Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 146
Marie Marie
Marie, Marie, cânţi la chitară pe verandă
stau în maşina mea în timp ce ea cântă atât de trist, Marie, Marie...
Marie Marie, e atâta singurătate acolo la ţară
Vino la mine spre luminile aprinse din centru, Marie Marie
Am zis: 'hei, frumuşico, nu înţelegi
Vreau doar să fiu iubitul tău!'
Marie Marie, soarele e jos, pe lanul de porumb
Seara e neagră şi tu cânţi atât de trist
Marie Marie, am două săptămâni trecute ,
Am benzină-n rezervor şi ai tăi zic că trebuie să plec, Marie Marie
Am zis: 'hei, frumuşico, nu înţelegi
Vreau doar să fiu iubitul tău!'
Marie, Marie, cânţi la chitară pe verandă
stau în maşina mea în timp ce ea cântă atât de trist, Marie, Marie...
Oh Julie
Whoa, whoa Julie, de mă iubeşti pe bune,
Ai vrea oare, Julie, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău?
Julie, iubeşte-mă doar pe mine, Julie, nu fi singură,
că eu vreau doar să fii, să fii numai a mea...
Ooh, iubire, nu mă părăsi, dragă, nu mă _
Julie, de ce să mă laşi singur?
Stai cu mine, dragă, întinde-te cu mine poate,
Dragă, nu mă lăsa singur!
Julie, nu mă părăsi, te rog, nu mă dezamăgi
Julie, o, crede-mă şi fi, şi fi numai a mea!
Whoa, whoa Julie, de mă iubeşti pe bune,
Ai vrea oare, Julie, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău?
Ooh, iubire, nu mă părăsi, dragă, nu mă _
Julie, de ce să mă laşi singur?
Stai cu mine, dragă, întinde-te cu mine poate,
Dragă, nu mă lăsa singur!
Whoa, whoa Julie, de mă iubeşti pe bune,
Ai vrea oare, Julie, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău?
Whoa, whoa Julie, de mă iubeşti pe bune,
Ai vrea oare, Julie, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău?
Să fiu, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău.
Să fiu, să fiu, să fiu, să fiu numai al tău!
Her Other Friends
I've heard the story too many times now
But it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
The end of the story never will convince me
But it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
I'd like to know what you've said about me
What have you done? Tell me 'bout it
What game have you played? Did you'll believe
That I wouldn't find out it and you would never see me again?
Oh I've heard the story too many times now
But it's nice to meet her other friends, you know
(Garnet) - She's outclassing us!
(Amethyst) - I'm rusty, give me a break!
(Pearl) - Yes it's really her, but it can't be serious
(Steven) - Pearl, so you know her? Tell who she is, please
You don't know?! Who am I? That one who had lost
To a game that now, will be very different!
This time you're gonna see who is going to win!
Ready or not, you're gonna play!
And then who knows how it will go!
Oh I've heard the story too many times now,
But it's ncie to hit her other friends, you know
Oh I've heard the story too many times now,
But to hitting her other friends is
Nice, you know
Best Friend
I've been taking pictures my whole life
But I don't have any pictures of you
So sit down and smile for me,
So I can take a picture of you
And soon you'll be standing
On my bedside table
So everyone can see you through my window
But nobody knows where you went
One thing I'm sure of
Is that you're never coming back
Now all I have is a photo of my all-time best friend
And when I look at this picture
The only picture I have
I know it's the very last time
I got to see you happy
Why did you leave me? Now I'm sitting here
Wondering what I should do with myself
Or what I need to do
But if I never get to see you again
I'd be keen to catch up with you again
'Cause I'm no longer scared
I just want to know what happened
Where did you go, can you give me a sign?
I can't hear anything, can you give me a sign?
Jag uppskattar gärna förslag och korrekturläsningar.
The flowers in the garden are beautiful
The rose near the door is pretty
But the flowers don't grow now
In a house under the big rocks.
Cold water sleeps in Tryweryn
The water above my house is black
The fish in the water are white
But the flowers don't grow now
In a house under the big rocks.
