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Nothing like That
Yeah, come on, hit, hit it
[Oh yeah]
[Oh yeah, yeah, Udo's in the house]
[Oh yeah, listen]
[I'm telling you]:
Actually, I'm nothing like that
But too often I just haven't got the time to be myself
Right now, you're meeting someone
Whom I know just as little as you do
I've got so many appointments
At the disco, in court and at the bank
So I simply send my alter egos there
While the real me is staying in the closet
I'm not at all the kind of guy
That everybody thinks I am
And I'm going to
Prove that to you some time soon
Actually, I'm nothing like that
But too often I just haven't got the time to be myself
Right now
You're meeting someone
Whom I know just as little as you do
I'm pretty sure you've got a wrong picture of me in your head
Something just like a real Kujau
I'm sorry, it's not my fault
Because my real me is currently on vacation
In the end, I've got one question left:
Why do you always take everything I say
Literally? That's quite a shame.
Actually, we're nothing like that
But too often we just haven't got the time to be ourselves
Right now, you're meeting some people
Whom we know just as little as you do
Everything's All Right Aboard the Andrea Doria
At Uncle Pö's, a band of retirees
Has been playing Dixieland for twenty years now
They have a groupie, too
Her name is Rosa or something like that
And she's dancing on the table
Just like a go-go-go girl
And now there's Paula from St. Pauli
Who takes off her clothes every time
And it's Lola's birthday
And they're raising their glasses, hoping
That one day she'll be as old
As she already looks
And anyway, everything's all right again
Aboard the Andrea Doria
And anyway, everything's all right again
Aboard the Andrea Doria
Gottfried is the name of the boy
Back there, at the piano
And for every ragtime he plays
He's given a schnapps and a beer
And some guy in the booth
Is shocking his girl
And Berni Flottman believes
That he's an astronaut
Now another one is coming over
From the booming discotheque
And I guess that our steam ship is about to sink
But everything else is all right today
Aboard the Andrea Doria
Andrea Doria...
At Uncle Pö's, a band of retirees
Has been playing Dixieland for twenty years now
They have a groupie, too
Her name is Rosa or something like that
And she's dancing on the table
Just like a go-go-go girl
Once more, it doesn't even really matter
And Leda is dreaming of a pelican
And either way, it's been far too late
And even the shrink has not idea how to carry on
But everything else is all right today
Aboard the Andrea Doria
Andrea Doria...
This my tribute, this is my story
A legend that the world should know
A salutation, worthy of commemoration
A gratitude that you were born
Unbelievable, the're like a superhero
They face every challenge, some of which are no joke
They have a mission so they go head on fearless
Lives that rely on their dream
Like a movie, action, adventure, drama
There's some comedy, love story for the commonfolk
Started from nothing, you thought it's over then,
It's revealed they're the hero leaving folks speechless
In shouting, yelling, celebration
The world's left wondering, a unique occasion
Raise your hand and yell a 'hey' (hey)
This is your day, the Filipino hero
We salute
The heroes that exhibit their skills in this league of life
We salute
The champions, the greats who never give up, never hesitates
We salute
With inspiration, additional power
Thanks to you choose the right path
We salute
We salute you all, salute
No plan to give up, no plan to fall apart
Only success, they give nothing but their whole heart
Faced every wall, even abuse
Remains faithful to their dream until they gain fame
The positive life is an aggresive one
That's why they're hailed Filipino Heroes
Heads high even if snub-nosed, didn't fail, get confused, or stopped
Now the critics are all silent
They now say that same words as you do
Until they became trending, garnered many likes, will never be forgotten
Front page, headlines, they will be talk of the town
We gather for hope, a hope that never runs out
They gave it all, until the very end
Alive and well, neverending
We salute
The heroes that exhibit their skills in this league of life
We salute
The champions, the greats who never give up, never hesitates
We salute
With inspiration, additional power
Thanks to you choose the right path
We salute
We salute you all, salute
They say there's no hope but they fight on
They say it's impossible but they did not fear
They say it's hard but the pursued
So that's why now they just let them be
When they retreated, they pushed forward
When they fell, they didn't get drowned
They learn how to work in the water of faith
God serves as their charm so that's why they can do it all
We salute
When I grow up I like to be like you
We salute
We take pride in you to the whole world
We salute
You're the reason why I will not give up
We salute
Sincerely thanking you, you're a legend
We salute
The heroes that exhibit their skills in this league of life
We salute
The champions, the greats who never give up, never hesitates
We salute
With inspiration, additional power
Thanks to you choose the right path
We salute
We salute you all, salute
Când Luna se ridică, dezvăluindu-şi strălucirea
Şi felinarele roşii sunt aprinse
La semnul festivalului muzical
Un fluture ne aduce invitaţia
Doar uită-te înăuntru şi aruncă o privire
Odată fascinat, n-o să mai poţi scăpa!
