Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 19

Număr de rezultate: 755


Secret love

At the window's edge I await the dawn
Soaking the small flower with my tear
I look at the branches of the poplar tree
waiting for my sweetheart
Ref. 2x
My little glowing star
tell me where's my secret
my secret, fabulous love
While the poplar tree plays with the wind
the night caresses the glow of the star
The early hours of the dawn are far
where the hands of my sweetheart are
Ref. 2x
And I'll wait all night
until the sun comes up
until the sun comes up in the early hours
since my sweetheart isn't here
Ref. 2x


Like, perhaps just a little bit,
In case it, like,
well, yeah
Yeah, exactly like this, like, definitely
Yeah, like this or whatever, I guess that's it
Well, I think maybe it could, like, y'know
Like if it could just somehow, y'know
So it would be a bit like, y'know
'Cause then it'd all be, y'know
I walk around the perimeter rather than through the center
Making sure there's always a way back out
They all go to take a sip just to end up getting drunk
Long live words which scatter far
Like, actually
Like, that's it, relatively
Like, actually
Like, that's it, relatively
Like, y'know what I mean, or dontcha?
Whoa, wait, you can't like, this can't be
But, well, it's not like, wow, that's weird
Like this stuff's all kinda weird
So I think maybe it could, like, y'know
Like if it could just somehow, y'know
So it would be a bit like, y'know
'Cause then it'd all be, y'know
I walk around the perimeter rather than through the center
Making sure there's always a way back out
They all go to take a sip just to end up getting drunk
Long live words which scatter far
Like, actually
(like, you know)
Like (well, maybe not), relatively perfect
(Whoa, wait, you can't)
Like (not totally), actually
(Wow, that's weird)
Like (stuff's all kinda), relatively perfect
Feel free to repost elsewhere. Please let me know of any mistakes you find!

But How Will I (go on)?

Don't knock when you know you have the key
And you wanted to leave it behind
Black coffee and a hot croissant
Are waiting whenever you appear
You know that I am there when it goes bad
that you can count on me
Come in, if you have no where else to go
Come in, I know that it hurts everywhere
You know that here you have a peaceful dream
Come so I can wipe your tears
Come so I can bandage you
so that tomorrow you can leave smiling
But how will I be
only God knows that
Come in, my biggest mistake.
Don't knock when you know I am not sleeping
I did not tend to work
I am always ready to give you my blood
It does not matter how many years pass us by
You know that I am there when things go wrong
That you can count on me
Come in, when you have no where else to go
Come in, I know that it hurts everywhere
You know that here you have a peaceful dream
Come so I can wipe your tears
Come so I can bandage you
so that tomorrow you can leave smiling
But how will I be
only God knows that
Come in, my biggest mistake.

I Desire to Live There (Reprise)

I shall give (it) everything,
to be able to live where you are,
I shall pay everything,
to be able to stay there with you.
What to do, (so that I) may see you, smiling at me.
Go there with you, run across the land,
have my (very) own paradise under the sun.
Just you and me.
But I know that I am not allowed/able to live there.
I don't know when, and how and where.
But I know that something is starting (between) us.
I shall change my own cross.
I will come, you know.
There to live with you!

If you have with whom and where

Only smoke and dust.
That's what's left of the winner's scream.
Sad mornings are without birds,
as if somebody turned off the tone.
Our story has no end.
It's simply running like a dead river.
Only seriously ill,
sees himself as a man.
If you have whom and where
you settle down.
Do not let your days pass like mine.
I am not able to tell you who am I.
Pregnant oil rigger baptises a priest.
It's the holiday, so at the moment there is no god.
The sweat is dripping - reconstruction is calling,
with five points, and with four letters.
In front of sorrow lies grief.
Bite it and cut it.
Decorations on dead bodies,
does it have to be like that, you tell me.
If you have whom and where
you settle down.
Do not let your days pass like mine.
I am not able to tell you who am I.
Pellet is flying over the head.
Heavens are calling the heroes.
Looking through my fingers,
I sat alone on the roof.
A new day and a new lotto.
Each prize is ash and dust.
Do not gamble with life,
Cultivate love, respect fear.
If you have whom and where
you settle down.
Do not let your days pass like mine.
I am not able to tell you who am I.

