Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 28

Număr de rezultate: 1098


جوون مرگ

چاره ای نیست یکی دیگه ام بینمون هست عزیزم
اشکام روی عکسای دوتایمون دارن میریزن
دستای اونو سفت بگیر ولی بدون میمیرم
منم با گریه همه عکساتو بغل میگیرم
این دلم از تو دوره
با تنهایی سر میکنم
این خونه سوت و کوره
جوونیمو گرفتیو کشیدم تیغو رو رگ
سخته تو این زندگی آدم بشه جوون مرگ
اینقدر این روزا دور من پر شده از غصه
هیچکی جرات نمیکنه حالمو بپرسه
مهرابم یادته کهنه ترین عشقت
نالوتی پشت من صفه نذار زشته
من ، پشت تو بودم تا حد مرگ
— متن آهنگ جوون مرگ با صدای مهراب و آرشام از جهان موزیک —
اسممو این اواخرا سیو کردی دل آزار
قدیمیا مردن ولی خدایی راست گفتن
کهنه دل آزاره وقتی نو بیاد به بازار
ما نسل در نسل قاتل احساسیم
تیغ کند شد رو رگام نمیکنه بازی
هوای من هوا اونور خوبه
اشتباه اون رو دیگه رو شیشه نمیکوبه
این روزا هوای اینور تگرگه
تاوان رفتنت خون بازی مرگه
من نوازنده این سازای شکستم
بعد رفتنت پدر مادرمم شکستن
من بودم اون نبود انگار قسمت نبود
کاش از اول تو دنیا غیر از خدا هیچکس نبود
هنوزم سر تو با دلم بحث میکنم گاهی
من میترسم ، میترسم از این حس واهی
تو هیچوقت خودتو با من یکی نکن
سر من با عشقت یکی به دو نکن
تو پریدی با اونی که اسمش داداشه
ببین مرد نیست اونی که اشک تو چشمش نباشه
مادرم همیشه میگفت مرد باش پسرم
مامان نذاشتن ندیدی
دردت به سرم
نشد بعد رفتنت یه شب گریم نگیره
گریه مهراب هیچ ، آه مادرم میگیره
د نا مسلمون من که به پات سوختم
تو با داداشم ساختی من جای جفتتون سوختم
آخه به کی بگم قیمت * چقدر بود
من به کی بگم عشقمو چقدر ارزون فروختم
دیگه جون به لب شدم
این دلم از تو دوره
با تنهایی سر میکنم
این خونه سوت و کوره
جوونیمو گرفتیو
کشیدم تیغو روی رگ
سخته تو این زندگی
آدم بشه جوون مرگ
بازم این سایه ها و این جاده پر از تردید
بازم آرشامت این واژه ها رو مقدس دید
امشب از اون شباست که تیغ به شاهرگ میرسه
— متن آهنگ جوون مرگ با صدای مهراب و آرشام از جهان موزیک —
داد بزن مهراب که تموم شه این قصه
مهراب داد بزن داد بزن باز مو به تنم سیخ شه
اینبار به خاطر اومدنش رو بزنم میشه
اینکه خم نشدم آخر کمرمو شکست
این درد دوریش آخر تبر گرفت به دست
هی زدو هی زدو آخر کم آوردیم
انگار از اولش منو شکست بهم گره خوردیم
خدا زمین خوردم آخه چرا بهم نمیدی نفس
همه میگن خدا یه پله بالاتر از همست
نه بخاطر اینکه خداست و جنست ازش زیره
خدا بالاتر واستاده تا که دستاتو بگیر
خدا بگیر بگیر بگیر از این دستا
خدا بد زمینم زده بد کسی درد داشت
با این تنهاییا هوای بی تو سرده
تیزی تیغه بد جور شاهرگامو پاره کرده
تو واسه پول باهاشی اون همش بازنده است
منم میکشم خون از این ریه ها جای نفس
عقدتم ریخته تو این دل که چرا نیستی پیشم
رو زدم منی که واسه هیچکی خم نمیشم
پاتوقت این دل صاب مردمه که ولت نکرد
با خودت میموند ولی انگشت تو دلت نکرد
بی ناموسو میگم که باز پیشته
باز به سلامتی داداشم که الان رفیقته
هی نزن داد تا بدونی چقدر درد میکشم
اون دفعه که بهم نشون دادی الان نزدیکشم
توی این منجلابم گرفته دورمو درد
من که زندگی نکردم
زندگی منو *
شکستمو شکستنم شکست نبود واست
— متن آهنگ جوون مرگ با صدای مهراب و آرشام از جهان موزیک —
میشکننت یکی بیاد بذاره تو کاست
دیگه جون به لب شدم
این دلم از تو دوره
با تنهایی سر میکنم
این خونه سوت و کوره
جوونیمو گرفتیو
کشیدم تیغو روی رگ
سخته تو این زندگی
آدم بشه جوون مرگ

You made my heart burn

Darling, I'm bonded to you heartfelt
Does a lover ever hurt a lover?
You made my heart burn
Bow shaped eyebrow
One who make me be in trouble, dear
I can't leave without you
You lovely beloved
Believe in my pure love
I'm in very bad case if I can't see you
Don't let me be longing for you, dear
You made my heart burn
Bow shaped eyebrow
One who make me be in trouble, dear
I can't leave without you
You lovely beloved
Believe in my pure love

