Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 182
My Path
I feel only You
even when you’re no longer there
I see only You
even though your breath is leaving me
Your most beautiful day brightens the night deep inside me
And our goals will once again be the same
Where does light shine upon wishes long gone
Who is alone
Who counts the lies of this world
You’re my path
You’re not lost
You walk with me
You’ve chosen me
Where are You going
What’s driving You
Who will forgive You
On Your path
You see the truth in your face
Where the sun used to shine
Now only cold rain falls
Who is still looking as the cry silently faded into nothingness
În acei ani eram mai tânăr
Și eram îndrăgostit pe-atunci.
Chiar și-acum, dintre toate iubirile,
Prima mi-e cea mai dragă.
De un basm m-am îndrăgostit pe veci,
Uitând de durere.
Îmi pierd mințile după tine,
Sunt în mrejele tale.
Ziua noi ne certam ,
Noaptea ne dăruia dragoste.
Numai ea putea răni atât de tate,
Numai ea putea să-mi dea aripile înapoi.
Totuși nu pot să-nțeleg
Cum de am pierdut-o.
Peste tot eu o caut,
Ca să putem s-o luăm de la capăt.
De un basm m-am îndrăgostit pe veci,
Uitând de durere.
Îmi pierd mințile după tine,
Sunt în mrejele tale.
Steer clear of the blades
Versions: #1
A palm on my shoulder.
A stamp
on one of the wings,
Snafu at the barracks:
a triple S day – dry spaces are tight,
My journal gets damp. I am walking the earth just to ease
My farewell of a flight.
Three beats - to the ball
of wax figurines,
A quarter - to death.
Some seven odd hides
reap a fistful of fur – odd.
Shall my drive to exist
be as strong as to sing? - No less.
Tie my thread in a little knot.
Cold April yields
hot dreams which boil the blood
Infected with germs
of virally new tunes,
As every target of the nearest war has laughed
Revealing her craving for love and her youth.
Let the caring doctor
hit the vein and spare the nerve
With the needles of rays, fill syringes with curatives solar.
Don’t cry, don’t you cry. Be still and observe
Love foaming through
the throat.
Catch her, catch –
on your lips. For the tumblers shall not suffice.
A torpedo of sounds
strikes the chord, so – drink!
Look: an ad on a banner of the last of the springs – flies,
Rocks this square window, and the square window – swings.
A punctured temple. Blind hordes on the rise.
Do dare to dodge your exemption,
to shed your mail.
My spoils of war – a chunk of my trophy ice
I kiss as I silently near the flame.
Us – the -mongrels-by-rats –
we are the bird’s adoptees.
And each fiend by his third
still remains hard-a bullet.
Lie low and witness
a nuclear prince
Ascend with his whip
as a ruler.
Don’t weep, don’t you weep. For whom would we cry?
That’s the likes of us orphans
make the ranks of the braves!
The time is up, our time to fly!
Hey you ‘all! Clear of the blades! Keep clear of the blades!
Nu-i cale de-ntors
E un anotimp trist, viscol e-n inimă,
Și-ți amintești cum înainte nu puteam unul fără altul?
Atât de scurtă ne-a fost întâlnirea,
Iar noi am crezut că veșnic va dura.
Dar la-nceputul toamnei, arțarii și-au aruncat frunzele,
Nori înghețati plutesc deasupra mea.
Ce-am făcut oare? Nu am salvat dragostea,
Și pentru noi doi nu-i cale de-ntors.
Așa se-ntâmplă des: apare dragostea,
Și cu ea despărțirea, nu-i pe lume durere mai adâncă.
Mi-e greu să mă-mpac cu o așa pierdere cumplită,
Și tu crezi că ziua de ieri se va întoarce.
Dar la-nceputul toamnei, arțarii și-au aruncat frunzele,
Nori înghețati plutesc deasupra mea.
Ce-am făcut oare? Nu am salvat dragostea,
Și pentru noi doi nu-i cale de-ntors.
Lumina tristeții
Voi decora versurile cu note stângace,
Și romanța va răsuna în razele apusului.
Și, așa cum albinele se rotesc peste faguri,
Se va roti tristețea, tristețea față de trecut.
Lumina tristeții din labirintul memoriei,
Lumina tristeții e de-un albastru pal.
