Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 7

Număr de rezultate: 287


Now Give Me Your Hand

Now I know for sure, now I understand
Every single thing you did was a lie,
Everything was fake
I came to know that too late.
We have a long past together,
What kind of love is this?
It is easy to cheat and be cheated,
Tell me about my mistake.
You came smiling and you said: “I love you”
The moment I turned back,
you always smiled at other girls.
You came smiling and you said: “I love you”
The moment I turned back,
you always smiled at other girls.
Now give me your hand, our love shouldn’t end
Even if the world falls apart, you are my only love.
I’ve just forgotten everything. Hear my voice,
Know my worth, so understand me
Now give me your hand.

The Sun Sets

The sun sets
The evening is near
Musicians are playing
And guests are coming
It was a wedding
A rich one -
Were playing there
When midnight came
The newlyweds went to bed
The prettiest bridesman
Put them to sleep
You - the prettiest bridesman
Please, for God´s sake
Don´t put me to sleep with him
Because I must die
When it was one o´clock
In the morning
Turn around, my dear
So I can see your cheek
I won´t turn around
Because I don´t love you
Because deep in my heart
I love somebody else
When he heard it
He took the saber out of the scabbard
He took the saber out of the scabbard
And he stabbed her in the heart
And when the morning came
Wedding guests woke up
Where are our newlyweds?
Do they love each other?
And mother
Walked into the chamber
Walked into the chamber
And saw a lake of blood
You musician
Stop playing in my house
Because I have to
Make a funeral to my daughter
The church bells were ringing for her
They were dressing her up
And they put a white bonnet
On her head
Don´t put the white bonnet
On her head
Put on a green garland instead
Put on a green garland

Good News

Poets and freaks little by little
Forthcoming singers
And magicians of sentences that
Are rude and distasteful
I bring good news
Stupid things on a piece of paper
Burned balloons
Things that fall from the sky
Without any reason whatsoever
I wish in the world someday
I could show you my
Talent to madness
Look away from the heart
I've always been great
At delivering long speeches
Delivering long speeches
About things not to do
What am I gonna do?
Ladies and gentlemen
I bring good news
I have seen the face of death
And she was alive
I have seen the face of death
And she was alive - alive!
I'll tell tons of rhyming metaphors
And I will
Pull out all the stops
Pull the fear and make it my prayer
To that H God
At the time of departure
At the time of departure
Gunfire celebrating we'll face life
So let's face life.
Ladies and gentlemen
I bring good news
I saw the face of death
And she was alive
I saw the face of death
And she was alive - alive!

I'm Left In Tears

I'm left in tears
I look for you in my dreams
I'm left in tears
I look for you in heavy dreams
But you didn't know, unfaithful soul,
But you didn't know that I love you,
You didn't know, unfaithful soul,
But you didn't know that I love you,
You took everything from me
I'm left in tears
And I know well, I can't go on by myself
Memories are sad
And I'm still on fire because of your lips

Hand That Didn't Hold Your Hand

Are you angry with hand that didn't hold your hand, or angry with yourself that you extend your hand to someone who won't hold it?

Trandafiri albi

În fiecare primăvară,
Orbindu-mi ochii,
Înfloresc trandafirii.
Trandafirii albi, trandafirii albi
Dragostea adevărată și fericirea sinceră
Mi le promit.
Trandafirii albi, trandafirii albi
Sufletelor îndrăgostiților care așteaptă iubire
Le dau speranță.
Alături de voi
Sufletele îndrăgostite
Cântă cântecul dragostei și pleacă.
Să nu se ofilească,
Să nu se veștejească
Trandafirii albi.
© Vladímir Sosnín

