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Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 20


Ballad about Gigo Bosnić

Basketball club 'Koševo' was a good team
Boro, Skeli, Cuba, Trile
We know everyone by heart
But they ruled that 'fildžan' league
Because of legendary captain, Gigo Bosnić
It was the golden age of our basketball
Russians sent 5-6 coaches to the Siberia
And we discussed who had better rollings -
Gigo or Delibašić*
On May 23rd, against Basketball club 'Alhos'
Very important people came to see him
But Gigo partied with his crew the whole night
He wasn't very precise that day
A little bit of effort and a lot of talent
A few injuries and few sips of 'Vecchia'*
Suddenly, Gigo Bosnić knocked on the door
Of the forgotten champions
Something happened inside his head
He started talking about politics, about nationalities
He is buying everybody drinks, he says that he works for the party
The percentage under 31, he visited Gazimestan*
A little bit of effort and a lot of talent
A few injuries and few sips of 'Vecchia'*
That April, Gigo found himself next to the howitzer
He finally had the entire town beneath him
For all of the steps
For every injustice by the referees
For every missed point
For every girl that didn't like him
For Koševo, for Vratnik, for Malta*
For the entire world
Gigo Bosnić is now loading caliber 155
In the trench, in dark, next to the 'Koševo' court
Scoreboards were burnt, the construction had fallen
And I just want to ask one thing:
Would it all be different
If he scored that 3 points against 'Alhos'?
A little bit of effort...

Your bare feet

Your bare feet
on my military boots
you're hugging me, closing your eyes
Your shadow behind the glass
The destiny touched my shoulder
And told me
To follow her
Dear one, here, as sweat from my forehead
I'm whipping compassion
I'm whipping compassion, principles
Dear one, now I'm alike
And I am one of them
'Cause I'll be bastard and rustler
I'll become a spaceship
Because I have to see you again
And I'll be a mouse, home traitor
Devil's son's acquaintance
Because I have to live for you
Your bare feet
on my military boots
you're hugging me, closing your eyes
Your shadow behind the glass
The destiny touched my shoulder
And told me
To follow her
Dear one, here, as sweat from my forehead
I'm whipping compassion
I'm whipping compassion, principles
Dear one, now I'm alike
And I am one of them
'Cause I'll be bastard and rustler
I'll become a spaceship
Because I have to see you again
And I'll be a mouse, home traitor
Devil's son's acquaintance
Because I have to live for you
Your bare feet
on my military boots

Day of the Republic

Today is the day of the Republic
My old man has had some drinks
Lepa Brena on the tv
And my old man thinks of the war times
To make today a better time
The sacrefied themselfs
They walked through cold rivers
They ate the bark
He's sad, that some think
That life's better somewhere else
That people don't dream about their old days
And that people are waiting for a ticket to leave and go somewhere else
Today is the day of the Republic
Today is the day of the Republic
Today is the day of the Republic
My old lady says: Dragan keep quiet
Shut your mouth, they can hear you
The day, day of the Republic
Today is the day of the Republic
Today is the day of the Republic
Today is the day of the Republic
And my old man thinks of the war times
And he's upset, that kids
Don't play anymore as if they were an army
Today, everyone knows
That you only have one head
Today, everyone knows
In front of who you should fall on knees
Today, everyone knows, and my old man says:
'Open the windows'. he's drunk and he thinks
That the war fires are still burning upstairs
war fires are still burning upstairs
Today is the day of the Republic
Today is the day of the Republic
Today is the day of the Republic
And my old lady says:
Are you insane, Dragan
Close the windows, the stove isn't working

Ibro dirka

I swear to you, by my dead grandfather,
Eventhough i'm not quite into that thing
That no one has ever knew how to play
the accordion
such as our Ibro Dirka
Once the party started, and once he started to play
He hasn't even got time to say bismillah*
He would shake his head and break the glasses
Ibro would bring you into sevdah**
But quickly, people from the industry heard about Ibro
And started to snoop around in our hood
Every one of them started to bring Ibro drinks
Every one of them started to compliment Ibro
Ibro started to talk about money and sucess
We told him 'Ibro don't be silly
You're special
You cure people with your music
In the industry everything is fake
Everything is fake'
-'I just have to tell you a bit about Ibro
Once, a mercedes came to pick him up and he left
Yes, yes
He went on with the pro's and became famous
There he is, i saw him on a picture
He took a photo with both Halid's ***'
-'Yeah, i've heard that,
He was with Brena****'
-'Boy, he has the best girls,
One of them wore a badge just so he could know where the front of her body was. And now he has two new ones'
- 'Waiter, give us two beers, and please tell the singer to be a bit more quiet'
-'Yes I know, he's a witty person, he lets everyone play him, everyone, i mean those managers'
-'They used him'
-'Would you let that happen?'
- 'No it's not that, they don't let him play sevdah anymore'
-'You think?'
-'For sure'
-'These are hard times'
-'Yes, man, people are looking for upbeat music,
Who would listen to others problems'
But one morning Ibro came to the neighbourhood alone
He looked like Gary Cooper, everything felt like a dream
There was no sign of sadness left on his face
The neighbourhood, sevdah, Ibro just couldn't forget it
Ibro didn't want the money anymore
Ibro will always remain a bady
Some immediatley stared to blame Ibro
But only the real ones
Knew what really had happend
Ibro isn't a bady, man
Ibro is the meaning of an artist

