Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 27
Vânt cu sens unic
Ai spus, 'Unele vânturi suflă pentru totdeauna'Și eu nu am înțeles
Dar ai văzut că ochii mei întrebau
Și zâmbind m-ai luat de mână
Așa că am mers pe ţărmul mării
Unde copacii cresc într-un singur sens
Arătând direcția unică
Din care bate un vânt zi de zi
Vânt cu sens unic, vânt cu sens unic
Încerci să-mi sufli mintea?
Vânt cu sens unic, vânt cu sens unic
Este el cel pe care speram să-l găsesc?
De ce sufli frigul în fiecare zi?
Spune-mi, ce încerci să spui?
Nu, nu știu totul despre tine
Și poate că nu voi şti niciodată
Dar știu fiecare cuvânt din
Convorbirea noastră de pe deal
Și ori de câte ori te voi vedea
Poate doar încă o dată
Sunt sigură că voi primi răspunsul
Că un vânt încă mai are minte
Vânt cu sens unic, vânt cu sens unic
Încerci să-mi sufli mintea?
Vânt cu sens unic, vânt cu sens unic
Este el cel pe care speram să-l găsesc?
De ce sufli frigul în fiecare zi?
Spune-mi, ce încerci să spui?
(Vânt cu sens unic, vânt cu sens unic)
Încerci să-mi sufli mintea?
(Vânt cu sens unic, vânt cu sens unic)
Este el cel pe care speram să-l găsesc?
(Vânt cu sens unic, vânt cu sens unic)
Încerci să-mi sufli mintea?
(Vânt cu sens unic, vânt cu sens unic)
Este el cel pe care speram să-l găsesc?
The Broken Ground
[Verse 1]The way the sky looks
A Tuesday above the schools
Communal corridors
Four o'clock in October
Just before it darkens
And you can smell the canteen's
Halfhearted potluck food
And the leaves lay plastered
To the ground
[Verse 2]
Grey-white skies
Dentist weather
Some excavator tears up
A cycle path by the football field
And rose hip bushes, rose hip bushes
Rose hip bushes all the way
I see them when I close my eyes
And somewhere there I turned into
The person I am
[Verse 3]
I see the guitar in the shop
The symbol to skip class
The story of a riot
The dream of a higher place
A pirate ship
Which blows straight to Los Angeles
And the stars that twinkle
And no fucker can reach me
Ever again
[Verse 4]
One single ambition
To get the chicks from Berga*
To laugh or cry
And to escape across the roofs
Away from the rule book, the tread of boots
The brick wall, la Isla bonita
And the orange
Chairs you stack
On top of each other
[Verse 5]
Parking garages were built
A small step for man
A big step for the concrete
And the rootless feeling
As yet another obstacle
On the way towards the raw romance
And the guitar in the shop
And the escape
Over the neighborhood
[Verse 6]
One laid blocks across the meadow
With small windows and doors
There were slogans everywhere
From every slightly boring company
And a record shop in the city**
Like a hole through the scenery
Out into reality, the dream
Out into the colors you only
See at the movies
[Verse 7]
We made a band and blew rings
Dragged my hand through the dirt
Filled my nails with clay
From all the surface we scraped
Because somewhere underneath all the layers
Of urban timothy
The big world laid spread out
Without speed bumps and Konsumkort***
And rose hips
[Verse 8]
We placed our boats in the brook
Saw them float into the tunnel
Maybe further towards Vättern****
And the canal to Nordsjön
Over the waves to Ireland
Out to sea and then blow
Away and never return
To the brook
Where it started
[Verse 9]
I see the cream color
The modern but discreet
A completeness makes the simple
Just fold up and screw
But still always something
Who wanted to hunt and confuse
Something which isn't Ikea
Something which didn't have the solution
On the edge
[Verse 10]
I hear the smoked sound
From a studio by the train station
Among dispatch premises
And forgotten depots
The mute, dull skin
And the bass who makes the bars rattle
And the glass and it smells
Just like asphalt does
In autumn
[Verse 11]
We hid the porn magazine underneath the rock
Willes wine in the bush
The entire grove was a micro-Vegas
The barn changed locks
And above it all a sky
Almost strained from the coast
With the little which was left
After the waves and the storms
And the foam
[Verse 12]
I can't return
A crime scene has to rest
The get away car is dumped
The cash is clean
We're now building a new home
Starting up and starting over
The broken ground is chasing me
But I'm not there
Nu flirta
Nu flirta, în fiecare zi, sunt stresat din cauza taAzi mă rog iar să nu te ia altcineva
De ce ai întotdeauna atât de mulți prieteni băieți?