Farewell of Slavianka

Arise for faith, o Russian land!
We composed many a song in our heart,
Glorifying the native land.
We loved you no matter what,
You, our holy Russian land.
You raised your head high,
Your face was shining like the sun.
But you've become a victim of betrayal –
by those who have cheated and sold you!
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.
Arise for faith, o Russian land!
The saints awaits Russia's victory.
Respond, o Orthodox host!
Where is your Ilya¹, where is your Dobrynya²?
Mother Homeland is summoning her sons.
We will stand all together under the gonfalons³.
And go, praying, as a procession,
For the right cause of Russia
We will shed Russian blood honestly.
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.
Arise for faith, o Russian land!
We are all children of a great empire,
We all remember the commandments of our fathers:
For the Homeland, Honor, Glory,
Pity neither yourself nor the enemy.
Arise, Russia, from your prison of slavery,
Victory's spirit is called: time to do battle!
Rise your battle flags
For Faith, Love, and Good.
And again in march trumpet calls us.
We all stand in order
And go to the holy battle.

Sweet Brownie

Didididididi Iyaa
Didididididi Iyaa
So that I can go on a heart-pounding trip that I have wished
Sweet Brownie
Sweet Brownie
Follow the constellation upon the sky
Take a step then go to see you sleeping
A mail is too short to contain my thoughts
Approach quietly if you recognize me by any chance
Do you hear my heart-pounding feeling again
A whisper under the sky Ooh Chocolate-like your love Ooh
I just want to dream here together with the sweet feeling
Forever under the sky Ooh Feels like gleaming in a rainbow Ooh
So that I can go on a heart-pounding trip that I have wished
Follow the way that rape flower waved its hand
Go on a trip together with our wings spread
There's no way you could know how heart-pounding it is but it doesn't matter
Sometimes I wonder if I search my memory and find you somewhere over there
Do you see my step to you again?
(Didididididi Iyaa… [×4])
Sweet Brownie


A flame of fire.
Run to have a look!
Out were fleeing
The arrested.
Ah, if you want it?

Cad jos

[Intro: Lil Peep, XXXTENTACION & Both]
Vino, sa ne uitam cum ploaia va cadea
Acum sa facem asta pentru Peep
Raze pe pielea ta cand nu sunt in preajma
Cacaturile nu se simt lafel cand nu esti in oras
Asa ca vino, sa ne uitam cum ploaia va cadea
[Refren: Lil Peep & XXXTENTACION]
Vino, sa ne uitam cum ploaia va cadea
Raze pe pielea ta cand nu sunt prin preajma
Cacaturile nu se simt lafel cand nu esti in oras
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Asa ca vino, sa ne uitam cum ploaia va cadea
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Ploaia cade, lacrimile cad
Ploaia cade, lacrimile cad
Draga, iubirea ta e ca mersul pe un pat de cuie
Si eu nu mai pot lupta
[Refren: Lil Peep & XXXTENTACION]
Vino, sa ne uitam cum ploaia va cadea
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Raze pe pielea ta cand nu sunt in preajma
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Cacaturile nu se simt lafel cand nu esti in oras
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Asa ca vino, sa ne uitam cum ploaia va cadea
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Numele lui va domina, frate
Nu, am--, ma simt oribil pentru ca e ca tine
Dacă aș fi știut că e așa de cool
Și e ca și cum ai fi urmărit interviurile mai devreme, frate, am fost atât de asemănători
Este nefericită pentru că e ca și cum, când oamenii mor, atunci ești acolo, știi?
Pentru că remustea ta te face să le verifici
Draga, iubirea ta e ca mersul p un pat de cuie
Si eu nu mai pot lupta
[Refren: Lil Peep & XXXTENTACION]
Vino, sa ne uitam cum ploaia va cadea
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Raze pe pielea ta cand nu sunt in preajma
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Cacaturile nu se simt lafel cand nu esti in oras
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Asa ca vino, sa ne uitam cum ploaia va cadea
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You're welcome

Falling Down

I couldn’t hold it in because I didn’t like you anymore
So I let go of your hand that I was holding
I didn’t believe it – as we broke up
Your words telling me not to regret this
But as time passes, it gets harder
No matter how much I hold it in, it doesn’t get better
Now the fact that you’re not next to me
Makes me feel so empty – I miss you
Now I’m falling down down down
Will you come back to me? Will you be next to me?
Now I’m falling down down down
I can’t go on without you, I need you
Baby I’m so sorry can you hear me
The words I couldn’t tell you for all this time
Baby I’m so sorry I’m going crazy
I want to hear it so badly, your voice
After leaving you and being alone-
At first, it was comfortable
My ringing phone, your texts –
At first I just ignored them
But as time passes, it gets harder
Even when I meet other girls, I think of you
Now the fact that you’re not next to me
Makes me regret so much – I miss you
Now I’m falling down down down
Will you come back to me? Will you be next to me?
Now I’m falling down down down
I can’t go on without you, I need you
Baby I’m so sorry can you hear me
The words I couldn’t tell you for all this time
Baby I’m so sorry I’m going crazy
I want to hear it so badly, your voice
Your empty spot is so big
My times alone are too long
I’m so in pain like this
But where are you?
Now I’m falling down down down
Will you come back to me? Will you be next to me?
Now I’m falling down down down
I can’t go on without you, I need you
Baby I’m so sorry can you hear me
The words I couldn’t tell you for all this time
Baby I’m so sorry I’m going crazy
I want to hear it so badly, your voice
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Take me down