Și viața noastră stă în pridvor
Și cerșește iubire cu mâna întinsă.
Deschide cufărul de fier din sufletul tău generos,
Căci poate undeva, la fund, mai există încă
Bănuțul vechii noastre iubirii, de cheltuit.
În el tremură, reflectată, tristețea de demult.
Lumina tristeții din labirintul memoriei,
Lumina tristeții e de-un albastru pal.
Și viața noastră stă în pridvor
Și cerșește iubire cu mâna întinsă.
Fie ca păianjenul să-și țeasă pânza pe strunele chitarei,
Fie ca frunzele anilor trecuți să fie smulse de vânt.
Pictorul Dragoste va face un al tablou,
Dar sigur îl va încercui cu albastru pal.
Lumina tristeții din labirintul memoriei,
Lumina tristeții e de-un albastru pal.
Și viața noastră stă în pridvor
Și cerșește iubire cu mâna întinsă.
Cărte Dumnezeul Necunoscut
Nu eşti tu oare cel care va da viață sufletului meu?
Nu eşti tu oare cel care i le va destăinui pe toate?
Nu eşti tu oare cel care va da aripi cântecelor
Ce sunt aşa de nebune şi întâmplătoare?..
O, crede-mă! Îți voi da viața mea
Când poetului nefericit
Îi vei deschide uşile spre noul templu,
Călăuzindu-l dinspre negură înspre lumină!..
Nu eşti tu oare cel care mă poartă
Spre o țară îndepărtată,
Pe care încă nimeni nu o ştie,
Iar eu voi privi în depărtare,
Strigând: 'Doamne! S-a sfârşit deşertul!'
A Maiden Sang In The Church Choir
Versions: #1
A maiden sang in a church choir,
Of all the weary in far off lands,
Of all those ships that had gone to sea,
Of all of those, they had forgotten their joy.
Her voice soared upward, it wheeled up into the vault,
And a beam of light shone upon her fair shoulder,
And each member, from the shadows looked up and listened,
As her white dress cried out in the light.
And to everyone it appeared that exuberance would return,
That all the ships would find tranquil waters,
That those weary people of far off lands
Would be blessed with joyous lives for themselves.
And her voice was sweet, and the the light's ray was fine,
And it appeared on high, by the altar gates,
The communion of mysteries - a child wept
Meaning, that none would come back again.
I've seen a dragonfly in the yard
I have seen a dragonfly in the yard
I have open the door, run shoeless
Blasted out something like lightning far
Everything flew around boundless
Dragonfly was dropping down like an ash
Our house turned to mount of brick
Mom was absent and my Dad in the tears
Something awful he was yelling to sky
He was yelling something and doing again
Clouds danced above me with angry
World was burning, no one didn't put out fire
Someone in military form was carrying me
Someone in white form was cutting and sewing me
I was trying to stop my crying
But when silence has come
And suddenly doctor has wept
I've got at that I never grow up adult
I never grow up adult
I never grow up adult
White dove with white wing
Into the turbid glass
He as if was calling me with him
Just as if was calling me with him
I hadn't got at why in bright day
Outside window turned dark
Past the pit of native home
The Sun was going out to sleep
Past the pit of native home
The Sun was going out to sleep
My Summer is dying inside me
I'm scared and I'm yelling
But who is guilty in it and who isn't
I don't know.. and I don't wanna know
It is not too much left for me
And when I'll be in the heaven
I'll complain at all of you to God!
I'll tell him all about all of you..
I'll complain at all of you to God!
I'll tell him all about all of you..
It's unusual, unknown
It's unusual, unknown
I'm living no cares
Soul has been kicked from her home
So naturally, under fence
Body has place sleeping, eating
But it searches everywhere
Cause it looks for soul meeting
Dropping from its strong feet there
Dropping from its strong feet there
Body rides to working place
Through the rivers and bridges
Door is open, soul ain't there
Trace of wretched soul's disappeared
Body is wailing:'What the fool, right!
Is her life so wasn't good?
Don't suck cigar butt in night
You have bad unsheltered mood
You have bad unsheltered mood'
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
And this soul, it would be happy
To turn back, but no ways
House is closed firmly, tightly
And is locked for endless days
And she could be, as common
To slip through the door slit
But all prouds don't repine
And they don't light other's candle
And they don't light other's candle
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
No fat and no money ..
