Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 19

Număr de rezultate: 677



Hundred times, I re-defined this sheet,
Hundred times, I re-thought my words for you,
I expect that I get no answer,
Hundred years, I won't reach your hands.
It's too heavy to speak, so I just write,
I hope you read this letter,
With lump in my throat, I can't talk,
Please don't forget my name!
I pretend to be strong, but when noone sees me I tear up,
Deep dark in my room middle of the night she reign,
OR YOU, if you're listening to this song,
Writing a letter, which is meant to you,
My whole life is ruined, I can pull it in the loo,
Ready to move on, ain't got nothing in here anymore,
But before leave, I look back for one last time,
'nd to the void rooting in you I contribute with a minute of deep silence!
Verse 1:
Just came for farewell and to apologize,
For not being able to satisfy your desires.
I'm sorry for my ever-lasting appreciation for you,
I'm sorry if it seemed like I silently push you away.
It's been heaven with you I'm flying up there,
Now everything's falling apart, I'm again down here.
Looking at your hands, dirty, can't touch me anymore,
Look in my eyes, teary, with this I'd wash clean.
Looking at your lips, anesthetizing, been silent for a while,
Look my words on the paper, all in wail for you!
Looking in your face, serenity stating dry facts,
Look in my soul, there you'll see no indifference ever.
You cripple in fear, I'm in sorrow,
You get pulled by a hand, which's dragging me to death.
But now I go, run out like wax from the candle,
I know, if you ever hear my name you ask WHO'S THAT??
I know, if you ever hear my name you ask WHO'S THAT??
Only this letter remains after me, but it's honest and true.
When you read this it seems like I push the memories away,
But in reality they stay with me to the moment I hang myself.
Sad tune in the hall on a piano playing,
Gentle sweet moment reminding of your kisses,
But now there's only shattered glass I slit my wrist with
And with my blood I sign this note for you!
Verse 2:
I sign this note for you with my blood,
Trickling on the sheet slowly, my life's quickly running off,
Fleeting minutes painfully feel like hours.
Pen's slipping from my hand, no more crackles.
With my memories between my hands I'm laying frozen in blood,
Already worth it, if just once a few of my lines reach your heart,
Maybe you understand, I only made the gallows for myself,
You're the one to shove the chair off I'm standing on tiptoes.
I only wanted to bring the pretty pictures back,
Wanted to see the shine in your eyes again,
But you just shame, humiliate, step on me like I'm a disgusting nuisance!
I will still, with my last words I release this anger!
I love you, I'm crazy, but you won't ever realize it anymore,
Without you hundreds of miseries, series of unslept nights await,
Now I go without any comfort remaining in my life,
'cause I know, if you ever hear my name you ask WHO'S THAT??
I know, if you ever hear my name you ask WHO'S THAT??
Only this letter remains after me, but it's honest and true.
When you read this it seems like I push the memories away,
But in reality they stay with me to the moment I hang myself.
Sad tune in the hall on a piano playing,
Gentle sweet moment reminding of your kisses,
But now there's only shattered glass I slit my wrist with
And with my blood I sign this note for you!
Verse 3:
Now I cry looking at the photos we looked together giggling,
Now I've taken off all my memories of the shelf, I loved.
Now I'm writing, until I still can my pathetic last letter,
But honestly! To you it's only a word, just like 'LOVE'.
In turn for you I'd still die, if I knew, It made sense,
Yesterday I cried, today I'm crying, and will cry for tomorrow.
It's been always dalliance in your eyes, I didn't take seriously,
Your mood's been hither and thither, here so, where so.
You threw me away so irresponsibly from one day to other,
Like a smoldering cigarette to the verdant lawn.
But you don't care about what I feel, your selfishness blinds you,
You cut off every bonds, thus tearing yourself off from me.
I'd push my life away, if I was brave enough,
But I'm only playing with the thought, of using the pen for such,
That before I finish writing this, I pierce my throat,
Thus ending my feelings and with it all my mistakes!
But no! Stepping forward I keep your name forever,
And reading this letter, maybe you realize who I am too.