Lonely you are
Your scars that are growing
The door to your heart is closed
You try to force it
Like a kid
But it’s already too late
You won’t be able to turn
Back in the time that you abandoned
I wanna say goodbye
I’m letting go off all of the regrets
I’m erasing them in my head
I just wanna say goodbye
Take me now
Please undo my chain of pain
If I can scape
Like the fire that is growing bigger
Can you take me down?
I’m under cold rain again
If I can avoid it
Like being dull
Can you take me down?
Rough way of speaking
Our view that’s changing
like a seasonal flow
A dark tattoo
My carved mistake
It’s already too late
On the edge of a dark heart
Even the lost memories
I just wanna say goodbye
I can’t just stand there
In a cold heart
I just wanna say goodbye
Take me now
Please undo my chain of pain
If I can scape
like the fire that is growing bigger
Can you take me down?
I’m under cold rain again
If I can avoid it
Like being dull
Can you take me down?
Oh take me now
Please undo my chain of pain
If I can escape
Like the fire that is growing bigger
Can you take me down?
I’m under cold rain again
If I can avoid it
I become dull
Can you take me down?

Anthem to Veryga

Veryga, you our Veryga,
Why you punishes us like this?
And showing to thirsty man the fig,
And still it's hard in this road.
Where's that angry and revenge,
I am shaking like leaf,
You made like Guardian angel,
Released over our heads.
Veryga, you our Veryga
Enlightened, fragile flower
We'll write you in the book
You are new Seimas' star
So long nightmare road,
How many times you're going to torture us?
When will be end of river of insurance,
You have, Veryga, heart?
We'll drink pure Water,
Okay, that you think of us.
Veryga, you our Veryga,
Everything like in the past, will no longer exist.
Veryga, you our Veryga,
You are Karbauskis' son.
We will drive to buy to Riga,
There cheaper all beer.

If They Spoil Me

Even if they try to spoil or persude me of another one
My passion and passionate eyes will tell everyone,
That I don't accept anyone other than you
Never does my heart accept other than you
Even if they say you'll forget me,
You'll always be in my core
Even if they try to spoil or persude me of another one
My passion and passionate eyes will tell everyone,
If they promise to let the whole world under my control
I'll tell them that I won't forget our story or be cruel
Lovely is what they say about you
So I'll tell them about your love
If they deprive me of listening to songs,
Still their meanings last for so long
Even if they try to spoil or persude me of another one
My passion and passionate eyes will tell everyone,
That I don't accept anyone other than you
Never does my heart accept other than you
Even if they say you'll forget me,
You'll always be in my core

Lay Down

desire is sometimes just like the eye of a demon
in the darkness it slowly corrodes your body
don't run away don't run away don't run away
just you
love has always been less than satisfactory
wanting to get everything isn't so easy
only I only I only I can
who has a say in love
let's play a game
so that you know that I have the absolute power to dominate you
evil lips proclaim
you are my slave
you are beneath my feet
your self-respect has been melted away by me
and there is no need for you to reply
forever just be obedient and follow my orders
you are beneath my feet
your self-respect has been melted away by me
and in response to my summon
please call me your royal highness
lay down lay down
with a camera, your beg for mercy is even clearer
see on your body your tortured mental state
just let me just let me just let me fulfill you
who can compare to you, who is happy with status quo
struggling like ants to survive
always always always laughing at you
who has a say in love?
let's play a game
so that you know I have the absolute power to dominate you
evil lips proclaim
you are my slave
you are beneath my feet
your self-respect has been melted away by me
and there's no need for you to reply
forever just be obedient and follow my orders
you are beneath my feet
your self-respect has been melted away by me
in response to my summon
please call me your royal highness
lay down lay down
you are beneath my feet
your self-respect has been melted away by me
and there's no need for you to reply
forever just be obedient and follow my orders
you are beneath my feet
your self-respect has been melted away by me
in response to my summon
please call me your royal highness
lay down lay down

Sunt la pământ!

Tu spui minciuni crezând că nu văd
Tu nu poţi să plângi, fiindcă râzi de mine!
Sunt la pământ
(Sunt chiar la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(Jos la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(Sunt chiar la pământ)
Cum poţi să râzi când ştii că-s la pământ?
Cum poţi să râzi când ştii că-s la pământ?
Bărbatul ia inelul, femeia-l aruncă
Acelaşi lucru se întâmplă-n fiecare zi
Sunt la pământ
(Sunt chiar la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(Jos la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(Sunt chiar la pământ)
Cum poţi să râzi când ştii că-s la pământ?
Cum poţi să râzi când ştii că-s la pământ?
Toţi suntem singuri şi nu-i nimeni altcineva
Ea încă ar geme 'Ţine-ţi mâinile-acasă'
Sunt la pământ
(Sunt chiar la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(Jos la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
Cum poţi să râzi când ştii că-s la pământ?
Cum poţi să râzi când ştii că-s la pământ?
Iubire, ştii că-s la pământ!
(Chiar la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(chiar la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(chiar la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(chiar la pământ)
Iubire, mă simt întors pe dos
O, da, da, da, da, da, da
(Chiar la pământ)
Iubire, sunt la pământ
(Chiar la pământ)
Mă simt întors pe dos
(Chiar la pământ)
Sunt la pământ
(Chiar la pământ)
Iubire, sunt la pământ, da
Iubire, sunt la pământ, da
Iubire, sunt la pământ
(chiar la pământ)
Iubire, sunt la pământ
(chiar la pământ)
Iubire, iubire, iubire
(chiar la pământ)
Iubire, sunt la pământ
(chiar la pământ)

