Rezultatele căutării pagină 18
Număr de rezultate: 755
Dacă depinde de mine
Cum imi lipsesc venirile tale scurte in noaptea asta!
Când mă întrerupeai în timp ce vorbeam, când imi invadai casa,
Pe masa mea îți aruncai sandalele prăfuite,
Apoi râsul acela, ca un leac, îmi Îmbuna ziua.
Acela e mirosul zăpezii cum va fi pentru multă vreme.
Unde-s fulgii de nea care ți se topeau pe picioare?
Ei bine, totul e cum era, nu pot face nimic,
Probabil norocul mă iubește prea puțin...
Dacă depinde de mine, de ce nu revii?
De ce nu iei legătura cu mine?
O voi face cu ușurință, dacă depinde de mine.
Spune-mi, ca să pun in loc o inimă nouă, mai mică,
O piele nouă cu o nouă tăietură/ rană,
O voi face cu ușurință, dar nu depinde de mine...
Share music and kindness! :)
So I need it
I'm not the same anymore
and hair doesn't shine
from world face I hide
not to see I drinking
About you every night
near him I dreaming
and I must how do I know
with him to sleep
For who to arrange
when I little worth to him
carmine I will remove
in warderobe I will get away
Cause you was kissing my lips first
but he biting to the blood
So I need it, drop it
I chose the wrong heart
you was guard me like child
he was tread my beauty
So I need it, don't complain
there's justice in the love
gold is everywhere in my hands
but dreams is under my feet
I'm not the same anymore
my skin isn't clean
his brain stabbing
and need a lot of water
That with this body I can
still to bragging
I'm going after him
dress to burn it
Ref. 2x
Juanita is our adoration
Juanita is our adoration
Her eyes are of different colours
She has protruding teeth and a receding lower jaw
And her arms are so long they touch the floor
The lyrics are wrong
Because we're in front of a child
Her hair is stiff
In spite of being bow-legged
She doesn't even turn around
And look at the ugly me
We broke up one evening
We broke up one evening
with tears in our eyes
our love was meant
to fall into two pieces
I am in pain when i think
the beautiful nights
that you were giving me sweet, sweet
vows kisses and petting
I am waiting with desire
and pain in my heart
maybe you will return soon
in my arms
Nights that don't lead to a dawn
(I have been through) nights that don't lead to a dawn for this love
Nights that I've been depressed cause you are not here.
I fall in love with you deeply, I lose my senses from your kisses.
When you touch me, I start blabbing unintentionally
I will (always) be crazy in love with you, I will show you the stars up close.
You listen to the rythm of my heart.
(I have been through) nights that don't lead to a dawn for this love,
Nights that I've been depressed cause you are not here.
At nights that don't lead to a dawn I feel like Love
Is knocking on my door, greeting me with a 'I love you'.
Dance with me tonight, come and break my heart.
Hold my hand and I will follow you anywhere.
I will spend the whole night in your arms, getting drunk from your kisses,
Only if you smile at me.
Fredonând tăcut
Stii că mă trezesc în pat geros
Lumina spală ridurile nopții
Stiu și simt pe unde umblii
Degeaba crezi că nu ești aici
(Nu ești aici)
Stii, nu te văd de mult timp
Desi nu–mi pot lua ochii de pe tine
Cearceaful anină suspinele
Numai tu-mi pronunți așa numele
Ziua întreagă stând în mireasma ta aștept
Să-mi aduci în gură elixirul vieții
Ești aici, când scriu acest rând
Cum î-ți răzbeste ochii:
Eu sânt acolo cu tine
(Sânt acolo cu tine)
Mai mult nu știu
Decât sa-ți fredonez stins
Stelele ne văd surpris
Si în mine este pace
Mă așteaptă abisul viselor vrute
Si de acolo mă cheama inapoi un cuvânt
Penumbra grea naște cânt
Simt nevoia de a plânge
Tremură pamântul dacă mă atinge
Câte un gând pașnic
Pe care mi-l trimiți
înlauntrul căruia și tu exiști
Ești parte
Mai mult nu știu
Decât să-ti fredonez stins
Stelele ne văd surpris
Si în mine este pace
Mai mult nu știu
Decât să-ti fredonez stins
Stelele ne văd surpris
Si în mine este pace
So, how come?