A half of country has been searched
Body every day loses weight
Suffering without soul
And soul flies from top to bottom
Like no sleeping midnight owl
It remembers body often
And your green sofa color
And your green sofa color
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
It's unusual, unknown
I'm living no cares
Soul has been kicked from her home
Naturally, under fence
And outside is too dank
It would be better have capsule
Give to officer some drink
Well, give to officer some drink
Just to drink, without soul
Just to drink, without soul
Just loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
Loneliness has not
First and middle name
And I want to touch your shoulder
Without any blame
The minute on the way
All right, we'll say farewell, let it be,
The minute on the way,
I didn't want to love you,
Please, forgive me, forgive.
Forgive me for what you were
The girlfriend, the wife,
For what you burnt me down,
Having taken away my rest.
For what from separations to new meetings,
Until the end
We were able to burn
Cold hearts highly.
How can I thank you,
The minute on the way?
I can't forget you,
Please, forgive me, forgive!
I became sad,
I became melancholy
In the morning,
Me secret friend,
Me secret friend,
I'll die...
So slowly wanes away another autumn day
So slowly wanes away another autumn day,
So slowly whirls t’ward the ground a lonely yellow leaf,
The day is clear and fresh, the air is cool and crisp -
The soul would not escape the invisible decay.
Thus, every single day she grows older yet.
And every year she twirls just like a yellow leaf,
But still, naively so, she harbors this belief
That autumn of last years was not so drearily sad.
Muse in the gown of spring
Muse in the gown of spring once knocked on a young poet’s door,
Under the cover of night, she was muzzily whispering something
So, I lived not loving you
So, I lived not loving you,
Maybe I will break my vows,-
Yet, you stir me, my heart bows
When you appear in my view!
Oh, dear faraway fingers!
In dull existence of mine
Your lovely charms I still find
Even though space is between us!
And in my sad lonely place,
Empty and so uninviting,
In my dark dreams, ever haunting,
I see that forsaken old house.
I dream of old moments forever,
I dream of those years, fleeting, old...
Seems that my thoughts will behold
You in them ever and ever!
Whoever asks - won’t exchange
For empty meaningless fondness
My hopelessness that is endless -
So I get silent, estranged.
Musical flight
I know it, I know many songs about love,
And you know,
Their words are music, turn the bustle off
And listen.
You hear it – in them, there is the earth's smooth breathing tune,
The sea's - too.
Your eyes reflect the boats, the lagoon
The sky’s blue.
I know it, my music plays inside of the lagoon
And quicker
The music of your soul inside of me
Will flicker.
And under a dome of cheerful hopes, we would take off
The ground,
The melody is a march with no cutoff -
It’s round.
I know it, the end is near for our in the air fling,
So where then?
And silence, that the music wants to bring
Will happen?
Remember the melody excited stream emotes
In rapids,
I get it, it is now – that music, nobody wrote -
My habit!
Drip-Drip-Drip (Marusya)
In the green spring under an old pine tree
Vanyusha says goodbye to his beloved
His chain mail rings and he gently says:
Don't cry, don't cry, Marusya-beauty
Marusya says nothing and weeps
Her soul aches with sadness
Drip-drip-drip! From Marusya's clear eyes
Tears drip on the spear
Drip-drip-drip! From Marusya's clear eyes
Bitter tears drip, they drip drip-drip
They drip right on the spear
In the cold winter, again under the pine tree
Vanyusha meets his beloved
Again, his chain mail rings and he gently says:
I've returned to you my beauty!
Marusya sheds tears of happiness
Like gusli, her soul sings
Drip-drip-drip! From Marusya's clear eyes
Tears drip on the spear
Drip-drip-drip! From Marusya's clear eyes
Sweet tears drip, they drip drip-drip
They drip right on the spear
Let me dream
Once I dreamed about reaching the stars
And saving someone's ship from the black rocks
The wind raised me up on the wings
I believed in miracles and I used to dream
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago
My life was like an old nickelodeon
The same pictures, laugh and cry
But I haven't forgotten about the black rocks
And I have managed to build a bridge to the stars
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago
I've put an ocean in my pocket
I've put seven winds in my other pocket
But I am not a magician
I am just a singer of old Moscow streets and court yards
Let me dream
Don't say too many words
Let me dream
Three minutes, only three minutes
Let me dream
I am so tired of this day
Let me dream
The way I used to dream a long time ago
To die for you
Just thinking, thinking alone,
A bit with you, with you is everything,
With you is everything.
