Rezultatele căutării pagină 3
Număr de rezultate: 96
Retiradas medley
Asaltantes con Patente (1932)
Like the most glorious day
today we want to celebrate
the bustling joy
that carnival brings us.
Among applauses and streamers
with pain bids farewell
the murga that always gave
a good color to the party
Warm greetings
give the Asaltantes
on its triumphal march
of walking knight.
And in the saddest times
that remember the orgy
they will think of the days
when they laughed joyful
and it was all joy. (Y ole!)
Los Patos Cabreros (1953)
Good night audience
with achieved satisfaction
the Patos are leaving
to make another neighbourhood merry.
The commision said
that it's very upset
because many neighbours
don't collaborate with the tablado.
When they whiped-around
and came to knock
they said 'excuse us,
we never go',
and they're all here.
They must cooperate
because the duty is bid
and this way the neigbourhood can have
a pretty carnival.
And if you don't want
to spare a dime
may the commision
don't beg either.
With the bustling Momo
we toast like an offering
our very funny verses
in these days of Carnival.
Many of the couples
who are in the tablado
are becoming old
and they haven't married,
only drinking mate
they program their illusion
and its mother yell
because they warm the benches
and she's standing.
May you have a nice wedding
that's our wish,
and soon the stork
come to visit you
and the next carnival
from that love cradle,
the Patos can have
a new spectator.
Linea Maginot (1940)
Los Patos are leaving
Los Asaltantes are leaving.
La Gran Muñeca is leaving
La Milonga Nacional,
Los Hongos are leaving
Araca la cana is leaving
With Bochinche and company
Linea Maginot is leaving

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Gambler's cuplé
If you really feel like playing
If you really feel like playing
Here comes the player, this is your chance
Don't be left wanting to play
Come on Mr Gambler, don't be shy
We want you to tell us what you can play
Come on Mr Gambler, don't be shy
We want you to tell us what you can play Well, well. How is it going for ya?
You're doing well? All well boys?
Can you believe it boys?
Today was a deadly day for me
Until the casino opened
And this afternoon I had three. Three passes with the craps.
The casino opened and I went plucked
Besides you gotta know some things boys. Pim, pum, pam.
For money I played even Ludo
Chinese checkers and also chess
Cup-and-ball, mus and bluff
And poker dice, I played for money
Baccarat, Old Maid and Rummy
The war and gofo I also practiced
When I was a kid, with the trading cards
Tops and marbles, I got tangled
Craps, sette e mezzo and conga
Chorizo and jacks, escoba and chinchon
I'm a fan of horse racing pools
I play roulette and billiards
My passion is the russian roulette
and I can't find anyone who wants to play
Stop with the games, you vicious gambler You're all gamblers and you look like idiots
There are people who never played in their lives That's impossible, I'll explain it now
Everything is a gambling game, I'll demonstrate it to you
If you don't interrupt me and let me talk
If we cross with the red light, that's a bet for sure
And also recommending a friend for a job
It's a bet to buy cheap in an outlet
It's a bet to call the service for repairing the TV
It's a bet to date her if you just met her
And it's a bet when she says 'do it careless'
Look at his look, what an ugly guy
This character is a great gambler
Sometimes an outcast, sometimes a fat cat
The bucks come today, they leave tomorrow The two packs of cigarettes that you smoke are a bet
Or when you do a test even if you don't know a lot
People are all gamblers, you'll see I'm not lying
Figure out that today there are still weddings
This gambler will be the accused
You friends will be the jury
Let's listen him, letting him talk
But we believe the guy is guilty I beg you murguistas to listen to me
Because my wish is of sharing
My experience on this stage
In that big game called living
When we're children we play happily
The beautiful game of hide-and-seek
When we're adults, we go searching
But we get tagged everyday
Look at his look, what an ugly guy
This character is a great gambler
Sometimes an outcast, sometimes a fat cat
The bucks come today, they leave tomorrow The boys play with the tops
Pulling the string that unrolls
Then there are men who with a slash
They throw you far from the circle
The Hopscotch, what a beautiful game
With chalk and pebbles painted on the floor
When you're adult, you jump around
But nobody reaches the heaven
This gambler will be the accused
You friends will be the jury
Let's listen him, letting him talk
But we believe the guy is guilty You get a full and they accuse you
You standed with twenty but you pay anyway
With the jacks you only bet this
And with the pool you get busted
This life sirs, is a tute
Where bidding the least is to lose
More than that, this life is a truco
You need falta y resto to win
You've defended yourself with big eloquence
We see that you proved your innocence very well
The last question is fundamental
Tell us if you bet on the carnival Hahaha, are you all high boys, ha!
