Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 266
You Couldn't Stay
They asked about youMy friends, from always
They know that you left
And they wanted to know
If you're gonna come back
I told them: 'No'
It wasn't a see you later
A goodbye is not a game
And I heard it clearly
From your lips, my love
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
And I couldn't help to
Gift you a sigh
What I loved most
It was you and you left
I am left without you
You couldn't stay anymore, with me
That it was your decision, and to understand you
I can't punish you for not loving me
If I couldn't be your happiness
It was the best, for you to leave
If the limit of our sight is the vastness of the sky
You were the one that put the limit
When you announced your departure
No Need
It seemed to me, that there's no endTo my utter loneliness
And around me people are running about
But among them I don't see your face
Tell me, why are you doing this to me, I'm dying
In this stone forest without you
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
I got used to the inevitability
There were many words, but little tenderness
And it seemed to me, that there's no end
To my utter loneliness
Tell me, why are you doing this to me, I'm dying
In this stone forest without you
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
There's no need, no need
No hell, no heaven
Both of them
Are possible with you
I loved myself
It's my fault
Everything is different
There's no need, no need
Almost be Enticed
Versions: #1Jerry (talking): Mi Amor1 ...
It's yet again that, ... about you ... I dream,
'nd ... I need to tell you ...
Jerry (singing):
Look at my hands ...
... trembling like this ... for thee ...
... 'nd I know you tremble•for me !
Feel I the enchant of one night
between ... your arms ...
Come, and gimme at last ...2
... of your love ...
... of your heart & soul ...
Now is the time to be•happy !
Look at my eyes ...
... shinning like this ... for thee ...
I Wish you overly !3
Look at the peeps ...
... look at the Big City ...
... stopping for thee, 'nd for me ...
If they see•us to kiss ...
... smiling would say:
... 'What a pair of mads !'
(○ Chorus ○)
[to] Gimme a kiss•like this's ...4
... to go to Paradise ...
... almost be enticed ...5
Gimme a kiss•like this ...
... gives me•the calmness ...
... it touches my whatness ...6
(○ Instrumental bridge ○)
Look at my lips ...
... get close, a little more ...
... in a casual form ...
Bite a suspire ...7
Enjoying my neglect, come ...
Kiss me, without doubt ...
... no talking ...
... gimme more heat ...
Fill me of your luv ...
... that I need you ...
[to] Gimme a kiss like this's ...
... to go to Paradise ...
... almost be enticed ...
Gimme a kiss like this ...
... gives me•the calmness ...
... it touches my whatness ...
... you blow my mind ...!8
[to] Gimme a kiss like this !
That touches me till the whatness
'nd make me lost the calmness ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
What is hiding your lips ...
... I wanna discover ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
Drive me till the Paradise ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
'Cause I want be part of your sweet enticement ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
That your mouth on my mouth
I would like to have ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
Look how are shinnig my eyes
'cause I wish you, mujer ...!9
(○ Instrumental bridge ○)
[to] Gimme a kiss like this !
Kiss me•just right now ...!
... that speak the gens ...10
Gimme a kiss like this !
If we are crazies of Love ...
... that comment then ...!
Gimme a kiss like this !
I'm needing of your love ...
... fill me up of all your hot ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
That a doubt doesn't exist
... that this love is a lunacy ...!
Gimme a kiss like this !
Get close, pretty girl ...
... that to you, I wanna feel ...!
Gimme a kiss like this !
And if you see me tremble ...
... I'm trembling for thee ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
Cede me water from your font
that I'm thirsty of thee ...
Gimme a kiss like this !
Don't make dishearten me
gimme a bit-kiss, please !
- 1. Mi Amor puede reemplazarse por 'My Love'
- 2. Gimme es contracción de 'give me'.
- 3. Te deseo a morir = 'te deseo muchísimo', es decir, 'demasiado'.
- 4. • Hay diferencia entre dame (give me) y darme (to give), pero al ser una versión cantable se indica [to] entre corchetes para hacerlo opcional.
• This's = this is. Lo escribo así para aligerar la línea que le sigue. - 5. Almost be enticed = 'casi ser/estar hechizado'. Debería ser 'almost one enticement' pero se requiere que el sonido se aproxime a 'paradise' en esta versión.
Ver 'Comentarios'. - 6. Whatness = 'el Qué', 'la Esencia' de algo ~ 'el Alma'. Entonces:
Me llega hasta el alma = 'toca mi alma'. - 7. Bite es 'morder' = 'robar' en lenguaje coloquial de Venezuela, Cuba y Puerto Rico. Equivaldria a 'roba un aliento', o sea, 'toma/dame un beso'.
- 8. Nublas mi mente es aturdir, atontar. En sentido romántico: 'me vuelves loco'.
