Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 30

Număr de rezultate: 1098



Eid .. oh how beautiful is Eid!
We'll collect more and more money
Be smart and plan ahead!
Revisit with different clothes, everyone is busy, they won't notice
Revisit them, revisit them, revisit them
And be cool
Revisit, as it's your first time
Revisit, as you haven't take money before
Revisit and repeat
Act as a new person
Eid .. We'll visit grandma
I wish she doesn't discover the trick, otherwise it will be bad!
Revisit, as you haven't take money before
Revisit, as it's your first time
Revisit and repeat
Act as a new person
Revisit .. Revisit and have courage
Repeat repeat, and if they caught you!
Show them that puppy face
Revisit, as it's your first time
Revisit, as you haven't take money before
Revisit and repeat
Act as a new person
“Whatever troubles that soul is reflected, magically, in the poetry. Reading Arabic poetry, therfore, is not an idle excercise. It is a trip inside the Arab soul.”


[Verse 1]
Te vreau aproape de mine
Te vreau aproape, te vreau mai aproape
Dar atunci când ești aici cu mine
E greu de ghicit ceea ce urmărești
Spui că mă vrei în întregime azi
Dar mâine nu-i la fel
Sentimentele mele nu se schimbă niciodată
Ce vrei de la mine?
Ce vrei , uh?
Trebuie să știu
Dar lucrul ăsta e reciproc
Înainte să ajung
Și să fiu prea implicat
Te doresc rău
Poți să simți același lucru?
Nu , nu vreau să trebuiască să te părăsesc
Dar doar jumătate din noi nu mi-e de ajuns
[Verse 2]
Contradicția asta, ce înseamnă?
Mă faci să-mi pun întrebări, prin felul în care te porți
Însemn măcar ceva?
Spune-mi sincer odată
Spui că mă vrei în întregime azi
Dar mâine nu-i la fel
Sentimentele mele nu se schimbă niciodată
Ce vrei de la mine?
Ce vrei , uh?
Trebuie să știu
Dar lucrul ăsta e reciproc
Înainte să ajung
Și să devin prea implicat
Te doresc rău
Poți să simți același lucru?
Nu , nu vreau să trebuiască să te părăsesc
Dar doar jumătate din noi nu mi-e de ajuns
Te joci cu mine , ăsta e un joc?
Atunci când apari târziu ,cam pe la 2 noaptea , iubito
Atunci spune-mi că nu poți rămâne , fato , da
Ce vrei de la mine?
Trebuie să știu
Dar lucrul ăsta e reciproc
Înainte să ajung
Și să devin prea implicat
Te doresc rău
Poți să simți același lucru?
Nu , nu vreau să trebuiască să te părăsesc
Dat doar jumătate din noi nu mi-e de ajuns

Pentru că te-am avut

[Verse 1]
Cred că e timpul să fiu cinstit
Ar fi trebuit să-ți spun să nu pleci
În ciuda faptului că știam ceea ce voiam
Nu mă cunoșteam pe mine deloc
Ești cu cineva ,nu pot rămâne , da
Dar îmi dau seama că ești fericită
A venit vremea să găsesc pe cineva nou
Să o duc prin toate locurile în care am fost noi doi
Și poate că ea mă poate ajuta să uit că iubind-o pe ea e ceva ce nu aș fi făcut niciodată
Petru că te-am avut ,pentru că te-am avut pe tine
[Verse 2]
Hey, amintește-ți când ți-am spus
Că tu și cu mine vom rămâne în istorie, da
Și sora ta întreabă de mine?
Tu și cu mine , ceea ce am avut noi , este pierdut pentru totdeauna?
Ești cu cineva ,nu pot rămâne , da
Dar îmi dau seama că ești fericită
A venit vremea să găsesc pe cineva nou
Să o duc prin toate locurile în care am fost noi doi
Și poate că ea mă poate ajuta să uit că iubind-o pe ea e ceva ce nu aș putea face niciodată
Petru că te-am avut ,pentru că te-am avut pe tine
Nu mai am nimic , oh
Nu mai am nimic de pierdut
Pentru că te-am avut pe tine , iubito
Nu mai am nimic
Nimic ce aș putea să fac
Îmi doresc să te fi avut
dar cred că a venit vremea să găsesc pe cineva nou
Să o duc prin toate locurile în care am fost noi doi
Și poate că ea mă poate ajuta să uit că iubind-o pe ea e ceva ce nu aș putea face niciodată
Petru că te-am avut ,pentru că te-am avut pe tine


We like to live deep in the woods,
to go and sleep on the hard ground.
{With a thousand voices, the forest tells us
to go for the big adventure} (x2)
La la la...
We like to live on horseback
in the plains of the Caucasus.
{Carried away by their rapid gallop,
we race faster than Pegasus} (x2)
La la la...
We like to live near the bonfire
and sing under the stars.
{With a thousand sparkles, the moonlit night tells us
to be merry when nothing veils the sky} (x2)
La la la...
We like to live freely,
drink vodka and eat pirozhki,
{dance and laugh in the whole regiment
and parade through conquered villages} (x2)
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.

