Rezultatele căutării pagină 8
Număr de rezultate: 266
Look at me
Versions: #2
You pain me so, seeing you
So sad and so alone.
After flying so high,
How hard it is to fall...
You can't complain about your life:
You've been given everything,
You had a surplus of affection,
And you threw it away.
What surprises destiny gives us,
You left me to find another nest.
Today you return looking for a shelter
That I won't give you...
Look at me, I'm not the same as before,
This smile is for someone I love so much.
Look at me, it's a pleasure to greet you.
Today you live so sad and I am so happy...
You look strange,your eyes lost their shine,
The past hurt the man, I'm sure of it,
You were feeling like a king, the world was so
Today you've shut up and you're low,
who could have say that...
What surprises destiny gives us,
You left me to find another nest
Today you return looking for shelter
That I won't give you...
Look at me, I'm not the same as before,
This smile is for someone I love so
Look at me, it's a pleasure to greet you.
Today you are living so sad and I am so happy...
Today you are living so sad and I am so happy...
Persist and you'll succeed (1996)
I passed by your house yesterday
and I saw you sunbathing
eating hot dogs with mustard
with a glass of BOLS gin
and by seeing the apperitif
and by seeing you too
instead of having appetite
I lost it
So I went looking
for some Bach flowers.
But at the flower shop they said
'Sorry, I have none left.'
I passed by your house yesterday
to sing a song to you
you were at the balcony
and I sang it with the heart
and when I remember this
I feel like crying
you were with the walkman
playing the radio at full volume
So I thought DON'T THINK
that I'll get desperate
Tomorrow I'll come with a microphone
and an 800 watts power.
I passed by your house yesterday
and I glanced at you
next to the window
with a pretty nightgown
I went to buy a pajama
of that same color
and the Colon shops
were already closed.
So I went all over
from the Centro to Peñarol
and the only thing I saw was a weird man
who was wearing a baby doll.
I passed by your house yesterday
and I brought in a folder
my philately collection
in case they called your attention
but you weren't interested
about the Canada stamps
neither the Dominican
neither the Madagascar ones.
So I said to myself MAN
with some perseverance
you'll find
someone who will buy them.

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Instrumentul tău nemilos
Sângele tău, ca gheața
O privire, ar putea ucide
Durerea mea, bucuria ta...
Vreau să te iubesc dar mai bine nu ating
Vreau să te țin, dar simțurile mele îmi spun să mă opresc
Vreau să te sărut dar o vreau prea mult
Vreau să te gust dar buzele tale sunt otravă veninoasă
Otrava ta curge prin venele mele
Otrava ta
Nu vreau să rup aceste lanțuri.
Gura ta, atât de fierbinte
Plasa ta, sunt prinsă
Pielea ta, atât de udă
Dantelă neagră, transpirată
Aud chemarea ta și e ace și bolduri
Vreau să te rănesc doar ca să te aud țipându-mi numele
Nu vreau să te ating dar ești sub pielea mea
Vreau să te gust dar buzele tale sunt otravă veninoasă
Otrava ta curge prin venele mele
Otrava ta
Nu vreau să rup aceste lanțuri.
Curgând adânc prin venele mele
Otravă arzând adânc în venele mele.
O privire, ar putea ucide
Durerea mea, bucuria ta...
Vreau să te iubesc dar mai bine nu ating
Vreau să te țin, dar simțurile mele îmi spun să mă opresc
Vreau să te sărut dar o vreau prea mult
Vreau să te gust dar buzele tale sunt otravă veninoasă
Otrava ta curge prin venele mele
Otrava ta
Nu vreau să rup aceste lanțuri.
Vreau să te iubesc dar mai bine nu ating
Vreau să te țin, dar simțurile mele îmi spun să mă opresc
Vreau să te sărut dar o vreau prea mult
Vreau să te gust dar buzele tale sunt otravă veninoasă
Otrava ta curge prin venele mele
Otrava ta
Nu vreau să rup aceste lanțuri.
Some lyrics may have to be slightly adapted to make more sense, nevertheless it's usually still a fairly accurate translation.