- 9. Se puede utilizar 'female'. Sólo he querido mantener el sabor latino.
- 10. Gens se refiere a un grupo de personas con intereses comunes. Se aplica a una sociedad. También se puede emplear 'men' en su sentido amplio de 'people', o 'streets' en relación al chisme de barrio o callejero.
How Many Times
Time has passed around hereSince that night when we lost the battle
And we chose the distance
Every day I wanted to repeat
Those kisses of yours that I missed so much
But I could not find anyone else to match you
And although I promised myself
To give up this feeling forever
It's still here, I never left
How many times did I have to be strong
Lie to myself that everything is fine
That I forgot you
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it
Sometimes even if you say no
You have a stubborn heart
And that simple is it which decides
And although I promised myself
To give up this feeling forever
It's still here, I never left
How many times did I have to be strong
Lie to myself that everything is fine
That I forgot you
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it
How many times did I ask faith
That when I see you again
I could convince myself
That I have stopped loving you
But I have not been able to do it
That They Burry Me While Singing
Now that I'm alone in this world,Alone, alone in this world wandering,
I don't care if I die one day,
I only want that they burry me while singing.
I've spent my life rolling,
I've spent my life drinking,
but I swear that from this day forward
you will only see me drinking.
One day I will go up and I'll give back
what the lord has lent me.
One day I will go up and
nothing will matter to me
the day I die.
And that day that I die
I don't want to hear you all cry,
What I want is that you all bring guitars
so I can hear you all sing.
If one actually loved me
then let it come from their heart,
I want to hear you all cry strongly
and sing to me this humble song.
One day I will go up and give me back
what the lord has lent me.
One day I will go up and nothing will matter to me
the day that I die.
happines advertisement
Versions: #1she added the story
tagged the august
her pictures consisted of
a happines ad
she removed her lipstick
in a hotel room
it's obvious that she left the past on the asphalt
she was so beautiful that
you would be ruined
she whispered a song* to that emptiness
she looked at the mirror and lit a cigarette
the birds typed her pain on the telephone
she said 'i've forgotten your voice' but
what kinda a lie is it**
It's over
I no longer know, I can't feel the tips of my fingers anymoreI wouldn't know how to say it
As for my longing, I ignore it and turn back to my fears
I have things to do
And what I am, where I am
What is left of me
It's over, it ended this very moment
It's gone
I'm not going anymore, I'm not walking out the door
Suddenly, I forgot how to live
As for my longing, my other half ignores
The voice of my desire
And what I am, where I am
What is left of me
It's over, it ended this very moment
It's gone
And my love is not coming back
Where has it gone?
Please, I don't deserve it
It ended, just a minute ago
It's gone
Poverty and Famine
Poverty and famine cameThat’s something no man could withstand
Horrible grief fell upon the land
Whoever had legs ran away in the morning
Children scream, women are scared
Whoever was alive yesterday is dust today
Even the holy men are afraid now
I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes
But we don’t care
So we’ll have a beer
And drink ourselves stupid like it was the last day
We’ll have fun
And party till the morning
So roll out the barrels and sit here for me
So sit here
And let them out
Show me your knockers
Tomorrow’s Judgment Day
So pour me a drink
Make the world spin
No one even knows today, after all
If Jesus shows up tomorrow or not
And if it’s not the last time
One Day You Shall Return
Versions: #1The day was hidden in a rose and it acquired the scent of the rose,
You've lived by it for so long and sworn by its beauty.
The snow is now on my face
Strigăt de război
Cuvintele duse pe jumătate, tăcerile obligatorii,Minciunile pe care le-au spus, ca să fure câte puțin.
Cât pământ au răscolit ca să ne demonstreze grandoarea lor.
Ceea ce au reușit cu adevărat a fost să ne amăgească.
Și ce milă provoacă! Nu ne vor mai vedea plângând.
Cât valorează ceea ce ești, cât valorează ce oferi...
Ne-au luat deja totul, dar nu ne vor putea lua
Speranța că într-o zi totul are să se schimbe.
Strig din inimă.
Cine se cred acești lași,
Care îndrăznesc să dea ordine,
Fără să știe cât valorează
Să te trezești dimineața
Ca să mergi la muncă,
Un sărut de despărțire,
O lumănare de stins,
Să-ți pui câteva dorințe,
Pe care poate le vei vedea împlinite?
Ce știu ei despre fericire,
Dacă nu știu să zâmbească?
Ne-au luat deja totul,
Dar nu ne vor putea lua
Speranța că într-o zi
Totul are să se schimbe.
Să îndrăznească să ne privească în ochi,
Să îndrăznească să ne închidă cu lacăte!
