Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 31
Repent for Meeting Again Today
If we had met then, I would have led my heartThe flame of love would not be quenched till today
If we had met then, I would not care for the change
Even if we would separate, I still long every night
Repent for meeting again today, I have a lot to worry about
Cannot let it go any more and have to bury the moments of memory
Repent for meeting again today, I have a lot of afflictions in my heart
Cannot take it easy any more and have to sorrow for the chaotic past
After the night we meet, again I need to walk a thousand laps
After the dream we meet, again I fall into the abyss of agony
Hate such the distance between us and between our hearts
Even a weeping or a smile may perplex
Repent for meeting again today, I have a lot to yearn for
But not you and me, I have to renounce one by one
Repent for meeting again today, this heart of me was broken
Once again I sigh - For whom I get fatigued in love?
Repent for meeting again today, I have a lot to worry about
Cannot let it go any more and have to bury the moments of memory
Repent for meeting again today, I have a lot of afflictions in my heart
Cannot take it easy any more and have to sorrow for the chaotic past
After the night we meet, again I need to walk a thousand laps
After the dream we meet, again I fall into the abyss of agony
Hate such the distance between us and between our hearts
Even a weeping or a smile may perplex
Repent for meeting again today, I have a lot to yearn for
But not you and me, I have to renounce one by one
Repent for meeting again today, this heart of me was broken
Once again I sigh - For whom I get fatigued in love?
Once again I sigh - For whom I get fatigued in love?
Haiku about lack of sleep
Just closed my eyes.Right away, alarm clock went off.
If only I could go to bed earlier.
Să-mi țin iubirea vie
M-am măritat cu mulți bărbați, o grămadă,Căci am fost sinceră cu toți,
Căci i-am exterminat pe fiecare-n parte,
Să-mi țin iubirea vie.
Sir Paul era firav, îmi părea o epavă,
Noaptea era pentru mine ca un cocktail,
Așa că i-am scos apendicele,
Să-mi țin iubirea vie.
Sir Thomas avea insomnie, nu putea să doarmă noaptea.
Am cumpărat puțin arsenic, și-acum doarme dus.
Sir Philip cânta la harpă, am înjurat chestia aia.
L-am încoronat cu harpa lui, să-i sparg chestia aia,
Și acum el cântă acolo unde harpele sunt la putere,
Să-mi țin iubirea vie,
Să-mi țin iubirea vie.
Am crezut că Sir George avea oportunități,
Dar vrăjelile lui mă dezgustau repede,
Și când mă dezgust repede, omor repede,
Să-mi țin dragostea vie.
Sir Charles venea de la dezalcoolizare
Și țipa după băuturi în magazinul meu.
I-am făcut un cocktail, acum el e la necrologuri,
Să-mi țin dragostea vie.
Sir Francis era o pasăre cântătoare,
O privighetoare, iată de ce
L-am aruncat de la balconul meu,
Să văd dacă poate să zboare.
Sir Atherton se complăcea în fratricid.
L-a omorât pe taică-său, și asta a fost paricid.
Într-o noapte l-am înjunghiat de pe partea mea de pat,
Să-mi țin dragostea vie,
Să-mi țin dragostea vie.
Besame Mucho
Bésame, bésame mucho,In our hospital a fashion show took place.
Interns came to join us, only they wore
plain shoes in the operation room . What were they thinking?
Bésame, bésame mucho,
Trouble has been brewing in our team for days.
Bésame, bésame mucho,
Someone's been sniffing ether - the dirty swine!
Bésame, bésame mucho,
God forbid we roamed the wards in a négligé,
we were tormented by a bitter cold
and coughing was heard on the second floor.
Bésame, bésame mucho,
Our patients are getting angry at the cosmonauts.
Why don't they chase the clouds away?
Well, it's Sunday. They must be on leave.
De ce mâine?
De ce, de ce mâine?E târziu mâine
Pentru mine, pentru tine.
E plăcut să șoptești,
În astă noapte te-aș putea săruta.
De ce, de ce mâine?
Eu te iubesc, tu mă iubești,
Ești aici, cu mine.
De ce să mai așteptăm?
Mâine e prea târziu, iubitule.
Basme ce se nasc din inimă,
În astă noapte sau nicicând le vei asculta.
Clipe romantice
Pe care tu mi le dărui,
Ce ți le dărui eu,
Dar tu nu spune ”mâine”.
Te implor,
Pentru mine, pentru tine
E inutil să așteptăm,
Inima nu poate fi înșelată.
Basme ce se nasc din inimă,
În astă noapte sau nicicând le vei asculta.
Clipe romantice
Pe care tu mi le dărui,
Ce ți le dărui eu,
Dar tu nu spune ”mâine”.
Te implor,
Pentru mine, pentru tine
E inutil să așteptăm,
Inima nu poate fi înșelată.