I never opened up my heart in front of you
I never said what was in my heart
I was afraid of losing everything
The nights in loneliness and filled with loves' tears
That have now become
I'm saying listen that you never loved me
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And I'll cross my new path without you now
Whatever was I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your future anymore
I never opened up my heart in front of you
I never said what was in my heart
I was afraid of losing everything
The nights in loneliness and filled with loves' tears
That have now become
I'm saying listen that you never loved me
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And I'll cross my new path without you now
Whatever was I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your future anymore
Returning to my regular life gives me strength
I'm far away, I'm free
From the locks of love
You told me someone else was in your heart
Now I return your words to you and I'm saying
But I'm already different now
You'd think spring opened up in my heart
And I'll cross my new path without you now
Whatever was I'm leaving in the past
My wounds make me stronger
Forget it, I'm not in your future anymore
I'm not in your future anymore
In your future
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.
Song of the Blue Rose
Don't talk to me about the blue rose
Blue roses don't exist
Blue and pale blooms the autumn crocus
I don't like autumn crocus
Don't buy me a dapple grey
Dapple greys cost money
Don't get me a star from the sky
Wait till one falls down
Don't believe I'm going to cry
If you leave me alone
The old world keeps on turning
Hold me tight one more time
Quite Quietly Night Will Fall
Quite quietly night will fall from the distance
Quite softly it sings to us the song of the stars
Quite softly as if by a magic hand
In a fairyland full of colourful flowers
Quite softly there will be whispers and murmurs
Quite softly people stand there wondering
It sounds as if from a thousand violins
Quite softly, quite softly the night sings its song
(Quite quietly night will fall from the distance
Quite softly it sings to us the song of the stars
Quite softly as if by a magic hand
In a fairyland full of colourful flowers
Quite softly there will be whispers and murmurs
Quite softly people stand there wondering
It sounds as if from a thousand violins
Quite softly, quite softly the night sings its song)
Quite softly there will be whispers and murmurs
Quite softly people stand there wondering
It sounds as if from a thousand violins
Quite softly (softly)/ quite softly (softly)
The night sings its song
(Quite softly)
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!
Rumor, it´s rumor
The rain is falling, the rain is falling
Duško is mowing the grass
and I the little one, and I the little one
I´m alone in Bostan
The rain is falling, the rain is falling
Duško is mowing the grass
and I the little one, and I the little one
I´m alone in Bostan
Rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
maybe yes, maybe no
my heart keps the secret
Rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
maybe yes, maybe no
my heart keps the secret
A little cottage, a little cottage
here is our adventure
Dule comes, Dule comes
and he doesn´t know how to go away
A little cottage, a little cottage
here is our adventure
Dule comes, Dule comes
and he doesn´t know how to go away
Rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
maybe yes, maybe no
my heart keps the secret
Rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
maybe yes, maybe no
my heart keps the secret
In the cottage, in the cottage
there is no anybody else
I get wet, I get wet
the bed of straw
In the Bostan, in the Bostan
broken net
grandma heard, grandma heard
that love ties us
Rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
maybe yes, maybe no
my heart keps the secret
Rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
rumor, it´s rumor
that I like Duško
maybe yes, maybe no
my heart keps the secret
The spring kissed
The spring kissed
smoothly, the grove,
and the new green sprouted,
as a green haze.
Clouds were passing by,
over the juvenile field...
I saw the leaves trembling,
the fresh April's rains.
Under that florid almond tree,
all filled with flowers,
-I remembered- I have cursed,
my loveless youth.
Today, in the middle age,
I've stopped to meditate:
''Never-lived youth,
who will dream of you again?''
Just learning.
Ole ole
Dincolo de curcubeu, lângă stelele
Există o lume ce ti-o dăruiesc numai ţie
Dincolo de orizont, unde nu există frontiere
Există o lume făcută pentru a fi fericit
Ce mai fac, dragii mei „șoareci micuți“?
Eu sunt, din nou, ca să mă joc
Ole ole, ole ola
Ce se întâmpla, prietenii, ce mai faceți?
