Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 586


My Love

To my loved one in the distance
I will carry a prayer, that he will remain whole and not know any evil
To my love whose eyes are full of truth
Not for nothing do I love
To my love, know that I see you
In our own house, a dog, and a girl
It is hard for my love to cry, he doesn't cry
Not for nothing do I fight
My love, a prayer for my love
I was left alone waiting for you to come
You said you would come back and you're
Still not here
To my love, you need to rely on me
I feel like you worry too much
To my love hug me so strong
Not for nothing do I say
To my love a song is composed
One that will be heard in a few years
For my love a steel wall protects me
Not for nothing do I say
My love, a prayer for my love
I was left alone waiting for you to come
You said you would come back and you're
Still not here
And what's with me my heart slowly breaks
And what of my trip with you on Saturday
And what's with me how much longer will I wait
Come back already, I have no strength
And what's with me you already haven't answered me for a while
You forgot that we also dreamed about a family
And what's with me I stand here in the fog
And only tears flow from me
My love, a prayer for my love
I was left alone waiting for you to come
You said you would come back and you

The summer grows there

the summer grows there, in the wind
the skin is entertained by the echo of tans
and will not erase with mist from the mouth
the taste of amber. Because I'm stuck with a memory.
let there be no stone left on the stone,
and did not put to sleep alarms...
and it splashes in the room, like in the bathroom,
The senile sea is my secret god.
it is heard through the noise of coffee machines
(for the city, as it knows how, warms the autumn)
and from waves into the sky storm hurries
to wake up happiness, which has not yet come true.

Stop avoiding me (flirtatiously)/playing hard to get

Stop playing hard to get, stop playing hard to get, don't start avoiding my in-love heart
Until I kiss your lips when you're asleep, until I brush your black hair
Hey southern Iranian girl, you're beautiful and you steal the hearts, you with your flirting and silly cute behavior, you steal all the hearts
Under the palm trees, by the Karoun River, we made a romantic promise
Stop playing hard to get, stop playing hard to get, don't start avoiding my in-love heart
Until I kiss your lips when you're asleep, until I brush your black hair
You with those long drawn eyebrows, oh my southern Iranian lover you're so amazing
I wish you would come and stay with me and make a romantic promise to my pain-filled heart
Your eyes have burned my heart, for you I'm so in love
Come and make me love you intensely, I can't handle your distance anymore
Oh my heart-stealer you're tall, your eyes black, and your hair long
When you come with your constant flirting, my heart feels amazing
Oh my heart's lover, sit beside me, so I can lean on you (put my head on your chest)
Don't continue your cold behavior, southern Iranian girl, again, I'm so in love
Stop playing hard to get, stop playing hard to get, don't start avoiding my in-love heart
Until I kiss your lips when you're asleep, until I brush your black hair
Oh you tall heart-stealer, heart-stealer that my heart loves, the love of my eyes is you, because of your long hair
You have a white chest and a tall height, you have a place on my eyes forever (I adore you always)
Stop playing hard to get, stop playing hard to get, don't start avoiding my in-love heart
Until I kiss your lips when you're asleep, until I brush your black hair

Scenery Will Ever Change

If you ever stop and stand there
There’s always the same scenery
If you just move straight head on
Scenery will ever change
I’ve walked a dark path for long
And I didn’t know where it leads me
This is reality where not a streak of light is visible
How far until I can walk?
Will this hurt ever go away?
With no finishing line in sight
I wonder where it’s to be found
There’s nobody else in the world
That’s able to see a way forward
All you can do is to keep walking
Until a light shines through
Even if you fall, bleed and bruise
You’ve got to go look for a light
To get out of this cold darkness
And change the present you’re in
Whether you stand there or keep going
It’s one out of two choices
If you ever stop and stand there
There’s always the same scenery
If you just move straight head on
Scenery will ever change
Even if you can see nothing at all
Keep pushing on
And a ray of light will ever shine through
We’re all on our way

Where are you, dream?

