Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 81


Leave my sadness alone

I don't anyone to pity me
leave my sadness alone
'cause this is how life wanted it
for me to not find my own happiness
Chor. 2x
I will forever be sad
I'll cry night and day
'cause your warm hands
have embraced me dishonestly, I know
I loved like no other
I gave my life to him
but it was all for nothing
my tears follow love
I don't know how to tell him
that I've had enough, it's over now
but I still want you
and I want it all to last

I was also twenty years old

I was also twenty years old
and a vagabond heart,
I also had joys
and profound disappointments.
I was also twenty years old
and my years flourished in my life,**
Twenty years that for me came,
left and did not return.
Because of this, from the top
of my ardent years
I watch life go by today
Without it helping or hurting me
Because I had the fortune
of living it without tricks
To say without nostalgia
That I was also 20 years old.
**The literal translation is 'I also had 20 years which flourished during my life,' which is difficult to make natural in English.

Inima are sânge de țigan

În adâncul inimii aveam o rană,
Sufeream, sufeream...
I-am spus că n-am nimic, însă mințeam,
Plângeam, plângeam...
”Pentru tine s-a făcut târziu, e noapte deja.
Nu mă opri, lasă-mă să plec.”
Mi-a spus să nu-l privesc în ochi
Și m-a părăsit, cântând așa:
”N-am nicio vină, inima mea are sânge de țigan.
A rupt lanțurile, e liber țiganul și pleacă.
Va merge până va găsi cea mai verde pajiște,
Va strânge stelele de deasupra, da,
Și se va opri poate, și se va opri.”
L-am văzut după un an, noaptea trecută.
Râdea, râdea...
Sărutându-mă, a vrut mândria mea.
Se duse, se duse...
Mi-a spus să stăm puțin împreună,
Că abia așteaptă să spun da.
Dar, fără să-l privesc în ochi,
L-am părăsit, cântând așa:
”N-am nicio vină, inima mea are sânge de țigan.
A rupt lanțurile, e liber țiganul și pleacă.
Va merge până va găsi cea mai verde pajiște,
Va strânge stelele de deasupra, da,
Și se va opri poate, și se va opri.”
”N-am nicio vină, inima mea are sânge de țigan.
A rupt lanțurile, e liber țiganul și pleacă.
Va merge până va găsi cea mai verde pajiște,
Va strânge stelele de deasupra, da,
Și se va opri poate,
Și se va opri...poate”

My Hero

You were my kindness,
You were the Essence of my life.
Why did you become a past from the present?
You were my warmth,
You were my happiness,
My sun why did you take my own light!
For the sake of the land and your nation,
For your sake and your honor,
You walked fearless towards eternity that was calling
Now i have to live for you and me,
In order to fulfill what you left unfulfilled
I will pray endlessly in your favourite monstery by talking to you my Hero.
My soul is empty,
My heart is broken,
I am drowning in a sea of ​​tears.
My longing and love have become much more
Oh if only I could hug you right now
Oh, God, give me power to resist,
To remain on the land that became a body.
To strengthen myself with the Soldier
Who fell in the battlefield.

Ai să te pierzi

Ai să te pierzi...
Pe străzile din lume ai să te pierzi,
să ai o viață pe care n-o vei avea,
te-ndepărtezi de mine.
E inutil
ceea ce-aș putea să-ți spun,
nu poți să înțelegi,
nu poți să trăiești ca mine.
Ai să te pierzi...
Pe străzile din lume ai să te pierzi,
iar la sfârșitul unui vis ai să-nțelegi
care e viața ta.
Și o să-ți pară rău
după ce ți-am dat eu,
dar va fi inutil, totul inutil,
ai să te pierzi...
Ai să te pierzi...
E inutil
ceea ce-aș putea să-ți spun,
nu poți să înțelegi,
nu poți să trăiești ca mine.
Ai să te pierzi...
Pe străzile din lume ai să te pierzi,
iar la sfârșitul unui vis ai să-nțelegi
care e viața ta.
Și o să-ți pară rău
după ce ți-am dat eu,
dar va fi inutil, totul inutil...
Ai să te pierzi!


