Rezultatele căutării pagină 10
Număr de rezultate: 345
Onoarea stegului 2
Acesta este începutul unui capitol puțin mai lung
există o mulțime de lucruri în mine
Cele patru laturi ale țării sunt lupi și șacali
toți cei care arată prietenos sunt satana
Teroriștii stau într-un pătrat sângeros
dar lângă el media falsă
fiecare din interior spre exterior, dar inamicul
nici o schimbare totul este sepia
Astăzi este oficial același lucru ca ieri
aceleași minciuni se învârt pe la televizor
dar teroriștii amenință
nimeni nu se oprește mereu se tem
Teroriștii lași negociază
am văzut zilele când stătea la masă
aici o cățea oamenii numărau copii
am văzut două cupluri demne
Noi suntem orbii? Tu ești orb?
în fiecare zi în media avem vești despre martiri
în fiecare zi câte mame au căzut în ele
Spuneți-mi câți copii sunt orfani
Nu am plecat încă în armată
Dacă am suficientă viață am să mă duc și eu într-o zi
toți copiii de cățea încăpățânați
Am să fac un scut în inimă pentru stea și semilună
Pentru noi patria este o iubire veșnică
Pentru noi patria este un sânge udat
Pentru noi patria este definiția soției
Pentru noi patria este considerată un paradis
Să nu crezi că ești incapabil, prietene
Dacă există credință, fiecare castel este distrus
Știi că există un adevăr
Fiecare turc este considerat un soldat născut
Sunt lucruri care îmi fac rău în minte
În partea de sus a acestui lucru este dragostea patriei
în optzeci și una din cele opt provincii
Drapelul turc nu se schimbă
Ambiții la serviciu cu creierul sionist
Dar este rugină în creierul ruginit
Tu ești strămoșul meu suprem
Când se ia sângele, se vinde sânge
în noi suntem la fel de goi ca dușmani
Trădătorilor patriei li-se taie brațul
Dar uitați de trădarea patriei
Va exploda într-o zi în ea
Aceste bombe, sacrificare nevinovată
Comportamentul ca o cățea
Animalul murdar de pe munte
Creierul lui ruginit gâfâia
Ridică-te! Lupii dansează
Distruge focalizarea obiectelor ascuțite
Suntem marele țar Kurdă turcă
Toți suntem cu toții înfricoșați
Dacă am spus tot o neînțelegere
Nu mă refer la partea teroristă
Există și kurzi care își iubesc patria
Nu vin la joc, eu îi numesc frați.
Pentru mine toți sunt kurzi
Minte același terorist
sionism pe ambele părți
Bucăți pe părți diferite
Nu căutați diferența! A fi turc
Adoptați sentimente pentru stea și semilună
A fi turc! Ați iubi patria,
Se ciocnesc în frunte de dragul patriei
Există un paradis ca această patrie?
Să moară de dragul patriei
O iubești haide spune și tu
Versul 2
A fi turc ca Mete Han
A făcut marele zid care se afla în china
A fi turc uneori ca Atatürk
Omul bolnav trebuie ridicat
A fi turc până la ultima suflare
Apelează la stea și semilună
și a fi turc au stabilit 17 state
Pentru a distruge sute de state
Nu am intenții rele să nu mă înțelegeți greșit
Sunt doar un tânăr iubitor de patrie
Uneori nu pot digera unele lucruri
Sunt prins într-o criză de nervi
Teroriștii sunt încă în Parlament
Pe plata mea
Pentru a scoate pe cineva din cale
Nu voi merge la foc
Timp de doi ani și jumătate, partea 1
Am primit sute de amenințări
Dar nu mi-e teamă că nu sunt niciodată mai ambițios
Cea mai sinceră dragoste pentru Dumnezeu, patria
Ce credeți că câștigați bani
Nu-mi vând patria poți să te duci viață
Cu toate acestea eu spun chemarea stelei și semilunei
că martiriul deschide o ușă spre paradis
Viața pentru onoare este o afirmație
Pentru mine, lumea este unipolară
în acest moment poate că vremea este încă tulbure
De ce este ușor de uitat istoria țării
Sau puțină speranță, trebuie să te uiți
pentru că oamenii trăiesc cu speranță
O spun din nou cățea pe care o cunosc
Din ordine iară este condamnat
Este imposibil să plătiți dreptul
Pentru noi pământul este un pat
Trăind în confort și abundență
Există vânzători pentru patria noastră frumoasă
Și ei au, psihologia animalelor
Cele mai bune explicați pentru ei
Dacă întrebați ce onoare este onoarea
Ei continuă doar să se uite gol gol
Este imposibil de înțeles, nu există nici o rețetă
Nu există iertare pentru trădarea patriei
cântărirea nervilor, când am deschis fiecare stire
Analiștii plângând sunt în creștere
Imaginează-ți că ești micul ofițer al tatălui tău
în fiecare zi sângele plânge sunt martiri
Mai bine te ridici te oprești pentru că
Acest lucru nu este bun, inima mea este îndurerată
Oricine cunoaște patria este indivizibil
Milioane de cutii o singură inimă
Pușca de vârf nu ne va distruge
Ei nu se agită
Este dreptul tuturor să trăiască onorabil
Câte condiții trebuie ca să rămâi onorabil
Omul onorabil nu și-ar vinde patria
nu se poate un om onorabil fără onoare
Dacă nu ar fi fost puțin trist
Dacă nu te-ai trezit în sânge
Dacă trăiți confortabil și liniștit
Dacă nu ați avut crize de nervi
Dacă nu ai lăsat lacrimi
Nu a rămas nici-o diferență intre tine și ei
Dacă încă mai ascultați aceste cuvinte
Te rog, dă-ți niște cote
Există un paradis ca această patrie?