Cold water sleeps in Tryweryn
Cold water sleeps in Tryweryn
Well, the flowers grow now
And the leaves fall down
The people have gone
The flowers are on the ground.
Cold water sleeps in Tryweryn
Cold water sleeps in Tryweryn
You are dead, my life
Versions: #2
You are dead, my life, and I still breathe?
You are gone from me
Never to return, and I should remain?
No, for if verses can do anything,
I will go in safety to the deepest abysses,
And having softened the heart of the King of shades,
I will bring you back with me to see the stars again:
Oh, if wicked destiny refuses me this,
I will stay with you, in the company of death.
Farewell earth, farewell Heaven and Sun, farewell.
Tu ai murit
Tu ai murit, viața mea, și eu respir?
Ai plecat de la mine
să nu te mai întorci, și eu rămân?
Nu, că dacă versurile pot ceva,
voi merge sigur în cele mai adânci abisuri,
și înmuind inima regelui umbrelor,
te voi aduce cu mine să revedem stelele.
Sau dacă soarta rea îmi refuză asta,
voi rămâne cu tine în compania morții,
adio masă, adio cer și soare, adio.
The most beautiful mistake
It was hard as long as I was waiting for you
Yet you came
And there weren't happier then me
Until you loved me
The farewell was long
You went many times
You came back somedays
Then you forgot me forever
My sorrow was long
And the misery
But you were in the life
The most beautiful misery
Eat you
You love me so beautifully and such slender birds slide
Such thoughts fly in the air that twinkle like fireflies
I have enough love for two large suitcases
The remainder only needs six billion
I'm ready to eat you
Look at you behind my eyelids
Listen to you through my ears
Feel you and chuckle
I want you so beautifully that it can't be as beautiful as it is
I'm scared to close my eyes, scared to not get you
If someone got to know that, if someone noticed,
Oh, dear*, I'd be weak again**
I'm ready to eat you
Look at you behind my eyelids
Listen to you through my ears
Feel you and chuckle
It's my greatest joy to nestle in your lap
Fall into a barrel of honey, get tangled in a tandem
It's my greatest joy to nestle in your lap
Fall into a barrel of honey, get tangled in a tandem
I'm ready to eat you
Look at you behind my eyelids
Listen to you through my ears
Feel you and chuckle
[3x] Eat you
Trăind pentru oraş...
Un băiat se naşte în Mississippi, pe vremuri grele
înconjurat de patru ziduri deloc frumoase
Părinţii îi dau iubire şi afecţiune
să-l ţină să se mişte în direcţia corectă
Trăind îndeajuns, îndeajuns pentru oraş...
Tatăl său lucrează uneori 14 ore pe zi
şi pe bune că greu face un dolar
Mama sa merge să spele pe jos pentru atâţia
şi fi sigur că greu face un penny
Trăind îndeajuns, îndeajuns pentru oraş...
Soră-sa e neagră dar e a naibii de frumoasă,
fusta ei e scurtă, dar ce mai picioare are
Ca să meargă la şcoală se trezeşte devreme
hainele-i sunt vechi dar nicicând murdare
Trăind îndeajuns, îndeajuns pentru oraş...
Fratele său e deştept şi are mai mult sens decât alţii
Răbdarea-i e mare dar în curând nu va rezista atâta
să găseşti o slujbă e ca atunci când cauţi acul din carul cu fân
că unde trăieşte, ei nu acceptă oameni de culoare
Trăind îndeajuns, îndeajuns pentru oraş...
Trăind îndeajuns,
pentru oraş, ooh, ooh
[se repetă de mai multe ori]
Părul său e lung, picioarele-i sunt grele şi _
îşi petrece iubirea păşind străzile din New York
E aproape mort respirând poluarea din aer
a încercat să voteze, dar pentru el nu-s soluţii
Trăind îndeajuns, îndeajuns pentru oraş... da, da, da
Sper că ascultaţi vocea mea de durere
şi că vă motivează să trăiţi un mâine mai bun
Acest loc este crud, nicăieri nu-i mai rece
Dacă nu schimbăm lumea, vom fi terminaţi
Trăind îndeajuns, îndeajuns pentru oraş...