Che Guevara
The prudence of the intelligent and the boldness of the fools was raised against youThe indecision of the complicated and the shortsightedness
Of those who confuse revolution with retaliation
From poster to poster your image hovers in the society of consumption
Like how Christ in blood hovers over organized absentmindedness of the churches
In front of your visage
There meditates the youth at night in his room
When he seeks to emerge from a world that is rotting
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
When my body rots and I am deadThe garden will continue, the sky and the sea,
And just like today the four seasons
Will dance at my doorstep.
Other people in April will pass through the same orchard
Through which I have passed through so many times,
There will be long sunsets upon the sea,
Other people will love the things which I have loved.
It will be the same shine the same party,
It will be the same garden at my doorstep.
And the golden hair of the forest
As if I wasn't dead.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
I shall return
I shall return to the poem like to the fatherland to homeLike to the ancient childhood that I lost due to my carelessness
To search obstinately the substance of everything
And to scream with passion under a thousand lit lights.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
There are women who bring the sea in their eyes
There are women who bring the sea in their eyesNot by the color
But rather by the vastness of the soul
And they bring the poem in their fingers and in their smiles
They remain outside of time
As if the tide had never taken them
From the beach where they were happy.
There are women who bring the sea in their eyes
through the greatness of the immensity of the soul
through the infinite way in which they encompass things and Men...
There are women who are the tide in all nights of evenings...
and calm
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
In a waterless desertIn a moonless night
In a nameless country
Or in a naked land
No matter how great the despair
No absence is deeper than yours.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
The cicadas
With the fire of the sky the calm fallsOn the white wall the shadows are straight
The light persecutes each thing until
To the most extreme limit of the visible
The cicadas are more audible than the sea
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
To pass with you through the desert of the world
To pass with you through the desert of the worldTo face together the terror of death
To see the truth, to lose fear
Beside your steps I walked
For you I left my kingdom my secret
My quick night my silence
My round pearl and its east
My mirror my life my image
And I abandoned the gardens of paradise
There outside in the unveiled light of the hard day
Without the mirrors I saw that I was naked
And the wasteland1 was called time
Because of this with your gestures you dressed me
And I learned to live in full wind.
- 1. field, but considering the desert of the world image, wasteland fits better here
Fear of Loving You
Fear of loving you in a place so fragile like the worldBad from loving you in this place of imperfection
Where everything shatters for us and grows silent
Where everything lies to us and separates us.
May no star burn your profile
May no god remember your name
May not the wind even pass where you pass.
For you I shall create a pure day
Free like the wind and repeated
Like the blossoming of the ordered waves.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
Empty horizon
Empty horizon in which nothing remainsFrom that fabulous party
Which one day illuminated you.
Long ago your lines were deep and vast,
But today they are empty and wasted
And it was my desire that wasted them.
The night dancing in silent steps
Descended from the green pinewood,
And in that piece of the sea the infinite
Calling of spaces blazed in the distance.
In the beaches it sung of clarity,
And in the irrepressible ascent of its line
Each pine tree contained
The explanation of all heroic character.
Empty horizon, skeleton of my dream,
Fruitless dead tree,
In your surroundings I depose
The loneliness, the chaos, and the mourning.
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
Helena Lanari's Poem
I like to hear Brazilian PortugueseWhere the words recuperate their total substance
Concrete like neat fruits like birds
I like to hear the word with all of its syllables
Without losing even the fifth of a vowel
When Helena Lanari said 'coconut tree'
The coconut tree became much more plantlike
This is the intellectual property of O.A. Ramos. May peace, love, and compassion forever be with you.
Aghia Sophia
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves),
Sunday boredom!
Sophia, Knowledge, Sophia,
It turns women on and it burns,
Burns with men
And consumes their hearts.
Sophia, Knowledge, Sophia,
It turns women on and it burns,
Burns with men
And consumes their hearts.
Touch me,
Even if just in dreams,
Murmur one more time 'live'
And I'll be,
Look at me,
Between clouds and veils,
Murmur one more time 'live'
And I'll live.
I'll live order, freedom, obedience,
responsability, equality,
I'll live hierarchy, honour, punishment,
I'll live freedom of opinion,
Safety, risk, punishment,
I'll live truth which is the last,
The first
Truth hurts you, I know.
Children, enfants, teen-agers, babies,
This is the program, it is priceless:
Antiquity is just fabulous, raw, folklore
Modern age has started and ended,
Voilà, the middle age, freedemocraticprogress,
Larallalla larallallallalla
Larallalla larallallallalla
Voilà, the middle age, freedemocraticprogress,
Modern age has started and ended,
Antiquity is just fabulous, raw, folklore,
Citizens (Larallalla larallallallalla),
Larallalla larallallallalla...
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves),
Sunday boredom!
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves),
Look Sophia, (sunday boredom...)
Look at life flying away!
Look Sophia,
Look at life flying away!
Look at life!
Look at it flying away!
You made pizza in Pozzuoli and behaved like a hick in Rome,
Now you act like you're from Switzerland, you live in New York,
Sophia, beautiful, Sophia,
Sophia of others' yearnings,
Mmmh... How beautiful it is, in progress, this fucking kingdom!
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves),
Sunday boredom: it consumes so many drugs,
Sunday boredom: it shatters so many hearts (lit. loves)...