Where are you, dream?
Where are you, my dream?
I am looking into the distance with hope…
A gentle sound is flying to me
In the fragile silence.
Is it laughter? No!
Is it a lament? No!
It's you, love!
Where are you, dream?
Where are you, dream?
I hear…
Is it laughter? (laughter?)
Is it a lament? (lament?)
It's you, love!
My soul…
Take it in your palms, calm it down!
It is in you that I believe. Yes!
It is in the dream that I believe. Yes!
It is in love that I believe. Yes!
It is in love that I believe!
Yes, the dream is going to come…

Cântec de iarnă

Zori de iarnă, miros de zăpadă,
mă întâmpină a ta tăcută îmbrățișare.
Printre împletituri de gheață, îmi apare amintirea
numelui tău și a legendelor antice.
În zăpadă dansezi cu ultimele frunze de toamnă.
Ești în vânt, într-o lume suspendată în timp.
Căci al tău cântec e în vânt,
în ninsoarea care va mai cădea.
Dacă vocea ta vine de pe solitare piscuri,
cine va putea s-o priceapă?
Doamna pădurilor, porți mii de nume,
frigul și tăcerea te însoțesc.
În nopți înzăpezite, cântec melanconic,
doamnă a piscurilor.
Ce destin vei avea, dacă frigul nu se va mai întoarce,
doamnă albă, păstrătoarea secretelor iernii?
Căci al tău cântec e în vânt,
în ninsoarea care va mai cădea.
Dacă vocea ta vine de pe solitare piscuri,
cine va putea s-o priceapă?
Vocea ta are forța a mii de furtuni,
dar omul nu-ți mai cunoaște numele.
Spune-mi cine ești cu-adevărat, și monstruoasa forță care
precum gheața, copleșește și distruge totul.
Căci al tău cântec e în vânt,
acea ninsoare care sufocă.
Dacă de pe solitare piscuri forța ta anihilează totul,
cine va mai putea să-ți reziste?
Căci al tău cântec e în vânt,
dar gheața ta se va topi
dacă de pe solitare piscuri destinul ți-e deja scris,
dacă frigul nu se va mai întoarce!

Snow Maiden

The snowstorm is singing about
The new year's coming over the town
And the snow swirls in the alleys
And the snow falls at the gate
And the snow goes on, and the snow goes on
And everyone waits for their Snow Maiden
At the New Year's cherished hour
And the night was blissful
And all the land was snow-white
The snow storm has woven lacework
On the fur coat for its Snow Maiden
And the night was bright and the night was white
Perhaps, you're my miracle worker
Who came to me from a fairy tale that night
The snowstorm is singing in the fields
And once again, all the land is covered in snow
The years pass by and the threads are snowy
They don’t melt on their whiskers anymore
Years pass by, years pass by
And you’re the old Snow Maiden
Stay with me forevermore

Loveland Island

Oh, Loveland
In a dazzling afternoon summer
Everyone was taking refuge on the shade trees
Over there on the scalding pavement
Inside of the shimmering water mirage
Walking on burning steps
Giving myself in
To that person...
Oh, Loveland
The sweat flowing from my cheeks
Was falling on the dry road
And abruptly this desert city
Changes to a southern oasis
Oh, Island
This is certainly that person fault
Looking at your eyes
Oh, Loveland, Oh, Island
I love you, I love you
It's like keep dreaming after wake up
Before I realized it
I already couldn't see anything
Oh, Loveland
Appearing and disappearing suddenly, that person
Certainly is the summer goddess
The light of love is here too
Oh, Loveland
You came to teach me that
Oh, Loveland, Oh, Island
I love you, I love you