Ar fi trebuit să ştiu

Ar fi trebuit să ştiu, cu o fată ca tine
că aş iubi tot ceea ce faci
Şi iubesc
Hei, hei, hei
şi iubesc.
Wow, wow, n-am realizat nicicând ce poate fi un sărut
Asta putea să mi se-ntâmple doar mie
Nu vezi, nu vezi?
Că atunci când îţi spun că te iubesc
Ai să-mi spui că mă iubeşti şi tu
Şi când îţi cer să fii a mea
Ai să-mi spui că mă iubeşti şi tu...
Aşa că ar fi trebuit să realizez multe lucruri înainte
dacă asta-i iubire, ar trebui să-mi dai mai mult
să-mi dai mai mult
hei, hei, hei
dă-mi mai mult...
Wow, wow, n-am realizat nicicând ce poate fi un sărut
Asta putea să mi se-ntâmple doar mie
Nu vezi, nu vezi?
Că atunci când îţi spun că te iubesc
Ai să-mi spui că mă iubeşti şi tu
Şi când îţi cer să fii a mea
Ai să-mi spui că mă iubeşti şi tu...
mă iubeşti şi tu...
mă iubeşti şi tu...
mă iubeşti şi tu...

Just a Shiryoner*

Not because of his blue eyes
I fell in love specifically with him
I am also not impressed
By his height and broadness.
Not because of his wild laugher
That conquers any girly heart,
The reason is probably different
Even if it sounds silly:
He's just a Shiryoner*,
No more no less
A little nice, a bit of a jerk,
That is all, that is it...
Many many others wished to have me
All they wanted was to date me
I don't know what they were looking for in me
But they certainly didn't find it.
I don't put my heart out there
For my heart is already his
Please don't ask me why
It sounds weird even to me:
He's just a Shiryoner*,
No more no less
A little nice, a bit of a jerk,
That is all, that is it...
He told me: 'C'mere, sugar',
Two words, nothing more
And I, like a baby,
Ran straight to the Shiryoner*.
He lifted me up high
And brought me to the tank,
There he gave me his hat
And took my heart.
He's just a Shiryoner*,
No more no less
A little nice, a bit of a jerk,
That is all, that is it...
If you girls wanna know
Where you can find these type of men
Not in the crazy city -
There you can only wait...
I met him in the south
On the tank in the middle of Sinai
And very slowly I felt
How my cheeks reddened.
Oh, how I miss
Going down to Sinai again
His sweaty palm
To hold with both of my hands.
To caress the boy's head
Shake off the dust
And before his eyes, eyes of blue,
To sing aloud:
He's just a Shiryoner*,
No more no less
A little nice, a bit of a jerk,
That is all, that is it...

Maid's Life

One, two, three.
Every day I wake up early.
I live away from my work.
When I get back from it, I usually want my sofa.
There are always loads of orders for me:
I mop and wax the floor,
But people find fault with my cleaning no matter what.1
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'm just imagining my little boss
Doing the laundry for me.
My workmate decided to put in
Hair extensions.
She spent her extra cash on them instead of paying her installments.2
Both of my boss' daughters,
The spoiled one and the smart one,
Only care about exploiting me, they aren't worth anything.
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'm just imagining her, the singer,
Clearing the dinner service for me.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
Every day I wake up early.
I live away from my work.
When I get back from it, I usually want my sofa.
There are always loads of orders for me:
I mop and wax the floor,
But people find fault with my cleaning no matter what.1
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I'd like to see my boss put herself in my shoes
So I could laugh my head off at her.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
I live life as a maid, my work starts at seven.
On the weekends, I usually wear high heels and hope for the best.
Someday I'll buy an apartment and become a socialite.
With self-esteem, I'll travel with my date.
  • But people are always critical about my cleaning no matter what.
  • 2. This sentence is already long. I can't and couldn't word it better here.