Pierdută în Istanbul

Stând în ploaia grea,
Eram cineva...Nu eram...
Frig de îngheață apele, eu urmez
Vântul, precum o săgeată,
El mă va duce către tine.
Sunt pierdută în Istanbul,
Uh nananana, Uh nananana
Uh nana, Uh nana
Sunt pierdută în Istanbul,
Uh nananana, Uh nananana
Uh nana, Uh nana
Sunt pierdută-n Istanbul.
Mergând pe străzile aglomerate,
Sunt pe punctul să-mi pierd mințile.
Luminile orașului se îneacă în întuneric,
Iubirea ta e tot ce vreau...
Frig de îngheață apele, eu urmez
Vântul, precum o săgeată,
El mă va duce către tine.
Frig de îngheață apele, eu urmez
Vântul, precum o săgeată,
El mă va duce către tine.
Sunt pierdută în Istanbul,
Uh nananana, Uh nananana
Uh nana, Uh nana
Sunt pierdută în Istanbul,
Uh nananana, Uh nananana
Uh nana, Uh nana
Sunt pierdută-n Istanbul.
Încerc să te găsesc acum,
Pierdută-n Istanbul,
Sunt aici pentru tine,
Sunt prăbușită,
Poți să-mi vindeci rănile?
Pierdută-n Istanbul,
Pur și simplu nu pot fi găsită.
Sunt pierdută în Istanbul,
Uh nananana, Uh nananana
Uh nana, Uh nana
Sunt pierdută în Istanbul,
Uh nananana, Uh nananana
Uh nana, Uh nana
Sunt pierdută-n Istanbul.
Sunt pierdută-n Istanbul...

A leaf has fallen

A leaf has fallen on your road...
Wandering on the wing of wind,
You have seen it and at the same time
You crushed it by stepping over.
It had no voice to cry out after you,
Neither the power to say how it hurt.
And it has gone lost on the path
And rain and wind have passed over it.
It remained stuck to the ground, and wondered
What would it do if the wind would take it up
And, for a moment, would lay it in your lap ?
But, it stayed there, somewhere...
A leaf has fallen on your road
And who knows how many more will fall ?
But you would never know
And , it will not even cross your mind
That the first leaf that had fallen on your way
Was, in fact - me

Standing Ovation

It's a brand new dance, my people, this is a new dimension
Be smart, you better tune into the station
When the boss talks, you got to pay all your attention
Tell everybody, say your boo is back from her vacation
If you want to retire make sure you collect your pension
Cause I come with fire, you know I don’t need to mention
Anything that they do, they cannot make me change formation
As I bring this gyration, baby see standing ova...
My oh my oh my
Please tell me why oh why
They say they want more
They can’t get enough
They wanna go crazy like before
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Hold up, boss chairman oh
Let's keep using the Akpako dance style
When we put it down and low
You won't wait to complete the viewing at all
Yeah, there is danger at Longe's farm
Longe himself is trouble
Don't use pork to make goat-head soup
My fans at Lafos Island
They are removing handkerchiefs from their pockets
They are crying out, they are dancing Akoto
As they dance Shoki, they are dancing Azonto
Come on, do the Shakiti Bobo dance ah
First fool, second fool, as they are dancing to the right
and also dancing to the left
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
(Yeah oh yeah)
Its pepper is enough, salt is good, vegetable soup
Those slim people and plus-sized people
They boogie down to the rhythm, they are so many
Tiwa Savage, Madam boss, come on do freestyle
Thanks, thanks Baddo sneh
We've barely even started but they're already scared
See as people feel us sneh
Spending money like we don’t care
It's God that makes the money, God is responsible for blessing us
Are you not entertained, simple yes or no
My oh my oh my
Please tell me why oh why
They say they want more
They can’t get enough
They wanna go crazy like before
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance
Let us dance, dance
Let us come and dance, come and dance

