Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Traduceri de versuri în română și engleză pagină 30

Număr de rezultate: 107625



Aquamarine, honey, dive into me
I'm not hiding anymore, I won't hide
The world is my oyster, baby, come touch the pearl
The world is my oyster, and I'm the only girl

I'm dancing in my own reflection
I'm a ray of light
I'm transforming and realigning
I'll take you with me high, high, high, high

Aquamarine, honey dive into me
I'm not hiding anymore
I won't hide
I'm free

Swimming in the sea with the salt in my hair
Kissed by the sun, it's a love affair
Heart of the ocean around my neck
Don't have to say it, you know what's next

I'm transforming and realigning
I'll take you with me high, high, high, high

Give me (More, more, more)
Give me (More, more, more)
Give me (More, more, more)
Give me (More, more, more)
Gi-i-ive me-me-me

Aquamarine, honey, dive into me (More, more, more)
I'm not hiding anymore (More, more, more)
I won't hide (More, more, more)
Aquamarine, honey, dive into me (More, more, more)
I'm not hiding anymore (More, more, more)
I won't hide (More, more, more)

I'm free


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Mâinile pe genunchi, ei nu au mai văzut mișcări ca și astea
Frumoasă și curată, corp A1 dar vorbesc atât de dur
El mă place
Am spus: 'Doamne iartă-mă, oh
Am spus: 'Nu îmi place să implor, dar sunt în genunchi'
Nu te juca cu mine
Ia cheile
Petrecerea de după între cearceafuri
Camera de sus, el trăiește intr-o vilă
Te fac să spui: 'Te rog'
'Te rog'
Nu sunt ușoară, dar sunt frumoasă
Sunt doar un om, toți avem nevoi

Deschis 24 de ore din 24, nu e nevoie de cămașă sau pantofi
Mănâncă-ți inima, corpul meu este un bufet
Mănâncă-mi păsărica, băiete, nu mă suna
Nu pot fi singura și unica ta iubită, nu azi, ha
Spune-i acelei fete că am trupele mele pe urmele ei, yeah
Am auzit că e o fană, yeah
Vino si ia-ti iubitul, uh, da
La naiba, nu te pot suporta
Modul în care ai în ea, nu pot sta în picioare, da
Am înnebunit, yeah
Piersici, banane
Și acum mă vrei doar pentru tine, nu te poți abține când

Mâinile pe genunchi, ei nu au mai văzut mișcări ca și astea
Frumoasă și curată, corp A1 dar vorbesc atât de dur
El mă place
Am spus: 'Doamne iartă-mă, oh
Am spus: 'Nu îmi place să implor, dar sunt în genunchi'
Nu te juca cu mine
Ia cheile
Petrecerea de după între cearceafuri
Camera de sus, el trăiește intr-o vilă
Te fac să spui: 'Te rog'
'Te rog'
Nu sunt ușoară, dar sunt frumoasă
Sunt doar un om, toți avem nevoi

Sunt doar un om, toți avem nevoi
(Na-na-na, na-na-na)

Mori Puțin

Click to see the original lyrics (English)


Uneori nu pot, dar mi s-a spus că trebuie să respir
Viața asta nu e ceva pentru cineva ca tine și ca mine
Ne lăsăm prinși în lucruri de care nu avem nevoie
O mulțime de timp irosit, ce mai așteptăm?
Căutând ceva în cineva fără suflet
Alergând în cercuri pentru că nu știu să renunț
Încep să simt că nu există nicio șansă de a reuși
O mulțime de timp pierdut, ce aștept?

Bea, fumează, dansează, distrează-te un pic
Sex, schimbă, călărește, mori puțin
Bea, fumează, dansează, distrează-te un pic
Sex, schimbă, călărește, mori puțin

Acum, când te duci la pământ
Asigură-te că te îți iei tocurile
Te rog, ia-ți tocurile
Dacă o faci cu picioarele înțepenite
Nu o vei face niciodată
Cui îi place să petreacă?

Cine are camera? Iau ce îmi place
Cine are, cine are iarba pe care aș vrea sa o fumez
Am nevoie de destulă ca să țină tot timpul
Să țină toată noaptea, să țină toată viața
Cine are camera? Iau ce îmi place
Cine are, cine are iarba pe care aș vrea sa o fumez
Am nevoie de destulă ca să țină tot timpul
Să țină toată noaptea, să țină toată viața

Pornesc petrecerea care îți face corpul să se miște
Îmbrăcată în Givenchy și Cavalli
Vino și dansează, acești băieți mă vor
Vreau acel alb, vreau acel Bacardi
Pentru că e o noapte lungă
Dar nu e ușoară
Ai fost stresat
Încercând să faci totul bine
Vrei să renunți, să petreceri până dimineața
Vreau o geantă care, ceas plin de diamante
Am venit, am văzut, am nevoie de o ieșire
Fac pariul, pedala la pământ
Sunt șefa și o nucă dură
Vorbește cea mai bună, ei nu au ajuns la nivelul meu
Sunt ca o scoică, și nu e vorba de litoral
Sunt pe treaba mea, mă plictisesc foarte rar
Mă caută banii, trebuie să știi că am să plec
Am primul rând strângând
'Dă-ne mai mult'

Bam! Vrei mai mult? Yeah
Chiar vrei? Yeah
Cui îi place, cui îi place
Cui îi place, cui îi place
Cui îi place, cui îi place
Cui îi place să petreacă?

