Rezultatele căutării pagină 5
Număr de rezultate: 266
Lautari, step forward
Today i wanna drink
I wanna spend my money on all of them,
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
Lautari with money on their forehead
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will waste my money on them all,
I only want to have fun!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
God gave me good luck
I can even walk on fire,
God, give me good health
Cuz it has more value than anything else!
Lautari, step forward
I want them to sing in my ear!
I will have fun with everybody
I'm lucky and i have a long life!
May it always be summer
You pretend that things don't hurt me
That the storm doesn't break again
I believe each word that comes out of your mouth
But if you hide more than one defeat
I won't divine your skin
I know, you don't get along with my past
There are times that I tend to run
The song where I destroyed your armor
I have the courage to forget about my doubts
Put there are endings that I don't want to promise
Squeeze my hand, may it always be summer
Because our love does not depend on the times we say 'I love you'
It's simple, doesn't require much labor
Looking at each other's eyes and feeling that there is something
You turn on and I turn off the lights
There are tears that you aren't going to understand
If you light up, may it be all on our shadow
If illuminating it shatters us later
It'll be better to let it be seen
I know, you don't get along with my absence
There is no time that I don't want to return to
If your laughter, the most beautiful one of the fountains
Is the reason to extend all the bridges
I don't want to protect myself from your destiny
Squeeze my hand, may it always be summer
Because our love does not depend on the times we say 'I love you'
It's simple, doesn't require much labor
To tremble on each step while I come approaching
Looking at each other's eyes and feeling that there is something
Near the water
Near the water
There's a gipsy girl
And I love her very much
Near the water
There's a gipsy girl
And I love her very much
Oh mother, oh mother
Give me water mother
Give me water mother
Give me water
Oh mother, oh mother
Give me water mother
Give me water mother
Give me water
Near the water
She was sitting alone
She was waiting for me
Near the water
She was sitting alone
She was waiting for me
Oh mother, oh mother
Give me water mother
Give me water mother
Give me water
Oh mother, oh mother
Give me water mother
Give me water mother
Give me water
White snow, white snow, white snow, white day...
White snow, white snow, white snow, white day...
Where are you calling me to?
Hear it? There's a blizzard raging outside,
There aren't any people, nor cars, out on the streets.
There aren't any people, nor cars, out on the streets.
There's a blizzard raging outside, hear it?
Where are you calling me to?
There aren't any people, nor cars, out on the streets.
There aren't any people, nor cars, out on the streets.
White snow, white snow, white snow, white footprints...
White snow, white snow, white snow, white daylight...
I follow after you carefully,
Snowflakes falling upon us,
Stepping in your snow-covered footprints.
Stepping in your snow-covered footprints.
Snowflakes falling upon us,
I follow after you carefully,
Stepping in your snow-covered footprints.
Snow-covered footprints.
White snow, white snow, white snow, a white maple tree
White snow, white snow, white snow, a white dream
Your pink scarf blazing like a torch,
Here we are, you and I and the blizzard, out on the street
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
Here we are, you and I and the blizzard, out on the street
Your pink scarf blazing like a torch,
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around
There are no eyes, and no windows anywhere around...
Îmi iubesc nebunia
Mereu mi-au spus că sunt un ciudat,
ceva diferit de
Eram un visător disperat,
că am vrut dorințele mele să le realizez.
De câte ori m-au numit nebun
și poate puțin, dar nu contează,
dacă așa au spus
Am bucurie.
Tu ești cel care te duce unde vrei,
ceea ce decizi este ceea ce ai,
Nu-mi pasă ce-mi spun,
îmi trăiesc viața.
Nu ești un ciudat cum credeai,
există deja atât de mulți printre noi în fiecare zi
pictăm visele pe
Și asta ești tu.
Cu nebunie, îmi iubesc nebunia.
Pierdeți-vă sănătatea și mișcați-vă talia.
Dacă toți acei oameni ar ști,
Zâmbesc azi dacă mă uit înapoi.
Tot ce vedeam imposibil,
inima mea ar putea face.
