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JoJo ~Soarta Acestui Neam~
(JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)Stele, gemene din născare, fac urme în zbor prin rai
Neliniștea a cuprins hotarul dintre zi și noapte
Până în ceruri, ecouri de unde se pot auzi
Soarele va conduce pe cei curajoși spre calea gloriei
Însă în schimb ei vor pierde ceva nespus de drag pentru a reuși
(JoJo! JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!)
Inimi toate bate din piept, cuprinse de un foc arzător
Puterea ce se emană din pumni, curajul care tot curge prin vene
Fără niciun regret, soarta e în fața lor!
~Soarta acestui neam~ JooooooooooooooJo
Flux de Sânge
Din adâncul a tăceriiTrezește la viață 'Coloanele' trecute prin ani mulți
Sângele stacojiu
le spune celor curajoși că lupta a început
Acest amor moștenit, unii 'soartă' tot îi mai spun
Părăsește trecutul și zâmbește larg
Înșeală întunericul, evită momentul fatal
Scapă prin ochi de ac și sperieți inamicul
Cu voința ta, pavează drum spre un nou viitor
Ființa ta cară povara destinului tău
Nemuritoarele legături ale noastre de onoare~
Să nu le uiți defel...!
The Forbidden Love
The sunset's color has faded, the night has almost arrivedThe moonlight has drawn a new design on the night's notebook
The night's dust has covered the bareness of the alleys
It's like an ominous sickle is cutting the groves
I'm full of the need for love, which I have no end
In this invasion of hesitation, I have no acquaintance
[Chorus] [2x]
The Forbidden love is a spell, how long do we stay apart?
Let's break this spell, why do we remain voiceless?
The Forbidden love is a chain to our hearts
Love is all people need (people need)
Our hearts love to be in love
Freedom is the root of falling in love (falling in love)
The castle of love is ours
We are the conquerors of the age
We are in love and with love
We are on every wreckage
The need for forbidden love is the top of each breath
Let this instinct comes out of the cage!
The vitreous angel! You are the heritage of love
You are sitting await for the sun to rise
[Chorus] [2x]
The Forbidden love is a spell, how long do we stay apart?
Let's break this spell, why do we remain voiceless?
I'm from the tribe of night, you're of the lineage of sun
My hands drew a black line on the sunlight
If in this invasion, I will be separated from me
The blood of the sun must be released in the veins of the night!
Can't survive in an unequal strife
Can't rely on the sharp edge of a knife
The Forbidden love is a spell, how long do we stay apart?
Let's break this spell, why do we remain voiceless?
The Forbidden love is a spell, how long do we stay apart?
Let's break this spell, why do we remain voiceless?
The Forbidden love is a spell, how long do we stay apart?
Let's break this spell, why do we remain voiceless?
To love is half of my life.Told me 'you're a wound', my dudes..
Can not bleed heartache of mine.
Inside me there is not even a tiny bit happiness.
Love of mine is my destiny.
Even if you don't, I'm awaiting the arrival of yours.
Infinite, lies of those who left.
No vacancy in the graveyards, too..
Leastways, don't try my patience tonight..
I can come, you know, without asking why.
Reflected in the clouds, the color of your face.
You killed it, don't test my pulse anymore.
You killed it, don't test my pulse anymore.
Even if you go, you will be the only rose I smelled.
Very difficult, but soon, to get myself together is.
Unluckily, such an unlucky man I am.
Where is My Mind?
Your heart is one but your head is double.Is everything still the way you left it?
The things on your mind walk with you.
Where is my Mind?
Where is my Mind ?
Where is my Mind?
I lost it, no one picked it up from where it fell.
Space is wide but time is narrow
It is pressing on all sides
Dillom: Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 9
Hey, yah, heyDillom
Yah, ey
Hey, hey, yah, yah, hey, hey, hey
This is trash, yours is basura (sura)
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura (wuh!)
This is trash, yours is basura (-sura)
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura
This is trash, yours is basura (wuh!)
Your girl called me 'cause she wants an affair
She comes with me 'cause I'm a beautiful
And I go with her 'cause she gets me rock hard (wuh!)
They tell me, 'Hey, Dillom, your shows are crazy' (Hey!)
But I don't pay no attention 'cause I'm always high
If that guy acts cool, we'll give him the one with the tuna (Psh)
They take half a Rivo' and they're already feeling dizzy (Yah, yah, yah!)
'Oh my God, they killed Kenny!' (To Kenny)
They wanna hit me? I ask them 'how many?' (How many?)
They wanna pay me? I only accept milli' (No)
Cause' if it's less don't call me on my cellphone (Ouch!)