Like a Gypsy

Before the moon I sing to you, from my loving heart,
With a dry throat I shall sing to you, all of my secrets till it hurts
My soul yearns for you, to sip until your lips will dry
If you'd give your youth only to me, I shall tie tiaras to your head
Before the moon I sing to you, from my loving heart,
With a dry throat I shall sing to you, all of my secrets till it hurts
My soul yearns for you, to sip until your lips will dry
If you'd give your youth only to me, I shall tie tiaras to your head
Like a gypsy with a guitar I play for you, after you I travel,
You dance and sing and my heart's still lonely
Like a gypsy with a guitar I play for you, after you I travel,
You dance and sing and my heart's still lonely
From town to town you still wander, setting no limits
Who is the one that you love inside your locked heart
In the alleys they'll tell you, the stars will also testify
None can separate you from my heart, even if I'll wait for years
Like a gypsy with a guitar I play for you, after you I travel,
You dance and sing and my heart's still lonely
Like a gypsy with a guitar I play for you, after you I travel,
You dance and sing and my heart's still lonely

Life in one hundred and twelve words.

Cradle. Nappies. Cry. Fall.
Word. Step. Doctor. Cold.
Brother. Toys. Running around.
Backyard. Swings. Kinder garden.
School. Two. Three. Five. Sad.
Ball. Trip-up. Plaster. Bed.
Fight. Broken nose. Blood.
Friends. Get together. Show off. Yard.
Institute. Bushes. Spring.
Summer. Semester. Behind on everything.
Gin and ice. Beer. Vodka.
Coffee. Semester. Diploma.
Romanticism. Love. Starlight.
Hands. Lips. Sleepless nights.
Wedding. In laws. Trap. Freedom end.
Argument. Club. Glass.Friends.
Home. Work.
Home. Family.
Sun. Summer.
Snow. Winter.
Son. Cradle.Nappies.
Bed. Lover. Stress.
Business. Money. Plan. Setback.
Soap operas. TV set.
Summer house. Zucchini. Sour cherry.
Migraine. Glasses. Grey hair.
Grandson. Cradle. Nappies.
Bed. Blood pressure. Stress.
Doctor. Heart. Kidneys. Bones.
Speeches. Coffin. Farewell. Cry. Gone.

Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne

Versions: #3
I will go to the valley
I will look into the sky
And with a motley scarf
My plaits I'll tie.
Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
My plaits I'll tie.
Where now would I look
Into the friends eyes,
A cherished, dear song
To sing for him tonight?
Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
To sing for him tonight?.
But doesn't bring any joy
Beauty to my soul.
I became so different,
Not the same at all.
Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Not the same at all.
I will go to the valley
I will look into the sky
And with a motley scarf
My plaits I'll tie.
Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
Ay, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne,
My plaits I'll tie.

Without any Borders

I can travel round the world
from where I am
I don't need to wait for authorization
Nor do I dream about another passport
I want to live free, oh no, no, no
without any borders
Close your eyes
Travel to a new place with me
A place whose passport is tunes
And only tunes
A new land
that has never revealed its secrets
not even in dreams
not in dreams
This a trip whose date you decide
[It starts] when you possess your mind and heart
Your origin and heritage bear no impact
As long as you can fly away with the tune
I don't want a visa
that can take me to Pisa
I want a visa that can make me enter your heart
So you'd accept me. As much as we are different,
and no matter how far we are,
there's still surely a tune that can bring us closer
And remind us of the truth
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.