Spui că sunteți prieteni, dar altă explicație nu ai
Spui că te vezi cu o prietenă, dar de ce ai telefonul închis?
Amuzant cum tu ești cea care se enervează acum
Poate că am fost păcălit o dată, dar nu și a doua oară
Nu sunt chiar atât de rău, sunt mai bun ca alții, oriunde merg
Dar tu încerci tipul ăsta și tipul ăla
Și când te plictisești de ei, le dai cu șutu-n fund și îi părăsești și pleci
De ce mergi acolo? Bineînțeles că nu ai voie
În afară de mine, toți băieții sunt la fel
Bărbatul tău e aici
Nu mai alerga după ce nu e al tău
O să-mi pierd mințile spunându-ți să-ți revii
Nu glumi, nu glumesc
Nu te enerva pentru că eu sunt și mai nervos
Nu flirta, în fiecare zi, sunt stresat din cauza ta
Azi mă rog iar să nu te ia altcineva
Nu flirta, serios, ești prea mult
Azi mă rog iar să nu te fure alt tip
Te machiezi tare și spui că mergi acasă la o prietenă? Nu pot să cred
De ce e fusta ta mult mai scurtă azi?
Știu mai bine ca oricine că mă iubești
Chiar vreau să te cred când spui că e o neînțelegere
După ce am așteptat mult, mult timp
M-ai sunat și ai spus că te-ai pus devreme să dormi
Te-ai distrat la petrecere? Am vrut să te înjur
Dar nu am altă opțiune decât să mă abțin, în caz că mă părăsești
Zâmbești cu ochii, flirtezi
Ai făcut tot tam-tam-ul ăsta de una singură
Chiar când încep să te uit, te întorci și mă trădezi
Bârfele au înconjurat orașul, unde ai fost noaptea trecută?
Mai bine m-ai minți
Nu glumi, nu glumesc
Nu te enerva pentru că eu sunt și mai nervos
Nu flirta, în fiecare zi, sunt stresat din cauza ta
Azi mă rog iar să nu te ia altcineva
Nu flirta, serios, ești prea mult
Azi mă rog iar să nu te fure alt tip
Nu doar râde și gândește-te la mine un pic
Dacă pleci, nu-mi rămâne nimic
Nu doar plânge și gândește-te la mine un pic
E ultima dată când îți accept minciunile
Reflexia mea în oglindăE așa de goală ca și cum nu ar fi nimic acolo
Merg singur pe stradă
Dar strada asta goală pare atât de goală
Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat
Iubito, nu-ți fă griji
După ce mă trezesc din visul care erai tu
Dimineața asta de realitate pare atât de goală
În timp ce înfrunt dimineața realizez iar
Că ce mă trezește e alarma, nu tu
De ce e patul ăsta afurisit atât de mare?
În deșertul imens din inima mea, doar un vânt rece suflă
Sunt o scoică goală, un laș fără tine
Oamenii din jurul meu mă privesc cu milă
Mă ucide, nu, ce zi
Înainte să-mi încep ziua, fără să gândesc, am văzut...
Reflexia mea în oglindă
(Nu zâmbesc)
E așa de goală ca și cum nu ar fi nimic acolo
Merg singur pe stradă
Dar strada asta goală pare atât de goală
(E liniște exact ca în inima mea)
Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat
Iubito, nu-ți fă griji
După ce mă trezesc din visul care erai tu
Dimineața asta de realitate pare atât de goală
(Inima mea pare atât de goală)
S-a terminat, iubirea mea
Unde ești?