De câte ori m-au numit nebun
și poate puțin, dar nu contează,
dacă așa au spus
Am bucurie.
Tu ești cel care te duce unde vrei,
ceea ce decizi este ceea ce ai,
Nu-mi pasă ce-mi spun,
îmi trăiesc viața.
Nu ești un ciudat cum credeai,
există deja atât de mulți printre noi în fiecare zi
pictăm visele pe
Și asta ești tu.
Cu nebunie, îmi iubesc nebunia.
Pierdeți-vă sănătatea și mișcați-vă talia..
Tu ești cel care te duce unde vrei,
ceea ce decizi este ceea ce ai,
Nu-mi pasă ce-mi spun,
îmi trăiesc viața.
Nu ești un ciudat cum credeai,
există deja atât de mulți printre noi în fiecare zi
pictăm visele pe
Și asta ești tu.
Am spus-o
Te așteaptă,
ne ajunge
lumina zilei,
că totul e rău
îl șterge
bucuria noastră.
O spun și o spun ...
Te așteaptă,
uite, că vin toate lucrurile bune
pentru a ne reaminti că ceea ce am trăit
a meritat...
Lasă-mă să-ți aprind speranța în
și într-o îmbrățișare găsești libertatea.
Știi că acolo lumea merge atât de
oamenii au uitat să viseze.
Vino cu mine,
doar cu mine,
să ne bucurăm după cum vrei,
am Soarele pentru primăvara ta.
Cu mine, eu îți spun,
ce contează mai mult, că vin vremuri de fericire.
O spun și o spun...
Te așteaptă,
ne prinde din urmă
Lumina zilei
că totul e rău
îl șterge
bucuria noastră.
O spun și o spun...
Te așteaptă,
uite, că vin toate lucrurile bune
pentru a ne reaminti că ceea ce am trăit
a meritat...
A meritat...
A meritat...
Vino să dansezi cu Oamenii Zonei,
dar de data asta cu Carlos Rivera...
A meritat...
A meritat...
Pentru că viața trebuie savurată,
Trebuie să o trăiești așa cum vrei tu.
Lasă-mă să te duc dincolo de granița ta,
sunt atât de multe încât trebuie să mergem.
Lasă-mă să-ți arăt că viața ne așteaptă
și că vin vremuri de fericire.
Vino cu mine,
doar cu mine,
să ne bucurăm după cum vrei,
am Soarele pentru primăvara ta.
Cu mine, eu îți spun,
ce contează mai mult, că vin vremuri de fericire.
O spun și o spun...
Te așteaptă,
ne prinde din urmă
Lumina zilei
că totul e rău
îl șterge
bucuria noastră.
O spun și o spun...
Te așteaptă,
uite, că vin toate lucrurile bune
pentru a ne reaminti că ceea ce am trăit
a meritat...
A meritat...
A meritat...
Vino să dansezi cu Oamenii Zonei,
dar de data asta cu Carlos Rivera...
A meritat...
A meritat...
Pentru că viața trebuie savurată,
Trebuie să o trăiești așa cum vrei tu.
100 Ani
Privește-mă în ochi, că te simt diferit
Mi-e frică de noi
Că această dragoste s-a terminat brusc
Amintește-mi din nou când totul era nou
Ziua în care te-ai îndrăgostit
Am spus că a noastră va fi eternă
Nu-mi spune că pleci azi, te rog
Că îmi vei distruge inima
Dacă îmi ceri să mă schimb, voi face ceea ce îmi ceri
Este uman să faci mai multe greșeli
Ce te costă ca să mă ierți ?
Jur că nu îmi voi lua rămas bun
Deși spun că nu există nici un rău care a durat mai mult de o sută de ani
Nu vreau să fiu primul idiot care verifică
O dragoste ca a noastră știi că nu o vezi în fiecare zi
O dragoste ca a noastră merită salvată, oh-oh-oh
Oh, chichi
Aruncă-l afară, frate
Hei Carlitos
Noroc, partener
Mexic și Columbia
O inimă, frate
Trăiască femeile
Nu-mi spune că pleci azi, te rog
Că îmi vei distruge inima
Dacă îmi ceri să mă schimb, voi face ceea ce îmi ceri
Este uman să faci mai multe greșeli
Ce te costă ca să mă ierți ?