Versions: #2
Everything my country has, it has oil, it has gas
It has nickel and coal it has, aluminium is countless.
It has it all: diamonds, emeralds, topaz and gold,
So, how come, the country is full of gold, but the folks eat *bugger all,
So, how come, the country has all it needs, but the people live in shit.
Everything my country has, it has grain and meat it has
It has salmon and sturgeon, in it caviar by the tones.
It has veggies, plenty fruits, and our dairy products are so good.
So, how come, the produce exist, but the the folks have nothing to eat?
So, how come, the country has all it needs, but the people live in shit.
Everything my country has, lot's of governors it has.
It has mayors, their deputes, and every deputy have own deputes.
FSB and MVD, and in the bushes GIBDD, and the guys from Forbes rich list, they all living overseas.
Generals, deputats, communists and democrats,
So, how come, they still exist, and so much for them to eat?
In our country they live so sweet, where people live in shit.
All the people live in shit, but the shit lives so sweet.
I Will Make Myself Up And Wait For You
The grasshoppers are chirping,
The trees of the forest are lulling,
Lulling the minds of the farmers.
The sound of the bells
At the necks of the buffalos
Tells of the life back home on the farm.
The smell of the cheeks of the forest people
Is like the smell of angels' cheeks.
Chatting is what we do
Because it simply is in our nature.
Whoever wants to be my lover
Must have this trait as well.
Has rice harvest already come?
Who will come and become my lover,
The lover of a farmer girl?
Don't you like fermented fish?
I dislike those adulterous drunkards,
Those flirting men.
If you want to meet me,
Come to my kitchen, where we can spend some time together,
I will prepare to reveal my feelings to you
And let you come in, I will make myself up and wait.
The grasshoppers are chirping,
The trees are lulling,
Lulling the minds of the farmers.
The sound of the bells
At the necks of the buffalos
Tells of the life back home on the farm.
The smell of the cheeks of the forest people
Is like the smell of angels' cheeks.
Chatting is what we do
Because it simply is in our nature,
Whoever wants to be my lover
Must have this trait as well.
Has rice harvest already come?
Who will come and become my lover,
The lover of a farmer girl?
Don't you like fermented fish?
I dislike those adulterous drunkards,
Those flirting men.
If you want to meet me,
Come to my kitchen, where we can spend some time together,
I will prepare to reveal my feelings to you
And let you come in, I will make myself up and wait.
Song about oil
At the tractor plant I'm an ordinary worker,
My surname is Sinitsyn, my name is Voldya,
Every morning I go to the plant, and do my best,
And this happiness lasts twenty-fifth year, no less!
Standing by the lathe, I'm making parts all day,
And from those parts the tractor pedals are made,
I get paid for that, like a cat piss,
But I don't complain, the whole city lives like this!
But recently strange shit start happening to us
The money began to disappear twice as fast,
The prices in the stores sharply began to rise,
And I was short of money for my lousy life.
I began to worry, I don't understand what's happening,
But the presenter on TV explain everything.
They say, it's USA created all this shite,
Resulting in oil has fallen in price,
But all this is artificially planned act,
And soon the things will changed, and that's a fact,
The yankees wouldn't be able to humiliate us, let them try,
The price on our mother-oil, again will rise.
And it will be like before, we'll flourish you and I,
And it will be enough again, for my lousy life,
I liked very much everything, that TV presenter had to say,
But a tiny question in my mind stayed.
I'm very happy of course, the price on oil just about to rise a lot,
And what if the bitch will not? What will happen if not?
I understood,all will be alright, when the price on oil will rise a lot,
But what if the bitch will not? Just like that, one-two and not?
Those, greatly respected, who stand by the helm and never sleep
Of our humongous oil ship,
I somewhat didn't understand, how did it happened, fools?