Acum, suntem doar o amintire
Eu am fost fericit, nu mă uita, să ne reîntâlnim
Zile bune și zile triste
Zile grele și zile fericite
Acum au devenit amintiri ale trecutului
Noi cei din trecut ne-am despărțit acum
E ca și cum m-am întors la realitate
Motivația de a trăi a plecat, în capul meu e complicat
Când deschid ochii dimineața, inima îmi pare goală
Simt pustietatea, exact cum era înainte să te întâlnesc
Reflexia mea în oglindă
(Nu zâmbesc)
E așa de goală ca și cum nu ar fi nimic acolo
Merg singur pe stradă
Dar strada asta goală pare atât de goală
(E liniște exact ca în inima mea)
Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat
Iubito, nu-ți fă griji
După ce mă trezesc din visul care erai tu
Dimineața asta de realitate pare atât de goală
(Inima mea pare atât de goală)
S-a terminat, iubirea mea
Unde ești?
Acum, suntem doar o amintire
Eu am fost fericit, nu mă uita, să ne reîntâlnim
Încă pâlpâi în fața mea când îmi închid ochii
Dar o să simt din ce în ce mai puțin, cu trecerea timpului
Nu regret, sunt doar un pic trist
Nu mi-e dor de tine, tânjesc după tine
Mi-e tot mai frică pentru că nu mai sunt cel dinainte
(Nu zâmbesc)
Mi-e frică văzându-mă tot mai slab
(E liniște exact ca în inima mea)
Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat
Iubito, nu-ți fă griji
După ce mă trezesc din visul care erai tu
Dimineața asta de realitate pare atât de goală
S-a terminat (s-a terminat)
Iubire mea, unde ești? (Unde ești?)
Acum suntem
Doar o amintire, am fost fericit (am fost fericit)
Nu mă uita (nu mă uita)
Să ne reîntâlnim
I like you babe
You’re asking why I like you
Baby wait a sec
All ten of my fingers
Aren’t enough to count
Just like you babe
Is this not enough?
What’s the use of saying it, lady?
You’re the Creator’s masterpiece
Like Magellen said
I went around the earth trying to find you
On the other hand, why do you like me?
Don’t run away or else
Milli, what do you mean milli, you’re billi, um trillion
Want me to tell you every single one?
There’s hundreds on the outside but millions on the inside
Reasons why I like you, baby
Will you stay with me till the sun rises twice?
I wanna tell you all of them
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah)
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
I like you babe
You’re asking why I like you
Baby wait a sec
Even if I spend two days with no rest
It won’t be enough
Just like you babe
Is this not enough?
How much do I like you?
I’ll assign numbers to all the colors of the world
I don’t know difficult math but I can add and multiply love, babe
As if the nose-tingling spring has come, flowers bloom
You fly into my heart like a butterfly
Your wings flapping make my heart flutter
There’s hundreds on the outside but millions on the inside
Reasons why I like you, baby
Will you stay with me till the sun rises twice?
I wanna tell you all of them
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah)
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
(One) I want you, my heart wants you
(Two) You’re pretty even when you whine
(Three) I don’t like thriller movies
But if I’m with you, even if I watch ten of them, I’m ok
(Four) For me, you do so much for me
(Five) Five star, your s-line body
(Six) Sixth sense, your hidden charms
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah)
The reason I like you, got millions millions millions
The reason I like you (oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
The reason I like you, got millions
(Whenever you want to hear it, just say the word
I’ll sing you this song)
The reason I like you, got millions
(Whenever you wanna know, just say the word
I’ll tell you all of them)
The reason I like you, got millions
We will be winning again
We will be shining right here
You can’t do anything without me forever
We will be walking again
We will be taking over
You can’t do anything without me
Are you ready?
In a distant darkness, I’m screaming alone.
I kept waiting for the moment.
Carved deep in my memory,
I looked for my determination.
Let’s take everything that there is in here now and make them our own.
You don’t have to hold back! Our mind is made up!
The party isn’t over yet. Come on! Make some noise!
Isn’t the “present” an unsettled situation?
There’s no meaning yet!
Let’s take everything away before it’s lost.
Isn’t the “dream” speaking about this era?
There’s no victory in those voices.
The last thing in my hand…
This is my own way!!
Every time my heart was unhappy,
looking at the sky, I cried.
I didn’t expect it to arrive so suddenly,
I was perplexed.
We will be winning again
We will be shining right here
You can’t do anything without me forever
There’s no meaning in hunting “love”,
I want to be my own lover,
even if I have to ignore all our good times.
There’s no time to uncover the “lie”,
I just want you to see it.
Even if it will result in a total darkness…
This is my own way!!
Even if “me” loses “you”,
this breath can’t stop
until I find the real “answer”.
