Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 82


Litre of Blood

Hey, bro
Nah, 'twas nothing
Rang the door, came in
Stayed the night afterwards
What do you mean 'What happened?'
Magic, magic happened, hey
I'll give up a litre of blood to be your first
And I grow deaf every time I see you with another, no, it's not working
I'd gladly take you with me, make it VIP
I wouldn't resist, you're a real rodeo, babe
How good she is, I don't reveal to anyone
I only keep her for my chambers
There, she does everything she's never done before
Rouses the very worst in me
Then she promises she'll stay overnight
Whispers in my ear until she's put me to sleep
By morning she's gone, magic stopped
I'll give up a litre of blood to be your first
And I grow deaf every time I see you with another, no, it's not working
I'd gladly take you with me, make it VIP
I wouldn't resist, you're a real rodeo, babe
Like a lost lamb, I'm all vulnerable
Beauty, everyone is weak for you
Without you, like a homeless man, I feel hunger
But I know, it'll come back to you sooner or later
Only these four walls know about the tears
Memories wilt, wilt like roses
You approached and took a piece of my soul
Not even liquor* can help anymore
I'll give up a litre of blood to be your first
And I grow deaf every time I see you with another, no, it's not working
I'd gladly take you with me, make it VIP
I wouldn't resist, you're a real rodeo, babe


Here, I'll beg on my knees until morning
Just lie that you're still my beloved
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
Never has a tear hurt me so
And you, did you ever love me like I loved you
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
We were, I know, a perfect pair
At least I thought so back then
Let my guard down too easily
Wrong path, I was young
Like in the movies, made a veela out of you, naive
And I'd give anything to bring it all back
Oh if I could wash away the sin
The snow would melt tomorrow already
When will they find a cure for sorrow
So I can love another like I loved you
Here, I'll beg on my knees until morning
Just lie that you're still my beloved
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
Never has a tear hurt me so
And you, did you ever love me like I loved you
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
Sorrow breaks a record and the heart wastes away
The pulse is slowly fading, mom call the doctor
It will take me at least a million years
To recover, recover, recover
Here, I'll beg on my knees until morning
Just lie that you're still my beloved
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight
Never has a tear hurt me so
And you, did you ever love me like I loved you
Darling c'mon, darling c'mon, darling c'mon don't leave me tonight

Vântul trece

Vântul se ridică deja pe această mare
și eu simt că nu vei veni.
O pânză albă trece în depărtare,
și eu simt că nu ești acolo.
Vântul trece, vântul trece,
viața trece, căci așa e lumea,
dar alături de tine
e tinerețea mea,
pe vecie furată
în ochii tăi cu un an în urmă.
Această tăcere care rănește inima
mă face să înțeleg că nu vei veni.
Marea ne șterge deja pașii,
dacă te-ai întoarce nu aș suferi.
Vântul trece, vântul trece,
viața trece, căci așa e lumea,
dar alături de tine
e tinerețea mea,
pe vecie furată
în ochii tăi cu un an în urmă.
O pânză albă trece în depărtare,
și eu simt că nu ești acolo.
Vântul trece, vântul trece,
viața trece, căci așa e lumea,
dar alături de tine
e tinerețea mea,
pe vecie furată
în ochii tăi cu un an în urmă.
Vântul trece, vântul trece,
viața trece, căci așa e lumea,
dar alături de tine
e tinerețea mea,
pe vecie furată
în ochii tăi cu un an în urmă.


Versions: #1
Dan dabadan dabadan...
You, let's stay here let's stay there
There's love at dinner and you
Tell me yes if you feel like
My bed is strong and you
Weigh a bit more than foam rubber
You, why you aren't here
And I'm taking off my clothes
You, how old you think I am
I have a strange job
You, come on you know it
You, seen by close,are more beautiful than ever
Kisses that last a minute
You never give, never give
Who let you in?
You, that burn me it's you
And even my extra gear
And a bit of crazyness
As much as it's enough because you
Like her are not mine
If you make love with me
I will sing you as you were a song
I will sing and I will wake up walking
Who is dreaming more than me
In the world it's just you and me
Sad girl, I will sing
To the rain to fall down
To the wind to calm down
To the sky to be more blue
And smile at me, you
Dan dabadan dabadan...
Dan dabadan dabadan...
You, wouldn't be you
A soap bar that
Slipping is not there
Tell me that it's an hour
That you need me
That i oxygenate you more
Tell me that you aren't
a mirage, but you
I will sing and I will wake up walking
Who is dreaming more than me
In the world it's just you and me
Sad girl, I will sing
To the rain to fall down
To the wind to calm down
To the sky to be more blue
And smile at me, you
Dan dabadan dabadan...

My life

My life, are you alive? If so, that's fine
New bottles every night, I think I'm exaggerating
Hostesses, confetti fly, fly, fly, fly
Good car, new Rola threatens me, threatens, threatens
[Verse 1]
Fast life is the fault, drunk every night
This style, I love it, we all chose it
Esta manana, esta noche, let them do what they wants
Romeo and Juliet, forbidden fruit
And I gave you life, and you take my soul
You are here, then you're not, your eyes are the color of malice
And we wanted happiness, we dreamed of our children
Does all this bother you, I'm the worst for you
My life, are you alive? If so, that's fine
New bottles every night, I think I'm exaggerating
Hostesses, confetti fly, fly, fly, fly
Good car, new Rola threatens me, threatens, threatens
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
[Verse 2]
She told me in a light tone that she was leaving
When the door slams he won't come back
But only if at least one more time, trust me
I would stop anything that bothers you, my love
what are drugs and drinks and expensive clothes
When I'm weak on you, and you're stronger than that
Fuck all the city stories and whores around the table
My life, are you alive, tell me where she is now?
My life, are you alive? If so, that's fine
New bottles every night, I think I'm exaggerating
Hostesses, confetti fly, fly, fly, fly
Good car, new Rola threatens me, threatens, threatens
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
My life, are you?
My life, are you?