You did say, that all will be cool!
You were, all together, pumping oil all these years,
You didn't know when to stop, without trouble and fear,
Serving your motherland, you were working day and night,
The money that you have made, will be enough for 10,000 lives.
I'm an ordinary worker, guys. How I can go on?
All my savings consist only of kidney stones
I don't have much meat, mostly bones and skin,
I might not live long enough for good news to come in!
But it's not fair, that you were sucking oil, and how!
And everything is indicate, that we'll do the sucking now.
Do steal, as much as pleases you, I really don't give a shit,
But why should I die, while you doing it?
Of course, I'm very happy, that price on your oil will rise a lot,
But what if the bitch will not? What will happen if not?
But what if the bitch will not? I don't have desire to suck, that's what!
All right, there is no need to smear the snot under my nose,
It will be just the same as it was, I suppose,
On my wages, I will bust my butt,
But you will, till you die, swim in the chocolate.
But what if, one day, you anyway will die,
And, end up in heaven, science despite,
And you'll be met by an old man, dressed in white,
Quite a strict grandpa, his charms despite
And he will say, guys, you have lived such a great life!
Do confess, did you on purpose decided to surprise?
I Understand, that life is given only once of course,
But not just for your benefit I have created Earth!
You have behaved very-very badly, you're rascals and sooks,
As if I had not written for you the ten commandments in the book!
Thank you, of course, that you have build the shrines, for him,
But that was not included in the main part of the blueprint!
I Know What I'm Doing
Everyone, they all say
that I'm not such an easy child.
Everyone, they all say
that I've lost the key to my heart.
Suddenly, I can't talk, can't think
You look at me, I look at you, and my heart skips a beat*
You smile at me, I try to explain everything that I feel about you in a logical way
It isn't the madness of the moment
I know what I'm doing
Kiss me tonight as much as you can
I know what I'm doing
For the first time, I'm in love
Tell me how you did this
Everyone, they all say
that the rules generally don't suit me
Everyone, they all say
that I always play my cards close
Suddenly, I can't talk, can't think
You look at me, I look at you, and my heart skips a beat
You smile at me, I try to explain everything that I feel about you in a logical way
It isn't the madness of the moment
I know what I'm doing
Kiss me tonight as much as you can
I know what I'm doing
For the first time, I'm in love
Tell me how you did this
Don't be surprised
Don't be surprised
If I love you senselessly
If there's no end to my requests
If I repeat myself when with you
Don't be surprised
If I am aloof to everyone except you
If I am kept awake on these nights
If I have a fever with or without you
I have a fever
I was sure that the past with you will be atoned
That a good future is near
That I will be with you forever
I have you and my mood
Became upside-down from this feeling, believe it
With one word, something, anything
Make my mood better
With you, everything I wanted came to be
With you, everything became comfortable
Everyone saw our relationship
Was more than just a short duration
Slowly, slowly I saw your surrender
Moment by moment with you I better understood calmness
Your effect is undeniable
They are right to say that love is only a single time
My destiny is dependent on you
Dependent on you
I was sure
That the past with you will be atoned
That a good future is near
That I will be with you forever
I have you and my mood
Became upside-down from this feeling, believe it
With one word, something, anything
Make my mood better
With you, everything I wanted happened
With you, everything became comfortable
Everyone saw our relationship
Was more than just a short duration
Make my mood better
Make my mood better
Make my mood better
Come and make my mood better
Come and make my mood better
Kill the Dragon
Fog and acrid smoke, there’s no sun in the sky,
All the people here are dressed in grey and dull like mice.
In contrast, iron law and order are everywhere,
A dragon reigns on silk banners.
Earthly happiness burns with sacrificial fire,
The dragon is toying with the power in your city and in the world.
The tyrant has bad blood and a wise man’s mind,
He made slaves, made a featureless herd out of everyone.
But comfort is always dearer
Than money, truth, love.
Fear of freedom gnaws the souls,
And slaves remain obedient.
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!