Road of Resistance

The beacon fire turns the eastern sky crimson
It's our new guide
That heralds the end of isolation in darkness
If you get discouraged
Light the fire in your heart
Over and over again
Now is the time! Is the time!
At this moment
Is the time! Is the time!
We're living together
Just now is the time! Is the time!
I'll sing for you and tomorrow
Now the time has come
Go for resistance! Resistance!
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
We're here for a single purpose
If you believe it
Move forward
Even if it's a trackless path
Forever! Forever!
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
The burning passion in the depth of heart
It's our resistance
Wow, wow, wow, wow
As long as I live
I'll never turn my back on you
Today makes tomorrow
Yes, it's our future
On the way
Resistance! Resistance!
Stand up and shout!
Justice forever!
If you believe it
Move forward
The answer is right here
Forever! Forever!
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow
The burning passion in the depth of heart
It's our resistance

Tot ce simt

Nu mă întreba, că nu știu.
Simt atât de multe
Și încet, la timpul potrivit, îți voi spune despre ele.
Nu mă întreba tot ce simt pentru tine,
Dacă e o nebunie sau dacă e iubire,
Vreau doar să te uiți în ochii mei
Și să mă pierd pe mine însumi.
Să mergem către stele, întinde-ți aripile, zburăm,
N-ar trebui să întrebăm ce se întâmplă,
Suntem eu și tu, mergem împreună.
Cât timp nu pășim pe acest pământ, ține-mă de mână și să pornim.
Voi fi lângă tine atâta timp cât îmi ești alături.
Nu mă întreba, tu știi ce simt,
Vreau să trăiesc fiecare moment, fiecare minut
Alături de tine.

Heart and mind

Will you ever be
What you have always been deep inside of you?
Or is that illusion?
Because you believe to be
What everybody wants you to be
Do you find yourself?
The real you, not the illusion
Don't define yourself as an end in itself
You and me and your emotions
And whatever touches you
Is, what you really are
Listen to yourself
Thoughts are oceans, sometimes stormy, sometimes even
An ocean full of life, a bog turbid and dull
Thoughts are fields that flourish fruitfully
Thoughts are deserts, the wind forms them blindly
Every soul is marked
By the things that once were and the things that are now
The same me in another time
In another world
Would you be what you are now?
Do you find yourself?
The real you, not the illusion
Don't define yourself as an end in itself
You and me and your emotions
And whatever touches you
Is, what you really are
Listen to yourself
Thoughts are oceans, sometimes stormy, sometimes even
An ocean full of life, a bog turbid and dull
Thoughts are fields that flourish fruitfully
Thoughts are deserts, the wind forms them blindly
We are alive and being alive means more than just to be
To defy boredom with heart and mind
Thoughts are oceans, sometimes stormy, sometimes even
An ocean full of life, a bog turbid and dull
Thoughts are fields that flourish fruitfully
Thoughts are oceans, sometimes stormy, sometimes even
An ocean full of life, a bog turbid and dull
Thoughts are fields that flourish fruitfully
Thoughts are deserts, the wind forms them blindly

Într-o cameră aproape roz

Suntem singuri în această cameră
Și totuși există cineva care ne privește
Ascultă, nu auzi niciun sunet
Și totuși, există ceva care se mișcă.
Un sărut ce știe deja despre tine
Și oprește această lumină prea puternică
Frumosule, călătoresc cu o mie de kilometri pe oră
Cu tine, într-o cameră aproape roz.
Aici nu se poate împărți nimeni
Ceea ce Dumnezeu a vrut
Aici nimeni nu poate decide pentru noi.
Mângâie-mă fără rușine
Râzi sincer dacă vrei
Și veți vedea că mai devreme sau mai târziu o vei face
În afară de aici!
Fără frică și cu soarele,
Fără a evita priviri,
Fără frică și cu soarele
Cu curajul celor care vor.
Uite, această dragoste devine mare
Și ne face să rămânem în această cameră
Acum afară, să ne îmbrăcăm și apoi să ieșim!
Și să ducem lumină tuturor viselor noastre.
Sub acest cer de azur, curaj!
Nimeni nu va mai lua
Mâna mea din mâna ta
Vei vedea!
Fără frică și cu soarele
Fără a evita priviri,
Fără frică și cu soarele
Cu curajul celor care vor...