Town meeting

Such strange things
as I've never seen before,
I wouldn't know, but I'd like to explain it all.
It's a world which doesn't look like this one
And I wish... I wish
To describe it to you too,
Like a magic dream, yeah.
But trust me if I tell you
It seems fake, I know,
But I swear it's there!
Uh, now I'll explain...
This is called present
and everything starts from there.
From 'there'?
Does it pee?
Does it poo?
Does it by any chance have a porthole?
The 'there'!
What a beautiful 'there'!
If you please...
I'll explain the reason why it is colored
And why there's a claret ribbon...
How come?
It's awful!
What about inside?
What about inside?
No one knows what's in there, no one knows!
Which is?
What is it?
The tsetse fly?
Maybe that monster that goes thirtythree!
Shut up a little, listen to me
Now I'll tell you what it is.
But pay attention:
We take a rather big stocking
And hang it to the wall we can...
Oh gosh, there's a foot down there!
What is it?
You look!
Isn't it greenish and stained with blue dye?
Let me explain...
There's no foot down there, but treats!
Games and toy trains in a track...
Where the heck is it?
What is it?
Now it's exploding and going boom!
Frightening the children
And eating us too.
What a wonderful idea
Christmas will be
I want to try it
Let's bring it in there!
Hold it right there!
What's the rush?
You're missing something, yet what is it?
Well, might as well give them what they want...
And there's
something more
That I'll tell you
In a bit
About their king's reputation
He screams so much that
Even you will shake in fear!
Yeah, so Merry Christmas, my friends...
If he's not in the mood
That monarch sometimes acts like a crab
Instead of a king!
When he flies up there, on the contraption
With his bags he goes...
What is he going to bring...
This is what we know...
And at night time
with the moon he goes
And he descends on you
Like the vulteres do!
Merry Christmas to you all!
Heh heh heh heh heh!
Well, I've made them all happy...
'Cause they don't know that
Christmas is something else
But what is it?
Oh, well...

The Father Of The Land

The greatest of all artists
With profound understanding of science, arts and musics,
And whose hundreds of verses are as profound as a lotus.
As long as rain from the sky
Is making every tree blossom well,
We will know how to love harmony for the father of the Thai nation.
The nation pays respect to its father,
Because this country has fortune with its King.
The entire nation praises
And pays respect to Bhumibhol, the Great King.
To pay respect to the King, the heart of the entire Thai nation,
The Great King who excels in sports.
Developing communication, alternative energies to solve problems,
Royal rain from the sky for the peasants,
The Thai people is glad to have such luck.
He brought us Sufficiency Econony to nourish our lifes,
It is a philosophy that strikes in both earth and sky,
All Thais are proud to be Thais
Because of Bhumibhol, who protects the Thais.
To pay respect to the King, the heart of the entire Thai nation,
The Great King who excels in sports.
Developing communication, alternative energies to solve problems,
Royal rain from the sky for the peasants,
The Thai people is glad to have such luck.
He brought us Sufficiency Econony to nourish our lifes,
It is a philosophy that strikes in both earth and sky,
All Thais are proud to be Thais
Because of Bhumibhol, who protects the Thais.
All Thais are proud to be Thais
Because of Bhumibhol, who protects the Thais.

Rose Of Sharon

Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
Sixteen bars killer on the beat
My rap shit is muhfuckin’ dope, cocaine
After listening once you’ll come back for more
At that time it’s not for free, you gotta pay
Receiving money is so very natural
What I’m spitting is not rap but the product
that I need to sell and your girl is my customer
I gave her my everythang
She gimme brain in the mornin’
till I pass out
When night comes I pass her back to you
Puff Puff Pass It, like the song lyrics
Ride around the city, Young Lion next to me
Y’all seeing a swag and rap like this for the first time
My hairstyle is wavy like my rap
Uh, sixteen bars killer,
after listening to my stuff
y’all will feel the distance [between us]
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
Yes sir
Around the time the last concert here ends
I’ll be writing lyrics in a Carnival man
My pay is higher than Vince Carter’s jumps
and nobody can remember your crew’s name man
I’ve placed my mark and I shall draw a crescendo
I’ve won the first and now, like Mayweather,
all that’s left is to win
Tell Geegooin and Haengzoo
that it’s time to succeed
Uh, here we’re rapping side by side
but we’re in different places, don’t delude yourself
Acting like you’re already the best
I am the only one here
who Swings saluted to
And if you didn’t know,
now you know
You’ll say I came out of nowhere but I’m
just showing what I’ve been doing since the beginning
I came, I saw, and on to the next
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
The first in danger to be eliminated,
got ten votes, hashtag G
This is another chance,
God bless, let’s get it off
Who’s judging who bitch
This isn’t jump rope play,
why are you getting in line?
I’m an inherent part of Starship and the son of Gayang Town
I make miracles happen,
two suns of the Song family
Ha, who can keep up, sharp to the G
I’m not saying this unfoundedly, look at me
Second, flying boy, I destroyed the beat and
shed new light on team Gill X Mad Clown
Shit, it should be this tight in order to be fun
SMTM, it starts now, how is it?
I got that flame, I got that flame
Well, what’s so difficult? I do it with ease
This is my plan B, Donut and Boi B,
Sanchez, 2016 with the brothers, bitch
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
Just fuck right off, player
to a far-away country, neighboring country, bye bye
“Fighting” to Mt. Baekdu and the waters of the East Sea
The whole land of Korea, its splendid rivers and mountains, the rose of Sharon
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.