Să moară de dragul patriei
O iubești haide spune și tu
Ege Kökenli
Onoarea steagului 3
Ia-mi sângele, fața mea albă te laudă
întodeauna patria mea o să fie acolo
Mii cad în focuri pentru vatră
Spun doar un singur cuvânt mulțumire patriei
Nu te teme! Suntem de nestins în aceste zori
Haide să ne lovim de lumina semiluni
Tu mereu să trăiești în fericire și liniște
Sechestrarea rămâne neînfricată
Este imposibil să plătiți dreptul
Pentru pământul nostru ne culcăm pe el
Trăind în confort și abundență
Există vânzători pentru patria noastră frumoasă
Și ei au, psihologia animalelor
Cele mai bune explicați pentru ei
Dacă întrebați ce onoare este onoarea
Ei continuă doar să se uite gol gol
Suntem mândri că nu ne plecăm capul
Suntem întotdeauna plini de speranță pentru mâine
Aveți grijă cu noi suntem Turcii
Ne înclinăm capul la ora șapte?
Să dormim? Nopțile sunt liniștite în fiecare zi
Nu, inima mea este acoperită de foc
Dacă sunteți pașnici
Nu există dragostea patriei în inima lor!
Tot ce știu este să lovească în spate
Sau să se ascundă și să se implice
Fără a ști cine să servească
Vânzarea onoarei unei persoane ca oile
Sechestrarea nu a clipit niciodată
Este o onoare să mori pentru patrie
Contează să fi martir pentru o națiune
Nimeni nu poate da acest curs sau setare
Nemernicii și vicleni fac şanțuri
Nu vor veni în ceață ca bărbați
Minciunile lor vor ieși la iveală
Dacă este nevoie mor nu trag din nou mâinile
Cu toți suntem frați
Nu există nimeni înafară de noi cu adevărat
Suntem dedicați acestei căi
Nimeni nu poate spune să mă întorc înapoi
Pentru onoare viața este o graniță
Pentru mine în lume există un singur pol
în acest moment poate că aerul este din nou noros
De ce se uită așa ușor istoria națiuni
Sau trebuie să mai arătăm puțină speranță
Pentru că oameni au speranța de a trăi
O spun din nou cățea pe care o cunosc
Din ordine iară este condamnat
Trezește-te! Haide ridică-te pleacă
Până la sfârșitul luptei pentru patrie
Sângele meu să fie sacrificiu pentru semilună şi stea
şi onoare pentru steag până la moarte!
Până sa stins, soare până la această înviere
Steagul întodeauna va sta pe munți
Fatih, Yavuz și Atatürk sunt ai noştri
Greşala din Sinop până în trecut.
Ege Kökenli
I Have Scary Contacts
Don't you laugh at me kid!
Don't you never deride me
My world is here
And I have scary contacts (he has scary contacts)
It's just an echo gentlemen
A game that we have here in Louisiana
A little trick, don't worry...
Have a seat
Be cool
If you relax
I can introduce myself to you
I will tell you your future
I will trade 'I can'
I will go inside your soul
You have a soul right Laurens?
In your secret dream
I got spells, I gor sorcery,
I got tricks, I give wishes
Because I have scary contacts (he has scary contacts)
Cards, cards, will tells us
They will see the 'before', the 'now' and the future
Cards, cards, three of them are enough
Let's go on a trip to the future together
You kid are coming from the ocean
And you are from a royal family
But I am also blue blood due to my mama
A true reveller but you are also broke
You should marry a rich baby immediately
Hm your parents disinherited you, playboy?
Eh, I confess it
And you have to marry
But you will also be enslaved
You want to go around from a place to another
But freedom has green color
Life needs green color, green color
But I think green fits you a lot
I don't have anything to say about you little poor man
They press you for a lifetime
You have on your back,
Your mama, your sister, your brother
And if you get married
You would have a heavier dept
But you do have a future and I see there
That you will live an unrepeatable life
Let's shake hands
Come on boys
Don't think about it, come, you are coming too
We are starting (we are starting)
We are starting
Transform (transform)
Reform (reform)
And change now
Change, change, change
You wanted all of these
But if you didn't, I am not to blame!
My scary contacts are to blame
(He gave you all)
(But he took all double)
A kid*
A kid goat my father has purchased
for two zuzzim, for two zuzzim
and then came the cat and it ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim.
And then came the dog who bit the cat that ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim
and then came the stick to beat the dog that bit the cat
that ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim.
And then came the fire and it burned the stick that beat the dog
that bit the cat that ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim.
And then came the water to put out the fire that burned the stick
that beat the dog that bit the cat
that ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim.
And then came the ox to drink the water that put out the fire
that burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat
that ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim.
