Rezultatele căutării pagină 9
Număr de rezultate: 266
Belief and Hope
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
You can not hide from love ...
Faith and hope love with you between. Love without clothes, give me tenderness. My heartbeat - your resistance.
Useless, useless.
And I know all of us two.
Do not say anything, please
You can not hide from love ...
And I like the air you breathe.
Now you're free to fly anywhere. Aimlessly, but do not look back
Now you're free to fly anywhere. You can not hide from love, is useless.
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
We are in the risk zone, closer than close. We overnight, more than happiness. It is within 3 mm above the sky.
Wherever I was, wherever you were not. Unrelenting, love.
Do not beat me, an invincible love. You Take me.
Unexplained love, unforgiving, love.
Unexplained, invincible.
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
You can not hide from love ...
Now you're free to fly anywhere. Aimlessly, but do not look back
Now you're free to fly anywhere. You can not hide from love, is useless. Useless...
You can not hide from love ...
Belief and Hope
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
You can not hide from love ...
Faith and hope love with you between. Love without clothes, give me tenderness. My heartbeat - your resistance.
Useless, useless.
And I know all of us two.
Do not say anything, please
You can not hide from love ...
And I like the air you breathe.
Now you're free to fly anywhere. Aimlessly, but do not look back
Now you're free to fly anywhere. You can not hide from love, is useless.
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
We are in the risk zone, closer than close. We overnight, more than happiness. It is within 3 mm above the sky.
Wherever I was, wherever you were not. Unrelenting, love.
Do not beat me, an invincible love. You Take me.
Unexplained love, unforgiving, love.
Unexplained, invincible.
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
You can not hide from love ... is useless ...
You can not hide from love ...
Now you're free to fly anywhere. Aimlessly, but do not look back
Now you're free to fly anywhere. You can not hide from love, is useless. Useless...
You can not hide from love ...
You will never see me cry
If he asks about me
Tell him I'm fine
That I'm happy
And that I'm already with someone else
If he asks about me
Tell him I'm happy
That I'm enjoying life
Like I've always wanted to
Just don't tell him the truth
That I'm void of happiness
That I made my small island
Into my room
That my eyebrows and hair are a mess
That I've lost the will to live
But he knows that that's not my style
The girl with a broken heart
No matter how difficult it is
I'll get used to it
Time is the best medicine
But you'll never see me cry
But you'll never see me cry
No matter how difficult it is
I'll get used to it
Time is the best medicine
But you'll never see me cry
But you'll never see me cry
If he asks about me
Tell him I'm fine
That I'm happy
And that I'm already with someone else
If he asks about me
Tell him I'm happy
That I'm enjoying life
Like I've always wanted to
Just don't tell him the truth
That I'm void of happiness
That I made my small island
Into my room
That my eyebrows and hair are a mess
That I've lost the will to live
But he knows that that's not my style
The girl with a broken heart
No matter how difficult it is
I'll get used to it
Time is the best medicine
But you'll never see me cry
But you'll never see me cry
No matter how difficult it is
I'll get used to it
Time is the best medicine
But you'll never see me cry
But you'll never see me cry
You won't, you won't
You won't, you won't
Won't ever see me
Cry (aaiaah)
You won't, you won't
You will never see me cry
You won't return
How much loneliness how much emptiness is in my soul
Because since you are not even in the memory
I'm not calm
How much darkness how much cold is in my bed
I need your heat, you left and the flame went out
And to think that I had you here and I did not understand
I thought you'd never get tired
I thought you'd never leave
And suddenly you say you're going to leave
You say we'll meet later but I know it's not like that ...
You will not return I know that this goodbye is final
Of our love that hurts
To know that it's done
What we thought was eternal is over
You will not return I know that this goodbye is the end that hurts
Know that you are leaving even if you say that you return I know that you will never return ...
Sometimes, when I see him stand next to her
Him with her, so simply
So naturally with each other
Then I would like to be with him
Sometimes, when I see him go with her
Hand in hand, so simply
So naturally with each other
Then I would like to be her
Do I find the courage to tell him
How in love I am with him
Is it okay to say to her
That that man, that I know so well
That just stole her heart
Can live in my heart too
Do I find the strength to tell him
How in love I am with him
Sometimes we travel together
The two of them and me alone
So naturally one too much
Then I would like to be her
Sometimes I think: 'Aren't I out of luck!'
That first time with him alone
He was mine until she appeared
Then I would have liked to be her
Do I find the strength to tell him
How in love I am with him
Don't cry anymore
Time has worn, the dreams that I kept
And that I won't be able to give you.