Dar dacă vrei să faci ceva distractiv
Vino aici în Paradis
Cântă! Cântă! Din toată inima ta
Lasă-mă să-ţi aud vocea!
Dansează! Dansează! Uită de timp.
Ȋn seara asta, vom înflori nebuneşte amândoi
Chiar şi cele mai frumoase flori
Vor cădea cu trecerea timpului
Dacă-i aşa, doar pentru această noapte
Vreau să iubesc chiar mai pasionant!
Hai să încercăm ceva ,,amuzant''
Este ăsta un vis, o iluzie?
O lume fără minciuni sau adevăruri
Să mergem în Paradis!
Cântă! Cântă! Din toată inima ta
Să nu-ţi pese de respiraţie şi părul tău nepieptănat
Dansează! Dansează! Uită de timp.
Ȋn seara asta, vom înflori nebuneşte amândoi
Hai să încercăm ceva ,,amuzant''
O lume fără minciuni sau adevăruri
Să mergem în Paradis!
Cântă! Cântă! Din toată inima ta
Lasă-mă să-ţi aud vocea!
Dansează! Dansează! Uită de timp.
Ȋn seara asta, vom înflori nebuneşte amândoi
Ȋn seara asta, voi înflori nebuneşte cu tine!
Labor brigade march
People will be happy
Happy forevermore
And the soviet authority
its power is great
Today we are not on parade
But on the road towards communism
In the communist brigade with us
Lenin is marching ahead
In the communist brigade with us
Lenin is marching ahead
We're always in the toughest places
Every hour we're on the road
Work days are
Like holidays for us
If they give us the call
We won't let them down
The sun of a new life
We will light on this earth
The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable. (Prov 25:3 KJV)
Sexo Sudor y Calor (original song ) Not Remix Translation
Versions: #2
I am calling you, because I need more of you,
there is something about you that seduces,
me and it makes me feel that you are right by me,
and I know that you feel the same way.
Here its still raining and I cant stop thinking about the last time we did it girl.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
I don't know if you remember that day,
I was drunk and crazy, and you were sexy and ready.
We went home, and got in the covers, we did it till the next day, even with the light turned on.
Since, you haven't called me that is why I am calling,
To see if you remember how good that day was,
Today we gonna do it again girl the same way, with the light on again.
We gonna do it till the next day again.
Babe, tell me if you feel the same as me,
when night falls, and the sun doesn't heat me up,
I remember that day I made love with you.
Sex, Sweat, & Heat.
tell me if you feel the same as me,
when night falls, and the sun dosen't heat me up,
I remember that day I made love with you.
The night smells like sex babe,
so we gotta seize the opportunity, for now we will just use the phone and pics,
but we can't lets this chance go.
The night smells like sex babe,
so we gotta seize the opportunity, for now we will just use the phone and pics,
but we can't lets this chance go.
what luck is it, that I got to take a couple pics of your body, if you would just know how i go crazy over those pics,
I fell in love like a dumbass of you,I don't believe in things about love that much.
But I had to try and someone told me that no one can be arrested to steal a heart and If I could go back in time and come back exactly to the moment when she got on all fours told me , 'lick me up, cause you are going the be the first one that i ve done it with', from that time, like that time i have never busted a nut like that.
I need you to heat me up again cause im cold again.
I ve been looking for someone just like you, thinking about how many chicks i ve fucked, and that we even had a threesome together.
The truth is though no other chick turns me on like you do, and when i fuck another bitch im thinking about you.
