • 1. I think this is what they meant. I'll probs be lynched for it.

Hey You, Steppe, How Vast You Are

Versions: #1
Hey you, Steppe, how vast you are
So wide, carefree
Hey you, Volga-Matriarch
Volga free-flowing
Hey you, Steppe, how vast you are
Steppe so wide, carefree
Hey you, Volga-Matriarch
Volga free-flowing
Oh, that's no steppen eagle there
On a fastest rise
That's a stream burlak
Going free and wild
Don't you fly, prey bird
Low overland
Don't you come, burlak
Close to river banks!
Hey you, Steppe, how vast you are
So wide, carefree
Hey you, Volga-Matriarch
Volga free-flowing

Două luni

Eu trăiesc cu două luni
Ele mi-au ținut companie
Cele două se-ncrucișează
Și niciuna nu mă luminează
În spatele ferestrei mele
Pe cearșafurile unde mă culc
Este o lună care veghează
Ascunsă în pieptul meu
Se spune că a ta e cealaltă
S-a născut în inima ta
De aceea luna asta
Strălucește doar în mâna ta
Chiar atunci când te amesteci
Când mă chemi blând
Eu trăiesc cu două luni
Întâlnite în drumul meu

Show's Over

Versions: #1
Hands hooked, muzzles squared,
Under brows came sidelong glances.
He came to the shack,
To poison them with sausage.
Holding wine glasses sullenly,
Pouring one-at-a-time.
He came to the shack,
To poison them with sausage.
Credits roll, the show's over.
You run home barefoot,
To the shack,
To poison them with sausage.
The time comes and goes,
Cuts in with a sharp blade.
But here's someone in the shack,
To poison them with sausage.

Dragoste ce vei veni

Este doar un loc în lume
în care merge totul bine
și dacă locuieşti acolo nu obosești deloc.
Este lumea visurilor tale
și a fanteziei
care îți dăruiește mereu ceea ce vrei.
Este noul meu viitor
dacă mă gândesc că cineva
va împărți zilele sale cu mine.
Și între timp sunt singur
cu toate dorințele
căutând realitatea în visele mele.
Dragoste ce vei veni
nu știu cum vei fi
dar ştiu că tu vei construi viitorul meu.
Dragoste ce vei veni
dacă tu mă vei înțelege
îți jur că mă vei avea în ale tale mâini.
În fiecare iarnă tristă
mă gândeam la altă iarnă.
Primăvara nu venea niciodată.
Auzeam spunându-se mereu
că orice rău trece
dar tristețea nu trecea niciodată.
Mi-am deschis mintea
care nu știa nimic
de binele pe care viața ni l-a dăruit.
M-am deschis speranței
și am citit în inima mea
cine crede în dragoste nu moare niciodată.
Dragoste ce vei veni
nu știu cum vei fi
dar știu că tu vei construi viitorul meu
Dragoste ce vei veni
dacă mă vei înțelege
îți jur că mă vei avea în ale tale mâini.
Dragoste ce vei veni
nu știu cum vei fi
dar știu că tu vei construi viitorul meu.
Dragoste ce vei veni
dacă tu mă vei înțelege...


If it's fine with you, let's stay together
but like this, without love,
since you want us to avoid
everything trivial.
I no longer know how to love,
and so I am just fine with you.
But because I am sick,
if you do not sleep by my side,
the idea tortures me
of another, of someone else—
if I come to search for you,
I know it—it's over with you.
blinds me, kills me.
Absurd sickness,
the heart fights to drive it away.
It ignites in my chest
the desire to love you,
to have you forever.
the farce is over,
I want you to be mine.
To leave you to another
is just madness.
At even the thought,
I feel like dying—
dying of jealousy.
Your light is already turned off—
my suspicion is tremendous
of another, someone else
in my place in bed.
If I come to search for you,
I know it—it's over with you.
blinds me, kills me.
Absurd sickness,
the heart fights to drive it away.
It ignites in my chest
the desire to love you,
to have you forever.
the farce is over,
I want you to be mine.
To leave you to another
is just madness.
At even the thought,
I feel like dying—
dying of jealousy.
blinds me, kills me.
the heart fights
(throw her out).
It ignites in my chest,
the desire to love you,
to have you forever.
the farce is over,
(I want you to be mine).
The heart fights
At even the thought,
I feel like dying—
dying of jealousy...


You don't have to invite me to talk
I'll never hear it again
This was the old me who couldn't even get a little bit of your attention
You don't have to smell like flowers
You won't be able to melt my heart
This was the old me who couldn't even get a little bit of your attention
Enjoy my surprise
This is the new me
Enjoy missing the old me
I'm no longer in your power
You don't have to tickle me to make me laugh
I don't see anything funny in it anymore
This was the old me whose name was always the butt of your jokes
[Reff 2x]
In the past, you were used to
Me being obedient to you
Leave the past in the past
This is the new me
[Reff 2x]