Poate altundeva ținuturile sunt mai frumoase
Și nopțile mai înstelate, și diminețile mai luminoase.
Poate verdele e mai exuberant, mai verde
Și păsările pe ramuri cântă mai voios.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase.
Există amurguri pe fiorduri și umbre pe piramide,
Și lumini nordice și visătoare palme ținute sub cap,
Multicolori fluturi, grădini cu zâne
Și grădini în orașe cu farmece minunate.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase.
Poate, poate tot ce e mai bun altundeva,
Și păsările, și stelele, și cânturile, și aerul,
Poate că sunt altundeva popoare chiar mai fericite
Și pomi mai grațioși decât salcia de pe malul apei.
Poate altundeva...dar pentru inima unora
Cântecul Vistulei și nisipurile Masoviei sunt mai prețioase...

La crepuscul

Și iarăși te scufunzi, albastră-argintie umbră,
Și iarăsi visul e argintiu când valul se întoarce,
Te voi prinde de trei ori, te voi pierde de trei ori,
Și iarăși te voi căuta ca să te pierd.
Pe o navă arzând, după ultima înfrângere
Să pier deja - voi lua calea cu disperare
Și încă voi căuta cu un ochi congestionat,
Înainte ca întunecimea să inude pupilele cu un val negru.

When I Look At You

When I look at you the world pauses,
The stars lose their shine, when I look at you.
When I look at you, I am so ashamed like a child,
You make me feel, when I look at you.
Because you are everything,
Because you are the ballad that I love.
When I look at you I lose my words,
How will you believe how much I love you.
When I look into your two eyes,
I see a light blue ocean, when I look at you.
When I look at you my breath is cut,
My pulse stops, when I look at you.
Because you are everything,
Because you are the ballad that I love.
When I look at you I lose my words,
How will you believe how much I love you.

Here he comes, my dear

Here he comes, my dear
your groom has arrived to marry you
Here he comes, my dear
your groom has arrived to marry you
It is only with good fortune that such happy times arrive
Your wedding crown (sehra) has been decorated with blossoms
Your wedding crown has been decorated with blossoms
Brother-in-law ... Brother-in-law ... Brother-in-law ... Brother-in-law
It is only with good fortune that such happy times arrive
Your wedding crown has been decorated with blossoms
Two hearts meet
Like Romeo and Juliet
The shehnai (wedding musical instrument) says, let's celebrate!
Here he comes, my dear, here he comes, my dear
Here he comes, my dear, your groom has arrived to marry you
Here he comes, my dear, your groom has arrived to marry you
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law ... Brother-in-law ... Brother-in-law ... Brother-in-law
Girl-friends go round and round and celebrate
Hope this day comes to everyone
Girl-friends go round and round and celebrate
Hope this day comes to everyone
Invoke blessings
Rejoice in merriment
The shehnai says, let's celebrate!
Here he comes, my dear, here he comes, my dear
Here he comes, my dear, your groom has arrived to marry you
Here he comes, my dear, your groom has arrived to marry you
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
With lots of prayers, your parents
have asked God for this occasion
The company of near and dear ones
Makes this a celebration of happiness
Call your beloved
Rejoice in merriment
The shehnai says, let's celebrate!
Here he comes, my dear, here he comes, my dear
Here he comes, my dear, your groom has arrived to marry you
Here he comes, my dear, your groom has arrived to marry you
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
Brother-in-law, you haven't come alone on this occasion
You've brought your sisters along as well on this occasion
This is the translator's own work and must be cited during reproduction.