The foreigner

She has the black eyes of her mother
And her tenderness and her anger
She dares to say she's proud of it
The foreigner
She kept a postcard
Of her portuguese village
She has memories that hurt
The foreigner
Of course, she changed her life
When she arrived here
She didn't have any friend
The foreigner
She got used to Paris
She love people from this country
And the popular fados tunes
She's singing with the sun in her voice
She's singing loves that don't exist
She's singing for the poor people, for the kings
She's singing everything she says, everything she believes in
From this side of the border,
She never knew winter
She knows the price of poverty
The foreigner
She hasn't forget those
Who sing with tears in their eyes
So she stayed for them
Proud soul
She's singing with the sun in her voice
She's singing loves that don't exist
She's singing for the poor people, for the kings
She's singing everything she says, everything she believes in
She loves the kids, the rivers
Bigs birthday cakes
Holidays by the beach
The foreigner
She's afraid to say 'I love you' to you
She's a bit of a fortune-teller
She has a bohemian heart
The foreigner
She doesn't know how to say 'Sorry'
It's a volcano, it's the passion,
It's the sweetness of a fountain
The foreigner
One should take her into your arms
One should whisper very low
That she hasn't been for you
A foreigner
A foreigner

Corzile sufletului

Iarăși ți-ai întredeschis ochii,
Cât de amuzant ești!
O faci în glumă sau într-adevăr,
Sau încă mă mai aștepți.
Îmi atinge corzile sufletului
Zâmbetul tău misterios,
Când trec pe lângă tine
Gândul mi-e doar la tine.
Îmi faci inima să tresară,
Zicând că ai nevoie de mine,
Răspunde-mi fără să glumești:
Mă vei iubi toată viața?
Căldura misterioasă se păstrează atât de mult
În brațele tale așa de blânde,
Iubitule, fă-mă să mă topesc întotdeauna
În îmbrățișările acestea atât de calde.
© Vladímir Sosnín


Voi străbate toate drumurile tale,
Îmi voi întinde mâinile către tine,
Împreună vom merge pe căi lungi.
Privește-mă în ochi,
Înțelege ceea ce simt,
Împreună vom cânta cele mai frumoase piese.
Îți voi săruta ochii,
Te voi acoperi cu flori,
Până și florile se ofilesc dacă nu mai simt iubire.
Sufletul meu, dacă mă gândesc la tine,
Îmi strălucește soarele în inimă
Și gândul mi-e clar.
Te-am întâlnit pe tine, Subhanallah1,
Te-am văzut pe tine, Alhamdulillah2,
Ce frumoasă ești, Mașallah3,
Vei fi a mea, Inșaallah4.
M-ai întâlnit pe mine, Subhanallah,
M-ai văzut pe mine, Alhamudullilah,
Ce bun ești, Mașallah,
Vom fi împreună, Inșaallah.
Îți voi păzi visele,
Te voi apăra de orice deochi,
Vom trăi împreună în țara noastră îndrăgită,
Pentru că tu mă iubești,
Pentru că eu te iubesc,
Zâmbesc plin de bucurie zi și noapte.
Îți voi săruta ochii,
Te voi strânge în brațe,
Până și florile se ofilesc dacă nu mai simt iubire.
Sufletul meu, dacă mă gândesc la tine,
Îmi strălucește soarele în inimă
Și gândul mi-e clar.
Te-am întâlnit pe tine, Subhanallah,
Te-am văzut pe tine, Alhamdulillah,
Ce frumoasă ești, Mașallah,
Vei fi a mea, Inșaallah.
M-ai întâlnit pe mine, Subhanallah,
M-ai văzut pe mine, Alhamudullilah,
Ce bun ești, Mașallah,
Vom fi împreună, Inșaallah.
  • 1. Fără imperfecțiuni este Allah
  • 2. Toată lauda îi aparține lui Allah
  • 3. Cu voia lui Allah
  • 4. Dacă Allah dorește
© Vladímir Sosnín