I am calling you, because I need more of you,
there is something about you that seduces,
me and it makes me feel that you are right by me,
and I know that you feel the same way.
Here its still raining and I cant stop thinking about the last time we did it girl.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Why are you so far girl?, If I am already here, thinking about you, going crazy for you babe.
Babe, I told my friends that you are just my amazing girl .
As always, again,
the new year came and I bought it,
laying in the sand I read all
the chinese book that increases faith.
The tarot told me,
this is my year, finally it is,
I'll flirt a lot at the club,
I'll have health, money and love.
But april pulled my petals and I'm still alone,
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
In the year of the horse, may, alone,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
Harassing the ichi
I achieved a veredict of a better time,
I stimulated the Chakras and the chi,
I feeded my inner being.
This time I felt it,
that fortune would come to me,
that the planets would align,
that I'd have a clean sweep in Mar del Plata.
I sold my soul to the devil,
and the unsold fish.
I removed my hair on winter
because I don't lose my faith.
And now we're on august,
alone, on deficit,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
In the year of the horse, alone, in comma
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
And december found me again naked,
Why nobody warned me?
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?
Ludovica, what happened?

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
With you, I'll live, for you, I'll die
Never look back
With you, I'll share, for you, I'll beat
Every heartbeat
We'll be (Immortal)
You open my world, it grows
More day by day
So let the sky fall down
Let's fall along it
Now and always, forever
Let's love before we dare
You don't have to ask
Now and always, forever we'll be
Immortal, immortal
Nothing can become like before
Immortal, immortal
Never afraid again
The days are short, and my heart is young
Here, nothing hurts
There only is the present, we are who we are
Here in every second
We'll be (Immortal)
So let the sky fall down
Let's fall along it
Now and always, forever
Let's love before we dare
You don't have to ask
Now and always, forever we'll be
Immortal, immortal
Nothing can become like before
Immortal, immortal
Never afraid again
Say we can, say we may (Immortal)
Let time stop, there's nothing we've got to do
('Cause we're immortal)
So let the sky fall down
Let's fall along it
Now and always, forever
Let's love before we dare
You don't have to ask
Now and always, forever we'll be
Immortal, immortal
Nothing can become like before
Immortal, immortal
Never afraid again
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
I haven't been a splinter neither in your eye
nor underneath your feet
Probably we met in another world
underneath our feet
You need me beside you
to listen
I have to give my ears
to listen
And to listen once more
To your pseudo-problems
My friend you have a pseudo-problem
You walk behind, you walk in front and beside
So fickle
You wear all the weight on one edge
Adding even more
You only go around and deceive
Until the head is full
You are afraid, afraid of losing it
Because who knows what happens
when it leaves
To your pseudo-problems
My friend you have a pseudo-problem
To your pseudo-problems
My friend you have a pseudo-problem
When you're feeling down
When the day is coming to an end
And you're at home all by yourself
And you don't know how to go on
Just know that
I'm always there for you
Yo, it's never to late for the two of us
No matter where I may be
I'm coming over right away
When you're feeling down
There's nothing stronger than the two of us
We stick together
All the rest doesn't matter to us
Doesn't matter to us
For how many years
Have we been tearing around the world
Accomplices, like we always were?
We took it easy and stood in line
For the rollercoaster that is this world
And the ride has mostly
Been a pleasant one for us
Sometimes up, sometimes down
But nothing ever knocked us out
When you're in trouble
The two of us is the best there is
And I'll say: Keep calm
Even the toughest shit
Will be over, eventually
Yo, that goes without saying
Two people by the highway side
Holding their thumbs into the wind
It was about time to get moving again
For we're always at the forefront
When you got a friend
An accomplice like me
We're gonna do our thing alright
When you're in trouble
The two of us is the best there is
And I'll say: Keep calm
Even the toughest shit
Will be over, eventually
Translations (c) by me, permission for use on and private 'fair use' cases granted.