As well as all, the tyrant isn’t immortal, and his ashes were scattered,
The great myth of wonderful days of flourishing is debunked.
And again, there’s playing with power, and again, there’s a battle for the throne,
And a new dragon gives people a phantom of happiness.
What kind of ancient hex draws this spiral?
Greed will take in its arms again,
Power will plunge steel into the soul.
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!
Dragon's spirit is napping in everyone,
We all are born with it.
Power and greed – these are the laws
Which play with people!
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against…
Get off your knees, inhale the fresh air boldly,
You can’t be a nothing amongst the grey crowd for all your life.
Open your eyes, just trust me that, otherwise, it’ll be too late,
And get ready, against all odds,
To kill the dragon inside you!
Unrequited Love
I beg of you, reflect me in your eyes, so I will not drown in sorrow
Your eyes are gazing to a faraway fading place
Ringing the bell inside my painful heart
My sigh escapes from my mouth, and I can’t smile well
As if I am a prisoner of yours, as if I am rejected by you
I’ll keep the cries of cowardice in my heart, no matter if you answer me, forever
I beg of you, call my name, so that I shall not drown in sorrow
No matter how mistaken I am, if I am right somewhere
Everyone still wants to search for a gentle way to escape from grief
I want to know everything about you, your strength and your weakness
My fingers may touch you, but my feelings cannot reach you
I am scared of the broken tomorrow, but even if my heart hurts I still will never give up
I thought that all my hopes and wishes would come true
And now I will put an end to those selfish moments
My loneliness has stretched so far that I am now seeing it in my future
But I will still head and walk toward the faint light
My fingers may touch you, but my feelings cannot reach you
I tremble in fear thinking of losing you, but I still will never give up, ever
Why are you so serious?
Come on! We are with you for a long time here.
Always know your route.
And let it be too late for us to break.
Come on! Are you so serious?
The strength is that we are one with you,
And we can not win!
The power is that we are with you,
And we can not win!
I am at home behind a stone wall.
Tricolor - strength, proud of my country.
I can leave the border, purely on the weekend,
I would take with him Leps, but he is not visiting.
South of Russia on the buzz, by the way.
And kebab under brandy - very tasty.
'Salute to all the boys!', - I shout that there is urine.
In the summer of the whole crowd, we will rock Sochi.
Spitting on sanctions, we live normally.
Well, no Parmesan, not at all criminal.
And the fact that there is now turning up the nose Europe:
Hedgehog does not scare naked (oh ...)
Che, live fun, do not ride cotton wool.
Housing and communal services in order, we pay for wages.
All these rumors about the crisis - I beg you, leave!
Put a visa soon and fly to visit!
Come on! We are with you for a long time here.
Always know your route.
And let it be too late for us to break.
Come on! Are you so serious?
The strength is that we are one with you,
And we can not win!
The power is that we are with you,
And we can not win!
Hospitable land, bread, and salt to the wounds.
The pain does not drown, do you hear the glasses tinkling?
You want to save your soul - talk to your doctor.
Save yourself in the morning just thick soup.
Mind Russia does not understand - this is a question.
Who is the main politician - is responsible Forbes.
And while boiling on the Hudson kettle -
Will drink in the Kremlin strong tea chief.
Deaf Siberian forest, quiet there inside.
It is better not to go here, do not wake the bear.
Better stay out of trouble.
You're not from here, boy, pass by.
Deaf Siberian forest, quiet there inside.
It is better not to go here, do not wake the bear.
Better go back before it's too late
Hey, are you so serious?
Oh, mom, already other times.
And ma, the whole country is with you.
Let our stars shine brighter.
Bro, why are you so serious?
The strength is that we are one with you,
And we can not win!
The power is that we are with you,
And we can not win!
But if the bear wakes up,
Under it, the whole forest will fall.
But if you are not friends with him,
No need to climb, no need to climb!
The strength is that we are one with you,
And we can not win!
The power is that we are with you,
And we can not win!