Jerusalem, city of gold

The clear sky above the mountains
The smell of cedar wood
Is carried by the gentle winds
Around the city of gold
Bare stones lie to rest
For centuries they saw
How man covets this city
And how the pilgrim dreams of this
Jerusalem, oh, city of gold
The city restored and built by God1
I will never, ever, forget you, no
You are mine
Water flows from the spring
And the squares are filled
You can hear the shofar near the temple
Here God's word is fulfilled
Come and take the eastward road
Towards the Dead Sea
Past Jericho there in the distance
We descend there
Jerusalem, oh, city of gold
The city restored and built by God1
I will never, ever, forget you, no
You are mine
Jerusalem of gold
And of copper, and of light
Behold I am a violin
For all your songs
Oh, there are many who sing to you
I am but one of them
Yet I, too, want to show my love
To you with heart and voice
When I hear your name, I gleam with joy
Oh, most beautiful city
I may forget my right hand
But I'll never forget you
Jerusalem, oh, city of gold
The city restored and built by God1
I will never, ever, forget you, no
You are mine
Jerusalem of gold
And of copper, and of light
Behold I am a violin
For all your songs
If I forget you, oh, Jerusalem
Please let my right hand forget itself
  • Alternatively: 'The city that builds and restores God.' In this sentence, God can be either the subject or the direct object, changing the meaning of the sentence.
  • If this translation was in any way helpful to you, please thank me by clicking the green button at the bottom of this translation. It's a small effort but means the world to me.
  • This translation is my work unless I have stated otherwise below.
  • Feel free to repost my translation, but please credit me by publishing a link to my LyricsTranslate profile as well. As I am the author of this work, at least some credit would be appropriate.  
  • Proofreading is always welcome, even if I didn't explicitly ask for it, so feel free to do so! 


No One Picks A Dandelion

On our journey (On our journey)
In our world (In our world)
There are rules we must find ourselves in
But it can (But it can)
Sometimes (Sometimes)
Turn into hyperbole if we blindly follow every law
No one picks a dandelion and give it to their friend
It have to stay there until it dies
Even though it's bright yellow it's considered ugly
It have to stay there and feel left out
So I pick a dandelion and two or three
Which I give to a friend that I hold dear
And indeed God let me ignore prohibitions
Which we have no use for here
Life which (Life which)
becomes a chore (Becomes a chore)
When we're forced to things we don't like
But I believe (But I believe)
That it lives (That is lives)
A God inside us, telling us when we're doing wrong
No one picks a dandelion and give it to their friend
It have to stay there until it dies
Even though it's bright yellow it's considered ugly
It have to stay there and feel left out
So I pick a dandelion and two or three
Which I give to a friend that I hold dear
And indeed God let me ignore prohibitions
Which we have no use for here
No one picks a dandelion and give it to their friend
It have to stay there until it dies
Even though it's bright yellow it's considered ugly
It have to stay there and feel left out
So I pick a dandelion and two or three
Which I give to a friend that I hold dear
And indeed God let me ignore prohibitions
Which we have no use for here

Suzan Suzi

The plains of Kırklar Mountain
The shrine has cursed us
You may become blind, Suzan Suzi
The waters has taken us.
It's pure black, under the bridge
Suzan, come and look for me.
My hair is full of sands now,
Bring a comb, comb them all.

Super Fat Sigge's Head

Super fat Sigge's head
Super fat Sigge's head
Enormous head
Super fat Sigge's head
Super fat Sigge's head
Enormous head
Super fat Sigge's head
Super fat Sigge's head
Enormous head
Super fat Sigge's head
Head, head
Super fat Sigge's head
Head, head
Super fat Sigge's head
Head, head
Super fat Sigge's head
Head, head

