Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 7

Număr de rezultate: 217


Rămâi tânăr

Oh, nu-ţi pierde acea lumină din ochi,
Nu eşti niciodată prea bătrân să iubeşti, nu este niciodată prea târziu să încerci
Când cineva are nevoie de tine, dă-le tot ce poţi da,
Când trăieşti să iubeşi şi iubeşti să trăieşti.
Rămâi tânăr, păstrează-ţi roţile-n mişcare
Ai obţinut tot ce ai nevoie
Rămâi tânăr, cu rock’n rollul tău
Cele mai bune lucruri în viaţă sunt gratis.
Oh, nu te simţi ca şi cum faci pe prostul?
Doar ieşi afară din rând şi rupe regulile,
Nu-i lăsa să-ţi spună :” nu e pentru tine”
Nu îmbătrâni înainte să fii dator.
Rămâi tânăr, păstrează-ţi roţile-n mişcare
Ai obţinut tot ce ai nevoie
Rămâi tânăr, cu rock’n rollul tău
Cele mai bune lucruri în viaţă sunt gratis.


Ţine-te de mine
Nu-mi da drumul
Cui îi pasă ce văd ei ?
Cui îi pasă ce ştiu ei ?
Prenumele tău e Liber
Numele tău e Tate
Alegem să credem
În locul din care ne tragem
Florile roşii ale omului
Sunt în toate fiinţele vii
Minte, foloseşte-ţi puterea
Spirit, foloseşte-ţi aripile
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Ţine-te de mine
Nu-mi da drumul
Maimuţele trebuie să mănânce
Fugi, antilopă
Prenumele tău e Re
Numele tău e Gat
Pentru că tu crezi
În toată lumea
Când un copil vine pe lume
Când noaptea se-mbină cu răsăritul
Când balena sare prin apă
Când omul ne recunoaşte
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Provenim din căldură
Minunea electrică
Eşti şocat să vezi
Că ne-a lăsat Soarele ?
Atomii din aer
Organismele din mare
Soarele şi, aşa e, omul
Sunt făcuţi din acelaşi aluat
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !
Libertate !

Un Cant de Bauta

Vinu-i el prelins pe buze
Iar dragostea-i ea prelinsa-n cel vaz
Asta-i tot ce-avem noi in cunoastere drept adevar
Inainte de-a ne trece cei ani si noi a pieri.
Eu cel pahar la gura-l duc
Te privesc pe tine si-n suspin ma regasesc

An old man carried the boy

An old man carried the child,
yet the child ruled the old man.
Him whom the virgin had borne
- after which she remained for ever a virgin -
she herself worshipped.
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.

Inima-mi tresalta!

Inima-mi tresalta , la intrevederea
Unui curcubeu in inalt
Asa fost-a , cand viata-mi incepu'
Asa-i acum , eu's barbat
Asa sa fie, cand am a-ncarunti ,
De nu,... lasa-ma a ma stinge !
'Copilulu-i... pilonul Omului ce va sa fie'
Si-as putea a-mi dori zilele-mi a fi
Legate una de alta , de lumina evlavioasa

Mi-aş vrea veşmântul rupt din cerul pur

Mi-aş vrea veşmântul rupt din cerul pur,
Ţesut din aur şi argint şi umbre,
Tivit cu soare, noapte şi azur,
Şi cu paing de raze şi penumbre,
Şi la picioare-aş vrea să ţi-l aştern,
Dar sunt sărac – şi nu am decât vise!
Să calci uşor când visele se cern,
Căci calci pe vise – şi pot fi ucise!

Love Story

How difficult it is
drying love's insatiable source
telling the story of a moment's pleasure
laughing joyfully every time the heart feels
a great pain.
How wonderful it is
that after the summer's rain, the sun appears,
and the pavement acquires the brilliance of patent leather
also your smile giving me back the fantasy
the one yesterday I lost.
How wonderful it is
feeling my heart
beating like that, filled with emotion
being able to hear your sweet voice
kissing you with passion and caressing you
and not losing even a moment
of being your great love.
How beautiful it is
you're with me at the dawning of the day
being able to unite the sweet hours of our love
[the love] which has shaken my heart nights and days
uniting the sweet hours of our love
[the love] which has shaken my heart nights and days...