Whatever You Ask For
You drive me crazy
When you run your hands all over my body
Your kiss make me fall apart
And I surrender
Baby, I want you
Boy, I want you to the end
Take my clothers off, shock me
Trust me
We love each other too much
We know very well what we're doing
It's not a mistery
It's perfection
My whole body remakes itself
You make me capable
Of loving you that way
Whatever you ask me for, I'll give you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Whatever you want, I'll give you
Wherever you want me to be, I'll be
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Wherever you want me to go, I'll go
Whatever you ask me for, I'll give you
We love each other too much
We know very well what we're doing
It's not a mistery
It's perfection
My whole body remakes itself
You make me capable
Of loving you that way
Whatever you ask me for, I'll give you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Whatever you want, I'll give you
Wherever you want me to be, I'll be
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Wherever you want me to go, I'll go
Whatever you ask me for, I'll give you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Whatever you want, I'll give you
Wherever you want me to be, I'll be
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Wherever you want me to go, I'll go
Whatever you ask me for, I'll give you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Whatever you want, I'll give you
Wherever you want me to be, I'll be
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Wherever you want me to go, I'll go
You're a miracle
I hear the spring in your footsteps
When you kiss me, I feel the scent of a hyacinth
When your hair is touching my face
My mind stops, it rests
Like a thunder out of the blue
I don't care that you're with her
I don't care that I'm with him
I only exist with you
You are my miracle and no one else's
Tell me one hundred times more, come on, tell me quietly
That you love me, love me
You are a miracle, since the first look
I love you like crazy, now I have everything
I don't need anything else, because I love you, love you
Like a thunder out of the blue
I don't care that you're with her
I don't care that I'm with him
I only exist with you
You are my miracle and no one else's ..... x2
Merci chérie
Merci, merci, merci
For your kisses, cherie, cherie
You've made me glad, glad - merci, cherie
Don't fret if I bid you goodbye
Adieu, adieu, adieu
I know, I know, I know that you suffer
Our dream goes on, goes on - merci, cherie
When I leave, I don't want to see you cry
Without looking back at the pain you'll overcome
And you'll find another love in you rlife
Life is okay for you, for me
Yes, yes
Merci, merci, merci
For your kisses, cherie, cherie
You've made me glad, glad - merci, cherie
So glad, glad - merci, cherie
So glad, glad - merci, cherie
~ Luvya, dankie mutch :D ~
'Lit' = 'literally'
'Or' = there is an alternate way to translate the line/phrase
My heart ain't crazy
It ain't my eyes' fault,
don't know what happened to 'em
Many have seduced them
And so did you
My heart ain't crazy
don't know what happened to it
It took off like a bird
To be wounded by you
My soul ain't sinful
don't know what happened to it
It agreed that you punish it
with solitude
On The Street Of Oblivion
We only want to see forward
so we storm towards the new day.
Though the way of life on that we go
leads also to yesterday on winding paths
Why not a little bit of past
on the street of oblivion
From proud hymns a final chord
from Charlie Chaplin a muted word
Caracciolas Fame his winner wreath
from Fred Astaire the last dance
The smile from the Captain from Köpenick
Marlene Dietrichs seducer view
The voice of Caruso from Tarzan the yelling
gone with the wind and over and out
From the Zeppelin the ripped rope
from the Reichsparteitag the last 'victory salvation'.
Crowns that you yesterday were proudly
they are now dust disintegrated and smashed
Silent witnesses of the transience
on the street
on the street of oblivion
In fifty years may someone would go
think back to today and search again for departed things
It will see our dreams laying
the big words and the loud songs
What counts today is then the past
on the street of oblivion
Michael Jackson's 'Moonwalk' Naomi's Legs
and there from Mars the first stars
A rest of the wall Berlin greets
Scandal from Windsor a song from Queen
A piece bread for the world in a petrified hand
the dream of Europe that really arises
A thug from Boris Lothars last Shoe
a black account from the CDU
My audience that sang and yelled
'But please with cream'¹, 'Thank you darling'²...
Crowns that you yesterday were proudly
they are now dust disintegrated and smashed
Silent witnesses of the transience
on the street
on the street of oblivion
From Emperor Franz a little Lord
from an old chancellor a word of honor
from Christoph Daum a Tuft of hair
Big Brother Stars living in a container
MBM madness, BSE
'Grand-mud Win' from Babs, Boris Millions goodbye
All these wonderful Scandals to that we pray today
they... they are then dust forgotten and crushe
Silent witnesses of the transience
on the street of oblivion
Long nights
The night is quiet, the stream is flowing
The moon is pouring through the silent waters
Oh my heart, come for a stroll
From the balcony,
your kind, playful lover is gazing
How can I bear this?