The Chin

The Chin, the Chin, they call me the Chin
I use it when I make pancakes
I also use it as a ticket
Yeah, the chin is useful in many ways
The chin, the chin, yes I'm using my chin
When I need to clean up my yard
With my chin I remove logs and rocks
Yeah, the chin is really awesome
The chin, the chin, it's by best friend
The chin, the chin, I don't want to lose it, oh well
The chin, the chin, it's so great, the chin
If a lake freezes up somewhere
We don't need ice breaker assistance
Because the chin will do the job effortlessly
Oh well, you sort of break the ice with your chin, oh well
Yeah, as I already said
The chin, the chin, it's my best friend
The chin, the chin, I don't want to lose it, oh well
The chin, the chin, it's so great, the chin
I can use it, yeah, for everything
Now when I'm about to switch engagement ring
I don't need my thingamajig, because the chin will do it for me
And dad doesn't have to do the work, so to speak
Come on here and have a look at my big, beautiful chin girls
And you will see something totally outstanding and great
Weeell, excellent and great
A totally outstanding and great chin

Börje Lundin, the Knight of the Steering Wheel

Come here, come here
Back to me, I want you baby
When I make a move, I freeze up like an imbecile
I of course believe it's you
The same style of hairdo, but a darker shade
Than the one you currently wear
There's always someone that I meet that
Resembles you quite a bit
Faces that awake memories about
When it was you and I
Come here, come back to me
I want you baby
Come here, come here, and say
Baby I want to be with you
If I run into someone wearing a leather jacket and jeans
You're there for a minute
I get punched in my face so that I wake up and remember
That it really is over now
It has happened that I've acted spontaneously
Made a fool out of myself and approached
A total stranger downtown
And shouted out your name
Come here, come back to me
I want you baby
Come here, come here, and say
Baby I want to be with you
Now I'm no longer able to act cool
Since I'm constantly reminded of your gaze
And I see you everywhere
Come here, come here
Come here, come here back to me
I want you baby
Come here, come here, and say
Baby I want to be with you
Come here, come here back to me
I want you baby
Come here, come here, and say
Baby I want to be with you
Baby I want to be with you

Punk Bastards

Well, don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking kids
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking kids
Well, if you do, you'll get a beating, every one of you
Well, taste my right hand swing, it packs a punch!
Well, don't come here and talk about punk with me, you swine
No, no, no, don't come here and talk about punk with me, you swine
Well, don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking kids
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking kids
Johnny Rotten, what faggot is that?
Well, sweep Clash and the idiots into a pile
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you swine
No, no, no, don't come here and talk about punk with me, you swine
Johnny Rotten is a fucking shithead!
But I know how to deal with swine like that!
They should suffocate in a gas shower, fucking jewsss
My name is E. Hitlerrrrrr hahahahaha
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking kids
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking kids
Every one of you look like fucking apes, and you ought to be dug down into the same hole
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking swine
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you swine
Johnny Rotten is a fucking swine, no better than a dickwad!
All punk rockers can go to hell! hahahaha
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking kids
Don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking kids
If you do I will whip you until you die! hahaha
It's sweet to see a punk rocker bleeding, hahaha
Well, don't come here and talk about punk with me, you swine
Well, don't come here and talk about punk with me, you fucking swine


Versions: #2
Snowflakes come hurling,
Land on your eyelashes.
Melt quickly.
Sparkle, but an instant.
Ballerinas twirl,
With incredible grace,
Fly through the air,
Lead hard lives, that few know.
Thoughts race,
Are totally consuming,
Then they're gone.
Lucky or not, they return.

Să-mi trăiești în suflet

Dă-mi steaua ta,
Fii cerul meu,
Sunt a ta, dă-mi dragostea ta,
Oricum vei fi al meu.
Dă-mi tristețea ta,
Fericirea mea va fi a ta,
Dacă îți vei schimba destinul,
Fericirea ta va fi a mea, de asemenea.
Doar tu să-mi trăiești în inimă,
Doar tu să-mi trăiești în suflet,
Doar eu îți trăiesc în inimă,
Doar eu îți trăiesc în suflet.
Știi cât de mult te iubesc,
Ochii mei ți-o explică chiar ei.
Ți-o explică și sentimentele tale amoroase
Se întorc la tine precum o tandrețe.
Când inima mea bate pentru tine,
Acolo nu este loc pentru alții,
Ești sensul vieții mele,
Doar tu îmi ești leac pentru suflet.
© Vladímir Sosnín