[Verse 1]
Te-am văzut într-o duminică într-o cafenea
Tot ce ai făcut a fost să te uiți în calea mea
Si inima mea a inceput sa se indrepte
Și mâinile mele au început să se agită, da
Am auzit că ai întrebat despre mine printr-un prieten
Și adrenalina mea a intrat
Pentru că l-am întrebat și despre tine
Și acum suntem aici în camera asta
Sunt puțin nervos în jurul tău
Ia puțină stres când mă gândesc la tine
Fii puțin entuziasmat
Iubito, când mă gândesc la tine, da
Vorbește prea mult în jurul tău
(Vorbesc puțin prea mult, da)
Ia puțină conștiință când mă gândesc la tine
(Am puțin conștient de sine)
Fii puțin entuziasmat
(Am puțin emoționat)
Iubito, când mă gândesc la tine, da
Da, când mă gândesc la tine, iubito
[Verse 2]
Am mers în ploaie
O pereche de blocuri la apartamentul tău
Mi-ai spus să intru înăuntru
M-am prins uitându-mă în ochii tăi
Și de obicei nu sunt așa
Dar îmi place ce faci pentru mine
Ce-mi faci pentru mine
Sunt puțin nervos în jurul tău
Mă simt puțin nervos
Ia puțină stres când mă gândesc la tine
Sunt puțin stresat
Fii puțin entuziasmat
Mă bucur puțin
Iubito, când mă gândesc la tine, da
Da, când mă gândesc la tine, babe (oh da)
Vorbește prea mult în jurul tău
Vorbesc prea mult, da
Ia puțină conștiință când mă gândesc la tine
Am un pic conștient de sine
Fii puțin entuziasmat
Mă bucur puțin
Puiule, când mă gândesc la tine
Da, când mă gândesc la tine, iubito
Mă faci să mă comporți ca și cum n-am mai făcut-o niciodată înainte
Promit că voi fi gata când voi umbla prin ușă
Și nu știu de ce
Nu, nu știu de ce
Sunt puțin nervos în jurul tău
Mă simt puțin nervos
Ia puțină stres când mă gândesc la tine
Sunt puțin stresat
Fii puțin entuziasmat
Mă bucur puțin
Iubito, când mă gândesc la tine, da
Da, când mă gândesc la tine, babe (oh da)
Vorbește prea mult în jurul tău
Vorbesc prea mult, da
Ia puțină conștiință când mă gândesc la tine
Am un pic conștient de sine
Fii puțin entuziasmat
Mă bucur puțin
Puiule, când mă gândesc la tine
Da, când mă gândesc la tine, iubito

When you're...

when you're away from my sight
what does your absence do to me?
I feel that I'm alone
even though I'm surrounded by people
I'm carried away by my thoughts and they are tormenting me
and jealousy is melting me away
with a loud voice I'm going to tell you and assure you
I can no longer bear your absence
when you're away from my sight
what does your absence do to me?
Occupied by you day and night
one hundred percent in love with you, my life
with a loud voice I'm going to tell you and assure you
I can no longer bear your absence
when you're away from my sight
what does your absence do to me?
I feel that I'm alone
even though I'm surrounded by people
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Go away and forget about me

Go away and forget about me
it's not within your hand or mine, fate has torn us apart
if we ever came by each other
and your eyes met mine
don't say hi
and don't say that I abandoned you
say that life and fate have torn us apart
don't say that I abandoned you
don't say that I abandoned you
if we ever came by each other
and your eyes met mine
don't say hi
and don't say that I abandoned you
Go away and forget about me
it's not within your hand or mine, fate has torn us apart
we weren't on the same page, and for what?
where's the love that we shared in the old days?
we weren't on the same page, and for what?
and I got tired of warning you
if only you listened to me
we weren't on the same page, and for what?
me and love, and for what?
go away and forget about me
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Children's song

This one went hunting,
This one is carrying a rifle,
This one eats pear
This one says: Give it to me
This one says: Shit to you

Slow Down

I wanna stay with you
In night baby
I don't wanna wake up still
On sunrise
Don't let anyone in
I'll lock the door, my lady
You can say whatever you want
Cause I will be with you
Baby slow down girl
No, don't misunderstand
Baby slow down girl
We're not in a rush
Baby slow down girl
Let's do it more slowly
Oh baby baby babe, ma lady
This is my first time feeling this way
Yet it feels like a déjà-vu
Open the door slowly
Wrap yourself around me warmly
You don't have to be ashamed
We don't need to hurry
You raise up your face while biting your lips
I look down on you
Further up and down
All day all night long
Don't let anyone in
I'll lock the door, my lady
You can say whatever you want
Cause I will be with you
Baby slow down girl
No, don't misunderstand
Baby slow down girl
We're not in a rush
Baby slow down girl
Let's do it more slowly
I don't wanna think no more
Tell me that you love me now
All translations are mine unless stated otherwise. Please credit me if using my translations. Contact me if you notice any errors.