Jur că nu îmi voi lua rămas bun
Deși spun că nu există nici un rău care a durat mai mult de o sută de ani
Nu vreau să fiu primul idiot care verifică
O dragoste ca a noastră știi că nu o vezi în fiecare zi
O dragoste ca a noastră merită salvată, oh-oh-oh
100 years
Look me in the eyes, that I feel you different
I am afraid of us
That this love was suddenly spent
Remind me again when everything was new
The day you fell in love
We said that our relationship would be eternal
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh
Oh, boy
Throw it out, my brother
Hey, Carlitos
Cheers, friend
Mexico and Colombia
One heart, brother
Long live the babies
Don't tell me you're leaving today, please
Because you are going to destroy my heart
If you ask me to change I will do what you ask me
It's human to make more than one mistake
What does it cost you to give me your forgiveness?
I swear to you I will not bear your farewell
Although they say that there is no evil that lasted more than a hundred years
I wouldn't want to be the first idiot to check it
A love like ours you know it's not seen every day
A love like ours is worth saving, oh-oh-oh
Versions: #1
No feelings
Only doings
No questions
Only endurance
No thoughts
Only service
No tribulation
No life
No life
No death
No nothing - only
Amintirile iubirii
Ai dreptate, cuvintele nu rezolvă multe lucruri,
Dar e cel mai bine, trebuie să comunicăm.
Până la urmă cazul nostru nu e diferit de altele,
Care s-au terminat prost, și trebuie să-ți mărturisesc
Că deși am suferit deja,
Nopțile în care nu vei fi voi suferi chiar mai tare, of, of.
Am nevoie să aflii urgent despre sentimentele mele.
Ajung acasă, nu te văd și vreau pur și simplu să plec în fugă de acolo.
Simt că singurătatea și liniștea mă îmbrățișează.
Mi-a trecut bucuria,
Numai amintirea iubirii nu trece.
Până la urmă cazul nostru nu e diferit de altele,
Care s-au terminat prost, și trebuie să-ți mărturisesc
Că deși am suferit deja,
Nopțile în care nu vei fi voi suferi chiar mai tare, of, of.
Am nevoie să aflii urgent despre sentimentele mele.
Ajung acasă, nu te văd și vreau pur și simplu să plec în fugă de acolo.
Simt că singurătatea și liniștea mă îmbrățișează.
Mi-a trecut bucuria,
Numai amintirea iubirii nu trece.
Of, of, of...
Am nevoie să aflii urgent despre sentimentele mele.
Ajung acasă, nu te văd și vreau pur și simplu să plec în fugă de acolo.
Simt că singurătatea și liniștea mă îmbrățișează.
Mi-a trecut bucuria,
Numai amintirea iubirii nu trece, of, of, of...
Simt că singurătatea și liniștea mă îmbrățișează.
Mi-a trecut bucuria,
Numai amintirea iubirii nu trece.
Haïku 8 Vera Jahnke
The passing the passing
Of Vera
In the clouds in the wind
Will Always have
For me the same look as
That of a great Swan slow and wise
In my autumn garden.
Not As A Friend
I want to look into your eyes
I want to talk with you
Tell you nice things
Real close to your ear
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
I want your immense love
And for it to be shared with me
And your heart of roses
To be interlocked with mine
To see you always in my dreams
As your man and not as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I don't want you to continue treating me as a friend
I love you, I want you and I'd love to have you with me
I'd like to look into your eyes, lose myself with you
Summer Flower
It's goodbye.
Believe me or not, it's the truth.
I see you've cried.
You knew about it, since when?
Summer flower, now... it's over.
An enchanted night.
Stars that shine brightly with light.
I feel tired.
I don't want to say a word, you talk.
Summer flower, now... it's over.
Perhaps I dreamed you lived happily next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
I thought that for you it was enough to get here,
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Pale fires.