[Verse 1]
heard everything, seen everything
I was just underground like a bomb-diver
Darkness and now I marvel at the sunrise
Just a roaring in my ears, that are still ringing from techno
Full of energy, a speedball without a speed limit
I think of nothing, totally empty and it's good like that
Everything spins, not like a carousel, more like a UFO
It'll be a stressful day and I'm not disappointed
That's how it feels when you do everything and regret nothing
For me, today and yesterday have already happened like that
The boundless horizon only comes when we forget
I see the garishness, summer, sun when the morning comes
The doors are closed, for you too, Jim Morrison
I probably need a break after the action
Get myself something to eat, run like Little Riding Hood home
Real life doesn't feel anything like this
I was imprisoned in Fantasia land until just now
The night is over and my head still hurts
The last stream of tears is dried now
No dark clouds and melted snow
I'm going on the Walk of Fame, Sonnenallee
[Verse 2]
I climb tired but happy onto the fountain of youth
And the air turns slowly thin, like after five rounds at the gym
Breathe the morning in, fantastic, how it tastes
Almost perfect and worry-free, I fall into bed
Easy from now on, because I notice love again
Finally satisfied, well, victory over Caligula
Overjoyed and so the wind carries me
Because I can feel wings there, where there still aren't any
I am at the start and fueled up like a rocket
Incredible, that I'm still standing after such a night, wow
Just a short while ago things were looking bad
But now I go laughing from the party of my life
I don't know whether it's love or pure delusions of grandeur
I fly through the city like the blooms of a dandelion
No matter whether on the street or the beach
A whole night long, it was my Fantasia land
The night is over and my head still hurts
The last stream of tears is dried now
No dark clouds and melted snow
I'm going on the Walk of Fame, Sonnenallee

Crossing the Dulce

On the other side of La Banda
is the Santiago (province),
when I go crossing El Dulce (River)
I already go singing:
Laira, laira...
Today I feel the hour of being in my Santiago,
making mischiefs in the sands
a little boy can be seen.
Laira, laira...
I am getting closer little by little,
I am arriving in Santiago,
I love it (I love Santiago) a lot.
Humming vidalitas
a cart driver can be heard
and a goat makes him chorus (box*, litteral translation)
with its cowbell.
Laira, laira...
The water runs slothful
through the sands.
Laira, laira...
I'm coming to my Santiago
I love it so much!


It's enough, I can't do it like this
call me an ambulance, because I am insane over you, only over you
my heart goes tika-taka(*),
only because of you.
Doctor, doctor,
I need you,
Look for a way to cure me
how do you know? jesus christ(**)
Doctor, doctor,
I need you,
Give me aomething so that I can calm down
love made me ill.
Give me some medicine
that might save me from pricks.
From you, just from you
my soul will burst cause of your lies.
Doctor, doctor,
I need you,
Look for a way to cure me
how do you know? jesus christ
Doctor, doctor,
I need you,
Give me aomething so that I can calm down
love made me ill.
(* a macedonian way to write the sound of heartbeat. ** can be used in multiple situations, in here its a saying to express shock because someone knows/understands/can do sometjing really well, or something really weird happened)

Song for Jeanne

Since the roses are so pretty
And because Jeanne is, too,
Everything blooms in this world,
And it is the worst kind of insanity
To care about anything else,
Since the roses are pretty
And Jeanne is, too.
Since you are chirping, tits,
And since Jeanne is chirping likewise,
Everything sings in this world,
And I will never worry
About the sacred harps of the angels,
Since you are chirping, tits,
And Jeanne is, too.
Since the beautiful flower has faded,
The little bird is dead and so is Jeanne,
Nothing seems alive in this world,
And my only yearning is to depart
Into the grave with my last breath,
Since the beautiful flower is dead,
And the bird, and Jeanne is, too...