Ole ole, ole ola
Karina te invită să călătoresti
Ole ole, ole
Ole ola, ola
A venit clipă de joacă
Ole ole, ole
Ole ola, ola
Karina te invită să dansezi
Dincolo de orizont, unde nu există frontiere
Există o lume este creat pentru a fi fericit
Ce mai fac, dragii mei „șoareci micuți“?
Eu sunt, din nou, ca să mă joc
Ole ole, ole ola
Ce se întâmpla, prietenii, ce mai faceți?
Ole ole, ole ola
Karina te invită să călătoresti
Ole ole, ole
Ole ola, ola
A venit clipă de joacă
Ole ole, ole
Ole ola, ola
Karina te invită să dansezi
Ole ole, ole
Ole ola, ola (x4)
So Gipsy
May the wind continues to blow
until there is no air existing anymore
May only this ghost who I am feeling in you stays and nothing else
So gipsy...
May the sunrise whisper
May they pull me out at night
May the wet breeze brings your scent to the bed
So gipsy...
May the hours lie to me
May the days take me away
The small parts of the stretched cloth sketch your body
So gipsy...
May the branches remain silent
May the waves don't crash down
May the sound I hear again comes from your mouth
May there be no need of anything for me
May I have it all *
May the small sweet-smelling burning branches remind me your face
So gipsy....
Why did you leave here?
I miss your gipsy love
If you don't come back I can't keep going
There are lots of men who are desiring to be with me
Fluturaș de primăvară
Fluturaș de primăvară,
suflet cu aripi, care rătăcești
prin grădinile himerei mele,
prin grădinile himerei mele
ca un suspin de iubire efemeră
Când te depărtezi prin alte ținuturi,
du-i o rugăminte de adorație
celei care într-o zi mi-a dat iluzii
ce se schimbară în dezamăgiri
pe care astăzi le port în inimă.
Vreau s-o văd ca s-o sărut
cu acele sărutări pe care tu le dai
florii când vrei să-i furi mierea
ca să te îmbeți, ca mine de iubire.
Fluturaș de primăvară,
suflet cu aripi, dacă o vezi,
spune-i prietenei să se întoarcă
la grădinile himerei mele,
că poate tu n-ai să revii vreodată.
Today, nothing can stop us
This is our night (Show me)
If you can please me
And you are as sexy as they say, then show me
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
They’ve told me a lot of things about her
And I want to see all these things
If she really moves in the bed like everyone says
I want to have her
I wanted to have her before I even saw her
That devil still isn’t mine
And I already feel like I don’t want to lose her
I want to be a part of her horniness
I have a thousand ways to make you come
Everything’s easy with me, ask for what you want
With you, everything is considered, baby, I don’t fail
Is someone disagrees, calmly, I’ll shut it down myself
And to go in search of all of this, I moved from PR
And I stayed in Medallo because...
We haven’t done it yet and I already want it again
Curiosity kills and with you I’m dying
I know that you’ve already been told the same thing about me but until we do it...
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
You’ve got me thinking about all of the things I want to do to you
And I’m here imagining things that you wouldn’t believe
And if you give me the opportunity, I’ll be your best necessity
And it depends on what you give me
I’ve been told that you have initiative
It’s a sin how good you look
Do things to me that make me write to you again tomorrow
If you see me, it’s true that you have initiative
It’s a sin how good you look
Do things to me that make me write to you again tomorrow
I’ve been told that you
Move in the bed like a stripper
I just talk and I make you get wet
With me it’s easy, don’t get complicated
Andy Rivera
What’s up Andy
From PR to Medallo you heard the ones that never fail
The rude boys...
Primavara prematura
Nimic nu presupun,
nimic din ceia ce am,
nici cel mai mic fior, acum nu
Este mai mult oxigen
in perimetrul meu
este un simptom
foarte clar
Recunosc...esti cauza a mea primara
acum in mine
din tot bunul ce este
esti primavara prematura
ah-a-a-a dovada ce
demonstreaza ce efect ai asupra mea
pentru ca...
Autoportreul nostru
deja... nu depinde de tine
este un cintec
Pentru aceasta se schimba aerul in plamini
totusi tu esti...esti
esti tot bunul ce este
esti primavara prematura
ah-a-a-a dovada ce
demonstreaza ce efect ai asupra mea
pentru ca...