Isn’t the “present” an unsettled situation?
There’s no meaning yet!
Let’s take everything away before it’s lost.
Isn’t the “dream” speaking about this era?
There’s no victory in those voices.
The last thing in my hand…
This is my own way!!
Hopeless and lost
You're too pretty to be trueSince I know you, I feel pain
Warmth in my heart
And that feeling makes me confused
I know, you didn't promise me anything
I only believed in the dream
Without answer to
My question, if you also care about me?
That day I will never forget
I saw you for the first time
But you, you didn't see it then, that I
Was so hopelessly lost
Don't ask me, how it has to continue
Now that I met you again
This quiet pain
That I'm feeling now has to be love
That day I will never forget
I saw you for the first time
But you, you didn't see it then, that I
Was so hopelesly lost
Since that first time
That I met you
I have no rest anymore, darling
I'm hopelessly lost
Hopelessly lost
A sea full of dreams
Sarah really wantedTo be a famous movie star
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
A black coat and a pink umbrella
That's how she dances
Singing in the rain
Suzy likes to hug
Old trees in the park
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
Their roots suck life out of the land
She wants a wooden loverboy
Joeri found
The sweetest girl of the century today
Last week, he said that too
He doesn't want to be on the way alone anymore
The best friend I ever had
If we go our way
Gates will open
To a sea
A sea full of dreams
It can't be more beautiful than this
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
A black coat and a pink umbrella
That's how she dances
Singing in the rain
If we go our way
Gates will open
To a sea
A sea full of dreams
And it can't be more beautiful than this
A sea full of dreams takes you with it
Te iubesc
Te strigspune-mi, mă auzi?
Vreau să-ți spun
ce simt
departe de tine.
Mă gândesc la tine
Mi-e dor de tine
Știu că nu te pot uita niciodată.
Am nevoie de căldura ta
lasă-mă în brațele tale
Îţi pot oferi totul
TU eşti fericirea, vieţii mele.
Te iubesc
Nu știi?
Acestea sunt cuvintele
cele mai profunde ale inimii mele
TU, eşti atăt de mult
sensul, ţelul meu
răspunsul la întreaga mea viață.
Mă gândesc la tine,
foarte mult, la tine
în toate visele mele
EU visez doar despre tine.
Te iubesc
și necontenit
Acestea sunt cuvintele
cele mai profunde ale inimii mele
Dana Kósa
I love you
I call youtell me, do you hear me?
I want to tell you
what I feel
without you
I think about you
I yearn
I know I can never forget you
I need your warmth
let me in your arms
I can give you everything
you are the luck, my life
I love you
don´t you know it?
These are the words from
the deepest reason in me
You are so much
the sense, my aim
the answer to my whole life
I think about you
very tight about you
all my dreams
I have dreamed only for you
I love you
and always you
These are the words from
the deepest reason in me
I love you
For love, it doesn't make sense for this to be the endEverything I knew about you, isn't you
But why is your hand so warm,
and why, again, is your voice so lovely
I'm distressed after being crazy about you
What happend to our promise
of not letting go of our interwined hands
What in the world, is the love
you whispered to me every night?
For you, for you, for you, for you
Am I only worth this much?
Even if I promised to start anew,
I can't even last a day (Switch)
Even if I'm laughing and talking
I suddenly turn into someone who's about to fall asleep (Switch)
In a wave of emotional relief, only your change of heart can save me
Sadness, stop washing over me, like a sand castle, I'll far apart
After we said our last goodbye
The back of your disappearing figure was beautiful as always
You bacame a dot, a period in a love story
And I'll fill up the rest of the pages with longing
What happend to our promise
of not letting go of our interwined hands
What in the world, is the love
you whispered to me every night?
For you, for you, for you, for you
Am I only worth this much?
Hold on,baby
This isn't it,baby
We just need some time
I'll do better, I'm sorry this is the way
I am tell me this isn't the end
You told me you could only be happy
by being by my side
So what was all that? Was that a lie?
Were you fooling around? That can't be
What happend to our promise
of not letting go of our interwined hands
What in the world, is the love
you whispered to me every night?
Seeing your expressionless face,
my mind becomes clear
My body, what shook as though
it was about to meet death already becomes calm
For me, for me, for me, for me, too.