My land, Veracruz

Versions: #2
In my land, Veracruz,
I just want to drink coffee,
a little of cane sugar
to start to move my feet.
With the banana tree
With its green-brown skin,
I'm very very in love.
I just want to see you again.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to see you.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to love you.
In my land, Veracruz,
I just want to hug the sea,
I want to see the night from a hammock,
in the morning I just want to sing,
I want to bury my legs in the field,
I just to dance in the sand,
I want to deliver my dreams to a boat,
and I want to laze around in my house.
To see you again.
To see you again.
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to see you.
To see you again.
To see you again.
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to love you.
There's not a day that I don't think about you.
This distance makes me miss you.
There's not a day that I don't think about you.
I paint my melodies with your landscapes,
with your lemon-green landscapes,
and a guava-pink I use for love,
a dragon fruit flower-yellowish-red,
blue from your gulf and passion-red.
To see you again.
To see you again.
I want to love you.
To see you again.
To see you again.
Coffee and bread (x4)
In my land, Veracruz,
I just want to drink coffee,
a little of cane sugar
to start to move my feet.
With the banana tree
With its green-brown skin,
I'm very very in love.
I just want to see you again.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to see you.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to love you.
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz, I want to see you.
To see you again
To see you again
To see you again
My homeland, Veracruz,
I want to love you.

The unsatisfied one

This has been the routine with your celibacy for a long time
You would throw it right away for a beautiful and also nice girl
Your married buddy envies you, he's bored
The passion is gone, what's left is the ring on the finger
He'd go all the way to the end of the world to find what he has
He wants to give up his job while you don't even have one
Unsatisfied with life, is this an illness?
A persistent virus that can't get cured
So he smokes, he smokes
The trendy hallucinogenics in the mist
To embalm his veins
So he smokes, he smokes
The trendy hallucinogenics in the mist
To embalm his pains
You remember, already as a child he was a small king
Now he's a bitter guy who can't make a choice
Unsatisfied with life, this is an illness
A persistent virus that can't get cured
And he always wants more and more, one single thing isn't enough
If he could touch the moon he would throw it away once he got it
Now Laura is gone, her, and the kids
How he'd love his life if they were there
So he smokes, he smokes
The trendy hallucinogenics in the mist
To embalm his veins
So he smokes, he smokes
The trendy hallucinogenics in the mist
To embalm his pains
Come on.. Come on Laura, come back!
I'll be a good guy!
Come on.. Come on Laura, come back!
I promise, I'm not feeling quite well..
So he smokes, he smokes
(Unsatisfied with life)
In the mist
(Yes, it's an illness)
So he smokes, he smokes
(Unsatisfied with life)
In the mist
(Yes, it's an illness..)


Here is my story, it's simply
Broken hopes, a talisman that lies
My heart sigh, the guard dies
My pain worsens, ohohohohoho
That my remembrances start now
In the arms of the Nile, in the middle of the wind
My soul sister in the ocean
Lost rock on the depths, all my required stretched, suiting my fear
that rings that rings and come to see me
Nobody, the autumn, it's my story
The stormy rains in the wind hurls
Sweeping my face and suiting my tears
Far, Far, is my home
Helena, St-Helena, you please my heart
Here is my story, it's simply
Broken hopes, a talisman that lies
My heart sigh, the guard dies
My pain worsens, ohohohohoho
That my remembrances start now
In the arms of the Nile, in the middle of the wind
My soul sister in the ocean
I loved, in the summer, the warmth of the plains
But the mist that sees you suits my sorrow
The moon, the moon, above you
Belfry or dunes, I also see it
At the memories that haunts us at night
I display my image and the pain go astray
Siren, Sirene, let's leave for
Helena, St-Helena, you please my heart
Here is my story, it's simply
Broken hopes, a talisman that lies
Our lives from somewhere else comes to us often
How many nights have fallen too early
In the mists of the North
Since always, without my hero
Here I am, alone, alone
Here is my story, it's simply
Broken hopes, a talisman that lies
My heart sigh, the guard dies
My pain worsens, ohohohohoho
That my remembrances start now
In the arms of the Nile...