That Time of Year

- Wow, so festive.
- Coming!
- Good afternoon, I am Olaf.
- Hey Olaf.
- I love warm hugs, and this is my friend, Sven.
We're going door to door - in search of new family traditions. What do you do on such a special day?
- oh, we bake candy canes.
- Humm, u-hu-hu-u, sugar rush.
- That was made to be eaten.
- Eat my new nose? Why would I do that?
- Because we're in that time of year!
- Hmm, that time of year!
Happy and hearty salutations everyone
Hm, How does this family spend the holidays?
Love and peace on earth and everything good in which you believe.
I ought to know your traditions thoroughly.
Pine decorations we hang on each door.
Cookies like Norway, wavy and crooked
We go door to door following the choir
On the fireplace, we hang the socks, near the fire
(It's safe, for sure!)
That's what you must do for the friends you made
Thank you for giving on the holidays.
- We gotta get a move on if we're to visit every single house in the kingdom!
Radiantes penhas que a quadra assim **?**
Em cada noite de luz: o que fazem este mês?
Ey, shalom, (parece ser outra lingua?)
** **
I'm looking for new traditions to spend the holidays
The decorations are wreckages that the sea sdidn't take
Don't refuse the fruit cake, go ahead and eat!
(Such quick digestion!)
Bring forth the gifts, but hide them well quietly.
Wait until the fat guy slides down the chimney
Home invasion, only allowed on Christmas!
** **(parece ser outra lingua?)
I'm thankful for the knowledge of what every house must have for the holidays.
- Thank you!
Scarves, Jackets, all matching with the gloves
Pajamas to protect the kittens from the rain season
***Iluminar deixa as**de noites de chamas tão belas*
They cut down a single tree and then dress the corpse with candles, hm.
Anna and Elsa will have it all, a sleigh full of traditions for the holidays
They'll have a perfect Christmas, thanks to me...
Thanks to me, me, me….

Monastery of Saint Chiara

Tomorrow? But I wish I could leave tonight!
I can't stand being far away any longer!
They say all it's left is the sea,
which is the same ad before, that sea of blue...
Monastery of Saint Chiara,1
my heart is so dark,2
but why? Because every night
I think of Naples as it used to be,
I think of Naples as it is now!
Fountain of Capodimonte,
this heart of mine break
when I hear people saying
that this city has gone bad,
but why?
No, it isn't true!
No, I can't believe it!
And this urge to go back to Naples is killing me,
but what can I do?
I'm afraid to go back.
Afraid, yes... what if it was really so?
What if people were telling the truth?
All of Naples' richness was its heart:
they say that's lost, too!
Monastery of Saint Chiara,
confined among four walls
so many honest women,
if they lost their love,
took Jesus as their husband.
Fountain of Capodimonte,
now, if they lose a lover,
they have one hundred more,
so that an innocent woman,
so people say, is nowhere to be found anymore.
No, it isn't true!
No, I can't believe it!
And this urge to go back to Naples is killing me,
but what can I do?
I'm afraid to go back.
Monastery of Saint Chiara,
my heart is so dark,
but why? Because every night
I think of Naples as it used to be,
I think of Naples as it is now!
  • 1. A religious complex in the centre of Naples, severely damaged by a bombing in 1943
  • 2. A play on words with the name 'Chiara', which in Italian means 'light, pale'.


When the moon rises, in Marechiaro

My Voice of Hope

Versions: #1
Zira: Sleep, my little Kovu
Dream and fly away
When you start to grow up and be strong
You'll become the King!
Kovu: 'Good night.'
Zira: 'Good night, my little Prince.
Tomorrow, you're going to start training with your higher intensity.'
I was found and persecuted
Abandoned and got no defense
When I've seen someone whose done wrong for me
I became impatient
But I think of a dream that is pretty
If my heart gets unbroken
I'm thinking of him being exiled
I pet him patiently
That Simba who has been killed at night
His daughter's screaming right here in my arms
Her last shriek rang in the twilight
This is my voice of hope!
Now, I tried forgetting something
When I begged him my pardon
If there is such trouble,
it gets little
But he can't live without me
Nuka: So, you're the one who have been chosen
To chase that Simba after you out here
Zira: This fight has no pity
But this work is what I want to do
The melody of grunts
The counterpoint of howls
The symphony of a grand departure
This is my voice of hope!
Scar has left
But Zira is better
To embrace my sweet heart
Until I shall turn him into a murderer
Who takes a bite of these horrors
Nuka: Sleep, you bad ant!
I mean, 'cute little feline'...
Vitani: When you start to grow up and be strong...
Zira:'ll become the King!
Hear the thunderous drums of war
To Kovu's mighty roar
Nuka: The thirst of our revenge
Vitani: Witness us!
Zira: Oh, yes, I hear them cheering out
Nuka, Vitani: Kovu's our hero!
Zira: I look up to those banners
Rising up to a sky of bad dreams
With the shade of red symbolizing my victory,
This is my voice of hope!