La, la, la, la, la, la,
Da Ba Da Da Da Da Da Da
Da Da Da Da Da Da
Da Ba Da Da Da Da Da Da Da
[Repetat până la final...]
Sir Duke
Muzica e-o lume în sine
cu un limbaj pe care toţi îl înţelegem,.
cu o oportunitate egală
pentru toţi să cântăm, să dansăm s-aplaudăm...
Dar numai dacă un disc are balans,
nu-nseamnă că e tare
Dar poţi spune direct la litera A
când lumea începe să se mişte
Ei pot s-o simtă peste tot
Ei pot s-o simtă peste tot, oamenii
Ei pot s-o simtă peste tot
Ei pot s-o simtă peste tot, oamenii
Muzica ştie că e şi va fi mereu
unul din lucrurile pe care viaţa nu le-ar părăsi
Dar aici sunt unii pionieri ai muzicii
pe care timpul nu ne-ar lăsa să-i uiăm, acum
Fiindcă există Basie, Miller, Satchmo
şi regele tuturor, Sir Duke
Şi cu o voce ca a Ellei răsunând,
nu-i cale ca trupa să piardă
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot, oameni buni
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot, oameni buni
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot, oameni buni
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot, oameni buni
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot, oameni buni
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot
Pot s-o simt peste tot, oameni buni...
Nu puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot
Hai, s-o simţim peste tot, oameni buni
Puteţi s-o simţiţi peste tot
fiecare, pretutindeni, oameni buni
Semnat, sigilat, trimis
Ca un naiv, am plecat şi am stat prea mult
acum mă mir că dragostea ta încă-i puternică
Ooh, iubito, iată-mă: semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău!
Apoi în acel timp, am plecat şi-am zis la revedere
acum m-am întors şi nu mi-e ruşine să plâng:
Ooh, iubito, iată-mă: semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău!
Iubito, iată-mă:
semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău
(ai viitorul meu în mâinile tale)
Iubito, iată-mă:
semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău
(ai viitorul meu în mâinile tale)
Am făcut multe lucruri nebuneşti
pe care n-am vrut să le fac, nu-i aşa?!
Am văzut multe-n lumea asta
Când le ating, ele nu-nseamnă nimic
Ooh, iubito, iată-mă: semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău!
Ooh, iubito, îmi pui sufletul pe foc
de-asta ştiu că eşti singura dorinţă a inimii mele
Iubito, iată-mă:
semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău
(ai viitorul meu în mâinile tale)
Iubito, iată-mă:
semnat, sigilat, trimis, sunt al tău
(ai viitorul meu în mâinile tale)
O dată în viaţă
O dată în viaţă,
am pe cineva care are nevoie de mine
cineva de care am avut nevoie de-atâta timp
O dată neînfricat
pot merge unde viaţa mă va ghida
cumva cred că voi fi mai puternic.
O dată, pot atinge
ce inima obişnuia să viseze
mult înainte de-a şti
O, cineva atât de cald ca tine
ar putea să-mi facă visele să devină realitate
Da, da, da...
O dată în viaţă
nu voi lăsa durerea să mă lovească
aşa cum m-a mai lovit înainte.
O dată, am ceva ce ştiu că nu mă va părăsi
nu mai sunt singur nicicum
O dată pot spune
'E a mea, nu mi-o poţi lua'
Atâta timp cât ştiu că am dragostea, o pot face
Pentru o dată în viaţă
am pe cineva care are nevoie de mine
(Ha ha ha hei, da!
O, iubire...)
O dată în viaţă
nu voi lăsa durerea să mă lovească
aşa cum m-a mai lovit înainte.
O dată, am ceva ce ştiu că nu mă va părăsi
nu mai sunt singur nicicum
O dată pot spune
'E a mea, nu mi-o poţi lua'
Atâta timp cât ştiu că am dragostea, o pot face
Pentru o dată în viaţă
am pe cineva care are nevoie de mine
(O, pentru o dată în viaţă,
cineva care are nevoie de mine
Ooooh, baby
O dată în viaţa mea...)
I don't believe
Don't be angry, I have to go.