Oh god, how painful!

Oh god, how painful!
And there's nothing more painful than this pain.
Oh god, what for?
Have you deleted me from your friends?
It hurts a lot.
And tears me to pieces.
Take and take me away from my friends.
It's very manly.
I like whoever I want to.
Don't call me your bunny.
I like whoever I want to.
I'm my own mistress now.
And you're free...
And you're free...
As it so happens, I opened like a flower.
And you trampled on my confessions.
You burned my torn heart with hot pepper
You plunged and turned three times the dagger.
You consumed my brains with a teaspoon.
You poured salt on the wounds.
You tore our friendship to pieces.
And there's nothing more painful than that pain.
Oh god, how painful!
And there's nothing more painful than this pain.
Oh god, what for?
Have you deleted me from your friends?
It hurts a lot.
And tears me to pieces.
Take and take me away from my friends.
It's very manly.
I like whoever I want to.
Don't call me your bunny.
I like whoever I want to.
I'm my own mistress now. (2x)
And you're free...
And you're free...


I open up my eyes to check if it's evening yet
I see it's only two o'clock, I sleep for another hour
I wake up at five and make two cups of coffee
I take a peek at the mirror and delighted by how pretty I am
I get rid of the women I found between the sheets
Turn the Jacuzzi on and put it on full bubbles
I order some Calamari, some sushi and a diet coke
All that matters is your health, parties and a reason to laugh
A partygoer in a big club is like an almighty
Nai nai nai nai...
I step out into the street, a fancy cab awaits me
A famous model quickly makes room for me
Martini and vodka, on the radio the drum is banging
My pager announces that the party at the beach has started
A partygoer in a big club is like an almighty
Nai nai nai nai... (X2)

New Year

How quickly this year has gone by
In our best days we grew up
Only an hour has remained
For us to return to childhood
[And] for the snow under the stars to sparkle
It calls [us] to a round dance, to celebrate the New Year
That's how under the tree, on the last night
You're waiting for gifts from childhood
May the house not sleep for long
There's a place at the table for everyone who's dear
Sit close1, pick a wish
Yet promise to fulfill mine
Happy new year- we wish each other
So that they may come true, pay it forward2
The Old Year has flown away, like a dream
It isn't lost, though, if happiness awaits
How quickly this year has gone by
We grew up in our best days
Only an hour has remained
For us to return to childhood
[And] for the snow under the stars to sparkle
It calls [us] to a round dance, to celebrate the New Year
That's how you're waiting, on the last night
Under the tree, for gifts from childhood
May the house not sleep for long
There's a place at the table for everyone who's dear
Sit close, pick a wish
Yet promise to fulfill mine
Here and everywhere, from now on and forever
Happiness loves you and avoids trouble
And let love survive the cold
How quickly this year has gone by
We grew up in our best days
Only an hour has remained
For us to return to childhood
[And] for the snow under the stars to sparkle
It calls [us] to a round dance, to celebrate the New Year
That's how under the tree, on the last night
You're waiting for gifts from childhood
Here and everywhere, from now on and forever
Happiness loves you and avoids trouble
And let love survive the cold
  • 1. Or 'closer'
  • 2. Lit. 'give on luck a hand'

Lonesome Accordion

Quiet town at night is so comforting
Doors won’t squeak, no more lights that are lit
Just a lonesome accordion wandering
Somewhere far away down the street
It goes far in the fields through the gateway
Then it comes back to town again
Just as if it is asking for pity
And can’t find anyone to complain
Night gets cooler, the darkness gets deeper
Apple blossom is white as the snow
Just come tell us who made you a weeper
The accordionist a young beau…
May be your joy is not far away
Just not sure if she is the one
So then why are you wandering restless
Keeping young ladies piece so undone…
Quiet city at night is so comforting
Doors won’t squeak, no more lights that are lit
Just a lonesome accordion wandering
Somewhere far away down the street
V.L. (Vesper Lynd) aka Eva Trussell

