Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 69


Hear serbs of the world

Grey clouds have brought us sadness
They covered our fatherland entirely
All the black ravens have risen
But our hearts they have not broken
All the black ravens have risen
But our hearts they have not broken
REF x2
Hear us serbs of the wolrd wherever you are
In Canada, Europe, Austrailia
Be with us in the name of freedom
Together we are strong, It is the last hour
We did not want to battle
The wars have been started by our enemies
Many they have started by now
But not a single battle have they won
Many they have started by now
But not a single battle have they won
Ref. x2
The voice of truth and justice is now heard
No one else will ever conquer us again
The ravens might rise again
But they will not break the brave hearts
Ref. x2

The Fire Bird

When leaving you'll close the door
And only now
I won't hold the tears anymore
The day, that took you away
Didn't cross out love
I didn't have to be for long a hand held bird
Only the pearls in my palms
Will remind me of your warmth
Just like a stranger you become
For me
And every night you're dreaming on
Of inability to return
I was always a fire bird
For you...
Behind a plumage of fancy words
At times you couldn't see at all
The wrenching longing of my soul
Again I get up and fly
From heaven I will cry:
' I don't want be a hand held bird'
Only the pearls in my palms
Will remind me of your warmth
Just like a stranger you become
For me
And every night you're dreaming on
Of inability to return
I was always a fire bird
For you...
Only the pearls in my palms
Will remind me of your warmth
Just like a stranger you become
For me
And every night you're dreaming on
Of inability to return
I was always a fire bird
For you...
For you...

Republica Sârbă și Craina Knin-ului

Când mă uit de pe Gucevo
Spre malurile Drinei,
Inima îmi sare, în pieptul meu,
de fericire.
Inima îmi sare, în pieptul meu,
de fericire.
Dreapta am țara mea Serbia,
Și stânga am vatra mea Semberia.
Ne-am născut ca frații sub același soare,
Și suntem conectați prin eroii lui Obilici.
Acolo mă așteaptă maica mea cea dragă,
Să mă-ntorc acasă de la bătălia grea.
Acolo se află singura mea dragoste,
Republica Sârbă și Craina Knin-ului
Când mă uit de pe Gucevo
Spre Sena și Sirmia,
Frumusețea asta a noastră
N-o mai găsești nicăieri
Frumusețea asta a noastră
N-o mai găsești nicăieri
Dreapta am țara mea Serbia,
Și stânga am vatra mea Semberia.
Ne-am născut ca frații sub același soare,
Și suntem conectați prin eroii lui Obilici.
Acolo mă așteaptă maica mea cea dragă,
Să mă-ntorc acasă de la bătălia grea.
Acolo se află singura mea dragoste,
Republica Sârbă și Craina Knin-ului
Eu întotdeauna voi crede
Că adevărul există
Că poporul meu unit
N-are frică de nimeni
Că poporul meu unit
N-are frică de nimeni
Dreapta am țara mea Serbia,
Și stânga am vatra mea Semberia.
Ne-am născut ca frații sub același soare,
Și suntem conectați prin eroii lui Obilici.
Acolo mă așteaptă maica mea cea dragă,
Să mă-ntorc acasă de la bătălia grea.
Acolo se află singura mea dragoste,
Republica Sârbă și Craina Knin-ului

Republika Srpska and Krajina

When I look from Gučevo,
Down the coasts of Drina,
Heart starts to dance
in my chest from enjoyment.
Heart starts to dance
in my chest from enjoyment.
On the right my country Serbia,
And on the left my birthplace Semberija,
Our brothers are warmed by the same sun,
But they are connected by threads of Obilić's heroes
There my beloved mother waits me,
To come back home from bloody battle.
There is my only love,
Republika Srpska and Kninska Krajina.
When I look from Gučevo,
From Sena to Syrmia
This beauty of ours,
cannot be found anywhere else
This beauty of ours,
cannot be found anywhere else
On the right my country Serbia,
And on the left my birthplace Semberija,
Our brothers are warmed by the same sun,
But they are connected by threads of Obilić's heroes
There my beloved mother waits me,
To come back home from bloody battle.
There is my only love,
Republika Srpska and Kninska Krajina.
I will always believe
That truth exists
That when my people is united
Is not afraid of anyone
That when my people is united
Is not afraid of anyone
On the right my country Serbia,
And on the left my birthplace Semberija,
Our brothers are warmed by the same sun,
But they are connected by threads of Obilić's heroes
There my beloved mother waits me,
To come back home from bloody battle.
There is my only love,
Republika Srpska and Kninska Krajina.