Eu nu pot să te cred

Eu nu pot să te cred
când spui că mă vei părăsi.
Eu nu pot să te cred,
de multe ori mi-ai spus așa.
Știu că n-ai să poți să mă părăsești,
să mă uiți, pentru că mă iubești.
Eu nu pot să te cred,
să te cred, iubire.
Nu poți să vorbești așa,
doar din cauză că eu nu știu,
nu știu să spun ceea ce
tu ai vrea s-auzi de la mine.
Sunt fraze inutile,
numai cuvinte, doar cuvinte
pe care nu știu să ți le spun,
să ți le spun, iubire.
Poate că nu știi,
e ușor să ne iubim
chiar fără să vorbim.
Poate că nu știi, dar ai să-nțelegi
că adevărata iubire așa e făcută.
Nu poți să vorbești așa,
doar din cauză că eu nu știu,
nu știu să spun ceea ce
tu ai vrea s-auzi de la mine.
Sunt fraze inutile,
numai cuvinte, doar cuvinte
pe care nu știu să ți le spun,
să ți le spun, iubire,
iubire, iubire.

Learn the Lombardic

Well, good evening everybody.1 So, the Lombards...the Lombards
have left a number of very suggestive words.
Linguists are able to say 'this word is Latin, it already existed in the Latin world,
this other one did not. It's Germanic. The Lombards have left it.
It's very learning to see what words (and I've made a list not to forget a single one)
...what words the Lombards have bequeathed to the Italian language.
Lombard words include:
(it was clearly no society of philosophers, the Lombard's, you see...)
Verbs with a Lombard origin:
TO SNORE was no society of philosophers...
Body parts:
M-MOP, M-MOP was clearly no society of philosophers...
  • 1. this song is a remix of a public lecture given by a popular Italian historian, Alessandro Barbero, who lately has become famous (and some kind of an internet meme) for his fiery lectures and TV programs on various historical events.
  • 2.

It hurts me too

Explain to yourself, you are all down and all rotten
Forgotten about everyone, don't listen to the screams
Eyes down, I hide my hand from you
And they have a couple of chips, but don't worry
I saw you doing your dirt
I know what you want to tell me
Don't ask questions, you're already an adult
Don't build a dumb one and it's so simple
I don't leave the house, I fly splinters
But it hurts just as much
I hurt too, I hurt too
I hurt too, I hurt too
I hurt too, I hurt too
I hurt too, I hurt too
I hurt too, I hurt too
No more, no less and in the same clothes
Jellyfish as before, burns and hides
Eyes down, I hide my hand from you
And they have a couple of chips, but don't worry
I saw you doing your dirt
I know what you want to tell me
Don't ask questions, you're already an adult
Don't build a dumb one and it's so simple
I don't leave the house, I fly splinters
But it hurts just as much
I hurt too, I hurt too
I hurt too, I hurt too
I hurt too, I hurt too
I hurt too, I hurt too
I hurt too, I hurt too
Eyes down, I hide my hand from you
And they have a couple of chips, but don't worry
I saw you doing your dirt
I know what you want to tell me
Don't ask questions, you're already an adult
Don't build a dumb one and it's so simple
I don't leave the house, I fly splinters
But it hurts just as much

Îmbrăcat în negru

Imbracat in negru, nu ma
poti vedea in miez de noapte
ea zice ca-i
place de la Rakova
dar ea nu-l poate
iubi pe Rakova
Am facut un pact de sange
cu trupa mea (x8)

Îmbrăcat în negru

Imbracat in negru, nu ma
poti vedea in miez de noapte
ea zice ca-i
place de la Rakova
dar ea nu-l poate
iubi pe Rakova
Am facut un pact de sange
cu trupa mea (x8)


Christmas '76, it's too cold for Jesus
that at the first snatch he did not go down
Council houses upon me, two or maybe three parents
Shreds of Sicily in the mists, divided by
They are all still there and still dream sands
I left school on Monday, full of sand
Taking the law has become a fever
and courage is not but a syringe for me
It's the law of Menga, but you cry in prison too
The memory fades
and even a woman gets lost if for a while she doesn't tighten
Bank of America, you want it to be
Ten million to be divided in three
It says << If you want the stuff give me the danè ('money' in Milanese dialect)
... if you want to sleep and also love her
it takes a bit of this hell now >>
<< Marshal, you have family. What are you doing? ... No, get up >>
I've never known anything but cages in my life
If he/she waited for me I would live, but it would be too beautiful
Do me a favor Jesus, make this hook that holds
Let the blue be away from these cages soon
I've never known anything but cages in my life
If he/she waited for me I would live, but it would be too beautiful
Do me a favor Jesus, make this hook that holds
Don't leave me down here, not like a eagle in a cage