Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 12

Număr de rezultate: 447


Mă târăsc

Dacă te-ai întoarce la mine de pe drumul tău
Mă târăsc din lumea mea punctată
Nopțile fără liniște vise înfricoșătoare
Uită-te la mine mă târăsc
Ce dragoste am ce inimă iubitoare am
Mâinile mele obligate am rămas distrusă
Nu doar o zi te-am implorat în fiecare zi
Nu mi-ai auzit vocea mă târăsc
M-am consolat în fiecare zi dându-mi mii de speranțe
Plângeam după venea frustrarea
De la început mă rănești îmi creezi probleme
Mă târăsc în starea mea dureroasă
Ce dragoste am ce inimă iubitoare am
Mâinile mele obligate am rămas distrusă
Nu doar o zi te-am implorat în fiecare zi
Nu mi-ai auzit vocea mă târăsc
Ege Kökenli

Nave goale

Navele goale trec pe țărmul inimii mele,
Sufletul meu este obosit și bolnav de numărul dușmanilor mei
Ce ar trebui să înțeleg din privirea ta?
Poate că era evident din fuga ta?
Navele goale trec pe țărmul inimii mele,
Sufletul meu este obosit și bolnav de numărul dușmanilor mei
Ce ar trebui să înțeleg din privirea ta?
Poate că era evident din fuga ta?
Orice spun eu este gol, nu mă poți vedea,
O voce înăuntrul meu, dar nu o poți pricepe,
Acolo unde ți-e dor nu te poți întoarce, of!
Orice spun eu este gol, nu mă poți vedea,
O voce înăuntrul meu, dar nu o poți pricepe,
Acolo unde ți-e dor nu te poți întoarce, of, ce of!
Cineva a construit un zid pe care l-am văzut
Toată lumea a fost oarbă și eu blestem
Toată lumea a văzut.
Avem nevoie de puțină speranță, de dialog avem nevoie, de o caravană avem nevoie,
Toată lumea râde
Și eu blestem.
Orice spun eu este gol, nu mă poți vedea,
O voce înăuntrul meu, dar nu o poți pricepe,
Acolo unde ți-e dor nu te poți întoarce, of!
Orice spun eu este gol, nu mă poți vedea,
O voce înăuntrul meu, dar nu o poți pricepe,
Acolo unde ți-e dor nu te poți întoarce, of, ce of!
Share music and kindness! :)

Requiem for Hintriikka Peltoniemi

There's a swamp, duckboards
They only way is the duckboards
And they take you to a small gray house
A small worry-gray house
The resident is gone
The house is barren and the wall
Will grow moss, away
They took Hintriikka Peltoniemi
She got poverty
Her part was poverty
As a guest at times probably frost
Probably frost
Now there is no more worry
The end of shortage and worries
Earthly troubles, away
They took Hintriikka Peltoniemi
And what a marvelous happiness it is
For Hintriikka
To hear once again
How they sing
So rarely from the there
The frozen swamp
A poor one has time to leave
Busy earning bread
Her mother brought
Hintriikka once
To get baptized
Already left far behind
Is playtime, as young woman into the church
A man took her
The beloved of Hintriikka Peltoniemi
Happiness doesn't live in the frozen swamp
Where a flower tends to die
Before its time
In the middle of its youth
So also came a day
When the bells rang for Hintriikka's spouse
A few moments
Her destiny was
The swamp and the gray small house
A small worry-gray house
The resident is gone
The house is barren and the wall
Will grow moss, away
They took Hintriikka Peltoniemi