And then came the to slaughter the ox that drank the water
that put out the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog
that bit the cat that ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim.
And then came the Angel of Death to slaughter the Shohet
that slaughtered the ox that drank the water
that put out the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog
that bit the cat that ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim.
Then came the
and slaughtered the Angel of Death that slaughtered the Shohet
that slaughtered the ox that drank the water
that put out the fire that burned the stick that beat the dog
that bit the cat that ate the kid
that my father purchased for two zuzzim.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).
Weather forecaster
Do you want and I’ll kill you?
I’ll just leave your pictures.
After buying glasses for francs.
No one will see eyes.
It won’t hurt, I promise.
But say hi to me,
Call more often from the sky about the weather…
Will be looking for me in uniform,
Even friends forget name of,
The doors will close.
That me skew these views.
I'm an outlaw, I'm a weather forecaster, I'm a weather forecaster!
It won’t hurt, I promise.
But say hi to me,
Call more often from the sky about the weather…
See how it turns out:
April, and there are rinks on asphalt.
If you can't be God,
I will. Kill me, but promise
It won't hurt, try.
I'll come in a dream with rains,
I'll call from the sky about the weather.
It won't hurt, I promise.
But say hi to me,
I'll come in a dream with rains...
Sănătate ei
Aflu cum încă mai speră
Că va veni acea clipă
Toate i le voi ierta
Şi să îi spun întoarce-te
Să fim din nou împreună
Probabil nu o fi sănătoasă la minte
Spuneți-i din partea mea sănătate
Nu se iartă crimele ei
Dacă nu-mi plătește tot ce-mi datorează
Pe mine prietene, să nu mă cheme Vasili
Crede au spus de mine
Că am reacționat la furie
Şi dacă o să gândesc la rece
O să schimb verdictul
Şi scuza o voi accepta
Probabil nu o fi sănătoasă la minte
Spuneți-i din partea mea sănătate
Nu se iartă crimele ei
Dacă nu-mi plătește tot ce-mi datorează
Pe mine prietene, să nu mă cheme Vasili
Bumbac Laura
Authorized translator romanian-greek
That's How It Was
Don't strangle me, release your grip
If not, my soul
Will die in anguish
Don't scream in haste
I'm not your enemy
And if only we could start all over
From a clean slate
But it's no longer so
Chorus (x2)
That's how it was, so much pain
Killing me quietly with every word
Shooting words
First at my heart, then at my soul
I don't need any more of that
Day after day I pray
Let heaven shelter me
I'll hide all the pain and sorrow
But you can't mask the pain in my eyes
I'll wipe my memory clean
For a while now I haven't trusted, haven't feared, haven't asked for anything
But withal my wounds live on
So much pain, no need
To live to see tomorrow
Can't you see that the sun has burnt out
And the world has collapsed around us
We're no longer side by side
We'd start it all over
And again go up and flames
But it's no longer so
But it's no longer so
That's how it was, so much pain
Killing me quietly with every word
Shooting words
First at my heart, then at my soul
I don't need any more of that
Crown Ticks
Crown ticks on my wrist
I got drunk, and I wasn't sorry
My time is dollars
I rock sweatpants with a golden watch
I didn't come to tug, I came to slide
He didn't ask for my ID, he asked for my watch
Oh what time is it, I can tell you
Almost ten so quite average
Tell me a model since my time's too expensive
The first one shows the time of Helsinki, second one shows local time
Third one is just for shining
You don't wanna go home when I'm talking about nobel metals
Always right though always left
Always up, you can stay down
When I wear my Rolex
I argue my head high even though you think you are winning
Oh who's paying for these, shut up boy
You are as tired as batteries in your watch
And what's next when I show my Rolex
It wasn't cheap but that's alright
Crown ticks on my wrist
I got drunk, and I wasn't sorry
My time is dollars
I rock sweatpants with a golden watch
Tick tock tick tock time is money
But watch is a timeless classic
And there's a Head of Medusa on my wrist
You don't see this shit in every bar
Yeah pin shit, it's my jubilee wristband
This is taking Casios down
My Visa slides like Galis* slides DMs to your girl
My watch is on time, your watch is on time like VR*
Get yourself the golden crown
And take that digital screen to pawnshop
Get youself the golden crown
And take that digital joke to pawnshop
Crown ticks on my wrist
I got drunk, and I wasn't sorry
My time is dollars
I rock sweatpants with a golden watch
Every guy knows that time is money
I'm not there yet but I will be
With same eyes, quite a ghost
I wake up without alarm every day
Can't believe it, Adidas and Rolex
You can call this school of life if you like
Forget old ways, faces, dramas
Time cures it all
It's good for me, it's a shock for you
It's a grand for me, some work for you
The clock tick tick ticks
We have a gig here
Are these mics on
Crown ticks on my wrist
I got drunk, and I wasn't sorry
My time is dollars
I rock sweatpants with a golden watch
My Heart Belongs To You
I've felt
The bitterness of your abandonment
Have you ever in your heart, love me?