I follow you
I follow you, into your pocket I slip
like a two-drachma coin so small
I follow you and I know that I fit
inside the dimple that you have in your cheek
Come, hold me tight and take a walk with me,
into your magical depths
take me with you into your deep kiss
don't leave me alone to get lost
I follow you, I glue myself to your back
like a sweater in summer,
I follow you and I know that I hurt
I close my eyes and I follow you
When it rains listen to it
My friend you settled next to the tree
(the tree) without roots
with good-chosen words
You've won,
you've managed the impossible
you deleted years born to the fire
Let our dreams have a good trip
the unplanted (dreams)
And in your soul's the most jealoused places
Have a thousand places to hide
to forget
Don't anticipate
What you want is going to happen
Don't get anxious
You saw the uncomparable
In scared times...
credit only the truth
you were born
to be in the winners
Those with the light footsteps
Who are mocking the animals to be slaughtered.
I wish you had a thousand times more love
to forget....
My friend, because of the hustle
I didn't give you 'greetings'
From the tree
the beloved
From the magician
and from the rain overflows.
To the dam
To the wounded elf
I saw them in the dream fights
I lied to them
For you the same lies
But you should tell a thousand truths...
to forget
My friend, I,
still make songs
singing songs
And because you fancy the rain...
When it rains, listen to it
It makes the colors
When it rains, listen to it
It also brings perfumes
When it rains, listen to it
It returns memories
When it rains, listen to it
When it rains, listen to it
And look around
When it rains, listen to it
Lean to your myth
When it rains, listen to it
And smile to me
When it rains, listen to it
Listen mothere
I was born at the meeting of night and day
some hot August Monday
the dreams were but a few, the words too many
and everyone felt ok.
That the lineage will exist on and the party shall begin
Hollow ran my mother's
her ansgt, the pain, the urge
and a curse along with the wishes.
That my star heard and hid in the light
and since then I'm so alone
and the laughter ain't go on, and the promises are empty
and those who love you, see, they forget easily.
And they're afraid of standing by through time
and the reason they won't share the pain is love
see, their star is shinning high up there
and so everything is alright.
Listen mother, the Providence is for everyone
And maybe my star lies somewhere in the light
Listen here mother the Providence is for everyone.
And the sky has room for us.
And so I turn to the light and sing
I stopped counting the passing days
I'm picking up my pieces and hope not
to go back to all those that always want me to return.
I tight my fists and my only consolation
is my dream and how long my heart will stand
I'll be here and remember this well
and since you can't respect me, you'll be fearing me.
Because I'm alive only for what I love
I'm saving my lie only to you to tell
to all of you with the star up there high
that supposedly feel ok.
Cos everything around you is changing
while the days that go by scare you
but now i'm throwing away the wishes
I'm never gonna live the past again.
Because mother I found it all in front of me
my pain as my life and my joy just a breath of air
I've always been collecting what was left of the ashes
but fortune doesn't favour me.
Listen mother, the Providence is for everyone
And maybe my star lies somewhere in the light
Listen here mother the Providence is for everyone.
And the sky has room for us.
Someday here
I have to go now
Even as I tell myself
Memories of you linger inside of me, and I hold onto time
I will walk a little bit ahead
Because even when I start to feel lonely, if I close my eyes
Memories remain warm
Whether tomorrow will come
I can't know
So lets make something out of now, that is certain
By your side
Always at this place
'You don't have to promise anymore'
You put on a facade, but tears run down your cheeks
'I'm fine don't worry'
Your words gradually sink in me
It's a sign of our love, an audible form of love
I will go greet tomorrow myself
Try reaching out your hands
I hold you, irreplaceable in my arms
Gently and tightly
Even if the unfeeling bell rings its sound all across
And tears us apart
Please, tell you in the tomorrow
'I love you'
Please don't let go of this bright moment
Please don't be sad
To my dearest days
To you, my dearest
Someday, right here
Someday, right here
Faraway Longing
My Dream
My Love
When you're by my side
Even the colors of the wind completely change
The water shines, plays with the light
Let that sky melt away the time
Your Dream
Your Love
When you smile
The shadow disappears from my cloudy eyes
My chest burning with enthusiasm
I finally set out on the way to hope
The flowing clouds reflect the forest
The bird flies freely to the heavens……
My Appeal to Shareholders of JSC Gazprom
1. Dear shareholders of JSC Gazprom,
It would be a great pleasure to meet you,
I am Semyon Slepakov, just call me Semyon,
You even may call me every name you like:
Victor, Gennady, Akaky, Yegorka,
The most important thing that it would be comfortable for us,
Okay, now I turn to the subject,
I want to tell you all about my problem:
In short, my situation is so:
Somehow, I am tired of working,
I know you will pay attention to my words,
Because who can understand them except you?