Tomorrow Will Surely Come

See how the gently fallen snow melts in my hand
Disappearing until nothing is left.. like it was never there
Doesn’t it seem like the most important things are the most fragile
We can’t hold onto them, they just drift quietly away
In a distant, faraway corner of the universe
The two of us met by chance
I want to call it a miracle, this feeling
And I want you alone to know
But I’m no good at saying what I really want to say
Wandering, searching that’s how I’ve lived
Now, I think I’ve found my one and only light
But if I try to pursue it, it will only run away the future is undecided
While stopping along the way over and over again
We’ve shared smiles and tears alike
You and I have made this journey
And that’s the only truth of which I am certain
When rain falls, I’ll be the umbrella that covers you
When the wind blows, I’ll be the wall that shields you
And however deep the dark of night
Tomorrow will surely come
The flowers that bloom in spring, and the sandy beaches of summe
An autumn evening, and a sunny spot in winter
However many seasons come and go
Our prayer will transcend even time and space
Far away (In a corner of the universe)
Far away (I think about you)
I want to call it a miracle, this feeling
And I want you alone to know
While stopping along the way over and over again
We share smiles and tears alike
Because this journey the two of us have made
Won’t just fade away
When rain falls, I’ll be the umbrella that covers you
When the wind blows, I’ll be the wall that shields you
And however deep the dark of night
Tomorrow will surely come
I want to tell only you
That tomorrow will surely come

Flat Racing Apart From Team

An unfinished revolution
How much could it's value be for me, also you
Look so tired
Care, may that vase don't fall down
For you, I was away from you
I put the alarms to the noon
But now it's enough for me
This evening, this much sorrow
I wanted to ask this for so long
But I'm a little bit coward, I'm sorry
But I have a good personality
I wanted to ask this for so long
But I'm a little bit coward, I'm sorry
But I have a good personality
The battery of my phone
Is not full yet, what can we do? Wll, ok
We can leave as well but
It can turn off on the way god forbid
I'm not scary enough
I'm pretty good on stabil balls
At the place that I came as 'other'
I'm still like a stranger
I wanted to ask this for so long
But I'm a little bit coward, I'm sorry
But I have a good personality
I wanted to ask this for so long
But I'm a little bit coward, I'm sorry
But I have a good personality
I wanted to ask this for so long
But I'm a little bit coward, I'm sorry
But I have a good personality
I wanted to ask this for so long
But I'm a little bit coward, I'm sorry
But I have a good personality
For you, I was away from you
I put the alarms to the noon
But now it's enough for me
This evening, this much sorrow
For you, I was away from you
I put the alarms to the noon
But now it's enough for me
This evening, this much sorrow

I Still Have The Money

None of those who went out of this door came back
My home was at the first floor so none of those who jumped down die
First I set a couple of harsh sentences in my mind
Then I stopped for a moment
I found 100 liras on the ground
I put it in my pocket, I did whatever anyone says
Next day I woke up and
I still have the money
I raised my hand but the waiter didn't see
Nobody laughed at the jokes I made
First I set a couple of harsh sentences in my mind
Then I stopped for a moment
I found 100 liras on the ground
I put it in my pocket, I did whatever anyone says
Next day I woke up and
I still have the money

Rămâi cu bine

Versul 1
Ca un tutun greu te tușește viața
Suferințele tale mă amorțesc
Am salvat muzica, foarte dramatic
Am luat înainte de la voi electricitatea fugară
Memoria mea este slabă amintirile mele se șterg
Sistemul of a down ha?
Tratamentul îmbunătățit
Și dacă Fatma Girik ar plânge cântă muzica techno
Problemele altora și amuzamentul altora
Fiind flacără uleioasă deasupra mea ploaia
Suburbia plămânilor mei puțin mai lezată
Să nu plecăm, acasă spui mai stai puțin
Amicul meu, a spus tu mai lovește o dată
Uite nu merge fără să fie, uite așa starea mea (așa)
Zâmbesc și fără să fie, nu știu (așa)
Brațul drept al lui Azraiel, servitorul banilor (servitorul banilor)
Străzile sunt pline de bastarzi ca noi (plin de bastarzi)
Mi-am ars plăcerea vino în locul ei
Eu am adormit nu m-am privit nimănui
Aruncând fier te scufunzi în adânc
Melodia, motivul melancoliei (ahh)
Unu în mine eu în locul lui
Dar spunând plin nu m-am putut uita în ochii tăi
Psihologia, este motivul sinuciderii?
Capul meu e bine, rămâi cu bine mort sau în viață
Versul 2
Curva, cea mai veche profesie puiule
Ca mândria rănită o cadână flexibilă
Eu zic că soarele arde acel bandit ciudat
Dacă vrei întuneric, ține-mi revista
Executat ca condamnat, fața mea de agățat
Contractul pe care îl știu figurează în vestiar
Ca tristețea de moment nu e de această dată
Cine dă întrebări fără răspuns ajunge
Trăiesc ca un zombi în fum și obosit
Mi-am desenat drumul vieții un jaf spiritual
Spunând că omenia a murit eu am fost vinovat
Puteam vedea că ați orbit cu toții
Aștept finalul calm ca un gardian (stai)
Ia-mi din mâini fără să-l distrug microfonul (stai)
Tortura urechii mele tonul vocii tale (oov)
Și dacă Allah nu ar vrea eu o vreau
Mi-am ars plăcerea vino în locul ei
Eu am adormit nu m-am privit nimănui
Aruncând fier te scufunzi în adânc
Melodia, motivul melancoliei (ahh)
Unu în mine eu în locul lui
Dar spunând plin nu m-am putut uita în ochii tăi
Psihologia, este motivul sinuciderii?
Capul meu e bine, rămâi cu bine mort sau în viață
Ege Kökenli