Life Crazy Life

Life crazy life
Short life
Since I cannot take you
I want you to take me
Life crazy life
Immense life
No one will forgive us
Our crime is not worth it
When nobody looks when you walk
You think right away 'I am needy'
'I am popular headline'
I´m sick of so much stupidity, so much prejudice
of this eternal absense of having what to say
If nobody looks when you walk
You think right away that life is back to normal
That senseless life, come back without danger
It´s the same life always the same
If somebody looks when you walk
You say right away 'Joker'
You think it´s not nice
You lose all the senses, except for danger
You get sick
Life crazy life
Short life
Since I cannot take you
I want you to take me
Life crazy life
Immense life
No one will forgive us
Our crime is not worth it
When nobody looks when you walk
You think right away 'I am needy'
'I am popular headline'
I´m sick of so much stupidity, so much prejudice
of this eternal absense of having what to say
Life crazy life
Short life
Since I cannot take you
I want you to take me
Life crazy life
Immense life
No one will forgive us
Our crime is not worth it

Nu vom rămâne prieteni

După tot prin ce noi am trecut,
Nu vom rămâne prieteni...
După tot prin ce noi am trecut,
După tot ce a fost între noi.
Nu vom rămâne prieteni,
Nu vom rămâne prieteni.
Până și soarele se va răci cu trecerea secolelor
Și focul său se va transforma în piatră.
Dar noi nu vom rămâne prieteni,
Dar noi nu vom rămâne...
Tristețea îmi înfinge un tatuaj pe piele,
Interiorul mi-e așa de familiar încât mă doare.
Din cauza frigului doar îi strâng mâna,
Ce tortură insuportabilă...
După tot prin ce noi am trecut,
După tot ce a fost între noi.
Nu vom rămâne prieteni,
Nu vom rămâne prieteni.
Până și soarele se va răci cu trecerea secolelor
Și focul său se va transforma în piatră.
Dar noi nu vom rămâne prieteni,
Dar noi nu vom rămâne...
Mai ușor să te muți, schimbându-ți înfățișarea,
Mai ușor să-ți faci un transplant de inimă.
Tu și viața ta nouă în formă de prieteni comuni,
Contagiază-mă cu al tău Mesia.
După tot prin ce noi am trecut,
După tot ce a fost între noi.
Nu vom rămâne prieteni,
Nu vom rămâne prieteni.
Până și soarele se va răci cu trecerea secolelor
Și focul său se va transforma în piatră.
Dar noi nu vom rămâne prieteni,
Dar noi nu vom rămâne...
Nu vom rămâne...
Nu vom rămâne prieteni...
Dar noi nu vom rămâne prieteni,
Dar noi nu vom rămâne prieteni!
© Vladímir Sosnín

Promise The Star

How long has it been walking around?
Spending every day being frightened?
Misunderstandings and selfish acts are like the swing of a sword.
We’ve been torn apart.
It’s the continuous dream that I kept seeing.
That’s right.
I’ll rub salt into the wound.
So I waited and waited.
Stood up and waited for the future.
“I’ll live forever”
Is what I felt like.
So I waited and waited for you.
Waited and waited for the future.
Suddenly, we met by chance.
We were a miracle.
How much of what I’m saying do you understand?
Don’t you think every time,
“Paint that sky.”
Promise the star
How long has it been standing around?
Spending every day being frightened.
Puzzling memories that left and came back.
We’ll surpass them.
It’s the continuous dream that I kept seeing.
That’s right.
I’ll light up the days that shine red.
More of my unchanging thoughts.
I wish I could show.
But only this much.
I have thought about.
So I waited and waited for you.
Waited and waited for the future.
There are no such things as solid promises.
Only God knows the results/
Don’t you think everytime,
“Paint that sky.”
(Woo oh oh ooooooh)
(Wo oh oh oh oh ooooooh)
Suddenly, I realised that you’re right by my side.
Until we fulfil our greatest vow.
So I waited and waited.
Stood up and waited for the future.
“I’ll live forever”
Is what I felt like.
So I waited and waited for you.
Waited and waited for the future.
Suddenly we met by chance.
We were a miracle.
How much of what I’m saying do you understand?
Don’t you think everytime,
“Close your eyes.”
Don’t you think everytime,
“Paint that sky.”
Promise the star.
-Translated by NakataNoGyaku a.k.a. Atakan.