Thousand Eyes #WNCfam

Away, get away
You 're such a freak
Different, too different
I'm scared of judgement
Your insults and your slanders stick on to me
Really, your thousand eyes don't mean anything
Look at me only one time
How many things can a smile hide
If you learn to smile correctly
Come close to me nights like these
That I remember the 'before' and I bet on the 'after'
But everything is blurred because my loneliness is my only company
Tell me where are you, where do you get dressed, where do you get undressed for people who don't appreciate you
People change, they learn to hope but there is not hope anymore
I don't know where are you, how am I but I do know that everything is gonna be fine
That's what they tought us when we were little kids
Because everything is a breath, pass to pass and basses at the music to catch love before it's gone
It's a difficult mission and the chosens are a few
I am looking forever two diamond-eyes to be together with at the sweet sunrise
But where I get lost, I don't know what I feel anymore
I don't know who are beside me
If you 're beside me, then hold me
I feel like - I wanna leave from here yeah it's difficult here
Your thousand eyes put me in here, now find me a way to get out
Their thousand eyes circle me
They point at me while they whisper, they flatten me
And like a crazy one I scream at them to go
But I feel a thousand eyes judging around me
And they are still here
They can't be innocent
Life can't be just a clock
We can't be innocent
We couldn't had play with the ropes of fate and the next morning just being innocent on the ground
I want you for a moment, to be inside my head
To understand better my error and get lost in there
But no you just judge
Without being able to see what weight that you put on the others
Without being able to say sorry and no I don't overact
I have been hurt so many times and that's why I write songs
I rise my voice and I shout fuck your thousand eyes
Fuck your tousand eyes
You judge, you judge, you judge
But you never talk staight to someone's face (never)
Fuck your thousand eyes
I got tired of being miscalled by you
But you don't even try to know me
Fuck your thousand eyes
Fuck your thousand eyes
When I was sixteen, I was a stranger in my class
At the lesson I was sitting at the last desk
I was writting dreams continuously
I was waiting to finish school and I was afraid of the break
'Cause if I remember something is a thousand eyes and five hundred fingers
'Look what he is wearing... Look at his hair, they aren't good...
He is writing on his notebook again, he isn't talking again...
What is he listening to? When you look at him he looks away...'
Break my pen and give me ink
Look how someone who lost writes
Look the art that flows out of my veins
Look what someone who has been hurt can do
And later close your eyes
And later put the fingers in your ass
I will be sixteen forever
I will avenge for my dead confidence
A thousand eyes with black pencil
A thousand red dreams
We are still alive and if the rope can stand us
It will become apparent in the applause
Their thousand eyes circle me
They point at me while they whisper, they flatten me
And like a crazy one I scream at them to go
But I feel a thousand eyes judging around me
(And they are still here)
Their thousand eyes circle me
They point at me while they whisper, they flatten me
And like a crazy one I scream at them to go
But I feel a thousand eyes judging around me
And they are still here
You judge, you judge but you never talk staight to someone's face

The Nights will Never Lose Value

Our nights will never lose value
nor will what's between us
And my loving heart will never
ever be able to betray you
You came into my heart and since that day
it doesn't dream but of you
The world throws its burdens upon me
Yet they melt away the moment I meet you
But now life is separating us
separating us
But again we say
Our nights will never lose value
nor will what's between us
And my loving heart will never
ever be able to betray you
I swear upon your eyes and their smile
I will never sing but for you
You are all my wishes and their happiness
And tomorrow resides in your eyes
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Downtown Baby

Cruising, cruising
With my only downtown baby
Looking around in your town
To a narrow alley, we’ll get lost again
In this maze of love we can’t go back anymore, Woo Oh baby
In a cafe that’s like a refuge
We meet for the first time
Smiling, you took a snapshot and uploaded
A photo of the leaf drawn on the latte
Hey, you come to this shop often
But do not meet with anyone I’ve finally found my girl
Cruising, cruising
With my only downtown baby
Looking around in your town
To a narrow alley, we’ll get lost again in this maze of love
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Even though today is a special day
I’ll try to not do anything and just stay
In this timeless old scene
Ding-dong! The speed of my heart says
“Let’s go”
The inside of your stylish glasses is shining
I’ve found the jewel hiding in your eyes
Cruising aimlessly
With my downtown baby
We gently research around your town
Laughing, we talk about our memories I’m fascinated by you
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Downtown baby Downtown baby
I want to know about you to know about knowing you
Once I get confused you’ll disappear into the alley again
Downtown, downtown while laughing
Downtown Woo Woo Woo
It’s like it’s (you’re) slipping through my hands
Cruising, cruising
Chasing after my downtown baby
Today I’ll also research your feelings
To a narrow alley, we’ll get lost again in this maze of love
Downtown baby Downtown baby
Downtown baby Downtown baby

