Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 24
Băiatul şi floarea
Sunt doar o floare în ploaieŞi tu eşti doar un băiat tânăr
Şi totuşi simţim la fel
Te-ai născut să străluceşti într-o zi
Dar cine ştie viitorul nostru
Şi cine ne poate spune drumul
Vei fi puternic şi înalt
Aşa că fie ca picăturile de ploaie să cadă
Dar eu sunt doar o floare
Deci plâng, plâng
Plâng pentru că sunt obligată să văd soarele
Şi tu vei fi crescut
Când toată viaţa mea s-a terminat
Poate îţi vei aminti de mine uneori
Împreună cu o tânără mireasă
Când toate clopotele vor bate
Vei fi puternic şi înalt
Aşa că fie ca picăturile de ploaie să cadă
Dar eu sunt doar o floare
Deci plâng, plâng
Plâng pentru că ştiu că va veni o zi
Când vei pleca
Pe ultimul şi cel mai singuratic drum
Cu flori ca mine ca să arate lumii
Că viaţa este mai mult decât comori
Din inele de aur şi perle
Iluziile celor douădezi de ani ai noştri
Domnule, care aveţi experienţa lucrurilor vieţiiDomnule, care v-aţi trăit viaţa
Lăsaţi-ne de asemenea să trăim în prezent la rândul nostru
Oh, dumneavoastră care ca şi noi aţi refăcut lumea şi timpurile
Lăsaţi-ne să visăm, să visăm acum
Lăsaţi-ne iluziile celor douădezi de ani ai noştri
Doamnă , care aveţi amintirea trandafirilor vieţii
Doamnă, care aţi fost atât de frumoasă
Lăsaţi-ne de asemenea să iubim şi să trăim la rândul nostru.
Oh, voi care altădată nu visaţi decât valsuri şi primăveri
Lăsaţi-ne să dansăm, să dansăm acum
Lăsaţi-ne iluziile celor douădezi de ani ai noştri
Lăsaţi-ne iluziile celor douădezi de ani ai noştri
Douădezi de ani… douădezi de ani…
Flickering of Time
The monster seems like a crying childIf someone would just tell him it's going to be OK, the whole world would change
Where could that person be?
He seems like a little boy wandering through the unknown streets
For so long, an image has been flickering in his head, whose memory is this?
From somewhere, the chimes of a bell echo through the evening streets
He starts to say it would be wrong if their hands parted and yet
He lost the way home, he lost the way home
The memory slips from his mind
He falls over, looks around
5 Seconds Before Love
My navel peeped out from the hem of my border shirtI managed to get past my frowning mother's back
Shibuya isn't that great a place to meet on a first rendezvous
The crowds push people aside while I barely arrived on time 5 seconds before
From before, I always loved him more than anyone
Somehow I didn't let go of the chances that came
'I'm sorry,' I laugh & run up to him
In a look, 5 seconds before a promise of love
It looks like something a child would be interested in, but you get it
The purikura that we took together is my best treasure
Girls under the sign of Cancer are a bit daring in some ways
Casually holding hands, we walk along the park street
I have a lead on my rival who wants to know him better
'I like you a lot,' I gently whisper in his ear
I wonder if you also feel an expectation for love to begin
I give you a letter that I wrote, 5 seconds before
In no time, it gets dark & it's time to say goodbye
I was moved by his trying to search for the words to say, but not saying anything
'Where shall we meet this time?' you suddenly heard [me say]
I gave him a kiss 5 seconds before my curfew
I won't sleep tonight, 5 seconds before midnight
It's 5 seconds before midnight
Către copaci
Umbreşti culmi repezi, largi singurătăţi,Dar nu-mi eşti drag, întunecat stejar:
Cu ramuri verzi tu-mpodobeai barbari
Pustiitori de tronuri şi cetăţi.
Tu, laur sterp, şi mai prejos îmi pari:
Tu minţi, oricât de falnic verde-arăţi
Pe câmpul veşted, sau când, alte dăţi,
Luceai pe frunţi pleşuve de chesari.
Mi-eşti dragă, viţă, tu ce creşti bogată
Din lut pietros, ca să-mi îmbii paharul
Uitării înţelepte-n vremuri grele.