Theory of Happiness

When I went looking for true happiness,
I started thinking to myself that I wanted to love, and be loved.
And it helped me to understand your strengths,
and the weaknesses you tend to keep hidden
So I’m just gonna use up all my energy on you
Because you laugh and cry so openly
To keep myself from hoping for anything
from the flow of time, or the color of the sky
I didn’t see true happiness, so I never realized
That it was actually right here next to me all along…
But I know it was your familiar hands that my numb fingers were seeking
So I’m willing to suffer a little to protect it all:
your melody, your philosophy, the things you have to say.
Because I love you and the way you laugh and cry so openly,
To keep myself from hoping for anything
from the flow of time, or the color of the sky…
I will continue to protect it all:
your melody, your philosophy, the things you have to say.
The reality of you being alive, right here with me,
is all it takes to make me happy.

Dusk (He's coming)

The postman is no longer passing,
my phone does not ring,
deserted and endless road
now that he does not love me
But in the dusk
the north winds cry
and thousands of mouths
'Coming', 'coming',
'He's coming' they tell me
I did not get news from none of friends,
I did not hear from you
If I send you my bitter tear
it will be lost with you too
But in the dusk
the north winds cry
and thousands of mouths
'Coming', 'coming',
'He's coming' they tell me

I beseech you, daughters of Jerusalem

On my bed, all through the night,
I have been seeking him whom my soul loves

Monochrome Daydreams

Nothing carried meaning to being with
You’d been searching for something invisible
Words slipped through, fading in no time
The longed-for place was looming far away
A voice turned into silence
Not showing up within your view


Versions: #1
Coming from the seven seas
As soon as I touched the goddesses’ dresses
The expanding world has a mysterious glow
Sneak into the heart while releasing
The whereabouts of love that are too expensive to reach
When the dusk that bears the night begins to fall
Throw it on a nice buzzing heart
Just change it to nostalgic memories
The expanding world has a mysterious glow
Sneak into the heart while releasing
Wonder in your world
Sparkle in my heart
Wonder in your world
Sparkle in my heart
Wonder in your world
Sparkle in my heart (sparkle in my heart)
Wonder in your world (wonder in your world)
Sparkle in my heart (sparkle in my heart)
Wonder in your world
Sparkle in my heart
Wonder in your world
Sparkle in my heart
Wonder in your world

Hey, Tambura

Hey, tambura1, let go of me tonight
Her eyes are leaving tonight
I'm left with nothing but shadows, only memories
Two roses after a rendez-vous
Hey, tambura, play softer
Don't look at me now
She took my heart
I sold two pieces of land
I will sell two more
I will give half a house for drinking cause of her
And all the carriages and barns, my brown horses
Hey, tambura, only you I won't give away
Hey, tambura, we always lose
She doesn't listen to our song
Your strings makes the moon cry in the middle of the night
Your tones wake tears
Hey, tambura, play softer
Don't look at me now
Your song opens up the soul
I sold two pieces of land
I will sell two more
I will give half a house for drinking cause of her
And all the carriages and barns, my brown horses
Hey, tambura, only you I won't give away
  • 1. guitar-like instrument

You hide that you are jealous

You're jealous without a real reason,
You get a little angry, and then afterwards you kiss me.
You're jealous without a proper reason,
You get a little angry, and then afterwards you ...kiss me!
You hide that you are jealous,
You struggle in vain,
When I look at some other woman,
You tremble and burn.
You hide that you are jealous,
You struggle in vain,
When I look at some other woman,
You tremble and burn!
You listen to all sorts of stories as would some little child,
You get a little angry, so then afterwards you feel sorry.
You listen to all sorts of stories as would some little child,
You get a little angry, so then afterwards you feel ...sorry!
Often, out of spite, I'll look at some other woman,
Because whenever you get angry, then you kiss me more sweetly.
Often, out of spite, I'll look at some other woman,
Because whenever you get angry, then you kiss me more sweetly!