You were worth this much
Let's watch a movie early in the morning, i only like you
Answer me (she says 'yes') 2 lotto tickets
Whenever you don't wear makeup, you are more beautiful
Honeybee honeybee infest the flower only one
That's you, you woo wee, you are my religion, every week
If we could meet every week woo wee
You don't have any cracks
I'm smiling brightly, then i'm sad when my heart hurts
I want you to love me, oh till i die yeah
You have it all, i want it all day babe
When I see you, i can't see the end
You're the ocean, you are new everyday
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
It's not enough, I want to see you all the time
Everyday, day, every, everyday (with u, with u, with u)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (With me, with me, with me)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (everyday, everyday)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (Everyday, yeah)
Pizza, pasta so yum yum, but I want you
Like we're in class when I meet you
I am happy and i want to kiss you
You smile is medicine for the mind, I keep calling you, ring ring ring
Your only a friend now, come to me all in
Everyday, I wish 365 days call my name my boy
Stuck in my pockets, so take them out and grab my hand
You don't have any cracks
I'm smiling brightly, then i'm sad when my heart hurts
I want you to love me, oh till i die yeah
You have it all, i want it all day babe
When I see you, i can't see the end
You're the ocean, you are new everyday
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
It's not enough, I want to see you all the time
Everyday, day, every, everyday (with u, with u, with u)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (With me, with me, with me)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (everyday, everyday)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (Everyday, yeah)
I need to sleep, I need you, all our hours together makes time weak
But I'm not even tired, it's not enough
Come closer, I want you more
Everyday, day, every, everyday (with u, with u, with u)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (With me, with me, with me)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (everyday, everyday)
Everyday, day, every, everyday (Everyday, yeah)
Победителят взима всичко
Не искам да говоряЗа нещата, през които сме преминали
Въпреки че ме наранява
Сега е история
Изиграх всичките си карти
А това направи и ти
Няма какво повече да се каже
Няма повече аса да се изиграят
Победителят взима всичко
Победената застава малка
Пред победата
Това е съдбата й
Бях в ръцете ти
Мислейки си, че там принадлежа
Мислех, че е имало смисъл
Да ми построиш ограда
Да ми построиш дом
Мислейки си, че ще съм силна там
Но бях глупава
Играейки по правилата
Боговете хвърлят зарове
С мисли, студени като лед
А някой чак тук долу
Губи някой любим
Победителят взима всичко
Победената трябва да падне
Просто е и е ясно
Защо да се оплаквам?
Но ми кажи, тя целува ли
Както аз те целувах?
Същото ли е чувството
Когато тя извика името ти?
Някъде дълбоко вътре
Трябва да знаеш, че ми липсваш
Но какво мога да кажа
Правилата трябва да се спазват
Съдиите ще решат
Шансовете ми да остана
Зрителите на шоуто
Винаги са в ниското
Играта започва отново
Любим или приятел
Голямо нещо или малко
Победителят взима всичко
Не искам да говоря
Ако те натъжава
И разбирам
Че си дошъл да ми стиснеш ръката
Извинявам се
Ако те кара да се чувстваш зле
Да ме виждаш толкова напрегната
Без самочувствие
Но виж
Победителят взима всичко
Победителят взима всичко
Някой победител
Взима всичко
И един губи
Трябва да падне
От началото
Създава това чувство
Някой тук
Взима всичко
Трябва да падне
Това е магия
Някой тук
Not A Soldier
The sky falls down,it stings where the knife cut,
I've been awake all night,
felt if the heart is still there,
felt if the heart is still there.
I have trusted in tomorrow
like how a believer believes.
I would have done so differently
if I walked in other shoes,
if I walked in other shoes.
I am not a soldier,
I have no weapons to use,
no crusade I want to walk,
don't put me in a line,
you'll never get me to stand still,
I won't work then,
I am not a soldier,
I don't think like that.
I've raged war in the house,
I've raged a war in me,
my eyelids are heavy now
soon I'll be dreaming of you,
soon I'll be dreaming of you.
I've never stood at the battlefront
or defended what I have.
But in the shards and flakes
Don’t Flirt
Don’t flirt,every day I’m nervous because of you
I pray again today that you
won’t be taken away by someone else
Why do you always have so many oppas?
You say you’re friends but have no other explanation
You say you’re meeting an unni
but why is your phone off?