Bombardierele negre

Ăsta-i adevărul, sau îți bați joc de mine?
Vrei să incendiezi toți Balcanii!
Ăsta-i adevărul, sau îți bați joc de mine?
Vrei să incendiezi toți Balcanii!
Prietene vechi din războiul anterior
O să îți pui franghia în jurul gâtului tău!
Să nu te iei la luptă cu Sârbii sfidători
Că o să iți pierzi bombardierele negre!
Să nu te iei la luptă cu Sârbii sfidători
Că o să iți pierzi bombardierele negre!
Frumoasă și curajoasă-i mica mea țară
Timp de secole, n-a renunțat la mândria ei!
Frumoasă și curajoasă-i mica mea țară
Timp de secole, n-a renunțat la mândria ei!
Prietene vechi din războiul anterior
O să îți pui franghia în jurul gâtului tău!
Să nu te iei la luptă cu Sârbii sfidători
Că o să iți pierzi bombardierele negre!
Să nu te iei la luptă cu Sârbii sfidători
Că o să iți pierzi bombardierele negre!
Dorește-ți pentru alții ce-ți dorești ție
Ca să scapi de un destin blestemat! (x2)
Prietene vechi din războiul anterior
O să îți pui franghia în jurul gâtului tău!
Să nu te iei la luptă cu Sârbii sfidători
Că o să iți pierzi bombardierele negre!
Să nu te iei la luptă cu Sârbii sfidători
Că o să iți pierzi bombardierele negre!

Brigada Kozarei

Din Munții Kozarei se aude foc de tunuri
Și prin văile ei se aude ecoul
Din Subkozara, de acolo vin cei mai buni fii
Care scriu cu glorie noi pagini în istorie
Din Subkozara, de acolo vin cei mai buni fii
Care scriu cu glorie noi pagini în istorie
Brigada Kozarei trece de-alungul Savei
Prin câmpuri minate, oroare și teroare
Orice centimetru, al pământului nostru sfânt și Sârb
Este apărat de eroii din a cincea (brigadă) a Kozarei
Krajineni furioși au ieșit la luptă
Fugind să iși apere patria lor
Paclenița (Paklenica), Dealul Alb (Bijelo Brdo), coridorul se termină
Victoria de la Medarima de mult am celebrat-o
Satul Brusnic (Brusnik selo), Crăguli (Kragulj), coridorul se termină
Victoria de la Costreși (Kostreš) de mult am celebrat-o
Brigada Kozarei trece de-alungul Savei
Prin câmpuri minate, oroare și teroare
Orice centimetru, al pământului nostru sfânt și Sârb
Este apărat de eroii din a cincea (brigadă) a Kozarei
Granițele Sârbe nu se vori mișca
Eroii curajoși din a cincea n-au frică față de nimeni
Deșcendenții eroilor devin și ei eroi
Ăștia-s Krajineni mei cei curajoși!
Deșcendenții eroilor devin și ei eroi
Ăștia-s Krajineni mei cei curajoși!
Brigada Kozarei trece de-alungul Savei
Prin câmpuri minate, oroare și teroare
Orice centimetru, al pământului nostru sfânt și Sârb
Este apărat de eroii din a cincea (brigadă) a Kozarei

Eroii din întâia brigadă a Semberiei

Ei au trecut prin bătălia de la Vukovar
Posavina-i știe foarte bine
Ei sunt voluntarii noștri cei curajoși
Din Întâia Brigada a Semberiei
Semberia îi admiră
Maievița (Majevica) știe bine
Că nu există eroi mai mari
Ca Kikor, Zoran și Vlado
Din Craina (Krajina) pân-la râul Drina
Poate-i doar curaj sau e doar soarta
Ca o casă din cărți de joc
Cădeau orașe și sate
N-ai văzut vreodată, frate?
Ce fac eroii în acțiune?
Ei sunt voluntarii noștri cei curajoși
Din Întâia Brigada a Semberiei
Să nu uiți vreodată, fiule!
Că eroii au căzut cu mult curaj
Aceștia-s voluntarii noștri cei curajoși
Ce și-au dat viața pentru libertate!