The letter has arrived, Sultan wrote Prince Lazar*
To give him his land and Gračanica*
To give him the keys of Tsar Dušan's* city
That his army drinks water around Prizren*
Lazar is reading and looking at his beautiful Milica*
He's looking for his son and the sweetheart
Miloš is standing on right side with two knights
While looking at the icon, the Prince responds
I don't give, I don't give Tsar Dušan's land
I don't give, kids, not even a stone from his palace
I'm waiting, I'm waiting him in Kosovo*
Well, let him take my head, I will not give Serbia!
Miloš knelt in front of the icon in front of Lazar
He's calling Holy Zosim* in the prayer
Sultan won't drink water next to Prizren
We don't even give him the stone of Tsar Dušan
I'm giving you a pledge prince, may all remember
Sultan will fall in front of you before you fall
For you and for the honorable cross, I will give my life
And then we all will eternally meet in the sky
I don't give, I don't give Tsar Dušan's land
I don't give, kids, not even a stone from his palace
I'm waiting, I'm waiting him in Kosovo
Well, let him take my head, I will not give Serbia!

Fața întunecată

Poate că te-ai
Născut pe partea bună a lumii.
Eu m-am născut pe partea rea,
Port însemnul feței întunecate.
Și nu înroșesc dacă îți spun că te iubesc.
Iar dacă mă lași sau te las eu pe tine,
De asta nu îmi mai e frică.
Ai fost fără îndoială cea mai frumoasă
Dintre toate stelele
Pe care le-am văzut pe columna nopții.
Cum să ajungi în cer
Când iubești cu tot sufletul?
Dragostea pe care ți-o port
Nu se plătește în bani.
Ai fost fără îndoială cea mai frumoasă
Dintre toate stelele
Pe care le-am văzut pe columna nopții.
Poate că te-ai
Născut pe partea bună a lumii.
Eu m-am născut pe partea rea,
Port însemnul feței întunecate.
Și nu înroșesc dacă îți spun că te iubesc.
Iar dacă mă lași sau te las eu pe tine,
De asta nu îmi mai e frică.
Ai fost fără îndoială cea mai frumoasă
Dintre toate stelele
Pe care le-am văzut pe columna nopții.
Nu înroșesc dacă îți spun că te iubesc,
Dacă îți spun că te iubesc.

A Tough Nut To Crack

You always were
A tough nut to crack!
A tough nut to crack!
Now, time has changed me...
I was always at home,
Unable to go out:
You thought that you owned me.
I loved you
And I couldn't see
That our relationship was sheer hell.
You always were
A tough nut to crack!
A tough nut to crack!
I was always at home,
Crazy in love!
Crazy in love!

You always were
A tough nut to crack!
A tough nut to crack!
Now, I've reached the end of my tether...

And I let my hair hang out
And I wear make up

Future Lovers

Don't feel hustled
Because nothing is for now
Love has no hurry
It can wait in silence
Deep within a locker
On general delivery1
Millenia and millennia in the air
Maybe, then
Rio will be
Some subaquatic city
Divers will come
To explore your home
Your bedroom, your stuff
Your soul, your upper floor
In vain, wise men
Will try to decipher
The echo of words of yore
Fragments of letters, poems
Lies, pictures
Traces of a weird civilization
Don't feel hustled
Because nothing is for now
Loves will always be lovely
As for future lovers, who can tell
If they'll love without knowing
With the same love I once
Gave you
Don't feel hustled
Because nothing is for now
Love has no hurry
It can wait in silence
Deep within a locker
On general delivery1
Millenia and millennia in the air
Maybe, then
Rio will be
Some subaquatic city
Divers will come
To explore your home
Your bedroom, your stuff
Your soul, your upper floor
In vain, wise men
Will try to decipher
The echo of words of yore
Fragments of letters, poems
Lies, pictures
Traces of a weird civilization
Don't feel hustled
Because nothing is for now
Loves will always be lovely
As for future lovers, who can tell
If they'll love without knowing
With the same love I once
Gave you
  • Service where the post office holds the mail until the recipient calls for it

Perfect Time

I ran without seeing what you are
Your past doesn't matter much
Don't rush
You have nothing to lose
But don't take extra time
Life is a fluke
Don't try to understand
Limit yourself to living
We spend a lifetime thinking about what is correct
We spend so much time that we forget the reality
Rip that silence, the will is the beginning
I elevate you for everything, the time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
(The time is perfect
The time is perfect)
Hold onto me without fear
Enough with the delaying
How good it is to have you close by
This is true
You take your time unconsciously
The future has certainties if you want it for real
Forget your things
Now is perfect
Nobody belongs to nobody
Accept your will
We spend a lifetime thinking about what is correct
We spend so much time that we forget the reality
Rip that silence, the will is the beginning
I elevate you for everything, the time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
(The time is perfect
The time is perfect)
We spend a lifetime thinking about what is correct
We spend so much time that we forget the reality
Rip that silence, the will is the beginning
I elevate you for everything, the time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
The time is perfect
(The time is perfect
The time is perfect)