Mai scump mi-e bradul: el va-nchide-odată
În patru scânduri, neted, tot amarul
Şi zbuciumul, şi visurile mele.
Plânset antic
Copacul căruia întindeaiMâna ta mică,
Rodiul verde
Cu flori frumoase stacojii,
În muta grădină solitară
Înverzește totul acum,
Și iunie o reface
Cu lumină și căldură.
Tu, floarea plantei mele
Lovită și secătuită,
Tu, a vieții zadarnice,
Floare distinsă, unică,
Ești în pământul rece
Ești în pământul negru
To someone knows and to someone who doesn'tthe secret about someone
should we stop talking
the unbelievable story of
the people who have dogs and cats
we're going to share
The bright and clear things embrace us
We looked at each other and just laughed
The flowing light and water embrace us
looked at each other and laughed
we're going to stop
talking about
our unknown future
that no one even knows
like the soul heart faith that is unseen
inside us, you and i
that story
The bright and clear things embrace us
We looked at each other and just laughed
The soft light and mud embrace us
looked at each other and laughed
Her Other Friends
I've heard the story too many times nowBut it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
The end of the story never will convince me
But it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
I'd like to know what you've said about me
What have you done? Tell me 'bout it
What game have you played? Did you'll believe
That I wouldn't find out it and you would never see me again?
Oh I've heard the story too many times now
But it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
(Garnet) - She's outclassing us!
(Amethyst) - I'm rusty, give me a break!
(Pearl) - Yes it's really her, but it can't be serious
(Steven) - Pearl, so you know her? Tell who she is, please
You don't know?! Who am I? That one who had lost
To a game that now, will be very different!
This time you're gonna see who is going to win!
Ready or not, you're gonna play!
And then who knows how it will go!
Oh I've heard the story too many times now,
But it's ncie to hit her other friends, you know
Oh I've heard the story too many times now,
But to hitting her other friends is
Nice, you know
Blue Love Sue
She eats up all your moneyYou: blue jeans. Her: white mink fur.
You need her, though
(You need her)
Her words are blown away by the wind
You: April showers. Her: May flowers.
You need her, though
(You need her)
She is right, you are wrong
She tells you no, you agree
She makes you feel guilty
Blue love
Blue love Sue
Blue lover... Sue
You forget her for one second
She scolds you for fifteen years
You need her, though
(You need her)
When you cry, she laughs softly
When you love her, she pretends
You need her, though
(You need her)
She kicked out your dog,
Stripped you down completely
Everytime, you want more
Blue love
Blue love Sue
Blue lover... Sue
She kicked out your dog,
Stripped you down completely
Everytime, you want more
Blue love
Blue love Sue
Blue lover... Sue
Blue love
Blue love Sue
Blue lover... Sue
누군가의 빛나던
I'm tired, to be honestI don't even know what I'm doing
I couldn't even afford to stop
And look up at the sky
Twinkle, Twinkle little stars, I wonder where they are
They just shine, that's their job
And I shined just like that,
I believed so
Twinkle, Twinkle
Twinkle, Twinkle
Twinkle, Twinkle
Twinkle, Twinkle
Look at those stars
Alas, Who am I?
A chilly wind on a dead street?
Alas, Did anyone
Think me their bright hope?
Alas, Who am I?
A chilly wind on a dead street?
Alas, Did anyone
Think me their bright hope?