Pragul casei mele

Mânia războiului a distrus totul în calea lui,
și ultima speranță pe care o voi vedea cu tine.
Această realitate mi-a rupt visele, -x2
Am inceput sa plâng cu lăcrimi amare in această noapte. x2
Turnul meu de piatră sa prăbușit,
Am rămas ca o pasăre rănită.
Turnul meu de piatră sa prăbușit,
Am rămas singur, am rămas ca o pasăre rănită
A mai rămas doar vatra în care m-am născut
Casa a ars, au mai rămas doar urme de scrum
A mai rămas doar pragul casei mele x2
Care mi-a fost, întotdeauna drag x2
O imagine a copilăriei mă bântuie în fiecare zi,
Adevărul despre fericire mi-a rupt visul.
Nu mai sunt ceea ce eram, x2
Mi-am dat seama că ăsta e destinul meu. x2R


Cine merge la luptă
c-un cântec pe buze?
Cine n-a avut vreodată
sufletul unui laș?
Panteri! Sunteți garda noastră Sârbă!
Panteri! De partea voastră-i dreptatea!
Panteri! Sunteți mândria lui Mauzer
Nici măcar America n-are așa armată!
Cine merge la luptă
c-un cântec-n piept?
Cine nu-și va trăda vreodată
amicul-n luptă?
Cine-și dă viața pentru popor
cu atât de mult curaj?
Cine rămâne amintit-n
cântece și memoria oamenilor?
Îți mulțumim Mauzer! Dumnezeu să te ierte!


Who goes to the battle
with a song on the lips?
Who did never have
the soul of a coward?
(this part repeats, chorus)
Panteri, you are our Serbian guard
Panteri, the justice is on your side
Panteri, you are the pride of Mauzer
Not even America has such a army!
Who goes into the battle
with a song in the chest?
Who will never betray
his friend in the fight?
(chorus again)
Who so bravely gives
his life for the people?
Who stays remembered
in memory and songs?
RIP Ljubiša 'Mauzer' Savić (1958-2000)


Summer, August of 1992, Was full of sadness and grief
Burning wounds were bleeding.
Tinja and Smoluca were being defended bravely.
Defenders were in isolation for 3 months surrounded from all sides.
The days were spinning there, and life was about the death.
Enemies were waiting for a right moment like hungry wolves,
With a weapon in their hands.
Guardians, real heroes, arrived to save child and his crying mother.
It was a painful wound for all of us in last hot august days.
The significant wound was bleeding hard.
Smoluca and Tinja were being defeated bravely.
People’s faces were in tears of happiness and flock of wounded birds was exhausted.
Blockade of cities was increasing and increasing
Enemies were waiting for a right moment like hungry wolves,
With a weapon in their hands.
Guardians, real heroes, arrived to save child and his crying mother.

Love Your City

Good morning my beloved city!
Queen of the world, even when I get travel nerves
From today on I have to go, a temporary goodbye
What I feel is what is called 'love'
I get homesick as soon as I leave the city walls
Carry the flag into the world, so I can laugh
I do not withhold that it hurts a lot of days
But I live for my favourite colours
I may not be with you right now, but you are always with me
If you are relegated or win the 'Double'
And from the first ride on the tricycle
Until the very last heartbeat, you are home
No matter where the wind takes me
I take you with me, everywhere
And even when I am at the end of the world
I will come back! I will come back someday!
Love your city!
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
86 neighbourhoods, nine districts which you harbour
Every nationality is an added value for us
Two towers watching over us 1
Without black and white glasses, this city is multicoloured
And frantic, we are living on fullspeed here
Children will be a number ten someday, like Podolski
Yes, almost its own planet with its own system
Over a million people suffer with the FC 2
Up until the fifth season, the carnival 3
The triumvirate forms the authority of the state
Nothing but the throne is the standpoint
Cologne - you continue to be as solid as the Cathedral!
No matter where the wind takes me
I take you with me, everywhere
And even when I am at the end of the world
I will come back! I will come back someday!
Love your city!
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh - oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
No matter where the wind takes me
I take you with me, everywhere
And even when I am at the end of the world
I will come back! I will come back someday!
Love your city!
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh - oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
  • 1. Referring to the Cologne Cathedral.
  • 2. 1. FC Köln, Cologne's most famous and most successful football club.
  • 3.