Lands of Mannakorpi

Lensmann in the law house swore and fussed,
when the hustler rolled hundreds from his wallet.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there has lots of moonshine been drip.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there has lots of moonshine been drip!
Lensmann in the night and day driving in the forest,
searching for bootleggers' works and a kettle.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there has lots of moonshine been drip.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there has lots of moonshine been drip!
The other boys drunk ate herrings,
and the others threw wood under the kettel.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there has lots of moonshine been drip.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there has lots of moonshine been drip!
There has been dripped liters of a hundred,
wrecked has been bootlegger's pan and the kettle.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there has lots of moonshine been drip.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there has lots of moonshine been drip!
Now that time of free booze has dawned,
no longer will the moonshine do to us.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there is no longer moonshine being dripped.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there is no longer moonshine being dripped!
And if the sovereign keeps rising the prices,
then will the moonshine take its revenge.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there will soon be moonshine dripped.
Hurahuhhahhei in the Lands of Mannakorpi,
there will soon be moonshine dripped!

Nu pleca

Singur în lume numai
Inima mea este în inima mea
Vestea este supărată
Haide, să vedem!
Nu vreau să pleci
Nu merge, du-te, du-te
Stai în brațele mele
Îți dau inima
Doar tu o poți face
Îți dau inima
Doar tu o poți face
Îmi dau capul în nisip când încerc să urc
Am auzit pe baron spunând: 'Da, tu ai asta în vene
Copilul meu, o văd când te duci pe scenă '
Și, tot timpul, ochelarii mei ascund cercurile mele întunecate
De fapt, am observat mereu
Învăț când ești tot
Am auzit, dar sunt surd
(Ah, mă auziți?)
Mister Super Sako, costume și boxe în Maroc
De ce păstrăm gangsta? Mă mișcă ca un vato
Eu sunt regele, tu regina din castelul meu
Dă-ți totul dacă am ajuns, da
Știu că mă iubești ca toastul francez
Coasta Pacificului, care se mișcă în Ghost drop
Pune-ți machiajul, trebuie să conduc încet
Nu vreau să pleci
Nu merge, du-te, du-te
Stai în brațele mele
Îți dau inima
Doar tu o poți face
Îți dau inima
Doar tu o poți face
Apoi am fost sărac, acum călătorim în Barcelona
Mergeți la Vegas, luați o întâlnire cu proprietarul
Poți lua penthouse-ul dacă vrei
Știu că prostiile pe care le-am făcut ne fac mai puternice
Dacă mă duc la un genunchi, te-ai întoarce la mine?
Trebuie să vorbim despre începerea unei familii
De fapt, am putea vorbi despre dimensiunea inelului
MGM reușesc să se lupte cu inelul de ședere
Dacă ai fi știut doar, am vărsat lacrimi
Sunt străin, am nevoie de două ori pentru a dovedi
Mama nu mi-a făcut nimic, aș fi putut pleca
Constant experimentat, impresia de sufocare
Vin din altă parte, învăț pe teren
Nu trebuie să fac aceleași greșeli
De ce muzica mea străpunge inimile?
Pentru că viața nu ne-a înflorit
Unii au prezis un viitor cu glugă
Pentru că nu eram bine
În ciuda taf, ei nu vor să mărturisească
Și ne vorbești cu noi
Toate valorile voastre, durerile voastre, nenorocirile voastre
Nimic despre mine, așa că noi creăm zvonuri
M-am întins și încă nu am ascensor
Nu mă așteptam la nimic, am deja cele esențiale
Nu vreau să pleci
Nu merge, du-te, du-te
Stai în brațele mele
Îți dau inima
Doar tu o poți face
Îți dau inima
Doar tu o poți face
Nu vreau să pleci
Nu merge, du-te, du-te
Stai în brațele mele
Îți dau inima
Doar tu o poți face
Îți dau inima
Doar tu o poți face

All is well

Like water, he comes to me
Touches, doesn't touch at all
A breeze of hot air
___ me always
Still on the corners of my face - ay ay ay
To be or not to be
in a moment like this, all the sounds of the music
caress me
Above, high, with delicate vibrations
All the words aren't enough
All the words aren't enough
All the words
Yes, all is well
Safety and love
Put your trust in the wind
Give yourself the earth
They sit on the beach, close
down where the water flows
A current feeling
There's nothing to confuse
it's nice, in the melody
To be or not to be
in a moment like this, all the sounds of the music
caress me
Above, high, with delicate vibrations
All the waves flow
All the waves flow
All the waves flow
All the waves
Yes, all is well...
The music told me all sorts of things
Some were so high
I felt overwhelmed
But today I know
That it's not a dream
When the music is in me
All my world will be red
the red of quiet
sun, and sky.
Yes, all is well...