Bea, fumează, dansează, distrează-te un pic
Sex, schimbă, călărește, mori puțin
Bea, fumează, dansează, distrează-te un pic
Sex, schimbă, călărește, mori puțin

Am să-ți arăt cum e să dansezi
Aceasta este probabil partea mea preferată pentru că
Poți să fii liber

Crima Perfectă

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Repede, ce e mai bun decât mine?
Dar nu-mi pasă ce-mi spui
Da, stai și mă urmărești
Când vrei să fumezi, o poți obține gratis

[Versul 1]
Nu suna
Nu vreau să mă gândesc deloc la noi
Încă doare mult prea tare
De la cuțitul din pieptul meu pe care l-ai lăsat
Inima mea nu se vindecă

Poate că sunt masochistă
Nu mă pot abține să nu-mi placă
Doare atât de rău, doare atât de bine
Murind singură, nimeni nu va ști vreodată

Crima perfectă, mă omoară
Pentru că nimeni nu va vedea vreodată
Ce ai făcut, ai scăpat
Nu vei trăi niciodată o zi vinovat
Crima perfectă, crima, crima

Repede, ce e mai bun decât mine?
Dar nu-mi pasă ce-mi spui
Da, stai și mă urmărești
Când vrei să fumezi, o poți obține gratis

[Versul 2]
În cele din urmă nu voi mai avea nevoie de tine
Turnându-mi medicamente și tequila
Și șampanie, să știu când le amestec
Dacă nu trec de noaptea aceasta, tot voi câștiga
Sunt bine, încă un pahar, ia durerea mea
Joi seara, sticle gratis
Este scena unei...

Crima perfectă, mă omoară
Pentru că nimeni nu va vedea vreodată
Ce ai făcut, ai scăpat
Nu vei trăi niciodată o zi vinovat

[Versul 3]
Am nevoie de dragostea ta, am nevoie de atingerea ta
Am nevoie de un prieten
Am nevoie de o inimă, am nevoie de un puls
Pentru a respira din nou
(Nu, nu, nu, nu, nu)

Trăiesc în noapte, în lumina lunii
Da, vreau să mă simt în viață cu tine
Da, vreau să-mi mișc fundul în lumina lunii
Da, vreau să mă împac cu tine
Da, vreau să ne văd dansând în lumina lunii
Da, vreau să mă simt în viață cu tine
Da, vreau să ne vedem dansând în lumina lunii
Da, vreau să mă împac cu tine

Uh Huh

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Uh huh
Ești treaz? Te bagi?
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Mă vrei chiar acum?
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh (Uh-huh), uh-huh (Uh-huh)
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh (Uh-huh), uh-huh (Uh-huh)

[Versul 1]
Cum mă vezi sub toate astea?
Când te uiți la mine, cumva mă simt expusă
Și nu m-am așteptat niciodată că așa se va întâmpla
A fost doar pentru poveste, dar iubitule, m-am întors pentru mai mult
Și când fostul meu încearcă să mă sune înapoi, s-a terminat
Pentru că asta e ceea ce am așteptat

Uh huh
Ești treaz? Te bagi?
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Mă vrei chiar acum?
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh (Uh-huh), uh-huh (Uh-huh)
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh (Uh-huh), uh-huh (Uh-huh)

[Versul 2]
Nu te răzgândi
Nu mă voi juca cu mintea ta
Nu e nimic ce aș ascunde vreodată
Suntem împreună acum
Când spun că e sunt lângă, voi fi lângă tine
Nu am cum să nu alunec
Baby, lasă-mă să alunec

Ești treaz? Te bagi?
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Mă vrei chiar acum?
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh (Uh-huh), uh-huh (Uh-huh)
Uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh (Uh-huh), uh-huh (Uh-huh)

Din diamant în cărbune

Click to see the original lyrics (Norwegian)

Tre' să vezi cuptorul arzând înainte să te simți în siguranță
Cu un înger pe umăr și un diavol pe spate
Fugi prin pădure și prin poarta cimitirului
Tu poți prinde un tren, dar fugi rapid
Tu care puteai străluci ca un diamant
Dar ai ales să fi cărbunele ce-a ars

Privește-te acum, privește-te acum,
Privește-te acum, privește-te acum,
Cu un picior în groapă tu fugi, hai hai hai
A, eu așa te știu
Tu care puteai fi un diamant, dar în loc de asta ești cărbune
Acum fugi

