Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 87
Happiness shall be ours
We came to this world to live
To laugh, having fun and be happy
To forget the suffers one by one
Let the sorrows be away from us
Happiness shall be ours
To forget the suffers one by one
Hey, hey, hey,
Sorrow, be away
Happiness shall be ours
During the life, we should know that love is real!
Let's love and be loved without thinking
Lets have fun!
Detestation away
Loves shall be ours
Let's have fun
Hey, hey, hey,
Detestation, be away!
Loves shall be ours
Life is short, days pass away one by one
People die
This unreal world doesn't belong to anyone
Grief, be away
Hopes shall be ours
This unreal world doesn't belong to anyone
Hey, hey, hey,
Grief, be away!
Hopes shall be ours!
Obsesia mea
Dacă vrei să ascult, șoptește
Dacă vrei să alerg, atunci doar mergi...
Înfășoară-ți numele în dantelă și piele,
Pot să te aud
Nu trebuie să vorbești.
Haide să facem o mie de greșeli
Căci nu vom învăța niciodată.
Ești obsesia mea,
Fetișul meu, religia mea
Confuzia mea, mărturia mea
Cel pe care-l vreau în seara asta.
Ești obsesia mea,
Întrebarea și încheierea...
Tu ești, tu ești, tu ești,
Tu ești fetișul meu.
Mă poți săruta cu tortura ta,
Leagă-mă cu lanțuri de aur,
Lasă-mă să implor sub acoperire...
Greșit sau corect
Este doar un joc de roluri
Haide să facem o mie de greșeli
Nu vom învăța niciodată...
Ești obsesia mea,
Fetișul meu, religia mea
Confuzia mea, mărturia mea
Cel pe care-l vreau în seara asta.
Ești obsesia mea,
Întrebarea și încheierea...
Tu ești, tu ești, tu ești,
Tu ești fetișul meu.
Vino la mine în seara asta.
Ești obsesia mea,
Fetișul meu, religia mea
Confuzia mea, mărturia mea
Cel pe care-l vreau în seara asta.
Ești obsesia mea,
Întrebarea și încheierea...
Tu ești, tu ești, tu ești,
Tu ești fetișul meu.
Întoarce-te la noi
Pașii mei instabili evenimente fără sfârșit
Femei fără față camere întunecate
Dacă ar fi puțini bani se amestecă capetele poveștile se agită
Și conversațiile întoarse nu-ți amintesc propriile minciuni
Leagănul sinuciderii sultanului Can găsești pragul fericirii
La dracu în timpul zilei lan trăind noaptea
Străzile nu sunt sigure m-am plimbat cu mâinile în buzunar
Ghidul rap-ului e în mine cercul oarecum
Scăderea zâmbetelor mi-a trecut zâmbetul cu anii
Nu-mi da înapoi copilăria dă-te din drumul meu e de ajuns
Nu am drum drumul meu mai rău scăzut acumulatorul dincolo
Se închide ca telefonul această pagină siktir len (siktir len)
Te agită ca un cutremur din adânc
Dar stai ferm nu juca din loc
Acest gigant îl voi încălca mai grav
Ce însănătoșire ce moarte e asta
Lumea curvă întoarce-te la noi (întoarce-te la noi)
Uite cum vom muri urmărește și vezi (urmărește și vezi)
Zâmbind vom da fatal error (fatal error)
Uită-te și la noi (Uită-te și la noi)
La fiecare decizie logica conflictuală nu înnebuni obișnuiește-te cu asta
Turnând în mormânt ca băutura fără înțeles fiecare efort
Scriind stiloul meu șterge soarta satana râde lumina se stinge
Ramura ochiului timpul trece trezește-te prostule ce contează?
