Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Maria de Fátima Bravo - Lisboa é Assim versuri traducere în engleză


This is Lisbon

Old roof tiles atop,
And clothes hanging to dry,
The ascending stairways,
Windows blooming with flowers,
And the Tagus singing
The fisherwoman passes by,
Calling for fresh fish
Along with the sun that adores
And the fado that cries,
This is Lisbon!
A joke is told in Guia,
Running though Alfama and Mouraria,
Quickly arriving in Madragoa
There it goes like crazy
Spreading from mouth to mouth
Through the neighbourhoods of Lisbon
They say this city is big, up there
But if it's big, it doesn't seem like so.
On the street constantly,
From Benfica to São Vicente,
Everybody knows each other.
The window opens,
There on the fourth floor
Someone looking cheerful
Comes down from the third floor
Ready to have a look.
The gossip starts,
And everything goes from there
And so in this manner,
From the entire building
No one can escape!

Mai multe traduceri de versuri din acest artist: Maria de Fátima Bravo

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