Sonnet 15: Noticing That All That Arises

Noticing that all that arises in this world
fully flowers for only a little while,
and that all around me is an immense stage
on which are revealed the hidden powers of fate,
and also that all, men just like a flowers,
grow and decline under the same sky,
in youth full of vigor, then bowed by the weight of years
and departing into bottomless oblivion,
while musing how everything vanishes,
your youth’s beauty appears to me in my imagination,
but even now Time conspires with Decay
to turn youth and daylight into senility and darkness.
But I wage war with Time, out of love for you,
And what he would rob, I will preserve for you.

Bolnavul Trandafir

O tu trandafirule , cel ce palit te intrezari
Nevazutul virus'
Ce cutreiera in noapte
Prin naprasnica furtuna
Gasit-a cel asternut
De catifelata fericire
Iar a sa intunecata secreta iubire
Duce la distrugerea celei vieti

Far Out

[Verse 1]
I dreami like no one else (ah, ooh)
Send it on to my cherubs (ooh, ah)
Keep myself out of it and indoor (ah, ooh)
Make sure that no one asks (ooh, ah)
[Build 1]
I sweep nothing
Under the rug the floor is shining
All in all I feel perfect, oh
Cause this is too far out for
This not to be comfortable enough
This is too far out for
For this not to be comfortable enough
[Verse 2]
The golden ratio has been found on the picture I took
So I'll never waste my time again
My feeling has found itself a tender peace
That could probably never be bought on line
[Build 2]
No matter how long I have[?] to think
I don't regret any, not any time, la-la
Cause this is too far out for
This not to be comfortable enough
This is too far out for
For this not to be comfortable enough
What if it came to a halt
Before we got to see it
Then we couldn't see the difference
Between them and that
[Verse 3]
The apple doesn't fall far from the three, I say
I sit down and get settled, stay right here
My inside has been promoted
And send to heaven far before time was up, yeah
Cause this is too far out for
This not to be comfortable enough
This is too far out for
For this not to be comfortable enough

From Somewhere

Strange sky, strange stars
As endless as eternity
I'm constantly looking
For my past in the distance
From somwhere, a melody of love is coming across the sea
My heart ist filled with longing and pain
I will never forget the time we spent together
My fairytale of happiness, please, do come back to me
Don't let me be alone
I didn't know that my heart would break one day
Why am I so alone?
From somwhere, this melody of love will come across the sea
Even if you haven't thought about anymore for a long time
I will never forget this time
My fairytale of happiness, please, do come back to me
Don't let me be alone
I didn't know that my heart would break one day
Why am I so alone?
From somwhere, this melody of love will come across the sea
Even if you haven't thought about anymore for a long time
I will never forget this time
I will never forget this time

Ratacit-am singuratec precum un nor

Ratacit-am singuratec precum un nor
Ce planeaza pe culme peste vai si dealuri ,
Cand indata , zarit-am o multime
O oaste de narcise aurii
Alaturea lacului, sub copaci
Fluturand si dansand in briza
Necontenit precum stelele ce lucesc
Si sclipesc in galaxie
In coloana ele se adunara
De-a lungul golfului
Zeci de mii vazut-am eu la o privire
Afundandu-se in vioaie dansuri
Valurile-n spatele lor , dansau , insa ei
Intrecut-au vasnetele valuri in bucurie
Un poet nu poate a fi mai fericit
In asa o minunata companie
Am privit si admirat ...insa putin gandit-am
'Ce bogatie spectacolul adusa-mi mie!? |'
Pentru fiece data , cand pe canapeaua-mi stau
Liber, ori ganditor
Strafung in acea interioara auto-critica
CARE-I acordul singuratatii
Iar dupa toate cele inima-mi , cu placere se umple
Si danseaza printre narcise

On The Hearth/Night Of Action

On The Hearth A Fire Burns
And In The House It Is Warm
And The Rabbi Is Teaching Little Children
The Alphabet
And The Rabbi Is Teaching Little Children
The Alphabet
See Children Remember Dear Ones
What You Learn Here
Repeat And Repeat Yet Again
Komets-Alef O!
Repeat And Repeat Yet Again
Komets-Alef O!