There will never be an end to
My love for you
As long as my soul is still for you
Don't ever let me
Go back to my past lover
I only want to stay by you
Until you're not able to feel my pulse
The love of my heart can never be
Replace by another
I ever tried to and I felt it before but I'm helpless
Don't ever try to ask for it
Even I, over here, had never been willing
Please guard and strengthen your heart for me
My heart belongs to you
Don't ever let me
Go back to my past lover
I only want to stay by you
Until you're not able to feel my pulse
The love of my heart can never be
Replace by another
I ever tried to and I felt it before but I'm helpless
Don't ever try to ask for it
Even I, over here, had never been willing
Please guard and strengthen your heart for me
My heart belongs to you
My heart belongs to you
My heart belongs to you
you have a way
you have tactics
that you're following
my heart is crazy for you
it's happened, what you wanted has happened
my heart loved and got jealous
and when you're away from me
I'm on fire
you have a way
you have tactics
that you're following
my heart is crazy for you
my eyes long for you
my heart is madly in love with you
and you knew how to plan
for you to be my love
it's happened, what you wanted has happened
my heart loved and got jealous
and when you're away from me
I'm on fire
you have a way
you have tactics
that you're following
my heart is crazy for you
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها
Onoarea steagului
De data aceasta suferinţa trage în viaţă
Indiferent cât de mult îți spui, nu înțelegi bunătatea
Mass-media poartă ca un urs foamea politicii
Uneori sunt furios şi simt gust de sânge
Am plecat cu dreptul acolo unde este plin de haos
Rezultatul cel mai rău pe care l-am găsit
Dorința de pace, nu sângele dorit
Dacă pentru naţionalişti dispar divizorii
Datoria pentru patrie e mare onoarea steagului
O persoană care este necivilizată este lipsită de această onoare
Steaua şi semiluna îi îneacă pe aceşti nenorociţi în culoare
Căţeaua pe care o cunosc este mereu condamnată
Nu te teme că nici moartea nu este adevărată
Onoarea nu o ai ca rasă ci o primeşti la naştere
Am un prieten foarte crud
Dacă este nevoie îmi dau viaţa pentru patria lor
Cor x2:
Nimeni nu ne poate îndepărta de onoarea steagului
Sângele martirilor noştri nu poate fi uitat
Dacă se întâmplă într-o zi să ne pierdem răbdarea
Nimeni nu ne poate ţine să ieşim în stradă
Acum este momentul să fim cu toţi împreună
Când plătim taxe nu spune-ţi nimic
Ordinea este coruptă mizerabililor
Divizorul nu acceptă pacea (Siktir)
Greşala de a nu atârna acel criminal
Acest lucru nu poate fi capul meu în Turcia medievală
Criminalul paşa ia executat pe bună dreptate
Îmi protejez drepturile
Sărbătorile de ziua Republicii sunt interzise
Vacanța Nevruz în piața separatistă
Suspendând steagul lui Apon în pătrate
Politicienii s-au despărțit
Răbdarea ca o piatră, cea mai adâncă dragostea pentru patrie
Există străini trădători
Martiri pot dormi liniştiţi în pământ pentru că
Sunt tineri ca mine care apără steagul
Cor x4:
Nimeni nu ne poate îndepărta de onoarea steagului
Sângele martirilor noştri nu poate fi uitat
Dacă se întâmplă într-o zi să ne pierdem răbdarea
Nimeni nu ne poate ţine să ieşim în stradă
Ege Kökenli
Leave me alone
She is scarry , brother the effect is horor
she is scarry good, good like porn
on the time i watched her on MySpace
she hasn't written her hometown, cause she is some peasant(provincial)
Her boyfriend is a peasant, but with money
that's why she act like Paris
her mother is an ex model, and her father policeman
she don't have a choice, it's her destiny to be stupid
-I heard she suck good, -Let go, the people talk everything
-They don't talk, i know, she sucked Toni's
And finally i met those bobbies
together with her boyfriend that drinks only whiskey
And i , on rakiya, made magic
one line in WC, nothing stops me
her boyfirend is nervous, he thinks that we talk
and she told me only ' Please leave me alone!'
I like how you look (how you look)
don't think that i want to fuck you ( to fuck you)
i only want to talk
'Sorry, boy, please leave me alone'
She is scarry, -Boy and you are pushy
-Pushy,pushy, who, me ,me , no way?!
Sorry that i bothered you
i disappeared culturally, i didn't want a fight
I felt like a fool, fuck it, it's gone
I met her again, after some years
meanwhile i eated 'shit' publicly
and i became very popular and known
it was filming 'Shoping', and i needed some pussies
and we made a casting
They come in one by one , fuck it
all , all beautiful but they don't know how to act ( you're terrible)
Then cames in this one that made herself like a pussy
'peasant, are you gonna act a pussy?!
Do i look like an idiot, now i wont put you on my dick
and not on my video, GET OUT!'
I wonder on my eye that i am seeing you
you surely thik that i am going to fuck you
my dick don't stay on you anymore, what are we going to do now
Girl, please let me alone
This is what makes you mad.
Wait, why is it so?
Shh-sh-sh ... shut up, do not want to miss the beginning.
Catch the melody the way I catch it.
So, as I love, it's as if:
Why are you with the eyes of ben-pa-ben.
Running laziness away, pumping out that there is urine at night.
Or in the daytime, if you want - we'll come
Closer to the center, all the views will be taken.
You do not call yourself in hand, bitch-bitch.
You will know me. How to be lucky, quiet brothers, without a fight - Only tanchiki-dance.