Come close, my dear
At nights, these long nights
You are lovely, you are adorable
You have the face of a moon*
The moon is watching, the stream is flowing my dear
My love, oh my flower,
You have hazel-green eyes
How can I bear this?
Come close, my dear
At nights, these long nights
The stars are blinking in the sky
Your eyelashes are restless
Come, my flower, my loving heart
- at nights, these nights -
Asks for you, only you...
How can I bear this?
Come close, my dear
At nights, these long nights
You Change, Or I'll Move On
This way I can't go on, girl
Someday I'll walk away
Our relation is getting rusty
But you say now is the time
But the more you swear
The more you sin
I don't know what you're into, girl
But when you come
You come sweating, groping
And tactfully make a fool of me
And talking
We live
Honestly, I don't know
How our relation keeps on
Lasting long
But if you don't change
You'd better start praying
Because someday I'll come and say
Because now
I'm moving on'
This way I can't go on, girl
Someday I'll walk away
Our relation is getting rusty
But you say now is the time
But the more you swear
The more you sin
I don't know what you're into, girl
But when you come
You come sweating, groping
And tactfully make a fool of me
And talking
We live
Honestly, I don't know
How our relation keeps on
Lasting long
But if you don't change
You'd better start praying
Because someday I'll come and say
Because now
I'm moving on'
You come sweating, groping
And tactfully make a fool of me
And talking
We live
Honestly, I don't know
How our relation keeps on
Lasting long
But if you don't change
You'd better start praying
Because someday I'll come and say
Because now
I'm moving on'
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.
Aaaa aaaa
Ugyanazon nyelven sír, rí mindenki.
Földünket azonos nyelven nevetés átlengi.
De csak anyanyelveden
Simogatod fájdalmaid
És jókedvű nótába
Ülteted öröm virágaid.
Anyanyelven vágyódsz anyád után
A bor is borabb talán,
És csak saját nyelven tudsz nevetni egyedül
Csak apád szavától sírásod csendesül.
Aaaa aaaa
S mikor már nem tudsz se sírni
Se kacagni, se énekelni,
Az egész éggel szemben
Hallgass el csendben
Édes anyanyelven.
Anyanyelven vágyódsz anyád után
Ebéded is ebédebb
A bor is borabb talán,
És csak saját nyelven tudsz nevetni egyedül
Csak apád szavától sírásod csendesül.
Aaaa aaaa
Magician Song
Magnificent, reckless, ridiculous
Mad and extraordinary
Pathetic, eccentric
Not to the point and beyond the unnecessary
There comes a day, there comes the time
There comes an hour and due date
A link is whacked
The granite melts, the ice is fire
A feather strikes as paperweight
Oh, what the heck?
And blossom all the flowers frail
An owl sings as nightingale
And even thin and fragile thread
Projects a scary silhouette
To permeate …
To infiltrate…
Magnificent, reckless, ridiculous
Mad and extraordinary
Pathetic, eccentric
Not to the point and beyond the unnecessary
There comes a due date and with that
A twitch, distress, a secret flame
The awe and the sway…
The light and the shade, the delight and the pain –
Into the same unfair game
Alas! Hooray!
From a mirage, from self – indulgence
From nothing more than extravagance
There comes the image of someone
Assumes the color and sound
The flesh and lust
The flesh and lust
You look perfect just with your skin,
You do not need anything else
And that's how I like you, like that, natural.
Your whole body is a perfection,
Every corner, every inch
I love it, it gives me satisfaction.
Clothes on the floor
In the middle of the room.
We are playing with fire
And we like
The feeling.
Body to body,
Just you and me,
Like two crazy
That are enjoying and sweating,
Without restrictions
Making love.
I'm addicted to your body,
to each movement,
fanatic of your sex, do not pass the time if it's you and me.
Clothes on the floor
In the middle of the room.
We are playing with fire
And we like
The feeling.
Body to body,
Just you and me,
Like two crazy
That are enjoying and sweating,
Without restrictions
Making love.