Cold are the moments
I spend with you now, how can I stay?
We reached some kind of dawn
Now is the moment
For a goodbye before anger seperates us.
That's why I'm saying..
I don't believe in love and romance.
I don't believe in nice moments.
I don't believe in vows and sacrifices.
You had everything tailored to your needs.
Don't be angry, no and don't feel sorry
To look me in the eyes
And don't be afraid to say what you feel
Every touch of yours seems like a goodbye
So make a decision and give me the green light
To leave..
That's why I'm saying..
I don't believe in love and romance.
I don't believe in nice moments.
I don't believe in vows and sacrifices.
You had everything tailored to your needs.
In love
Something's wrong with me
I am thinking too much about you
I look like I'm lost
and I keep asking about you
I wonder what's wrong with me
love is to blame and ties us
and for how long it goes my mind takes me
I think I'm in love
and faster my heart beats
when you're in my arms
I claim to be obsessed
with you in love
something's wrong
I know, I want you more and more
I can't control myself
I don't have any logic
and I kept asking why
I wonder what's wrong with me
love is to blame and ties us
and for how long it goes my mind takes me
I think I'm in love
and faster my heart beats
when you're in my arms
I claim to be obsessed
with you in love
Un singur vis
Când inima mea tace,
Când mi-am pierdut visele,
Caut răspunsul la toate de pe lume
La tine, dragă prietene.
Am o singură iubire,
Iubirea întregii mele vieți
Este cântecul, este cântecul.
Numai cântecul
Îmi este soare într-o zi fericită,
Îmi aduce lumină când mi-e greu,
Cântecul va scăpa lumea
De durere și singurătate.
Numai cântecul
Îmi este soare într-o zi fericită,
Îmi aduce lumină când mi-e greu,
Cântecul va scăpa lumea
De durere și singurătate.
Am o singură iubire,
Iubirea întregii mele vieți
Este cântecul, este cântecul.
Numai cântecul
Îmi este soare într-o zi fericită,
Îmi aduce lumină când mi-e greu,
Cântecul va scăpa lumea
De durere și singurătate.
Numai cântecul
Îmi este soare într-o zi fericită,
Îmi aduce lumină când mi-e greu,
Cântecul va scăpa lumea
De durere și singurătate.
© Vladímir Sosnín
The Guiding Star
New day is setting sails
Go ahead, love is calling to come aboard
Caring hearts
Our ship moves proudly
Towards the winds, the waves
And won't lead it astray
Other storms and rains
In the ocean of life isn't easy sometimes
But homeland shores keep us safe
Among the millions of stars only one is faithful
The guiding star
Together we are stronger, if she is with us
Together we are stronger, she'll always point the way
(our guiding star)
It's really easy to astray from the path, when lt has losed meaning
A single in a field is not a warrior - this is the main idea
Many years in a row we're achieving the record
The team grows and the experience grows
Always forward! And this will be our year!
Let these lines fly around the country
You need to get up and do and change something
And not just sit and move in silence
But walk and hold your head high realizing all your dreams
With fanfare, like a grand parade. e!
And making a choice, double the success
Playing in a strong team
In the ocean of life isn't easy sometimes
But homeland shores keep us safe
Among the millions of stars only one is faithful
The guiding star
Together we are stronger, if she is with us
Together we are stronger, she'll always point the way
(our guiding star)
Together we are stronger, if she is near
It's more fun together
The guiding star with us!