A picture of you, came to me as well
A picture of you ,from the outlands
It is one of those which the students keep
It is one of those which the stoolie rip them off.
It is one of those which the students hang...
to theirs hurt..
Che Guevara
Close the window
block the doors up
I am terrified of the man
with boots.
What do he ask for (want)?...and he walks into the shadows all the time.
What do he want ?.. and he asks about You all the time.
What do he want ?.. and he looks at our home..
every night.
Che Guevara
So many roses
burned them all the snow
Oh! this spring
makes me bleed

Don't Go - Maître Gims Remix

I am alone in this world without you
My heart desires only you
My soul really suffers silently, come see
Come see, come see
I'm begging you please don't go
Don't go, go, go
Stay in my arms
I will give you my hearts affection
Only stay by my side
I will give you my hearts affection
Only stay by my side
They put my head in the sand when I try to rise higher
I hear my father tell me 'yes, you have that in the veins
My little one, I see it when you get up on stage'
And, during all this time, my glasses hide the wrinkles under my eyes
To tell the truth, I've always noticed
I learn when you cough
I hear, but I play deaf
(Ah, you hear me?)
Mister Super Sako, suits and coupes in Morocco
Why we keep it gangsta? I move like a vato
I am the king, you the queen in my castle
Give you everything if I got to, yeah
I know you love me like french toasts
Pacific coast, moving in the drop Ghost
You put your make-up on, I gotta drive slow
I'm begging you please don't go
Don't go, go, go
Stay in my arms
I will give you my hearts affection
Only stay by my side
I will give you my hearts affection
Only stay by my side
Then I was poor, now we touring Barcelona
Fly to Vegas, got a meeting with the owner
You can get the penthouse if you want to
I know the bullshit we been through makes us stronger
If I get down in one knee, would you come back to me?
Baby we should talk about starting a family
Actually, we could talk about the ring size
MGM managee fight sitting ring side
If only you knew, how many tears I spilled
I am a stranger, I have to prove things twice as much
My mother didn't give me affection, I could've saved myself
Constantly experienced the impression of suffocating
I come from elsewhere, I learn on the ground
I don't stop making the same mistakes
Why does my music pierce people's hearts?
Because life never made us bloom
Some predicted for me a hooded future
Because I was not gifted
Despite the mistake, they don't want to admit
And you talk to us about
All your values, your pains, your sadness
Nothing about me so you create rumours
I held out my hand, still no elevator
I'm not waiting for anything, I already have the essentials
I'm begging you please don't go
Don't go, go, go
Stay in my arms
I will give you my hearts affection
Only stay by my side
I will give you my hearts affection
Only stay by my side
I'm begging you please don't go
Don't go, go, go
Stay in my arms
I will give you my hearts affection
Only stay by my side
I will give you my hearts affection
Only stay by my side
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

Minka Malakova - If it's a sin, that I love you so much

May the sky burn, may the rivers dry
Just so tomorrow you are with me,
you to be mine nightly and daily
And when the Earth is burning you will be my hope and belief
Ref: x2
If it's a sin that I love you so much,
you forgive me
That the love kills, I already know
And whether we were born by a sin or love - nobody knows
May the stars stop shining, may the sky falls asleep
you are everything I need,
you are my sun and my forgetfulness
May I be with you forever
Ref: x2

This or that way

You know all my deficiencies
and you still accept me when
malice and insanities come from all corners.
My salvation is your painful waiting...
Now I know how expensive your love is
and I took it just like that.
You pay with tears every rudeness of mine,
they are gilding your heart.
Today I am the king of a magic flash,
tomorrow perhaps I will be in the mud as a simple loser,
this or that way, their passion will fade
- only you will love me equally.
Today I have hundred wings so I can fly,
tomorrow, when I start boring them, I will be on the bottom,
this or that way, the time will pass
- only you will love me equally.