The gap between us, is growing larger,
It's not easy to separate, everybody's against us
Judging us from the side, they want us to lose.
In the end of the game, I fall from under my feet,
There's always another chance.
You'll see that now, something's changed within me,
How come another season's passed so suddenly?
Lying on my back, and the heat wave outside,
You'll see, we'll win it all.
You'll never march alone.
Without her, like in the first rain
I remember, the stadium was shaking.
Just so you'll know, I didn't ask for much,
You'll bring the victory.
You can see our despair, our hope,
No, we cannot stop, it's not easy for the both of us.
It's time, to do the impossible.
And now, something's changed within me.
How come another season's passed, so suddenly?
Lying on my back, and the heat wave outside,
You'll see, we'll win it all.
You'll never march alone.
Without her, like in the first rain
I remember, the stadium was shaking.
Just so you'll know, I didn't ask for much,
You'll bring the victory.
I don't care what they say,
Thousands of songs were written.
With you it's all the way, with you it's all the way.
In the end of the game, I fall from under my feet,
There's always another chance.
You'll never march alone.
Without her, like in the first rain
I remember, the stadium was shaking.
Just so you'll know, I didn't ask for much,
You'll bring the victory.

Cineva să mă ajute

Sunt bântuită de o șoaptă
Mă cuprinde un fior
Am rămas blocată în acest moment
Nu sunt o victimă, nu sunt o ciudată
Eliberează-mă înainte să dispar de tot
Vindecă-mă, trezește-mă la viață
Poate cineva să mă ajute?
Am stat față în față cu afecțiunea mea
Cu realitatea mea, sunt torturată
De viitor, lucruri care nu s-au întâmplă încă
Sunt bântuită de o viziune
Ca și cum dimineața nu mai vine
Simt povara întrebărilor
Mereu căutând, mereu pe fugă
Eliberează-mă înainte să dispar de tot
Vindecă-mă, trezește-mă la viață
Poate cineva să mă ajute?
Acum, nu sunt un erou, nu
Dar simt greutatea lumii pe sufletul meu
Halucinațiile astea ard în mintea mea
Mă ard pe dinăuntru
Eliberează-mă înainte să dispar de tot
Vindecă-mă, trezește-mă la viață
Poate cineva să mă ajute?
Eliberează-mă înainte să dispar de tot
Vindecă-mă, trezește-mă la viață
Poate cineva să mă ajute?

Pune Arma Jos

De aici începe totul
O altă noapte singur în întuneric
Ura îmi curge prin vene
Stai calm acum, îmi aleg ținta
Întunericul zilei
Toate cerurile devin gri
Nu pot să ignor vocile
Cum au devenit atat de al naibii de stridente?
Căci este o parte
Altă parte a mea care nu poate ieși
O parte întunecată de care nimeni nu știe
Poate să mă audă cineva?
Poate să mă vadă cineva?
Căci cred că mi-am pierdut calea
Pune arma jos, doar pune arma jos
Mă va privi cineva?
Mă va opri cineva?
Asta ar putea fi ultima mea greșeală
Pune arma jos, doar pune arma jos, jos
Aici se sfârșește totul
Nu mă mai întorc niciodată acolo
Căci de fiecare dată sunt aproape de
Umbrele din fața ochilor
Când se va opri?
Căci trăiesc rece și izolat
Chiar și când strâng din pumni
Îmi scapă printre degete
Căci este o parte
Este o parte din mine care lipsește acum
Da, este o parte din mine care se frânge
Poate să mă audă cineva?
Poate să mă vadă cineva?
Căci cred că mi-am pierdut calea
Pune arma jos, doar pune arma jos
Mă va privi cineva?
Mă va opri cineva?
Asta ar putea fi ultima mea greșeală
Pune arma jos, doar pune arma jos
Atunci când mă uit în oglindă
Acum văd lucrurile puțin mai clar
Sincer, nu pot să ascund
Ce e înăuntrul meu
Am spus c-am obosit să arăt cu degetul
M-am săturat de mâna asta care ține trăgaciul
Acum am terminat cu asta
Trebuie să fac un pas înapoi
Poate cineva...
Poate să mă audă cineva?
Poate să mă vadă cineva?
Căci cred că mi-am pierdut calea
Pune arma jos, doar pune arma jos
Mă va privi cineva?
Mă va opri cineva?
Asta ar putea fi ultima mea greșeală
Pune arma jos, doar pune arma jos, jos
De aici începe totul
O altă noapte singur în întuneric
Ura îmi curge prin vene
Stai calm acum, îmi aleg ținta