Ai lăsat să ți se zică de câteva păcate
El care lovea cu pumnul și avea de spus multe
Oriunde stătea, stătea pe pământ sfânt
Nu se ridica nimeni din fântâna lui
E prea târziu acum, clopotele sună
Ține motorul pornit și fugi ca vântul

Privește-te acum, privește-te acum,
Privește-te acum, privește-te acum,
Cu un picior în groapă tu fugi, hai hai hai
A, eu așa te știu
Tu care puteai fi un diamant, dar în loc de asta ești cărbune
Acum fugi

Nu te opri din vâslit, trebuie să vâslești în barca ta
Până când mâinile îți îngheață și simți pulsul în răni
Treci peste iarnă și treci direct la primăvară
Iar cel ce nu s-a ascuns acum să se ridice în picioare
Merge cum merge, se întâmplă cum se intâmplă
Dacă ai fost împăiat și pus drept trofeu

Privește-te acum, privește-te acum,
Privește-te acum, privește-te acum,
Cu un picior în groapă tu fugi, hai hai hai
A, eu așa te știu
Tu care puteai fi un diamant, dar în loc de asta ești cărbune
Acum fugi
(De 3 ori)

Din diamant în cărbune, din diamant în cărbune


Always, you know, I’ll wait for you
If you call for me, I’ll come to you
As long as there’s a heartbeat I feel in my chest
It will be for you, only for you, my love!

Shhh! People
Wish for the harlequin show
The little song of fortune
Young lady, give a few coins to the parrot
Parrot, thank the lady
Shhh! People
The harlequin show is over
Parrot, parrot, let’s go home



Destiny separated our lives
But even far apart, we’ll be close inside
This love of ours
Is strong and will never die!

In my dreams, I’ll see you still
Wherever you are, with you I will
And in the air and in the things
All around me here
You will be there
Only you
Always you
Always, you know, I’ll wait for you
If you call for me, I’ll come to you
As long as there’s a heartbeat
I feel in my chest
It will be for you
Only for you
My love!

Always, you know, I’ll wait for you
If you call for me, I’ll come to you
As long as there’s a heartbeat
I feel in my chest
It will be for you
Only for you
My love!



This love of ours
Is strong and will never die!

In my dreams, I’ll see you still
Wherever you are, with you I will
And in the air and in the things
All around me here
You will be there
Only you
Always you
Always, you know, I’ll wait for you
If you call for me, I’ll come to you
As long as there’s a heartbeat
I feel in my chest
It will be for you
Only for you
My love!

Destiny separated our lives
But even far apart, we’ll be close inside
This love of ours
Is strong and will never die!

As long as there’s a heartbeat
I feel in my chest
It will be for you
Only for you
My love!


Eulalia Torricelli

The characters in this song
Were invented by the authors
If they resemble any real people
Please forgive us, dear folks
Here we’re talking about a certain lady
Who let herself be kissed one night
By a forest ranger
By the name of De Rossi Giosuè

You don’t know her
She has beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì
You don’t know her
She owns three castles
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì
One castle for eating
One castle for sleeping
One castle for loving
For loving De Rossi Giosuè
You don’t know her
She has beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì

Second part, second act
Eulalia has no rest
She says to De Rossi, “Let’s talk to my mother”
But he replies, “Oh, let it go!”
Then things get complicated
They get tangled up, and you know why?
With the train heading to Puglia
De Rossi Giosuè left

Eulalia Torricelli wants to die
And she eats Giosuè’s matchsticks
She writes a will and leaves her three castles
To those who have no castles, like me!
One castle in Novaga
One castle in Chiaramello
The most beautiful castle of all
She leaves to Claudio Villa
Then she gently closes her beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì

One castle in Novaga
One castle in Chiaramello
The most beautiful castle of all
She leaves to yours truly
Then she gently closes her beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì


Eulalia Torricelli

The characters in this song
Were invented by the authors
If there’s any resemblance to real people
Please forgive us, dear folks
Here we’re talking about a certain lady
Who let herself be kissed one evening
By a forest ranger
By the name of De Rossi Giosuè

You don’t know her
She has beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì
You don’t know her
She owns three castles
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì
One castle for eating
One castle for sleeping
One castle for loving
For loving De Rossi Giosuè
You don’t know her
She has beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì

Second part, second act
Eulalia has no rest
She says to De Rossi, “Let’s talk to mom”
But he replies, “Oh, let it go!”
Then things get complicated
They get tangled up, and you know why?
With the train heading to Puglia
De Rossi Giosuè left

Eulalia Torricelli wants to die
(No way!)
And she eats Giosuè’s matches
She makes a will and leaves the three castles
(To whom?)
To those who have no castles like me!
One castle she gives to Nisa
One castle she gives to Redi
One castle, but the most beautiful
She gives to Maestro Olivieri
Then she gently closes her beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì

Then she gently closes her beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì


Eulalia Torricelli

You don’t know her
She has beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì
You don’t know her
She owns three castles
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì
One castle for eating
One castle for sleeping
One castle for loving
For loving De Rossi Giosuè
You don’t know her
She has beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì

The characters in this song
Were invented by the authors
If there’s any resemblance to real people
Please forgive us, dear folks
Here we’re talking about a certain lady
Who let herself be kissed one evening
By a forest ranger
By the name of De Rossi Giosuè

Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì

One castle for eating
One castle for sleeping
One castle for loving
For loving De Rossi Giosuè
You don’t know her
She has beautiful eyes
Eulalia Torricelli from Forlì



'Nerih, why are you singing that?
How many times have I told you?
You're wasting your talent on that'
But when I do it, it's for Father
'You're singing for a false god'
My brother, I'm praying for you
Your God died on a cross, that's right
He died for people like you

Deep down inside, you haven't gotten that eureka moment about1
the sacrifice of the cross, cross
Jesus sacrificed himself to save humankind
And yes, you will be saved
if you have faith, faith in Jesus
No, not saved by works
but saved by His grace, grace alone

And I've got more time
I'm done
with the world, I'm done
Word of God, that's what I learn now
The life now, it's not as good as the next
And the world, never again
Never again
Yes, I said no
Yes, I said no
I'm focused
I'm focused
on God now

The Word, I'm in it
Prayer, I'm in it
I'm in it everyday, yeah
I'm in it everyday, yeah
The Word, I'm in it
Prayer, I'm in it
I'm in it everyday, yeah
Even if things get complicated, yeah

'Nerih, why are you singing that?
How many times have I told you?
You're wasting your talent on that'
But when I do it, it's for Father
'You're singing for a false god'
My brother, I'm praying for you
Your God died on a cross, that's right
He died for people like you

Deep down inside, you haven't gotten that eureka moment about1
the sacrifice of the cross, cross
Jesus sacrificed himself to save humankind
And yes, you will be saved
if you have faith, faith in Jesus
No, not saved by works
but saved by His grace, grace alone

And we wait for you, we wait for you
Come join our army
The Word, I'm equipped
It is by prayer that we'll blast away
all the Devil's plans
We will play Battleship until he can't get up again
Look out, we're going to win
In Jesus, the fight's already been won

Everything within me has changed
Jesus has redeemed me
He has given me joy
How He did it, I don't know
But within me, He has changed
evil into good - that I see
That's why I want to love Him
He will change your tears into joy

'Nerih, why are you singing that?
How many times have I told you?
You're wasting your talent on that'
But when I do it, it's for Father
'You're singing for a false god'
My brother, I'm praying for you
Your God died on a cross, that's right
He died for people like you

Deep down inside, you haven't gotten that eureka moment about1
the sacrifice of the cross, cross
Jesus sacrificed himself to save humankind
And yes, you will be saved
if you have faith, faith in Jesus
No, not saved by works
but saved by His grace, grace alone
  • The verb 'tilter' refers to a sudden realization or understanding about something. English has 'epiphany' or expressions like 'eureka moment' or 'lightbulb moment', but no commonly used verbs to describe it simply.


Sartre’s Cup

celadon china cup
red flora print steel cup
“step up” printed on a mug
coffee filled up plastic cup
cigar dip in paper cup
No ice in Glencairn cup
Powered milk in glass cup
Wine spilled from a wine glass
No ice in Glencairn cup
Powered milk in glass cup
Wine spilled from a wine glass
No ice in Glencairn cup

Desire occupies body
They forgot about themselves
not including you before ending not just memory
It’s innate existence
Transcending lingering
Fleeing woodpile’s wildfire
Take on betrayal then spread out
I recall before the cheer
I recall before carrying on
I recall before dying
The former every minute second bring you
Towards to myself

You are in mother’s backseat
You’re stepping out of test place
You left home heading to school
You are squeezed in subway to work
You are crying in restroom
You are hangover with your friends
awakened by a weep
On your father’s funeral
You are hangover with your friends
awakened by a weep
On your father’s funeral
You are hangover with your friends

Desire occupies body
They forgot about themselves
not including me before ending not just memory
It’s innate existence
Transcending lingering
Big Bang happen I’m the joker genius or demon
In abyss a hymn about darkness
At the cliff burial of fire
In the star my coronation
Every refusal before
Despair brings me back beside myself


O Iran

O Iran, with your borders, a jewel-laden realm,1
Your soil, the fount of sublime artistry and craft!
May ill intents be distant from you
May you endure in strength eternally !
O foe, if you are from granite , I am iron-clad,
I offer my life for the pure soil of my homeland.
Since your love became my duty
My thoughts stray not from you.
For your name's glory, our lives we forsake:
May our land's soil be eternal.

Mountains' rocks, pearls and gems,
Fields' soil, more precious than gold.
How dislodge you from my heart?
Tell me, what would I do without your love?
As long as the globe revolves and heavens stand high,
Divine light will be always our guide .
As your love became my task
My thoughts have ne'er strayed far from you.
For your name's glory, our lives we disregard:
May our land's soil be eternal.