Teach me how to love

Teach me how to love.. teach me how to forget
you're a sea with a lost coast and harbor
teach me how to be gentle.. teach me how to be cold
pass by me.. just wipe my tears and go away
pass by me.. bring me a heart and a soul
pass by me.. if you remembered the wounds
you're a tyrant, a look is a mistake.. and you reward my generosity with stinginess
when I'm the one who gave you safety, an eye and an eyelid 1
this one is the bed and the other one is the cover 2
where do I begin, my wound
and you've been with me since I was born
my hand refused to wave you goodbye
but you've taught me to be cold.. since I failed to learn.. I will show you how to be loyal
  • 1. means he was always watching over her to keep her safe
  • 2. means the eye and the eyelid
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


If My Lord Asks Me

If my Lord asks me 'Have you shyness in disobeying me?'
You conceal your sins from my creation and with sins you come to me
So how will I answer? O woe to me and who shall protect me?
I keep averting my soul with thoughts of hope from time to time
And I forget what is to come after death and after I am shrouded
As if I am guaranteed life (eternally) and that death will not come to me
And when the severe stupor of death overtakes me, who will protect me?
I looked at the faces, is there not from among them who will ransom me
I will be asked regarding what I've prepared in my life to save me (on the Day of Judgement)
Then how will I answer after I've neglected my religion?
Woe to me! Did I not hear the Speech of Allah inviting me?
Did I not hear what came in the chapters of Qaaf and Yasin?
Did I not hear about the Day of Gathering, the Day of Assemble, and the Day of Judgement?
Did I not hear the crier of death inviting me, calling me?
So O my Lord, a slave (turning to you) I have repented so who then shall shelter me?
Except a Lord extensive in forgiveness - to the truth He will guide me
I have come to you (in repentance) so have mercy on me, and make heavy my scales (with good deeds)
And lighten my account - You are the best of who will bring me to account

You Crazy One

You crazy one, I am not Leila
And I am not going to sway with the breeze of your love
You crazy one, I am not Leila
And I am not going to sway with the breeze of your love
Why do you want me to say 'I love you'
I love you, but I'm not saying it
You.. you crazy one
One hour you complain to the sky
Another hour you tell the night
One hour you complain to the sky
Another hour you tell the night
But my heart has seen heartache
A lot it has seen heartache
You.. you crazy one
You are causing a lot of trouble
It means you're still confused (about how I feel)
You are causing a lot of trouble
It means you're still confused
And forgetting that my heart has chosen
Yes, my heart has chosen
You.. you crazy one
You crazy one, I am not Leila
And I am not going to sway with the breeze of your love
You crazy one, I am not Leila
And I am not going to sway with the breeze of your love
Why do you want me to say 'I love you'
I love you, but I'm not saying it
You.. you crazy one


[Verse 1: Khalid & Shawn Mendes]
Iată-mă, am rămas pe această canapea
Defilați prin notele mele
Inima a fost spartă, încă nu crește, nu
Trezirea la titluri
Umplut cu devastare din nou
Inima mea e frântă
Dar eu continui
[Pre-chorus: Shawn Mendes & Khalid]
Durere, dar nu voi lăsa să se transforme în ură
Nu, nu voi lăsa să mă schimbe
Nu pierdeți niciodată vederea celui pe care-l păstrez
Acum, știu asta
Da, știu asta
[Chorus: Shawn Mendes & Khalid]
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Acest suflet al meu nu se va rupe niciodată
Atâta timp cât mă trezesc astăzi
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Acest suflet al meu nu se va rupe niciodată
Atâta timp cât mă trezesc astăzi
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
[Verse 2: Shawn Mendes & Khalid]
E greu să dormi noaptea
Știind ce este în afară
Senzație de speranță
Am nevoie de concentrare
M-ai lovit cu cuvintele pe care nu mi-am auzit-o
Ca să fiu sincer
Nu vreau, nu
[Pre-chorus: Shawn Mendes & Khalid]
Durere, dar nu voi lăsa să se transforme în ură
Nu, nu voi lăsa să mă schimbe
[Chorus: Shawn Mendes & Khalid]
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Acest suflet al meu nu se va rupe niciodată
Atâta timp cât mă trezesc astăzi
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Acest suflet al meu nu se va rupe niciodată
Atâta timp cât mă trezesc astăzi
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
[Bridge: Khalid & Shawn Mendes]
Durere, dar nu voi lăsa să se transforme în ură
Nu, nu voi lăsa să mă schimbe
Durere, dar nu voi lăsa să se transforme în ură
Nu, nu voi lăsa să mă schimbe
[Chorus: Shawn Mendes & Khalid]
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Acest suflet al meu nu se va rupe niciodată
Atâta timp cât mă trezesc astăzi
Nu-mi poți lua tinerețea (tinerețe)
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Acest suflet al meu nu se va rupe niciodată
Atâta timp cât mă trezesc astăzi
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Acest suflet al meu nu se va rupe niciodată
Atâta timp cât mă trezesc astăzi
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Acest suflet al meu nu se va rupe niciodată
Atâta timp cât mă trezesc astăzi
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea
Nu poți să-mi iei tinerețea