Straighten your head up.
Shoulders slightly back, inhale on the spot.
Worldwide, in each apartment -
Potap songs, where do not turn.
Immediately get stuck on a brand new clip.
Nastya in a bathing suit, on, look.
In each car, in each bus.
In any cafe, in any restaurant.
On the positive two, I'm sorry, Nastya.
We'll tear the locomotive of songs.
And I, and I, and ...
And I oru Ruu RuRu Ruru hands up, with us all.
RuRu RuRu RuRu hands up, I yell at you.
We are stars, we are chips, you like us!
And I oru Ruu RuRu Ruru hands up, with us all.
Everywhere I pro Kanal my super sexy vocals.
What do not turn on the channel - all Potap sank.
I will be popular above and below.
As long as men want to get a TV.
And I, and I, and ...
And I oru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru arms up, with us all.
Ru-Ru Ru-Ru Rou-Ru Hands up, I yell at you.
We are stars, we are chips, you like us!
And I oru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru arms up, with us all.
If in a dark alley suddenly attacked, -
Raise your hands up and dance with us.
Show this dance, surprise them with a smile.
And then any asshole suddenly realize his mistake.
Or are you in the disco dance always shy?
Raise your hands up and show this dance!
And then maybe as a joke, or maybe 'For fun'
They will call you for a moment: 'Our king, the king of the dance floor.'
And I, and I, and ...
And I oru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru arms up, with us all.
Ru-Ru Ru-Ru Rou-Ru Hands up, I yell at you.
We are stars, we are chips, you like us!
And I oru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru Ru arms up, with us all.

He who casts himself away—

He who casts himself away—
has he truly
cast himself away?
The real castaway is one
who casts nothing away at all!

No Turning Back

And it is snowing
And the snow covers footprints
And it is raining
And the rain washes away the questions
And I see you stand
And i see myself go
And I know that there is no turning back
And it is storming
And the wind blows away the suffering
And it is as if...
...As if nothing had happened
[Chorus x2]
And I see you stand
And i see myself go
And I know that there is no turning back
And it is as if...
...As if nothing had happened
[Chorus x2]
And I see you stand
And i see myself go
And I know that there is no turning back
No turning back
No turning back
There is no turning back
No turning back
No turning back
No turning back
There is no turning back

© Pires Philippe

This translation is a personal work - unless noted otherwise. You are NOT allowed to post this translation on whatever other site.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Il s'agit d'une traduction personnelle (sauf indication contraire). Vous n'êtes PAS autorisé à publier quelque traduction que ce soit sur un autre site.