Continuând de fapt priceperea
Am pus toate eforturile mucegăite
Singura voastră problemă banii faima dragostea acestea trei să spună cineva
La 30 de ani poate omoară 30 de runde
Să fie problema voastră această dependență a mea futută
Dacă ar veni zilele frumoase unu caută fă-mă și pe mine să cred
La înmormântare selfie mutați mormântul îndoliat
Viața lopată și lacrimile le-am futut de mult unchiule
Și pentru a te trezi cheltuind o mulțime de bani pe mâncare merge mult
Dar le-au făcut fututele stele are rock-ului toate documentate
În cameră hainele mele colectează sânge
Într-o zi am fost pe bancheta din spate în mâini direcția
Lumea curvă întoarce-te la noi (întoarce-te la noi)
Uite cum vom muri urmărește și vezi (urmărește și vezi)
Zâmbind vom da fatal error (fatal error)
Uită-te și la noi (Uită-te și la noi)
Ege Kökenli
Povestea noastră
Tragi în întuneric o aroganță
Dă-ți sufletul, dă-il focului
Pe umăr povara vieții
Întoarce-ți fața, întoarce-te la soare
O mână a tras la soare
Nu am știut ne-am topit de unii singuri
Pantofii noștri s-au rupt dar
Drumurile cu spini au trecut fugind
Ah unde este vechea noastră fericire
Chiar am căzut în foc
Nimeni nu ne-a ținut de mâini
Fiecare necaz a venit unul după altul
Nu ai rămas lângă mine?
Sărutându-mă și mirosindu-mă?
Nu ai rămas lângă mine
Nici tu nu m-ai ținut de mână în această noapte
Ege Kökenli
Strange Dreams
Versions: #2
[REFRAIN: Orelsan]
Tonight I'm getting drunk, why do I hurt myself so much?
I've had some strange dreams where I didn't recognize your face
My stories don't have nice endings, I can't look myself in the mirror
I've had some strange dreams, full of stuff I can't explain
[COUPLET: Orelsan]
Hey, hey
Since I sang it, it must be true
I'm stepping on respect
All summer, I was shooting (video), all summer, your bitch was turning
Your baby's just a slut, you may love me but I love myself more
What are we doing? Letting down!
(Letting down... Letting down... Letting down)
Everyone told me to let it go, but yet I'm still here
Insults are free, it's insane that we pay to hear them
Stars in my eyes, shinobi, I'm trying to replace Johnny
Why'd you let your head get so big? Did you catch a trisomy (Down syndrome)
Miso soup, playing an idiot, under hypnosis, forgetting water
I moved every year, I was just trying to be the new kid
People betray you, then come back like it's no big deal
Ray-Ban, shorts, and tap dancing at your funeral
Society is shaky, normal people sucked into deviance
I'm doing the opposite of what you do, you're serving as an example to me
Of course I'm suspicious, it's just rage, I'm just kidding
Just after confessing what they really think
Remember who you snubbed on the way up
You'll meet them again on the way down
Don't get worked up with too many words
The people who stream them are just robots
My only enemy is the timer
Who will still love me, who will still love me, who will still love me when I'm in the hospital?
I'm dead, turn off the GoPro
Noir, San, Dems, hey, hey, hey...
[REFRAIN: Orelsan]
Tonight I'm getting drunk, why do I hurt myself so much?
I've had some strange dreams where I didn't recognize your face
My stories don't have nice endings, I can't look myself in the mirror
I've had some strange dreams, full of stuff I can't explain
[COUPLET : Damso]
It's just an abyss
From my dead sins but without death, I'm always coming out gilded in gold in a mess of a body
Exhausted from the feminine drug, famous rapper, unknown human being
I go out to get out of it, kiss to be able to love, I'm missing endorphins, my heart wants to stop
Dirty stuff is from the sea cause the sea is fucked, without dogmas and doctrines or divine beliefs
Minimum, zero euros for a lot of effort, a lot of words for so little strength
So much of 'yeah, yeah, your family is here to support you!'