Florile...ce nasc din maracini
aici afara lasa cictarici... greselele mele
ah-a-a-a ah-a-a-a
Fara nici o indoiala esti tu arhitectul
de aceasta primavara ce este
in mine
aici afara
in autoportretul de noi doi.
Because of Contempt
These days, when you wake up,
Crawling out of your bed
And you go out through the door
And there's the smell of flowers
Mostly decayed ones from the garbage
When anger comes, often desperation follows,
It ties you up and never lets go
Then you run, faster and faster,
Because your Mind can not help it
Feel how the carotid artery tenses - Every muscle cramps
More hate
More anger
These days, when you wake up,
Crawling out of your bed
And you go out through the door
And there's the smell of flowers
Mostly decayed ones from the garbage
When anger comes, often desperation follows,
It ties you up and never lets go
Then you run, faster and faster,
Because your Mind can not help it
You're My Man
We'd walked along the beach
Reading without words
All this world and each other
And autumn wasn't coming yet
And the sun was to set yet
And our thoughts spinning around
That from now on you and I
Were one whole
An unsplittable whole
That we'd never be
The same as before
I said to you with fond affection
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
The man I love
Along the beach
We'd been walking as if for a thousand years
We'd been searching for each other
As if there were only two of us
On this vast planet
And our thoughts spinning around
That from now on you and I
Were one whole
An unsplittable whole
That we'd never forget this moment
That happiness was there
And what's after - who cares?
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
The man I love
And the warms waves
Erasing footprints on the sand
Suddenly subdued, remember?
I had never felt better
Anywhere, ever or with anyone else.
I'm asking you for one thing only
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars
Keep me safe from lies
Don't veil my soul with mists
Then I'll always be part of your life
You're written in my stars, you're my man (х2)
Call out my name
And I shall come, so beautiful and strong
The man I love
Call out my name
And I shall come, so beautiful and strong (х2)
I've had enough of ugly figures
Radio voices with polyps
The kind that is suddenly everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
I've grown tired of Agnetas ,
wide jeans, irony and braids
All of a sudden you see them everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
Almost dead
Some things should always be hidden in snow
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
I get sick from the politically correct
I hate people with comfort defects
All of a sudden you see them everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
I get the plague from stand-up types
They're on the list of people I'd rather strangle
The kind that is suddenly everywhere, everywhere, everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
Almost dead
Some things should always be hidden in snow
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
They are everywhere
Tomorrow will arrive
I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer ether
But you, you have to go out a little, de-you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
It is true that life is not easy, but there is nothing simpler
I go and you say you're not wrong when you say wi-fi
Since you're not wrong attached to 'I'm wi-fi
You knew that I was waiting for you
Ask me what I did while you were not there
If you can not be perfect
What is love if there is no respect
I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer the ether, the blue sky
But you, you have to go out a little, de-you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
Like light in the trees
Eyes closed and alive in half
Tomorrow will arrive
I know you would die without the internet
You stay awake, it's like watching a movie
When you already know how it will end, how it will end, how it will end
And your life slips
I know it's not easy to resist
My fault or yours but it ends here
And there's no more what you wanted, what you owe me
Without making cries
What you break, you take it
If you want to save yourself, try now
With your words I will write a verse
And do not tell me you regret it
No, no, no, no
I know you would die without the internet
But for me, I prefer ether
But you, you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little, you have to go out a little
And breathe a moment
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
As a point between the corners
The eyes, his smile in half
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Tomorrow will arrive
Everything sounds stronger than before
And I will watch the moon shining in the city
Today I want to lose myself
Like light in the trees
Eyes closed and alive in half
Tomorrow will arrive
My modern art
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
And if you liked my job, I'll be happy if you mention me.
What Will Save You
Take care of yourself
and make use of what you have,
cut out the time you want
for what you will rebuild,
that you, sometimes, live in apnea
and, from the bottom, you look for a way,
a place where to find yourself
covered with happiness,
an under the skin explosion
in which you didn't believed any more,
that you, sometimes, live in apnea
as if you had never breathed.