State of shock

Because of you I left a jeans business
because of you I pulled the trigger on my friend
you're my vow, you're my God
your name shines out from my shoulder
And you, and you, and you
You're shocking me, I swear to God
Because of you I started to shave myself on sundays
because of you I quit watching 'Desire'
because of you I was late on my uncle's funeral
I bought you a vase for 200 thousands KM
And you, and you, and you
You're shocking me, I swear to God
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
while I'm playing rock and roll
Because of you I started to shave myself on sundays
because of you I quit watching 'Desire'
because of you I was late on my uncle's funeral
I bought you a vase for 200 thousands KM
And you, and you, and you
You're shocking me, I swear to God
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
while I'm playing rock and roll
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
you're hurting me
you're hurting me
oh, what's that?
You're hurting me
while I'm playing rock and roll
Thank you, audience
Copyright © treeoftoday244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.


Mă numesc Șehovici Selver
Am fost inspector de poliție, sever și corect
Sau cum ar spune gașca – copoi clasic
Fratele meu Elci este un pungaș
Ii place să parieze să se bată și să fure
Elci dintotdeauna a fost de cealaltă parte a baricadei
Gagica lui se numea Elma
Și chiar când au pornit împreună
A inceput să lucreze la TAS, nu mai hoinărea
În 23 martie i-a pus inelul pe deget
La 6 aprilie Elci deja lupta în război
A fost o noapte nebună când Elci a hotărât să plece
Elma la sărutat pe el și pe mine
În vreme ce formatia în cafenea cânta:
“Încă curg și azi lacrimile unei femei”
Era vremea
Când frica a pătruns în oraș
Vremea când repede se află cine-i om și cine-i un împuțit
A fost vremea când și cei tari cădeau
Pentru Marllboro și coca Elma devine gagica lui Mirsa Kuiaci
Mirso era un erou flușturatic
A luptat în război zile trei
A făcut rost de un Jeep și-un Colt cromat și-a devenit intreprinzător
Odată m-a sunat în tură, i-am zis “Nu cheltui”
Iar el la asta “Asta nu-i săpun, nu se consuma”
Iar eu imi aduc aminte de noaptea când Elci a hotărât să plece
Elma la sărutat pe el și pe mine
În vreme ce în cafenea formația cânta:
“Încă curg și azi lacrimile unei femei”
Când s-a întors Elci a venit la mine
Și-a început să rupă pozele ei
Zic – “Frate, nu merită să alergi nici după tramvaie nici după femei”
Iar el la asta zice – “Selvere frate, am vrut pe ea prima data și după aia pe mine...”
Hai mă ești bolnav, ce-ți trebuie sa-ți strici viața
Pentru o femei de mâna a doua
Elci a parcat la cesuri mici
În mașină își infășoară un joint sa-și dea curaj
Iese și strigă să audă toți
“Unde ești Mirso, pe mă-ta, șoarece de geamie!”
M-au chemat dar am ajuns târziu la fața locului
Văd acolo un om mort, văd acolo pe Elci conștient
“Depărtați-vă un pic, zic, poliția federală”
“Ce te uiți la mine, șterge-o de aici, nebunule!”
În mașină l-am ajuns să-i dau niște bani
În mașină i-am spus fugi peste ocean
La Mostar un om îți face acte
Să cauți ca înaintea zorilor să fii peste graniță
A fost o noapte ploioasă când Elci a hotărât să plece
A fost ultima noapte pentru el și pentru mine
Iar la radio formația cânta:
Încă curg și azi lacrimile unei femei”
Mă numesc Șehovici Selver
Azi sunt un ipocrit, gabor fără onoare … caz obișnuit
Sau cum ar spune gașca nemernic clasic
Elci din când în când dă de știre din diferite orașe
Iar pe vedere întotdeuna scrie aceleași
“Ori ești desculț, ori ești boier”

They say you have a new guy

Good, you get it, good
no worries, I thought
we would watch that American film
but you already made plans
aha, good, good, that's cool
They say you have a new guy
I haven't seen him
but I know he's not bad
you always knew how to pick them
you always searched for an upgrade
They say you have a new guy
who after school picks you up in his car
and who looks down on us other guys
who also love you
they say, they say
You'll go with him to Jahorina
there it's happy and healthy, what could be better?
but I'll stay here in this dirty city
catching drops of rain in my mouth
They say you have a new guy
who perfectly fits
with your new bag
but when the bag goes out of style
will the same thing happen to him
that happened to me?
They say you have a new guy
who speaks articulately and smells fine
but what he doesn't know is that in your life
he's just a ladder, just another step you'll walk over
they say, they say

Officer Murga

Our Murga isn't an ordinary officer
his methods are modern
first he offers you a cigar
then he beats you down
Murga isn't an ordinary cop
psycho-phenomena interest him
he grabs all and says to their faces
you'll play the piano for me
Every so often he'll mock some kid
of these guiding leaders
afterwards, Murga slaughters
afterwards, Murga apologizes deeply
The night is dark
and the night is hot
it is the right time
for you, officer Murga
The night is dark, the night is hot
it is the right time
for you, officer Murga
Ever since Murga watched High Noon
Murga walked the center of the road
He sets a walkie-talkie to his ear
and listens diligently to commands
Maybe, in the dark, tonight
awaits his piece of fame
he bargained their beat downs, always with the same gang
legitimacy was on his mind
And while I sit here in this bar
I watch him through the window
I'm thinking if Freud was right
and if sex is the cause of all things