O Iran, my glorious paradise,
In you, fate brightly shines.
Even if fire falls on my body
Only your love shall I nurture.
My heart, shaped by your soil, water, and love,
Without your love, my heart falters.
Since your love became my task
My thoughts have ne'er strayed far from you.
For your name's glory, our lives we disregard:
May our land's soil be eternal.


But did you say that flight is a dream

I know that you want to tear up papers
and skip class to play at arcade
But you still sat obediently at the desk
I know that, you too are bored of
Mother’s nagging and father’s cigar
Just maybe one day you’ll miss it too
I know that your heart has fluttered once too
Slowed down for him during recess
Just like that cloud Ended without a trace
I know that you always feel down
But all of this will eventually pass
Because my dear
I grew up just like you did

I know that sometime you felt that life is
Like a confusing error book set
scratched over, with scarlet ink pen marks
I know that comforting words are understated
But life has just written so much
So the ending, is still in your control

I know you will also see that
Red lotus has bloom inside the flame
A fawn is running in valleys
It grew wings of it own
I just know that you dreamed of it too
The blue sun setting at
A scarlet ocean
But reverse your dreams it’s not far away
I know that Obsession turn into a sky
Making freedom into useless wings
But did you say that flight is a dream
But did you say that flight is a dream


I'm afraid to lose

It got dark early outside the window,
I see your eyes again,
Your image carries me,
Like a wind.

It carries me into the distance, it carries, it's a pity that
I can't wake up,
Autumn, please,
Don't separate the hearts

I'm afraid to lose,
I'm afraid not to catch up with,
I'm afraid to break my love.
I'm afraid not to understand,
If it'll come again,
My love.

I'm afraid to lose,
I'm afraid not to catch up with,
I'm afraid to break my love.
I'm afraid not to understand,
If it'll come again,
My love.

I wait all the time and l can't wait
To see you again,
Only loneliness is my friend
In the moments of longing.

But I hate all these hours of separations,
The seconds,
Don't leave me!

I'm afraid to lose,
I'm afraid not to catch up with,
I'm afraid to break my love.
I'm afraid not to understand,
If it'll come again,
My love.

I'm afraid to lose,
I'm afraid not to catch up with,
I'm afraid to break my love.
I'm afraid not to understand,
If it'll come again,
My love.

I'm afraid to lose,
I'm afraid not to catch up with,
I'm afraid to break my love.
I'm afraid not to understand,
If it'll come again,
My love.

I'm afraid to lose,
I'm afraid not to catch up with,
I'm afraid to break my love.
I'm afraid not to understand,
If it'll come again,
My love.



Two fighters rushed together: sabres bleak
With crimson blood-gouts lit the air above.
That clinking swordplay was the tender squeak
Of youth , when it's a prey to bleating love.

The swords are splintered, like our youth, my darling,
And now it's teeth and talons are the fashion.
The clash of swords is child's play to the snarling
Of hearts adult in ulcerated passion.

In the ravine by lynx and leopard haunted,
Our heroes, wrestling heroes, roll undaunted.
Rags of their skin flower red upon the gorse.

This gulf is hell, and peopled by our friends.
Here, hellcat! Come, let's roll without remorse
To celebrate a feud that never ends!



BENXINI on the beat

[Chorus: Yokai Jaki]
Bitch hoe
We are super villains
You're better being a pussy cat, it's a landmine*,
One hell of a bitch hoe
We are super villain
You're better being a pussy cat, it's a landmine,
From here, imma reseach
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research

[Verse: Rirugiliyangugili]
I'm a young CEO, Suge
Fly with a superhuman* car
Hella flashy, my eyes, Buddha's hands crumble
Dirty steering
You got so many weak points
Fuck off, annoying-ass bitch, take this
Run over the boss with the emptied-out preroll
The tobacco inside already used up
Rirugiliyangugili, I'm fucking worn out right now
'Cause I'm SiCK SiCK SICK I'm sick, I'm sick, ey

Spread water that instantly withers the plants away
AHHHHH SMOKE, shoot, my income going up recently
Mfs say 'He was better back in the day' like they know me
I've always been like this

My verse over, Jaki with shouts of anger
We the righteous, we roll out empty heads
Make the kids go crazy, turning the insanity into money
Break the megaphone, my bad

[Chorus: Yokai Jaki]
Bitch hoe
We are super villains
You're better being a pussy cat, it's a landmine*,
One hell of a bitch hoe
We are super villain
You're better being a pussy cat, it's a landmine,
From here, imma reseach
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research
Imma research


Happy Ending

I can't become pretty like the picture books I used to read in elementary school, how strange
Life doesn't become fun like the manga I read in middle school, I wonder why

I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not worrying about it, I'm not even regretting it
It's nothing, it's nothing, just like this,