He built a bridge across Drina river

He went away across the blue ocean a long time ago
His soul got stuck in throat, and Promised land was calling him
He was keeping in mind mother with her outspread white hands, rough Drina river, and people crossing it by ferry.
There was no day and night he suspended to pray to God and to live his Motherland.
Since youth his main desire was to build the bridge across Drina river and to found a new city.
He built the bridge across the Drina river, constructed palaces and helped people to pray to God.
He built the bridge across the Drina river, his name is firm, and united hearts in love in one whole.
A star of happiness was leading him that he always believed
He met a woman of his life and gave her his heart.
They were seeing the same dreams, he had a vision.
His desire to bring a dream into life was significant.
He was coming across with a great amount of people, rich and aglitter but images of his native region remained in his heart.
He became a spititually rich person
He never allowed somebody to destroy his marvelous dreams.
There were also hard days when he experienced sufferings.
His soul was telling him he would come back home.
He is not sorry about spent years and youth left in the world.
Old dreams came true now
There were great people, and now they exist who are ready to spend all their wealth to help people.
He visited all cities on Earth
Slobomir will become better, it will become a world center.

Will never stop

You can deny to me the light of your gaze
You can also deny to me that heat
that you gave me yesterday
But you will never stop me from loving you like yesterday
And that by hearing your name unintentionally
My heart hurts
And here, in this corner I will look
Sunset my life without your love
Without the strength that pushed me daily
To fight and to dream
If you failed me already in whom to believe
To start walking again
If I will always be afraid of stumbling
With another like you

'2032': Track 24 – Continuation of Self

We’ve hit a dead end
We’ve got a problem in our search for the meaning
Of the inner “self”
Of all the sentient beings:
But, just like always,
There are thoughts that seem so crazy,
As if everything around us
Was just a meaningless bunch of substances.
And we are going
To the other extreme:
If everyone in the world
Sees everything in the same colors,
Then it seems that it’s so easy
To find the life’s path for all at once
In the shine of their happy eyes!
Will draw our world in such a way that
The people will love and perceive each other as a continuation of self
The whole world will become a single organism
Will be no place for evil, envy and cynicism.

And what about life?
It’s following its own rules
Putting things on practice is wiser
Than arguing about the abstract ideas
And love will always be
Just a means of achieving happiness
And happiness can be achieved
In hundreds of different ways!
The change of formations,
Epochs and ideas
Has paved us hundreds of ways
But, just like before,
In the life of every person,
Most people are always
Just decorations of the daily routines!

Are not meant to build our world in such a way that
The people will love and perceive each other as a continuation of self
I’m not going to cry about it:
Are following the natural path!
Even though, the door to the past is already closed,
And there will be no turn back, believe me!
Maybe, now it’s time for us to risk
And try to find the path we have drawn?

Washing my hands here!
In case you'd like to share my translation by reposting it somewhere, credit me, please. It would be great if you also left a link to the source. Thank you.

Burning Barn

They say burning a barn burns to fear until the chicken out of it
Cracks all around the walls and the roof hot that hey
Run it there a waste of time, because
barn on fire and some people in it are,
Soltys probably already called almost half the village, and help you.
Burning barn, the alarm continues, we are at the bottom.
Why should I take the bagpipe bellows?
So grab a bucket in his hand as I run out of breath and I can see there at:
Burning eyes and temples, playing with the crowd, perhaps a hundred pairs,
This mayor his daughter in marriage today given
Wife burns to the groom - a splendid fellow.
Lacked space in the home, father and father in law wanted to accommodate village -
In his barn took the ball, and I danced ....
Yes, they can burn the barn every day ...
They say burning a barn burns to fear until the chicken out of it
Cracks all around the walls and the roof hot that hey
This mayor his daughter in marriage today given
Wife burns to the groom - a splendid fellow.
Lacked space in the home, father and father in law wanted to accommodate village -
In his barn took the ball, and I danced ....
Yes, they can burn the barn every day ...


I have aces in my sights that jinx on me
My carcass missing of their registers and their cadaster
My face framed in their lists and their basements
The genetic code that betrays each time I move
Under absurd links on the front page, I'm decked out
To explain the origins of my sequelaes
I have the right to my lighter and my cultural essence
The rest is readable and the muzzles are following
Between the wound and the acid, and the pile of missives
The lucidity's winning but doesn't prevent the drifts
The carrot, the horsewhip guarantee the offensive

Slack off mom

Oh Mother, on every woman
you always find a bad flaw
and that's why you don't want any
to be your daughter in law.
I used to have many women
but now they're getting away
cause I listen to you so much
about the flaws that you say
You say of Mary that she is scary
and about Carrie that she is wary
and about Jean that she's too clean
of Kathleen that she's too mean
You say of Nancy that she is fancy
and about Ellen that she's a fellon
and about Kim that she's too slim
and about Kelly that she is smelly
You say of Alice that she is callous
and about Julie that she is drooly
and about Shirley that she is curly
and about Joan that she is too grown
You say of Rose she has a big nose
and about Judy that she's too moody
and about Tammy that she is clammy
and about Jane that she's too vain
You say of Lori that she is hoary
You say of Bonnie that she is scrawny
You say of Ruby that she is booby
You say of Peggy that she is leggy
And neither Karen and neither Sharon
neither Teresa neither Melissa
neither Christine and neither Pauline
and neither Dorothy are really worthy
Slack off mom!
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Licky and Lickme