Take Me Back

Sun is laughing to us
Because we're celebrating in the middle of summer
And we are looking for pictures
Finally we're getting together again
We were lost and living in the jungle
We have never grown, (and now) we are small again
Like holes on every old shoes
And surely you won't fit any pants anymore
Take me back
Don't let me go
Clouds are moving
And we are travelling with stars which gonna burn soon
Take me out there
And hold me
We are just flying simply in another orbit
I believe in the little man in the moon
I believe, that every mistake is worthwhile
And i believe in Noah's Ark
Still it stands on the cold mountains
What is that, what separates us both each time?
Although you know so many miracles
You pull yourself into the darkness often
Take me back
Don't let me go
Clouds are moving
And we are travelling with stars which gonna burn soon
Take me out there
And hold me
We are just flying simply in another orbit
Take me back
Don't let me go
Clouds are moving
And we are travelling with stars which gonna burn soon
Take me out there
And hold me
We are just flying simply in another orbit
Gksuperisi (GÖKSU ORAL) -Lyricstranslate

Te găsesc pe drum

Dacă nu ar fi lângă mine
Dacă nu am fi împreună
Chiar dacă nu aș vrea deloc
Eu trăiesc pentru tine
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Nu crede că devin nefericit
Trăiesc din plin din plin
Eu trăiesc pentru tine
Nu crede că rămân singur
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Alga se ascunde în mare
În marea albastră
În ochii albaștri
Este posibil să te uit?
Ploaia ascunde norii
Norii sunt albi
Pielea ta albă
Este posibil să te uit?
În grâu, din grâu ascunde-te în spice
În spicul galben
Părul tău galben
Este posibil să te uit?
Te găsesc pe drum
Joc în calendare pentru tine
Dansez în vise
Din nou trăiesc cu tine
Ege Kökenli

Grieving Fire

You wanted to give everything
You wanted to do everything
Everything you have got and everything you have taken.
Can a necrosed1 heart be saved?
If you have a lot of faith?
Or is there still room for a knife?
The black cloak of the clouds
Falls to your face as a mourning veil
Every day a bigger pain than ever before
Your heart is packed in shards of glass
As the Grim Reaper2 is playing the last slow
it is time for life to travel to the maw of Hades
Thousands of angry souls
pour down the rain of tears
Covers the grave of suffering like the morning dew
The black cloak of the clouds
Falls to your face as a mourning veil
Every day a bigger pain than ever before
Your heart is packed in shards of glass
Grief has a twisted face
poisoned by the acid rain
Faith doesn't save us from the wave of destruction
or stop the scythe from swinging
Invasion spreads like a plague
delicate white sister gets her crotch burned by piss
Thousands of angry souls
pour down the rain of tears
Covers the grave of suffering like the morning dew
The black cloak of the clouds
Falls to your face as a mourning veil
Every day a bigger pain than ever before
Your heart is packed in shards of glass
You wanted to give everything
You wanted to do everything
Anger like a fire sets aflame
gets covered in the color of blood
You know the devil lives wherever you live.
  • 1. Kuolio means gangrene or necrosis. Kuolioitua meaning turning into a gangrene
  • 2. Literally means death

Chariot of Dawn (Akatsuki no Kuruma)

Calling out to the wind under the shade of the trees, weeping with my head hung low
The me I see is someone I can't seem to recognize
A guitar plays the melody of those who have already passed away
As the stars fall in grief of those who will never return again
Don't leave me, how I screamed
But it brings me only the silence of the orange blossom petals* swaying in the wind
These memories from ages ago still remain
Of my tender forehead under your caress
Strum to the tune of an eternal farewell
This innocent's heart was still relying on, clinging to your gentle hand
But the blazing wheels of war cast it aside and charged on
The guitar melody rings out in lamentation for the dead
And stridently are my heartstrings plucked, along to that desolate tune
Unstained by sorrow in their pure white
These orange blossom petals now sway in the shadow of summer
So even if that tender forehead is lost
This unending desert sand dyed blood-red I'll traverse
The rhythms of goodbye**
With our memories ravaged through this holocaust, we advance to a new world
And there, after missing it for so long, will we see sprouts of new life?
Sending away the chariot of dawn
Those orange blossom petals, somewhere they are still swaying
Until the day comes when a peaceful sunrise can be had again
Don’t let this flame die
The wheels of the chariot churns on…
I tried to convey the emotions in the original lyrics while maintaining the correct meanings, without translating word for word.