I feel you close, close to me
Being you there, more there than here,
More there than here.
But it's my stupid pride
Trying to place itself (Trying to place itself)
Between you and me
There's no way out anymore, I would give my life
And I would like to die
To myself for you,
If I could die
To give myself over and forget about myself
To love you to the death.
And I would like to live
If I could live like this
To go and come
And to do and undo the end
To die you, to live for you.
Alone I am, I am alone
And I think about you, I think every hour,
Every hour.
You're so far, far from me
But here I see you smiling like this,
Still like this.
But it's my fear, my absurd fear
That want's to snatch you (that want's to snatch me)
From my heart.
There's no way out anymore, I would give my life
And I would like to die
To myself for you,
If I could die
To give myself over and forget about myself
To love you to the death.
And I would like to live
If I could live like this
To go and come
And to do and undo the end
To die you, to live for you.
To go and come
And to do and undo the end
To die you, to live for you.
To die for you.
5000 de scrisori
5000 de scrisori păstrez în camera mea,
5000 de oameni care şi-au deschis inimile,
Odată erau străini, astăzi suntem o familie,
Nici munţii ne ne vor despărţi.
Este o fată care mi-a desenat un răsărit de soare,
Este cum vrea ea să fie fiecare dimineaţă,
Unui băiat i-a căzut dintele şi vrea să-l am eu,
Cum mi s-au întâmplat mie asta?
Vreau să ştiu toate feţele lor,
Şi vreau să fiu acolo când ei au nevoie de un prieten,
5000 de scrisori mi-au scris,
Şi într-o zi le voi citi din nou.
5000 de poveşti păstrez în camera mea,
5000 de secrete păstrez în mintea mea,
Mi s-a dat o bucată din viaţa lor,
Prietenie este uşor să găseşti.
Vreau să ştiu toate feţele lor,
Şi vreau să fiu acolo când ei au nevoie de un prieten,
5000 de scrisori mi-au scris,
Şi într-o zi le voi citi din nou.
Vreau să ştiu toate feţele lor,
Şi vreau să fiu acolo când ei au nevoie de un prieten,
5000 de scrisori mi-au scris,
Şi într-o zi le voi citi din nou.
13 cai
13 cai înoată în mare
Aşteptând pe cineva să-i găsească,
Vasul lor s-a dus şi acum sunt singuri
Cu apă peste tot în jurul lor.
Bărbaţii au fost salvaţi din vasul ce se scufunda
Chiar înainte să înceapă să ardă,
Şi în timp ce ei sunt în siguranţă, prietenii lor loiali au nevoie de ajutor,
Răbdători aşteaptă întoarcerea lor.
13 cai înoată în mare,
Ei nici măcar nu ştiu că nu are rost,
Mândria rămâne, dar de data aceasta nu va ajuta.
Erau aşa de înalţi şi deodată sunt mici.
Există o trecere prea departe în urmă,
Curând nu se vor mai vedea,
Dar atunci cui îi pasă, ei mor oricum,
Toţi sunt osândiţi în această noapte.
11 cai înoată în mare,
Marea, ei au crezut că era doar un râu,
Erau obişnuiţi cu asta, este probabil doar o cursă
Care îi ajută să-şi liniştească minţile, dar unde este linia de final ?
Noaptea devine întunecată, corpul vrea să se odihnească,
E dureros să respire şi ei continuă să facă ce pot mai bine,
Ei vror să trăiască , nu contează cât timp.
Gândurile lor au dispărut pentru că acum sunt destul de speriaţi.
7 cai se zbuciumă în mare
Aşteptând pe cineva să-i găsească,
Nu se uită înapoi , că ce rost are,
Există doar moarte în spatele lor.
Strigă după ajutor, dar ajutorul nu va veni niciodată,
Nu ştiu unde să înoate sau de ce înoată,
Încearcă să înoate mai mult când panica începe să se răspândească,
Ei înoată spre ţărm, dar numai în capul lor.
Ultimii 3 cai mor în mare,
Strigâtul plânsetelor lor pentru nimeni,
Sunt născuţi să câştige, strigă în inimile lor
Puterea a o mie de bărbaţi, ei luptă până la sfârşit.
