Rezultatele căutării pagină 6
Număr de rezultate: 266
Aparent bine
Sunt aici, în fața oglinzii
Care-mi cunoaște adevărul
Care știe că dacă mint
O fac doar pentru a disimula
Căci mi-e dor de tine enorm
Chiar dacă n-o spun în fața
Dar e inevitabil
Să mă gândesc iar la tine
Pentru că ești peste tot
Chiar dacă nu mai ești aici
În ochii oamenilor
Poate par fericită
Aparent bine, că
Plecarea ta m-a făcut mai puternică
Că nu mai ești important
Că merg înainte
Aparent bine, dar sunt distrusă
Asta nu e decât un teatru
E orgoliul meu care mă obligă să mă prefac
Aparent bine
Am încercat să te uit
Asta deja am decis
Dar oricât aș încerca
Ești încă blocat în mine
Trebuie să recunosc
Problema mea e că nu știu
Să te las să pleci
Aparent bine, că
Plecarea ta m-a făcut mai puternică
Că nu mai ești important
Că merg înainte
Aparent bine, dar sunt distrusă
Asta nu e decât un teatru
E orgoliul meu care mă obligă să mă prefac
Aparent timpul
Te-a aruncat de pe pielea mea
Dar nimic din asta nu e adevărat
Te iubesc încă în tăcere
Și nu ți-o voi spune niciodată
Aparent bine, că
Plecarea ta m-a făcut mai puternică
Că nu mai ești important
Că merg înainte
Aparent bine, dar sunt distrusă
Asta nu e decât un teatru
E orgoliul meu care mă obligă să mă prefac
Aparent bine
Aparent bine
Aparent bine
Corona 12: The Great Mistake
I must confess, much as it pains me,
I almost emigrated.
I read New Zealand's death figures
My God - how I was wrong.
At first, I was white with shock
and then I was red with shame
A whole land full of corpses.
19 people are dead there!
How I underestimated
The dreadful pestilence
I wrote poems, frantically
Despite the clarity of the facts.
But now everything is so much clearer
And now I must beg forgiveness
Now it's so much more obvious to me
I hope you will forgive me
Tomorrow, I'll go - you can imagine
obediently with my mask, to go shopping
I'll make my way through a crowd of corpses.
Whoever is willing to see, they will see them too.
Corona 13: The End of the World
Corona hit us hard,
Only a few people are still alive,
But there's no reason for them to be hopeful,
The next calamity is looming.
An asteroid is coming to Earth!
On the 29th of April
Perhaps it will hit us
There'll be a big bang, and then silence.
We won't even be able to have lunch,
because it's going to arrive before noon.
So instead, should we ask
what's left to be done?
A face-covering would surely be useful,
as the impact will raise dust.
The masks will protect us from that,
but the noise will surely make us deaf.
So put cotton wool in your ears,
and your briefcase on your head,
since without that you'll be lost.
Or would a saucepan be better?
We'll do it together,
The authorities are already aware.
Death will not grab us.
We'll do it, we're ready.
In case we don't see each other again,
I greet you one all last time.
I'm going to a brighter world,
This one here was pure agony.
Corona 16: The Solution?
Mankind daily multiplies, you know,
them flying to and fleeing fro,
It's utter chaos, beyond compare,
How to reach out for the dream of freedom we all share?
And if we want to stay on this planet any longer,
We have to save our Resources much stronger.
Economic crisis, there will be more and more,
A fast solution seems to be the ony the score.
Freedom was my finest dream,
but in this darkness - can you still see it gleam?
To face this problem here, to ring the bells,
I focus on my body-cells.
Amany Trillions there are, they say,
And not one lives for itself, okay?
They cannot vote at an election,
but they are cells, so no objection.
The brain, dictator, defines the law,
else humans suffer, so I saw.
But brains get confused, quite a few,
which makes the cells run out of queue.
The drunkyard in drinking up his liver,
Even if it hurts like hell, he calls it a shiver,
Greed, anger, lust, and fear - to torture us - their mission!
Obesity, war, strokes, AIDS are their admonition.
The cells, who once lived so carefree,
drop dead like flies now, you can see.
I wonder if all the little, tiny cells
do wonder sometimes by themselves,
if all they've done was good at last -
making our freedom so enourmous and vast.
So, to diminish us as 'solely cell'
implies that every freedom goes to hell.