I miss you

I miss my mother
I miss my father
But God only knows
If we'll meet again someday
You went abroad
Looking for a better life
And I'm away from you
My life lost its track
My mama, my dad
I can't help but miss you
But God only knows
If we shall meet again
You went overseas
Looking for a better life
And I'm away from you
My life lost its track
You went abroad
Looking for a better life
But Lord only knows
If we shall meet again
My mama, my dad
I never stop missing you
I'm far away from you
My life is senseless
My mama, my dad
I never stop missing you
But Lord only knows
If we'll meet again

Chipul tău (Povești pentru cea fără somn)

Fugi, salvează-te,
Le voi păstra eu, du-te!
Sentimentele din sufletul meu care ți-au fost dăruite
Nicicând n-au existat, poate.
Viața e o minciună pentru noi,
Îmi doresc ca timpul să fie mai puternic decât durerea asta,
Chipul tău cu parfum ca al pământuli după ploaie,
Chiar dacă il ating sau îi duc dorul, tristețea e aceeași, aceeași tristețe...
Găsește un bărbat pentru tine, care să nu ți se asemene!
În chipul tău atât de frumos el să nu se oglindească,
Să nu te înspăimânte!
Chiar dacă ți-e dor sau mă chemi, ascunde asta în tine însăți,
Toți și toate ale tale să fie!
Doar îndepărtează-mă de tine, numai îndepărtează-mă!


[Verse 1]
See, how can I keep quiet?
It's so painful to notice
That we are always arguing
Getting lost in the fight
I don't want to change anything. Understand me.
I know we are above that, speak quieter.
You've gone somewhere and can't hear me
I'm running away from this drama -
And you stay quiet, my beloved
I don't get it, I don't want to, period.
Why break it like that? I'm leaving but that's not for sure
Something needs to be said at once
And each of us is so exhausted
[Verse 2]
In the morning we'll start comparing feelings
I don't want to lose you
And you, my darling, are vulnerable
We don't know what we are doing
I don't want to change anything. Understand me.
I know we are above that, speak quieter.
And you came to me, such a lovely stitch
I'm running away from this drama -
And you stay quiet, my beloved
I don't get it, I don't want to, period.
Why break it like that? I'm leaving but that's not for sure
Something needs to be said at once
And each of us is so exhausted

6 Seconds

Six seconds left until your eyes close
I'm thinking about us, my words are flowing
Over the shape of your lips, over the shape of your...
Over the shape of your lips
All because of your words
The senseless cascade has rumbled like fireworks
You dared to fall into me, you were the only one who could
Break your limit
I'm what you've been waiting for, I'm what you've wanted!
The meaning is now overripe
Enter my thoughts
Enter to stay
We suddenly froze
Beyond the stupid schemes!
[Verse 2]
Your voice will melt in my mouth like cream
Keep up with this rhythm, I think it's dawn
They call this love
You don't believe it? But still, it happens
[Bridge 2]
It's lifting me higher and higher and higher. Can you hear?
While the time is melting, I adore the way you breathe
It's lifting me higher and higher and higher. Can you hear?
While the time is melting, I adore the way you breathe
Six seconds left until your eyes close
I'm thinking about us, my words are flowing
Over the shape of your lips, over the shape of your...
Over the shape of your lips