Fuck your mother and spit on your dead, so many cowards and fake blacks
Deceived by my friends, by my parents, my idols
Now I know life is just a way of looking at things
So few choices for so many causes and consequences that I only live in a sequence shot
Surprised even when it's dense
Insomnia like an ambulance driver, cash but no financial plan
Off the books or on an indeterminant contract, but without a determinant
We'll stick it in you like a New Year's joint, my dick, my spear will make love without anything in the way
Through thoughts, trust, and sensible confidence
It's written black on white that white is better than black cause black is just darker
Since Jesus racism whitens, yet woolly hair with bronzed feet
Like when the writing no longer has meaning, or cause we've deconstructed its meaning
Dirty, dirty, dirty, I meet a mannequin from the Croisette
In her pussy I chat, like a Juliet
In the air, purple bills (500-euro bills)
I dream of a slut a bit like Paris Hilton, I prefer when she's got more moolah than me
We're beating you and your baby mama up, just to make sure you don't think you're Montana
We'll never sign again unless we're talking millions
The diamonds shining at us, the barrel interrogating us
We live in dirt, Dems, San…
San, Noir
[REFRAIN: Orelsan]
Tonight I'm getting drunk, why do I hurt myself so much?
I've had some strange dreams where I didn't recognize your face
My stories don't have nice endings, I can't look myself in the mirror
I've had some strange dreams, full of stuff I can't explain
Fighting Gold
It’s as if you’re being crushed
By the heavy will of fate
That holds your dreams in bondage
There’s nowhere to run
Struggling desperately all the while
But you’ll never give up
The shards of hope buried beneath the rubble
Will be found by those very hands
So that you can change the world
Fighting Gold
Only those who believe their own path
Will eventually shine until their lives burn out
Opposing even God, you fight on
Ye who have indomitable souls
Fighting Gold
More than prayers
The most sought after thing
Is an ever-advancing heart
As we crawl across the Earth
Seek to grasp
The stars in the sky above
Heading for a future no one’s seen
Embrace your unyielding bonds and wounded resolutions
And begin walking onward
Fighting Gold
Emit your light, in the colors of your passion
Painting over all, even your anger and sins
Once we’ve made it our power, we’ll live on through this moment
Abiding our own justice
Fighting Gold
Turn your back toward peace
Fighting Gold
Only those who believe what lies inside them
Will eventually shine until their lives burn out
Opposing even God, we fight on
Ye who have indomitable souls
Fighting Gold
Love is a Rebellious Bird
Versions: #6
Love is a rebellious bird
That no man knoweth how to tame
And 'tis convenient for it to refuse
So 'tis in vain you call its name.
Nothing moves it, menaces or prayers,
One speaks well, the other saith naught
'Tis the other whom I prefer
He pleases me, though keeps his peace.
Love! Love! Love! Love!
Love is the child of a gypsy
Of the law it never was aware
If you love me not, I love you,
If I love you, you must beware!
If you love me not
If you love me not, I love you!
But if I love you
If I love you, you must beware!
The bird you have thought to be caught
Hath beat its wings and flown away
Love is far, you await it at night,
You wait no more, it catches you by day!
It spins 'round you, quickly, quickly,
It comes and goes, as much as you
One tries to hold it, it rejects him,
You try to turn it out, it holds you
Love! Love! Love! Love!
Love is the child of a gypsy
Of the law it never was aware
If you love me not I love you,
If I love you, you must beware!
If you love me not,
If you love me not, I love you!
But if I love you,
If I love you, you must beware!
Zahid spune-ne acțiunea
Zahid spune-ne acțiunea
Hai hai
Dreptul de a citit în limba noastră
Ei viața mea
Hei viața mea
Dreptul de a citit în limba noastră
Hei ei amice
Să nu cumva să spui legenda
Hai hai
Drumul nostru are dorință
Ei viața mea
Hei viața mea
Drumul nostru are dorință
Hei ei amice
Nu numără cu degetele
Hai hai
Nu ne vom epuiza pentru a ne distruge
Ei viața mea
Hei viața mea
Nu ne vom epuiza pentru a ne distruge
Pentru a întreba de țara noastră
Hai hai
Nimeni nu știe circumstanțele noastre
Ei viața mea
Hei viața mea
Nimeni nu știe circumstanțele noastre
Hei ei amice
Ege Kökenli
We Gave Up, Too
I'm very regretful
I still love you
In the middle of our dream
Didn't we give up?