Toate prostiile alea sunt pentru pasari
Tu nu esti nimic altceva decat un vultur
Mereu sperand la ce-i mai rau
Asteptand sa fac ceva gresit
O sa regreti ziua cand o sa gasesc o alta fata, yeah
Care sa stie de ce am nevoie, sa stie la ce ma refer
Cand ii spun sa inceteze cu drama
Ti-am spus ca plec (deuces=pace, bye, adio)
Stiu ca esti suparata, si ce?
Iti doresc noroc
Si stiu ca sunt pe cale sa spun 'adio'
Sunt intr-o noua relatie (prostie)
Ii spun adio ei
Tind spre ceva mai bun
Nu mai incerc sa fac sa mearga
M-ai facut sa vreau sa-i spun la revedere-la revedere ei
Uh, obisnuiam sa fim indragostiti
Mereu tot timpul
Credeam ca e dragoste adevarata, dar stii ca femeile mint
E ca si cum mi-as fi trimis dragostea printr-un mesaj de doua ori
Sunam pentru ca-mi pasa dar nu primeam nici un raspuns
Incerc sa ne vedem fata in fata, dar parca suntem amandoi orbi
Da-o naibii, sa mergem in club, beau rar dar toarna-mi ceva
Pentru ca atunci cand va fi totul spus si facut
N-o sa fiu acela la care sa se intoarca mereu
Urasc mincinosii, da-o naibii de dragoste, sunt satul sa incerc
Inima mea e mare dar bate incet
Niciodata nu simt ca vibram
Caci de fiecare data cand suntem singur e o liniste apasatoare
Asa ca lasa-ti cheile pe dulapul din bucatarie
Si da-mi inapoi acel inel cu diamant mare
Porcaria (relatia) s-a terminat, ce mai astepti?
Nu vreau sa te las sa pleci
Dar, iubito, cred ca e mai bine daca stii ca.
Sunt intr-o noua relatie (prostie)
Ii spun adio ei
Tind spre ceva mai bun
Nu mai incerc sa fac sa mearga
M-ai facut sa vreau sa-i spun la revedere-la revedere ei
Uite, iubita mea mereu e intr-o noua relatie
Asa ca ii arat degetul mijlociu si urmatorul.
Pace! Nu avem viitor impreuna
Sunt o p***, asa ca n-ar trebui sa fiu greu de inghitit
Cealalta fata cu care sunt, nu se plange niciodata
Ma face s-o las pe cea cu care sunt cu Usher Raymond
Poate ca nu ai observat, nu te agita, mai tarziu o sa.
In final mi-am dat seama, in final m-a izbit
Am o noua iubita, si nu esti tu
Ea? Ea mi-a dat intalnire
Si atitudinea, nu-mi pasa
Dar toate prostiile pe care o sa le fac pentru ea, o sa auzi de ele
[? ]
Sunt intr-o noua relatie (prostie)
Ii spun adio ei
Tind spre ceva mai bun
Nu mai incerc sa fac sa mearga
M-ai facut sa vreau sa-i spun La revedere-la revedere eï


If one day will come what is missing here for a long time
The pride will walk away by fast steps and
we will try to play a fair game.
A long time ago they called it 'love'
A long time ago she was happy,
And he would have given her the world.
What a strange time, when vases are empty,
Empty people no longer write poems and a passion
Is agitating of solitude in the corner.
There comes the time to send the lures away,
When you can´t swim even in yourself, the river will pull you down,
In a heavy flow
it looks like you´re not going to win this fight.
Every night I have a dream,
The lure so beautiful, clear and real,
That the confused souls will see the light.
At times when everyone needed just a little,
A piece of meadow and the Sun which warmed their faces,
A pleasant whiff was waving.
So I am asking, if the pride is killing us,
If we can breathe easily,
If we can breathe easily,
when 'either - or' is ticking..
Because I believe in those dreams, I believe in gazes,
In touch of two souls, in touch of two fools,
Who are rather giving more,
Than to take.
There comes the time to send the lures away,
When you can´t swim even in yourself, the river will pull you down,
In a heavy flow
it looks like you´re not going to win this fight.
There comes the time to send the lures away,
When you can´t swim even in yourself, the river will pull you down,
In a heavy flow
it looks like you´re not going to win this fight.

Two fools

There is the first serious snow flying outside
Your hair is getting wet, you say let it be
In our memories we are teens
I am trying to find these years with your laugh
Wandering in the streets again for a while
And not having any fear in the dark
Go home with the sunrise following us
Just right ones
Just two fools, they can understand the world
Walking together not knowing where
The time is stopped while we are one shadow
And while I can stand in it
Just two fools, they can understand the world
Walking together not knowing where
The time is stopped while we are one shadow
And while I can stand in it
I want to hide you in the grass in the spring
That smile again, you have on your face
And secretly take few clouds there
When I am with you and I am not alone anymore
Wandering in the streets again for a while
And not having any fear in the dark
Go home with the sunrise following us
Just right ones
Just two fools, they can understand the world
Walking together not knowing where
The time is stopped while we are one shadow
And while I can stand in it
Just two fools, they can understand the world
Walking together not knowing where
The time is stopped while we are one shadow
And while I can stand in it

Knife in the skull!

Infantry! Infantry!
I've been called up for warring,
But, at the most important moment, who would've thought
My rifle'd have ended up jamming1?!
With determination, the order was to kill.
I hung the enemy's skin up on the flagpole.
This is why I'm called Knife in the Skull.
It's Knife, it's Knife, it's Knife in the Skull.
Patrol, patrol, patrol all night long
In the jungles, at wars, in the Mendanha and Madureira neighborhoods
Hear, hear the Skull's laughter!:
Yahaha, yahahahaha, yahaha, yahahahaha.
  • 1. Or malfunctioning. It's when one's gun stops working perfectly.