Song of the destroyers on Leningrad front

We were created by Stalin,
Menacing destroyers, —
The country sends us to avenge our Motherlland.
He will not save himself inside armour,
The enemy will pay back thrice
His bill to my Motherland.
The destroyer wages battle —
The hordes of wolves are howling.
I have opened a deadly account
For the fascist rascals.
Beat! Beat!
Beat the fascists in the dug-outs,
Bury them in debris,
Beat them! Beat them!
With fierce revenge in the spirit,
Following Stalin's orders.
Stalin led the innumerable force
Out to victorious battle,
The enemy will not find any way back.
I'll well-aimedly send a bullet,
Avenge for my father
And for the tears and blood of children.
Burning with wrath towards the German,
Nikolaev beats the enemies,
Goličenkov moves them down by the hundreds.
The country will not forget
The names of the brave,
It'll retain them with love forever.
Growing is our army of the brave,
Like Smoljačkov the hero,
Like Pahomov, Rusinov.
We'll beat them until the end,
To exterminate the enemies,
To fullfill Stalin's order with honour.

The Pony Has A Long Forelock

When it's freezing or hot outside,
the pony goes to work at nine all the same.
The trolleybus from its trolleybus depot,
the bus from its bus depot,
are all set to bring us
to the gates of the zoo
to the gates of the zoo.
The pony has a long soft silken forelock,
he pulls the coach to such lands
as dad went to and mom went to
when they were just like me,
just like, just like me.
To there, where elephants and hippos,
orangutangs and other marvels dwell
planes fly once a week,
then ships sail for a week,
then all-terrain vehicles too,
while a pony ride just takes half an hour
while a pony ride just takes half an hour.
The pony has a long soft silken forelock,
he pulls the coach to such lands
as dad went to and mom went to
when they were just like me,
just like, just like me.
I'd like to ride the pony day and night,
I could become a granddad and yet not part with him,
I wouldn't part with him.
A plane always looks wonderful above the clouds,
and ships are each more beautiful than the last,
but it's not easy to hug a plane,
and it's not easy to hug a ship,
while it's so easy to hug the pony,
and it feels so marvellous
and it feels so marvellous.


Noi pentru lume
suntem doar amanți
pentru că am luat
un mini-apartament,
cu câțiva bani l-am pus pe picioare...
că să nu greșesc din nou ca mulți alții
și să speculez deasupra unui sentiment...
Să stăm împreună nu e un cer albastru.
Ce lupte,
înainte de a fi de acord,
sunt acele situații de neuitat,
care ne fac să râdem deasupra,
imi dispăreai zile întregi
și eu nu mai rezistam să te caut,
nu lucram, nu puteam să dorm
dar te iubeam ceva mai mult.
Noi pentru lume suntem doar amanți.
Viața e făcută doar din momente
și apoi ar trebui luată așa cum e.
Curajul de a privi mereu înainte,
și a urla dragostea către cele patru vânturi,
și de a mă exalta și de a mă contopi în tine...
Ce lupte,
înainte de a fi de acord,
sunt acele situații de neuitat,
care ne fac să râdem deasupra,
îmi dispareai zile întregi
și eu nu mai rezistam să te caut,
nu lucram, nu puteam să dorm
dar te iubeam ceva mai mult.
Oh...! Amanți...
Simțim disconfortul și ne simțim despărțiți
de fiecare dată când ți se spune doamnă
cu o oarecare răutate
Oh...! Oh...! Amanți...!
Oh...! Oh...! Amanți...!
Oh...! Amanți...!
Oh...! Oh...! Amanți...!

Play her

[Intro: J Balvin & Farruko]
(Hey Rvssian)
J Balvin, man (hahaha)
Leggo, leggo
Young Rvssian
[Pre-Chorus: J Balvin & Farruko]
This is not a coincidence
When you see what's behind
'Cause when the DJ gets inspired with the bass, you never wanna stop
[Chorus: Farruko & J Balvin]
Play her (play her), reggaeton so she dances
So she loosens up (haha)
Don't change the music
Play her (play her), reggaeton so she dances
So she loosens up (haha)
Don't change the music
[Verse 1: Farruko]
Buckle up, we're taking off
The atmosphere's nice and we can dance to the music
She says she's shy and I want to test that (woo)
If she doesn't loosen up by hook, she'll do it by crook
Rub your brain cells together, but don't fall into a comma (woo)
'Cause of the drugs I took, I feel like I'm made of rubber
When I'm dancing I'm so loose, my mind doesn't reason anymore
And if she gets bold, this'll go off right here
This is nice to dance to, chilling with drugs
Relax, get loose, do whatever you want
[Chorus: Farruko & J Balvin]
Play her (play her), reggaeton so she dances
So she loosens up (haha)
Don't change the music
Play her (play her), reggaeton so she dances
So she loosens up (haha)
Don't change the music
[Verse 2: J Balvin]
Here's the recipe's owner
He plays reggaeton and you break your diet
Nothing's forbidden, she's got an open mind
I don't want a piece, I want the whole of you, ye-yeah
You're night and day
Independent, she doesn't need company
She's decent, but only in the daytime
'Cause at night, she relieves the urge she had (Ieggo)
[Pre-Chorus: J Balvin & Farruko]
This is not a coincidence
When you see what's behind
'Cause when the DJ gets inspired with the bass, you never wanna stop
[Chorus: Farruko & J Balvin]
Play her (play her), reggaeton so she dances
So she loosens up (haha)
Don't change the music
Play her (play her), reggaeton so she dances
So she loosens up (haha)
Don't change the music

Talk to Seagull

I left all about the dream
In my mind
I recovered all about the dream
By half
By halves
Let me perform
Through all of this
Yet unable to decline
To talk to seagull
Unable to decline
Yet unable to refuse
To penetrate the azure
Yet unable to decline
To talk to seagull
Unable to decline...