We gave up too
We both gave up
We gave up when we still love each other
Tell me, didn't we give up?
Love passed off us
My thoughts are going by taking me away,
My thoughts are going by thinking of you,
I'm getting in a flow of thoughts,
If you would know how much I'm missing you.
Everything mixed to time flow,
We have swum to the end.
I feel sorry about our love,
There are too much of our sorrows
Love passed off us,
It wasted our fortune,
Passed off
It burned everything.
Doar noi doua in lume
Viața nu mă va speria
Tu esti langa mine
Daca cad ma ridici tu
Daca plang tu auzi prima
Nu mai impacheta ne trezim la dus
Daca ne plictisim de prosti nu ne este rusine de nimeni
Uneori destepte, uneori nebune
Noi cele mai urate, noi cele mai frumoase
Uneroi pluş, uneori perla
Noi suntem cele mai frumoase de aici
Doua batai de inima, doua rasete
Cu tine viata este o gluma mare
In cele mai grele zile alegem sa radem
Doar noi doua in lume
Tu esti prietenul meu, tu esti toata varsta mea
Tu cea mai buna prietena a mea
Zburam, fugim, mergem pe jos
Doar noi doua in lume
Viața nu mă va speria
Tu esti langa mine
Daca cad ma ridici tu
Daca plang tu auzi prima
Nu mai impacheta ne trezim la dus
Daca ne plictisim de prosti nu ne este rusine de nimeni
Uneori destepte, uneori nebune
Noi cele mai urate, noi cele mai frumoase
Uneroi pluş, uneori perla
Noi suntem cele mai frumoase de aici
Doua batai de inima, doua rasete
Cu tine viata este o gluma mare
In cele mai grele zile alegem sa radem
Doar noi doua in lume
Tu esti prietenul meu, tu esti toata varsta mea
Tu cea mai buna prietena a mea
Zburam, fugim, mergem pe jos
Doar noi doua in lume
Doua batai de inima, doua rasete
Cu tine viata este o gluma mare
In cele mai grele zile alegem sa radem
Doar noi doua in lume
Tu esti prietenul meu, tu esti toata varsta mea
Tu cea mai buna prietena a mea
Zburam, fugim, mergem pe jos
Doar noi doua in lume
Doua batai de inima, doua rasete
Cu tine viata este o gluma mare
In cele mai grele zile alegem sa radem
Doar noi doua in lume
Tu esti prietenul meu, tu esti toata varsta mea
Tu cea mai buna prietena a mea
Zburam, fugim, mergem pe jos
Doar noi doua in lume
Ege Kökenli
[Intro : Vald & Lorenzo]
So you really are the 'troll rap' (yeah), a new generation emerging from the net (that's right), uh far from the clichés of the suburbs...
Exactly, but what we're looking for is conscious rap, my man
[Verse 1: Lorenzo]
With V.A.L.D., we do the co-op thing
You did two joint and you're already kaput
I'm the farm rooster that attracts all the casseroles
Don't ask if I'm okay, ask me if you're okay
Little French accent, the Americans girls think I'm cute
I sprout seeds for the Cannabis Cup
I like the smell, tell me how much it costs
With your sisters, that's for sure, I've got the rib
Whiskey and Coke without Coke, talk good or I'll poker you
Two chicks a day, yeah, that's the quota
Respect: it's not the door next door
Pipe time gives me visions
I go into space, I soon have my visa
There's only poor guys on television
I want my portrait to replace the one of Mona Lisa
In my cup, pour the lich
We won't be poor tomorrow
Big tushy, doe eyes
Touch the bottom and I dig the breach
I throw tomatoes at vegans
I want mini bar in the car
Only Jeremstar I call a faggot
Smoke your fingers, there won't be P2
[Pre-chorus 1 : Lorenzo & Vald]
Pour the liche, ohlala in my cup, pour the liche
She says no, ohlala, I drank too much, she says no (ohlalala)
She thinks I'm satanic and too cute (ohlalala)
It gets fucked the first night, wow
[Chorus : Vald & Lorenzo]
Weird (yeah, weird), why is everybody looking at me weird? (but why is everybody looking at me weird?)