Golden Sneers ~Lovely Banquet~

Welcome to this night party of madness
Let's start the game of the great occasions
I won't bore you
Come on, move the pawns
I will crush your childish ideas
The seven deadly sins have been washed away
The ninth night has finished without incoveniences
The thirteen victims have been sacrificed in the just ritual
I will give you rose coloured wine
I will love you to the bone
Kiss my feet, kiss them
Come on prostrate yourself before me
I will cook you very well
With the spice of despair
Your laments are like a sweet orchestral melody
How beautiful your screams are!
I become inebriated just hearing them
The wing is broken,
the eagle has fallen from the sky
It's feathers are scattered throughout the seas and mountains
Let my poor soul rest in peace!
Let my poor soul rest in peace!

Trezindu-mă treptat

Voci ireale rosteau cuvinte de neînţeles,
Eram la mila apatiei şi a frigului,
Obişnuiam să mă retrag în propriul meu sanctuar al tăcerii
Iar astfel mă protejam.
Însă acum mă aflu pe calea către
Eliberarea sufletului din carcera stării de goliciune
Nu simţeam nimic, ci doar respiram,
Copleşită, ruptă de realitate
Mă trezesc treptat
Din adormirea spirituală,
Iar din trecut nu mai rămâne decât
Amintirea ce se stinge
Iar acum pot să alerg după
Visurile pe care mi le creez,
Căci mă trezesc,
Mă trezesc din somn
Valuri de melodii, cândva uitate,
Răsună acum peste ocean ca o simfonie
Nu credeam vreodată că mi-ar putea auzi chemarea
Din adâncul sufletului,
Acum se apropie cu repeziciune
Prăbuşindu-se parcă asupra mea.
Mă trezesc treptat
Din adormirea spirituală,
Iar din trecut nu mai rămâne decât
Amintirea ce se stinge
Iar acum pot să alerg după
Visurile pe care mi le creez,
Căci mă trezesc,
Mă trezesc din somn
Nu am cum să mai cad pradă acelui sentiment de goliciune,
De singurătate
Visul ce sălăşluieşte în sufletul meu
Nu se va stinge – e cât se poate de viu
Mă trezesc treptat
Din adormirea spirituală,
Iar din trecut nu mai rămâne decât
Amintirea ce se stinge
Iar acum pot să alerg după
Visurile pe care mi le creez,
Căci mă trezesc,
Mă trezesc din somn

Empty Ships

Empty Ships goes by from the coast of my Soul (Heart)
My Souls is tired and sickened from the count of my enemies
What should I understand from your look?
Was it obvious from your escape?
Empty Ships goes by from the coast of my Soul (Heart)
My Souls is tired and sickened from the count of my enemies
What should I understand from your look?
Was it obvious from your escape?
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Off what a sigh Off
Someone built a wall I saw it
Everybody was blind so I curse
Everybody saw
We need some Hope, some dialog, a Caravan
Everybody laugh
So I curse
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Whatever I say is empty you can't see me
A voice inside me but you can't perceive it out
Where you Long for it but can't return back
Off what a sigh Off

Woman's blues

Because I'm a woman, I fall in love
Because I'm a woman, I get drunk in dreams
Because I'm a woman, I'm alone
Because I'm a woman, I'm living
To you, I want to cling up
Of you, I want to presume
To you, this life
To you, I want to give
Here is Tokyo, neon city
Here is Tokyo, tears city
Here is Tokyo, anything and everything
Here is Tokyo, lies city
Wherever I live, the wind blows
Wherever I live, the rain falls
Wherever I live, a single flower
Wherever I live, will fall someday
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Who Cares?