We're two gipsies in winter.
The warm games
didn't last long
and the night took them away.
Summer flower, now... it's over.
Perhaps I dreamed you lived happily next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
I thought that for you it was enough to get here,
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Oh la la la la la la la.
Close your eyes and you'll always be next to me,
always happy inside my arms.
And you'll think that you have got here again
perhaps escaping from some shipwreck.
Pack Your Things
Why continue suffering
and make this agony any longer
I'm tired of giving myself whole and only receiving small pieces
Of a mere fantasy love
My destiny isn't with you
I loved you and you failed me
Why prolong the inevitable, I want you gone
Because I longer want to deal with you
Just pack your things so that nothing's left
I don't want you to come back with excuses and promises
I'll take any trace of you out of my mind and soul
There won't be any of you
And this heart which beats for you will finally rest
Which you so many times hurt and humiliated
And these hands which always caressed you
Now are waving you goodbye
My destiny isn't with you
I loved you and you failed me
Why prolong the inevitable, I want you gone
Because I longer want to deal with you
Just pack your things so that nothing's left
I don't want you to come back with excuses and promises
I'll take any trace of you out of my mind and soul
There won't be any of you
And this heart which beats for you will finally rest
Which you so many times hurt and humiliated
And these hands which always caressed you
Now are waving you goodbye
Corona 34: the frogs
a frog
into hot water
it stays
getting boiled
i wish
i could
this frog
but that
is sadly
just a
fairy tale
Ye Sons Of Men, In Earnest
Ye sons of men, in earnest, prepare your hearts within
The wondrous Conqu'ror cometh, whose power can save from sin
Whom God in grace alone, hath promised long to send us
To lighten and befriend us, and make His mercy known
Oh set your ways in order when such a guest is nigh
Make plain the paths before Him, that now deserted lie
Forsake what He doth hate, exalt the lowly valleys
Bring down all pride and malice, and make the crooked straight
The heart that's meek and lowly is highest with our God
The heart now proud and lofty He humbles with His rod
The heart that's unenticed by sin, and fears to grieve Him
Is ready to receive Him, to such comes Jesus Christ
'Twas thus St. John hath taught us, 'twas thus he preach'd of yore
And they will feel God's anger who list not to his lore
Ah God ! now let his voice to Thy true service win us
That Christ may come within us, and we in Him rejoice !
Translation by Catherine Winkworth
Știu că n-ai să te-ntorci
Ieri ți-am citit scrisoarea,
Însă doar pe jumătate.
Ochii mi s-au întunecat,
N-am putut citi mai departe.
Am plâns ca un copil mare,
Am plâns, da, de furie și durere.
De furie, pentru c-ai râs de mine,
Și de durere, pentru mine.
Pentru că știu că n-ai să te-ntorci,
Pentru că știu că n-ai să te-ntorci,
Pentru că știu că n-ai să te-ntorci,
Pentru că știu că n-ai să te-ntorci.
Vei fi ca o amintire,
Cu puțină miere și fiere.
Vei fi ca un nor
Ce-mi ascunde soarele.
Știu că n-ai să te-ntorci
Ieri ți-am citit scrisoarea,
Însă doar pe jumătate.
Ochii mi s-au întunecat,
N-am putut citi mai departe.
Am plâns ca un copil mare,
Am plâns, da, de furie și durere.
De furie, pentru c-ai râs de mine,
Și de durere, pentru mine.
Pentru că știu că n-ai să te-ntorci,
Pentru că știu că n-ai să te-ntorci,
Pentru că știu că n-ai să te-ntorci,
Pentru că știu că n-ai să te-ntorci.
Vei fi ca o amintire,
Cu puțină miere și fiere.
Vei fi ca un nor
Ce-mi ascunde soarele.
You Will Find (What You Seek)
You will find what you seek only in me,
only in me who for so long waits for you.
I will tell you the words that you want
and that so far no one has ever said.
You will find that need only in me,
only in me for I live without you.
No one can find
a step into my heart
if I never have you.