I only go out to do stupid things (yeah, otherwise I don't go out brother)
I eat peanuts behind the fence
It feels weird, way too weird
I roll a Bulbizarre pollen (ah yeah Bulbizarre men)
Zubro', synthesis in my tea (the two brothers, both)
Vald-Lorenzo, it's too weird, way too weird
What are they saying?
[Bridge : Vald & Lorenzo]
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
[Verse 2: Vald]
Suck my TNs, eat your BNs, violent like DBZ
Proud like DZ, fuck Mary, even the Madeleine, not the Helen, Barra Nayek
You hate like FM band (or or)
Or the FN, bitch kehba on the BZ.
I spread the virus and sell the vaccine: I am Machiavellian
I watch conspiracy videos, I don't watch satellite
In our hearts, the beauty of the creator and the ugliness of America
Even when I'm dead, I'm ready to fuck anything (normal), stiffness cadaveric
I'm prepared for the ride (okay)
In the gourd, a potion that tears (okay)
Cops on duty in the area (okay)
Tinted glasses, I got the parade (okay)
All on pills without getting sick (okay)
Nine square meters becomes palace (okay)
I can't feel my balls, I can't feel my face (okay)
Shut your pussy up, you're annoying me
[Pre-chorus 2 : Vald]
They look at me weird, oh no I'm knitting
Mamacita like me because I'm weird
Weird to be weird to these dumbasses, oh
Are they traumatized?
[Chorus : Vald & Lorenzo]
Weird (yeah, weird), why is everybody looking at me weird? (but why is everybody looking at me weird?)
I only go out to do stupid things (yeah, otherwise I don't go out brother)
I eat peanuts behind the fence
It feels weird, way too weird
I roll a Bulbizarre pollen (ah yeah Bulbizarre men)
Zubro', synthesis in my tea (the two brothers, both)
Vald-Lorenzo, it's too weird, way too weird
What are they saying?
[Outro : Vald & Lorenzo]
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
For children, in ten years: it will be us, the conscious rap
We are called lazy
Versions: #2
We are called lazy
Malica is our enemy
We bear no grudges towards anyone
The whole world one to us
We take our leave of this world
Peace to those who stay
Those who don't know us won't know us
Peace to those who do
We are called lazy
Malica is our enemy
We bear no grudges towards anyone
The whole world one to us
Dragoste egal noi
Am scris o poveste mana de mana
Am desenat un vis ochii in ochii
Doresc o lume numai cu tine
Sa scrie cu litere mari DRAGOSTE EGAL NOI...
Am vazut un vis despre dragoste
Cand spun dragoste ma gandesc la tine
Inima mea traieste cu tine in paradis
Tu esti fiecare bataie a inimii mele
Crezi ca uneori spun prea multe prosti?
Noi facem ceva mare chiar si din micile probleme?
Nu ne putem despartii noi beneficiem de o asemenea iubire?
Meritam si noi sa fim fericiti
Vino jumatatea inimi mele, da-mi liniste in viata
Spune toate melodiile
Dragostea noastra este ca un inger, care zboara in cer
Toti indragostiti dunt gelosi
Vino jumatatea inimi mele, da-mi liniste in viata
Spune toate melodiile
Dragostea noastra este ca un inger, care zboara in cer
Toti indragostiti dunt gelosi...