Translation by Noctua.
In all gardens . . .
In all gardens I will flower,In all I will drink the full Moon,
When at last at my end I will possess
All the beaches where the sea makes its waves.
One day I will be the sea and the sand,
To everything that exists I will unite myself
And my blood drags through every vein
That embrace that one day will open.
Then I will receive my desire
All the fire that inhabits the forest
Known in me as a kiss.
Then I will be the rhythm of the landscapes,
The secret abundance of this party
That I saw promised in the images.
Agia Sofia
Some have kept you in silence for so many yearsGlorious and immortal Church.
You have depths inside of us as though they have tried
To make you become lost in the oblivion.
Our heart seeks out of a holy desire that
Your bells might sound again
Silence, do not cry Panagia, and the legion of the marbled king wakes again
Come on, come, let's go to Agia Sofia
Come on, come, so the Liturgy may begin
You are a perennial flame, an impressive fairy
In the darkness of this world
And you made the last believer proud
Our city, no one forgets you...
Our heart seeks out of a holy desire...
The prayers of the heroes, to speak to you
We have them like a lighthouse and a guide.
We climbed the peaks again in Tricorfu to resurrect
Your big bell tower.
Our heart seeks out of a holy desire...
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
The poem
The poem shall take me in the timeWhen I shall no longer be myself
And I shall pass alone
Between the hands of who reads
The poem shall tell someone
To the fields
Its passage shall be confused
With the rumbling of the sea with the passing of the wind
The poem shall inhabit
The most concrete and most attentive space
In the clear air in the transparent evenings
Its round syllables
(Oh ancient oh long
Eternal smooth evenings)
Even if I may die the poem shall find me
A beach where it shall crash its waves
And among four dense walls
Of deep and devoured solitude
Someone shall confuse their own being
With the poem in time
The Sea
Sea, half of my soul and made of sea breezeThus it is through the same restlessness and nostalgia,
That there is in the vast clamor of the high tide,
That no good deed has ever satisfied me.
And it is because your waves unfurled throughout the sand
Rise up more powerful once again,
That after every tumble I walk to life,
For a new stupefied illusion.
And if I go on saying to the stars my evil
It is because also you rebelled and theatrical
Make sound your pain through the heights.
And if before everything I hate and I flee
What is impure, profane and dirty,
It is only because your waves are pure
The sensible people
The sensible people aren't capableOf killing chickens
Yet they are capable
Of eating chickens
The money smells of poverty and it smells
Of clothes of their body
That clothes
That after the rain dried upon the skin
Because they didn't have another
The money smells of poverty and it smells
Of clothes
That after the sweat wasn't washed
Because they didn't have another
'You'll win the bread with the sweat on your face'
Thusly it was imposed on us
And not:
'With the sweat of others you will win the bread.'
Oh salesmen of the temple
Oh builders
Of the great massive and weighty statues
Oh full of devotion and of approval
Forgive them Lord
Because they know what they do.
When the lights of the night will reflect immobile on the green waters of BrindisiYou will leave the pier confused where words shake steps oars and
The joy shall be within you ardent like a fruit
You will go to the bow between the blackness of the night
Without any wind without any breeze only the whispering of the conch in silence.
But through the sudden swing you shall feel the capes
When the ship rolls in the closed darkness
You will be lost in the interior of the night in the breathing of the sea
Because this is the vigil of a second birth
The Sun close to the sea will awaken you in the intense blueness
You will rise slowly like the resurrected
You will have recovered your label your initial wisdom
Astonished and young like the ancient statues
With the gestures curled up even into the folds of your mantle
Naked visageIn the direct light.
Suspended visage,
bare and permeable,
Slow osmosis.
Mouth agape as if it drank,
Attentive head.
Undone visage,
Visage without refusal where nothing is defended,
Visage that arises in the doubt of the demand,
Visage that the voices traverse.
Visage deriving
Sensing what the oranges secret,
Abandoned and transparent visage
That the black nights of love in it are received
rays of coldness run upon the sea
In silence the landscapes prop themselves up
And I touch the solitude as if it was a stone.
Lost visage
That bitter winds of drought bury themselves in it
And that the purest waves of the sea lament.
The Roses
When at night I defoliate and snip up the rosesIt's as if I carried in between my teeth
All the moonlight of the transparent nights,
All the blaze of the luminous evenings,
The dancing wind of the Springs,
The bitter sweetness of the sunsets,
And the exaltation of all the waiting.
When we don't have the fatherland that we haveLost by silence and by resignation
Even the voice of the sea renders itself exile
And the light that surrounds us is like a lattice
25 of April
This is the dawn that I awaitedThe initial whole and clean day
Where we emerge from the night and from the silence
And free we inhabit the substance of time
I listen
I listen but I don't knowIf what I hear is silence
Or god
I listen without knowing if I am hearing
The echoing of the empty plains
Or the attentive consciousness
That in the confines of the universe
Deciphers and stares at me
I merely know that I walk like who
Is watched loved and known
And because of this in every gesture I put
Solemnity and risk