You drank everything, eh? What a mess!
How I'm not going to bet on the carnival?
If... if the carnival was my life.
Whoa, whoa. What a pretty melody.
It's a pretty melody to tell
To the boys of Falta y Resto and my life
That we always have to bet
Because life is one single game
If I could achieve one more instant to God Time
To make the farce stop in reality
I'd dress eternal clothings, lights and glitz
I'd paint my face and do again the role
The role, the role of the street Pierrot that drew
The smile that attracts joys of tender color
The clown who sings and laughs and can't stop his singing
Because his laughter is always a bet on the carnival
It's beautiful to bring to the neighbourhood flowers of illusion
It's beautiful to find an applause after a song
It's beautiful to make the people happy over and over again
To turn on with smiles the lights of your interest The clown who sings and laughs and can't stop God Momo
Because his laughter is always a bet on the carnival 
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Noua Americana
Țigări și sticle minuscule de lichior
Exact la ce te-ai aștepta în noua ei Balenciaga
Un dezastru viral, vise transformate într-un imperiu
Succes auto-realizat, acum își pierde vremea cu rockerii
Supraviețuirea celor mai bogați, orașul e al nostru până se prăbușește
Sunt legați de Monaco și Hamptons, dar nu ne simțim deloc ca niște străini
Noi suntem noua Americana
Drogați cu marijuana legală
Crescuți cu Biggie și Nirvana,
Noi suntem noua Americana
James Dean tânăr, unii spun că arată la fel ca tatăl său
Dar n-ar putea niciodată să iubească fata cuiva
Echipa de fotbal, iubea mai mult decât jocul
Așa că a jurat să fie soțul lui la altar
Supraviețuirea celor mai bogați, orașul e al nostru până se prăbușește
Sunt legați de Monaco și Hamptons, dar nu ne simțin deloc ca niște străini
Noi suntem noua Americana
Drogați cu marijuana legală
Crescuți cu Biggie și Nirvana,
Noi suntem noua Americana
Știm foarte bine cine suntem, așa că o lăsăm mai ușor când începe vara
Ce fel de mălai ai cheltuit?
Ce fel de gumă ai mestecat în ultima vreme?
Noi suntem noua Americana
Drogați cu marijuana legală
Crescuți cu Biggie și Nirvana,
Noi suntem noua Americana
Noi suntem noua Americana
Drogați cu marijuana legală
Crescuți cu Biggie și Nirvana,
Noi suntem noua Americana
Oh oh
You think that you can say what you want
You must respect!
I'm woman.
When the word rejects, it kills and it hurts
Wrong speechs that constructs nothing
Embarrassment to the detriment of all discernment when she says 'no'
But I'm seeing, I know, I'm knowing the fact
It's cowardice at the moment when she raises her hand.
She goes
She comes
My body, my law
I'm around the places, but I'm not for nothing
You must respect, respect, respect the girls, dammit!
The fun have a different meaning
When both persons involved consents
Silence is a hided cry for help
To the soul, to the body, for what never was said
Nobody saw, nobody see, nobody wants to know
The pain is yours, it's not your fault
But no one will tell you it
And the obtuse cynicism of that confused guy
But I'll clarify
It's abuse.
She goes
She comes
My body, my law
I'm around the places, but I'm not for nothing
You must respect, respect, respect the girls, dammit!
Violence all around the world
Every single minute
For all of us
For this voice that just wanna peace
For all the mourning that never is enough
She's disrespected, ignored, harassed, exploited
Mutilated, untreated, repressed, exploited
But the light doesn't goes out
I'll tell what I feel
No one shuts me up.
She goes
She comes
My body, my law
I'm around the places, but I'm not for nothing
You must respect, respect, respect the girls, dammit!