Licky and Lickme are good friends,
That's why they're always together,
They work without complaints
Licky at the day and Lickme at night
They went to a prestigious hotel,
But there was only one bed,
'let's see if you sort it out' said the maid
Licky on the floor and Lickme on the bed
Licky and Lickme made a stew,
Licky brought potatos and Lickme the sausage
They took everything from a chestnut tree
Licky some branches and Lickme the nuts
And this is the end of the story
of two friends Licky and Lickme.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My three neighbours

I have three neighbours, three sisters, three sisters
and for them my heart goes out of its way
Chita, the prettiest, what a doll
Chona so charming, she's an angel
Chuda the brawniest, she's so cool
with Chita, with Chona, with Chuda, 1
with one of them I'll get married.
when I date with Chita I say a thousand words of love
and if I date with Chona my heart makes believe
but if I'm with Chona, she shelters in my passion
with Chita, with Chona, with Chuda,
with one of them I'll get married.
with Chita, with Chona, with Chuda,
and my decision delays.
  • 1. sound the same as 'conchita, conchona, conchuda' (little cunt, big cunt, huge cunt)
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

A chubby flea

The flea is a specimen
that is catched everywhere
and always use to sting
where you can't scratch
Maria was stung
by a chubby flea
and she spent the night
scratching her spot
What a spot did to Maria
that damned chubby flea
he stung her in a relevant place
and she can't put on disinfectant
Poor Maria she's scared
because the spot became too red
she scratches so much the poor one
and the more she scratches the more it itches
Maria's husband
brought her some powders
and happily he explained
it would kill the fleas
Bur she said 'I don't know
if it's so easy to tame it
I'm amazed Jose
that a powder can kill it'
And everything ended
with an eloquent final
with a powder he put in her
both slept peacefully
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Fou you to think a while

The human being, sirs
is owner of a hole,
some have it big
there are medium-sized and little.
Some have it hairy
others have it hairless,
there are those who make it bigger
of putting their fingers on it.
It's an important place
that it's always so dark,
what inside is very soft
outside is hard.
In Lucia's one broke out
a painful zit,
she scratched so much
and left it without hair
Mrs Cata happily
told that Mr Juanito
using some drops
opened up the hole.
To the ill willed
I leave you a happy endind,
the hole is found
well placed in the nose.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

How pretty gets the field

It seems it's going to rain 1
it started now, it started now. 2
It seems it's going to rain
it started now, it started now.
How pretty gets the field
when the rain wets it
the soil will be soft
to bury the onion.
It seems it's going to rain
it started now, it started now.
So sang Mr Paco Peco
because he had his field dry.
'Long live the rain' he shouted happy
because for a long time it wasn't wet
his long leather strip was hard
always by lack of soaking
but in the way the rain was coming
surely it would get softer.
It seems it's going to rain
it started now, it started now.
How pretty gets the field
when the rain wets it
the soil will be soft
to bury the onion.
It seems it's going to rain
with downpours, with downpours. 3
  • 1. 'llover-gar' is a made up word using the word 'llover' (rain) and adding the suffix 'gar' to say 'verga' (slang for penis)
  • 2. in 'largo ya' is hidden the word 'argolla' (iron ring, also a slang for vagina)
  • 3. in 'con chaparrones' is hidden the word 'concha' (another slang for vagina)
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

My girlfriend is called Queca

My girlfriend is called Queca
and Gada is her last name
pronouncing it non-stop
I think is a hassle 1
but what irritates me
and increases my misfortune
is my last name Verdura
imagine the joke
of calling herself married
Queca Gada de Verdura 2
I'm seeing a lawyer
who's leaving me broke
to fix this thing
of bad thought names
I have a kilo wasted
in lots of papers
and this idiotic doctor
wants to call me Tocino
and to call my wife
Queca Gada de Tocino 3
I changed my last name again
and we broke the engagement
but soon luck wanted
to fall in love again
and without asking anything
I married like a stupid
and the patience explodes me
because my wife is now
the sweet and beautiful Mrs
Conche Tina de Ricota 4
  • 1. 'Que cagada' means 'what a crappy'
  • 2. 'What a crappy vegetable'
  • 3. 'What a crappy bacon'
  • 4. 'Cunt of Ricota'
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This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The spot of your sister