Don't let it be at our expense
Everyone's betrayed, so lets compromise
But don't let it be at our expense
We'll walk right through the criticism
No reason to be cross with everything when everything's against you
And why would we hide behind things we don't really mean?
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could...
No mouth will be able to say what it heard as it saw that the others didn't listen
And no moment will perish from my head just because of my spirit won't repress it
Don't let it be at our expense
We disagree and we're at the middle
So don't let it be at our expense
We've conquered the entire principle
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
We could laugh along once more
Although we don't know how, yeah
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

When the sun was there

Versions: #2
When the sun was there upon our vacations1
When it would glide in our hearts
So much warmth
It all came from it
Our promises, our affection, our love
When the sun was there upon our vacations
When we'd leave to collect
We thought not
That the laughter, the smiles
The worry and the dances of the beautiful days
That doesn't last forever
When the sun was here, would the beach bathe
When the sea would sully all our kisses
It was as though this dream were ending
Yes I hope to experience2 it again next year
And everything will begin anew, ah, ah, ah
For love is [never] forgotten, ah, ah, ah
And the sun will be there, there, there!
  • 1. Or 'holidays' in British English
  • 2. Lit. 'do again'

Get Perfect

In a universe with the taste of newer life
Melancholic, and the ulterior motive is aggressive
Blood in my mouth, goosebumps
Almost borderline frostbites
That's entirely fair from toe to top
Lay down and fill your lung
Young body needs to get its party on today
The foundation has been made, and different strokes for different folks, yeah
Millimeters from my deep sleep
Are you in? Screwing a man over1
Deeper than the bottom which you yourself decide where
It stops, or if it stays where you are
You've got your feelers on, and then we're alike
Early evenings will become mornings late
Interpret yourself and do it through the sound
The one giving your attitude a full stop
'What's happening?'
'Cause there are only a few things we get perfect2
(Get perfect, get perfect, get perfect)
'Cause there are only a few things we get perfect
(Get perfect, get perfect, get perfect)
'Cause there are only a few things we get perfect
'Cause there are only a few things we get perfect
'Cause there are only a few things we get perfect
(Get perfect, get perfect, get perfect)
Bull's-eye without diluting anything
An easy message, trying to sing in the language
Luggage full of flesh and blood
They can't see through my fucking head
Yeah yeah. so let me play as I am
Anything else would be trouble
For me, for me, for me
'Cause I've read your nasty face
So I, so I, so I
They think it'll visibly change
But nothing ends recently
With the way we do it, and the passing of time in the women's city life
The cups effervesce
Open minds when they're intoxicated
Often gathering when eyes see that one of the heads got hurt
Yeah, we're standing in line for the same things as them
Aiming confidently as they strike back
'Cause there are only a few things we get perfect
(Get perfect, get perfect, get perfect)
'Cause there are only a few things we get perfect
(Get perfect, get perfect, get perfect)
'Cause there are only a few things we get perfect
(Get perfect, get perfect, get perfect)
  • 1. Not sure this line is correctly transcribed
  • 2. The line literally means 'strike / hit perfectly,' which is a little tricky to translate, but 'get perfect' should do the job.
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Te grăbești

Am spus că e ultima oară
Ultima oară, noaptea trecută, ochii de sticlă
Dulce, dulce viciu
Ai boteza
Mintea mea incă o dată
Poți să mă duci acolo diseară?
Arată-mi o lumină
Du-mă în paradis
Vino să mă readuci înapoi la viată
E doar o mică grabă
Eu vin de fiecare dată când ne atingem
E doar o mică grabă
Este ca și cum orice aș face depinde de tine
Am nevoie de binecuvântarea ta (nu pot renunța la ea, nu)
Nu te pot lăsa singură (Ești tu, am fost așa, deci?)
E doar o mică grabă
Este ca și cum orice aș face depinde de ține
Am discuții cu îngerii, visătorii și demonii
Doar încerc să trag o raită în oraș
Înapoi la viziunea altui om
Poți să mă duci acolo diseară?
Arată-mi o lumină
Du-mă în paradis
Vino să mă readuci înapoi la viată
E doar o mică grabă
Eu vin de fiecare dată când ne atingem
E doar o mică grabă
Este ca și cum orice aș face depinde de ține
Am nevoie de binecuvântarea ta (nu pot renunța la ea, nu)
Nu te pot lăsa singură (Ești tu, am fost așa, deci?)
E doar o mică grabă
Este ca și cum orice aș face depinde de tine
Nu pot dormi așa
Am fost pe tine
Văd că frunzele tale cad
Nu pot să respir niciodată,
Sunt în jurul tău
Cât de greu poate fi?
Oh, spune-mi
E doar o mică grabă
Eu vin de fiecare dată când ne atingem
E doar o mică grabă
Este ca și cum orice aș face depinde de tine
Am nevoie de binecuvântarea ta (nu pot renunța la ea, nu)
Nu te pot lăsa singură (Ești tu, am fost așa, deci?)
E doar o mică grabă
Este ca și cum orice aș face depinde de ține
Depinde de tine
Am spus că depinde de tine
Depinde de tine
Depinde de tine