Doar când ploua ma cauti
Doar când îți e frig ești speriat
Ști cat de puternic e sa îți ceri iertare
Ști ca în fond am dreptate
Pentru sa spui adevărul, deja nu mai avem ce vorbi
Și nu am sa te caut
Și iarna mereu îmi doresc, sa vina vara
Am lăsat telefonul
Pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa nu te sun
Am lăsat telefonul, pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa nu te sun, pentru ca asa sa te uit
Un apel pierdut se uita usor
Tu poți sa continui, continui sa ma furi
Tu poți sa continui, continui sa ma minți
Nu voi continua, continua sa te cred
Închide ușa, și ieși acum
Deși, într-adevăr, eu nicioadata nu te-am așteptat
Eu acum sunt singura, și singura sunt bine
Nu am nevoie de nimeni
Mi-am lăsat telefonul
Pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa nu te sun
Mi-am lăsat telefonul
pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa nu te sun, pentru ca asa sa te uit
Oh, oh, oh
Pentru sa nu te sun
Oh, oh, oh
Doar când ploua ma cauti
Doar când îți e frig ești speriat
Ști cat de puternic e sa îți ceri scuze
Ști ca în fundal am dreptate
Mi-am lăsat telefonul
Pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa nu te sun
Mi-am lăsat telefonul
Pentru sa nu te sun, pentru sa te sun, pentru ca asa sa te uit
Oh, oh, oh
Pentru sa nu te sun
Oh, oh, oh
Ah... Ah...
Chanapar (Չանապար)
Oum asem vor havata?
Oum asem indz haskana?
Ashxarov yes maneka
Ser e im che gta
Lav ou vat orer tesa
Antsanot chanpov antsa
Bayts kez mot yes chehasa
Ser e im che gta
Oum asem vor indz tsuytsta depi kez?
Chanapar, chanapar
Shat yerkar sern ou sirtnem im pahel kez hamar, kez hamar
Ov gidi togh indz asi
Vonts anem vor indz lsi
Ser e im togh indz spasi
Ourishin che siri
Oum asem vor havata?
Oum asem indz haskana?
Ashxarov yes maneka
Ser e im che gta
Oum asem vor indz tsuytsta depi kez?
Chanapar, chanapar
Shat yerkar sern ou sirtnem im pahel kez hamar, kez hamar
Oum asem vor indz tsuytsta depi kez?
Chanapar, chanapar
Shat yerkar sern ou sirtnem im pahel kez hamar, kez hamar
Oum asem vor indz tsuytsta depi kez?
Chanapar, chanapar
Shat yerkar sern ou sirtnem im pahel kez hamar, kez hamar
I Don't Have Beard on My Chin
My father had a house built.
I don't have beard on my chin.
Had it built on the end of a bridge.
The fine weather's goin' away
The bad weather's comin' back
I don't have beard on my chin...
But I'm goin' to!
My father, give me a gift
I don't have beard on my chin
Give me your house
Give me your house
I don't have beard on my chin
My daughter, promise me...
The fine weather's goin' away
The bad weather's comin' back
I don't have beard on my chin...
But I'm goin' to!
My daughter, promise me
I don't have beard on my chin
To never like boys
To never like boys
I don't have beard on my chin
I'd rather have the house
To never like boys
I don't have beard on my chin
In ashes and in coal
And even you my father on the gable
I don't have beard on my chin
You'd warm your heels
The fine weather's goin' away
The bad weather's comin' back
I don't have beard on my chin...
But I'm goin' to!
Si vous utilisez mes traductions, me citer comme auteur serait gentil de votre part. / If you use my translations, citing me as the author would be kind of you.
Get your hands off my collar, don't come near me these days
I will be your torture, I don't think you should get into this
Call my name, list all the things I want to hear
I'm a hero but I can't be reached that easily
Ahh... I like your taste, just like Nutella
No need to pretend, like you're shy
Be your most relaxed self, what an incitement
One doesn't listen to Yunus Emre Frekans while having sex
There's a party in your business, they don't come near me Im a partisan
There will be chaos if you want, friendship will always win in a fight (whats up?)
Loss in altitude, caution, loss in probability
You should turn around and give yourself to me, or else your magnificence will be a waste
In the morning, noon, evening, scream. Every day everyone is free to taste.