Grandmother Earth

We-hi-ya, we-hi-yo-a-we, a-yo-we-yo-he...
A-he-a-ya, we-hi-ya-a-ha-ya, a-ya-ya, we-hi-yo-ho-we-yo-he
We-hi-ya-a-ha, we-hi-yo-he-a-ya, we-hi-yo, we-hi yo-ho-we-yo-he-yo
Grandfather, look upon me , (yo)
It is a difficult path I tread on, (hé)
Trekking over Grandmother Earth carefully
I am living in this way, (hé-yo)
A-he-a-ya, we-hi-yo-ho-we-a-yo-ho-we-yo-he...
We-he-a-ya, we-hi-yo-he-a-ya, a-he-a-ya
We-hi-yo-ho-we-yo-he-ho, we-hi-ya-a-ha
We-hi-yo-he-hi-ya, we-hi-ya, we-hi-yo-a-we-yo-he-ho
Grandfather, look upon me, (yo)
It is upon a difficult path I tread , (hé)
Trekking over Grandmother Earth a careful friend
I am living in this way, (hé-yo)
A-he-a-ya, we-hi-yo-ho-we-a-yo-ho-we-yo-he...
A-he-a-ya, we-hi-yo-he-ha-ya, a-he-a-ya
We-hi-yo-ho-we-yo-he, we-hi-ya-a-ha
We-hi-yo-he-hi-ya, we-hi-yo, we-hi-yo-a-we-yo-he-yo
Grandfather, look upon me , (yo)
It is on a difficult path I tread, (hé)
Trekking over Grandmother Earth carefully
I am living in this way, (hé-yo)
A-he-a-ya, we-hi-yo-ho-we-a-yo-ho-we-yo-he...
We-he-a-ya, we-hi-yo-he-a-ya, a-he-a-ya
We-hi-yo-ho-we-yo-he-ho, we-hi-ya-a-ha
We-hi-yo-he-hi-ya, we-hi-ya, we-hi-yo-a-we-yo-he-ho
Grandfather, look upon me , (yo)
It is upon a difficult path I tread, (hé)
Trekking over Grandmother Earth carefully
I am living in this way, (hé-yo)

We'll be Left Alone In The City

I hear the voice somewhere inside.
It's asking me to just walk away.
But can we forget our feelings?
Tell me? Tell me..
Changing timezones.
We're divided by countries and cities.
How much I wanna say.
That you're mine.
We'll be left alone in the city.
Running away from them, from them, from them.
Phantoms in the night of the kiss. Scream.
Dance! Dance! Dance!
Mari Kraybreri:
How're you? I hear your voice.
And I want to call you so bad. And
Tell you all my feelings.
But I'll keep quiet, for a little more.
You know these facts.
I'm so unique when.
I'm your best!
Just tell me: Let's do this forever.
We'll be left alone in the city.
Running away from them, from them, from them.
Phantoms in the night of the kiss. Scream.
Dance! Dance! Dance!
We'll be left alone in the city.
Running away from them, from them, from them.
Phantoms in the night of the kiss
We'll be left alone in the city.
Running away from them, from them, from them.
Phantoms in the night of the kiss. Scream.
Dance! Dance! Dance!


As much as I am indifferent to you that much I love you
because I see the inside of you and there where I want I go
I see the world's happiness in the loneliness's celebration
but what exists in the heart nothing washes away
Dreams, me I never did in my life
Dreams, big and huge
Dreams, me I never did for me
Dreams, like the other kids
The people are alone even if they go out with friends
as soon as in their home they close themselves they're left with ideas
they look in their empty brain to find some solution
but a dream my friend will not cost you
Dreams, me I never did in my life
Dreams, big and huge
Dreams, me I never did for me
Dreams, like the other kids

Stand By Me

Stand by me, look towards me
Even though I don’t know love yet
Stand by me, guard over me
Because I am still clumsy at love
My feelings get better as I look at you
I find myself randomly singing
I want to buy a single rose
The side of myself is so new
As my heart becomes closer to you
The world becomes more beautiful
If you feel my nervousness
Will you wait just a little bit?
Together make it love Forever make it your smile
Filled with your bright smile
Together make it love Forever make it your smile
Now hold my hands
Stand by me, look towards me
Even though I don’t know love yet
Stand by me, guard over me
Because I am still clumsy at love
The more I get to know you, my heart quivers
All I can do is smile
Should I try to kiss you?
Will it get me a little closer to your heart?
Could this feeling be love?
I’m still shy
I haven’t even taken a single step towards you
So please wait for my love
Together make it love Forever make it your smile
Filled with your bright smile
Together make it love Forever make it your smile
I will slowly warm up to you, step by step
Stand by me, look at me
Somehow I want to be closer to you
Stand by me, guard over me
I want to seem a bit cooler to you
I didn’t know at first
How to begin to love
I still don’t know my heart, but I love you
Together make it love Forever make it your smile
Filled with your bright smile
Together make it love Forever make it your smile
Now hold my hands
Stand by me, look towards me
I don’t know love yet
Stand by me, guard over me
Because I am still clumsy at love
Translations posted are mine unless there’s a source link.