I know that you’re free to leave
Just as you’re free to stay
Until we fine tune gestures
And forget language
Let a look be enough
To say I love you
Let a sigh be enough
To decipher your fears
Maybe that’s why you leave
Maybe that’s why you come back
For the new, unbearable seriousness that terrifies us
Stay to maintain it
I forget loneliness
But it's just that, when we go
We both turn back
And it could be true
And one day I’ll leave too
That love doesn't last a century
And a river doesn’t run backwards
And they could be mistaken
And fear plays us wrong
And to save us pain,
The wind leaves us behind
I know you’ll surely find
A kiss that tastes the same
As my lips that name you now
I stay to not face
That I propose a deal to you
Because I can’t anymore
With this constant attempt
To flee to come back
I propose we look at each other slowly
And make a home of the skin
Run away to the open sky
Remake our idea of the sea
Reinvent time
Leave the guns in peace
Give the movement feeling
Take a step that doesn’t go backwards
And it could be true
And one day I’ll leave too
That love doesn't last a century
And a river doesn’t run backwards
And they could be mistaken
And fear plays us wrong
And to save us pain,
The wind leaves us behind


To savor all the pain
I no longer hope that you love me
To leave the action
To bite my voice
Don’t expect more answers from me
And you could never see me
And I thought it was fine
And now I regret when I said
That I hated you forever.
It wasn’t true,
I wanted to play but I don’t expect you to believe me
For gambling, I lost more
Because I wanted to be so close
And you could never see me
And I thought it was fine
And now I regret when I said
That I hated you forever.
If you already know
What more can I do?
You never knew how to see.
If you don’t come back anymore
I will understand
I just dropped.

That Window That Faces The Sea

Even if I live to be a hundred,
I won't be able to forget
That ship that I watched capsize
In the 's mouth, as I tried to get lost
And that window that faces the sea!
I don't know how many times I came down the Tagus,
And sailed out to the sea with a bleeding soul
Carrying, in my mind, those lips that I envy
And that window that faces the sea...
Sailor from the high seas,
When the waves, one after the other,
Get ready to assail you
To sink your ship in the sea foam,
Watch the keel as it dances on the crest
Of those gigantic waves that want to swallow it...
If you're not careful, you won't lay eyes again
On that window that faces the sea!

If it had even more (waves),
The more powerful they'd come
While reminding me, in moonlit nights,
Of those mischievous eyes that were awaiting
In that window that faces the sea!
But destiny wanted that my behemoth,
So old and tired, would end up stranded
In the estuary's mouth and, curiously, just in front
Of that window that faces the sea!
Sailor from the high seas,
Watch the waves one after the other,
Getting ready to assail you
Amidst mountains of white foam!
No matter how much they dance in a frenzied orgy,
They don't come with the desire to torment me,
As does that crazy girl that I left one good day
By that window that faces the sea...

Sailor from the high seas,
Watch the waves one after the other,
Getting ready to assail you
Amidst mountains of white foam!
No matter how much they dance in a frenzied orgy,
They don't come with the desire to torment me,
As does that crazy girl that I left one good day
By that window that faces the sea...


Let's Remake the World

Come, we're making a drawing.
Super! Alright, let's draw the world.
As for me, I want to make the most beautiful drawing of the world.
With sunshine, the sea, and smiles.
We promised ourselves not to finish
becoming like them.
We said that [the] routine
was something for the old.
But time has had its effect.
What's important is to be happy.
But you're off on your own, yea
everyone did their best.
The promises of children are beautiful.
How can they fulfill them in the real world?
Everything did not go as planned.
Blame it on a lack of grit.
Today, we've come a long way.
You've walked the line, you've been hurt.
The regrets come one by one,
let's overcome them.
Let us remake the world all through the night until the dawn.
Enjoy each and every second.
No hesitation, just come.
We can choose to see the glass
as half empty, half full.
What's important is to be together,
worried about nothing, it's all cool (good).
Let us remake the world all through the night until the dawn.
Enjoy each and every second.
No hesitation, just come.
We can choose to see the glass
as half empty, half full.
What's important is to be together,
worried about nothing, it's all cool (good).
It's never too late
to shoot for the moon,
to dream about somewhere else
we have all night.
[We have] All of life to wake up,
as long as we're together, no
nothing can scare us.
We eliminate bad thoughts.
We will stay positive.
We will push the limits.
Nothing else matters as long as we love.
What's sure is that on the way
we will get hurt.
But the obstacles come one by one,
let's overcome them.
Let us remake the world all through the night until the dawn.
Enjoy each and every second.
No hesitation, just come.
We can choose to see the glass
as half empty, half full.
What's important is to be together,
worried about nothing, it's all cool (good).
Let us remake the world all through the night until the dawn.
Enjoy each and every second.
No hesitation, just come.
We can choose to see the glass
as half empty, half full.
What's important is to be together,
worried about nothing, it's all cool (good).
Understand this well
It doesn't take much
to be well.
If I put myself out there, then
do your part too.
You'll see at the end
that everything will be alright.
Let us remake the world all through the night until the dawn.
Enjoy each and every second.
No hesitation, just come.
We can choose to see the glass
as half empty, half full.
What's important is to be together,
worried about nothing, it's all cool (good).
Let us remake the world all through the night until the dawn.
Enjoy each and every second.
No hesitation, just come.
We can choose to see the glass
as half empty, half full.
What's important is to be together,
worried about nothing, it's all cool (good).