Ar fi trebuit sa stiu mai bine
Ar fi trebuit sa stiu mai bine
Sa vad ceea ce puteam vedea
Giulgiul meu negru
Tragandu-mi sentimentele in jos
Un stalp pentru inimaicii mei
Ar fi trebuit sa scriu o scrisoare
Si sa plang ceea ce obisnuiesc sa plang
Giulgiul meu negru
Nu ma incred in sentimentele mele niciodata
Am asteptat remediul
Cand aveam trei ani, trei ani, poate patru
Ne-a lasat la magazinul cu jocuri video
Fi-mi odihna, fi-mi fantezia
Fi-mi odihna, fi-mi fantezia
Sunt usor ca o pana
Sunt stralucitor ca briza din oregon
Giulgiul meu negru
Ingrozit de sentimentele mele
Vreau doar sa fiu o usurare
Nu, nu sunt cel ce alearga dupa ce isi doreste
Demonul m-a vrajot
Giulgiul meu negru
Capitanul sentimentelor mele
Singurul lucru pe care vreau sa-l cred
Cand aveam trei ani, si eram liber sa explorez
I-am vazut fata in spatele usii
Fi-mi odohna, fi-mi fantezia
Fi-mi odihna, fi-mi fantezia
Ar fi trebuit sa stiu mai bine
Nimic nu poate fi schimbat
Trecutul este tot trecut
Podul catre nicaieri
Ar fi trebuit sa scriu o scrisoare
Explicand ceea ce simt, acel sentiment gol
Nu te lasa, concentreza-te pe a vedea
Intrerupatoarele intr-un bar, vecinii salutand
Fratele meu a avut o fetita
Frumusetea care o aduce, iluminarea
Nu te lasa, nu a mai ramas nimic
Intrerupatoarele intr-un bar, nici un motiv ca sa traiesti
Sunt un prost in pacat
Trandafirul din barba lui Aaron, unde poti ajunge la mine
Nu te lasa, nimic nu poate fi schimbat
Podul canalului, marinarul beat
Fratele meu a avut o fetita
Frumusetea ce o aduce, iluminare
Viziunile lui Gideon
Te-am iubit pentru ultima oara
Este un video? Este un video?
Te-am atins pentru ultima oara
Este un video? Este un video?
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Este un video? Este un video?
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Este un video? Este un video?
Este un video?
Te-am iubit pentru ultima oara
Este un video? Este un video?
Te-am sarutat pentru ultima oara
Este un video? Este un video?
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Este un video? (Este un video?) Este un video? (Este un video?)
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Este un video? (Este un video?) Este un video? (Este un video?)
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Viziunile lui Gideon, (viziunile lui Gideon), viziunile lui Gideon, (viziunile lui Gideon)
Pentru iubire, pentru rasete, am zburat in bratele tale
Viziunile lui Gideon, (viziunile lui Gideon), viziunile lui Gideon, (viziunile lui Gideon)
Viziunile lui Gideon
Misterul iubirii
Oh, sa vad fara ochii mei
Prima oara cand m-ai sarutat
Fara legatura cu acea data cand am plans
Ti-am construit zidurile in jurul meu
Sunet de fond, ce sunet ingrozitor
Dibuind la raul Rogue
Simte-mi picioarele deasupra pamantului
Livreaza-mi mana lui Dumnezeu
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah sunt eu
Prima oara cand m-ai atins
Oh, vor inceta oare minunile?
Binecuvantat fie misterul iubirii
Doamne, eu nu mai cred
Inecat in ape vii
Blestemat de dragostea primita
De la fiica fratelui meu
Ca Hephaestion, care a murit
Iubirea lui Alexander
Acum albia raului meu a secat
Nu voi mai gasi altul?
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah sunt eu
Alerg ca un fluierar de zavoaie
Acum ma indrept spre suferinta
Semnul tau din nastere de pe umar imi aminteste
Cata suferinta pot indura?
O mierla pe umarul meu
Si ce diferenta va face
Cand aceasta iubire se va fi terminat?
Ar trebui sa dorm in patul tau
Rau al nefericirii
Tine-ti mainile deasupra capului meu
Pana imi voi respira ultima respiratie
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah sunt eu
Prima oara cand m-ai atins
Oh, vor inceta oare minunile?