The day will come-I'll disappear...

Versions: #2
The day will come-I'll disappear,
But in this room empty, silent
Still will remain: table, chair
And image, simple and ancient.
And just the same will fly in
Colourful butterfly in silk,
To flutter, rustle and to thrill
Against an old blue ceiling.
And just the same blue, deep sky
Through open window will pry
And sea with it's calm blue
Into the vast expanse will beckon you

Being with you

I have a thousand stars
and the moon and the sun
and the light of your look,
and the light of your look in my heart.
I have the clouds of the sky
and the tides of the sea
and if I have your love,
and if I have your love I don't want anything else.
By being with you, with you, with you
suddenly I feel happy,
and when I look at you, at you, at you
I forget the world an myself,
how wonderful is to love you this way
by being with you, with you, with you I feel happy.
When the new day is snowing
I don't feel the lack of sun
and the snowflakes,
and the snowflakes look colorful.
When the evening ends
and everything gets cloudy
my road lights up,
my road lights up if you look at me again.
By being with you, with you, with you
suddenly I feel happy,
and when I look at you, at you, at you
I forget the world an myself,
how wonderful is to love you this way
by being with you, with you, with you I feel happy.
how wonderful is to love you this way
by being with you, with you, with you
by talking with you, with you, with you
by dreaming with you, with you, with you
I feel happy.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The Morning Will Change Everything

You're here, there's darkness all around us
Ominous silence divides us
But no, wait for the day patiently
The morning will change everything
What's that for? Night has entered us
And our hearts are empty
But no, it's all a bad dream
The morning will change everything
I'm awake, the night is long
And I know, you're awake too
But these two without hope
No, no, that's not us!
You and I maybe want the end
And dark thoughts separate us
But I know, night is to be blamed for everything
The morning will change everything
You and I maybe want the end
And dark thoughts separate us
But I know, night is to be blamed for everything
The morning will change everything
Change everything....

Everything Passes

Everything passes, a green leaf is now yellow,
But our love, isn't it so, never will pass
Everything passes, all the summers, all winters
Because life changes our world, so dear to us
To me you look pretty still like in the days of our first meetings
Same flame burns inside your eyes
Everything passes, but the memories
But our love, isn't it so, never will pass

If you love me

Unknown trips are your lips
I've lost you into beautiful forests
your hug is a deep sea
a beautiful homeland that i have never seen
and i am searching for you into the horizon
of my loneliness
into the depth of my isolation i am searching for you
i am searching for you, i am searching for you
If you love me, become a touch to my face
If you love me, become a star into the darkness
If you love me,give me the sweetest kiss of yours
If you love me, become my angel
It's getting dak tonight into my heart
you are missing again, where are you
my kisses are frozen to my lips
i always remember you but i am sccared
and i am searching for you into the horizon
of my loneliness
into the depth of my isolation i am searching for you
i am searching for you, i am searching for you
If you love me, become a touch to my face
If you love me, become a star into the darkness
If you love me,give me the sweetest kiss of yours
If you love me, become my angel

Say Why Did You Leave Me

Say, why did you leave me?
Filled my heart with sorrow
Say, why did you forget
All of our love?
When you left to another man
A smile hid the pain
Still, you cried silently
When we parted
All my days are sad
Without those two mild eyes
Come back, shorten this suffering
I forgive you everything, my dear
Say, why did you leave me?
Crashed all the wonderful dreams
Say, why did you forget
All of our love?