The Buffalo Song

Hay-ya-hay-hay-ya-hay-hay-ya-hay, hay-hay-hay
Yes, come here to me, hay-hay-hay-hay
Yes, come here to me, hay-hay-hay-hay
Yes, come here to me,
Yes, come here to me,
Yes, come here to me ,
Yes, come here to me , hay-hay-hay-hay-yo
Yea, these people of The Buffalo Nation
Once again the people rely upon them, hay-hay-hay-hay-hay
So this is a sacred day
I pray (you) hear me, yea, come unto me, hay-hay-hay-hay-yo

Sergueï Essenine

Versions: #2
You are gone,
As they say,
To another world.
You are flying,
Among exploding stars.
No more deposit
Nor beer.
To be sober.
No, Essenine,
It’s not
In my throat
Is a bowl of sorrow-
Not a giggle.
I see-
Trailing with a slashed wrist,
Of your own
You are rocking the bag.
Stop it!
Have you lost your mind?
On your cheeks
Must be spilled
The mortal chalk?
At such things
They were skillful,
As to another one
No other one
It was impossible.
What for?
I am split by perplexity.
Critics mutter
-It comes from alcohol
And that…
But first,
Not enough ties,
And last
A lot of beer and wine-
To say,
You would have exchange
For the class,
Entangled by the class,
You would have stop fighting.
But, the class itself
When thirsty
Is it not drinking kvass?
So far-the class
To have drunk is not dumb.
To say,
To you had been added
Someone of “Na Pastou”-
Would have put
To the content
Far more value.
You would have
Per day
A hundred lines
And slowly,
Like Dorodine.
As to me,
If is realized
Such a frenzy,
You would have to yourself
Earlier slashed your wrist.
Far better
Of vodka dying,
Than of boredom.
Don’t explain
To ourselves
The source of losses
Neither the hanging loop,
Nor the little knife.
May be,
Would have been
Some ink at the “England”,
Your veins
To cut
Would have been no reason.
Imitators rejoiced
To himself
Not least a platoon
Has done justice.
So why
To increase
The number of suicides?
Pushing up
The production of ink!
For ever
From now on
The tongue
Is sticking to the teeth.
Is heavy
And inopportune
To cultivate mysteries.
Creator of language,
Has lost
A loud
Debauchee apprentice.
And are brought
Rudely tied up lines,
Out of previous
Nearly without change.
On a hill
Dumb rhymes
With a stick to plant-
Should we
A poet
Respect in such a way?
At you
Still no memorial,
Where are,
The sound of bronze,
Or the grain of granite?
Has been piled up
Of dedications
And souvenirs the trash.
Your first name
Blown up in handkerchiefs,
Your verb
Spluttered by Sobinov
Who expires
Under a puny birch-
“No more a word
O my fri- iend,
No more si-igh”.
Having spoken in another way
To this
Leonide Lohengrid-whatever!
We should here burst
Into a loud scandal:
-I don’t bear
To chew verses
Nor to offend them!-
Should be stunt
Those people
By blowing three fingers whistle
To grand-mother
And god spirit should go mother!
For destroying
Untalented dirtiness
With darkness
The sails of jackets,
In all directions
Exploded Kogan,
Those he meets
With moustaches’ spikes.
Right now
Has slowly faded.
Has done a lot
To only arrived at it.
We must
The life
First to rebuild,
In doing so-
We can celebrate.
That time-
Is uneasy to the pen,
But tell
Lame and cripple,
Who, to be great, chose
A lane,
That would be crowded
And minor?
Is marshal
To human forces.
That age be
From behind
With cannonballs spread out.
Of old days
By the wind
Be blown away
A sole
To be happy
Planet Earth
Is unfit.
We have to
Out of days to come.
In this life
To die
Is no difficulty.
Building future life
Far more difficult.
© Bénédicte Schribaux registered