Today naked and scared, I lost my temper and I failed,
I'd better go.
Without this love, tired
Of looking at each other, torn apart,
I quit, I didn't say goodbye.
This empty love, was filled
With delirium and rancor.
Don't cry anymore, please,
Cover yourself with cold and leave your pain to the time.
You'll see tomorrow there will be a sun,
That brings a little heat, it will be better.
It will be better, it will be better ...
Perhaps I have condemned myself,
I couldn't make you happy,
But it's worse to stay.
Without this love, tired
Of looking at each other, torn apart,
I quit, I didn't say goodbye.
This empty love, was filled
With delirium and rancor.
My life, don't cry anymore, please,
Let the forgetfulness return me your forgiveness,
And abandon the fear of falling,
And let loose the heart, that equal it is going to break.
It's gonna break, it's gonna break ...
Don't cry anymore, please,
Cover yourself with cold and leave your pain to the time.
You'll see tomorrow there will be a sun,
That brings a little heat, it will be better.
It will be better, it will be better ...
•Translation done by Stavroula Chaloulakou
->Every comment concerning the improvement of my translations is always accepted.
Blasted spring
I was more or les like that,
white wine, night,
and old songs
and the blasted spring,
sweet deceiver,
laughed at me.
What's left of an erotic dream if
suddenly I wake up
and you are gone?
I regret your not being there,
I despair
as if love were painful
and although i don't want to,
without wanting to I think of you.
If the blasted spring
comes back to me
to make me fall in love
what does it matter, if
an hour is enough to make me fall in love
it's short enough
the blasted spring
it's short enough,
I'm harming only myself.
What your passing left behind
is a kiss that's not enough
of a kiss,
a caress which
rings false,
an 'I love you and I don't love you'
and even though you don't want to
without wanting to you think of me.
If the blasted spring
comes back to me
to make me fall in love
what does it matter, if
an hour is enough to make me fall in love
it's short enough
the blasted spring
it's short enough,
I'm cursing only myself.
Translations in this website are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is normally not allowed without a written permission of the author. But my translations can be published, except for commercial purposes, anywhere provided that my name is cited as translator - subject of course to the rights of the author of the original (untranslated) lyrics being fully observed.
Esmeralda, You'll See
Esmeralda, you'll see
You're already a woman
And I won't be able to see you
As a girl any more
Your mother left,
You weren't even six,
Death called her
To the Andalusian sun
I trust you
And I am grateful
That you took good care of me
At least until today
Esmeralda, you'll see
Men are wicked
Be careful when you run
All around the city
You must understand
That nothing is as it was
I already know you have arrived
To the age of love
To the age of love
You Wish
Every woman finds annoying
when, after trusting one man
and giving yourself to him,
he goes and tell the whole world about it.
But every woman gets full of anger
when a man tells the whole world
he has been with you
when he hasn't even touched you.
So, if he's telling
he did this and that to you,
or he got you in this
or that position,
this one goes for the chatty liars:
You're telling everybody
the worst things about me.
Telling I have been yours, I've been your lover,
the one who loves you the most.
I've got a few bad times
but never bad taste
and you're not to my taste
and you're not to my taste
and that is what hurt you.
You'd be jumping with joy
if i ever set my eyes on you.
You'd be jumping if, in my arms
you could sleep sometime.
'And your fleas don't jump on my petate'
Se va intoarce norocul
Straluceste lumina zilei pentru ca ma voi intoarce
In acel oras din nord unde eu am inceput sa ma joc.
Cei ce mi-au vorbit de finalul lumii
Deja au ramas in urma, umbrele se evapora
Pentru ca ma voi intoarce.
Si vreau sa ai vise dulci
Pentru ca la trezire
Va fi norocul de partea noastra
Ne vom intoarce sa traim precum fiii intamplarii,
Cand soarele ne saluta in fiecare dimineata.
Si nu conteaza daca destinul
S-a scris pe mainile noastre.
Se va intoarce norocul de partea noastra!
Se va intoarce norocul de partea noastra!
Zboara miezul noptii printre pahare de sampanie,
Maine va fi alta zi, ay, maine deja se va vedea,
Si nimic din ceea ce (ei) spun nu va rupe prietenia noastra
Pentru ca e norocul de partea noastra.
Ne vom intoarce sa traim precum fiii intamplarii,
Cand soarele ne saluta in fiecare dimineata.
Si nu conteaza daca destinul
S-a scris pe mainile noastre.
Se va intoarce norocul de partea noastra!
Se va intoarce norocul de partea noastra!
Ne vom intoarce...