Don't go home today

Wandering man, perplexed heart
You, lost at crossroads
Don't go home today
Why don't you go home?
Past events faded like a smokepuff, love is mysterious
You, lost in past love
Don't go home today
Why don't you go home?
Moon looks vague, stars shine faintly
You, lost in misty dreamland
Don't go home today
Why, for what reason don't you go home?
Where does your heart lie? Where does your dream dwell?
Don't forget the sweetness of home
Lost one, don't forget the sweetness of home
Moon looks vague, stars shine faintly
You, lost in misty dreamland
Don't go home today
Why, for what reason don't you go home?
Where does your heart lie? Where does your dream dwell?
Don't forget the sweetness of home
Lost one, don't forget the sweetness of home
Sweetness of home
Sweetness of home

Into the unknown (Kuyavian)

You said something - I don't care
I won't risk, so let it go
There are so many reasons to stop listening to you
But your despicable whisper doesn't let me get you out of my head
You're not a voice, you're just buzz in my mind
And if you think you'll lure me - You're wrong - look
Everyone I carry in my heart lives within these walls
So understand that I cut your calls off
I lived my adventure, I don't want anything new
So, please, siren don't call me there [...] anymore
Far into the unknown, to an unknown patch, into the mysterious world!
What do you want?
You've got me out of bed again
How long do you want to mislead me, and play this strange game?
Or maybe you're a soul, who feels the same as me?
And do you know I'm hiding my true self?
Every day's harder for me, cause I feel my power grows
A desire to leave here and go [...] becomes enormous!
Towards destiny, wherever my feet will take me, into the mysterious world!
Just tell me, will you come for me?
Answer me! Are you somewhere there?!
Where are you going? I want to go with you!
I want to know, so lead me... into the mysterious world

Word Processor

Versions: #1
Caught in a blackout membrane.
Liberation movement for the
sensitivity that'd severed all brain activity, path to recapture.
The consequent solitary armed uprising.
With regards to whether to live or die,
counting backwards from the end, it's a suburban memento mori.
An alley of shuttered down shops, iron bridge on the outskirts of the city,
the spirits of our ancestors always stand watch.
My secondhand car keeps making a hundred thousand kilometers
worth of round trips on a highway from each word to the next.
If I keep nursing my dreams unfulfilled at the beach,
then even those will finally be seen through to the end.
If you are to bury my bones, then let it be in my hometown.
But the final resting place of my words is right here.
Ten years later, a hundred years later,
I'm confident that they're seeds that will bud somehow or another.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
Reality and fantasy weigh equally
and become a lead downpour. From the hole it opened in that chest
I can see your faded thing called tomorrow.
The word processor that kept speaking in mathematical formulas.
Even the shortest little line ripped out and thrown away,
now that some years have passed
at last it bores into even rock-like despair.
I sing the songs we were told not to sing.
I scream the words we were told not to speak.
It must be a passion strong enough to burn
those tears of defeat we once shed.
I glared at tomorrow as if to say 'Like I'd let it end here,'
and desperately shot down my impulse of annoyance.
Without calling it hope, what is it to be called?
I sing the songs we were told not to sing. My head spins.

Eu sunt vântul

Oh oh oh...
Tu, care mă privești și zâmbești,
mă întrebi: ' Cine ești?'
Suflet neliniștit, îmi spui,
deci știi.
Tu poți să mă înțelegi și a înțelege înseamnă iertare
și acceptare pentru această dragoste adevărul.
Eu sunt vântul
sunt furia care trece
și care se duce cu ea,
care în noapte te strigă,
care nu are liniște,
sunt dragostea care nu simte milă.
Eu sunt vântul,
dacă te mângâi
nu trebuie să te încrezi în mine.
Eu nu cunosc legea
care îmi călăuzește inima,
sunt dragostea, pasiunea dragostei,
în mine este ceva
mai puternic decât mine.
Sunt aerul care uneori suspină
și care în soarele dimineții
devine mai dulce.
Sunt furia care neașteptat se mânie
și care pleacă, fuge și pleacă, unde va pleca, nu știe.
Eu sunt vântul,
sunt furia care trece
și care se duce cu ea.
Am străbătut deșertul căutându-te,
te voi iubi, era scris așa,
în mine este ceva,
mai puternic decât mine.
~ ~
Sunt aerul
care uneori suspină
și care în soarele dimineții
devine mai dulce.
Sunt furia care neașteptat se mânie
și care pleacă, fuge și pleacă,
unde va pleca, nu știe.
Eu sunt vântul
Sunt furia care trece și care se duce cu ea.
Am străbătut deșertul căutându-te,
te voi iubi, era scris așa,
în mine este ceva,
mai puternic decât mine.
Mai puternic decât mine