When you favor me
to live next to you,
it will light up my face
and I will find the way
to reach you.
And you will see that life then will be
happier only together with me.
And you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.
And you will see that life then will be
happier only together with me.
Eh, eh, and you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.
And you will not be able to find
another great love
if you will not be here with me.
Autumn 2
Open closed windows
Asian Luna moth, last one,
Temptation in love!
Era primăvară
Pentru tine
care din acea zi
mi-ai vorbit de dragoste,
în această seară voi cânta
cel mai dulce cântec de dragoste.
Era primăvară,
înfloreau trandafirii,
mi-ai spus multe lucruri
apoi, iubire, apoi iubire, iubire.
Amintirea acelor ore, știi,
îmi face inima să explodeze.
Acolo, în parc
noi doi singuri și multă dragoste.
Pentru tine
care din acea zi
te port în inimă,
cânt și spun:
'Dragostea mea,
te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc '.
Amintirea acelor ore, știi,
îmi face inima să explodeze.
Acolo, în parc,
noi doi singuri și multă dragoste.
Pentru tine
care din acea zi
te port în inimă,
cânt și spun:
'Dragostea mea,
te iubesc, te iubesc, te iubesc'.
Up to the mountaintops
You liked to wander away from me and you liked to run off alone,
the mountains enticed you as long as I know you.
You spent there many springs, many summers, many winters,
and I was in love, desperately in love, but not with them.
So I found the strength and courage to climb up there,
and wander with you and take a bit from their pride.
Even to sleep in the snow, to hide my tears, why, oh why, I know it today,
I was in love, desperately in love, but not with them.
Up to the mountaintops, where you can hear the wind to play (a tune),
To the region of rock towns and bird nests and stars and stray herds.
We climbed the mountaintops, you and me and I...,
everything seems so long ago, so long ago, so long ago.
You've stopped to wander away, and you won't make a longer hike,
and I'm not the lady who's driving your car right now.
And I'm still enticed by the dome of the mountains,
their defiance and the struggle with them,
All what left in me is the love, the wonderful love, for them.
Up to the mountaintops, where you can hear the wind to play (a tune),
above the line of clouds, up there, where the snow is afraid to melt.
Up to the mountaintops, I climb them alone now, only I,
and everything seems so long ago, so long ago, so long ago.
Up to the mountaintops, I climb them alone now, only I,
and everything seems so long ago, so long ago, so long ago.
Ai fost a mea o vară
Azi am văzut-o, din întâmplare,
Eu eram în bar, ea m-a privit în trecere.
I-am zâmbit și-am vrut să-i vorbesc,
M-a rugat să n-o fac, poate altă dată.
Poate altă dată, poate altă dată.
Dulce răsărit, știu că niciodată.
Cum să uit părul tău, cum să-ți uit parfumul,
Dacă mai navighează pe buzele mele savoarea gurii tale?
Fiecare tipă care merge cu o carte în mână
Îmi va aduce numele tău, ca în acea vară.
Ai fost a mea o vară, numai o vară.
Nu uit plaja, nici acea veche cafenea,
Nici acea pasăre rănită, pe care-n palme tu ai încălzit-o,
Nici glasul tăi, nici pașii tăi ce se vor îndepărta.
Poate altădată, poate altădată.
Dulce răsărit, știu că niciodată!
Early Spring
Versions: #1
I don't take for granted
any of what I have,
not even the slightest shiver, not now.
There's more oxygen
in my perimeter.
It's a symptom
plain as day.
I confess you're the main cause
now inside me
of everything good in there.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
you're early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the proof that
shows the effect you have on me
Our self-portrait
now... can't be without you.
It's a reciprocal
Because of this, air changes in my lungs.
Out of the rest, you are... you are,
you're everything good there is.
Ah, ah, ah... I know it,
this early spring.
Ah, ah, ah... the example that
shows how much effect you have on me.
Flowers born out of the bramble,
out here, they heal my mistakes.
Ah, ah.
Ah, ah.
Undoubtedly you're the maker
of this spring
inside me... inside me.