Binecuvantat fie misterul iubirii
We’re ready,
my turn I’ll make you burn
Emergency move your body
(you got my attention)
Your party is over,
what more are you expecting
Your turn is next
(get out of my mansion)
Your boys and ladies you were calling
Everyone’s here, come back to me now
Hey what you thinking about it yea
I’ll show you more clearly
You were waiting for me tonight
More thrilling, more hotter,
you’re going to touch me
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give it to you, want me
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
Oh oh
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give you everything, want it
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
A-baby guess whose back
4minute back in the game
Put your hands up in the air (oh oh oh oh)
I’ll fill you up,
I’ll engrave myself deeply into your heart
Do it do it 4minute time
Scream so I can see
Go more crazy so only you can reach me
Hot issue, I’m a classic
Let me show, I’ll shatter common sense
Hey what you thinking about it yea
I’ll show you more clearly
You were waiting for me tonight
More thrilling, more hotter,
you’re going to touch me
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give it to you, want me
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
Oh oh
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give you everything, want it
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
A-baby guess whose back (oh oh oh oh)
4minute Back in the game (oh oh oh oh)
Put your hands up in the air (oh oh oh oh)
Do it do it 4minute time
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give it to you, want me
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
Oh oh
Tell me hey you want it boy
I’ll give you everything, want it
I can be (whatever)
Look at me (whatever)
We can do (whatever)
Whatever whatever whatever
Whatever whatever whatever
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
One morning in the early dawn, in the village Banica
A sound is heard, the army enters from the surroundings
Bullets are flying, cannons are thundering
Goce Delcev is sweetly sleeping, dreaming dreams
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
The army is entering, where is Goce?
Let him wake up! They betrayed him!
Then Goce awoke from his dream, and was in disbelief:
“What is this wonder brothers? Banica burns!
Quickly under the village and stop them, so they don’t burn
And kill you, brothers and sisters!”
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
The army is entering, where is Goce?
Let him wake up! They betrayed him!
The battle began to unfold—an uneven battle
Goce Delcev raised his head and commanded:
“Hit them hard brothers, and take them out
And if you are one hundred to one, do not be afraid!”
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
The army is entering, where is Goce?
Let him wake up! They betrayed him!
Still speaking words of freedom
The damned enemy struck him, straight in the heart
As he was falling, so he swore:
“May he who betrayed me, never have offspring!”
A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting
The army is entering, where is Goce?
Let him wake up! They betrayed him!
Listen up patriots
Listen up patriots,
so that I can tell you clearly:
I was locked up on St. George's Day
in black, dark dungeons.
In the dungeons I was betrayed
because of the damned spies.
Because of the damn spies
misbehaving Vrhovists.
In the dungeons I was tortured,
neither water, nor bread,
my body darkened,
a long shirt to the floor.
- Come on, don't torture me
I am as innocent as a flower.
I have fought for freedom,
for humans rights.
Oh, if only my mother knew,
to dig up my grave.
To dig up my grave
towards the clear Sun.
And on the grave she should write:
- 'Here lies a martyr.
Here lies Alexander
Karagjule from Ohrid'.
I swear to the most beloved, to the dearest,
I swear to the cross and the candlestick
I swear to my faith, I swear to my soul,
I swear to Macedonian blood.
Am sa fiu aici !
In zorii zilei de maine , de-ai sa te trezesti
Si soarele nu are sa apara
Eu....Eu am sa fiu aici
De in 'intuneric' pierdem urma dragostei
Ia-ma de mana , si fi far' de teama
Caci eu, am sa fiu aici
Voi fi aici
Cand simti ca esti far de glas
Cand simti a iti impartasi gandurile
Eu voi asculta
Si voi fi aici
Cand zambetul se transforma in planset
Prin victorii, pierderi si incercari
Noi impreuna avem sa fim
Caci eu voi fi Aici !!
In zorii zilei de maine , de-ai sa te trezesti
Iar viitorul intetosat este ,
Eu, am sa fiu aici !!
La fel cum timpurile's predestinate schimbarii
Timpul nostru-i predestinat multilor ani
Asa ca eu, ....Eu am sa fiu Aici!!
Am sa fiu aici
Iar tu ai sa poti a plange pe-al meu umar
Cand oglinda ne arata batranetea
Am sa te sustin
Si aici am sa fiu
Sa te admir crescand in frumusetea-ti
Si sa-ti spun tot ceea ce insemni pentru mine
Voi fi aici !!!
Voi fi loial, juramantului ce rostit-am
Si Celui ce mie mi te-a scos in cale
La fel cum timpurile's predestinate schimbarii
Timpul nostru-i predestinat multilor ani
Asa ca eu, ....Eu am sa fiu Aici!!