With a happy ending, goodbye
I won't be seeing you ever again
If we do meet somewhere, I'll pretend like I'm someone else
With a happy ending, goodbye
I won't be seeing you ever again
If we do meet somewhere, I'll pretend like I don't know you

There isn't a plot twist like the novel I read in high school
You taught me happy things, and fun things, and things that feel good,
I won't be able to forget

I'm not crying, I'm not crying, I'm not worrying about it, I'm not even regretting it
It's nothing, it's nothing, just like this,

With a happy ending, goodbye
I won't be seeing you ever again
If we do meet somewhere, I'll pretend like I'm someone else
If it was able to end with a happy ending,
It would have been a wonderful memory
In the future, if we meet somewhere, then pretend like you've forgotten me



Ever since I came into the world,
I'm both love sick and mad,
Too bad I realised too late,
That the price of love is longing,
Too bad I realised too late,
That the price of love is longing.

I've had enough of you bleeding me.
I am steeped in temptation
Enough of this chatter
You're mortal- mortal world.

World, mortal word
You've made me miserable
Where is ma, where is pa?
My Black-eyed love, where is world?

After my flower withers
After being abandoned,
Wash them with your tears,
After my body dies.

I've had enough of you bleeding me.
I am steeped in temptation
Enough of this chatter
You're mortal- mortal world.

World, mortal word
You've made me miserable
Where is ma, where is pa?
My Black-eyed love, where is world?


Ten Years Like Smoke

I too have weathered fate's whims,
Riding the waves, adapting as needed.
I have searched desperately,
For every moment, every embrace.

Yet time moves on with a dull hum,
A glass of water, a slice of bread,
Dawn is still distant.
Memories remain vibrant in the night,
Seeking the essence of living,
So that all is well.

Our ten years drift away like smoke, but with a smile,
Who is right or wrong, who was too young?
The world is harsh, but having you suffices.
Even if we never meet again, the world keeps changing,
Ten years pass like smoke, holding firm to my views,
Let time play its games.
If I can't withstand the tide,
At least I won't forget,
Ten years like smoke, I wish you well.

Yet time moves on with a dull hum,
A glass of water, a slice of bread,
Dawn is still distant.
Memories remain vibrant in the night,
Seeking the essence of living,
So that all is well.

Our ten years drift away like smoke, but with a smile,
Who is right or wrong, who was too young?
The world is harsh, but having you suffices.
Even if we never meet again, the world keeps changing,
Ten years pass like smoke, holding firm to my views,
Let time play its games.
Ten years like smoke, I wish you well.

Our ten years drift away like smoke, but with a smile,
Who is right or wrong, who was too young?
The world is harsh, but having you suffices.
Even if we never meet again, the world keeps changing,
Ten years pass like smoke, holding firm to my views,
Let time play its games.
If I can't withstand the tide,
At least I won't forget,
Ten years like smoke, I wish you well.

I too have weathered fate's whims,
Riding the waves, adapting as needed.
I have searched desperately,
For every moment, every embrace.


Youth Should Be Told with a Few Lines of Poetry

As astringent mutual affection emerges, there is no misunderstanding nor right or wrong
With the night wind blowing by, perhaps I’ve become calmer now that no more drinks are being served
But for me, I fail to understand whose confessions of love kept ringing in my ear
Filling my cup to the brim with details of the past, who should I be toasting to?

Some days in our youth can never be depicted with just a few lines of poetry
Nor can be understood with a novel that only has a few chapters
Nothing is absolute in any tale, not sadness, not poignancy, not heartbreak
All you can rely on is your heart

You said those days of our youth cannot be told with a few lines of poetry
The sourness of falling in love for the first time remains, yet I stay stubbornly devoted, always longing
Such growing pains, as if on repeat, can never be undone
Who fell in love first?

What’s the season of the days of our youth? The smell after the rain, like water in autumn
A crush, as if saying farewell to the wind, a certain kind of innocence spread out throughout the mountains
These so-called ideals and passion, how should I end it so no regrets are left behind?
All of what I’ve said, who am I truly fighting, or is it something that cannot be answered?

Some days in our youth can never be depicted with just a few lines of poetry
Nor can be understood with a few chapters of a novel
Nothing is absolute in any tale, not sadness, not poignancy, not heartbreak
All you can rely on is your heart

You said those days of our youth cannot be told with a few lines of poetry
The sourness of falling in love for the first time remains, yet I stay stubbornly devoted, always longing
Such growing pains, as if on repeat, can never be undone
Who fell in love first?

Flipping through the pages, everything about what you’ve said
Finally, I’ve come to understand the languish in your words

You said those days of our youth cannot be told with a few lines of poetry
The sourness of falling in love for the first time remains, yet I stay stubbornly devoted, always longing
Such growing pains, as if on repeat, can never be undone
Who fell in love first?

But I say, parts of our youth can only be depicted through poems
The beauty of words is brewed with our feelings, liken butterflies flying, love is outspreading
However, I do not understand, how many pages must I use to illustrate “goodbye forever”
Who can’t I let go?