Pussy rapper, henna tattoo (Wuh!)
I go around the club with my dick out (Bueh!)
Labels and records can suck my dick
I don't have a dime, but I do it my way
What's yours is basura, manito (Manito)
Every time I sing it becomes a crime (Delito)
Yesterday a ratchet said to me: 'Hey, Dillom, don't stop
Great Days
Shining justice is bloomingBrand new bed town exchanging breaths
From the cape to the sea breeze Through the tunnel to the steel tower We're pulled in and get lost on the path
The shadow that melts into our hearts Our shining golden 'Spirits' are the light that protects us
Let the voice of love take you higher
The power we've gathered will allow us to overcome time itself
The year 1999, a Bizarre Summer
Great days in a town that lives on the circulation of courage
Make them echo Song of praises
Brand new up town The scenery where we meet
The light flows down through the cracks in the clouds We get lost on the path of old
The glistening town guides us Our overflowing golden 'Spirits' these are the bonds that never end
Let the joy of love give you an answer
With a will that won't break even when saying goodbye
The year 1999, a Bizarre Summer
Overcome yourself and grab hold of the future
Let the voice of love take you higher
The power we've gathered will allow us to overcome time itself
Let the joy of love give you an answer
With a will that won't break even when saying goodbye
The year 1999, a Bizarre Summer
The song of praise created by the courage we share Great Days
The human is evil (x2)The human is evil
The human must become better and more evil
The human is evil
The human must become better and more evil
So I teach
Even for the good, a noble [one] stands in the way
and even if they call him a good [man],
they want to put him
Even for the good, a noble [one] stands in the way
and even if they call him a good man
they want to put him aside
The human must become better and more evil
The human must become better and more evil
The human must become better and more evil
The human
We are... Like a train on its railsIf you want you get on... or get off
We are... Like water in a river
If you want you drink it... or you cross it
Come or don't come, don't think about us
We are always here
Love or don't love, don't see it if you don't want to
We are always in love
Come or don't come, don't think about us
We are always here
Love or don't love don't see it if you don't want to
We are always in love
We are in love, we are in love, we are on fire
Life... Is like a wave in the sea
Sometimes you get high... sometimes you tumble down
Love... Is hidden in your heart
The thing you found is maybe you, maybe not
Come or don't come, don't think about us
We are always here
Love or don't love, don't see it if you don't want to
We are always in love
Come or don't come, don't think about us
We are always here
Love or don't love, don't see it if you don't want to
We are always in love
We are in love, we are in love, we are on fire
From monarchy to cryptocracy
This time I don't want you to find meBetter than I was before
This time I don't want you to find me
Better than I was before
When you go out to those bars and you forget about how
There's something more that
We've known by sight for a long time
Everything, it's all a lie, like you've always suggested
Everything, it's all a lie, like you've always suggested
If you insist, if you insist, you better cut your wrists
I'll clean afterwards
Don't worry about your family,
I'll explain it to them without any details afterwards, without any details
That you've just gone
That you've just gone
Fix me, fix me, fix me
Fix me, fix me, fix me
Fix me, fix me, fix me
I'll explain it to them afterwards, that you've just
Gone, and this time I'm not following you
And this time I'm not following you
And this time I'm not following you
And this time I'm not following you
Let The World Forget About Us
Don’t believe in the one who says world is smallI can’t know your location, I can’t hear your voice
My heart’s in pieces
I can’t know tomorrow, ı can’t keep my promise
There’s no way back from blind alleys
Save me again from darkness
Stay beside me, stay with me, let the world forget about us
Got a tongue? No.
Got a secret? A bunch of.
Anyone who knows? Nope.
What kind of a place is this world?
Because We're Men
.Ms. Simian: It's just a part of life
Gumball: Are you saying we're grown-ups now?
Ms. Simian: Apparently so
Gumball: Did you hear that? The shooting star worked
Ms. Simian: Now get back to class
Gumball&Darwin: Alright ms. Simian
Gumball: Wait a minute we don't have to listen anymore because we're men!
We're gonna test drive a car
And say we need a little time to think about it
Because we're men
We're gonna pay more for the movies
And chop down trees, and eat a lot of meat
Because we're men
And we can have our own kids
But we're gonna wait until we
Meet the right person because it's an important decision
But in the meantime, we can barbecue
Buy power tools
Get tattoos
Buy our own sho-o-oes
Gumball: Wait no we can't we don't have any money *aaah*
Let's get jobs!
Like Us
I wonder, is a tank avid,In its dream?
And what does the plane think?