I've burnt, I've been extinguished
My mad heart is in jailbreak
As if I don't exist if you don't, too
Who cares?
All your promises
Each of them is in my mind
Keep or don't keep
Who cares?
Lies over lies
To deepest place of my heart
After holding a blunt knife
What do you expect from me?
I've turn into a patience stone
I don't care anymore whether or not you show up infront of me
I've came to these days on my own
I don't care whether or not you are here

Zgomotul nopții

[Versul 1]
Te plictisești în casa ta pe la ferestrele îngustate
Ești o glumă am ceva pe mine
Sunt fără banii nu mi-au putut deschide ochii
Ai dreptate rămâi șovăitor dreptul meu
Chiar și cu o praștie în valoare pietroasă nigga
Cui i-ai spus ce nu-mi pasă deloc
Numele copilului de curvă este domn
Glonțul lui la genunchi să trăiești maestre hei
Acest oras o pădure, o epidemie răpitoare
Despărțirea și împăcarea deasupra voastră numai eu
Dacă aș fi făcut doar muzică de dragoste
Ochii voștri intelectuali bună eu zdrobit
La toate meciurile mi-am îngrijit cenușa țigări mele
Eu o viață fără țigara mea a murit mult prea devreme
Fața mea paralelă cu pământul mi-am tras capota
Ne este teamă să ne gândim la cineva lasă-l să vorbească
[Versul 2]
Zgomotul nopții mergi deasupra mea
Nu poate fi deloc fericit javra a zâmbit la un os
Acum inspir zânele vezi asta la mine
Toți bani să fie ai voștri viață din nou te târăști
Acest oras o pădure, o epidemie răpitoare
Despărțirea și împăcarea am rămas la mijloc
Pentru a scăpa de zilele problematice
Am derulat înainte am ales greșit
Simpaticul a stricat sensul adică generația
Din ceastă cauză și micuțului de tine din audiență
Mătusă spune-i copilului tău să nu mai bea piatră
Mori pentru că nimeni nu a trecut de dereptate
Veniți pe urmele mele fiule așteptați
Sau urmăriți televizorul cu ură
plimbându-te prin cer cu golanii ai peticit o stea
Eu nu am vrut să povestesc nu ați înțeles
Ege Kökenli

Puiul meu Yağmurum

Versions: #2
Fara tine
Nu pot suporta atita durere si suferinta
Fara au nici-un sens zilele mele
Nu ma lasa,nu pot trai fara tine
Puiul meu Yağmurum
Micuta meaYağmurum
Fetita mea
Durerea mea


In the shadows of the tomb stones sprouts a lifeline,
its roots draw their strength from the decaying corpses.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
Cry mother, your love got cloaked in anger.
Cry father, your love was lethal.
Something that crumbles your sophisticated walls.
In the netherworld your gold will not be valid currency,
look, under the stone two are loving one another.1
In the shadows of the tomb stones sprouts a lifeline,
its roots draw their strength from the decaying corpses.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
Smile mother, your love lost its disguise.
Smile father, your love knows how to heal as well.
With cold hands your children are caressing each other.
Your hands are still warm, join them together.
High was the price of your reconciliation, keep it.
In the shadows of the tomb stones sprouts a lifeline,
its roots draw their strength from the decaying corpses.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
(How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.)
(How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.)
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
How beautiful is a flower that blossoms even in death.
  • 1. The Finnish lyrics should be 'katso kiven alla kaksi toisiaan rakastaa'

I eat up the mess on the dish completely ...

I eat up the mess on the dish completely.
Look, people, how bravely I protest!
Though I hiccup, but I'll become hard like a Rescuer,
And was taken for this idea to a detoxification centre.
There began to play the music for everybody,
And old and young accustomed to keep order -
Dance generally gymnastics,
But I - fell with momentum like lumberjacks:
Play tango - I dance squating.
A fish-day was declared - what are we sad about?
Whiting with butter into the throat - and we keep silence like fish.
Become cheerful: whiting salmon - fraternized,
There will come a bird-day - we shall fly,
We fall down - so spirits on the injury.