Pause for Loneliness

Pause for loneliness
Pause to say goodbye
I no longer know how to express
That I couldn't find a way out
And you cried upon seeing me say goodbye
But you didn't see how much
I suffered as well
I tried to explain to you
Between cards and drinks
But you didn't get it
And this pain is so painful
And you cried upon seeing me say goodbye
But you didn't see how much
I suffered as well
I'm going to leave you in peace
I'm going to leave you in life
I'm going to leave you in peace
I'm not turning back


Rămân multe lucruri de făcut
Se vede clar dezordinea
Ce naiba am făcut ieri
Ca să ne mirăm astăzi?
Că ne-necăm, înecăm, afacerile
Ni s-ar da multe ordine
Dar nu-mi pasă deloc
Ceea ce prefer este
Când ești goală și sunt beat
Totul e ca după furtună
Lumea pare să fie cucerită
Doamne, cât îmi place curul tău!
Asta-i tot ce o să facem
Nu v-așteptați la nimic de la noi
Pune-te orizontal, simțim gravitația
Ascensorului social
Am înțeles discursurile tale
Dar nu-mi pasă deloc
Ceea ce prefer este
Acum nu mai e momentul
Și nu-mi pasă deloc
Ceea ce prefer este

The Seed

My neighbor threw
A seed in your backyard
Suddenly it sprouted
A tremendous scrub (My neighbor threw...)
When someone asked you
What's this weed I've never seen?
He only answered
I don't know, I don't know that was born there.
But it was painting dirt
The patamo was always in play
Because the smell was good
And there was always some boys
The men got suspicious
Seeing every day an agglomeration
And they gave the perfect boat
And they took them all to the investigation and then...
At the time of the sapeca-ia ia the bastard cried out:
You don't have to hit me, i'll platter everything for you
Look, I know that bush, boss.
And I also know who planted
When the feds bugged
And they took the innocent neighbor.
At the police station he said
Doctor I'm not a farmer, I don't know the seed


Listen in silence
your own silence
the silence has the sound of your own being
and the words of your heart
in total silence of your living
if you will listen
you will find in the backround the voice of your soul
if your soul can hear it
then you have understood the meaning of life.

You ruthless arrival

You ruthless arrival
taking away hopes,
leaving dreams in half.
you whom does not allow fulfillment
the reaching of goals.
you who plants pain and desperation
that turns of smiles
you turn on tears.
you undesired who comes,
too soon or too late.
and to you I would like to say no!