Sheets to burn,
cuts to sew,
crumbs of news,
letters of excuses,
canvases to fill,
days to lose yourself,
hearts to set on fire,
turns to dispose,
pieces of normality,
phrases to finish,
before letting go
what will save you?
Take care of yourself,
surprise yourself with what you are,
bury the love you have
for the time when you will find it again
spat out by the tide
as if you had never breathed it.
Sheets to burn,
cuts to sewing,
crumbs of news,
letters of excuses,
canvases to fill,
days to lose yourself,
hearts to set on fire,
turns to dispose of,
pieces of normality,
phrases to finish,
before letting go
what will save you.
A place where to find oneself
covered with happiness,
an under the skin explosion
in which you never believed,
Sheets to burn,
cuts to sew,
crumbs of news,
letters of excuses,
canvases to fill,
hearts to set on fire,
turns to dispose of,
pieces of normality,
phrases to finish,
before letting go
what will save you?
What will save you?
What will save me?
All translations are copyrighted. Copying is allowed only with proper credit given.
Tutte le traduzioni sono di mia proprietà. Copiare è consentito esclusivamente per uso personale e di studio, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini commerciali e con giusto credito dato.
She is everywhere
You don't want to be longing
And there she passes by
Can you make her turn around
Is it a fantasy?
Take the chance while you're alive
Yes, she will love you with the life that you're given
She sees you
She will heal every wound
You can be someone's everything
And you can share sweet moments and every tear
She hears you
She can decipher your tracks
She is everywhere
Uncertainty disturbs
Will she be here
When it feels like that, and give you peace?
The anxiety becomes overwhelming
But she is the one you need
When you're drifting
Stop hesitating, commit yourself, you're just being stupid now
She will love you with the life that you're given
She sees you
She will heal every wound
You can be someone's everything
And you can share sweet moments and every tear
She hears you
She can decipher your tracks
She is everywhere
Yes, she will love you with the life that you're given
She sees you
She will heal every wound
You can be someone's everything
And you can share sweet moments and every tear
She hears you
She can decipher your tracks
She is everywhere
She is everywhere
She is everywhere
She is everywhere
She is everywhere
Day of wrath and doom impending
David's word with Sibyl's blending
Heaven and earth in ashes ending
Oh, what fear...
Ma vei gasi
Fara discursuri, fara drame intre noi
Iti torn de baut, pune un disc daca vrei.
Nu-ti voi da sfaturi, nu servesc.
Am facut deja foarte multe greseli, daca nu stii.
Ma vei gasi langa tine,
oricare ar fi alegerea pe care acum o vei face,
eu nu te voi parasi.
Cate otravuri au imprastiat intre noi,
tu nu da importanta, daca inca il vrei.
Jicnirile, parerile de rau si acuzele nu conteaza.
Niciunul dintre noi cauta scuze, daca nu stii.
Ma vei gasi, langa tine,
oricare ar fi calea pe care o vei lua.
Te vei intoarce si ma vei vedea,
eu voi fi, daca intr-o zi vei avea nevoie de mine.
Intre noi, este o lupta zilnic,
dar nimeni nu invinge.
Oh, nu. Tu stii, daca nu este cale de intors
cand te vei razgandi, ma vei gasi.
Ma vei gasi, alaturi de tine,
oricare ar fi alegerea pe care acum o vei face
te vei intoarce si ma vei vedea
eu voi fi, daca intr-o zi vei avea nevoie de mine
Ma vei gasi, langa tine,
oricare ar fi alegerea pe care acum o vei face
eu nu te voi parasi niciodata, oh, da
eu nu te voi parasi niciodata, nu te voi parasi niciodata...
I Lost My Friend
I lost my friend, so small
I lost my friend
In a forest of shrub oaks, so small
In a forest of shrub oaks
So small, so small, so small…
Oh, what will I do
I’m nothing but a scatterbrain
I always lose what’s mine
I’m just a nitwit.