The Tenant Farmer Lady
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The market comes on Monday:
On Monday, she buys lights...
Lights! My, oh my!
The tenant farmer! The tenant farmer!
My, oh my!
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market! The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The market comes on Tuesday:
On Tuesday, she buys turnips...
Turnips! My, oh my!
The tenant farmer! The tenant farmer!
My, oh my!
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market! The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The market comes on Wednesday:
On Wednesday, she buys loquats...
Loquats! My, oh my!
The tenant farmer! The tenant farmer!
My, oh my!
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market! The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The market comes on Thursday:
On Thursday, she buys nuts...
Nuts! My, oh my!
The tenant farmer! The tenant farmer!
My, oh my!
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market! The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The market comes on Friday:
On Friday, she buys broad beans...
Broad beans! My, oh my!
The tenant farmer! The tenant farmer!
My, oh my!
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market! The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The market comes on Saturday:
On Saturday, she spends everything...
Broad beans!
She spends everything! My, oh my!
The tenant farmer! The tenant farmer!
My, oh my!
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market! The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market...
The market comes on Sunday:
On Sunday, she eats everything...
Broad beans!
She spends everything!
She eats everything! My, oh my!
The tenant farmer! The tenant farmer!
My, oh my!
The tenant farmer lady goes to the market!
The alarm on my phone will go off again
The razor will irritate my beard again
Priest Victor will officiate his mass again
The iron will burn my shirt again
But you and I won't be, we won't be
Smog will take over the sky again
The ice will break off the poles again
The traffic will get on my nerves again
The office worker will get dressed up again
But you and I won't be, we won't be
Love will be in fashion again
Your wedding preparations will start again
Along with my curses against fate
And that awful fear of the rain of rice
That will fall in your path
Uncertainty will keep me company again
The night will be longer and a little more chilly
And I'll wait for daylight to bargain with melancholy
The ghosts of what could have been will return again
So will the questions, so will that noise
I know the sound of anguish and torment
And it's a question of time
For the bells of oblivion to ring
Embraces will return to terminals again
Lies will return to the courts again
She'll call me afterwards again
Leave me out of her plans
To add insult to injury
I will hold you again, have you again
I will insist over and over to see you again
I will kiss you again, turn you on again
I will find you again so I don't lose you again
You'll see that I love you
Now that we're only looking forward
And we start our long journey together
For you I will try to become different
I'll learn to listend and I won't be the usual me
And you'll see, and you'll see that I love you
I never been so honest. Do you want more?
We'll go out to dinner once in a week
And then to dance if you still feel like it
And it's possible that I'll finally get in the kitchen
I'm gonna surprise you more than what you can imagine
There won't be missing reasons for you to laugh
And I'll dress in fashion like you wanted
And we'll make a party out of every moment
And I'll be putting in you all that I have
Come Back (If She Was Mine)
Like the water that evaporated
The coin that I tossed in the air
The smile that fades
The wave that the sea swallowed
Like romances in summer
The mistakes I already made
The girl who left home
You come back so unexpectedly, you always come back
But, as I had expected, you come back
When I thought you were forgotten
You come back always, you always come back
You come back so unexpectedly, you always come back
But, as I had expected, you come back
When I thought you were forgotten
Like the stork that migrated
And my voice on the cliff
That blow with effect
The leaf that fell and blew
Like all the good that you caused
The light at every dawn
My days of fragility
You come back so unexpectedly, you always come back
But, as I had expected, you come back
When I thought you were forgotten
You come back always, you always come back
You come back so unexpectedly, you always come back
But, as I had expected, you come back
When I thought you were forgotten
You come back
You always come back
You always come back
You come back
You always come back
You always come back
Like the water that evaporated
Heil, China!
Heil China, old Middle Empire!
Confucius was law and custom,
Laotse gifted pure wisdom,
You yourself brought us the culture!
And you were never seen weary
Even if we often had conflicts
You were even called dictatorship,
Because against freedom and nature.
You quickly saw that too
And you could understand wisely
That capitalism is good too,
If one is thinking about it ...
So you created the state synthesis,
What only a Chinese can do:
The exploitation, billions of times,
And that everyone is monitored.
The west holds its breath
Russia can only be amazed too.
We willing cultural barbarians,
Like to follow you (!) In large numbers.
Heil, China, ancient Middle Empire,
So hear my request here:
Give enlightenment through meditation,
So we may we lose our self!