Generally, I tell you honestly and straight:
I have seen your advertising on TV,
And it very convincingly says
That all dreams come true together with Gazprom,
Gazprom always fulfills its obligations,
You all are the bright proof of that,
Seeing your facial expressions,
I guess that your dreams have come true!
Eventually, I am impressed by your bright example,
So I would like to be a shareholder like you,
I do not need a large astronomical sum of money,
Please, give me at least one little percent,
Only one percent... It matters nothing for us,
It's just a small number... of nine digits,
You're so rich that you can even wipe your asses with cash,
But someone has only a budget gap.
The Chorus:
I don't wanna be an engineer,
I don't wanna be a combine driver,
I wanna be a shareholder of JSC Gazprom,
I don't wanna be a land-surveyor,
I don't wanna be a fashion designer,
I wanna be a shareholder of JSC Gazprom.
2. I promise I will live in a small way
Like an ordinary employee of Gazprom,
I won't throw big money around like a fool,
I will spend my money carefully, I won’t stand out,
I’ll buy a Swiss watch made of gold,
Well, it's for being like y’all, so I won’t stand out,
There will be 10-15 diamonds on my watch,
Another way, I'll immediately start to stand out,
Also, I’ll buy a little Mercedes C-class
For being like Gazprom’s faceless mass,
I don't need nor a Maybach neither even an AMG,
I’d like just a humble C-class, for my soul,
Also, I’ll build three cottages on Rublyovka,
Well, it’s for keeping traditions of Gazprom,
Personally, I would have enough only two houses,
But I should obey our esprit de corps!
I’ll buy a Bentley with red and blue car interior for my wife
(Like cars which your security guards gift to their wives)
And a ring with a 20 carat diamond,
Because she also wants to not stand out,
I’ll buy a Ferrari for my son, he’s already 17-years old,
Well, my boy mustn’t stand out in the MGIMO,
I’ll buy myself a yacht of 30 meters length
So I’ll be able to blend in with your crowd,
Honoring our modest corporate customs,
I’ll celebrate my birthday in Nice,
I’ll invite Britney Spears and Madonna for singing,
So I won’t be the black sheep in the company.
The Chorus:
I don't wanna be a millionaire,
I don't wanna be a billionaire,
I wanna be a shareholder of JSC Gazprom,
I don't wanna be the Mayor of Moscow,
The President, and even The Prime Minister,
I wanna be a shareholder of JSC Gazprom.
3. My dear and lovely shareholders,
I beg you to start speedy action
To allow me to join to your magic JSC,
Despite my plea is a little sudden,
I hope you will favourably consider it,
Because the gas selling by Gazprom is our common,
But only you have your dreams come true.
The Chorus:
I don’t wanna be a policeman
And even a chief of a dermatovenereological dispensary,
I wanna be a shareholder of JSC Gazprom,
I don’t wanna be Pierre Narcisse,
I don’t wanna be a man with a large dick,
I wanna be a shareholder of JSC Gazprom,
I don’t wanna be a poacher,
I don’t wanna be a gondolier,
I wanna be a shareholder of JSC Gazprom,
I don’t wanna be a drug courier,
I don’t wanna be a just courier,
I wanna be a shareholder of JSC Gazprom.
How long?
I'm turning around in our home, alone, and I'm smoking
I lost my self, I can't recognize my self
I'm watching our old fotos and I'm crying
I wish you were here tonight for a while, so I could touch you
How long I have to wait, how long I have to insist?