În visul meu, ieri,
Două umbre m-au îmbrățișat
Și mi-au șoptit secrete.
Una mi-a spus că mă dorești
Și cealaltă, cu consolare,
Mi-a spus că mă iubești cu adevărat.
Mi-ai spus că mă dorești, minciuni!
Că plângi noaptea, minciuni!
Că nu poți trăi fără mine, toate erau minciuni!
Că ai răni, minciuni!
Că spui minciuni pentru mine, minciuni!
Totul era în capul meu / în mintea mea.
În visul meu, ieri,
Două voci de țigancă
Mi-au spus secretele destinului.
Una mi-a spus că mă dorești
Și cealaltă, consolându-mă,
Mi-a spus că mă iubești cu adevărat.

Not From Paper

My eyes do not shut,
Sleep does not take me,
Because in my dreams,
I don't want you to come again.
My lips do not open,
They do not say your name.
Everything you ever touched, I will wash,
So your aroma leaves.
But that is something that has stayed
And it will not let me take you out of my life.
It's not from paper for me to burn,
It's not from glass for me to break,
It's not a letter for me to tear,
It's not a tear for me to wipe,
But it is a heart that asks:
How will I live away from you?
I do not open the door,
Do not bring your shadow.
I do not look at the sun,
I do not feel your eyes.
I do not listen to songs,
That we listened to, the two of us.
And I want to forget,
Everything of ours.
But that is something that has stayed
And it will not let me take you out of my life.
It's not from paper for me to burn,
It's not from glass for me to break,
It's not a letter for me to tear,
It's not a tear for me to wipe,
But it is a heart that asks:
How will I live away from you?

Inca sta

Te obișnuisem să te distrugi
Am lăsat cuvintele să zboare prin mine ca și dansul
Vărsați apă pe focul meu
Încercați să diminuați lumina în mine
E ceva
Ceva sacru
Că nu veți vedea niciodată
Lasă ploaia să se prăbușească peste cap
Îmi poți rupe inima din piept
Spune-mi că ești parașuta mea
Și nu pot să o fac asta fără tine
Dar voi supraviețui acestei aterizări accidentale
Voi sta încă în picioare, încă în picioare
Voi spăla murdăria și lacrimile de pe față (spălați murdăria)
Și puneți piesele înapoi în locul lor
E ceva
În supraviețuire
Și sunt mai tare decât mi se pare
Există frumusețe în ruptura
Sunt mult mai mult pentru mine
Lasă ploaia să se prăbușească peste cap
Îmi poți rupe inima din piept
Spune-mi că ești parașuta mea
Și nu pot să o fac asta fără tine
Dar voi supraviețui acestei aterizări accidentale
Voi sta încă în picioare, încă în picioare
Voi sta încă în picioare, încă în picioare
Credeam că ai atârnat luna
M-aș fi atins de fiecare cuvânt
Dar acum știu că m-ai rupt
Pentru a te construi mai mult
Îmi pare rău pentru tine chiar acum
Îmi pare rău pentru tine acum
Lasă ploaia să se prăbușească peste cap
Îmi poți rupe inima din piept
Spune-mi că ești parașuta mea
Și nu pot să o fac asta fără tine
Dar voi supraviețui acestei aterizări accidentale
Voi sta încă în picioare, încă în picioare
Voi sta încă în picioare, încă în picioare

What a love

We were stubborn again
Above ourselves
We made a step
We broke up
But we found again a solution
It was for our own good
Our love has won
Our ego
What a love
It is passing by a storm
A fire and a rain
And here we go again
What a love
It makes us crazy
It hurts us
I say black you say white
And we are together again
We fought again
Nobody believes us
We are always against each other
For a moment
Either one is growling
Or the other is getting jealous
Fortunately every bad moment doesn't last long
What a love
It is passing by a storm
A fire and a rain
And here we go again
What a love
It makes us crazy
It hurts us
I say black you say white
And we are together again
Together in stubborness
In jealousy
In complaints
This love has survived in difficult times
Nobody has ever gotten between us
We are destined to be together forever