Așezat la marginea drumului
Nu pot să mai stau așa
Aici, să aștept
Ca într-o zi, dintr-odată,
Tu să te-ntorci din nou la mine.
Dar poate că, o dată-n plus, se poate schimba
Această viață a mea,
Așezat cum sunt la marginea unui drum
Ce n-are sfârșit.
Privirea îmi rătăcește printre oamenii
De pe acest drum atât de trist.
Nostalgia de ieri care nu mai există,
Îmi provoacă plânsul.
Soarele îmi mângâie fața
Și am un vis,
Un vis de speranță,
În care te văd cum apari într-acolo,
În depărtare.
Iubire, vino repede, nu mai rezist.
Dacă nu te-ntorci, eu nu exist,
Nu exist, nu exist!
S-a schimbat vremea, acum plouă
Și nu-mi mai pasă de nimic.
Atunci lacrimile mi se amestecă cu ploaia,
Țipând că te iubesc enorm.
Caut înăuntrul destinului meu
Credința la care nu ajung.
sunt numai un rest de speranță
la marginea acestui drum.
Iubirea mi-am pierdut-o, nu mai rezist.
Dacă nu te-ntorci, eu nu exist,
Nu exist, nu exist!
Oameni, ținuturi, mașini, totul
Se confundă în mintea mea,
Și umbra mea a obosit să continue,
Și moare încet-încet.
Doar tu nu vezi că nu mai pot să îndur
Acest destin al meu,
Și mereu aștept, mereu văd iubirea ta
La marginea acestui drum.
Trebuie să uit că exist,
Mai exact să știu că eu exist,
Că eu eixst,
Eu exist...
La la la la...
Aici, așezat la marginea drumului.
That Love Won't Return
That love won't return
The one that you gave me
The love that I gave to you
Won't return anymore
I wouldn't want to lose you
It's very sad
It's necessary to set
The final point
We'll never return
To being happy
And now that everything has ended
How sorry I feel
We were torrents of love
Who, in order to unite
Both overflowed
Their current
Today we are rivers that
Are going to the sea to die
During a black
Stormy night
We'll never return
To being happy
And now that everything has ended
How sorry I feel
~ ~ ~
Today we are rivers that
Are going to the sea to die
During a black
Stormy night
We'll never return
To being happy
And now that everything has ended
How sorry I feel
Corona 15: Gazelle and Lion
How can we live with viruses?
Why not learn from the animals?
In Africa, there are gazelles
That leap, springing upward
As soon as a lion approaches...
At this point, I ask myself:
Why do they not bolt, full of fear
As soon as the lions even discover them?
Amazed, one sees them peacefully graze
But near them, in the grass,
There are lions lying, calm and lazy
And dozing with closed jaws.
Gazelles, who are really clever,
They know the danger precisely:
Only if the lion jumps up at them,
Then do they flee as quickly as possible – not until then!
The Goddess
A Goddess lives deep inside me.
She has withdrawn from this world.
She seldom raises her voice,
That allows me to produce a poem.
She's delicate like a butterfly,
No one may touch her.
When you catch her in a net,
It can lead to her death.
Only in dreams
Do beauty and poetry come to life.
Your imagination must be free,
And you need your space to live.
Only the young ones
Upon the hills the sun just went down,
Children already weave the dream.
We too are older since yesterday,
We dream of peace as well.
The wind went to sleep in the shutters
Awaiting for the first star.
We want to rest as well,
We want to sleep a bit too.
And only the young ones
Think that the night is a plenty of angels,
Think that the night, night...
Upon the hills the moon is raising
The children have already finished another day.
The time is running for us as well
And closes the mouth upon the dream.
Upon the pillow a tear is falling,
Like a dew in the flowers’ cups.
The earth is holding its breath,
The loves have fallen asleep on the roads.
To Vera
Versions: #1
She told me to come
She told me to stay
She told me to smile
She told me to die
I came
I stayed
I smiled
I died
Come and You'll See
I want to change my life today,
I want to do it for you,
I want to heal a thousand wounds,
so many of them living without you.
Take my life and give me your heart,
don't let it remain silence, let your voice be heard,
let the whole world know that you're here
and for all to respect life's right to live.
Come and you'll see, you'll feel its love,
a love that will move you, a true love.