What am I without you?

what am I without you? I'm nothing
your eyes are everything to me
when I blink
and my eyes are closed for a bit, I miss you so much
my heart is warm, not cold
your love is fundamental to me
I always hold you on my head 1
and I'll forever long for you
look at your eyes! what are they hiding?
you'll find a lover who looks out for them 2
may death come take me, may death come take me
but you don't walk out and leave
your cheeks are blushed with shyness
you're a flower and your scent has melted me
your eyes are mesmerizing
God, how I like her!
look at your eyes! what are they hiding?
you'll find a lover who looks out for them
may death come take me, may death come take me
but you don't walk out and leave
  • 1. an expression of endearment and respect
  • 2. her eyes
You're free to use any of my translations. Please refer to the link every time you do so.
لك الحرية في استخدام ترجماتي كيفما شئت طالما وضعت الرابط لها


Vechi pantof maro

Vreau o dragoste corectă, dar corectă e doar pe jumătate din ce-i greşit
Vreau o fată tunsă scurt ce uneori poartă părul dublu în lungime
Acum păşesc în acest vechi pantof maro
Dragă, m-am îndrăgostit de tine
Sunt bucuros că ai venit, nu va fi la fel acum
Ţi-o spun.
Tragi de mine de unde unii încearcă să mă tragă în jos
Când îţi văd zâmbetul înlocuind orice întristare fără de gând
M-ai făcut să scap din această grădină zoologică
Dragă, m-am îndrăgostit de tine
Sunt bucuros că ai venit, nu va fi la fel acum
Ţi-o spun.
Dacă voi creşte, m-aş face cântăreţ
Purtând inele la fiecare deget
Neîngrijorându-mă de ce-ar spune ei sau tu
Voi trăi şi voi iubi dar poate într-o zi,
cine ştie, iubito, tu m-ai împăca
Aş părea c-aş fi imperfect
Dragostea mea e ceva ce să nu refuzi
Mă schimb mai repede decât vremea
Dacă tu şi eu am fi împreună,
Cine ştie, iubito, tu m-ai împăca
Ştiu că dragostea mea e-a ta, să lipsească faptul că dragostea-i ceva ce urăsc
Voi porni devreme, mă voi asigura că n-am întârziat
Pentru buza ta de sus stau la coadă
Dragă, m-am îndrăgostit de tine
Sunt bucuros că ai venit, nu va fi la fel acum
Când sunt cu tine
Sunt bucuros că ai venit, nu va fi la fel acum
Când sunt cu tine