I lost my shoe, so flimsy
I lost my shoe
At the top of an apple tree, so flimsy
At the top of an apple tree
So flimsy, so flimsy, so flimsy
I lost my suckling pig, so small
I lost my suckling pig
In the stomach of a dragon, so small
In the stomach of a dragon
So small, so small, so small
I lost my bird, so easily
Up there in the sky, so easily
Up there in the sky
So easily, so easily, so easily
I lost my mammoth, gobble-gut
I lost my mammoth
On a soccer field, gobble-gut
On a soccer field
Gobble-gut, gobble-gut, gobble-gut
I lost my cardboard box, all brown
I lost my cardboard box
At the bottom of my bag, all brown
At the bottom of my bag
All brown, all brown, all brown
Happy summer
I write you this letter to tell you
that in these ten days
we're having a sensational time.
The place is very pretty, the house is big
we like it a lot
and it's just two blocks away from the sea.
When we get up early we hurry
we go to the beach
we want the sun to start to burn us.
And after a while when we can't stand it
playing races
we go to the water to refresh.
Happy summer, how pretty os to live.
Sunny days with lots of laughing.
Happy summer, how pretty os to live.
My good friend, I wish you were here today.
On cloudy days, with some friends
we go to the movies,
we do horse riding and skate.
It's all so pretty but I miss you so much
dear friend
I hope you write me soon.

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I'll Strangle
Your love plays with in me,
You make my bold run cold, I don't understand how.
But still I hold myself up,
It's the last sigh, you drove me mad
I cannot tell you 'Stop!',
It's not hard, but everything is not that simple
I'm losing thoughts, head spinning,
And in this sense I know I'm right
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you.
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you
I realized there's no point in playing,
In you eyes is the disered answer.
I'll tame you for sure,
I just want to be in your arms.
I cannot tell you 'Stop!',
It's not hard, but everything is not that simple
I'm losing thoughts, head spinning,
And in this sense I know I'm right
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you.
I'll go, but simultaneously I'll feel sorry.
I'll return, I'll apologize.
In my arms you'll warm up.
And if not, I'll stragle you
Our Orthodox Faith
The eternal faith, the old faith,
The faith of our sacred emperors,
The eternal faith, the glorious faith,
Our Orthodox Faith! The faith of the regiment and princes,
And national knights.
The eternal faith, the glorious faith,
Our Orthodox Faith! It has given birth to knights,
And it has raised the saints.
The eternal faith, the glorious faith,
Our Orthodox Faith!
It melts our heart, it nerves our will
How could search for faith better than this?
The eternal faith, the glorious faith,
Our Orthodox Faith!
This religion is good to soul
It shines to a human mind.
The eternal faith, the glorious faith,
Our Orthodox Faith!
It enlightened the Serbian people,
It illuminated the Serbian land.
The eternal faith, the glorious faith,
Our Orthodox Faith!
It enlightened the Russian people,
It illuminated the Russian land.
The eternal faith, the glorious faith,
Our Orthodox Faith!
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!
Hug me and you'll see
Versions: #4
Don't tell me what you think
I believed that I know it
Just look at me for a moment
And I'll guess
How difficult it was to loved us
And to stop loving us
And at the end of the way
Meet again
In your eyes there is no secrets
I can see it
You always had the world
That made me feel that good
How difficult it was to love us
And to love again
If it's true love
Everything can happen
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Since I saw you
Now take my end
I don't want to wait
I feel wind on our wings
Let's fly
And how well it feels to love you
When you're by my side
And how beautiful it's to look at you
And hug you one more time
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Stay with me
Step by step on the way
I'm going to make you happy
And fear is forbidden
Hug me and you'll see
That you're what I need
And I can't found how to say
That's you're giving light to my life
Because you're my energy
You're giving light to my life
Since I saw you
Since I saw you
Since I saw you
Haide, iubito, nu vrei să pleci,
Coborând spre sud, vorbind despre Mexic.
Drept prin junglă, afară, la mare,
Ne vom distra dacă zbori departe cu mine.
Ca într-un film vechi, alb-negru,
Ne vom îndrăgosti în mijlocul nopții.
Eu și cu tine, în Veracruz,
Fă ce vrei, în Veracruz.
Haide, iubito, nu vrei să vii
În oraș, oameni mișcânduse spre tobe.
Cantina Rosei nu se oprește niciodată
Bând cerveza, petreceri cu oameni până când cad,
Uita de rufe, uita de ploaie
Vom atinge Raiul la șapte și jumătate.