Am scris o poveste mana de mana
Am desenat un vis ochii in ochii
Doresc o lume numai cu tine
Sa scrie cu litere mari DRAGOSTE EGAL NOI...
Am vazut un vis despre dragoste
Cand spun dragoste ma gandesc la tine
Inima mea traieste cu tine in paradis
Tu esti fiecare bataie a inimii mele
Crezi ca uneori spun prea multe prosti?
Noi facem ceva mare chiar si din micile probleme?
Nu ne putem despartii noi beneficiem de o asemenea iubire?
Meritam si noi sa fim fericiti
Vino jumatatea inimi mele, da-mi liniste in viata
Spune toate melodiile
Dragostea noastra este ca un inger, care zboara in cer
Toti indragostiti dunt gelosi
Vino jumatatea inimi mele, da-mi liniste in viata
Spune toate melodiile
Dragostea noastra este ca un inger, care zboara in cer
Toti indragostiti dunt gelosi...
Ege Kökenli
D.A.D - I Am Me Because of You
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
Its been a year, suddenly I realize I haven't told you goodbye
I was so busy in making your dream come true
I was so busy in not being there all day
Because in that home you built there, you haven't left me any room
And it's not because I didn't want to and it's not because of you
I understand it's hard to see a better version of yourself
I did everything for you, I just wanted a smile in return
Till I've already reached the top and your party was over
I never told you goodbye... and it's not because I didn't want to
You abandoned me there all alone in the street where I lived
And it's surely not what you wanted... and it's what you did
And all the anger in my heart is because you didn't even try.
You... I wanted you to be proud of me, I wanted you to see in me
All that... all that you didn't have in you, burst out of me
And it's true that because of you I knew what it's like to be poor
But I realize now that... dad... because of you, I am who I am.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
It's true, everyone calls me 'Sky' and sky means the heavens
Which is exactly where you went and got twice as far away from me
Murphy is no one's friend and definitely not mine
But I know that in the end, you didn't leave because of me
And to think that when you left, I was dancing on rooftops
Because I didn't know you left, I was filming successes
And I was swaying like a leaf and there goes another plane
While my dad was laying sick in his bed
I didn't believe you could go and I thought you would win
I didn't know time would catch you as it runs
I find myself screaming to the heavens up there
I don't care who hears it, God, Jesus or Allah
I turn to whoever sits in the heavens
The one that plays with us all and pulls at the strings
I don't ask for too much, I want nothing for my life
Just to be David's grandson, the father of Ilan Chaim.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
And it's been a year since and you still didn't visit
And when I fell down and got back up again, you were always missing
And the cold dwells in the house, the AC isn't helping
In an abandoned studio, there's a picture of us from the kindergarten
Do you remember the beginning? 'Cause I only remember the ending.
Covered in fake smiles, just wanting to smile in the end
Because of you I am cursed, a frustrated musician
Who'll die for his music and it won't be easy for him
Because of you I am hated, because of you I am scared
Because of you I'll end up alone
Because of you I am sad, because of you I can't sleep
Because of you, in order for me to open up, I light up and smoke
And I don't complain of all that I got because of you
Because I am loved for all those things and it's all because of you.
You built me up... d.a.d.
You built me up.
You traveled far, I was left alone.
You told me pretty words that will make time be forgotten
You traveled to the cold while it's so hot in here
You promised to hold me tight so I won't feel that you're gone.