You know how i love it
Having your body in my bed,
Dawn on your skin
I like it more than anything
Try to silence your scream,
it's my favorite game
Clothes on the floor
In the middle of the room.
We are playing with fire
And we like
The feeling.
Body to body,
Just you and me,
Like two crazy
That are enjoying and sweating,
Without restrictions
Making love.
My Everything
My everything
You're my everything
My everything
You're my everything
This love is as great as a building
It would be so boring to live without you
(I don't think I could do it)
You were sent to me by God
And I swear I'll never disappoint you
You are my king
And your love is the best
the best present life has given me
I'm happy because you're mine
And so I've became the woman I am today
So happy for having found you
I promise I will never leave you
Because you are my baby love
I'm so lucky to have you, you're my husband!
Because you are my love
And eveyday I like you even more
Because you're my baby love
I'm so lucky to have you, you're my husband!
Because you are my love
I want you to know that I'm your wife, your lady
All mothers know
that I'm growing old beside you
I'm no afraid to risk it all
Cause you have proven me you are the one
You are my shelter, everything I need
And now that I have found you
I know that I was right all along
about the choice I made
Now I'm yours and I didn't let you down
Baby, I gave you my heart
Take good care of me, take good care of me
Because you are my baby love
I'm so lucky to have you, you're my husband!
Because you are my love
And eveyday I like you even more
Because you're my baby love
I'm so lucky to have you, you're my husband!
Because you are my love
I want you to know that I'm your wife, your lady
You're my eveything, you're my everything
My miracle
Miracles happen to everyone of us,
Miracles are knocking at our hearts.
Like birds flying home, they don't care about sleeping.
Flying to their warm places as fast as possible, to our hearts.
I will be holding, a wish of mine,
Your hand.
My miracle is now with me.
My miracle, he's incredible,
My miracle, he's a miracle,
He's a miracle, he's a miracle, he's mine.
I was praying to heavens for the gift of love.
Heavens kept quiet, but I still believed.
You'll light my way like a shining little star,
You'll become a river, I'll become a ship,
I've been waiting for long, a wish of mine.
I'll always keep it.
My miracle is now with me.
My miracle, he's incredible,
My miracle, he's a miracle,
He's a miracle, he's a miracle, he's mine.
© Sosnin Vladimir
For love I do everything
So many counted days
So many stolen kisses
I count the hours
To see you
So many tight hugs.
So many make-ups
I fell part of you already
There is no distance
in our love
There is no weakness
There is no pain
I want it to be dawn
With you by my side
Kissing me passionately
I want you to know
that I wait for you
for years, for months,
for days, for hours, seconds
I want you to know
that I want you
Even in the distance
for love I do everything.
All I Ever Wanted
Moonlight shines,
With a cool breeze covered in splendor
It's what I wanted.
The sweet smell of incense
Rooms in shades of rare and beautiful colors,
That's what I wanted.
This is my home.
With my father, my mother, my brother
It's so strong and superior.
This is my home.
I have everything here
And I always say it fearlessly
And, in case anyone doubts it,
I tell them they're wrong.
I am the prince of Egypt,
The son of the history that's seen
I can assure
It's what I wanted...
It's what I wanted...
It's what I wanted...
{Queen Tuya}
This is your home, Moses.
If the river brought is because you are meant to stay.
This is your home.
My love is pure and so forget about the past.
When the gods sent you,
A great blessing came to us.
I drew under the thunderstorm, not noticing the rain
And my pictures cried with colourful paint
I promise you that on this bright day
I will only draw the sun, just only the sun
I was only going to draw flowers, but it ended up being you and me
This moon is full of wonder
I will never forget you
We don't know what happened to us
It was just a tsunami
I will draw what I remember, I will draw what I see
What I feel, love, and understand
I'll only draw the stars and only the sun, laughter and tears
In generally, I'll draw everything that happened to us
I will only draw the sun, just only the sun
I was only going to draw flowers, but it ended up being you and me
This moon is full of wonder
I will never forget you
We don't know what happened to us
It was just a tsunami
This moon is full of wonder
I will never forget you
We don't know what happened to us
It was just a tsunami
I will never forget you
We don't know what happened to us
It was just a tsunami
Whither leads my way?
Whither leads my way?
Is it right, is it wrong?