We are Sardinians

We are Spaniards, Africans, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Pisani, Byzantines, Piedmontese.
We are the golden-yellow broom that showers
onto rocky trails like huge lamps ablaze.
We are the wild solitude, the immense and profound silence, the brilliance of the sky,
the white flower of the cistus.
We are the uninterrupted reign of the mastic tree,
of the waves that stream over ancient granite,
of the dog-rose, of the wind,
of the immensity of the sea.
We are a land of long silences,
of horizons vast and pure, of plants glum,
of mountains burnt by the sun and vengeance.
We are Sardinians.


Who spoke for me a lot
I haven't tasted, you say 'We'll arrange my sweet'
I took us for so
I'm leaving
Don't call me
Shine shine
If it's not me who will see your body in the dark
For me pain is a dead motive
I'm right behind you
You're from me
Well don't fly away
Just Shine
Just Shine


To us, with exquisite cynicism
They sell an ersatz of a dream
Only a myth about a sweet life
Won't fill up the emptiness
We'll walk out of home
Out of hopeless
Oh how long ago
For us, it was
So fun
In happiness there are no strict proportions
The ideal is getting sleepy
In a black puddle, a dead calm of emotions
And in the chest, a Ninth Wave*
We'll walk out of home
Out of hopeless
Oh how long ago
For us, it was
So fun

Two gaints

Versions: #1
Don't move, you are really from stone.
And rocking - is not a salvation for you
If those two giants will quarrel,
The earth will start up to jump.
What's the hint,
For the grand eyes will not cool down.
They fire themselves from inside.
With fired the temples they move.
Aside from the idols of paper
Not annoy them to pleat their hands.
All the hope for those two giants,
(Who) have splashed their mind on the move.
Don't move! - will be as it's been.
They will pass us slowly
Following them, low Dust will rise up. -
- The Soul of World.


Aici unde marea strălucește
Și vântul suflă puternic
Pe o terasă veche
În fața Golfului Sorrento
Un bărbat îmbrățișează o fată
După ce a plâns
Apoi își drege vocea
Și își reîncepe cântecul:
Te iubesc mult
Dar mult, chiar foarte mult, să știi
E ca un lanț de-acum
Care topește sângele din vene, știi
Văzu lumini în mijlocul mării
S-a gândit la nopțile de-acolo din America
Dar erau doar luminile bărcii
Și dâra albă a unei elice
Privi în ochi fata
Acei ochi verzi ca marea
Apoi, pe neașteptate îi ieși o lacrimă
Și crezuse că se îneacă
Te iubesc mult
Dar mult, chiar foarte mult, să știi
E ca un lanț de-acum
Care topește sângele din vene, știi
Puterea liricii
Unde fiecare dramă e o minciună
Care cu un pic de machiaj și cu mimica
Poate deveni o alta
Dar doi ochi ce te privesc
Atât de aproape și de adevărați
Te fac să uiți cuvintele
să amestece gândurile
Astfel devine totul nesemnificativ
Chiar și nopțile acolo în America
Te întorci și-ți vezi viața
Precum dâra unei elice
Ah, da, e viața care se sfârșește
Dar el nu se gândi prea mult
Din contră se simți deja fericit
Și își reincepuse cantecul:
Te iubesc mult,
Dar mult, chiar foarte mult, să știi
E ca un lanț de-acum
Care topește sângele din vene, știi
Te iubesc mult,
Dar mult, chiar foarte mult, să știi
E ca un lanț de-acum
Care topește sângele din vene, știi

We still are

Hi, how you've been?
What are you doing here alone?
Everything's over between us
Pride's been comforting us since a month
But, tell me, how are you?
I see you're downfallen, maybe you're not good
or maybe it's my fault
to have let you go that day
We've been stupid
impulsive and fragile
We left the world outside
Insatiable, alone, you and I
How many useless days
lost into a lie
look into my eyes and tell me
if you still feel mine
just like then
We were so in love and free
We are still eternal tree roots
if you want...
And between a muffin and a coffee
I touch your hands while you talk about yourself
another wine glass
you smile and I get closer, closer
How stupid we are
Lovely and romantic
Only a moment is enough
to hurt a heart and still loving us
How many useless nights
lost into a lie
look into my eyes and tell me
if you still feel mind
just like them
We still are
so in love and free
We still are
through thousand storms and obstacles
We're inside the city
We're in the immensity
inside a free sky
in the limits of happiness
We still are
so in love and free
We still are
through thousand storms and obstacles
We're inside the city
We're in the immensity
We're inside the city
We're in the immensity