Now, let's dance! What embarrasses you?
Let's dance! Do not stand there in vain.
Now, let's dance! What embarrasses you?
Let's dance! Do not stand there in vain.
This is what makes you crazy.
In a good way, do not pick on words.
Yes, medicine is right. This is something that does not hurt your head.
Second Verse: MONATIK:
So go out and light it up.
So that they want to be you all.
Chsh-sh-sh! Show them skill, pick your head.
Tear off your ovations, tear them in half.
In this business, you're just a monster.
In this case, all movements are simply cosmos.
Just space and temperature rise.
Now, let's dance! What embarrasses you?
Let's dance! Do not stand there in vain.
Now, let's dance! What embarrasses you?
Let's dance! Do not stand there in vain.
This is what makes you mad.
It's your part, you wanted it so bad.
(That's right, like that, like this.)
Let the best parts of the body work.
(Like this! More often!)
It's your part, you wanted it so bad.
Come on!
Let the best parts of the body work.
More often! More often!
This is what makes you mad.
(More often!)
Vitamin D
Give me the shock ...
A good day replaced the night,
and in the sky the stars are like you (exactly the same)
There are no negative factors, evil directors,
unsafe sectors.
All the boredom fled, and reminded: I'm not tired.
Yes. I worked hard, but this beauty invigorates.
And I want high, I want drums,
I want sleepless ...
nights, but only with you!
Give me high, give me drums,
Yes, give me sleepless! Because whose, if not yours?
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
Get it! D. (along with me)
Do not be bored, get Vitamin D!
Your smooth movements improve the sight of everyone
(All!) Get pleasure from the moment of each
(with you) on each body a glare, the dew shines (it is necessary)
And everyone sees! Everybody sees! Everyone sees miracles, and I ...
And I want high, I want drums,
I want sleepless nights, but only with you!
Give me high, give me drums,
Yes, give me sleepless! Because whose, if not yours?
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
Get it! D.
(together with me)
Do not be bored, get Vitamin D!
They asked: '... tell at the mercy of the sisters and brothers that in the beginning there was music or dancing ...?'
The answer is simple: no one has seen such beauty,
let's dance do not wait ...
First you appeared!
In the beginning appeared: 'Hey, you! You're there, let's go dancing with us!
Hey, you! You are there with us! Come on! Do not be bored, get Vitamin D,
Well, a little more ...
I'm not tired yet ...
Still have time to relax!
To go to go
I should know, I should know
Baby I want to know how much you love me
I don't want to go
But you should know how much I've waited you
I should know, I should know
Baby I want to know how much you love me
Do you remember the promises you used to tell me and now you've broken
Where are you now?
When the words of my heart I completely gave them to you
Are you afraid?
Because you've never loved me
And që were together.
Where are you now?
I know that...
I can't bring you back
You forget easily
The nights we spent together
REF. 2x:
Run run run
To go to go it's not late
Run run run
To go to go I can't
To go it's late
To go to go it's late
To go it's late
To go to go I can't
I should know, I should know
Baby I want to know how much you love me
I don't want to go
But you should know how much I've waited you
I should know, I should know
Baby I want to know how much you love me
Do you remember the promises you used to tell me and now you've broken
Where are you now?
When the words of my heart I completely gave them to you
Are you afraid?
Because you've never loved me
And që were together.
Where are you now?
I know that...
I can't bring you back
You forget easily
The nights we spent together
REF. 2x:
Run run run
To go to go it's not late
Run run run
To go to go I can't
To go it's late
To go to go it's late
To go it's late
To go to go I can't
My beautiful bird, when'll you come?
The friend of my lonely days, when'll you come?
My beautiful bird, when'll you come?
The friend of my lonely days, when'll you come?
I am craving your colour and scenet
My fresh and pretty coloured flower, when'll you come?
I wish to be your shade
I wish to be your water and seed
I wish to be your shade
I wish to be your water and seed
My beautiful bird, when'll you come?
The friend of my lonely days, when'll you come?
My beautiful bird, when'll you come?
The friend of my lonely days, when'll you come?
I am craving your colour and scenet
My fresh and pretty coloured flower, when'll you come?
I wish to be your shade
I wish to be your water and seed
I wish to be your shade
I wish to be your water and seed
If the season to be in love in spring
I've been without spring for a whole life, when'll you come?
For the sake of the love of this lovely spring
I've been waiting for a whole life, when'll you come?
Come singer of my alleys and gardens
Come till the moment I have life, come to me
I'd wanna be with you so long as the world is the world
I'd wanna be with you till the sun's atop of mountains
I wish to be your shade
I wish to be your water and seed
I wish to be your shade
I wish to be your water and seed
The secret
I never understood her no matter how I tried
Nevertheless I knew I always loved her
She was however turned into, turned into upon herself
She never opened up to tell me her secret
I'm looking in her eyes, to find her secret
I'm trying to understand the way to get past it
Would you say she's thinking of another man, so that I get away from her?
Leave her enjoy her new love
No matter how I tried to understand her
I never accomplished it, I don't know what to do
No matter how she tried to be herself
I never managed to see her secret
Pop and Politics
Do you really think it's good to mix things up like that?