I'm tired, to be honest
I don't even know what I'm doing
I couldn't even afford to stop
And look up at the sky
S-ar putea să spun ,,scuze,, mult prea multNeliniștită fără motiv
Simt fiecare lucru afurisit din nou
Sunetul numelui tău ca o tăietură
Am încercat să țin totul în mine
Cu cât de tare le îl țineam cu atât se simțea ca un cuțit
Sânge de la jurământul nostru , alea sunt mâinile tale nu ale mele
Obișnuiam să râd ca un copil
Mă simt ok doar o perioadă scurtă , da
Apoi realizez
Tot ce mi-a mai rămas este această cicatrice
Rănile bătăliei în care ți-am supraviețuit
Sunt rămasă cu toate rănile astea ,pretexte , adevărul este că
Încercând să mă repornesc
Este pe departe partea cea mai grea
Este pe departe partea cea mai grea
Periculoosă în secret
Durerea de care ești capabil
Nu am putu-o vedea venind nici dacă încercam
Ai apăsat trăgaciul și te-ai ascuns
Am încercat să țin totul în mine
Cu cât de tare le îl țineam cu atât se simțea ca un cuțit
Sânge de la jurământul nostru , alea sunt mâinile tale nu ale mele
Obișnuiam să râd ca un copil
Mă simt ok doar o perioadă scurtă , da
Apoi realizez
Tot ce mi-a mai rămas este această cicatrice
Rănile bătăliei în care ți-am supraviețuit
Sunt rămasă cu toate rănile astea ,pretexte , adevărul este că
Încercând să mă repornesc
Este pe departe partea cea mai grea
Este pe departe partea cea mai grea
Făcând față cicatricilor
La tot ceea ce m-ai pus să trec prin na na na da
Făcând față cicatricilor
La tot ceea ce m-ai pus să trec prin na na na da
Făcând față cicatricilor
La tot ceea ce m-ai pus să trec prin na na na da
Făcând față cicatricilor
Făcând față cicatricilor
Oh , nu sunt bine
Dar am să mă apropii pe zi ce trece
Mai aproape și mai aproape până când vei dispărea
Tot ce mi-a mai rămas este această cicatrice
Este pe departe partea cea mai grea
Este pe departe partea cea mai grea
Mă duc acasă , încerc na na na da
Mă duc acasă , încerc na na na da
Versions: #2Who are you, who am I?
Please say, where do you carry me?
Infinitely far and near
Is the country Fantasia
Are you a dream or a game?
Has my dream a destination to anywhere?
No one asks, who saw it
That country Fantasia
Oohhooh, bird fly, bird fly
because my dream has not been defeated yet
and in this world of stone
Only you can be the hope
Oohhooh, bird fly, bird fly
into the morning, that lies before me
Fly as long as my heart beats
and your wings carry me
I am scared, look at me
Is there nothing that could help me?
Every path seems to be clear
There in the country, Fantasia
If I had time like a kid
But what will happen when the day begins?
The moment is one year long
there in the country, Fantasia
Bird fly, bird fly
because my dream has not been defeated yet
and in this world of stone
Only you can be the hope
Oohhooh, bird fly, bird fly
into the morning, that lies before me
Fly as long as my heart beats
and your wings carry me
Oohhooh, bird fly, bird fly
into the morning, that lies before me
Fly as long as my heart beats
and your wings carry me
Hear the sound, see the light
like in a dream, but I do not dream
Relax, you are there
in the country Fantasia
in Fantasia
Charlie Chaplin
Yesyou were the little man
nobody could scare.
Charlie Chaplin
because who lies on his nose (translated literally)
isn't defeated yet
Charlie Chaplin
Your pictures are like a mirror
you hold infront of us with joy
and you show us in your way:
Infact we are laughing over ourselves.
Oh Charlie
oh Charlie Chaplin
you were like this
this was your life
oh Charlie Chaplin
litlle man
you were a great man
Oh Charlie
oh Charlie Chaplin
You never gave yourself time to relax
Oh Charlie
oh Charlie Chaplin
litlle man
you were a great man
Because of your big shoes and your walk
Oh Charlie
Charlie Chaplin
people will laugh even in hundred years
Oh Charlie
Charlie Chaplin
Hard times and big dreams
hand in hand in your life
but you said without words:
Only one who believes in oneself
has a goal
oh Charlie Chaplin
You were like this
This was your life
Oh Charlie
oh Charlie Chaplin
little man
You werea great person
Oh Charlie
oh Charlie Chaplin
you have rest now
We Stupid Girls Only Have Ourselves To Blame
We stupid girls only have ourselves to blame (2x)When your boy, you know,
Somebody else kisses,
Everybody says, there's nothing to it
When a girl does something like that,
Nobody thinks anything good
And the loudest shout
Makes your boy
But that's not okay!
We girls have far too much patience
And [we] say: 'No, no, no,
We stupid girls only have ourselves to blame!
We stupid girls only have ourselves to blame!
If a girl is just pretending,
That she's doing it all by herself,
The boy thinks, new flirting begins.
But he goes out alone,
He comes tipsy earl home.
Tell me, he can do that, because he's a man!
We stupid girls only have ourselves to blame