I don't wanna spoil your fun, but there are a lot of hoes here
The system crashed, burned, the machine backed up on broken rules
Hold on, there was too much blood spilled today, what kind of new fashion is this, monster bass
Don't lean over and fall off the balcony, you'll understand on the bumper
Monster monster run run run
They're gonna smash out heads bam bam bam
Did you not come to realize that
Monster monster run run run
They're gonna smash out heads bam bam bam (x2)
Look at me, look me in the face, take a step back
The mice are going crazy like working overtime
The rubber isn't too old, it's the same old, same old
Stay aggressive, yet with no money, no muscle
It's like a celebrity's feelings Marilyn Monroe
The owner of a proper situation a Marlboro
Be discreet, don't let them see the intermediate pass
One doesn't listen to Yunus Emre Frekans in their free time
Fuck!! He completely fucked up the situation, the vibes
As if he's seen enough helmets, he grabbed a sword and fucked it up
Next to the hippies that know everything, the left is zero
That Lucifer can't even measure heights with me
You're enraged... I'm like unruly rabies
Wolves are around me shitting on all the lambs
Give an error, I know your brain is bleeding but shut up and run
The galaxy can show me but there's money, the new style is monster
Don't lean over and fall off the balcony, you'll understand on the bumper
Monster monster run run run
They're gonna smash out heads bam bam bam
Did you not come to realize that
Monster monster run run run
They're gonna smash out heads bam bam bam (x2)
By an old way
My mother sang a lullaby to me
And told a story
How could they been taken from their birthplace,
How could my brother and my father one day went to war?
They went and did not go back,
And stayed to be soldiers forever.
And now I can not live abroad,
I collect my old memoirs and return
Shall I not live in big and bright cities big,
It is enough for my city to be ancient and far away,
I don't want my life to be that safe.
I return home by an old way,
I return home by an old way
I'm guilty of leaving you, my sweet mommy,
Forgive me, forgive that I come back, come home, return to my family.
Your pain I also take,
And I'll sit at the corner of our home,
And I will listen to your song and it will set my soul free of longing which does not leave my heart
I collect my old memories and come back
My mother's life was so arranged that she was always waiting for someone. My father died during the war, and there was no news from my brother. After a while, my brother's name was found in the list of missing people. My mother started to invite every soldier who passed through her house to eat, and when they were leaving, she took my brother's picture from her heart and showed them - in the case they could have seen him. Then the neighbors told me how my mother was hurting by the reason of my last visit to a soldier's head. The doctors said it was a heart attack.
© Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:
Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט
I collect live ducks
Whenever I see a TV commercial talking about a duck
I go there, I go there
Whenever I see a TV commercial talking about a duck
I go there, I go there
I collect ducks ohoh
I collect thousands of ducks
I collect ducks ohoh
I collect live ducks
Whenever I'm surfing the web and eBay is selling a duck
I buy it, I buy it
And if someone outbids,
Right away I outbid, bid, bid
I collect ducks ohoh
I collect thousands of ducks
I collect ducks ohoh
I collect live ducks
I know it's impossible
Yet I do believe
I know it's impossible
Yet it's just the way it has to be.
I want to acquire every single duck on this planet.
It's your turn to sing, ducks!
I collect ducks (x4)
We collect ducks (x7)
Live ducks!
Feel free to correct whatever I wrote, even when I haven't requested proofreading. ^^
In The Month of May
In the month of May, while the river rises
In the month of May, the girls are beautiful
The girls are beautiful, hey nonney, the girls are beautiful.
And all the lovers, while the river rises
And all the lovers change their mistresses
They change their mistresses, hey nonney, they change their mistresses.
But I, I will not change, while the river rises
But I, I will not change, because my woman is too beautiful
Because my woman is too beautiful, hey nonney, because my woman is too beautiful.
She has beautiful blue eyes, while the river rises
She has beautiful blue eyes, bright red lips
Bright red lips, hey nonney, bright red lips.
Oh! It would be sweet, while the river is rising
Oh! It would be sweet to sleep with her
To sleep with her, hey nonney, to sleep with her.
In a small house, while the river is rising
In a small house, near a fountain
Near a fountain, hey nonney, near a fountain
And every morning, while the river is rising
And every morning, my bride bathes
My bride bathes, hey nonney, my bride bathes
In the month of May, while the river rises
In the month of May, the girls are beautiful
The South American Woman
Verse 1
It's a secret, the love that I have here inside
And even if we wasted time
Because life separated us
And I, and I without you
I can't laugh, I can't live
This is killing me
And the magic in the night takes me to you
I remember that you told me before going
That there isn't love like the love of a Latina
Ay ay ay, Latina like (Oooh)
The South American woman
She leaves you with desire, your heart leaps (I want your heart)
Ay ay ay, Latina like (Oooh)
The South American woman
She leaves you with desire, your heart leaps (I want your heart)
Verse 2
I feel you, and I hear your voice in the wind
My heart loves fearlessly
I know that you feel the same
And I, and I without you
I can't laugh, I can't live
This is killing me
And the magic in the night takes me to you
And even if we are between two continents
There isn't love like the love of a Latina
She wants to know, wants to know if I'm loyal, loyal
To know if I will be the master of her skin, skin
And I want her, nama nama
And I have what she needs
She doesn't just want adventure, I know that
She can be seen from afar
She has what I like
That turns me on
Modeling, the South American woman kills me
And I want her for me
I without you (I without you)
And you without me (and it's because I want you)
We are like the sun and the moon, separated
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!
