Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 17


Pe mine soția mă va plânge-n hohot

Pe mine soția mă va plânge-n hohot.
Pentru mine-amicii - datorii vor da.
Despre mine alții - cântece vor scrie.
Și poate-or închina un pahar dușmanii cândva!
Nu-mi mai sunt permise cărți interesante,
Strunele chitarei, de mult timp s-au rupt...
Și n-am voie 'ncolo, și n-am voie 'ncoace
Și n-am voie soare și n-am voie nori.
Nu am voie-afară! Dreptul nu-l dețin!
Mi-au permis mâhnire și-mi aprobă chin.
Nu am voie la dreapta, n-am voie la stânga
Voie-am o felie de cer, voie am un vis...
Vis cum ies de-aicea, cum lacătul deschid!
Cum chitara veche mi-o întind placid
Cine-o să m-aștepte c-o îmbrățișare?
Și ce cântec, oare, mi se va cânta?

The Bride

Versions: #1
It’s midnight here, and no one’s around,
I’m waiting for him, I’m sure he will come.
Even though a little nervous, maybe he just forgot,
But he told me all his secrets without even a thought.
All the secrets are now mine, so, I know I will be fine, oh!
The car arrived and stopped nearby,
You’re finally here, I’m feeling so high.
You’re looking so damn good, you’re just like a cake,
And to lose such a man would be such a mistake.
I’ll just try a bit of yours once we are behind the doors, yea!
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
Your bride, that’s right, it’s me, but not her
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
All yours...
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
Your bride, that’s right, it’s me, but not her
I will be instead, instead, instead of her
All yours...
The car’s black inside, there’s crocodile skin,
Also, leather, and journals on the back seat.
We’re driving at full speed, and I cannot lie:
I’m lucky to have found you, my favorite guy.
Our date is so damn groovy, going for an awesome movie, oh!


Love me now
When everyone else has left
When the shadows creep across the floor
I take my shoes off
Because you're a burning bush
Stop the funeral, the deceased is missing
The crow flies over a field
And doesn't cry at all
The cafes open their doors gradually
Today in traffic dies
Someone's body of steel
Do we still have beer left?
The crow flies over a field
And doesn't cry at all
The cafes open their doors gradually
Today in traffic dies
Someone's body of steel
Do we still have beer left?


În această zi dinaintea unei nopți dulce fără somn,
În această zi minunată se adună prietenii
Și părinții varsă lacrimi de fericire pe ascunse.
Această zi este cea mai bună pentru mine,
Mă uit la ceas, nu trebuie să întârzii
Și vreau să-ți șoptesc...
Mireasa mea, mireasa mea,
Îți voi dărui toată lumea doar ție.
Vom fi împreună, vom fi împreună,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu blând.
Parcă ne sărutăm pentru prima oară,
Ești așa de frumoasă în rochia ta albă.
Știi că te iubesc mai mult ca pe viață,
Și astăzi visele ni se fac realitate.
Să treacă zilele și anii,
Nu ne vom despărți niciodată.
Mireasa mea, mireasa mea,
Îți voi dărui toată lumea doar ție.
Vom fi împreună, vom fi împreună,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu blând.
Astăzi ești cea mai frumoasă ca oricine,
Îți aud râsul plin de bucurie
Care îmi este ca aripile de pe spate,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu.
Mireasa mea, mireasa mea,
Îți voi dărui toată lumea doar ție.
Vom fi împreună, vom fi împreună,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu blând.
Mireasa mea, mireasa mea,
Îți voi dărui toată lumea doar ție.
Vom fi împreună, vom fi împreună,
Mireasa mea, îngerul meu blând,
Îngerul meu blând.
© Vladímir Sosnín

Place Reserved

Just come
The door is always open here
I once left it open and will leave it for the future
We can talk (talk to me)
We can paint
We can drink beer or coffee
If you let me know when you're coming
I can clean up for you
But you can show up unannounced too
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place reserved for you
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place reserved for you
If you let me know when you're coming
I can clean up for you
But you can show up unannounced too
I made food
And with that amount you could feed an army
I keep it on the stove
So I don't have to serve cold food
You can stay the night
You can have my bed
Or we can sleep together
If you don't let me know when you're coming
You can clean up for me
You can show up unannounced
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place reserved for you
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place reserved for you
If you don't let me know when you're coming
You can clean up for me
You can show up unannounced
Don't worry
I can freeze the food
It's not a problem
If you don't come today
But here i-i-is i-i-is a place just reserved for you
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place just reserved for you
Here i-i-is i-i-is a place just reserved for you
Here i-i-is a place just reserved for you
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