Tomorrow I'll Be Beside You

There’s no turning back,
Clouds are struck down by wind, dreams left in tatters.
I'm not afraid of losing everything,
My sole weakness is fearing unfulfilled hopes.

If I could foresee the outcome, I wouldn’t feel sorrow,
I’d trade our hardships for tenderness.
Believing that at the end of despair, there’s a clear sky,
I’m willing to offer my remaining life for your freedom.

In a world with you, only then can I have a tomorrow,
Reawakening moments that arise from your smile,
A miracle's flame ignites,
Even if fate is harsh, demands left unspoken.

With you in the world, I can sail toward tomorrow,
On the day we meet again, love is finally understood,
It's enough for me to sacrifice everything,
Until the final answer is not an illusion, you are beside me.

Our existence is but small,
Regrets and honors, both insignificant.

If I could foresee the outcome, I wouldn’t feel sorrow,
I’d trade our hardships for tenderness.
Believing that at the end of despair, there’s a clear sky,
I’m willing to offer my remaining life for your freedom.

In a world with you, only then can I have a tomorrow,
Reawakening moments that arise from your smile,
A miracle's flame ignites,
Even if fate is harsh, demands left unspoken.

With you in the world, I can sail toward tomorrow,
On the day we meet again, love is finally understood,
It's enough for me to sacrifice everything,
Until the final answer is not an illusion, you are beside me.


Km 0

I wrote poems about you
Of something terrible
The sin is however in me
The sin is that I loved you

I wrote about the love itself
About something that you were not
Nevertheless, the sin was big
The sin that you were not loving.

I wasn't asking you for the world
That maybe I was dreaming of
The sin was in spite of it all
The sin that you were not loving

At kilometre zero
I was waiting for you on the zebra
But you decided to go around me
And now there's no atmosphere left

At kilometre zero
I was waiting for you on the zebra
But you decided to go around me
And now there's no atmosphere left

My mistake was
That I stopped on my way at your place
I live night by night
The days are now already foreign to me

Only this is left
Just empty bottles
And your perfume, of which I did not forget
Tears fall on the asphalt

You're only in my mind, in my mind, in my mind

I wasn't asking you for the world
That maybe I was dreaming of
The sin was in spite of it all
The sin that you were not loving

At kilometre zero
I was waiting for you on the zebra
But you decided to go around me
And now there's no atmosphere left

At kilometre zero
I was waiting for you on the zebra
But you decided to go around me
And now there's no atmosphere left


I Want To Cut The Bread

I went to the store and saw bread
I bought one loaf and then left
I took it out of the bag and put it under the knife
Then I started cutting I loved it

I want to cut bread, no one knows the constitution
I want to cut bread and I will cut bread
I want to cut bread, I'll strangle you
I want to cut the bread until it is crumbly

Then I showered her and told her not to clean up
I told him I wanted to cut bread
Then the sister came to say that she had baked something
Finally, the glass is half full because I'm eating bread anyway

I want to cut bread, no one knows the constitution
I want to cut bread and I will cut bread
I want to cut bread, I'll strangle you
I want to cut the bread until it is crumbly

You could give me a million euros
You mutilate your legs, you paint the house
You're cheating on me, but you're cheating on me
But my dick hurts
I want to cut the fucking bread myself


Love Trial

Oh! No! No! No!
I don't know what came over me
You know you're everything to me
C'mon, cut me some extenuating circumstances
I can't keep living alone

Oh! Jesus!
Don't look at me like that
Please, I'll do anything, I'll have a change of heart
Just suspend my sentence
Let it go this once

My alibi for this pre-meditated crime
Won't fool you
Cheap tricks are a no! no! no!

My love's on trial
Just how many crimes are you going to accuse me of?
Closing statement, after the tears
You pronounced me guilty

Oh! No! No! No!
This is a worst-case scenario
If you're going to dump me
At least use your own hands
When you toss me into the darkness

Oh! Jesus!
Evidence speaks louder than words
I won't make excuses
Look, you can lock me in your prison
For as long as you like

Personality differences and one little mistake
Were all it took to keep you away
No clever defense will get me off the hook

What's so perfect about my crime?
You and I bear the same sadness
The one who loved, the one who was loved
We're fated to put each other on trial

So the verdict is 'guilty'
Just how many crimes are you going to accuse me of?
I'm ready to do life to pay for my crimes
Protecting you till the day I die

Love Trial
The truth you told me
After the false tears
A little devil smiling your secret smile
I know you're guilty too



Awaken from a deep sleep in the darkness
Open your hands, and start moving
Grab the light

I was blinded by victory
and lost my mind

Show me
Where am I heading?
What should I move towards?