Canary in the sky
Flower that bloomed in desolation
How did you end up like this?
The warmth of those little fingers is the flame of love
That sways and burns as much as the wind blows
Blue resonance, the circling life is like a fleeting light
(Feel my heart)
I would like to grant you those distant miracles you whish for
Then we will become history, like the million stars
Instead of weeping and crying, it would be better to move on
Even if the tears soak our future's map and we can't see it anymore
The sorrowful canary that gazes upon the rainbow would have already flown away...
The smile you made while plucking the seeds, why did it vanish?
We could hear your gentle voice as you were taking the risk...
She became ephemeral... He became the final flame
Both of their voices had a sorrowful tone
'Let's kiss when we meet in the next world'
(Missing love)
Even if I turn into ashes with this warmth, I won't give up
That's why determination is like firm wings that don't need the destiny
Pass through, tear the infinite. Live by your own heart
Maybe we are in a more certain 'now' that the one in the leyends
The beautiful canary in the cage dissapeared into the sky
The we will change history, like the million stars
Even if you embrace her, your love won't return. The withered petals had scattered
When we are reborn for the millionth time, let's bloom in the hills...
The canary that won't come back a second time, gave its last smile...
My translations are free to use, just don't claim them as your own, please!! Si necesitas una traducción Inglés - Español, puedes pedirlo sin miedo.
The guy is my neighbour. I live on the second floor. He's my street level neighbour.
We meet almost every day, and sometimes we talk, we smoke a cigarette and chat. Mostly at night.
Bits of life shared under a lamppost, near the Métro vent.
You see, I live just above a Métro ventilation grid.
The noise of its ventilation drones ceaselessly in my ears, even when I shut the windows.
A constant drone. A mass of hot foul air spouted continuously by this insatiable mouth.
It exhales the sweat of the city that crawls and steeps in its intestine ducts.
The harsh smell of these millions of figures struggling inside its belly from 5:30 to 00:26, mixed with cheap detergent.
A subterranean filth floating upwards like a flatulence and spreading through this ventilation grid.
Rum is Omar's favourite poison. Dry rum, the cheapest sort. One gulp in the morning to wake up, and a 70 cl bottle in the evening.
That's his daily routine. And rum cleanses everything, or so they say. It anesthesiates, it disinfects.
With the rum he escapes, he rambles and trips far away.
With rum he hears voices that pester him. Voices that remind him things... Voices that are after his skin, so he defends himself.
One day, as I watched him crossing the street to refill his stock at the convenience store, he was nearing a big sparkling red convertible Mercedes at the red light.
He stops in front of the car and stares. I witness the scene from my window. I wonder what he might have said.
Was it 'Wow! That's a classy drive, man, very nice choice', or rather 'Hey you! How come you got enough dough to afford that? You motherfucker!'
Omar lives alone. He's famous in the neighbourhood. My daughter loves him. She gives him a peck on the cheek on her way to school.
She keeps asking us to invite him for dinner. She draws pictures for him, which he guards preciously in his wallet.
His belongings are always neatly packed and in their proper place. He takes care of his things and makes sure to be closely shaved every day, just like before. When he was a paramedic in Toulon and madly in love. But that was such a long time ago...
Today... He's my neighbour. I live on the second floor. He's my street level neighbour.
The drunk tanks are too violent, according to him. The guys simply can't hold their liquor there.
It comes to fistfights right away, he says. And there is a lot of stealing too, and drugs, and it's grubby.
After his last experience, all things considered, he'd rather stay in the street. On this voracious grid that warms him during winter and smothers him in summer, his face ravaged by 25 years in the street.
His muscles lanky and his lungs filled with the city's foul exhalations.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
The black sheeps can have gray hair
Help me doctor, if you can please.
I'm getting saner, I'm getting worse everyday.
Now everything around is like a big sleepiness.
Help me to get out of this shock, this horror.
My greatest fear, my greatest danger
is that my life becomes a Knorr Suiza broth cube.
I can't believe the things I did yesterday.
First I went to the workplace that has me very irritated.
Then I went eating. And later when I came
home, I watched TV wth my wife.
Doctor, I feel sick. It's anti natural.