Fuckin' Rockstarr

Let's order champagne to the table
It's just money, you can pay
Nobody is complaining
Nobody is complaining
Bubbling sentences empower
Wishing to get some action
'Cause at home there's only promises
Mouth against mouth
Is everyone's desire
Mess around
Knulla som en rockstarr
Gathering around in a shot circle
Loving in a shot circle
Mess around like a fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
We're a bit lost, even words
I'm sitting beside
I've promised myself
Gentle when near
That night owl
Was my friend
Promised to be
I'm gentle when I'm near
You won't find anyone better
And I don't want you to find anyone better
I've chosen you
I won't find anyone better
And I don't even want to find anyone better
I've chosen my band
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
Without you I'm not even close being this whole
Without you I'm not
Fuckin' rockstarr
Fuckin' rockstarr
If there's something you think needs to be corrected about my translations, feel free to message me.

My bride will truly sob for me

My bride will truly sob for me,
My friends will pay my debts for me,
Others will sing all the songs for me,
And, perhaps, my enemies will toast to me.
I am not given interesting books to read,
And my guitar is without strings,
And I'm not allowed beyond and I'm not allowed below,
And for me there is no sun and no moon.
I am not allowd freedom: I have no right,
One is only to go from the door - to the wall,
I'm not allowed to the left, I'm not allowed to the right,
One is only allowed a piece of the sky, one is allowed to dream.
I am dreaming, how I come out, how my padlock is opened,
How my guitar is returned,
Who will be waiting there for me, how I shall be embraced,
And which songs will be sung for me.


I shut down right here, oil has run out
Sewer filled with hair doesn't unclog by a look
Can you come to help, to just stand next to me
Then closer by a command, closer by a command
(The sewer is a good excuse)
Hand of the clock points to the ground, morning has come
At this time I don't wear clothes anyways
No tea to serve, n-no tea to serve
Lay your head on my chest
It's empty there
Look at me in the eyes
There's nobody there
No clue of clean sheets
Here nobody folds anything else to the closet
I eat in bed, I e-eat in bed
I eat in bed, eat me in bed
Lay your head on my chest
It's empty there
Look at me in the eyes
There's nobody there
Lay your head on my chest
It's empty there
Look at me in the eyes
There's nobody there
Interested in nothing
I'm interested in nothing
Interested in nothing
I'm interested in nothing
First I say just horrible things
And then calm down
Also they meant nothing
Meant nothing no, no
Really no

Safe Warfare

'What if?' is my favorite phrase
What if you lose your temper?
I mean, like you'd lose your temper
You're so peaceloving, and I mean, I'm as well
But I need the other side of the coin
So I purposefully get on your nerves, I'm kind of demanding
Please don't get annoyed, but indulge yourself instead
You can say things like, 'Shut up', as you do
And then something and something
'Cause we can always make up and hug
And I just need friction because it's my glue
It's just the person I am
A vain personality plus movements that are too fast
Make me rebel
You make me rebel
Hopeless to expect a restless one to tolerate peace
You make me rebel
Make me rebel
If somebody doesn't fight with me every once in a while
It definitely won't do
I won't accept it
I need safe warfare
Safe warfare
Safe warfare
Safe warfare
Safe warfare
Safe warfare

Unholly bride

Versions: #2
Unholly bride
Dressed like for the tzar
Proudly keeps her chin high
Before the altar
Big diamond ring
Light up the church everywhere
Nothing wrong at a glance, not a thing!
But in fact it's a nightmare...
The choir holds the tune
The pages -veil very tight...
Is it delirium? Oh, come on!
It's worse, it's life!