I didn't ask you about anything

With tears in my eyes with
A bitterness in my look
I'm leaving i cannot do this anymore
I'm the only one who loves you
I erase oaths and kisses
And i'm not coming back
However i'm trying to react, a 'why' is hurting me
I didn't ask you about anything, nothing was missing to you
I loved you and i believed in your heart
Ididn't ask you about anything, nothing was missing to you
But you destroyed everything into a night
You were my 'every moment'
You were my whole life
You took everything i loved and i lost everything
I erase oaths and kisses
And i'm not coming back
However i'm trying to react, a 'why' is hurting me

I'm asking you for love

Another night that i'm alone
Into empty streets
I'm wandering
You're missing and i'm searching for you again
And i wanna tell you so many things
I'm asking you for love
Don't deny it
My dream is fading
And i'm crying again
I'm asking you for love
Come back
I'm waiting for you
I'm burning for you
They say that love is fire
And you make ashes by my heart
And i do not care if you are a fire
I don't care if i going to get burnt into your kisses

The man that I love

The man that I love
has ice in his veins
He leaves me in the rain
and goes his own ways
He just goes his own ways
The tree that I love
doesn't have many branches
It doesn't offer any cover
when the day is bright
When the Sun is shining bright
The stream that I love
won't ever slow down
Because of its roar
it won't notice my thirst
It won't hear my thirst
The sky that I love
has been covered by clouds
I can't find my way
as it is dark already
As it is so dark already
Now I wander without any cover
I can neither get light nor water
The only thing missing is a knife
and the courage to slash
And the courage to slash
I made this!
You can go ahead and copypaste it to your heart's content, but only if that makes you feel special.

I Have No Other Sky

An unfortunate moment, an unfortunate meeting.
Always you, permanent dependence.
I said I overcame you but you know I never forgot.
I won't hold you for long,
One second is enough, only if you want to hear
My passion beat the logic.
It's not just that I love you,
It's more than that.
I don't want to love another.
Honestly, I do not, and cannot live alone,
You are the greatest love.
It's not just that I love you,
I have no other sky
It's been a long time, I've made efforts,
But unfortunately, they were all in vain.
I said that I forgot you, but that was a lie,
I haven't ever forgotten.
I won't hold you for long,
One second is enough, only if you want to hear
My passion beat the logic.
It's not just that I love you,
It's more than that.
I don't want to love another.
Honestly, I do not, and cannot live alone,
You are the greatest love.
It's not just that I love you,
I have no other sky

A letter in the distance

You know my darling, what a strange desolation,
is raining in my soul and I'm here all alone
while I write you this letter today.
You know my darling, there's nobody in my room
only in the radio sounds a song,
inside of me I look for the truth my light my freedom
It could be, it could be, the dawn,
it could be maybe the rumor of a train
it could be, it could be because accidentally
I hear your laughter, I feel your steps.
Old papers where I'll tell you,
that I'm used to the sadness,
because my letter is a small flower
in a mailbox.
It could be, it could be, so much loneliness,
it could be maybe this thirst of love,
it could be, it could be that I can't forget,
I write to you a letter in the distance.
It could be, it could be, the dawn,
it could be maybe because I loved you,
it could be, it could be because accidentally
I hear your laughter, I feel your steps.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My Sister

My sister*, you, don't laugh so
By just looking to my feelings
I know that you walk with a bad guy
My loving heart is jealous of you
I like you, my feelings are deep
If you want moon and stars I would take and give you
Care about my love and
Walk by my side forever oh, oh, oh!
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moony face makes me love you
If you coquet and be spoilt to me
I admire your beauty
I'm looking your photo always,
By wanting your return
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I like you, my feelings are deep
If you want moon and stars I would take and give you
Care about my love and
Walk by my side forever oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moon face makes me love you
You occupy to my love oh
You come my side oh
If I want your hand, you take me your hand oh
You, be by my side by playing to get and coquet oh
I become a newbie kid by believing you before.
I want never move away from you even a little
I wish that your nice smell to be felt near me
Sister, we walked together for days
By spending together the spring, summer oh, the autumn and winter!
Oh, oh, oh, oh my sister oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh if I look you, you abstain oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh you play hard to get oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh your moon face makes me love you