Little by little I'm becoming like the normal people.
I sense a brutal vertical falling.
I don't know if it's a stomach problem.
I don't know if it's temporary, if the process is gradual.
I don't know if I have cure not if it will create habit.
Doctor, what can I do? I don't want to suffer
this disease that crushes me and wants me to become
a knitting needle, and wants to make me
follow the weave in a crochet that I want to break.
I don't know what happened to me. Explain me doctor.
I was a black sheep and now look at my color.
I look like a power sugar alfajor, or better
a puddle of that thing called liquid paper.
And if there's a stain in my weak illusion
it's only by the effect of the carbon paper.
Help me doctor, if you can please.
I'm getting saner, I'm getting worse everyday.
Now everything around is like a big sleepiness.
I feel myself driven by a sewer pipe.
And what is worse, the place is tempting.
So please, help me.
No. Don't. I don't care. I'm fine like this.
I pay the consultation and well,
I'll come another day on any case. Bye.

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Prince Ali (Reprise)
Prince Ali,
Yes it's him, but is it really him?
He needs to accept reality
Needs to face his past
It was too beautiful to last
Say farewell to your fake Prince Ali
This Ali was no more and no less than Aladdin
This kid is no more than a crook, yes believe me
It's forgery
We've got to send him back
To the place he never should have left
His ambitions to rule are over
His assets will be seized
He'll rot alone on the outskirts of the earth
Ex-Prince Ali!
You may only reprint my translations with permission. Please contact me if you would like to post it to another site. Thank you!
The Reel
My father had no daughters but me
I lead it well, my reel
One day, he sent me off to sea
I lead it well, I lead it around
I lead it well, I lead it around
I lead it well, my reel
The seaman who led me
I lead it well, my reel
He fell in love with me
I lead it well, I lead it around
I lead it well, I lead it around
I lead it well, my reel
Sweetie, kiss me
(I lead it well, my reel)
Yes sir, I wouldn't dare
I lead it well, I lead it around
I lead it well, I lead it around
I lead it well, my reel
For if my dad knew
For if my dad knew
I would be a beaten daughter
Who is it here who would tell you well
It would be the birds
The birds in the woods know it
Force and earth as well
My god, the world is cunning
Than teaching birds Latin
Balada lui Çanakkale
Çanakkale oglindit în piață
Mamă eu merg împotriva dușmanului
Of tinereţea mea vai
Çanakkale un lung chiparos
Care sunt logodiți care sunt căsătoriți
Of tinereţea mea vai
Çanakkale a fost pătruns de fum
A treisprezecea sectă a intrat în război
Of tinereţea mea vai
Un test complet în Çanakkale
Sa tăiat speranţa părinţilor
Of tinereţea mea vai
Ege Kökenli
Vers 1:
În acel loc unde adevărul,
Este o îmbrățișare goală, o deghizare.
Imaginează-ți să fii un ostatic vechi,
O pânză uitată pe perete.
Și nu, nu vreți,
N-o vedeți.
Arde, arde, să ardă bine.
Povestea sclavului și regelui său.
Arde, arde, să ardă din nou,
Cine pierde memoria pentru plăcere.
Vers 2:
Nu vei cădea, eu sunt și fiică,
Nu există nicio rasă în piept nici pe piele,
Tăcută din cauza nașterii, povestea Babelului,
Sunt rușine să-ți împușc garoafele.
Va fi că nu, nu vreți,
Nu o vedeți..
Arde, arde, să ardă bine.
Povestea sclavului și regelui său.
Oh arde, arde, să ardă din nou,
Cine pierde memoria pentru plăcere..
Și nu există nici o casă, dacă nu, dacă nu-i calm.
Nu există casă, dacă nu..
Și dacă nu arde, ardeee
Povestea sclavului și regelui său.
Oh ardeeee
Cine pierde memoria pentru plăcere.
O pânză uitată pe perete..
Snap! And I appear next to you
I'm not more than you, your fantasies
So many times you dreamed that it came true
But what you, you didn't know is that dreams can not be controled
When you think you see me, I cross the wall
I do snap! and I appear next to you,
You want to go after me, poor you, you can't catch me
And I'm capable to enter your dreams
To go back through the sky and walk on the sea
And suddenly make myself flesh and blood so you can caress me
When you think you see me, I cross the wall
I do snap! and I appear next to you,
You want to go after me, poor you, you can't catch me
When you think you see me ...