I was born in a hot climate
You tell everyone
That I am too dark
Don't mistreat
Your little black boy
Who shows you so much affection
Who deep down is a good fellow1
It's too much
I was born in a hot climate
You tell everyone
That I am too dark
Don't mistreat
Your little black boy
Who shows you so much affection
Who deep down is a good fellow
You come from a mansion
I was born in a shed
A frog wooing the Moon
In a summer night
I will make a serenata
I will sing my pain
My samba will tell her
That hearts don't have color
I was born in a hot climate
You tell everyone
That I am too dark
Don't mistreat (no)
Your little black boy
Who shows you so much affection
Who deep down is a good fellow
Oh oh oh
You come from a mansion
I was born in a shed
A frog wooing the Moon
In a summer night
I will make a serenata
I will sing my pain
My samba will tell her
That hearts don't have color
  • 1. with the connotation of boy


Thou art, divine and graceful
Majestic statue of love
Sculpted by God
And formed with ardor
From the soul of the most beautiful flower
Of most lively scent
That in life is preferred by the hummingbird
If God had been so merciful to me
Here in this ambiance of light
Formed in a beautiful and gorgeous canvas
Thine heart next to my spear
Nailed and crucified upon the rose-colored cross
Of thy panting chest
Thou art the ideal form
Magisterial statue, oh, perennial soul
Of my first love, sublime love
Thou art of God the sovereign flower
Thou art of God the creation
Which in every heart entombs love
The laughter, the faith, the pain
In fragrant sandalwood full of flavor
In voices anguished like a dream abloom
Thou art the milky star
Thou art mother of royalty
Thou art ultimately what possesses any beauty
In all refulgence of blessed nature
Pardon me, if I dare confess to thee
That I shall always love thee
Oh, flower, my chest does not resist
Oh, my God, how sad is
The uncertainty of a love
Which makes me suffer in waiting
To lead thee someday
To the foot of the altar
To swear, at the feet of the Omnipotent
In a moving prayer of pain
And receive the anointment of thy gratitude
After redeeming my desires
In clouds of kisses
I shall envelop thee to the point of my suffering
From all perishing


Bohemian, in the cabarets of the city
You seek happiness
In your own illusion
Bohemian, Bohemia resumes
In the wine, the love, the jealousy,
Perfume, disillusion.
Bohemian, oh sultan, why do you want
To love so many women,
If you only have one heart?
Bohemian, think about life for a moment
And see that inconstant love
Only brings in the end, loneliness.
Bohemian, you stay in the road, in nights of moonlight,
Sleepless and singing
In the illusion of vicious kisses
And sinful caresses,
Bohemian, you live dreaming of happiness
But you are unhappy
You live, bohemian, smiling and singing
But your laughter doesn't speak of your suffering.

Cute Face

Versions: #2
In the morning, still dark in the room, coming before the sunrise
Glistening and the reason for my shadow, waking me up
Hitting with her small hands and with a blameless regard stood there
I understood that, as always, my day starts with you
In your small head there's so many questions and answers
How do I get out of the situation? That's a difficult one
Your cute face with a sweet scent, the shine in your eyes
The bad wolf will smile a lot towards you and your innocent stories
Your cute face with a sweet scent, the shine in your eyes
With warmth and your kind smile you'll make your first step
In the evening you'll watch a cartoon calmly, so that you fall asleep instantly
But you will drive me crazy with your active behaviour
Until you are really asleep we can't breath freely
You're one person but with the loudness of five, a crazy cutie pie
In your small head there's so many questions and answers
How do I get out of the situation? That's a difficult one
Your cute face with a sweet scent, the shine in your eyes
The bad wolf will smile a lot towards you and your innocent stories
Your cute face with a sweet scent, the shine in your eyes
With warmth and your kind smile you'll make your first step
In your small head there's so many questions and answers
How do I get out of the situation? That's a difficult one
Your cute face with a sweet scent, the shine in your eyes
The bad wolf will smile a lot towards you and your innocent stories
Your cute face with a sweet scent, the shine in your eyes
With warmth and your kind smile you'll make your first step
Copywrite (©) Lyrical Myrical
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

Crossing parallel lines

My orange dreams
don't need courage
to account
their guts
in front of me
they'd even give some courage
to my khaki dreams
that make foolish things
imagining wars,
slaughter and mud
and make me
struggle in my bed
Hey... Ay-ay-ay-a!
Our orange people
don't need courage
to account
their guts
in front of him
they'd even give some courage
to the khaki people
that make foolish things
imagining wars,
slauther and mud
and make
only 'bang-bang-bang' in the world
Hey... Ay-ay-ay-a!
My orange dreams
our orange people
My khaki dreams
Our khwki people
Our orange poeple
my orange dreams
our orange people
are highly brave people