By the light of a woman

I knew a woman
one misty day in my life.
A woman, a music
beautiful as languor1 itself.
And her heart spoke to me
better than whispered words would.
I felt good, as if
I had already loved her
a whole life.
By the light of a woman
I rested my life.
I dreamt of her so many times.
By the light of a woman
I see my nights shining
in the coat of her arms2

Just like a
priceless gift3,
between chance and oblivion,
in the land of her skin
my insomnia are easier to live through.
I live for her, and she for me4.

For this woman, I even
hurt and betrayed
friends, other women lost
around the corner of my life.
Never mind!

And her eyes are lakes
whence I draw the truth,
the love on her face
is a guiding sun.
With her scent in the night
to get on her track5
and her smile in the morning
to lighten my day,
I come alive again.
By the light of a woman
I rested my life.
I dreamt of her so many times.
By the light of a woman
I see my nights shining
into infinity, her and me6

Just like a
priceless gift,
a modern legend,
in the land of her skin
my insomnia are easier to live through.
I came to terms with myself7

For this woman's sake
I rid myself of my desires.
In the blue sky of her soul
I found my harmony.

By the light of a woman
I laid down my life.
By the light of a woman
I found today
an endless path
where the sun grows and,
with my hand in hers
I think I get a hold on my life.

  • 1. 'mélancolie' can carry a somewhat positive undertone, contrary to 'melancholy', but I can't find a really good match for it
  • 2. The pun on 'coat of arms' is accidental but I couldn't resist the temptation! It's really about a piece of clothing here
  • 3. lit. 'a gift that would be priceless'
  • 4. The English might be broken there. Please let me know if I shall put back the 'lives'
  • 5. lit. 'In the night, [there is] her scent that helps me find her back, [and there is] her smile in the morning to lighten my day. I come alive again'. This is poetic register, a direct translation would defeat the purpose of the original. Instead, I rephrased the stanza to try to convey the general mood
  • 6. can also be read as 'her and me [stretching] to infinity'
  • 7. lit. 'I made peace with me' (the use of 'moi' is a bit peculiar, as if he was facing a distinct part of him), but the meaning is more like 'I accepted myself'
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.


Dance with me, on this beat
If you like it too much, sing oh oh oh oh
Come to the beach, to have the party.
About the music
Dance with me, on this beat
If you like it too much, sing oh oh oh oh
Come to the beach, to have the party.
about the music
dance dance dance dance
We're back. it's gone.
Lyloo Willy in dance
100 % connect to the DJ for your ambiance
That's the way it is.
Shyness fades
You can't hold your place anymore.
the bass she put you in a trance
Dance la la la la la la
Yeh, yeh. Yeh.
Dance with me, on this beat
If you like it too much, sing oh oh oh oh
Come to the beach, to have the party.
about the music
If you're mad, we don't care tonight.
We'll explain the technique,
You're running the show.
Make yourself comfortable.
Is your can be sexy?
And I'm gonna be a big girl.
No time for fuss
Tell me if you know
Dance la la la la la la
Ouuuuh ouh....
Dance with me, on this beat
If you like it too much, sing oh oh oh oh
Come to the beach, to have the party.
about the music
(Hey Lyloo and Willy William
Can't stay calm)
Move your hair and do your show
Turn up the sound in your radio
Dance, dance
Dance with me, on this beat
If you like it too much, sing oh oh oh oh
Come to the beach, to have the party.
about the music
Dance with me, on this beat
If you like it too much, sing oh oh oh oh
Come to the beach, to have the party.
about the music
Dance dance dance