Which try is this now
for us to build the city out of the ashes?
Which blind street is this in a row?
And when we just come home
you look me below the eye
but I can't move away from my body
Like the butt, the sky extinguishes itself and I know
that my palm will absorb the rain from your face
If love is this pain, let it hurt even more
I squeeze my teeth into smile even when I want to cry
If love is this sorrow, let it go through the veins
'Cause your nothing has always been just everything to me
Has been just everything to me
Has been just everything to me
When till the bones hurt all of your
glacial looks
I tell myself you're my everything and push through it
Like the butt, the sky extinguishes itself and I know
that my palm will absorb the rain from your face
If love is this pain, let it hurt even more
I squeeze my teeth into smile even when I want to cry
If love is this sorrow, let it go through the veins
'Cause your nothing has always been just everything to me
Has been just everything to me
Has been just everything to me
If love is this pain, let it hurt even more
I squeeze my teeth into smile even when I want to cry
If love is this sorrow, let it go through the veins
'Cause your nothing has always been just everything to me
Your nothing is everything to me
Your nothing is everything to me
If love is this pain, let it hurt even more


Nobody's coming here anyways
I'll just leave here for some time
I can't go outside yet
I would be silent and weak there
Today you're not answering my call
Yes, today you've left
Right now we'd drink morning coffee
We'd look at the playground outisde
I apologized, even two times
Who's gonna kiss me every morning now?
Today I'm not your husband
Today I don't know where you are
The children of the daycare are out there again
They came to play
The weather is more beautiful than ever
And I'm not crying
The children of the daycare are out there again
I hear laughing
The weather is more beautiful than ever
Why would I cry?
Why would I cry?
So you've packed my stuff already
The new apartment has been circled from magazine
The turtles will stay with you, they're yours after all
Just try to remember to clean the terrarium
No more I'm your husband
I no more know where I am
The children of the daycare are out there again
They came to play
The weather is more beautiful than ever
And I'm not crying
The children of the daycare are out there again
I guess I am too
The weather is more beautiful than ever
Why would I cry?
Why would I cry?
Why would I cry?
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.


When the road leads home I know someone is waiting
My good old friend, you always keep me smiling
Night won’t scare you, your fear will be blown away by wind
You are my good old friend
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
Yours is the heart of a dog
When the night rain is falling you’re sleeping at my feet
This is the place, we can call home
You… are my only best friend
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
Yours is the heart of a dog
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
The moon, the moon, the moon and the dog
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
Yours is the heart of a dog
The moon strings along your voice
The moon beams catch your dreams
The distant golden moon
Speaks to you, beckons you
The moon, the moon, the moon and the dog

Marriage breaker

If a movie was made about my life
Or at least a comic (at least a comic).
If a comic was made about my life
I know I would be a completely negative character.
I have one hell of a nose for some things
Hell of a nose (hell of a nose)
For some things I have a creepy feel
And for your heart I have the perfect cure.
And I know your favorite verse very well
In general, I know life better than anyone
Yes, you need someone so kind and silent...
'Oh, you're a naughty one!'
But when night comes I will jeopardize your marriage!
A flame is burning in your eye
A dangerous flame (dangerous flame).
Some passion is shining in your eye
Oh, someone else's fruit, you're the real passion!
I can see everything your husband can't
Your dear husband (Your dear husband)
A dyed strand of hair, or a new lipstick
I can see everything your husband can't.
And my life without you would be a misery
No one ever understood me until now
And someone could say I'm one hell of a bastard...
'Oh, you're a naughty one!'
But when night comes I will jeopardize your marriage!
If a movie was made about my life
Or at least a comic (at least a comic).
If a comic was made about my life
I know I would be a completely negative character.
Your dear husband is snoring loudly
Oh, he's so rude (You think so?)
Your husband is snoring in this late hour
While I crave to be at your side!
And my life without you would be a misery
No one ever understood me until now
And someone could say I'm one hell of a bastard...
'Ah, you're so nice!'
But when night comes I will jeopardize your marriage!