Eu și cu tine, în Veracruz,
Fă ce vrei, în Veracruz.
Viente Anos
Why does it matter to you that I love you
If you don't want me now?
Love that is already passed
One doesn't have to remember.
I was your life's daydream
A day far away
Today I am the past
I can't change.
If the things one wants
One could have
You would want me the same way
As twenty years ago.
We look with such sadness
At a love that has left us
It is a piece of the soul
That one rips out, pitiless.
What can I say when I'm looking at you this way?
There's nothing I like more than being naked,
just after making love,
when we listen to this song looking at the ceiling.
This song that wonders if this is true,
that wonders if this is crazy,
that says you've already hanged your armor
at my gates.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
My room is enough for the two of us,
the same sun is enough for the whole universe.
Sometimes everything's so normal, so quiet,
I don't think I've ever saw me before, now I look me when I see you.
And then I make me a cup of tea
and I play the guitar,
you stay asleep
and I make you this song so you can be calm.
Days of springtime love,
humans that are sentimental.
Time for bipolarity:
I'm unstable, but you know I love you.
Days of springtime love,
nobody ever loved me in such a real way before,
you're the best thing ever happened to me
even if I know I can be insufferable.
Sometimes I feel so tired
and I go to bed to lie down.
Sometimes life bores me so,
you make my days more beautiful.
My pleasure is
My pleasure is
¿And who it will take from me?
Only God from heaven takes it away from me,
My pleasure is.
Loving you, young girl,
Play it,
Play it, that, after all, my pleasure is.
But, young girl,
I've still continue loving you,
My pleasure is.
But 'chaparrita',
I've still continue loving you,
Wherever you are.
And even if I get shot
Play it,
Play it, that, after all, my pleasure is.
Blestemata primavara
Dorinta de a se imbratisa si apoi
vin alb, flori si cantece de demult.
Si radeau de noi -
Ce incurcatura era,
blestemata primavara!
Ce ramine de un vis erotic daca
la trezire a devenit un poem?
Daca fara tine
nu stiu ce sa mai fac
ca si cum nu ar fi fost dragoste,
daca din greseala
inchid ochii si ma gandesc la tine...
Daca pentru a ma indragosti din nou
te vei intoarce, blestemata primavara,
ce incurcatura daca
pentru a ma indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era,
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era
daca ma raneste doar pe mine?
Ce ramane inauntrul meu?
Din dezmierdarile care nu ating inima.
Stele,una singura este
care-mi poate da
masura unei iubiri
daca din greseala
inchizi ochii si te gandesti la mine.
Daca pentru a ma indragosti din nou
te vei intoarce, blestemata primavara,
ce incurcatura daca
pentru a se indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era,
blestemata ca mine...
Lasa-ma sa cred
ca si cum nu ar fi fost dragoste
dar din greseala
inchizi ochii si te gandesti la mine!
Ce intereseaza daca
pentru a se indragosti e suficienta o ora?
Ce graba era,
blestemata primavara?
Ce graba era -
Si tu si eu stiam!
A Reply to the Insult
'Want to play with insults, my boy? Here is your reply '
I received that letter,
The one in which you mention my mother.
I come to tell you in your face
Go rechi ...
You and your mom
I broke up with you
Because you’re a coward.
Well, it’s in your nature,
Just like your father.
You supposedly loved me
Yet, you’ve never loved anyone
And for that and your lies
Go and damn your mother.
To show you I have a dog,
This afternoon I'll send it over,
To pee large puddles,
so you and your mom can sink
'And put a life jacket on the old hag, so the fool doesn’t drown?' Go Sonora,
Boss Lady! Don’t get offended mommy you were the one who said
you no longer feel it.'
I accept insults on the four o'clock hour in the afternoon
As for the other twenty-three hours
Why don’t you go and damn your mother.
To show you there are no bad feelings
I want to give you a woodie,
So you can beat up
the piñata that is your mom.
Hit it, hit it, hit it, the old pump
Hit it, hit it, hit it, the old pump
This verse is for your grandmother
And those who carry your blood
hold hands together
and damn you all