Your naïve thoughts on pop and politics
You should all shut your trap, if you understand nothing about that
What's going on in the world right now, how it really looks here
How it looks
Who wants your songs anyway?
Just get out of the way!
Spare yourselves the commentary
On pop and politics
Which no-one wants to hear
Do you want to change the world with your embarrassing music?
You're just time wasters, nobody wants to see you any more
Never see you again
Who wants your songs anyway...
We'll tell you in good faith, keep yourselves out of it
On days like these you're better off staying at home
Stay at home
We play our songs
We won't get out of the way
With our commentary
On pop and politics
Which no-one wants to hear
Love it or leave it
Versions: #2
(Hook: Karuzo) [x2]
Love it or leave it, anything in between isn't considerable
As children we didn't care who was broke or rich
Where you come from, and which shoe you wear didn't matter then
And if you think differently today, dude, then fuck you
[Part 1: Karuzo]
I still remember as if it were yesterday
I wanted to invade the world in my extra large Pampers (daipers)
With sparkling eyes, the streets as if it was New Years Eve
Hands, that grabbed everything which wasn't attached to something
I went on Criminal-Hunts, Cowboys Vs. Indians
We didn't want to play with the girls because they sucked
No matter if it rained, hailed, snowed, there wasn't a bad day
It wasn't fun if we weren't really muddy afterwards
Got wasted, over the fence into the swimming pool
We stole like ravens, it used to be okay
Every day we went to the football pitch, kings of the road
Car tyre flat, 'Mum I swear, it wasn't me!'
Fighting in the schoolyard, smoking during break times
None of us were back home before sunset
We were the coolest, and we dreamed of nothing
There was no time for that, because there was no such thing as boredom, yo
(Hook: Karuzo) [x2]
[Part 2: Sido]
Genetikk - tick - tick- Boom!
It wasn't always easy back then, but it was fun
at least as far as I'm concerned, I didn't behave so well
Because I knew to defend myself, if someone doesn't like me
And when the police arrived, we didn't say anything
When I was about 14 I discovered the grass
We all flew, always higher towards Mars
And it continued like this until people say
'His life was a rollercoaster, and then he laid down in his grave'
If a total spas wanted someting
You would meet without the football, at the football pitch
Because a total spas wanted something today,
We met briefly for a meeting on the Golf course
Yet it's not important, if you have gold someday,
It's more important, that you make your family proud
Do something with your life, even if it sometimes pains you
Either you'll love it, or you'll leave it
(Hook: Karuzo) [x2]
It's Over Now
[Cem Adrian]
Every tale ends one day,
Every fire burns out one day,
Every traveler goes one day,
Every pain stops one day.
It's over now, it's over now,
It no longer hurts, it's over now.
It's over now, it's over now,
What happened in my heart was just a dream.
[Sagopa Kajmer & Cem Adrian]
Everything ends one day,
Everyone goes one day,
That splits your heart into two!
Every star burns out,
Every leaf falls,
Loneliness hits your heart again!
You're at the end of the line,
You're deep in the soil,
In middle of the deepest silence you are!
Don't leave your hand,
Your own hands,
One to hold you the most is you again!
But the rain stops one day,
Tears end,
The Lord lays hope
On you every night!
Your face turns to the skies,
Your hands're closed,
Your heart is more injured
Than it ever was!
But everything ends one day,
Spring returns,
Running onto the pains,
Right onto you!
Everyone loves again,
Love is always forgiven,
If you put on some hope,
All wounds will be healed!
[Cem Adrian]
It's over now, it's over now,
It no longer hurts, it's over now.
It's over now, it's over now,
What happened in my heart was just a dream.
It's over now, it's over now,
It no longer hurts, it's over now.
It's over now, it's over now,
What happened in my heart was just a dream.
Trăiesc diferit
dacă te iau cu mine într-o călătorie emoțională,
Ar trebui să-ți amintesc că nu e cale de întoarcere.
Tot ce am iubit la tine azi,
Poate mâine va fi pierdut într-o clipită.
Nu te amesteca în viața mea dacă ți-e teamă,
Nici măcar nu adormi liniștită, dacă vrei s-o faci.
Trăiesc diferit în viața mea,
Nu am loc într-o lume cu reguli și analize,
Dacă vrei, poartă-mi visul,
Dar nu-mi cere să-ți promit nimic.
Trăiesc diferit în lumea mea
Și mereu acționez așa cum predic,
Primește lumina de la soarele meu fierbinte,
Dar fii atentă să nu-ți arzi aripile.
Dacă te țin în brațele mele, vei descoperi
Motivul principal pentru care ești pe lume.
Oricum, de-a lungul unei nopți în mijlocul străzii,
Iubirea mea ar putea schimba jocul.
Nu te amesteca în viața mea dacă ți-e teamă,
Nici măcar nu adormi liniștită, dacă vrei s-o faci.