Am așteptat destul
Și nu ne-am pierdut cumpătul,
Pentru că tot ceea ce urcă într-o zi va trebui să coboare.
Să îndrăznească să creadă că sunt eterni.
Nu și-au dat seama că sunt bolnavi.
Căci aici vom fi cu toții,
Pregătiți să contemplăm
Decăderea poveștii lor
Și drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit. (yeah)
Drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit... (yeah, eh)
Să îndrăznească să creadă că sunt eterni.
Nu și-au dat seama că sunt bolnavi.
Căci aici vom fi cu toții,
Pregătiți să contemplăm
Decăderea poveștii lor.
Va rămâne doar amintirea
Milei pe care o provoacă
Și drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit.
Drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit...
Drumul lor ajuns la sfârșit...
BlessingYou too are a flower (Say it)
Delicate, sometimes hiding
I carry you in my heart, inside
Whether or not it has your name
And sometimes it's the reason (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
That in any moment I get bigger
I dedicate this song that I wrote with emotion (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
Whether or not it carries your name (Uh-uh-uh
Iubirea va salva lumea
Lumea, în care eu trăiesc, nu se va împărți în bucățiAtâta timp cât există dragoste în ea.
Nu știi în vise, dar în realtate cum este fericirea,
Împărtășești-o cu tine.
A fost odată o fată, cu împletituri aurii
Mirla foc și gheață, cer, soare și furtuni.
Știu parola, văd reperul,
Cred doar în asta, iubirea va salva lumea.
Știu parola, văd reperul,
Iubirea va salva lumea cu un râu multicolor.
La ora când sunetul este întrerupt, când pasiunile dispar
Iar Dumnezeu va fi auzit.
Lumea, în care eu trăiesc, nu se va împărți în bucăți
Atâta timp cât există dragoste în ea.
A fost odată o fată, cu împletituri aurii
Mirla foc și gheață, cer, soare și furtuni.
Știu parola, văd reperul,
Cred doar în asta, iubirea va salva lumea.
Știu parola, văd reperul,
Iubirea va salva lumea cu un râu multicolor.
Viața reală
Rândunica mea, ai văzut soarele doar la televizorUită-te pe fereastră, îți dau o rază, prinde-o!
Probabil că știți multe despre dragoste de pe internet,
Dar aceasta nu este povestea ta, lacrimile tale sunt în zadar.
Dar soarele strălucește pentru toți la fel
Și degeaba ai plâns, fata mea
La urma urmei, înflorește în afara ferestrei, aleargă (spre)
Viața reală.
Dar soarele strălucește pentru toți la fel
Iubirea trece sub diferite steaguri
Faceți cunoștință, deschideți-l, respirați!
Viața reală. Viața minunată.
Rândunica mea, ai văzut soarele doar la televizor
Uită-te pe fereastră, îți dau o rază, prinde-o!
Probabil că știți multe despre dragoste de pe internet,
Dar aceasta nu este povestea ta, lacrimile tale sunt în zadar.
Dar soarele strălucește pentru toți la fel
Și degeaba ai plâns, fata mea
La urma urmei, înflorește în afara ferestrei, aleargă (spre)
Viața reală.
Dar soarele strălucește pentru toți la fel
Iubirea trece sub diferite steaguri
Faceți cunoștință, deschideți-l, respirați!
Viața reală. Viața minunată.
Dar soarele strălucește pentru toți la fel
Și degeaba ai plâns, fata mea
La urma urmei, înflorește în afara ferestrei, aleargă (spre)
Viața reală.
Dar soarele strălucește pentru toți la fel
Iubirea trece sub diferite steaguri
Faceți cunoștință, deschideți-l, respirați!
Viața reală. Viața minunată.
I want weapons and ammunition
I need weapons and ammunition because I’m goingI too hate the fascism and will fight it.
I’m an Albanian girl, a mountain girl
My strength and heart are same as a man’s.
I’m tough like a man, in combating
I fire the rifle and bombs same as him.
The uniform same as a man-combatant I'll put on
I’ll grab the rifle and ammo bandoleer.
Will have bandoleer bag full of bullets and bombs with me
I'll ambush enemy in every path of its way.
The rosebush has thorns
Versions: #1With your love I was looking
for a love like I never had before,
like a toy that I wished for
since I was a little kid.
But it turns out that you're like everyone else,
to love you was a mistake.
Running away from my hands is
your rose, which is my delusion.
I was so far away from thinking
that you could be my punishment.
How much more will I weep?
Experience costs dearly.
I was so far away from thinking
that a love could hurt this much.
The rosebush has thorns,
and now my soul is crying.
Versions: #2E’en the crow is stilled
and listens to the loudness dance
of snow white stars.