Out here... ah, ah, ah.
In our self-portrait.
Spring: Us people of the sea / My friend / Freedom is my woman / Two dogs at church
Us people of the sea
Know that
If you want to save
Someone who's drowning,
You'll be beat down
By him and by the sea
And perhaps you'll drown as well.
If the sea's there
We know that
It's best to be each in our respective homes
And rest
For the calm
Will be back, and then you'll sail.
The wave stays still, yet it always moves
And perhaps one day, like good sailors
Every man for his own, every man for his own
Will sail his own piece of the sea.
The wave stays still, yet it always moves
And perhaps one day, like good mechanics
Every man for his own, every man for his own,
Will fix up his own piece of the world.
~ ~ ~
From behind the wall, you stare at
The rest of the world
You speak softly, from afar
You don't understand others
And neither do I
And I pretend
To be sane.
In the darkness of the mind,
In the reality of dreams,
They walk together
The children of the Moon.
My friend, don't worry,
It doesn't matter,
There are no differences
On the Moon.
~ ~ ~
My woman is like freedom,
When she's not there,
I miss her to death.
Then when she's with me
I almost don't realize it
In the morning, I know
That there'll be a smile.
My woman is like freedom,
In my mind, I
Have always thought of her
Even when I
Still didn't know that,
Even when she
Had gone away.
My woman is like freedom,
Like a song you can always sing,
That cannot be quiet, that cannot end,
My woman is my song.
~ ~ ~
We were two dogs at church,
You and I.
And you, you've already left,
Ask Him why
There are many sad lives in this senseless world,
There are many horrendous stories in this wonderful world.
Perhaps He'll answer,
Perhaps even He doesn't know.
Wait for me, in a while
I'll come too
To lend you a hand, to ask why...
And you'll see that even there
We'll get kicked out.
Versions: #1
Lying on the couch in front of the fan,
summer 2016.
The air comes and goes but it always brings me your voice.
I threw my life to the sea when it was all over
and the only thing that didn't sink
was my collection of clippings looking at us.
I want to know on your door
even if no one understands it.
To be so close to you again.
Let me spend the night.
Let me stay here
'cause today's our anniversary
and I have no place to go.
Let's touch the sky like on our first time.
Let's celebrate tonight and I promise not to come back.
I've broken my manual on how to forget
and everything reminds me of you.
Tears leave but breathing hurts.
Lost inside the song The Girl from Yesterday,
that's how I feel without you.
It's late, I know,
but I want to see you again.
I want to know on your door
even if no one understands it.
To be so close to you again.
Let me spend the night.
Let me stay here
'cause today's our anniversary
and I have no place to go.
Let's touch the sky
like on our first time.
Let's celebrate tonight
and I promise
I come with a suitcase
full of living without you
but nothing on this journey
has ever made me happy 'cause
I'm late as usual.
It's always late for me.
Tonight I'm cold and I don't know where to sleep.
Lying on the couch in front of the fan,
summer 2016.
The air comes and goes but it always brings me your voice.
Mor să-ți fur
un sărut
Și pentru că îmi pierd mințile
Poate aș
Și îmi pierd teama
Mor pentru dragoste încet
Graba nu trebuie să ne grăbească
Ști deja că viața este o călătorie
Și vreau să mă bucur de ea
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Mor să traversez timpul
Dacă sufletul nu poate fi văzut
Dacă viața
Sau poate doar o amintire este
Deci, dacă memoria rămâne
Lasă memoria să rămână plină
Vreau să-l saturez contemplând ochii tăi
Și o lună plină
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Pentru tine
Mor să trăiesc
cu tine
Ce mi-a mai rămas de parcurs
Roagă-l pe Dumnezeu să schimbe timpul
și asta înapoi o eternitate
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Dacă voi muri
Dacă eu voi muri
Din dragoste să mor
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Și ca să mor, este din dragoste pentru tine
Dacă mor, mor din dragoste pentru tine.
The leaf lightly shakes
The gold-blue beetle feels it
It smells like the earth
What is ours, remain ours (Q)
Versions: #1
Only you and I know the story,
because you and I wrote it.