The Beautiful and the Ugly
A tale that truly happened a long time ago
Not friends or something else
Not something long awaited
Though all changes are small
The heart is thrilled, but no one's quite ready
The beautiful and the ugly
It makes no difference whether it surprises,
As it was once as certain
as the sunrise
It makes no difference whether it surprises,
As it was once as certain as the sunrise
ooh ooh oooooh ooh
An ancient tale, a note that is foregone
The difficulty and delight in change, try to understand
As sure as the sun (as sure as the sun) rises in the east
An ancient tale, a note that is foregone, The beautiful and the ugly
An ancient tale, a note that is foregone, The beautiful and the ugly
Moon of August
The know it but they always hesitate
they will be winners and losers
they are not afraid of love
they don't have anything to lose
On the trees they draw love
many peole seem to be in love
they look at the same moon
it is the same with friends and strangers
An ornament that was hanged by pain
and hapiness is jealous of it
a song that was written by the sky
whoever listens to it is amazed
and none fool 'put it down'
a fool from love
and give the light as a present to her(love)
that is traveling him
with eyes wide shut they look at him
the are hugged and they are kissing
they celebrate their first win
in a battle that seems to be lost
And as much as they see it, they resemble to it
they are watching for hours stuck
the shining that they admire
both winners and losers
Blocked from my life, I live for you,
And I am locked in your heart.
Blocked from everyone, I live for you,
And I am locked in your shadow.
Blocked from my life, I live for you,
And I am locked in your body.
Blocked from everyone, I live for you,
And I am locked in your soul.
Exclusively, I live with you.
Exclusively, I want you.
Exclusively, I live with you,
Exclusively, I love you.
I've Got the Power Now
Versions: #2
My love is big, you are small
I’m at peace, there was neither anything missing nor anything leftover
Think [about it], let loneliness fall
Love to you, fame to you is trivial
Hit the gas, my heart, oh
Peeking at his face in my mirror is a trap
Crying, I’ll go on my way, I’ll forget
Realize that karma will crush him
You spent, you wasted love and your reputation
You weren’t afraid to knowingly burn
The soul you gave, fire is not to be played with bro
You lost, I’ve got the power now
I Pretend I Don't See
Everything is wrong, you were a mistake
I was thinking you were the one but I made a mistake
I was thinking I found love but I made a mistake
It was nice while it lasted, I know you liked it too
But the glass overflowed* when someone else kissed you
Look where you want, I'll pretend I don't see
Hands covering my face, pretending that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't the one who looked at me in the eyes
Upside down, everything is upside down
Like it's 4 and a shop is full
I fell asleep on Monday and woke up on Saturday
I have all the the skills for anything, you don't care what I'll say
Because of that I won't see you either
Do whatever you want, I don't think I can take it anymore
Hands covering my face, pretending that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't who I saw with my eyes anymore
I'll pretend that I don't see who you really are
And I know you aren't who I saw with my eyes anymore
Don't look at me
I'll pretend that I don't see
I'll pretend that I don't see
You are leaving, darling (from the movie Les Parapluies de Cherbourg)
//Lyudmila Senchina:
You are leaving, darling,
Think about me.
Ages will be passing
Like a flock of birds.
Ages will be passing,
Think about me.
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
//Michel Legrand:
Tu sais bien que ce n'est pas possible
Mon amour, il faudra pourtant que je parte
Tu sauras que moi je ne pense qu'à toi
Mais je sais que toi tu m'attendras
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Better wait for ages
Than just four short days.
What if you already
Think no more of me?
In your distant places
Think about me.
//Michel Legrand:
Calme-toi, il nous reste si peu de temps
Si peu de temps, mon amour, qu'il ne faut pas le gâcher
Il faut essayer d'être heureux
Il faut que nous gardions de nos derniers moments
Un souvenir plus beau que tout
Un souvenir qui nous audera à vivre
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Life is long, yet longer
I will have to wait.
//Michel Legrand:
Nous nous retrouverons et nous serons plus forts
//Lyudmila Senchina:
My whole life is worthless
If I don’t have you.
In your distant places
Think about me.
//Michel Legrand:
Je t'aimerai jusqu'a la fin de ma vie
//Lyudmila Senchina:
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
You are leaving, darling,
Think about me.
Ages will be passing,
Think about me.
Winter comes or summer,
I will wait for you.
Go where you must go,
And I will wait.
Life is long, yet longer
I will have to wait.
My whole life is worthless
If I don’t have you.
In your distant places
Think about me.
Darling, I love you.
Wait for you,
Wait for you.
Darling, I love you,
I love you.
Iubirea nu va muri niciodata
Oare nu vezi, ma doare!
Ajunge, destul!
Eu inca tin minte.
Crezi, ca tie ti se poate, daca esti al meu, Doamne?
Si iubesc pana la tremuraturi
Tu doar nu auzi, cum eu strig.
Eu nu te rog, eu te implor.
Cred orbeste si astept.
Eu nu sunt vie, eu doar respir.
Eu fara tine nu vreau! Adio! Adio!
Tu poti pur si simplu sa iei tot ce vrei.
Sa-mi frangi inima si pe mine deja nimic nu ma va mai salva.
Tu poti pur si simplu sa-mi omori sufletul.
Inadusa-ma, hai!
Dar iubirea nu va muri niciodata!
Tu poti pur si simplu sa iei tot ce vrei.
Sa-mi frangi inima si pe mine deja nimic nu ma va mai salva.
Tu poti pur si simplu sa-mi omori sufletul.
Inadusa-ma, hai!
Dar iubirea nu va muri niciodata!
Noi am daramat si am construit iar si iar.
Milioane de cuvinte, minciuni si durere.