Come and you'll see, from yourself awaken
the happiness in your life and in your heart.
For all the children that suffer,
I surrender my hands to you,
build with them a world,
I want a better world.
Take my life and give me your heart,
don't let it remain silence, let your voice be heard,
let the whole world know that you're here
and for all to respect life's right to live.
Come and you'll see, you'll feel its love,
a love that will move you, a true love.
Come and you'll see, from yourself awaken
the happiness in your life and in your heart.
Don't be swayed from so many lies,
let God's love change your life.
His light will guide you when you can't find a way out,
come and you'll see, you'll discover it.
Let's put our hands together like brothers,
may our voices be heard in a cry of hope,
don't let it die no matter how hard reality is,
not even you can change it.
Come and you'll see, you'll feel its love,
a love that will move you, a true love.
Come and you'll see, from yourself awaken
the happiness in your life and in your heart
in your life and in your heart.
On the green leaves
The sunrays dance
Warmth lies on the shadow
It will pass
I'll understand that as long as I'm alive
There will be a one-way road,
Forgive, forget and move forward
Always think that nothing is written
And that we have made the destiny,
Without hesitation, I know I can take it,
I know I can start over
The storm will pass,
It will bring calm
And what hurts today will heal
You'll see that this ending
Will be the beginning
And the best things can happen
And we will start over
And we will be back
They say if the night is darker,
It's because there will be a new moon soon,
Without a doubt, I know I can take it,
I know I can start over.
The storm will pass,
It will bring calm
And what hurts today will heal
You'll see that this ending
Will be the beginning
And the best things can happen.
That we'll start over
Without a doubt, I know I can take it,
I know I can start over.
The storm will pass,
It will bring calm
And what hurts today will heal
You'll see that this ending
Will be the beginning
And the best things can happen.
We'll be back, we'll be back, we'll be back
And we'll be back, we'll be back, we'll be back
(We'll be back, we'll be back, we'll be back)
And we'll start over
And we'll be back
Twenty Years
Versions: #1
Why care if I love you?
If you don't love me anymore
The love that has passed shouldn't be recalled for
I was the daydream of your life,
A day, very far from now
Today I represent the past,
I can't conform
If the things that one wants
Could be of reach
You would've loved me the same,
Since twenty years back
With sadness we look
At a love that's leaving
It's a piece of soul
That one rips without piety
I have a girlfriend
I have a girlfriend
And I love her
And try to always be with her
We go out walking in the street
I put on Aftershave
She makes clicking sounds
In high heels
Also in the busy market
She and I alone
We hug
And hide on the side
I have a leather jacket
And she has a soft blouse
Feel like a hero
Give her a kiss
I have a girlfriend and she is terrific (hot)
I love her in my heart
And when she goes
She always comes back
I think only of her
When I am with her
I am completely different
I dream of (owning) a car
And electric appliances
Because she has a nose
Matching eyes
A red smile
Like in the advertisements
She chews gum
With a mint smell
And with a red plastic fastener
Captures everything.
She puts on tights
With a “railroad” pattern
And metal earrings
Ribbons and earrings
I have a girlfriend and she is terrific..
I have a girlfriend, And I love her
When she cries
I am her devoted servant
Bring her coffee, a tray with cookies
Smile at her, making her laugh
Putting rouge on me
And I don’t care
And both of us together have
The same look
Love that she writes
With delicate fingers
And when she combs
She does soft movements.
I have a girlfriend and she is terrific..
April Hides Itself
She has azure voice, so
She is a little bit enjoy her own, quite aware of this.
She is such beautiful in front of me
Such beautiful that too heavy for me
She has attitude, manner so
It's like Istanbul of Sunday
Look, songs come to an end, April hides itself in pictures
Maybe you would be my heart's sound again
A lifetime passes, April hides itself in pictures
Maybe you would be my heart's sound again
She has azure voice, so
She is a little bit enjoy her own, quite aware of this.
She is such beautiful in front of me
It's like Istanbul of Sunday
Look, songs come to an end, April hides itself in pictures
Maybe you would be my heart's sound again
A lifetime passes, April hides itself in pictures
Maybe you would be my heart's sound again
You Will See
With great sacrifice I let you go,
my eyes bleeding from crying so much,
two years of waiting seemed like a thousand,
but when you come back, no, you are not leaving.
You sill see how I am going to love you,
You will see how I am going to kiss you,
You will see how with my trills,
I will make you so happy.