And don't let anyone come tell you something else ,
Because there are still people who hate those who touch heaven. (haters)
Only you and I accepted the journey,
since we met..
(not a literal translation but the next two lines represent the following to me)
Let the world come judge someone for loving the one they needed,
and who has no choice but to be
what was unexpected .
Breath slowly,
turn back time,
because Me loving you...I don't regret it. or 'I don't regret loving you'
What we lived (also could be taken as 'What we experienced')
was so sincere..(pure)
How much I loved you,
how much I love you..
how much I love you...
And who keeps what we built?
and what we destroyed?
Let that brave (unknown) person come
to erase your past.. (he doesn't literally mean invisible)
Come take away the warmth from the kisses
that my lips used to give
To fade away the days and nights from your bed sheets.
and then go buy themselves a life...(basically... mind their own business/ and go get a life of their own)
And what is ours ,
remain ours..
I don't regret loving you
What we lived
was so sincere..
How much I loved you,
how much I love you..
how much I love you...
And what is ours ,
remains ours..
I don't regret loving you
What we lived
was so sincere..
How much I loved you,
how much I love you..
how much I love you..
how much I love you...
Corona 22: Obfuscation
If a part of the Humanity
have to wear a veil
in Reasons of belief
gets a Outcry around the
'Free World'
If a part of the Humanity
have to wear a Mouthguard
in Reasons of belief?
Speechlessness prevails and the
Freedom drops
You just can't prove it
That its than normal
So you shift your Apocalypse
Till it's coming
As ordered
And your from the past
Are the from today
And the from the past
Turns today to a
As you like it
Te iubesc azi
Și atingem gloria,
eram aproape de Dumnezeu
și i-am mulțumit pentru povestea noastră,
L-am rugat să nu se termine niciodată,
L-am păstrat în memorie,
pentru că nimic nu este sigur,
pentru că nu știu ce se va întâmpla mâine.
Te iubesc azi.
Azi te iubesc.
Suntem plini de sărutări și lăsăm vântul să ne îmbrățișeze în
brațele noastre deschise,între timp sunetele veneau din mare și visăm cu ochii deschiși.
Ne-am spus: Te iubesc.
Am dat secunde care au dat mai multă viață eternității noastre.
Te iubesc azi.
Azi te iubesc.
Ferestrele au fost deschise
Și lași soarele să iasă prin hainele tale.
Inventăm un timp
una în care viața încetează să treacă
a anilor.
O vreme unde nimic nu se sparge, unde nu se ascunde nimeni, nici nu se teme de moarte, nici de singurătate.
Te iubesc azi.
Azi te iubesc.
Ferestrele au fost deschise și lași soarele să iasă prin hainele tale.
Inventăm un timp,
una în care viața încetează să treacă
a anilor.
O vreme unde nimic nu se sparge, unde nu se ascunde nimeni, nici nu se teme de moarte, nici de singurătate.
Te iubesc azi.
Azi te iubesc.
The Last Patrol of U-210
A submarine travels towards the North Pole.
The chin of the Captain with ice is adorned.
And suddenly comes a peculiar thought:
“This tower needs badly a hearth for the warmth!”
But waters rushed in, replacing the smoke,
Preventing the vessel to sail its north course.
The corpses inside looked all peaceful and pale,
In reaching the North Pole their vessel did fail.
Deep under the ice, so frigid and rigid,
All seamen had found the end of their mission.
With fortune and fame they’ll never be gifted,
They’re standing together in their last vigil.
The Kingdom of Whiteness had asked for high price:
The dreams of this voyage have melted like ice.
Today many vessels are passing this sight,
And stories are told when aurora is bright.
The Inuit elder doesn’t hunt anymore,
He’s making a fortune from telling old lore:
That deep down below the old vessel still lays,
And young boys’ laments could be heard on dark days.
The world knows such stories without an end,
But nothing of this we can comprehend.
'Let’s sail to the North, towards the land’s end.
The South is hackneyed”, - we jolly pretend!