Unde pleaca zilele pe langa noi?
Gol si singuratate - nu iubire.
Strigat, certuri, noaptea, orasul.
In memorie ca niste cioburi tin minte a ta soapta.
Cumva e straniu, in suflet doar rani.
Dar cu minciuni nu poti sa repari totul.
Cine acum va inlocui zambetul tau?
Cine ma va intelege asa ca tine?
Noi suntem doar oameni, facem greseli.
Si daca o data te-am suparat, tu de o suta de ori iarta-ma.
Soarele nu mai straluceste pe cerul meu.
Doar nori, doar ploi.
Si mi-am pierdut sensul vietii in acea zi, cand ti-am dat drumul, te-am lasat sa pleci.
Tu poti pur si simplu sa iei tot ce vrei.
Sa-mi frangi inima si pe mine deja nimic nu ma va mai salva.
Tu poti pur si simplu sa-mi omori sufletul.
Inadusa-ma, hai!
Dar iubirea nu va muri niciodata!
Tu poti pur si simplu sa iei tot ce vrei.
Sa-mi frangi inima si pe mine deja nimic nu ma va mai salva.
Tu poti pur si simplu sa-mi omori sufletul.
Inadusa-ma, hai!
Dar iubirea nu va muri niciodata!
The love will never die
Can't you see - it hurts!
Stop, enough!
I still remember.
You think, you are allowed to do so, if you are mine, oh my God?
And I love strongly (*)
You do not hear me screaming.
I am not asking, I am praying,
I am blindly believing and waiting.
I am not alive, I am just breathing.
I don't want (it) without you! Farewell! Goodbye!
You can just take everything that you want,
Break my heart and nothing would save me.
You can just kill my soul.
Strangle me, come on!
But the love will never die!
You can just take everything that you want,
Break my heart and nothing would save me.
You can just kill my soul.
Strangle me, come on!
But the love will never die!
We had been destructing and building again and again
Millions of words, lie and pain
Where the days go through us?
Emptiness and loneliness - they are not love.
The scream, quarrels, the night, the city,
The memory shards remember your whisper.
Weird, there are only wounds inside the soul.
But one can't fix everything with the deception.
Who will replace your smile now?
Who would understand me like you?
We are just humans, we make mistakes.
If you've insulted once, forgive a hundred times.
The sun is not shining anymore for me (**).
There are only clouds and rains.
And I have lost the sense of live on the day when I let you go.
You can just take everything that you want,
Break my heart and nothing would save me.
You can just kill my soul.
Strangle me, come on!
But the love will never die!
You can just take everything that you want,
Break my heart and nothing would save me.
You can just kill my soul.
Strangle me, come on!
But the love will never die!
Ai făcut destul
Poate că ne-am îndrăgostit odată...
Spune ce avem în final?
E ură in loc de iubire, acum.
Am uitat deja, mi-am șters memoria!
Ți-am dat anii mei,
Ți-am oferit iubirea în calea ta,
Imi doresc să-ți fi crezut cuvintele,
Poate că voi iubi din nou...
Haide, rupe fotografiile,
Haide, arde toate scrisorile,
Nu trebuie să mai fie nicio amintire de la tine!
Ai făcut destul, ai făcut,
S-a sfârșit totul, s-a terminat,
Nu mai suport, sunt epuizat.
Am fost mereu cel înșelat,
Am fost mereu cel rănit,
Pentru regrete e târziu,
Cel ce zâmbește ultimul sunt eu, iarăși!
Haide, rupe fotografiile,
Haide, arde toate scrisorile,
Nu trebuie să mai fie nicio amintire de la tine!
A ticking man
Life took a pencil and signed us nicely,
eat and drink and do not worry ...
Life took a pencil and you wrote me ...
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way,
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch and tears and does not
not enough.
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch and tears
and he still has not enough.
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch
and tears and does not, he never has enough.
Whenever I needed you
you were nowhere to be found.
I've been looking for you everywhere
I was looking for you,
but you left sometime in the morning
nor did I tell you to say
nor did I fail to tell you,
I'm a tick tick tick tick tick tick ticking man tick tick tick tick tick ticking man
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way,
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch and tears and does not
not enough.
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch and tears
and he still has not enough.
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch
and tears and does not, he never has enough.
Am I or not?
It's just a change in temperature
I do not know either
whether I'm inside or outside
I have not been there for a long time
I wear my watch
to have my time under control
I'm a ticking man
I have time
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way,
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch and tears and does not
not enough.
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch and tears
and he still has not enough.
I want to shake her off
She stands in my way
she bit my leg
how angry the bitch
and tears and does not, he never has enough.
The Secret
Tell me how the ocean
nurtures the shore with hope
with the waves it sends kisses
then leaves again
Tell me how the platano tree feels
in caresses of ivy
does he enjoy the embrace
or secretly cry at night
Tell me what the pomegranate wanted
sprouting in thorns
How can a stream know joy
If it doesn't draw blood
And tell me how I
standing on the same boulder for ages
haven't been taken by the storm
to its unknown cyclones
Can it be Stiga's* water
where I dipped up to my heel
but now tell me the secret,
who could have told you
*Styga was a primitive goddess, detestable and horrible, personified by the homonymous river of Hades.