Let's Dance Baby

Splendidly replace sadness with a smile
With a brightly magic, Baby
Once we find each other
We will be trapped in a mysterious charm, Baby
I call you 'Icarus'
With your unbelievable wings
Flying in the cosmos of a happy tour
When you hear the love song
As if it's floating in the wind
Let's Dance Baby
Finger guns pointed at my heart makes me surrender
I was captured, Baby
A strange mystery that isn't seen on earth
I sold my heart, Baby
I call you 'Icarus'
With your unbelievable wings
Flying in the cosmos of a happy tour
Blues don't match with fast steps
Let's Dance Baby
Let's Dance Baby
Let's Dance Baby

Endless game

I hear the creaking of my heart
Because our piled up white fingers trembled
Hold me once again, it's a crazy temptation
I want to melt the sadness in the escaping night
I had a hunch once that I became a wind
Your lips were too dazzling
Don't say anything, even if you don't call it love
Nobody can stop now my overflowing feelings
Endless game
(It's the endless game)
That's what you are
Soon you'll fade away in the streets at the dawn
Leaving here the pieces of a shattered dream
Hold me once again, it's a crazy temptation
I want to melt the sadness in the escaping night

Luna roșie

Mă plimb absent și abandonat...
Cu ochii ascunși sub pălărie,
mâinile în buzunar și gulerul ridicat...
Merg fluierând la stelele care au răsărit...
Si luna roșie îmi vorbește despre tine,
eu o întreb dacă mă aștepți,
ea îmi răspunde:'Dacă vrei să știi, aici nu este nimeni...'
Și te strig pe nume pentru a te vedea,
Dar toată lumea care vorbește despre tine,
îmi răspunde: 'E târziu ce vrei să știi?
Aici nu e nimeni...'
Luna roșie,
cine-mi,va fi sinceră?
Luna roșie,
a plecat aseară
fără să mă vadă...
Și îi spun din nou să mă aștepte
afară pe balcon în noaptea asta la trei,
și roagă Sfinții pentru a mă vedea ...
Dar nu este nimeni ...
Mai mult de o mie de întâlniri am avut...
Tot atât de multe țigări am aprins...
Multe cești de cafea am băut...
O mie de gurițe amare am sărutat...
Și îi spun din nou să mă aștepte
afară pe balcon în noaptea asta la trei
și roagă sfinții pentru a mă vedea...
Dar nu este nimeni...
Dar nu este nimeni...

Eternal Full Moon

The white moon emerging in the window of the night
Softly crawling to the inside of the room
Trembling a little making your long hairs shine
Sleeping at your side, the love already is a dream
Hey, listen, the love is like a Moonglow
Hey, listen, the heart is like a Full Moon
Your sleeping face is so, so beautiful that exceed
Even the shape of the moon that hides in the clouds
The clouds trembling in the wind eventually
Beyond this night will change to the eternity
Hey, listen, the love is like a Moonglow
Hey, listen, the heart is like a Full Moon
Hey (Moon Beam) listen, the love is like a Moonglow
Hey (Moon Beam) listen, the heart is like a Full Moon
Hey (Moon Beam) listen, the love is like a Moonglow
Connect with the love
Hey (Moon Beam) listen, the heart is like a Full Moon
Beyond this night
Hey (Moon Beam) listen, the love is like a Moonglow
When we end up together
Hey (Moon Beam) listen, the heart is like a Full Moon
We can see the eternity!
Hey, listen, the love is like a Moonglow
Hey, listen, the heart is like a Full Moon