Oh, had I certainty
The moment forces me...
But it happened
There's no going back
A storm is raging inside of me
Will the wind tear away all my fetters?
Could I ever
Completely free myself from doubt?
When will I be ready to be what I am?
Unbound and free...
I long for the strength
To just look ahead
And stand for myself...
Born for more...
Oh, if only it were possible
My destiny takes it's course
Can I find the courage and strength for it?
The time demands free spirit
That shows the new direction
And lays open the system!
The burden of familiar tradition
It forces and warns the son
Not to look and stand still!
Unbound and free...
I summon the courage
To rely only on myself
And to trust this strength
To look ahead
Betraying my father?
Will I accept that breach?
Will I find the courage and strength for it?
Where will my road end?
What'll the future bring?
Dad is Driving a Car
Come on, Tibor, we're going to the city - Dad honks impatiently.
Dad is driving a car!
Dad is driving a car with two hands, one hand, without hands.
Dad is nervous. Wow, dad is so nervous, yes!
Dad is driving a car mindfully, experiencedly, patiently.
Pedestrians are walking in the fresh air
and Dad is driving a car.
Dad is driving a car, a big, white Fiat 1500 vehicle.
Oh, Dad! You're driving the car so fast! This is terrible. This is terrible, this is terrible!
Dad, you're driving the car so fast!
Dad, look! An acquaintance is going on the sidewalk and he's not
stepping onto the road because then maybe he'd be in slight danger.
Dad shrugs and Dad is driving a car.
Our white vehicle whooshes fast, because Dad is driving it.
Dad can brake his emotions because he is experienced.
Dad is a hero in my eyes
and Mom is the most precious in this world.
We have arrived at the end of our destination,
our plan has succeded, this adventure has ended, Dad says now.
We are in the city with Dad.
We are in the city with Dad!
Mom is cooking at home.
Mom is cooking at home.
Mom is cooking delicious lunch at home. The end.
Mrs. Modesty
I remember Mrs. Modesty
I have childhood memories, I remember Mrs. Modesty
I remember she covered her body from feet to neck, hiding it all.
Her smile was a rotten one, because she never used it
That's why whenever she talked, nasty things came out, full of resentment
However, she was a decent one, because she never fell in love
But on her heated nights, Oh, how she regretted it all!
That memory get shattered by a crow's squawking
That sends me to another time, in another dimension
To a future spent in a solitary pantheon
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
Here comes the immoral one
Moving wildly because she's breaking with laughter
A lying laugh, because in her soul she cries
A laugh that's a barrier but does not console
She wanted to be different
Wed in white feeling loved
She wanted to be the pride of her poor family
But she had to be the one who maintained them
That memory get shattered by a crow's squawking
That sends me to another time, in another dimension
To a future spent in a solitary pantheon
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
Now I'm in this body
In this time, in this reincarnation
I understand the reasons they both had
It was the circumstances, their pain was a great one
But, what a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty!
That memory get shattered by a crow's squawking
That sends me to another time, in another dimension
To a future spent in a solitary pantheon
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
That memory get shattered by a crow's squawking
That sends me to another time, in another dimension
To a future spent in a solitary pantheon
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
What a sad grave is that of Mrs. Modesty
The Mute Child
The child is looking for his voice.
(The king of the crickets held it).
In a drop of water
The child was looking for his voice.
I don’t want it just to speak,
I don’t want it just to speak.
I'll make with it a ring
That will carry my silence,
Will carry my silence
On his little finger.
In a drop of water
The child was looking for his voice.
The captive voice, in the distance
Put on a cricket suit.
So fine
It was in the party, that she danced
And, as always, everyone watched
It was in the party, that it happened
She stopped and called me, called, called me
Hey young thing, hey young thing
You are so fine fine fiine ne ne
Your little mouth, your little mouth
Left on me a mark of lipstick tick tick tick tick
Hit the floor, hit the floor
Hit the floor, ahm ahm ah ahm ahm (2x)
Livinho commands, and you must obey
Put your hand on the floor and start to move (2x)
Hey young thing, hey young thing
You are so fine fine fiine ne ne
Your little mouth, your little mouth
Left on me a mark of lipstick tick tick tick tick