When it was alone
I wonder, is a gas mask
Likes to sing all together
In the moonlight?
And does the rifles have mercy?
As much as like us?
fratele lui Pele e în spateDulcea Sina stă în față
Circulăm pe autostradă
În soarele fierbinte, fierbinte
Deodată apar luminile roș - albastre
Luându-ne din spate
O voce puternică,
„Vă rog să trageți pe dreapta”
Pele murmură cuvinte de consolare,
Sina își ascunde ochii
Polițistul, atingându-și ochelarii de soare:
- Este un Chevrolet din 1969?
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Destinație necunoscută,
În timp ce punem niște benzină,
Un afiș proaspăt lipit
Dezvăluie un zâmbet dintr-un rucsac
Elefanți și acrobați,
Lei apoi maimuțele
Pele vorbește cu înțelepciune,
Sora Sina spune „Super”
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Ooh, baby (Ooh, baby)
Mă înnebunește (Mă înnebunește)
Ori de câte ori mă uit în jur
Ori de câte ori privesc în jur (de câte ori privesc în jur)
Ori de câte ori mă uit în jur
Este pe fața mea
Mister Loyal a apărut
A spus că „elefanții au părăsit orașul”
Oamenii sar și dansează
Iar clovnii fericiți se întorc
Știri și camere TV,
Există elicoptere pe cer
Militari, poliție, reporteri
Întrebați unde ?, pentru ce ? și de ce ?
Pele strigă: „Trebuie să ieșim de aici”
Sina spune „hai să mergem înainte”
Fă-ți mișcările și începe dansul
Înainte să știe că am plecat
Am sărit în Chevrolet
Ne-am îndreptat spre luminile mari
Vrei să știi ce urmează?
Hei ! Cumpără drepturile !
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
Ce ciudat
We are the youth of Ataturk
The sun rises up with us,It rains with us,
With us, the sea gushes,
The fire lights up with us.
We are the youth of Ataturk,
Hoyra ri ra ri ra hey
Our voice is his voice,
Hoyra ri ra ri ra hey
With us, it will rise,
Hoyra ri ra ri ra hey
The Turkey of the Ataturk
Ri ra hoy ra hoy ra hey.
With our love and knowledge,
We are at the service of our nation!
With our oath and passion,
We are in the path of our Ata!
The sapling grows with us,
The flower blossoms with us,
With us, the life goes on,
The nation lives with us.
We are the youth of Ataturk,
Hoyra ri ra ri ra hey
Our voice is his voice,
Hoyra ri ra ri ra hey
With us, it will rise,
Hoyra ri ra ri ra hey
The Turkey of the Ataturk
Ri ra hoy ra hoy ra hey.
With our love and knowledge,
We are at the service of our nation!
With our oath and passion,
We are in the path of our Ata!
This is ours
This is a devastating love,It breaks down into the middle of the
The burden of passion
A divisive love,
The bread divides the water
Three meals a day
This is treacherous love
A thief enters your house
And the police enter his
Illegal love,
to get married
Does not he ever think?
This is a robber love,
Of the most ordinary tunes
The joys are demolished
The love's roots outside
Dante and Beatrice
It imitates fiercely
This love is an invading,
Says haystack is a place for those who make love
It doesn't say anything else
A man stands all alone on a towerMillions of buttons in front of him
Whenever he push one of the buttons
One of us either raises his arm
Or kills him
Or pees
Bullshit a bullshitter
We bullshit our country
We murder the ideas by fire
You are not allowed to think
You are not allowed to think that you are not allowed to think
We got a remedy
Whenever we inject
We can make him say everythink we want
We eat human flesh
Too delicious with chickpea
We are addicted to whip
Hang your hat on the door
Come inside
Bang our wives
We will leave as soon as we
See the hat on the door to not disturb
Our children
Are tagged on their butts
They grow in bastard-asylum
Before going to sleep
Check the bottom of pillow
One of us might be in there
Recently an eclipse happened
That bullshit was done by us
With the power of propaganda
It's best to hang us
To cut us
To imprison
To nuke
Paloma Blanca
When the Sun says hello againLike a sunflower, golden yellow
And when the sky turns blue
May you have a nice trip
Fly into the sky1
That you know oh so well
And fly over all the mountains
To tell her I said Hi2
Fly paloma blanca3
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
I'm writing her a letter again
In which I tell her I'm hers
Though we're not close anymore
I'm beside her every moment
Fly paloma blanca
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
I'm following him in my thoughts
It's like he's here with me
How I want to get him back
That's love, he knows about it
Fly paloma blanca
Fly to my hometown
Fly paloma blanca
Just know, I'll be with you too
With you, I'll be with you too
Fly paloma blanca
Great Days
Shining justice burning in meBrand new bed town is the place I want to be
Everyone just raise your hand, raise them till you touch the sky
All we need to is just to stand up to the top
Let joy bring love and greatness of all
There is just nothing but love and I'd do anything to give you my heart
Let the voice of love take you higher
And I will love you even more, till the day you find the light
1999, Bizarre Summer
Every road will lead us to a memory of Great Days
Sun God, racist, ringing in me
Brand new up town is the place we'll all meet
Everything that happens is meant to be its destiny
All you need to do is stand up higher to the sky
Let world be full of love and embrace.