If maybe you bring a female guest
If she gets annoying and does not leave you alone
An icy hand on her back, a couple of tricks and she doesn't come back again
Papa pam, papapam ...
When you think you see me, I cross the wall
I do snap! and I appear next to you,
You want to go after me, poor you, you can't catch me
When you think you see me, I cross the wall
I do snap! and I appear next to you,
You want to go after me, poor you, you can't catch me
Papapam ...
You want to go after me, poor you, you can't catch me
It Burns
Verse 1:
It's the place where the truth
is a hollow hug, a disguise
Imagine being an old hostage
a canvas forgotten on a wall
And no, you don't want to
you don't see it
Burns, it burns, may it burn well
The story of a slave and its king
Burns, it burns, may it burn again
Who loses his mind for pleasure
Verse 2:
You won't fall, I'm a daughter too
There's no race in chest or on skin
Silenced for being born, the story of Babel
I'm the shame of your shot to its carnation
It seems like you don't, you don't want to
you don't see it
Burns, it burns, may it burn well
The story of a slave and its king
Burns, it burns, may it burn again
Who loses his mind for pleasure
And there's no hearth, if there's no, if there's no calmness
There's no hearth, if there's no...
And if it doesn't burn, burn
the story of the slave and its king
Oh, it burns
Who loses his mind for pleasure
A canvas forgotten on a wall
Tell me
Tell how do you want me to try to understand you now,
if after so much time has passed and I'm unable
to imagine myself without you, without you.
Tell me how am I do enjoy the memories
that someday were ours,
tell me how am I going to it without you, without you.
Tell me how don't you expect me to write this song
if you're my music and my muse,
and you took all my inspiration, oh...
Tell me, tell me, tell me,
what do I do now?
Tell me how can I look at you
and keep myself from saying 'I'm sorry'
and that I'm sorry if I did something to break our love, oh...
I can't understand that everything from yesterday
has flown away with the wind,
and it's you that's blown it away this time, oh.
You had always wanted to walk beside me
and now you let go of my hand and you want
me to understand your plan.
Tell me, tell me, tell me,
what do I do now?
tell me, tell me, tell me,
what do I do now?
tell me, tell me, tell me,
what do I do now?
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).
I know that this love is for me,
dive in and follow me,
at last I've found you, so beautiful
that I never thought you'd feel something for me.
We were children who didn't know better
about love,
this time it won't be the same.
Kiss me with passion,
give me your heart,
your eyes will hold my voice.
Love, today I dance with you
in the darkness along to our song
and with the grass beneath our feet.
and I whispered: 'although you don't look good,
today you're so perfect for me'.
There's no one in my life,
no one as strong as you,
let's dream together and create our home.
She's much more than my lover,
the one who keeps all my secrets
the one who will bear our children and our love.
We were children who didn't know better
struggling without reason,
this time it won't be the same.
I'll extend my hand to you
I want to be where you are
and my future is in you.
Love, today I dance with you
in the darkness along to our song
and with the grass beneath our feet.
You should look good today
today you look so precious and so perfect
that (even) the moon feels your light.
Love, today I dance with you
in the darkness along to our song
and with the grass beneath our feet.
I have faith in this love,
I can say for sure that I've met an angel
so perfect...
You look perfect and the night feels your light.
- No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.
- Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.
- Terminology: lit. (literally), lat. (latin term), pr. (pronunciation).
A cottage in Canada
He had a little cottage in Canada,
with a pond and flowers, the prettiest over there
and all the girls that rolled on there
said: 'how beautiful the cottage in Canada!'
But one day, for spite, Pinco Panco fired it
and then he was left without the cottage forever.
And do you know what did he do?' the thing is very simple,
but that's a secret that only myself knows:
He made another cottage in Canada,
with a pond and flowers, the prettiest over there
and all the girls that rolled on there
said: 'how beautiful the cottage in Canada!'
And all the many cottages he built
Pinco Panco burned them one by one
And do you know what did he do?' it's a well known thing,
and this is the surprise that I'll tell you.

My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Five more greyhairs
He bought my youth
and after the charm was gone,
he paid my freedom with a thousand gifts
He bought my youth
he didn't mind to rent my love
fixations of oldness, of despair
Me with five more greyhairs
and less to lose
I'd understand him
Me with five more greyhairs
I'd know what is to see
that he leaves without being anything
He bought my youth
and it costed him too much because,
the price of my skin didn't make me a slave
He bought my youth
he didn't mind to rent my love
and who'd thought I fell in love too

This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
For a bite of bread
I keep myself a step above poverty
A head above swords
I always steal according to my means
Brace yourself!