You will see how I am going to love you,
with the craziest and most heartfelt passion,
come back, by God I am dying
just for you.
You will see how I am going to love you,
You will see how I am going to kiss you,
You will see how with my trills,
I will make you so happy.
You will see how I am going to love you,
With the craziest and most heartfelt passion,
Come back, by God I am dying
just for you,
just for you,
just for you.
Mental, yourself
So you want to break me
It won't be a pretty sight
A grown man on his knees
Shirt in snot and tears
Before you cock your gun for good,
There was a couple things I wanted to say
Surely, you cannot have gotten
Any hugs and kisses in some time
There are those who destroy,
Who make deep wounds
I know of several rotten eggs
Who only think about themselves
There are gold and precious gems,
Heroes in secret who stay quiet,
Who always stand on own feet,
Who never get their applause
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it
And you've disappointed me
Now I hold grief in my heart
Pressed me against
My most inner gate
The load goes on your back
The load goes in the water
I miss Mom
And the cat from before
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it
See how my eyes run
My heart bleeds
'Mental', yourself
Come here and take a seat
You may pay no heed to it
I never opened my heart up in front of you
I never said what was in my heart
I was afraid of losing everything
The night's in loneliness, and filled with love's tears
That have now become a light
I'm telling you listen, you never loved me
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And now I'll cross my new path without you
Whatever was, I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your present anymore
I never opened my heart up in front of you
I never said what was in my heart
I was afraid of losing everything
The night's in loneliness, and filled with love's tears
That have now become a light
I'm telling you listen, you never loved me
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And now I'll cross my new path without you
Whatever was, I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your present anymore
Returning to my regular life gave me strength
I'm far away, I'm free
From the locks of love
You told me someone else was in your heart
Now I return your words to you and I'm saying
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And now I'll cross my new path without you
Whatever was, I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your present anymore
I'm not in your present anymore
In your present
Copywrite (©) Lyrical Myrical
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.
It Was Spring
To you, who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
and then so much love, love.
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'
The memory of those hours
makes my heart burst.
And, in the park, the two of us all alone
and so much in love.
To you, who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you,
I love you.'
It Was Spring
To you,
who on that day
spoke to me of love,
tonight I will sing
the sweetest love song.
It was spring.
The roses were in bloom—
you spoke to me of so many things—
then love, then love, love.
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'
The memory of those hours, you know,
makes my heart burst.
There, in the park,
the two of us all alone and so much in love.
To you,
who, from that day,
I carry inside my heart—
I sing and say: 'Love—
I love you, I love you, I love you.'
Party girl
They look after me coz`I am a party girl
I know the business I grow up into the big mafia
My father taught me how to sell the best merchandise
When I was 15 years old, they never celebrated my 'quinceañera'
They inherited the business and I earned a lot of money
Cellphone and beeper to look after the business
My father's friends taught me how to shoot
They want me well prepared for be the first to shoot
My gold pistol grips shine.
I run the business, I have my drug fields in Jalisco
Laboratory in Sonora, distribution everywhere
My hand don't touch anything, my triumph looks clean
I drive only new fancy trucks
I get what I want
I´m honest at work, that's why I don´t trick anybody
More than four say, one day they are going to steal from me
Whoever dares to do it, doesn´t know how my people will respond
I´m always with my bodyguards just in case somebody wants to get into a fight with me
Like the nicest mare I am coquette and so conceited
My enemies enjoy my leftovers
There is no man that can handle my freedom and my dens
In the famous 'Pharaoh parral' and highlands
Also at the 'rodeo' too, they know me everywhere
We will see each other, my good friends ¡'cocaine addicts'!
The Mountain Girl from la Vera
There in ,
A league and a half from ,
A mountain girl walks around,
She's tall, blonde and dark-skinned.
With a little shotgun on her shoulder,
While she's guarding his cave,
He saw a handsome fellow coming,
He's tall and blond like her.
Holding his hand,
She takes him to her cave.
–What are so many crosses for
As well as so many earth mounds?
–I killed nine men
Inside my cave,
It could be the same for you
If your love doesn't take me into account.
While she was asleep,
The fellow took off like a shot
And in the nearest town,
He reported her.
Four justice officials
They came to identify her,
The fellow was ahead
Leading the way, blazing a trail.