Soarele este sus, păsări sunt peste tot,
Ele zboară sus, pluting în aer,
Este plăcut să trăieşti când viaţa este aşa o binecuvâtare.
Un cal care înoată pare a fi ultimul
Al treisprezecelea cal a fost întotdeauna cel mai bun,
Stăpânul lui va fi mândru , dar acum vrea să se odihnească,
Tânjeşte după casa lui, fata îi va da mâncare,
Băiat bun, îi va spune ea, se vor juca împreună.
13 cai înoată în mare,
Curând se vor duce pentru totdeauna,
Şi în timp ce ei înoată un lucru mai rămâne,
Şi acesta este speranţa care nu moare niciodată,
Nu moare niciodată, nu moare niciodată.
Babi Yar
Weaved with sky the slope of hill.
Silently stand the chestnuts.
Imerald grass is above...
Yes, that the green field,
Looks like blood today.
And the head bends down to field.
In silence, here, people stand,
It's heard the whisper of their dress.
That is the Babi Yar of fate.
That's my brothers blood.
That's the Women Gulf of fate.
That's my brothers blood.
Not so far the ground lies.
And just hand to touch the sky.
To the sky I have rised up and to earth I down crawled.
Sorry, sisters, I was not near you.
And in your growling I didn't weave my cry.
The air is full of pain.
The Sun is wide as moon.
That's the Babi Yar of fate.
That's the groan of my songs.
The fresh winds are blowing.
With too late repentance
will not hear truth the dead.
That s why the people stand in mournful grief
uder chestnuts leaves.
My God. Where is the way to go...
Judgment mine is awful for myself.
That's the Babi Yar of the childhood
That's the cry of our hearts.
That's the Babi Yar of the childhood
That s the cry of our souls
Gonna go to Leningrad
- Gonna go to Leningrad!
- I’m so glad! - I’m so glad!
There those two were softly saying,
Braking up and were assailing.
- You're like that! - You're like that!
- You're bad! - You're bad!
Gonna go to Leningrad!
- I’m so glad! - I’m so glad!
It all happened at the station,
At the midst of summertime.
Made all decisions, affirmations
And the tickets bought meantime.
Up to waist in smoke is covered
Engine, set to go about,
Express train of light blue colour
Almost ready to pull out.
Gonna go to Leningrad!
- I’m so glad! - I’m so glad!
But when in a peaky cap a fellow
Held his little flag upright,
Engine blew out steam in billows,
Semaphore been set alight,
When exactly at twelve-twenty
One bell rang, another rang -
It is now time for departing,
It is now time for departing:
- My endearing! - My beloved!
- I’m like that! - I’m like that!
- I'm bad! - I'm bad!
- I won’t go to Leningrad!
- I’m so glad! - I’m so glad!
Calul alb
Am vrut să intru în oraș pe un cal alb,
Iar hangița mi-a zâmbit.
Pe pod, se pare că morarul m-a privit pieziș.
Și am rămas cu acea hangiță peste noapte.
Calul mi-a smuls frâiele, cerând la drum să ne grăbim,
Dar îndrăgostiții n-ascultă de cei mai buni prieteni.
Din noapte până-n zori m-am ospătat în acea crâșmă,
Și calului priponit i-a fost dor de mine.
Cal alb, cal alb, eu te-am pierdut pe tine.
Cal alb, de mine prin stepă ai fugit.
Cal alb, cal alb, mi-am pierdut murgul,
Numai nea, albă nea mă acoperă.
În zori m-am trezit cu durere de cap,
Nu puteam să pricep ce mi s-a întâmplat.
Unde-i a mea gazdă, cu care toată noaptea m-am îmbrățișat?
În câmp deschis, singur, în zăpadă zăceam.
Unde mi-e calul alb, unde-i a comorii desagă?
Ieri a fost vară, și azi este iarnă.
Am vrut să intru în oraș pe un cal alb,
Iar hangița mi-a zâmbit.
Cal alb, cal alb, eu te-am pierdut pe tine.
Cal alb, de mine prin stepă ai fugit.
Cal alb, cal alb, mi-am pierdut murgul.
Numai nea, albă nea mă acoperă.