Funny how you’re the one who’s getting mad right now
Uh, I may be deceived once but not twice
I’m not so bad myself, better than others, wherever I go
But you try out this guy and that guy
And when you get sick of them,
you kick and dump them and turn around
Why are you going there? Of course you can’t go!
Besides me, all guys are the same
Your man is right here
Stop going after what’s not yours
I will lose my mind while telling you to snap out of it
Don’t joke, I’m not joking
Don’t get mad because I’m even more mad
Don’t flirt,
every day I’m nervous because of you
I pray again today that you
won’t be taken away by someone else
Don’t flirt,
honestly, you’re too much
I pray again today that
some guy won’t steal you away
You put on thick makeup
and say you’re going to a friend’s house?
I can’t believe it
Why is your skirt so much shorter today?
I know better than anyone else that you love me
I really want to believe you
when you say this is a misunderstanding
After waiting a long, long time
You called me and said you went to bed early
Did you have fun partying? I wanted to swear at you
But I have no choice but to hold it in,
in case you leave me
You smile with your eyes, you get flirtatious
You make all this ruckus by yourself
Just when I’m starting to forget you,
you come back and betray me
Rumors have already gone around the whole town,
where were you last night?
I’d rather have you lie to me
Don’t joke, I’m not joking
Don’t get mad because I’m even more mad
Don’t flirt,
every day I’m nervous because of you
I pray again today that you
won’t be taken away by someone else
Don’t flirt,
honestly, you’re too much
I pray again today that
some guy won’t steal you away
Don’t just laugh but think about me for a bit
If you leave, I’ll have nothing left
Don’t just cry but think about me for a bit
This is the last time I’ll take your lies
Everybody say
Eh oh, eh oh
Da ra da da da
We gonna make it loud
Eh oh, eh oh
Da ra da da da
Everybody say
Eh oh, eh oh
Da ra da da da
We gonna make it loud
Eh oh, eh oh
Da ra da da da
The winner has the choice
I don't want to hear anything,No more talking about it!
It hurts me too,
From the dream - I go!
Every chance is lost!
Every trump card forgiven!
Nowhere more an ace!
I see it and pass it!
The winner has the choice!
To the looser remains the torture!
One takes and shines!
And the other pays!
Nights in your arm,
I was so secure!
I wanted to be your life
And lock you inside me,
Believed in us two,
Thought only about tomorrow!
I was too naive,
Felt much too deep!
The fate throws the dice blindly,
It doesn't ask who we are
And then we don't understand,
That a dream breaks!
The winner has the choice!
Truth is banal!
Purpose fulfilled!
So is this world!
Just tell me does she kiss..
Like I used to kiss you?
Do you still dream of me,
When you sleep with her?
You've probably felt,
As I missed you,
But lost luck
Never returns!
Points are counted!
I missed something!
What I always do
I'm just watching!
The game starts from the front!
With lie or anger!
Around scene or number!
The winner has the choice!
I don't want to hear anything,
Not weigh the past!
If you mean it well
Your consolation gives no courage!
You must forgive me,
I want to hide
Behind a fence,
Without self-confidence!
Because I know:
The winner has the choice!
The winner has the choice!
The game starts from the front!
With lie or anger!
To soul or number!
The winner has the choice!
The winner has the choice!
•Translation done by Stavroula Chaloulakou
->Every comment concerning the improvement of my translations is always accepted.
Love me Love me
Want you to love me love me
When you look at me
I want all of your smile
I know you want me
I think I like you more
You’re dazzling
Like a star in the dark night
I can’t see anything else
You’re mine
Tell me you feel the same
Just tell me tell me now
In my ear
With your beautiful lollipop voice
I wanna dance with you
I want you to love me
I want to breathe with you
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
We’re in our zone,
no one can look down on us
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
You’re the only one
Love me love me more
Your strong pheromones bewitch all men
(somebody help me)
All boyfriends get lonely because of you
(oh PLZ LOOK at me)
L O V E me, love me from my puppy
To the last digit of my income
Love me when my thumb and index finger touch you
Like that
You’re dazzling
Like a star in the dark night
I can’t see anything else
You’re mine
Tell me you feel the same
Just tell me tell me now
In my ear
With your beautiful lollipop voice
I wanna dance with you
I want you to love me
I want to breathe with you
You’re the main star, I’m the side character that makes you shine
You receive the spotlight, so amazing ma baby
Your aura shines with each little face expression
I’m cut by your sharp charms, ma lady
Oh it’s too late for you to say
That you don’t know yet
I just need one word from you Say it, love me
I wanna dance with you
I want you to love me
I want to breathe with you
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
We’re in our zone,
no one can look down on us
I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
You’re the only one
Love me love me more
Baby, let's go.The phone is in airplane mode
Where are you with me
Maybe there is uninhabited island
Come come on ma
Come on ma girl
If you can not wait
Do not worry
I'm afraid you're afraid.