The Fieldjagers

Jagers! Brave, though and free!
Quickly take up the gun
Everyone of you is a brave hero
The enemy approaches, take positions
For the beloved fatherland!
Add to our forces
Also your battlebanner.
From: Oder, Weichfel, Niemen, Mein,
From: Elbe, Donau, Lech and Rhijn,
We are the heroes here.
Fraternize with heart and will
Fraternize with bravery
You bind with them the strongest bond
You bind the case to the fatherland
From God, from good and blood
Not to conquer their lord marched
Far away from home
The Scandalous tyranny
The french you may fight
The battle is worth fighting (2x)
Join the formation,
Orange goes first,
Destroy with them the hatred
That is still present in our land
Break through their lines
God’s blessing you will get
May it help you on the battlefield
Think: even if it costs all your precious blood
Freedom is of highest importance
Do not forget their life (2x)
So, brave jager, though and free
No matter how sad your girl will be
Nothing will stop your fire
Be brave! Death or Victory!
The enemy must be broken! (5x)

Next To You, The Universe

In the moment I knew you,
I had feelings.
My eyes became blind,
I stopped seeing the rest of the people.
Next to you, the universe fades.
I love you more than I can ever imagine.
Everyone I knew before you,
They were just numbers not more.
When you are next me,
I forget everyone.
I feel my heart beats stronger,
I believe the feeling.

Corona en el piso

Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah ah-ah,
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah (x3)
Nunca lo dudaste
Te orgullese tanto
Prácticamente lo gritaste
No cabe duda
No te podría importar menos
Amas lo bueno
Piensas que es interminable, interminable, interminable
Piensas que debe insultar
No nos molesta
No, nadie, no, nunca me contaron
Necesitas luz concentrada
Necesitas quedarte sentada
Quieres vivir bien, ahh, ahh
Deja, deja esa corona en el suelo y ah
Deja, deja esa corona en el suelo y ah
Deja, deja esa corona en el suelo y ah
Deja, deja esa corona en el suelo y ah
Deja, deja esa corona en el suelo y ah
Deja, deja esa corona en el suelo y ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah ah-ah,
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah,
Necesitas saberlo
Decir que volverás hacia atrás
Entre la bolsa transparente
Alguien en tu habitat
Hay algo pequeño
Piensas que me molesta
La clase termina, termina, termina
Nunca lo mostraste
No quieres saber
Hay otra función en desarrollo en tu ventana
El pensamiento permanente sobre ti
Nunca te molesto
Vas a tener que hacerlo, hacerlo, hacerlo
Deja, deja esa corona en el suelo y ah (x6)
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah ah-ah,
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah,
Deja, deja esa corona en el suelo y ah (x16)

Anthem of San Escobar

This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
Even though our history is short
We create it right from scratch
In our veins flows tequila
With faith and honesty
Even though our land is small
We have a lot of potential
Despite the low number of citizens
The missing signs of power are just a semblance
This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
You won’t see us on the map
But we don’t worry
Today people talk about us on the net
Crowds want to visit our land
There no wars in our country
We don’t engage in bad things
But we’re glad to help
Our allies and friends
This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
We’ll build a fleet for you
And even cannons and planes
Our gratitude is endless
We don’t try to make business
We don’t create any barriers
All guests are our brothers
There are no visas, no guards
Let the world hear about us!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
You’re all welcome, you can come
A flight to us costs just two pesos
And from every other country
You can come underground
Others may have oil fields,
gas pipelines, big banks
In our land we have national pride
Cos we have no taxes at all!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
This is San Escobar, it’s our country, it’s our paradise!
This is San Escobar and these are its people
It’s our country, it’s our paradise - this is San Escobar!
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

Ar Trebui Să Mă Vezi Cu O Coroană

Musca-ma de limba, astepti rabdator
Purtand un semn de avertizare
Asteapta pana cand lumea imi apartine
Viziunile pe care le vandalizez
Este frig in partea mea de regat
M-am indragostit de ochii acestia oceanici
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Voi domni peste oraselul asta bun de nimic
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Tacerea ta este sunetul meu preferat
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate unul
Imi numar cartile, le privesc cum cad
Sange pe un perete de marmura
Imi place modul in care cu totii
Spune-mi ce e mai rau
Sa traiesti sau sa mori mai intai
Dormind in interiorul unui dric
Nu visez
Ai spus
Vin-o in vizita draga
Cred ca esti frumoasa
Sunt ok
Nu sunt 'draga' ta
Daca crezi ca sunt frumoasa
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Voi domni peste oraselul asta bun de nimic
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Tacerea ta este sunetul meu preferat
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate unul
Voi domni peste oraselul asta bun de nimic
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate
Ar trebui sa ma vezi cu o coroana
Tacerea ta este sunetul meu preferat
Priveste-ma cum ii fac sa se inchine
Unul cate unul
Unul cate unul

Colonel Hathi's March

One, two, three, four
Heads up, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
With pride, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
All together!
We must patrol here
That is the elephants' duty
Each morning here
We'll be standing on time
Because we are soldiers
Because we are soldiers
One, two, three, four
All in place, two, three, four
In a line or in threes
On the roads of the forest
We march with might
In the right tempo
In a proper military style
In a proper military style
Turn to the rear!
One, two, three, four
Heads up, two, three, four
Turn to the rear!
Company, halt!

Trust in Me

Have faith
In me, only in me
Fall asleep
And trust only me
(Don't move now)
Go to sleep
With me
By your side
Fall into sweet slumber
Sail on the dream's wing
Clouds of fog surround your senses
All the way
(You're snoring)
Count on me
Trust only me
Have faith
In me, only in me