Prophetic fate
Versions: #1
I have lost way, don't know where
I have seen miracle there
On cold water over there
In dirty wearings
Through the river in a wink
Old man roamed as on land
Or in Past time was his shape
Or in Future time
But such really frozen bound
And snowstorms still whirl around
I saw off him by my eyes
I've heard beats of heart
Lonely, humpy was passing by
Maybe was she fate of mine ?
I would ask her, but my lip
Just was numb at all
By field, field, field,
By white, white field smoke walked
Hair were darker than the tar,
Turned gray-haired
And old man walked, as a wraith,
On new snow shoeless
Whether over horizon
Or in deep of ground
And black height was so strong
And snowflakes had tired of song
They were dropping on his shape
But they didn't melt
Right in ringing silence he,
Turned around straight to me
And I felt goosebumps my back
By so icy wave
He was faced me and was slept.
'Who're you, old man ?'- I had yelled
But old man laughed,laughed to me,
Disappeared at all
By field, field, field,
By white, white field smoke walked
Hair were darker than the tar,
Turned gray-haired (x2)
I would not faith to my eyes,
Would join everything with tears
Maybe everything were there,
It was imagined
Suddenly, my friends, I saw
Him in mirror and I thought
It should be that meeting mine
Was prophetic
By field, field, field,
By white, white field smoke walked
Hair were darker than the tar,
Turned gray-haired (x2)
Lie to me
Lie to me, just make it last forever,
So I would neither ask why, nor recall when and where,
So I’d believe the lies freely without any thought,
So I’d follow into the dark at random, even if I ought not.
And not to know who came, who blindfolds,
Who leads thru the maze of unfathomable halls,
Whose breath burns hot next to my face,
Who squeezes too tightly in his embrace.
And then, I awake just to see the fog and the night,
You will lie and yourself by this deceit you will abide,
You will lie to me, utterly and forever,
So I would neither ask why nor recall when and where.
Spring waltz
Day by day years fly by without much notice.
March after February melts out of focus.
Just yesterday blizzards came down howling,
And already snow in the fields is darkening.
This winter has quite left us behind somehow.
So will spring go by with the rains and the first leaves.
Into the grey cloudy sky the sun its flames shall heave.
Just give a slight hand wave when by chance floats up a memory
Of the awakened river and birds insistent cry.
This spring had run away from us.
Day by day life flies by without much notice.
March after February quietly melts out of focus.
Just yesterday blizzards came down howling,
What was it long ago then we failed in knowing?
La-la ...
Life, like a dream, it was and was not, it was ...
Among a Great Plain Lowland
Versions: #1
Among a great plain lowland
On one flat lonely hight
A tall and splendid oak stands
It is in its strenth and might.
This oak is tall with spreading crown
Well seen how it grows.
But it’s alone, it’s quite alone
A conscript on the watch
When there’s a bright sun on the sky,
Its shade is not in use.
And when a storm strikes deep at night,
Who’ll help if it need secure?
There is no a willow nor a pine
On this hill by this place.
Nor any curly green bush
Is twining at its base,
Oh, even a tree’s in sorrow
When it is quite alone,
And so a man bore bitterly
Without his dear one.
I have some gold and silver things,
But whom I’ll give them now?
I get much honour and respect,
But who will share my pride?
When I meet people whom I know,
I say them ‘Hi!’ and pass.
When I see lovely smiling girls,
There’s nothing but words of nice.
Some people are whom I escape,
Some others dodge my way.
All friends are not reliable men,
They’ll leave me in bad day.
Where my soul can receive a rest?
When thunderstorms will fade?
My sweetheart sleeps deep in her grave,
She cannot give a hand.
There’s neither family nor kin
In this strange foreign side.
My sweetheart cannot tender me,
She was true friend of mine!
An old man doesn’t drop sweet tears
When sees our happy days,
There’s no children sporting near
Around my home place
I wish they’d take away the gold,
The honours and the prize!
I miss my longway motherland,
Return my sweethfriend’s eyes!