Can’t Bring Me Down

Corrupted heart, frame torn apart
The door to heaven is still so far
Want to overthrow the world where only the weak cry
Youth don’t cry
Haughtiness is a type of blizzard
Drenched wings will fall down, fall
Oh yeah yeah
No matter who, don’t help anyone
Imprisoned in the sea of hopelessness
Reflecting the red moonlight
Light of hope flashes heart starts to bear again
Standing on the high point seeing a different world now
Oh the new cocoon will soon transform
Yeah, right or wrong, black white gray
Look at the scale in your heart (Yeah)
Evil thoughts hide behind kind masks
Fossilize into piles become a honorable ritual
Destroy them all today
You will never ever bring me down
The crumbling wall
Stars no longer shine, fall
Still can’t surrender
You can’t bring me down
Fake moves, such good acting
Your tricks are so heartless
Try so hard but no one wins
Game is over now
So crazy, forgot who you truly are
Welcome the new unkown world
Still guard your heart that original innocence
Yo the brainwashed thoughts memories
Completely faded (Yeah)
Different looks, similiar hearts created
Abandoning humanity’s unique value is a sin
I will not compromise easily
You will never ever bring me down
The crumbling wall
Stars no longer shine, fall
Still can’t surrender
You can’t bring me down
Gamble on this rare chance
Hold onto the best
Time to fly
Don’t fear any obstacles
We are standing
Only people who persist to the end
Can become the champion
The sly tricks will be decoded
Even the sweetest temptations will be ended
There’s a type of unchanging belief
Lick on my own wounds someday it’ll recover
Standing on the high point seeing a different world now
A light flashing in my eyes, dawn
The crumbling wall
Stars no longer shine, fall
Still can’t surrender
You can’t bring me down
The crumbling wall
Stars no longer shine, fall
Still can’t surrender
You can’t bring me down

What You Wish

The evening star glows bright and clear
Now what you wish will come true
Even tonight, perhaps
You must just believe it

Love to madness

I don't wanna miss your heart to get bored
I want a love that leaves a trace
I don't wanna miss your heart to get bored
I want a love that leaves a trace
I don't know how to love during a few days, a weekend or a month only
When I love you It's for the whole entire life
When I love you It's for the whole entire life
I wanna love you to madness, that none humanbeing has seen before
The stars in the sky as well as the planet said it's more beautiful than the moon
I wanna love you to madness, that none humanbeing has seen before
The stars in the sky as well as the planet said it's more beautiful than the moon
I won't spend my days but with you
Needless to sleep unless in my dream I will take you away
I won't spend my days but with you
Needless to sleep unless in my dream I will take you away
I do not have this feeling except for you
These words from my heart I'll make you listen to
I do not have this feeling except for you
These words from my heart I'll make you listen to
I wanna love you to madness, that none humanbeing has seen before
The stars in the sky as well as the planet said it's more beautiful than the moon
I wanna love you to madness, that none humanbeing has seen before
The stars in the sky as well as the planet said it's more beautiful than the moon


Over The Garden Wall Into

Lead through the mist
By the light of a pale moon
Everything which disappeared is clear to see now
The burdens we carried are mere shadow memories here
But where are we now, and were are we going?
If dreams just are dreams, then just indulge yourself
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Coquettish and heart-attracting

Are you from the turn of a dance,
In the silence of the night,
Or from context of an image,
Coquettish and heart attracting,
Where from did you blossom,
Where from the story,
To make the night filled with the lotus,
Like the world of a story,
From which horizons of story did you blossom,
That you are a cher flying mate of a dream,
That you are lucid like the ardor for liberty,
You are sweet like the sense of liberation,
Night is filled with flowers for your name,
I'm impressed by the fragrance of your passing by,
The glance of mirror was filled with,
The red rose flower of your presence,
Are you from the turn of a dance,
In the silence of the night,
Or from context of an image,
Coquettish and heart attracting,
Where from did you blossom,
Where from the story,
To make the night filled with the lotus,
Like the world of a story,
Wore the robe of love,
The grey wearing night,
Illuminated by the singing,
The chilly quiet sanctum,
Me and the ash of the poetry,
You and the bright Golbad*,
Made me to be lost, but,
You saved me from death,
Are you from the turn of a dance,
In the silence of the night,
Or from context of an image,
Coquettish and heart attracting,
Where from did you blossom,
Where from the story,
To make the night filled with the lotus,
Like the world of a story,
From which horizons of story did you blossom,
That you are a cher flying mate of a dream,
That you are lucid like the ardor for liberty,
You are sweet like the sense of liberation,
Night is filled with flowers for your name,
I'm impressed by the fragrance of your passing by,
The glance of mirror was filled with,
The red rose flower of your presence,
Are you from the turn of a dance,
In the silence of the night,
Or from context of an image,
Coquettish and heart attracting,
Where from did you blossom,
Where from the story,
To make the night filled with the lotus,
Like the world of a story.