I've Always Sat Around Waiting

Versions: #2
Could you please tell me,
Out of curiosity, what it is that I mucked up
Because I've never felt so strange
At any stage of my life
Maybe I haven't told properly
I've saved everything what I had to say for the last
And I've never been so desperate
At any stage of my life
Maybe I haven't called up, maybe I haven't come
Maybe I've thought it was always the wrong time
But in the Mecidiyeköy metro station, in case we should come across
I've always sat around and waited
Could you please tell me
What the solution was for this situation
Because I could never pass this test
In any lesson of my life
Maybe I haven't studied hard,
I haven't studied the multipliers of a heart
And I've never miscalculated so bad
Any equation of my life

I walk

I run after you in case you come back to me
all hell breaks loose, you never heard of it
At nights and at daylights I dream about you
My sun get dark , and you never know this
Let the your bare fire to come to me
Let it to burn my sinner soul
Let it to destroy what is inside me
Let it to wreck me and pour my ashes to the air
I walk at night , I burn for you
Nevertheless, I know
You will never come back
Take your heart out of your chest and hand it to me
So my eye drops get dry to the armageddon
I gave up everything for you
If you know this , you would stay forever with me
Let the your bare fire to come to me
Let it to burn my sinner soul
Let it to destroy what is inside me
Let it to wreck me and pour my ashes to the air
I walk at night , I burn for you
Nevertheless, I know
You will never come back

Guru Rinpoche Mantra

I invoke you, Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava!
By your blessing, may you grant us mundane (health, wealth, success) and supreme (enlightenment, liberation) realisation. 
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

No Way Back

We were swindlers, we lied luck
and we performed miracles.
Our hearts were already cold
and clouds were heavy.
Alas, our mouths are mostly silent,
the words fall out dead.
The curtain is falling, the piece is missing,
There are no flowers and there is no applause.
Because there is no longer
a way back,
all that remains for us
is sadness and darkness,
we lose sight
of each other
and there is no longer
a way back.
Our path went through thorny hedges,
the wheel of time crushed us.
We let blood flow in noise and strife,
we both went too far too often.
Because there is no longer
a way back,
all that remains for us
is sadness and darkness,
we lose sight
of each other
and there is no longer
a way back.
No way back.
Because there is no longer a way back.

Mor pentru Turcia mea

Mi-am pus capul pe drumul Turciei mele
Mor pentru câmpurile și dealurile ei
Mi-am hrănit calul gri de-a lungul vremurilor
Dragostea raului mor pentru Turcia mea
Sunt îndrăgostit de inima mea este un foc
Timp de nouăzeci de ani a tras un chin mereu bunica
Umpleți fântânile Emine al meu
A căzut dintr-o mărgică albastră Turcia mea
Nunta mea, asociația mea, mătușa mea, barul meu
Pământul meu, pâinea mea, onoarea mea, albina mea
Durerea mea care îmbrăca covoarele,
Haybele* voastre de vroderie mor pentru Turcia mea
Ege Kökenli

Guru Ram Das Wahe Guru

Wise, wise is the one who serves Infinity.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

Just Listen To Me

Hold my hand, let's go from here
Just listen to me before say no way out
My wind has fizzle out, my fire has been calm
Oh, babe, I'm still mad
While you are not around it's not night nor day
Moon is not there, nor a star
Everywhere is dark and deserted
I can't see...

I would fall asleep if i go to bed

I was on the wrong side of the way, i got it after all
I have already bored from the light that comes to my face
I always kept wrong things in my mind
And I always forgot the wrong things
Maybe that's the reason why this life was so meaningless
And so that living is like an apologise
I have leave the things that i should say
I'm going but i know that I would fall asleep if i go to bed
I have leave the things that i should say
I'm going but i know that I would fall asleep if i go to bed
In fact, it was not important so, that
The World's turning speed was so high
That's like it, if the story is pretty, then it ends so quick
If you noticed, it's like they do it knowingly
So what if i'm a man so shy
If i can't make huge sentences flowery

Ölmemişiz/ We hadn't died

Versions: #4
We have missed so much, yet stayed silent with our stubbornness
In those days we hadn't died, though we've gotten a bit worn out
It's not like a man does not think
Not like he does not get upset
But it's my fault too
Come, not for me
I swear it's not for me
There's another matter
Exactly three years ago, we have met at a place known for its wind
Today, we have run into one another in our distinguished neighbourhood
It's not like a man does not think
Not like he does not get upset
But it's my fault too
Come, not for me
I swear it's not for me
There's another matter
Come, not for me
I swear it's not for me
There's another matter
Come, not for me
I swear it's not for me
There's another matter