Si cu acea fata obosita
Si halatul un pic patat
Cu ai tai nu decisi si cu acel aer mereu indignat
Feminitatea lasata acolo sub cearsaf
Imi vine dorinta de a ramane singur
Cu toata raceala pe care de-acum o demonstrezi
Cu veninul ce mi l-ai aruncat mereu
Dorinta mea de a o lua de la capat
Nici macar nu s-a nascut ca deja a murit in inima mea
Si totusi cateodata gandul imi zboara
La acea femeie care dormea pe inima mea
Si nu reusesc sa-mi amintesc trasaturile sale
Insa nu uit ceea ce a stiut sa-mi dea
Si sa ma contrazic pentru tine e o placere
A devenit de-acum ca o datorie
Si stii nu mai suport nici macar vocea ta
As avea nevoie doar de un pic de pace
Si fiecare noapte tu, tu te dai batuta mereu un pic mai tarziu
Si dorinta pe care o ai pentru mine face parte din amintiri
Si eu as vrea sa-ti vorbesc si sa-ti spun multe lucruri
Dar nu gasesc cuvintele, poate sunt terminate
Si sa ne suportam pentru a merge mai departe la ce foloseste
Cand totul e insuportabil
Si a darui cel putin un pic de iubire
De-acum nu vrei sau nu mai stii s-o faci
Radeam cu prietenii pana cand ne intorceam acasa
Si apoi din nou un perete si apoi iar acea liniste
Tu schimbi expresia fetei, schimbi pasul
Te dezbraci de ceea ce ai pe tine
E mereu frumos a revedea femeia ta ca se dezbraca
Apoi totul trece cand iti pui halatul
Dar acea femeie care venea cu mine sub stele
E ceva ce mi-a ramas pe piele
Si chiar acum ca tu esti
Esti atat de schimbata
Acea fetiscana nu am uitat-o niciodata

The bride

Life is a spindle, cradle is a source
Here I've come where three roads cross
And I'm standing, as if, near the door
For behind waiting one, worth waiting for
Youth is like a captivity, I couldn't come
I was saving heart of mine, for you I've done
And by the three roads I dropped to my knees
I have found you, and almost have lost you
From the wild snowstorm my heart is breaking
Angry blizzard-witch behind my back is laughing
For too long my holy place was an empty site
And I'm riding to church to steel myself a bride
The domes are glittering, crown on my head
Behind my back standing my brothers and my dad
I believe , God will forgive the last sin I've done
I will steel you in front of everyone
From the wild snowstorm my heart is breaking
Angry blizzard-witch behind my back is laughing
For too long my holy place was an empty site
And I'm riding to church to steel myself a bride


Mi se lasă noaptea pe umeri
Ca un norișor, ca un văl.
Această seară ne rămâne
În memorie pentru totdeauna.
O nevastă se îmbracă în jurul prietenelor,
Și nu pot să se potolească
Degetele mâinilor subțiri și blânde.
Două inele au unit două destine
Pentru ca inimile să fie nedespărțite.
Două drumuri s-au împletit într-unul pentru totdeauna,
Pentru ca viața noastră să continue pe veșnicie!
Pentru ca viața noastră să continue pe veșnicie!
Ca un asfințit de primăvară din mai
Ard ai fetiței obraji.
Cât de mult poate fi asortată
O rochie albă de nuntă.
Nevasta este așa de frumoasă, purtând-o,
Este așa de mistică și luminoasă,
Ceea ce cred nu este în zadar,
Ziua aceasta ea a așteptat-o.
Două inele au unit două destine
Pentru ca inimile să fie nedespărțite.
Două drumuri s-au împletit într-unul pentru totdeauna,
Pentru ca viața noastră să continue pe veșnicie!
Pentru ca viața noastră să continue pe veșnicie!
Două inele au unit două destine
Pentru ca inimile să fie nedespărțite.
Două drumuri s-au împletit într-unul pentru totdeauna,
Pentru ca viața noastră să continue pe veșnicie!
Pentru ca viața noastră să continue pe veșnicie!
© Sosnin Vladimir


Onto her shoulders
The veil falls like a cloud
This evening will always
Stay alive in her memory
The bride gets dressed, inmidst her bridesmaids
And they seem to find no place
Her fragile fingers and tender hands
Two destinies, united by two rings
May their hearts be inseparable forever
Two roads, that are merged for all time
May our lives last forever
May our lives last forever
Like the sunset in may, in spring
The girl's cheeks are glowing
Her face surrounded by
The white bridal dress
In between the beautiful bride
So mysterious and radiant
That I believe - not in vain
Has she awaited this day
Two destinies, united by two rings
May their hearts be inseparable forever
Two roads, that are merged for all time
May our lives last forever
May our lives last forever
Two destinies, united by two rings
May their hearts be inseparable forever
Two roads, that are merged for all time
May our lives last forever
May our lives last forever