There is just nothing but love that I've been looking for in life for so long
Let the joy of love give you cancer
And I will hold you when you're lost, just walk on to the light
1999 Bizarre Summer
Every road will lead us to a memory of great days
Let the voice of love take you higher
And I will love you even more, till the day you find the light
Let the joy of love give you cancer
And I will hold you when you're last, just walk on to the light
1999 Bizarre Summer
Every road will lead us to a memory of Great Days
Uragirimono no Requiem
Faith is just another worthless signI will live my life as a godless soul
My fear is gone, it is all gone
Only rage is left in my faithless world
Since I have betrayed my god
Always dawn, our revenge
This fate is mine
I will survive on my own
This is my way to stay gold
Oh, yes! It’s eye for an eye
For the betrayer and thief
Requiem, oh Whoa whoa
Fight with me, there is no hope I’ve tried
Won’t give up it’s my destiny
Don’t care, don’t you ever give me mercy
When my life is gone with the wind
Will our prayer vanish into dust?
Hell no! Starting over, Golden Wind
Nothing more to lose, there’s no more
Firey sword burned every road to have passed
Days have gone by so fast
Don’t let your soul drown into the
Power of the ripples
Stand up and incite yourself
Make it your own story
Oh, yes! Show some pride
For the betrayer and thief
Requiem, oh Whoa whoa
Fight with me. With your greatest fist
Let your soul burn indiscriminately
Don’t care, I’m on my way to the true wisdom
We’ll all fight with our hearts of fate
Do I need to kiss the nobles foot?
Hell no! It all begins with Golden Wind
Ohh, we go to win!
Fight with me, there is no hope I’ve tried
Won’t give up it’s my destiny
Don’t care, don’t you ever give me mercy
When my life is gone with the wind
Will I pray that it’s over now?
Hell no! Starting over, Golden Wind
The fire that we lit
It burns like a lighthouse on the shore
Blazing evening bonfire
If it never goes out,
Like a flame like that always
In my memory remained those times
Though youth will pass,
The fire of love will remain
The fire that we lit
Throws sparks
Circling flame dancing
And the flame goes to the heart
And the rains will not be able to pay off
Bonfire of love
Time can not cool
Our hot hugs
High Wet Deep
Is there anyone else like us?You've left yourself from high to melodies.
You, I'm most grateful.
Roads are long years, but our horizon is always the same
moment to the next
moment to the next
Remember us
moment to the next
moment to the next
Remember us
moment to the next
moment to the next
Remember us
Is there anyone else like us?
You've left yourself from high to melodies.
You, I'm most grateful.
Roads are long years, but our horizon is always the same
moment to the next
moment to the next
Remember us
moment to the next
moment to the next
Remember us
moment to the next
moment to the next
Remember us
moment to the next
moment to the next
Remember us
Loves Are Remedy For Us
I don't want your hopes fadeJustice cannot be defeated if my words are made by glass
I swear I never fotgotten you
I'd go quickly without thinking if I my hell is your skin
If everything exists in life so you're inside in me
Hold, don't let me go If I digress, run away
Love is my burden, my touble
Are joys beaten just because of stubbornness?
It's never late for us, loves are remedy for us
You're wating but life goes on my love
If I'm good at poetry, you're my pencil for sure
If everything exists in life so you're inside in me
Hold, don't let me go If I digress, run away
Love is my burden, my touble
Are joys beaten just because of stubbornness?
It's never late for us, loves are remedy for us
If everything exists in life so you're inside in me
Hold, don't let me go If I digress, run away
Love is my burden, my touble
About you, about me, about us
Versions: #2You have never forgiven me
But I loved you so much
Tell everyone about you, about me, about us
I have asked you many times 'why?'
But you haven't answered sincerely
Tell everyone about you, about me, about us
If you want to dance
In the hall of broken hearts
Never come (return) to me
Not like a mate, not like a friend too
Say if you really fall in love with me
Never say 'no'
Tell everyone about you, about me, about us