Bright Moon Shines On Clean Heart

Looking up at the bright moon
I have melancholy in the light of my heart
But my heart is as bright as snow,brighter than the moon
I get used to be carried away by cool breeze
I never cry or laugh inside
It`s because I`m really tried
But you keep dead heart still beating
It made me cry
Others envy me to live it up
But God always makes fun of me.
When our love is strong, the fate has come to an end
I cried crazily in pain.
Looking up at the half moon
Like a knife, it cuts out the heart
Now I'm as quiet as a blade.
Never remember to cry and laugh again
Others envy me to live it up
But God always makes fun of me.
When our love is strong, the fate has come to an end
I cried crazily in pain.
Looking up at the half moon
Like a knife, it cuts out the heart
Now I'm as quiet as a blade.
Never remember to cry and laugh again

Don't return

If you come here
Come alone, come here naked, come here new
Don't return
But come for the first time
Without promises and without lies
And I'll let you in
Bitterness is
A safe but lonely room
I've locked that door
I'll wait for you
Without longing for
Everything that was and could have been
If you come here
Come alone, come here naked, come here new
Don't return
But come for the first time
Without promises and without lies

Râule albastru ...

Râule albastru, mai lat decât o milă
Pe apa ta lină, alunecă visele,
Oh, ce minunat
Îmi ochești inima,
Mereu te-am admirat, mă întreb dacă te-aş vedea ...
Dacă mă așez aici lângă tine,
Lumea asta mare încape și aici,
Curcubeul se întinde peste noi
Te pregătești deja pentru drum,
Din nou pornești la drum
Oh, dragul meu fluviu.
Râule albastru, mai lat decât o milă
Pe apa ta lină, alunecă visele,
Oh, ce minunat
Îmi ochești inima,
Mereu te-am admirat, mă întreb dacă te-aş vedea ...
Dacă mă așez aici lângă tine,
Lumea asta mare încape și aici
Curcubeul multicolor se întinde peste noi
Te pregătești deja pentru drum
Din nou pornești la drum
Oh, dragul meu fluviu.
Dana Kósa


In silence, when we were together
You showed me your love
I believed in you, left me without doubt
I never realised each time I was with you
How you hurt me when I found out that you
Swapped me without a second thought
Heartbreak, no words can describe the bitterness inside me
You vilely betrayed me
Now I need you no longer – listen to what I’m gonna tell you
Now your failings don’t count any more – that’s enough
Now I’ve learnt not to make the same mistake
You thought I was using you, wasting your time
That’s where you went wrong
How you hurt me when I found out that you
Swapped me without a second thought
Heartbreak, no words can describe the bitterness inside me
You vilely betrayed me
Now I need you no longer – listen to what I’m gonna tell you
Now your failings don’t count any more – that’s enough
Now I’ve learnt not to, not to ever make the same mistake
Now, the bitterness inside me, you vilely betrayed me
Now I’ve learnt not to make the same mistake

Sonet 110 / CX

Vai, adevăru-i c-am vagabondat
Şi-am îmbrăcat veşmînt de arlechin,
Ce mi-a fost drag prea ieftin am schimbat:
Noua iubire în străvechi declin.
Aşa e, calea dreaptă am privit
Cu îndoială şi ciudat, dar, zău,
Sufletul meu, astfel, a-ntinerit –
Iubire bună a crescut din rău.
Ce-a fost s-a dus, am azi nemărginirea
Iar poftele în mine n-or mai creşte,
N-am să mai pun la încercări iubirea
Acelui zeu ce nu mă amăgeşte.
Al doilea rai mi-e sufletul iubit,
Primeşte-mă în el cu bun-venit.

Sonet 101/ CI

Muză hoinară, ce canon să-ţi dau
Cînd negi că-i adevăr întru splendoare?
Frumos şi adevăr alături stau
În dragoste. Acceptă, prin urmare.
Răspunde, Muză, nu-i aşa că spui:
„Vrei să vopseşti un adevăr? E-n van:
Nu pensula va da culoarea lui,
Iar binelui mai binele-i duşman”.
„Ce e frumos nu trebuie slăvit”?,
De-aceea taci? Dar ce-i frumos e-n tine,
Mai trainic decît dac-ar fi zidit.
În veac va fi slăvit cum se cuvine.
Te-nvăţ cum să-mplineşti menirea ta:
Ce e frumos, păstrează, nu schimba.