Escape from showbiz / Flying over the cottages of Barvikha
Leave it for someone else, I'm not interested
Let's finish this conversation, I'm not interested
I can see by your eyes who you are, if we're being honest
Don't talk to me, I'm not interested
Leave it for someone else, I'm not interested
Let's finish this conversation, I'm not interested
I can see by your eyes who you are, if we're being honest
Don't talk to me
This is like Shawshank only showbiz
Show-show of the fake and suck-ups
Your mouth is on lock, means baby rest in peace
But I gave it my life, gave it flow this my instrumental and baby
This my escape from showbiz on my Impala
Fresh dollar ye-yea, new dollar ye-yea
I try, I try mama to make more
Fresh dollar ye-yea, new dollar ye-yea
I try, I try
Fresh, fresh, fresh flow
Fresh (sound/soul/sauce) with the freshest hairline
I'm not interested in anything, what your clique lives for
There isn't a ruler for me to measure this show
Want a spoiler? They're gonna escape right at the end of the episode
Leave it for someone else, I'm not interested
Let's finish this conversation, I'm not interested
I can see by your eyes who you are, if we're being honest
Don't talk to me, I'm not interested
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
See the flock, in this flock are only psycho boys
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
Look at how amazed they are, look
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
See the flock, in this flock are only psycho boys
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
Look at how amazed they are, look
We're flying like plywood over Paris in a tight motion
We keep getting lower-lower-lower - no, not like that, look here
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha like a vortex
A flock of psychos, psychos, psychos - yea like that, look here
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
Representing a southern city - region number 23
We relax b*tch in a way that everything around burns
How we fly around the stage - yea just look
Here every day is like Halloween, yea we like the dark style
Here a couple cool guys will replace a six digit check
And to be honest - I give zero f*cks about the parties in Soho
We're in the studio at night and it's not bad here at all
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
See the flock, in this flock are only psycho boys
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
Look at how amazed they are, look
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
See the flock, in this flock are only psycho boys
We're flying over the cottages of Barvikha - look
Look at how amazed they are, look
We're flying, we're flying
See the flock, see the flock?
Ambush the mountains
Ambush the mountains
We are not allowed to sleep at night
I got a mouthful of water on order,
Are not we giving Konya the girl?
A grenade in hand,
In one hand a bayonet,
With a backpack,
The second group of lions
Flow, water flow,
From an order tied to the waist with an embroidery,
A look at the command,
You have not yet become a Konya girl.
I love my homeland,
The flag is in my opinion,
Along with my ancestor,
The second group of lions
Circuitul intră în circuit,
Ce raritate este durerea,
El jură cu entuziasm,
The second group of lions
Mardin Şırnak Şenovaya,
Hakkari Yüksekovaya,
Tunceli Diyarbakıra,
We will go to the mountains in the mountains!
Bandits will shoot bandits!
Ege Kökenli
Ambuscadăm munţii
Ambuscadăm munţii
Nu aveam voie să dormim noaptea
La comandă lu-am o gură de apă,
Nu-i dăm fata Konya?
O grenadă în mână,
Într-o mână o baionetă,
Cu rucsac pe spate,
Al doilea grup de lei
Fluxul, fluxul de apă,
Din ordin legat la talie cu o broderie,
O privire la comandă,
Nu ţi-a ajuns încă fată din Konya.
Îmi place patria,
Steagul este în opinia mea,
Alături de strămoșul meu,
Al doilea grup de lei
Circuitul trece în circuit,
Ce raritate este durerea,
El jură cu entuziasm,
Al doilea grup de lei
Mardin Şırnak Şenovaya,
Hakkari Yüksekovaya,
Tunceli Diyarbakıra,
Vom merge la munți în munți!
Bandiții vor trage bandiți!
Ege Kökenli
And we'll always be happy
Like a family,
We must united forever
Because Christmas is approaching
It's very important
And we'll always be happy
And we'll always be happy
Iertați-ne, copii
Lume, potolește-te, nu te mai întoarce/ roti,
Nu veni impotriva rușinii noastre.
Cum poate cineva să trăiască cu această dizgrație,
E timpul să dăm crezare conștiinței noastre.
În mijlocul unui foc
Se află capătul unui butoi cu praf de pușcă.
Copii ale căror speranțe și vise curate
au fost furate.
Hai să punem capăt acestui drum, luați-mă de mână,
Hai să ne întoarcem, veniți, să ne întoarcem,
Când am devenit stăpânii acestor regiuni?
Cu ce drept am devenit impărați?
