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Număr de rezultate: 182
Never Say Never
I remember happiness' scent, the charm of your lips,The birthmark on your wrist.
How you whispered neshly: 'Forget about everything'
These days can't return. Let's keep each other in the heart.
Never say never. The heart simply gets tired sometimes.
Happiness is fly-by-night and capricious. Believe you me, it's a very bashful beast.
Never say never. We've been visiting but scarcely recognizing each other a long time.
I admit, it hurts, even a twinkling without you - answer, my dear.
You aren't a plot out of life, you are all my life.
I was waiting for you, entreating God.
You are my gift from on High. Do you hear me? This is I.
The one, alone, who was waiting and whispering by the window:
Never say never. The heart simply gets tired sometimes.
Happiness is fly-by-night and capricious. Believe you me, it's a very bashful beast.
Never say never. We've been visiting, but scarcely recognizing each other a long time.
I admit, it hurts, even a twinkling without you - answer, my dear.
Never say never. We've been visiting, but scarcely recognizing each other a long time.
I admit, it hurts, even a twinkling without you - answer, my dear.
Never say never...
Versions: #1I'll drive the bicycle like mad
And I'll stop it in faraway fields.
I'll pick up some flowers and I'll present the bouquet
To the girl who I love.
I'll tell her: 'Being with someone else,
You've forgot about our dates.
So, to save the memory about me
Take these humble flowers'.
She'll take them, but yet again in the late hour
When the fog condences along with sadness
She'll pass me by with her eyes lowered.
And she won't even smile to me - so, let it be so.
I'll drive the bicycle like mad
And I'll stop it in faraway fields.
I'll pick up some flowers and present the bouquet
To the girl who I love.
Years what The living don't forget
Nineteen forty-one - forty-fiveYears what the living don't forget,
Holy duty to banish the beastly enemy
Will be said.
Those were terror years of the fire and war,
Years what the living don't forget.
The party has united people
Into a single powerful allied united force
And filled our angry souls
With confidence to win.
Blood for blood! Live for live! Furious attack,
This is preserved in my eyes!
Motherland's cry and groan
Was like heard by my ears.
Te iubesc până la lacrimi
Ridică-ți ochii spre cerul de Crăciun,Pune-ți dorința să ai tot ce-ai visat,
În viață, înainte de tine n-am mai fost atât de fericit.
Numai pentru tine, le iubeşti aşa de mult,
Aceste flori albe.
Te iubesc până la lacrimi,
Fiecare răsuflare este ca pentru prima oară,
În locul minciunii frazelor frumoase
Este acest nor de trandafiri.
Cu petalele trandafirilor albi
Ne voi acoperi patul,
Te iubesc până la lacrimi,
Te iubesc de înnebunesc.
Paloarea pielii tale albe şi ispititoare,
Frumusețea părului tău divin
Le ador, îmi eşti cea mai dragă,
Totul doar ce a început pentru noi,
Te iubesc până la lacrimi.
Te iubesc până la lacrimi,
Fiecare răsuflare este ca pentru prima oară,
În locul minciunii frazelor frumoase
Este acest nor de trandafiri.
Cu petalele trandafirilor albi
Ne voi acoperi patul,
Te iubesc până la lacrimi,
Te iubesc de înnebunesc.
Nu este nevoie
Nu este nevoie, nu este nevoie de cuvinte de prisos,Nu este nevoie de întâlniri, nu este nevoie de tristețe.
Dar ce s-a întâmplat oare cu tine și cu mine?
Ce s-a schimbat oare dintr-o dată în acea primăvară timpurie?
Trecutul va continua din nou
Pentru cel care crede în iubirea lui, -
Frunzele și păsările nu se duc fără urmă...
Cum ne-am putea aduce înapoi cântecul
Ce a fost cântat de destin o singură dată
În acea vară frumoasă și plină de stele pentru tine?
Dar marea tăcea, doar pescărușii strigau,
Strigau cu atâta durere, ne aduceau înapoi în luna noastră de mai...
Cât îți iubesc mâinile, mâinile, ochii și zâmbetul!
Iubirea n-a dispărut, nu s-a stins fără urmă!
Și să repet tot ce a fost
Voi putea doar dacă chiar vrei.
Tremurul acelei nopți îmi va răsuna în inimă precum o coardă...
Kitty (German version)
[Alexander:]I decided long ago that I will never fall in love again,
And then you appeared my kitty .. kitty .. kitty ... kitty ...
I used to be independent but now I miss you so much,
You break my heart, you play with my soul…
I really can't help it
that your head is doing nonsense.
I'm just playing with you my
little mouse, little mouse, little mouse
And then you stroke me softly
and wish that I should stay with you
You tame me with your feelings
Your eyes can't lie
And maybe, maybe we can
break the shackles of the dream and be together forever…
And maybe love will help
To turn a magical dream into reality, in which only me and you are together…!
And if you get too close to me
I just deploy my claws
And please don't call me
Kitty, kitty, kitty
Don't know how you did it
But you stole all my pride away from me
'You want it too!' - I defend myself
That game is too perilous
And let them say that we'll never be together
That it only happens in a dream, my bunny .. bunny .. bunny ..
But for you, I will move mountains, drain seas…
One thing I know for sure, I only dream of you ...
Go for it! Yes, it is possible
Both of us know how to do it
Time hasn't run out for us
Go for it! You think it wouldn't work?
Happiness is within reach
The miracle becomes true for us now
Before you came into my life I wanted to stay by myself
Now I lie awake and crave for you
my little rabbit, little rabbit1
From that moment I wouldn’t let go of your hand…
Now I know exactly that I don’t dream for nothing…
And maybe, maybe we can
break the shackles of the dream and be together forever…
And maybe love will help
To turn a magical dream into reality, in which only me and you are together…!