How long I have to love you, How long to suffer
The memories always are coming in my mind
I'm thinking in the nights in my dreams about what we have passed through
I couldn't overcome you never, I miss you and I'm suffering.
And with my thoight I'm trying to bring you to me
How long I have to wait, how long I have to insist?
How long I have to love you, How long to suffer
Continue sleeping
Continue sleeping
Let the morning wait
Kiss on the mouth
Like the sleeping beauty
Continue sleeping
Forget what some say
Stay there
Don't waste your night
And when you wake up, I have so much to tell you
Harsh words, as harsh as the truth
Phrases from fairytales that you loved it
And perhaps that I love you.
And when you wake up, I have so much to tell you
From the lies that feed the habit
That I need you, that I need help
And perhaps I'll even tell you I love you
Continue sleeping
Wander in the dark
In the colour black
If you want, take me with you.
Continue sleeping
The day that challenges you
Is a threat
Don't answer, just sleep.
We were like this
As you know,
We were not angels.
And as if we felt no pain,
We were dancing on the ruins of our joy.
And sometimes on alert mornings,
We knew that love is waiting for us.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We feared nothing,
Even after a hundred foiled plans.
We still unnoticedly
Endured, as wrinkles appeared on our faces,
But sometimes on alert twilights
We knew that peace is waiting for us.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We were like this, remember us,
We were like this, remember, remember us!
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
We were like this, fierce yet good,
Innocent even among sinners.
We were like this, and a sign remains,
Which we'll leave here, when we have to go.
Marching forward
Young ladies from Zagreb came out running, running
Marching forward
Young Croat underneath the state flag
battle's s here to fight it, Croatian flag is waving
for freedom and for home, Croatian home
They came out running, and then they laughed
Dear Lord, dear Lord, how many handsome guys!
How well their mother raised them
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
I'll be everywhere
Words turned into a scar
Love is falling apart
Any means will do now
A never ending fight
Who is taking the child,
The child, who's dream is us coming back to each other
After a week of separation, nothing is decided yet
The toys are packed in a suitcase
If we could bridge the gap and concede
A little, if we'd thought a bit,
If we'd ceased fighting, we could still stay lovers
No one in the world
Can erase me
From existing by your side
Even if I'm far away from you
In the memories, in al the songs
That we liked together
My shadow will walk along with you
Even if the roads
That we've chosen, branch off
Your life isn't going
To change right away
Also in the future
I will always keep pounding in your heart
You can't wipe me out from your life
I'll be everywhere
I'm cleaning up after your leaving
It's no good taking outside
Our dirty laundry again
Smileys, they are like filters
Helping me to hide my pain from you
Also all those pictures, they're just an exuse
Your heart has gone so cold
Just like the pictures on the fridge
Maybe your heart belongs already to someone else
Surrendered to him easily and let our love die
No one in the world...
Listening to silence
Long road along the river without shores
I ask for very little, about you - just a few words.
Your footsteps cut off my air, every breath I dread
All the tears dried up in that riverbed.
I memorized you, but my bed is empty.
Waves break the castles made of sand.
Filled with jealousy, no one to fault,
I let you go wherever you want.
Listening to silence, the wrong way we head.
I can't be without you - my song is a two-voice duet.
Without closing the loop, slowing down the race -
I have just one path and it leads to you.
We went through so much, my heart split in half.
This cannot be measured, there's only fog.
And under the heavens we fly towards light.
You are my freedom - my answer that's right.
Listening to silence, the wrong way we head.
I can't be without you - my song is a two-voice duet.
Without closing the loop, slowing down the race -
I have just one path and it leads to you.
Long road along the river without shores
Listening to silence, the wrong way we head.
I can't be without you - my song is a two-voice duet.
Without closing the loop, slowing down the race -
I have just one path and it leads to you.
I have just one path and it leads to you.
I have just one path and it leads to you.
Feedback is appreciated. If you like or dislike something, leave a note...