În mijlocul unui foc
Se află capătul unui butoi cu praf de pușcă.
Copii ale căror speranțe și vise curate
au fost furate.
De fapt, suntem la fel, cu toții avem aceeași inimă,
Respirația ne e la fel,
Unul seamănă cu altul când e convenabil,
Suntem la fel călători pe același drum.
În mijlocul unui foc
Se află capătul unui butoi cu praf de pușcă.
Copii ale căror speranțe și vise curate
au fost furate.
Copii, iertați-ne, vă rog,
Am crescut, dar nu ne-am putut schimba drumurile,
Spuneți-ne, învățati-ne din nou,
Spuneți-ne de ce am devenit atât de întinați / murdari și n-am putut rămâne puri?
În mijlocul unui foc
Se află capătul unui butoi cu praf de pușcă.
Copii ale căror speranțe și vise curate
au fost furate.
Când eram copii
Când eram copii, ce minunat câmp cu flori eram,
Când eram copii, eram păsări colorate cu aripi de vise,
Îngeri fără păcate ascunzându-ne într-o poveste,
Departe, eram izvoare ale căror ape erau pure în ascunziș.
Eram primăveri în fiecare anotimp, eram și iubire și pasiune,
Timpul a trecut cu fiecare zi, cine suntem, în ce ne-am transformat?
Eram primăveri în fiecare anotimp, eram și iubire, și pasiune,
Timpul a trecut cu fiecare zi, de asemenea, dar în ce ne-am transformat cu adevărat?
Zile de mâine cu soare nesfârșit,
Există o speranță, dacă există un copil ce trăiește în fiecare inimă,
Eram primăveri în fiecare anotimp, eram atât iubire, cât și pasiune,
Timpul a trecut cu fiecare zi, de asemenea, dar în ce ne-am transformat cu adevărat?
Timpul a râs de starea mea, ținând o oglindă spartă,
a spus: „Privește, asta a rămas din tine!”
Am văzut o umbră, care e o urmă obosită a anilor palizi,
și am suspinat, spunând că fiecare e neajutorat în mâna vieții.
Eram primăveri în fiecare anotimp, eram și iubire și pasiune,
Timpul a trecut cu fiecare zi, cine suntem, în ce ne-am transformat?
Eram primăveri în fiecare anotimp, eram și iubire și pasiune,
Timpul a trecut cu fiecare zi, cine suntem, în ce ne-am transformat?
Our story
Light a match in the darkness
Give a soul, give a fire
Life is a burden on my shoulders
Turn, turn your face to the sun
We took a shot at reaching to the sun
We didn't know we melted ourselves
Our shoes were torn
But we ran across the roads of thorns
Ah, where is the joy of our old days
We plunged to the fire on purpose
Noone took us by our hands
Every of miseries came to us one by one
Didn't you stay with me?
Didn't you caress me?
You didn't stay
This night you didn't take my hand
Nu ma supara
Muzica fara cuvinte, se sting felinarele.
Fara tine singura, ce tare ma doare.
Eu sunt in mainile tale, nu am unde sa fug.
Asi vrea sa te inteleg, numai tu spune-mi, ce e intre noi,
Eu vreau sa aflu totul pana la urma.
Tu nu ma supara
Ca o pasare voi zbura, direct in nori.
Tu nu ma supara
Inima mi-o voi lua, o data pentru totdeauna.
Timpul nu ne asteapta, ne ia totul,
Sarutul vietii, a fost si a trecut.
Cine a spus ca e usor, in orasul cu drumuri
Sa pastrezi iubirea.
Numai tu spune-mi, ce e intre noi,
Eu vreau sa aflu totul pana la urma.
Tu nu ma supara
Ca o pasare voi zbura, direct in nori.
Tu nu ma supara
Inima mi-o voi lua, o data pentru totdeauna.
Tu nu ma supara
Ca o pasare voi zbura, direct in nori.
Tu nu ma supara
Inima mi-o voi lua, o data pentru totdeauna.