And maybe, maybe we can
break the shackles of the dream and be together forever…
And maybe love will help
to turn a magical dream into reality, for someone who is head over heels in love ...!
- 1. 'Mäuschen', 'Kätzchen' and 'Häschen' are popular German pet names for lovers
April has come, conjured new dreamsMelting away the snow
Melting away sorrows, it seems
As if by sun's warm glow
Droplets of spring, your gentle chant,
Always remains in me
One day in April stays in my heart
Only for us to see
Time to say goodbye to winter,
Time to open up a window,
Earth is drinking April's wine of
Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
Feeing of warmth tickles my skin
Coming of spring is slow
Puddles will grow, snowdrifts will shrink
Drizzles will come and go
Droplets of spring, your gentle chant
Always remains in me
One day in April stays in my heart
One for us to see
Time to say goodbye to winter,
Time to open up a window,
Earth is drinking April's wine of
Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
Droplets of spring, your gentle chant
Always remains in me
One day in April stays in my heart
Only for us to see
Valsul așteptărilor
Într-o zi în inima mea se va întoarce speranțaÎnvăluind-o în liniște ca o ceața
Din nou cred că nu va fi ce a mai fost
Dincolo de speranță, doar înșelăciune
Dar valsul așteptărilor se va roti din nou
Peste o lume a speranței, la fel de familiară
Ca vântul care șoptește dincolo de debarcader
Poate e mai simplu să fugi de îndoială
Sa-ți zavorasti inima cu patru lacăte
Să mergi până la capăt fără griji sau neliniști
Ca norii care zboară purtați de vânt
Dar valsul așteptărilor se va roti din nou
Peste o lume a speranței, la fel de familiară
Ca vântul care șoptește dincolo de debarcader
Într-o zi în inima mea se va întoarce speranța
Învăluind-o în liniște ca o ceața
Din nou cred că nu va fi ce a mai fost
Dincolo de speranță, doar înșelăciune
Dar valsul așteptărilor se va roti din nou
Peste o lume a speranței, la fel de familiară
Ca vântul care șoptește departe pe apă
Dă-mi un minut...
--- 1 ---Ieșiți din adăpost, uite, e senin
Ah, ce dimineață proaspătă ne scaldă din plin!
Fină și amabilă, ca buzele iubitei ce m-așteaptă
Nu vreau să mor în această dimineață...
--- R ---
Dă-mi un minut...
Dă-mi un minut...
Vreau să respir cu tine, față-n față
pentru ultima oară, dimineață.
Dă-mi un minut...
--- 2 ---
Pe un cal aș sări,
Și prin rouă m-aș grăbi,
Peste râul înghețat
Aș călării de fericire beat.
Dar acum asta e tot,
Să garantez mai mult nu pot
Că voi rămâne în viață
Capitala este departe de fortăreață
--- R ---
Dă-mi un minut...
Dă-mi un minut...
Vreau să respir cu tine, față-n față
pentru ultima oară, dimineață.
Dă-mi un minut...
--- 3 ---
Parcă desenat
Pastel albastru pătat
Cerul tranșeele a acoperit
Pur dar fără de sfârșit
La fel să fii mereu
Peste patul/mormântul meu
Și deasupra țării rusești,
În pace și liber să domnești.
--- R ---
Dă-mi un minut...
Dă-mi un minut...
Vreau să respir cu tine, față-n față
pentru ultima oară, dimineață.
Dă-mi un minut...
--- R ---
Dă-mi un minut...
Dă-mi un minut...
Vreau să respir cu tine, față-n față
pentru ultima oară, dimineață.
Dă-mi un minut...
Down a long road
They were riding on the troika with sleigh bells,1And the lights flashed in the distance.
I would now, dear strangers, follow you,2
To dispel my soul from the yearning.
They rode down a long road аt the moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
Yeah, we sang, it turns out, in vain,
Wasted away night after night senselessly,
If we've been done with the old,
Since these nights were over as well.
They rode down a long road аt the moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
From now on we're destined to go to the native country
Down new ways.
They rode on the troika with sleigh bells,
But now have come a long time ago.
They rode down a long road аt moonlit night,
In the company of the sonorous song, that flies afield,
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night.
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night!
And the old, seven-stringed guitar,
That tormented me so much at night!
Darling, sleep
Darling, sleep...don't torment my soul.The mountains and the hills are already sleeping.
Our dog is lame, shaggy-dense,
He lies down and licks the salt chain.
And the sea stomps,
And the branches murmur,
And with all of my experience -
The dog is chained.
And I whisper to you,
Then, in a half whisper,
Then, silently:
'Darling, sleep...'
Darling, sleep... Why can't you sleep?
Roaring seas? The pleas of trees?
Feelings? Someone's dishonesty?
Or maybe, my dishonesty?
And the sea stomps,
And the branches murmur,
And with all of my experience -
The dog is chained.
And I whisper to you,
Then, in a half whisper,
Then, silently:
'Darling, sleep...'
Darling, sleep... You shouldn't grieve.
Let your dreams settle and your eyes relax.
Fall asleep on the globe of the Earth,
Do you hear, darling? - Sleep...
Darling, sleep... We are on the Earth,
Flying, ready to explode.
And you need a hug, so you don't break,
And if you break loose - two of us do.
And the sea stomps,
And the branches murmur,
And with all of my experience -
The dog is chained.
And I whisper to you,
Then, in a half whisper,
Then, silently:
'Darling, sleep...'