Ill make that go bang
(Band bang)
I'm just a parabola on the horizon for you
If you are next to me there is treasure island
I will rescue you from the gray building prison.
You can just relax on the blue sky.
Let's leave Island
Floating island
With that wave over there
Come and come to me in my arms
More and more to me and to me
Point dot point near me
With that sun over there
Come in and get me hot
Leave island
Our island
Ah ah ah ayay
Below that palm tree
Cool champagne Ill be your Island
From the hot summer sun
Your sunshine smile
Like a cocktail shake it
Mix and wave on the couch
Shimmy shimmy ya
Driving your sleek yeah
Love handle skrrr skrrr ill make that go
B-b-bang bang
I'm just a parabola on the horizon for you
If you are next to me there is treasure island
I will rescue you from the gray building prison.
You can just relax on the blue sky.
Let's leave Island
Floating island
With that wave over there
Come and come to me in my arms
More and more to me and to me
Point dot point near me
With that sun over there
Come in and get me hot
Leave island
Our island
Ah ah ah ayay
Below that palm tree
Cool champagne Ill be your Island
This is nobody knows knows
Island of our own two
It will be dark in a while.
Come on, let's fire it.
This is nobody knows knows
Island of our own two
I do not need to notice.
Let the fire burn
Wuhohoho Island
Wuhohoho Island
Our Island
Wuhohoho Island
Wuhohoho Island
With that sun over there
Come in and get me hot
Învingătorul ia totul
Versions: #1#2Nu vreau să vorbesc
Despre lucrurile prin care am trecut,
Chiar dacă mă doare
Acum totul este istorie
Am jucat toate cărţile mele
Și asta este ce ai făcut și tu,
Nimic nu a mai rămas de spus,
Nu a mai rămas nici un as de jucat.
Învingătorul ia totul,
Pierzătorul rămâne umil,
Pe lângă victorie
Ăsta e destinul lui.
Am fost braţele tale
Gândindu-mă că acolo îmi e locul
M-am gândit că are sens
Construindu-mi un gard,
Construindu-mi o casă,
Gândindu-mă că o să fiu puternică acolo,
Dar am fost o proastă
Jucând după reguli.
Zeii pot să arunce un zar,
Minţile lor reci ca gheața,
Şi cineva, noi, aici jos,
Pierde pe cineva drag.
Învingătorul ia totul,
Pierzătorul trebuie să cadă
E simplu şi e banal,
De ce ar trebui să mă plâng?
Dar spune-mi, te sărută
Așa cum obișnuiam eu să te sărut?
Nu simți la fel
Când ea-ţi cheamă numele?
Undeva, adânc înăuntru
Trebuie să ştii că-mi lipsești,
Dar ce pot spune,
„Regulile trebuie să fie respectate”
Judecătorii vor decide
Cei ca mine se supun,
Spectatori ai show-ului
Mereu rămânând deoparte.
Jocul a început iar,
Un iubit sau un prieten,
Un lucru mare sau unul mic,
Învingătorul ia totul.
Nu vreau să vorbesc
Dacă te face să te simți trist
Şi înţeleg,
Ai venit să îmi strângi mâna,
Îmi cer scuze
Dacă te face să te simţi rău
Văzându-mă atât de tensionată,
Fără încredere de sine,
Dar vezi tu!
Învingătorul ia totul!
Învingătorul ia totul!...
Cineva câștigător
Ia totul,
Și altul pierde
Trebuie să cadă.
De la un ghid..
De partea mea...
Face acel simțămînt
Cineva este aici
Ia totul,
Trebuie să piardă,
Aceasta este magic
Cineva, aici.