Bad dream
Had a nightmare

Too deep
Continue to sink

Save me
In the end
The only person who can save me is myself

There is no tomorrow for those who give up on believing

Awaken from a deep sleep in the darkness
Open your hands, and start moving
Grab the light

Around here, talent it a nonsense
Keep art simply watered down
Big news worthy of attention
Sadly, will not make it to your ears

Chances kept on deceasing
Garbage kept on increasing
What will I do with this mess?
Bunch them up and burn them all away


You may be able to achieve your dream
So you cannot worry, NO!

The chart is fake

Just leave it all up to me and I'll do it
Trust me for once
Let me be me, and I'll grasp my dreams!

Don't you tell me
What you want me to love, hate and /or believe
Nobody knows better about myself other than me
I will chose on my own
With the help of my colleagues



I called you,
'Hey, let's do something. What are you doing right now?'

Because I've been sleeping in my bed
nearly all day, and I gotta get away

I don't wanna be alone

Let's do something, let's do something
The night has just begun
I won't be able to sleep till the morning

I really have to get the hell out
of this room and talk to you

You are the only one who can fix this vicious cycle

I can't think clearly
So I sleep in my pajamas
When I wake up, it's already evening

Feel so shitty all day

(I put my) head down, head down
Head back on the ground

I'm sure I'll be up all night tonight!

I'm awake in my room
What am I going to do if it's like this every night?
I've been sleeping in my bed
Nearly all day, and I don't wanna be alone

(I don't) wanna be alone, wanna be alone
I slept too long and the springs on my bed are stretched
(hardness = varies depending on the manufacturer)

I really have to get the hell out
of this room and talk to you

You are the only one who can fix this vicious cycle

I can't think clearly
So I sleep in my pajamas
When I wake up, it's already evening

It's bright outside somehow
My body feels so tired
As soon as morning came, I felt so sleepy...


Johnny și Mary

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Johnny se-învârtește mereu de colo colo
Încercând să găsească certitudini
Vrea că toată lumea sa-i confirme
Că nu e singur,
Mary numără pereții
Știe că se plictisește repede

Johnny crede ca lumea ar fi mai buna
Dacă l-ar asculta pe el
Mary spune că se răzgândește
Mai adesea decât o femeie
Dar asa și-a așternut
Chiar dacă știa că nu prea are șanse

Johnny spune că e dispus sa învețe
Când are să hotărască ca e un prost
Johnny spune ca ar putea trai oriunde
Când o să aibă timp
Mary se piaptănă
Spune că ar fi trebuit să se fi obișnuit

Mary trebuie sa fie mereu atenta
Nu știe niciodată la ce sa se aștepte
Spune ca el se poarta încă ca și cum
Ar fi fost descoperit,
Speriat că va fi prins
Fără să se gândească
Fugind de colo colo

Johnny simte că-și pierde vremea
Încercând s-o facă sa înțeleagă
Mary spune că-i lipsește adevăratul
Simț al proporțiilor
Asa ca își piaptănă părul
Știe că se plictisește repede

Johnny se-învârtește mereu de colo colo
Încercând să găsească certitudini
Are nevoie ca toată lumea sa-i confirme
Că nu e singur,
Mary numără pereții
Știe că se plictisește repede

Johnny se-învârtește mereu de colo colo
De colo colo

Reviens vers moi

Reviens vers moi, oh ma chérie
Reviens vers moi, oh mon amour
Entends ma voix qui te supplie
Reviens vers moi et pour toujours

Tu es ma joie et ma richesse
Mon seul bonheur et mon secours
Reviens vers moi, viens ma princesse
Rêve mon cœur en ce beau jour

Reviens vers moi, oh ma chérie
Reviens vers moi, oh mon amour
Entends ma voix qui te supplie
Reviens vers moi et pour toujours

Tu es ma joie et ma richesse
Mon seul bonheur et mon secours
Reviens vers moi, viens ma princesse
Rêve mon cœur en ce beau jour

Quand les amants ne s'aiment plus

Cœur de rêve bleu
De souvenirs
Et de désirs
Meurt à l'instant
Où les amants
Ne s'aiment plus

Cœur de doux aveux
De mots d'amour
Et de toujours
Sont effacés
Quand les amants
Ne s'aiment plus

Il ne reste rien parmi ces rien
Nul ne parvient à réunir ou retenir
Quelques beautés du passé

Et les amoureux
Voient leur bonheur
Quitter leur cœur
Tout doucement
Quand les amants
Ne s'aiment plus

L'horizon se voile
Et plus une étoile
Ne guide nos pas hésitants
Dans le jeu du destin
L'amour change mal
Sur le vieux tapis vert du temps

Cœur de rêve bleu
De souvenirs
Et de désirs
Meurt à l'instant
Où les amants
Ne s'aiment plus

Cœur de doux aveux
De mots d'amour
Et de toujours
Sont effacés
Quand les amants
Ne s'aiment plus

Il ne reste rien parmi ces rien
Nul ne parvient à réunir ou retenir
Quelques beautés du passé

Et les amoureux
Voient leur bonheur
Quitter leur cœur
Tout doucement
Quand les amants
Ne s'aiment plus