Impreuna avem sa fim
Eu aici am sa fiu !
Don't Give Up
How is this over, when you left, what did remain?
We've been through times, you've left nothing but memories in me.
And how at nights, the tears choke again,
My heart is cold, about to live with this pain,
And your eyes tear up before me.
Don't give up, no don't leave,
Just remember how I was always there for you.
Don't give up, no don't leave,
Just remember you were always in my heart.
Why did you return? When you left, you said
That you're not good with me, that you're not for me.
Days and nights passed by while you were gone,
And now that you're back, are you still in my heart?
And your eyes tear up before me.
Don't give up, no don't leave,
Just remember how I was always there for you.
Don't give up, no don't leave,
Just remember you were always in my heart.
Don't give up, no don't leave,
Just remember how I was always there for you...
Don't give up, no don't leave,
Just remember you were always in my heart.
It all pass
Don't think this suffer is endless, this world also passes
Like the mortal one, the day passes, the moment also passes
The happiness of the one who cannot feel sorrow also passes
The age of the happiness also passes, the grief of the mourning also passes
The day and night disappear, the man of the moment also passes
This manifestation of life has bended me with love
Are these gurgling teardrops or the flood of blues?
Is this howling sound of the instrument of life belongs to the lowest note?
Are these the deeds of all kinds which surrounded by destiny?
Reed gets silent, drink spills over, the sound of the Solomon also passes
If you draw a lesson and read this extreme world
So save your soul from this mortal world and beyond
Find your purpose of creation at the place of earth love
Starting from nowhere and ends in the shit, this dead case
The hell ashamed with feeling of forgiveness and let it pass away
Neither religious law, nor cult, neither truth, nor justice
This world cannot rule as long as these are alive
Let the god settle smells fear ignorant's hash
According to the judgement at the court of talent
The heaven fails, the legend of the man also passes
Listen this vagabond Neyzen's words with love
None of them the beauties of these worlds would be seen
The power of his ignorance did not let him to look his own
Gets older the one whose face beautiful as roses
The innkeeper returns to dust, the conversation of the friend will also passes.
Because of you
Someone sends the sun in the morning so that it would shine
The wind blew so softly as never today
Because of you
Because of you
Someone lights a fire in the hearth when it snows outside
Holds a river between shores, puts a bridge overhead
Because of you, because of you
Because of you, because of you
Because of you
Ships sail away in the distance, seagulls scream sorrowfully
A dog by your feet in the sand blinks its eyes closed
Dewdrops in bentgrass quiver slightly
The most beautiful sunrise and the saddest morning
Because of you, because of you
Because of you, because of you
Because of you
Because of you, because of you
Because of you, because of you
Because of you
Someone sends the sun in the morning so that it would shine
The wind blew so softly as never today
Because of you
Ships sail away in the distance, seagulls scream sorrowfully
A dog by your feet in the sand blinks its eyes closed
Dewdrops in bentgrass quiver slightly
The most beautiful sunrise and the saddest morning
Because of you, because of you
Because of you, because of you x4
Because of you
Above your head, eternity walks while stars are falling
Slowly a silver boat through eternity glides
Because of you
In Love
Versions: #3
With one word from you
Life changes colours
Don't ask me
if I love you nor why
In love but I don't know how it'll turn out
I have no answer, I don't know why
I'm also in love when I look at you
I want to forever get lost in your eyes
I want with you
To live all my moments
That which I feel
To never end, never vanish
In love but I don't know how it'll turn out
I have no answer, I don't know why
I'm also in love when I look at you
I want to forever get lost in your eyes (×2)
With one word from you
Life changes colours
I'm sad
That year I have nothing to say
and I only can choose to leave you.
Your Innocent smile is no longer exciting.
You are afraid of the ending,
so you are hard to hurt me,
saying that I block your bright future.
You absolutely don't want me to wait for you,
so I silently let you go away.
Now you got hurt and come back,
Telling me that how can I accept this arrangement.
I'm sad that I give up on you and give up on love.
The dream that I abandoned is shattered. I hold back the sadness.
I thought it was perfect, but you said you are more unhappy.