I'm Too Late

Versions: #2
One day, my heart was hurt by you
It left everything and went, without melody
The lies of a close person became reality
My life bittered, without melody
In the heart of the one who separated us there is a celebration, see
Let me say even more, she has become the other half of your life
I'm too late already
How can I sooth my mistake?
Or do you want me to promise that I only love you?
I'm too late already
How can I sooth my mistake?
How should I lie to my heart that I only love you?
I loved, I will love
I loved, I will love
Every time we see each other
We make a mistake, silently
Whether mine or yours, when speaking of love
We say it's in the past
My pride blocked me from forgiving you
But now it's far too late, I can't take you back
I'm too late already
How can I sooth my mistake?
Or do you want me to promise that I only love you?
I'm too late already
How should I live without you?
To lie to my heart that I only love you?
I'm too late already
I'm too late already
I loved, I will love
I loved
Copywrite (©) Lyrical Myrical
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

Foame Transilvaneana

Mainile tale sunt bantui
Muntii sunt reci... sufletul... sufletul... grijuliu..palid... întotdeauna noaptea poti simti chemarea?
Imbratiseaza-ma etern in lumina ta de zi adormita
Sa fiu drapat de umbra palatului tau morbid
oh, urasc sa traiesc...Singura caldura este sangele cald
Atat de pur... Atat de rece
Foame Transilvaneana
Sa traieasca adevarul, intens vampirii
O poveste facuta pentru divina implinire
Sa fi unul dintre cei care respira un aer de tristete
Tristete si frica, cele mai dragi deluzii
Frumosul rau intruchipat sa fie precaut calculat
O parte dintr-un pact care este nemuritor incantat
Sinte chemarea inghetandu-te cu cea mai mare dorinta
Foame Transilvaneana...muntele meu este rece
Atat de pur...Rau, Rece
Foame Transilvaneana


Тебя забыть бесполезно, даже не буду пытаться
Постоянное ожидание чуждо - все равно не изменюсь
Моя душа рядом с тобой может незаметно, слегка
хоть бы, хоть бы, хоть бы, хоть издалека буду любить
Твое имя на губах бесконечно храню
живу тобой
дни дни дни
крепко держу свое пришлое в настоящем
живу надеждой
дни дни дни
не молчите
может я и виновна, что ты ушел
мне непривычно одиночество, куда ты исчез
ожидание напрасно, может даже больше может неприятно
хоть бы хоть бы хоть бы, хоть скажи - приду
Твое имя на губах бесконечно храню
живу тобой
дни дни дни
крепко держу свое пришлое в настоящем
живу надеждой
дни дни дни
не молчите

Little Nicolas

Go tell them (Go tell them) (x4)
Go tell them that I don't give a damn
I'm not up for it, I'm not a part of it
I want to leave, have a bit on the side
I want to see the country, get out of this void
I just want to raise hell
Come with me, we'll take a leap of faith
We've got nothing to lose, we are young and crazy
The world is reaching out for us, full stop
For a long time I've wanted to leave
This small village where I grew up
I know the road, the chimneys
Every corner
There's nothing left that holds me back
Besides my mate Lucien
We've known each other since that time
Since sandbox days
Runny noses
Marbles hidden in our schoolbags
In the schoolyard
We drove the girls round the bend
Even more, I count the hours
I was kept in after school
Of course I made my mother cry
My father, my aunt and my grandmother
I am what I am
A little rascal who likes to keep his head in the air
Go tell them that I don't give a damn
I'm not up for it, I'm not a part of it
I want to leave, have a bit on the side
I want to see the country, get out of this void
Go tell them that I don't give a damn
I'm not up for it, I'm not a part of it
I want to leave, have a bit on the side
I want to see the country, get out of this void
I just want to raise hell
Come with me, we'll take a leap of faith
We've got nothing to lose, we are young and crazy
The world is reaching out for us, full stop

Far away

X 2
When you're alone, I'm sad,
When I go away I try to resist,
When you dream, I try to be in your dream,
I'll come back as I promised you!
And I'll fight, whatever happens,
To bring sunshines into your life!
Wait for me, do not lose your trust/ faith
And everything will be alright, you”ll see!
I wanna see your hands in the air... hands in the air... 3x
I wanna see your hands... Everybody, come on!
Share music and kindness! :)