The objective is to further human understanding so my feeble attempts are not copyrighted.
Coyote Spirit Invocation Song
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
Through this sacred pipe I have come
I have something to tell you, that is why come
Look upon me, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
My spirit subsists here, that is why I come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
Here beneath the moon of the night
I have something to tell you, that is why I come
Look upon me, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
Here beneath the daylight's sun
I have something to tell you, that is why I come
Look upon me, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
My friend, it is I, I have come
Look upon me, I have come
I have something to tell you, that is why I come
Look upon me, I have come
For how long we will be meeting on the downlow
For how long, like this,
we will be meeting on the downlow
or you marry me
or we should split up
When two people love each other
why hiding it
when they from the same glass
drink the same happiness
You owe me happiness
and I owe you too
let's settle this once and for all
this debth to each other
Everything that happens today
won't come tomorow
we have prolonged a lot
the path of our happiness
At the sunset the sun
looses some of its shine
over the years a man's
love becomes much colder
There's no single wave
where the water is still
so we should love each other
while we're young
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.
Listen here, my little girl
I wanted to know what's really happening
you're leaving without saying sweet words
You gathered your stuff
you took your personal belongings
as you were leaving, you told me 'see ya'
You thought that apart from you
I'm sitting and crying
Listen here, my little girl
I'm telling you this just once
I was a punk
and loved you sincerely
but I won't cry
for you anymore
I gave you love, my heart and soul
But you betrayed me without reason
Enough with your lies
It's better being away from you
go away, I don't want you anymore...
Running Away from it All
Sometimes I asked for guidance
For you to give me some good advice or just a picture
And I would find myself again with a question
That has no answer
And my heart has been through days
In which I didn't know what was going on inside
Trying to overcome the obstacles now
Through the sound of that old tune
And when dad couldn't talk to me
I would keep it all in
Inside a room that wasn't so big anyway
How I shut myself in, running away from it all
And when dad couldn't talk to me
I would keep it all in
Inside a room that wasn't so big anyway
How I shut myself in and ran away from it all
And my heart has been through years
Which carry all the stories along with me
Trying to gain strength from all the barriers
Through the sound of that old tune
And when dad couldn't talk to me
I would keep it all in
Inside a room that wasn't so big anyway
How I shut myself in, running away from it all
And when dad couldn't talk to me
I would keep it all in
Inside a room that wasn't so big anyway
How I shut myself in and ran away from it all
When the time passed by
A strong memory always stayed in my mind
How I would stand alone in front of a mirror, singing
Songs of love
And when dad couldn't talk to me
I would keep it all in
Inside a room that wasn't so big anyway
How I shut myself in, running away from it all
And when dad couldn't talk to me
I would keep it all in
Inside a room that wasn't so big anyway
How I shut myself in and ran away from it all
You Took a Place
I'm sorry for all the years
Where you were left a bit in the dark
How I didn't see what was happing inside you
I'm sorry for the thousand words
That I've said in disguise
I just wanted you to go wild
To come apart, to come apart a little
To back away a little, get up and back away, in the dark
I'm sorry for all those years
How suddenly, you took a place
In my heart there is no logic, between sanity and insanity
And no, don't back away, I've just learned to embrace
To fall without crashing
I don't want to play anymore
I'm sorry for all the cracks
How because of me you went through winter
Even on hot summer nights
Gosh, I'm sorry for all the lies
For the bland silence in the dark
I just wanted you to feel the burn inside
Don't lie
If you ever run into me
and shadow hides my face
don't ask people, you know yourself
why I'm so alone
Chorus 2x
Don't lie, don't lie
neither yourself, nor the others
it's only your fault
You maybe won't trust
that eyes which are looking for happiness
but trust your heart, you know yourself
that it (heart) tells the truth
Chorus 2x
Our love was
a story like all the others
sadness has come, it's your fault
for sleepless, long nights
Chorus 2x
Copyright © rahela244
This translation is protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media is not allowed without a written permission of the author.
All rights reserved. / Sva prava pridržana.