I'm sorry that I forgot you and forgot love.
I do my best to forget that we ever fallen in love.
But I forgot to tell you that you cannot go back if you lost it.
I also forgot to tell you that you cannot go back if you lost it.
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you, you were at the dentist’s
When I was in love with you, you went shopping
When I was in love with you, you lost weight
When I was in love with you, you became a vegetarian
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you, you went to Jūrmala
When I was in love with you, you counted your freckles in front of the mirror
When I was in love with you, you filed your nails
When I was in love with you, you engaged in fortune telling
When I was in love with you, you were fighting for women’s rights
When I was in love with you…
You truly had a very bad cold and really needed to stay at home, for else it would have gotten even worse, and besides, people who take penicillin get so weak that they just want to sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep or, at best, read some once-popular novel which they picked up cheap when it was on sale last spring
When I was in love with you, you complained about the hot weather
When I was in love with you, you would just listen to Beatles records
When I was in love with you, you painted your lips pink and your nails purple
When I was in love with you, you were wasted twice
When I was in love with you…
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
And so we separated before getting to know each other
When I was in love with you, you were in love with yourself
When I was in love with you
When I was in love with you
Was in love with you
These days, whatever you say, it’s boring
Even when we’re together, honestly, I yawn
You ain’t funny to me no more
Even when you talk and spit
I don’t really feel anything
You keep trying to get my attention
But I can’t focus, for real
I’m just looking at people passing by
Whatever you say, it doesn’t come into my ear
Maybe I was blind at first
(Adults say) that women have hearts like reeds
(In my eyes) everything about you is just whatever
(From one to ten) I don’t like anything about you
(From your head to your toe), you’re just whatever
I have no feelings for you
You’re really just whatever
You have no charm, no attraction
You’re so boring
You’re really just whatever
Whatever you do, my eyes won’t go to you
You’re just whatever whatever (eh eh eh)
Really whatever whatever (eh eh eh)
More and more whatever whatever (eh eh eh)
Really whatever whatever
Whatever you do, you’re whatever
I’m different from others
But I was blind about you for all this time
So maybe you thought I was easy
My heart isn’t moving at all
I have no feelings even till the sun comes up
Whether it’s day or night, you’ve never made me tremble
(Adults say) that women have hearts like reeds
(In my eyes) everything about you is just whatever
(From one to ten) I don’t like anything about you
(From your head to your toe), you’re just whatever
I have no feelings for you
You’re really just whatever
You have no charm, no attraction
You’re so boring
You’re really just whatever
Whatever you do, my eyes won’t go to you
You’re just whatever whatever (eh eh eh)
Really whatever whatever (eh eh eh)
More and more whatever whatever (eh eh eh)
Really whatever whatever
Whatever you do, you’re whatever
Paradisul din trecut
Ei au trecut mult din viata lor
Traind intr'un paradis din trecut
Ei au risipit mult timp
Glorificind zile trecute de mult
Ei au trecut mult din viata lor
In memoria celei mai vechi laude a ignorantei
Spune-mi cine dintre ei o sa devina
Citi dintre ei sintem tu si eu
Relatii intre popoare
Confirmare...despre tot raul de pe pamint
Ei au trecut mult din viata lor
Traind intr-un viitor paradis
In mintea ei incearca sa caute
Zilele ca suferinta nu mai exista
Ei povestesc in continuare despre ziua
In care Salvatorul iubirii intr-o zi va veni si va ramine
Spune-mi cine dintre ei o sa devina
Citi dintre ei sintem tu si eu
Relatiilor Rasiale
Verificarea Revelatiilor
Salvarea lumii
Confirmare...despre pacea lumii
Ei au trecut mult din viata lor
Traind intr'un paradis din trecut
Ei au trecut mult din viata lor
Traind intr-un viitor paradis
Noi am trecut prea mult din vietile noastre
Traind intr'un paradis din trecut
Sa inceptem sa traim vietile noastre
Traind pentru un viitor paradis
Sa laudam vietile noastre
Traind pentru un viitor paradis
Rusine pentu viata cuiva
Traind intr'un paradis din trecut