Don't Investigate

For reasons not relating to you
again it just happened to occur,
that many got laid off
and disgraced and shamed.
And neither of course is anyone responsible for that,
'send our regards home, thanks for these past years'
we were told, when beautiful memories
could be swept down the drain.
Don't investigate,
don't bother talking shit!
Shut your mouths
and search inside yourselves
Don't investigate,
don't bother talking shit!
Look into my eyes
maybe you can even manage that.
How about you talked straight,
making an exception, for once
it's tiresome to try to guess
what might hide underneath the mask.
In this game the most vile thing is
not knowing, from which direction
you get punched in the face
someone else makes a mistake,
in the mirror you see Mr. Perfect.
Don't investigate,
don't bother talking shit!
Shut your mouths
and search inside yourselves
Don't investigate,
don't bother talking shit!
Look into my eyes,
maybe you can even manage that

Anthem of Olympiacos Piraeus

Legend of the fields, Olympiacos
Laurel-crowned, big and great
You have as your power, Olympiacos
Your flaming people who never bend!
Refrain (bis)
Olympi- Olympi- Olympiacos!
Oh my team, my almighty team
My great love
Oh my almighty Olympiacos
Glory to your children, Olympiacos
A thousand times sung, well known to the world,
They run from fear when they hear your name, Olympiacos
And Santos and Pelé still remember you.
Refrain (bis)
Olympi- Olympi- Olympiacos!
Oh my team, my almighty team
My great love
Oh my almighty Olympiacos

‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so nice

Versions: #2
Leaves have left their trees, as the nature renews every year,
Fogs have covered a river like clouds that don’t want to rise.
Looking at you I feel that your shoulders, hands and your hair
Are the crime of your own, for you shouldn’t to be so nice.
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.
'Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.
You are gathering leaves in your palms, they are yellow now
They have had their glory and lay on the cold wet field.
You are playing with my poor heart like with leaves on the meadow.
in the fire leaves vanish, but please, never burn our dream.
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.
'Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.
I’m afraid of your lips, they’re my doom and my failure.
And your hair in light of night lamp make me silly and mad.
I would like run away for to leave them for ever,
But I can’t live without your love, so cannot do that.
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.
'Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.
'Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.
'Cause you shouldn’t to be, ‘cause you shouldn’t to be,
‘Cause you shouldn’t to be so beautiful in Universe.

Not yet

Will you come to drink another coffee?
An hour for me, maybe less
Pull yourself closer so I can feel you
let's sweat one more time on the bed
Not yet, not yet
I whisper to you not to leave
Not yet, not yet
I'll give you myself, is that enough?
Let's hide hands in our fingers
my body over yours
It drives me crazy when you call my name
let's both forget to breathe
Not yet, not yet
Please, dear, don't leave
Not yet, not yet
I'll even give you my life, is that enough?
How could you say enough?
How could you leave now?
I still love you like crazy
There can be no end for me
Not yet, not yet
If you have a God, don't leave
Not yet, not yet
I gave you everything but it wasn't enough
Not yet, no(x8)
Not yet, no, no
Will you come to drink another coffee?
An hour for me, maybe less
Pull yourself closer so I can feel you
let's sweat one more time on the bed
Not yet, not yet
If you have a God, don't leave
Not yet, not yet
I gave you everything but it wasn't enough
Not yet.


Everything's saint

Everything's saint...
The eyes when I look at the Sun
The words that you've told me yesterday
Everything's saint
Everything's saint...
The trees, water, and sadness
Weddings, argues about nothing
The skies and time...
Everything's saint...
The prayers and sea, everything's saint
The Sabbath, for sure, the love
We and whole the world
Everything's saint...
Every human is a human,
The family, the soldiers at their homes,
I know that God exists in ourselves
Everything's saint...
Shaking hands, an embrace and a rain
To love, to sleep and also to walk
To feel pain and to cry
Everything's saint...
The truth, the reality and all the miracles
A dress that you've put on yesterday
This body, the souls...
Everything's saint...
The prayers and sea, everything's saint
The Sabbath, for sure, the love
We and whole the world
Everything's saint...
Every human is a human,
The family, the soldiers at their homes,
I know that God exists in ourselves
I'm grateful to You
King living and eternal
That You returned me my soul
In Your great grace and reliance
Everything's saint...
The prayers and sea, everything's saint
The Sabbath, for sure, the love
We and whole the world
Everything's saint...
Every human is a human,
The family, the soldiers at their homes,
I know that God exists...
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט

The dream

Again this dream - and the sun over Kabul
melts the steel of the rifles.
Again this dream - and I feel the gun barrel on my spine,
and I pray: “Oh, God, please, save me!
Again this dream - and through the mountain pass
we go to our final battle.
Again this dream - and in a “Black Tulip” 1
Andrei flies back home to his mommy…
Do I need a medal when I lost my legs?
And Andrei is gone forever,
even though I did everything I could.
Don’t feel pity for me, please, don’t...
Do I need privileges, when I lost my legs,
when it rains with lead here,
when every night I yell:
“Wait, Andrei, wait, Andrei, Wait!”?
Again this dream - and I see
our airport in Kabul is on fire.
Again this dream - and I see helicopters
that guard the civil airplane.
Again this dream - and I’m longing for
the birches, that don’t grow here.
Again this dream – and what am I fighting for?
I try and try to find the answer…
Do I need a medal when I lost my legs?
And Andrei is gone forever,
even though I did everything I could.
Don’t feel pity for me, please, don’t...
Do I need privileges, when I lost my legs,
when it rains with lead here,
when every night I yell:
“Wait, Andrei, wait, Andrei, Wait!”?
  • 1. An-12 in the Russian military slang. An airplane that was used to bring back home the bodies of soldiers (or 'boys' in British English) who died in Afghanistan.
Copyright®: Andrzej Pałka.

All translations are protected by copyright law. Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, even with the source link, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Wszystkie tłumaczenia są chronione prawami autorskimi. Kopiowanie i publikowanie na innych stronach internetowych lub w innych mediach, jest dozwolone wyłącznie po uzyskaniu pisemnej zgody autora. Podanie źródła tłumaczenia nie zastępuje zgody autora.

There arrived in Monaco ...

There arrived in Monaco
some voyak,
Went to the casino und squandered capital, -
And his inner voice
exclaimed despairingly:
'Oh, what the hell - again lost!'
The bankrupt began to yell: 'Who has said that?!'
The croupier shrugged indifferently with his shoulders,
The porter pointed instantly to the exit,
There hit him someone on the eye - now, in general, a scandal.
And he cried again: 'Who has said that?!
The same voice who told me the numbers! ..' -
He shot himself in the mouth - and was at once quiet.
The poor man doesn' exist anymore, it's a pity about the capital.

In every sort of weather ...

In every sort of weather -
Once necessary, it's necessary -
We go to sea
Not for one day, not for two.
And on the land there is camomile and clover,
And the land is flooded, -
But the birds fly to the north,
If it is too warm for them
We don't enter the harbour -
Once necessary, it's necessary, -
You won't see the Bosporus,
You won't see Canada.
Our seiner slices the rough sea,
And at times it's hard without earth, -
But the birds fly to the north,
If it is too warm for them.
You miss your home -
You need not, you need not, -
Why do you swim away
Not for one day, not for two!
However on the land there is camomile and clover,
However the land is flooded, -
But the birds fly to the north,
If it is too warm for them.

Moon Flowers

Exhausted by the fight
Angels will heal your wounds
In the depths of your angelic eyes
Hiding a decision that belongs only to you
Called to the boundary line of zero and one
You search the memory of a young girl buried
Dressed by the night, singing under the moon
We will dance all night long under a powerful scent
Out of season hatch of Tuberose
Seeking the fight
You fight like lost warriors
Inside this enchanting perfume
Hides a loneliness that belongs to you alone
Guided towards the frontier line of past and present
You contemplate the future of the lost girl
Exchanging cruel smiles
We will dance and wander with immense pride
The senseless hatching of the tuberose
Off-season hatching of 'Tubereuse'
To compare now of the scattered dew of life and the knowing
Hidden underneath those pure eyes is a resolution
In the depths of your angelic eyes
Hiding a decision that belongs only to you
Called to the boundary line of zero and one
You search the memory of a young girl buried
Dressed by the night, singing under the moon
We will dance all night long under a powerful scent
Out of season hatch of Tuberose

Now it's over! The heavy sleep has ended ...

Now it's over! The heavy sleep has ended!
Nobody and nothing is allowed!
And I go alone, lonely
Through the summerfield, on which they start!
I shall visit the overwater home,
From other people called ship.
My captain, my friend and my rescuer!
Let us however forget something!
Forget something - I must, it's possible!
Everything - the woman whom I know!
To remember everything - that is simply impossible,
And that is simply not necessary - that we?