The pain is becoming stronger, dear
My beloved, you who take my life away
Away from you, my dear,
there's more pain than love
Away from you, my dear,
there's more pain than love
Forgive me, forgive me, o God
Forgive me if I'm sinning
I love her with every inch of my being
That's why I ask for forgiveness
I love her with every inch of my being
That's why I ask for forgiveness
Oh, from this sweet love, my darling, only dreams remain
Oh, from this sweet love, my darling, only dreams remain
No doubt that in this world, my darling, life is both pain and dreams
No doubt that in this world, my darling, my life is both pain and dreams
My life is both pain and dreams
I hope this was helpful! Any corrections are truly appreciated.
These translations are made with love and care, so it'd be great if you credited me whenever you repost them somewhere else!

Din motive necunoscutero

Îmi fac bagajele
Ma uit în oglinda
Arăt puțin mai în vârstă
Arăt un pic mai rece
Cu un aer adânc în piept
Și cu un pas mare
Mă apropii cate puțin
Mă apropii cate puțin
Din motive necunoscute
Mi-am regăsit ritmul
Zbor și am tot zburat
Știu ca dacă destinul e bun cu mine
O sa-mi păstrez cumpătul
Dar inima mea nu mai bate
Nu mai bate așa cum obișnuia
Și ochii mei nu te mai văd deloc
Și buzele mele nu mai sărută
Nu mai săruta așa cum obișnuiau
Și ochii mei nu te mai recunosc deloc
Din motive necunoscute ...
Era acolo un fotoliu mare
Ne-am așezat pe acel fotoliu mare
Am spus dacă destinul e bun cu mine
O sa-mi păstrez cumpătul
Dar inima mea nu mai bate
Nu mai bate așa cum obișnuia
Și ochii mei nu te mai văd deloc
Și buzele mele nu mai sărută
Nu mai săruta așa cum obișnuiau
Și ochii mei nu te mai recunosc deloc
Din motive necunoscute ...
Mi-am spus inima că nu mai bate
Nu mai bate așa cum obișnuia
Și ochii mei nu te mai văd deloc
Și buzele mele nu mai sărută
Nu mai săruta așa cum obișnuiau
Și ochii mei nu te mai recunosc deloc
Din motive necunoscute ...


Sometimes one's heart becomes gloomy as the dark sky,
Filled with patches of clouds,
Unexpectedly it starts to rain,
Unexpectedly it starts to rain,
Sometimes one's heart is like the sad color of a sunset,
For a broken heart, everything is like the color of a sunset,
Everything is like the color of a sunset,
Drops of rainfall, a broken heart,
Weary eyes, crying eyes,
Drops of rainfall, a distressed heart,
Sound of crying, sound of rainfall,
Me and drops of rainfall,
Me and crying eyes,
You don't know how a broken heart feels without you,
I'm still waiting, waiting for you under the rainfall,
Oh under the rainfall,
Drops of rainfall, a broken heart,
Weary eyes, crying eyes,
Drops of rainfall, a distressed heart,
Sound of crying, sound of rainfall,
Drops of rainfall,
Sound of crying, sound of rainfall,
Drops of rainfall,
Sound of crying, sound of rainfall.

This South-Moravia is surely a beautiful land

There, where the warm wind blows,
the darkness already dims the stars,
the air smells like pear trees
the most beautiful land.
A little lad half-asleep,
he brought the horses out from the stable.
We perceive the world in moments,
the Moravian land is beautiful.
Moravia is a beautiful land,
in which I am born,
and in her I was brought up,
raised by my mother.
She took me to her
maternal heart, to her my life shall be dedicated.
This South-Moravia is surely a beautiful land,
covered in vineyards.
This South-Moravia
is surely a beautiful land,
covered in vineyards.
Where the river Morava hurriedly flows,
there, where the wonderful people sing beautiful songs.
The maidens are beautiful there, tender like flowers,
there is my home, the only one.
When the sun goes down behind the peaks of Pálava
I remember how the youth went by so fast.
I only have one wish, after all I love Moravia,
in this beautiful land I would like to sleep.
This South-Moravia is surely a beautiful land,
covered in vineyards.
This South-Moravia
is surely a beautiful land,
covered in vineyards.
Everywhere, where the vineyards
cover the Moravian land,
there till this day in the villages
a lad will sing with his kin.

I Love Evangeline

Look, she glows up above,
Ma belle Evangeline.
She's not close to me, but
She loves me and only me.
Je t'adore, Je t'aime, Evangeline.
The queen of my night,
She will shine just for me.
How can one as beautiful as she,
Love someone like me.
Love will eventually come,
And I love Evangeline.
Love is good,
Love is beautiful
It's almost everything. Isn't that right, chérie?
Mais oui!
How she glows up above,
I love Evangeline.