I Won't Say The Name

I won't say the name of who I love
Of who I like, I'll never say
Nobody hears when I beg
And that's why I don't say anything
I won't say the name of who knows
That each day I get crazier
Somebody wants me to perish
To die little by little
I beg and scream in a desert
My voice, lost in vain
Always far, though it's near
Your heart is always the same
You don't hear me, you don't understand
That I really want you
See if now you can get it
Listening to my song
I beg and scream in a desert
My voice, lost in vain
Always far, though it's near
Your heart is always the same
You don't hear me, you don't understand
That I really want you
See if now you can get it
Listening to my song
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.

I don't have the rights to love anyone

I don't have the rights to love anyone
I don't have the rights to love anyone
nor to inflict pain on someone
I'm only left with my empty1 nights
so I can cry in them the entire night
My sadness, long nights
my heart is full of pain, full of pain
I'm searching for my lost love around the world
searching for someone who caused me pain
searching for those days when I was with you
when I used to be happy every day
What's loved only once in a lifetime
What's my most beautiful love
That's why I don't have the rights to love another
nor to inflict pain on someone
  • 1. lit. means deserted

Two p.m.

Come here
Get out of bed
It's two p.m.
I'm heading out to see the sea
Make sure
You don't fall back asleep
The view's so beautiful
I can't wait any longer
I'm heading out to unload
Into the blue waves and gather up
Only the good things
Everything else will pass
In a plunge, I spoke with God
When I come ashore
I'll remember what a gift
It is to be able to breathe

Old mother will start to cry

You're going away to accomplish your dreams
and you're leaving me forever
what should I say to my old mother
when she asks about you
Chorus 2x
Old mother will start to cry
because I won't marry you
because her old wish
won't be made
I know mother was always saying
that there's only one wish in her heart
to be alive the day when
you come to get me with wedding guests
One day in the future when you remember me
and you feel regret for leaving
you'll remember my mother
because she loves you like your own son
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
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Because I exist

To maybe keep such a secret in between my lips
Such a short and discrete desire to love
I knew that in your laughter the breeze was something else, a different way to name
The butterflies
And everything works well
And everything works well
In my eyes the cloud of mystery lives already
Unbearable that tops you
The only thing left is to wait for some sign
That in you something comforts itself
Because I exist
And everything works well
And everything works well
And everything works well
And everything works well
In my eyes the cloud of mystery lives already
Unbearable that tops you
The only thing left is to wait for some sign
That in you something comforts itself
Because I exist


Let's leave here
We will look for the way to sweeten the farewell
Let's leave here
We will think that tomorrow you won't leave my life
Let's leave here
Where I can kiss you
So if one day you miss me, you will have a way to remember
So if one day you miss me, you will have a way to remember
Let's leave here
Where I can kiss you
So if one day you miss me, you will have a way to remember
So if one day you miss me, you will have a way to remember
Let's leave here
We will play pretending you're coming back and that you will miss me
Let's leave here
Let's go to the sea to leave some comfort that won't fade away
Let's leave here
Where I can kiss you
So if one day you miss me, you will have a way to remember
So if one day you miss me, you will have a way to remember

I hate in myself

I hate in myself
The precise and false try to forget you
This geography of the wind while mentioning you
The unanswerable question, from here
I hate in myself
This rain that shakes silently
This giving it your smile, everything
That your mouth inspired in me.
Woe is me...
Returning to the places you don't inhabit
Because of having sung so long to a smile
That won't come back anymore...
I hate in myself
My belief that you keep my name like I do
That it is the right of distance to be sleepless
Being able to hear the sea
Woe is me...
Returning to the places you don't inhabit
Because of having sung so long to a smile
That won't come back anymore...
I hate in myself

Water and honey

I loved you badly
Oh Mary, promises without faith
Letting the real run to believe you again,
I keep your name under my skin, who will understand the distance between
Water and honey,
The distance between water and honey,
The distance between water and honey?
My soul covers itself with the moon so you don't come back anymore,
And the sky became that letter I cannot
Send to you anymore,
It would be a miracle to forget you
It would be a miracle to forget you.
My soul covers itself with the moon because I cannot love anymore.