One jump in front of all these soldiers
That's all, and without joking
These guys do not appreciate that I'm broke
[The guards]
Scoundrel, barefoot, scoundrel, take that!
It's just for a bite of bread
[The guards]
We will cut you like a rabbit!
It's so obvious
It is necessary that I confess
You're my only friend, Abu!
[The girls]
Who? Oh, it's sadder than a depressed pawn
He became the rising star of crime
[The woman]
I would blame the parents that he never knew
Must eat to live
Steal to eat
You will know everything
When I write my memoires
One jump over these lambs
One jump over fate
Later, I will use another name
One jump, we play at jumping sheep
One jump over the flock
Three little towers and I disappear for good
[The guards]
Stop, vandal, thief, outrage!
Should not get angry
[The woman]
Besides, you could spoil him
Must eat to live, steal to eat
We could make a better arrangement
[The guards]
- No!
- He has a sword!
- You idiots, we all have swords!
One jump over these idiots
[The guards]
One jump over these morons
[The guards]
A rather fearless flight
[The guards]
Too late, I am faster
Go like you ran
For you perceive
That a thief knows how to steal well!
I don't want your kisses
I don't want your kisses
I don't want your charm
I was hopeful
But you were mistaken
I don't want
I don't want to see you anymore
I can't
I can't face you
You lit up a light
In my universe
And I don't want to hear anymore
The things that you used to say
Why are you walking away?
You're running away
Why are you hiding
Without talking about me?
Why do you pretend to me
so much?
Go on pretending
That there isn't any pain
«Man is nothing but a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed» B. Pascal
Beautiful Mexican Woman
Beautiful Mexican woman, Latino flag
Don't be sad, just watch the sky
If the night is star-covered
We already got past the mourning
If the night is star-covered
We already calmed the sorrow
Don't be sad, just watch the sky
Because night is good for reconciling dreams
Don't be sad, because your black eyes
Are the restless flame, sweet ardor in my consolation
Beautiful Mexican woman, blessed brown woman
In your black eyes I double my bets
Today your faded and eternal land
Sees all light born on its slope
Today your faded and eternal land
Steals kisses and gives springtimes
Don't be sad, just watch the sky
Because night is good for reconciling dreams
Don't be sad, because your black eyes
Are the restless flame, sweet ardor in my consolation
My Mexican woman, precious María
Don't ever forget that you are powerful
To your mantel, colorful passion
I sing to it my verse and my prose
To your mantel, colorful passion
I sing to it, lifelong
Help me my dear sis
Come on help my dear sis
cause you're good with her
come on say a good word
about your brother
Just don't tell me
that she's not for me
I'm not the first nor the last one
that suffers because of a woman
Hey pupil of my eye
my dear sibling
don't give your heart on your palm
to a wrong woman
Her soul is colder
than the coldest winter
I swear to you it's a deceit
her second name
You know that your every word
sister I respect like God
but what can I do when I can't
go against my own heart
My whole life I've been searching for those
good and honest ones
but that bad one
is fatal to me
Help Me
Help me help me
My butterfly
Fly back from there
Sacrifice for me
Cross over glass
Save me from this hell
Chorus 2x
I'm forcefully taken away
I'm sentenced to hell
I've become a wife
To the person I hate
Hey remember me remember
Hey remember me remember
If you save me
I will die
Destiny of mine is now
In your hands
In your hands
Now it's to be or not to be
I'm fighting for my life
I'm fighting for my life
Chorus 2x
Nice Guy
It was difficult for you
To believe I'm a nice guy
And when we fight
And notice how we love each other
So forget it quickly
And go quickly to bed
It was difficult for you
To believe I'm a nice guy
When we fight
And notice how we love each other
So forget it quickly
And go quickly to bed
That's why you love me
Baby, I'm this guy
You're looking at
I'm problematic
A bit jealous
But you know
I'm great in bed
That's why you love me
Sunny side of the street
Your face quickly vanishes,
Behind the corner of my eye.
I'm unsure if I'll ever ..... you again
But I don't think about it,
It brings only pain.
Sunny side of the street,
Watching pretty girls,
It's sure sad to be alone
On such a pretty sunny day.
Many think I work,
I thought 'good one!'
Irritable nature, that's it,
Work makes me sick.
Crowd in a tram
Steps on my feet
Down because of job and struggle
Each of them worry only about themselves.