Yesterday doing custody,
I had a complex case
you came with your sister,
and I was left puzzled,
and I was left puzzled,
and I was left puzzled,
and I was left puzzled,
and I was left puzzled.
I started to check her out,
I did it with good will
and there I found out,
the spot of your sister.
The spot of your sister,
the spot of your sister,
the spot of your sister,
the spot of your sister.
Everyone wants to look at
the spot of your sister.
Look how gets bigger
the spot of your sister.
We must cure
the spot of your sister.
Everyone wants to look at
the spot of your sister.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Pancrasia's cough

For coughing a lot Pancrasia
went to the doctor with her mom
and after checking her out
he started to ask
- Mistress. does your daughter spit?
When and where please.
- Only at night
and in the bed, doctor.
- Take out the tongue girl,
Pancrasia showed it.
- She has it very dirty
because of the heat
- We gotta take the measures!
Said the mother next
- A very long measure
that she can handle
Pancrasia followed the advice
and the fever didn't get lower.
At night she was hot
and never ended being it.
The disease became bigger
in her woman body
Now she spits in the night
and also in the morning!
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.


Today's your birthday dear mother
today's your birthday, I want to sing to you
this song born here in my chest
full of adoration, faith and hope.
Today's your birthday dear mother
that's why I bring you my white flowers
flowers I went picking by the road
going down the mountain this morning.
Mom, I come from far away
to bring you my gift
I'm a dreamer and I have
kisses flowers and songs.
Kisses, to your holy forehead
flowers, to adorn your grey hair,
and I bring my songs
to cheer your soul up.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The injection

A girl told me
she suffered of the heart
for me to cure her disease
I prescribed her an injection.
She said 'who'll put it on me?'
with great worry
and I said 'girl,
I'll put it in you'
When I stuck the needle in her
she started to complain
I said 'don't move
or you'll break it'
The older sister came
and said 'what did I saw?
before the girl suffers
please stick the needle in me'
The father was listening
and shouted 'what have you done?'
I talked to him so much
and I stuck it in him too
The big brother came
his name was Ramon
I stuck it on him already
because he was a fairy
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Long live work

Work, work, work
Is an advice I want to give you
My father worked a lot
and now he's retired,
as he worked so much
honestly, I'm tired.
Work is health
and dignifies us all,
I don't doubt it dignifies
but it's prejudicial to me.
As I have no job
and I didn't learn to do anything
the day I get married,
may my wife works.
When they offer me a job
sincerily, I tell them:
the first thing I do,
is recommending a friend.
We should reform
the calendary, sir,
and let all the year to be
labour day.
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

The dentures

Diana has three teeth
and when she eats beans
they get away on one side
or they scape on the other
And the mother told her
it was natural
'Your dad has them all
and they scape anyway
I told you many times
and you don't want to understand
that until they don't put it in you
you won't solve it'
They put it in her completely
they done her a good job
but the lower part
is all wrecked
The friends told her
it was no test
and she had to bear it
until she had callus
And now very happy
says so smiley
that she suffered a lot at first
but now she doesn't feel it
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Story of a tie

Since the day he saw it
he thought it would be his
'until I don't put it on
I won't stop' he said
The day came and he put it on
what a bitter delusion
so sadly he said
'I thought it was longer'
Though he still likes it
if it's short he doesn't mind
because the prettiest part
is very thick
The years went passing
and after using it so much
the weary poor one
became wrinkled
Yesterday for the last time
he tried to use it and dhe couldn't
because that old tie
got broke when doing the knot
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

There's a peculiar noise

There's a peculiar noise,
(I said peculiar and I don't stop)1
That in secret slips
and though it doesn't sympathizes us
because of moral reasons,
its musical variety
causes laughter to anyone.
Sometimes is like a trill,
other times is like a moan,
and sometimes is so violent
what when it comes out it rips
according to who executes
and also the instrument.
If that musical note,
is made by some old woman,
is no sigh nor moan,
is more like a burp,
that when it leaves its pipe
it gets lost without a trace.
But if she's strong and fat
and eats lots of beans,
it seems the fuss
of their musical notes like
a thousand fireworks,
with sounds of broken glasses.
  • 1. A similar term is 'pa culiar' which means 'for having anal sex'
Creative Commons License
This translation by Diazepan Medina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.