He saw her up in a pine tree,
Combing her long hair,
He pulled the blunderbuss on her
Then he put a bullet in her.
From the waist up,
She had a human body,
From the waist down,
She had mare constitution.
In my Land of Veracruz
In my land of Veracruz
I only want to drink coffee
A little bit of sugar and cane
To get me to move my feet
From the stalk of a banana
Of it's green and brown skin
I'm all in love again
I just want to see you again
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to see you
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to love you
In my land of Veracruz
I just want to hug the sea
See the night from a hammock
In the morning just sing
My legs enter the field
In the sand only dance
In a ship to give my dreams
And in my house to be lazy
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to see you
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz I want to love you
There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you
This distance makes me miss you
There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you
I paint melodies with your landscapes
With your landscapes of lime green
A guava rose that I'll use for love
A red yellow pitaya and the flower
Blue of your gulf for passion
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to see you
See you again
See you again
Coffee with bread
In my land of Veracruz
I only want to drink coffee
A little bit of sugar and cane
To get me to move my feet
From the stalk of a banana
Of it's green and brown skin
I'm all in love again
I just want to see you again
See you again
See you again
My land in Veracruz, I want to see you
See you again
See you again
And I Wanted You to Know
The moonlight is blinding the eyes
How you left me here alone
From the silence that you chose for us
You were the first one to lose it
We didn't know hard it is to live in fear
When we wanted to rebel, we wanted to do it together
We even gave up on happy endings
And I wanted you to know, you're my one to lean on
You're the only one that is real
There, inside a cage of happiness
I realize that those are my own screams
The moonlight once again is exposing [its?] eyes
Darkness is threatening to haunt me
And it's the wind that brought it to me
Maybe it came like a burglar
To save me from you
And I believed you, you said I'll have no fear
Just me and you, you and I are linked together
You didn't leave enough air for me
And I wanted you to know, you're my one to lean on
You're the only one that is real
There, inside a cage of happiness
I realize that those are my own screams
And I wanted you to know...
If I could sleep without dreaming about you
Another day passes, I learn to live without you
A door closes, I break the silence
And won't choose another even if a hard blow will strike (I've always wanted you to know)
Whatever happened, I know you're still there (Yeah)
I'm not waiting, I'm going out to the world
But even when you disappeared
I didn't stay alone
No, but I wanted you to know
There, inside a cage of happiness
I realize that those are my own screams
I wanted you to know... (You're my one to lean on)
There... (To sleep without dreaming about you)
Inside a cage of happiness... (I learn to live without you)
I realize that those are my own screams... (I know you're still there)
I wanted you to know...
I wanted you to know...
Gelevera creek
You left me and went away, oh
May God damn you
May no one take you
And you stay mine again
My beloved, your love
It scatters my heart
Didn’t you ever think?
That your lover cries like this
Gelevera creek, oh
Gelevera creek is between two mountains
May the scar of my blade
Never gets erased from your face
Ar fi mai uşor
Poate a fost lipsa mea de timp
Sau au fost toate acele tăceri
Pe care nu le-am lăsat niciodată să vorbească.
Poate s-a epuizat răbdarea
Şi ai uitat că eram pe drum
Şi n-ai mai vrut să aştepți.
Nu are sens să-ți spun
Sau să-mi spui că am greşit.
Ar fi mai uşor, dar nu
N-o să mă prefac că nu doare
Să ştiu că n-a fost suficient,
Să ştiu că oricât aş încerca
Nu pot evita faptul că s-a terminat.
Ar fi mai uşor să ne urâm
Pentru că e imposibil să acceptăm asta
Şi la tot ce plănuiam împreună
Trebuie să zicem adio.
Poate m-am pierdut în temeri
Am avut momente mai bune
Care nu se mai pot întoarce.
Nu are sens să-ți spun
Sau să-mi spui că am greşit.
Ar fi mai uşor, dar nu
N-o să mă prefac că nu doare
Să ştiu că n-a fost suficient,
Să ştiu că oricât aş încerca
Nu pot evita faptul că s-a terminat.
Ar fi mai uşor să ne urâm
Pentru că e imposibil să acceptăm asta
Şi la tot ce plănuiam împreună
Trebuie să zicem adio.
Nu are sens să-ți spun
Sau să-mi spui că am greşit.
Nu are sens să semnalăm
Sau să dăm vina pe altcineva.
Ar fi mai uşor.