Let it lie (Smallfoot)
There was a time when yetis lived below
We were safe, never scared until the day we happened to disturb the Smallfoot
That's right, we used to live there
But there were things that were scarily wrong there
They had something that separated them from the animals
We found out about human nature
Innocent questions disappeared from our lips
When they answered with lightning, and with spears, and with sticks of thunder
They called us monsters, as if we were the threat towards them
That we were to be huntet, that was clear as day, no doubs about it
To flee was the only way out
It was enough, we understood that we stood before our end
We crawled up the mountain in order not to die
Because we knew that smallfoot can't take the ice and snow
So it was here that the first law was written in stone
It was spread, undisputed, as a clear truth
Our world is an island that's floating on a sea
Of thick clouds, a small enclave
Then the laws became more, they led us on the right path
Yes, for all our sake there was no other way
To protect ourselves from the fighting of the human race
That they spread with endless foulness
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Watch and learn, watch and learn
A new law today
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Stop digging, just let it lie
Let it lie
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Watch and learn, watch and learn
We can have a good life
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Stop digging, just let it lie
Let it lie
Wait, we're under the clouds
Many say that, but look closer
It's not clouds, it's steam!
The stones are working
Ever duty, every job, for adults and for children
They fill their function so that this big machine
Can toss and turn and spin even more
So that no one looks up, and no one looks down
Because trust me, no matter what I say they'll start looking
Because the only thing that's bigger than fear is the will to know
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
Let it lie
Watch and learn, watch and learn, watch and learn
You feel the courage from your nobel pursuit of what is true
But you're young and naïve and something of a dork
So let me explain that what you know of life is a small amount
And what's true and not true is in the eye of the beholder
So do you want to save our world and steer fate?
Then the goal has to be only to control the flow of information
Can you stand quiet and let Smallfoot pillage and torment us?
Then protect the lie, so they all stop asking
The night is there and I could still see light, as I showed up at yours,
And also two shadows, that I saw and knew, what they were.
She can't be faithful,
Despite her oaths, her and the other are still a couple.
For us both, Delilah, it's over, Delilah!
Because we have both loved each other so much,
That's why I choose, Delilah, the only way out, there is.
As the morning came, I saw the other go away.
I went up to her and asked, why.
She laughed,
And then, I raised my hand, frightened her and it was silent.
For us both, Delilah, it's over, Delilah!
Tell me, why is our love only agony?
Forgive me, Delilah, I don't have other choice!
She was my life.
What happened next, yes, I will never understand.
For us both, Delilah, it's over, Delilah!
Because there is never a way out for both of us,
That's why, Delilah, that is why everything's over.
Forgive me, Delilah, for us everything is just over.
When I make a comeback
loose translation by Dmytro Zelenskyy
March 30th, 2018
When I make a comeback [-don’t start laughing]
- yes, no kidding, when I do come back,
at the end of cold season I run
through the dirty snow desert
never touching the ground,
as barely visible trek
leads me to the night lodging and warmth…
[and - imagine it further -]
on yours birds voice decoy
I will flinch with a joy
and in search turn around… oh, boy!
when I make a comeback
Oh! When I do come back…
... hey, listen, hey, listen, - don’t laugh... then…
… when I do come back...
From rail station directly,
just easily passing
all customs,
from rail station I’ll run into town -
dark, poor and fake -
that has nothing, but curse me and
barking for my decimation…
… when I make a comeback,
oh, when I do come back…
When I make a comeback,
I then go
to exceptional house
with blue dome such a perfect - the skies
can’t compete it on beauty,
olibanum aroma -
the smell of a shelter and bread -
will hit me with a splash
and through nose pours to wash up my heart
when I be here back…
oh, when I do come back…
When I make a comeback,
in despite of the Feb
nightingales will start whistle
the old melody -
ancient, forgotten and fade,
there I fell, knocked, defeated
by very own victory and overwhelmed,
and my head ‘ll come to the rest
at your knees
like at natal levee… oh, Marie
when I do come back here…
… but when I’ll come back here?
Vreau să te ferești de orice necaz,
Vreau să-ți vină să strigi cât mai tare:
'Cât mi-e de bine!
Vreau să mai trăiesc!'
© Vladímir Sosnín
I live for the absurd like everyone else
I live for the absurd like everyone else
I scold everything I don't understand
And when a tenacious thought appears
I burn it down inside me
Russia has a women's soul
Russia has a women's soul.
Birches are shoulders, fields of gold.
Sunsets' amber - shine of hair,
Skin and eyes - snow and blue air
Scarlet maples are sweet taste of lips,
Osier's leaves - homely eyelashes,
Voices are spring birdies' warbles,
And heartquake - as the village winds.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט